コード例 #1
static gboolean
ensure_slices (GstVaapiEncoderMpeg2 * encoder, GstVaapiEncPicture * picture)
  g_assert (picture);

  if (!fill_slices (encoder, picture))
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
コード例 #2
void loop() { 
	Timer loop_t = Timer("TOTAL");
	cv::Mat depth, obstacle, clear;
	cv_bridge::CvImagePtr img;
		Timer setup_t = Timer("setup");
		/* Grab a pair of images */
		sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr img_msg;
		stereo_msgs::DisparityImage::ConstPtr disp_msg;

		get_images(img_msg, disp_msg);

		if (img_msg == NULL || disp_msg == NULL) {
			//ROS_INFO("No images");

		/* We don't want to waste time calculating the
		   same image twice.
		unsigned int seq = disp_msg->image.header.seq;
		if (last_seq == seq && !last_msg) {
			ROS_INFO("Old message #%d", seq);
			last_msg = true;
		last_seq = seq;
		last_msg = false;

		/* Display raw image */
		img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(img_msg,

		/* Get disparity data */
		cv_bridge::CvImagePtr disp = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(disp_msg->image,
		float focal = disp_msg->f; float base = disp_msg->T;

		/* Generate depth image */
		/* Why are these so inaccurate? Calibration issue?
		float min_depth = (focal * base) / disp_msg->min_disparity;
		float max_depth = (focal * base) / disp_msg->max_disparity;
		cv::Mat full_depth = (focal * base) / disp->image;
		/* Not be necessary if downscale = 1 */
		cv::resize(full_depth, depth, cv::Size(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT));

		/* Display value-scaled depth image */
#ifdef CV_OUTPUT
		cv::Mat scaled_depth = depth / RANGE_MAX;
		cv::imshow(DEPTH_WINDOW, scaled_depth);

		/* Create empty obstacle map */
		obstacle = cv::Mat::zeros(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, CV_32F);
		clear = cv::Mat::zeros(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, CV_32F);

	float pct_good;
	/* Find and display obstacles */
		Timer obs_t = Timer("find_obstacles");
		pct_good = find_obstacles(depth, obstacle, RANGE_MIN, 100.0);
#ifdef CV_OUTPUT
	cv::Mat scaled_obs = obstacle / RANGE_MAX;
	cv::imshow(OBS_WINDOW, scaled_obs);

	std::vector<Slice> slices;
	std::vector<RectList> slice_bboxes;
		Timer slice_t = Timer("calc slicing");
		/* Set up slices */
			Timer init_t = Timer("init", 1);
			Timer fill_t = Timer("fill", 1);
			fill_slices(obstacle, slices, RANGE_MAX);

			Timer noise_t = Timer("noise", 1);
			for (int i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
			Timer bbox_t = Timer("bbox", 1);
			/* Calculate bounding box on each slice */
			for (int i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {

	cv::Mat boxes_image, final_image;
		Timer disp_t = Timer("disp slicing");
		/* Display bounding boxes on image */
		boxes_image = img->image.clone();
		/* Convert box image to HSV */
		cv::cvtColor(boxes_image, boxes_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
		/* Loop backwards-- farthest first, panter's algorithm */
		for (int i = slice_bboxes.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
			/* Calculate hue */
			int hue = (int)(((float)i)/((float)slice_bboxes.size())*120.0);
			cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar(hue, 255, 255);
			for (int j = 0; j < slice_bboxes[i].size(); j++) { //TODO: Iterators???
				/* Get / resize boxes */
				cv::Rect bbox = slice_bboxes[i][j];
				bbox.x *= DOWNSCALE; bbox.y *= DOWNSCALE;
				bbox.width *= DOWNSCALE; bbox.height *= DOWNSCALE;
				/* Draw boxes */
				cv::rectangle(boxes_image, bbox, color, -1);

		/* Convert back to RGB */
		cv::cvtColor(boxes_image, boxes_image, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);

		/* Combine with image */
		cv::addWeighted(boxes_image, 0.3, img->image, 0.7, 0.0, final_image);

	/* Generate top-down image */
	cv::Mat top;
	top = cv::Mat::zeros(TOP_SIZE, TOP_SIZE, CV_8UC1);
		Timer top_t = Timer("topdown");
		/* Init top-down image */
		calc_topdown_grid(grid, slices, slice_bboxes, RANGE_MAX);
		publish_grid(grid, pct_good);

		draw_grid(grid, top);
		calc_topdown(top, slices, slice_bboxes, RANGE_MAX);
#ifdef CV_OUTPUT
	cv::imshow(TOP_WINDOW, top);
	cv::imshow(IMAGE_WINDOW, final_image);

#if defined(__SLICE_DEBUG) && defined(CV_OUTPUT)
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLICES; i++) {
		std::string s = "a";
		s[0] = 'a'+i;
		cv::imshow(s, slices[i]);