コード例 #1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	frequencyAt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Return the interpolated frequency (in Hz) of this Partial at the
//!	specified time. At times beyond the ends of the Partial, return
//!	the frequency at the nearest envelope endpoint. Throw an
//!	InvalidPartial exception if this Partial has no Breakpoints.
Partial::frequencyAt( double time ) const
	if ( numBreakpoints() == 0 )
		Throw( InvalidPartial, "Tried to interpolate a Partial with no Breakpoints." );
	//	lower_bound returns a reference to the lowest
	//	position that would be higher than an element
	//	having key equal to time:
	Partial::const_iterator it = findAfter( time );
	if ( it == begin() ) 
	//	time is before the onset of the Partial:
		return it.breakpoint().frequency();
	else if ( it == end() ) 
	//	time is past the end of the Partial:
		return (--it).breakpoint().frequency();
	//	interpolate between it and its predeccessor
	//	(we checked already that it is not begin):
		const Breakpoint & hi = it.breakpoint();
		double hitime = it.time();
		const Breakpoint & lo = (--it).breakpoint();
		double lotime = it.time();
		double alpha = (time - lotime) / (hitime - lotime);
		return (alpha * hi.frequency()) + ((1. - alpha) * lo.frequency());
コード例 #2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	bandwidthAt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Return the interpolated bandwidth (noisiness) coefficient of
//!	this Partial at the specified time. At times beyond the ends of
//!	the Partial, return the bandwidth coefficient at the nearest
//!	envelope endpoint. Throw an InvalidPartial exception if this
//!	Partial has no Breakpoints.
Partial::bandwidthAt( double time ) const
	if ( numBreakpoints() == 0 )
		Throw( InvalidPartial, "Tried to interpolate a Partial with no Breakpoints." );
	//	findAfter returns the position of the earliest
	//	Breakpoint later than time, or the end
	//	position if no such Breakpoint exists:
	Partial::const_iterator it = findAfter( time );
	if ( it == begin() ) 
	//	time is before the onset of the Partial:
		return it.breakpoint().bandwidth();
	else if (it == end() ) 
	//	time is past the end of the Partial:
		return (--it).breakpoint().bandwidth();
	//	interpolate between it and its predeccessor
	//	(we checked already that it is not begin):
		const Breakpoint & hi = it.breakpoint();
		double hitime = it.time();
		const Breakpoint & lo = (--it).breakpoint();
		double lotime = it.time();
		double alpha = (time - lotime) / (hitime - lotime);
		return (alpha * hi.bandwidth()) + ((1. - alpha) * lo.bandwidth());
コード例 #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	findNearest (non-const version)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Return the insertion position for the Breakpoint nearest
//!	the specified time. Always returns a valid iterator (the
//!	position of the nearest-in-time Breakpoint) unless there
//!	are no Breakpoints.
Partial::findNearest( double time )
	//	if there are no Breakpoints, return end:
	if ( numBreakpoints() == 0 )
		return end();
	//	get the position of the first Breakpoint after time:
	Partial::iterator pos = findAfter( time );
	//	if there is an earlier Breakpoint that is closer in
	//	time, prefer that one:
	if ( pos != begin() )
		Partial::iterator prev = pos;
		if ( pos == end() || pos.time() - time > time - prev.time() )
			return prev;

	//	failing all else:	
	return pos;
コード例 #4
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	phaseAt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Return the interpolated phase (in radians) of this Partial at
//!	the specified time. At times beyond the ends of the Partial,
//!	return the extrapolated from the nearest envelope endpoint
//!	(assuming constant frequency, as reported by frequencyAt()).
//!	Throw an InvalidPartial exception if this Partial has no
//!	Breakpoints.
Partial::phaseAt( double time ) const
	if ( numBreakpoints() == 0 )
		Throw( InvalidPartial, "Tried to interpolate a Partial with no Breakpoints." );
	//	findAfter returns the position of the earliest
	//	Breakpoint later than time, or the end
	//	position if no such Breakpoint exists:
	Partial::const_iterator it = findAfter( time );
	//	compute phase:
	if ( it == begin() ) 
	//	time is before the onset of the Partial:
		double dp = 2. * Pi * (it.time() - time) * it.breakpoint().frequency();
		return std::fmod( it.breakpoint().phase() - dp, 2. * Pi);
	else if (it == end() ) 
	//	time is past the end of the Partial:
	//	( first decrement iterator to get the tail Breakpoint)
		double dp = 2. * Pi * (time - it.time()) * it.breakpoint().frequency();
		return std::fmod( it.breakpoint().phase() + dp, 2. * Pi );
	//	interpolate between it and its predeccessor
	//	(we checked already that it is not begin):
		const Breakpoint & hi = it.breakpoint();
		double hitime = it.time();
		const Breakpoint & lo = (--it).breakpoint();
		double lotime = it.time();
		double alpha = (time - lotime) / (hitime - lotime);
		double finterp = ( alpha * hi.frequency() ) + 
						 ( ( 1. - alpha ) * lo.frequency() );

