コード例 #1
void fill_gradient( CRGB* leds, uint16_t numLeds, const CHSV& c1, const CHSV& c2, const CHSV& c3, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode )
    uint16_t half = (numLeds / 2);
    uint16_t last = numLeds - 1;
    fill_gradient( leds,    0, c1, half, c2, directionCode);
    fill_gradient( leds, half, c2, last, c3, directionCode);
コード例 #2
void fill_gradient( CRGB* leds, uint16_t numLeds, const CHSV& c1, const CHSV& c2, const CHSV& c3, const CHSV& c4, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode )
    uint16_t onethird = (numLeds / 3);
    uint16_t twothirds = ((numLeds * 2) / 3);
    uint16_t last = numLeds - 1;
    fill_gradient( leds,         0, c1,  onethird, c2, directionCode);
    fill_gradient( leds,  onethird, c2, twothirds, c3, directionCode);
    fill_gradient( leds, twothirds, c3,      last, c4, directionCode);
コード例 #3
void fill_gradient( const CHSV& c1, const CHSV& c2, const CHSV& c3, const CHSV& c4)
    fill_gradient( FastLED[0].leds(), FastLED[0].size(), c1, c2, c3, c4);
コード例 #4
void fill_gradient( CRGB* leds, uint16_t numLeds, const CHSV& c1, const CHSV& c2, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode )
    uint16_t last = numLeds - 1;
    fill_gradient( leds, 0, c1, last, c2, directionCode);
コード例 #5
ファイル: mnehs_ms.c プロジェクト: Fahdben/imscript
// Modèle Numérique d'Élévation Horn Schunck (cas affine)
void mnehs_affine(float *out_h, float *init_h, int ow, int oh,
		float *a, int wa, int ha,
		float *b, int wb, int hb,
		double PA[8], double PB[8],
		float alpha2, int niter)
	// allocate temporary images
	float *h   = xmalloc(ow * oh * sizeof*h);     // h-increment
	float *Q   = xmalloc(ow * oh * sizeof*Q);      // Q
	float *amb = xmalloc(ow * oh * sizeof*amb);    // A-B (warped)
	float *ga  = xmalloc(2 * wa * ha * sizeof*ga); // grad(A)
	float *gb  = xmalloc(2 * wb * hb * sizeof*gb); // grad(B)

	// gradient of A and B
	fill_gradient(ga, a, wa, ha);
	fill_gradient(gb, b, wb, hb);

	// fill images q and amb (a minus b)
	for (int j = 0; j < oh; j++)
	for (int i = 0; i < ow; i++)
		float h0 = getsample_nan(init_h, ow, oh, 1, i, j, 0);
		double ijh[3] = {i, j, h0}, paijh[3], pbijh[3];
		apply_projection(paijh, PA, ijh);
		apply_projection(pbijh, PB, ijh);
		float va, vb, vga[2], vgb[2];
		bicubic_interpolation_nans(&va, a, wa, ha, 1, paijh[0], paijh[1]);
		bicubic_interpolation_nans(&vb, b, wb, hb, 1, pbijh[0], pbijh[1]);
		bicubic_interpolation(vga, ga, wa, ha, 2, paijh[0], paijh[1]);
		bicubic_interpolation(vgb, gb, wb, hb, 2, pbijh[0], pbijh[1]);
		float gapa = vga[0] * PA[2] + vga[1] * PA[6];
		float gbpb = vgb[0] * PB[2] + vgb[1] * PB[6];
		Q  [j*ow+i] = gapa - gbpb;
		amb[j*ow+i] = va - vb;

	nusavec("Q_%d.tiff", global_scale, Q, ow, oh, 1);
	nusavec("amb_%d.tiff", global_scale, amb, ow, oh, 1);

	// initialize h
	for (int i = 0; i < ow * oh; i++)
		h[i] = 0;

	// run the iterations (without warps)
	for (int iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)
		for (int j = 0; j < oh; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < ow; i++)
			int ij = j * ow + i;
			if (!isfinite(amb[ij])) continue;

			float ax = laplacian_at(h, ow, oh, i, j);
			ax -= Q[ij] * (Q[ij] * h[ij] + amb[ij]) / alpha2;
			h[ij] += TAU() * ax;
	nusavec("h_%d.tiff", global_scale, h, ow, oh, 1);

	// update result
	for (int i = 0; i < ow * oh; i++)
		out_h[i] = init_h[i] + h[i];
	// cleanup and exit