		//	need to keep fmod in here because other stuff 
		//	(Spc export and sdif export, for example) rely 
		//	on it:
		if ( alpha < 0.5 )
			double favg = 0.5 * ( lo.frequency() + finterp );
			double dp = 2. * Pi * (time - lotime) * favg;
			return std::fmod( lo.phase() + dp, 2. * Pi );
			double favg = 0.5 * ( hi.frequency() + finterp );
			double dp = 2. * Pi * (hitime - time) * favg;
			return std::fmod( hi.phase() - dp, 2. * Pi );

コード例 #5
void fgrepOne(char *pattern, char *fileName, boolean ignoreCase, boolean singleFile)
/* Gnarly, speed tweaked, unbuffered i/o grep. Why? Because it's
 * 4x faster, which matters on those huge GenBank files! */
char buf[8*1024+1];
int bufRead;
int remainder = 0;
int fd;
char *s;
int patSize = strlen(pattern);
char *(*searcher)(const char *string, const char *pat); 

searcher = (ignoreCase ? findInString : strstr);

fd = open(fileName, _O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY);
if (fd < 0)
    errAbort("Couldn't open %s\n", fileName);

for (;;)
    bufRead = read(fd, buf + remainder, sizeof(buf)-1-remainder) + remainder;
    if (bufRead == 0)
    buf[bufRead] = 0;
    s = buf;
    while ((s = searcher(s, pattern)) != NULL)
        char *lineStart = findBefore(buf, s, '\n');
        char *lineAfter = findAfter(s, buf+bufRead, '\n');
        if (lineAfter[-1] == '\r')
        if (!singleFile)
            printf("%s: ", fileName);
        mustWrite(stdout, lineStart, lineAfter-lineStart);
        s += patSize;
    s = findBefore(buf, buf+bufRead, '\n');
    if (s == buf)
        remainder = 0;
        remainder = buf + bufRead - s;
        memmove(buf, s, remainder);
    if (bufRead < sizeof(buf)-1)
コード例 #6
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	amplitudeAt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Return the interpolated amplitude of this Partial at the
//!	specified time. Throw an InvalidPartial exception if this 
//!	Partial has no Breakpoints. If non-zero fadeTime is specified, 
//!	then the amplitude at the ends of the Partial is coomputed using
//!	a linear fade. The default fadeTime is ShortestSafeFadeTime,
//!	see the definition of ShortestSafeFadeTime, above.
Partial::amplitudeAt( double time, double fadeTime ) const
	if ( numBreakpoints() == 0 )
		Throw( InvalidPartial, "Tried to interpolate a Partial with no Breakpoints." );

	//	findAfter returns the position of the earliest
	//	Breakpoint later than time, or the end
	//	position if no such Breakpoint exists:
	Partial::const_iterator it = findAfter( time );
	if ( it == begin() ) 
		double alpha =  (time < it.time()) ? 0. : 1.;
		if ( fadeTime > 0 )
			//	fade in ampltude if time is before the onset of the Partial:
			alpha = std::max(0., 1. - ((it.time() - time) / fadeTime) );
		return alpha * it.breakpoint().amplitude();
	else if ( it == end() ) 
		//	( first decrement iterator to get the tail Breakpoint)
		double alpha =  (time > it.time()) ? 0. : 1.;
		if ( fadeTime > 0 )
			//	fade out ampltude if time is past the end of the Partial:
			alpha = std::max(0., 1. - ((time - it.time()) / fadeTime) );
		return alpha * it.breakpoint().amplitude();
	//	interpolate between it and its predeccessor
	//	(we checked already that it is not begin):
		const Breakpoint & hi = it.breakpoint();
		double hitime = it.time();
		const Breakpoint & lo = (--it).breakpoint();
		double lotime = it.time();
		double alpha = (time - lotime) / (hitime - lotime);
		return (alpha * hi.amplitude()) + ((1. - alpha) * lo.amplitude());
コード例 #7
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	absorb
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Absorb another Partial's energy as noise (bandwidth), 
//!	by accumulating the other's energy as noise energy
//!	in the portion of this Partial's envelope that overlaps
//!	(in time) with the other Partial's envelope.
Partial::absorb( const Partial & other )
	Partial::iterator it = findAfter( other.startTime() );
	while ( it != end() && !(it.time() > other.endTime()) )
		//	only non-null (non-zero-amplitude) Breakpoints
		//	abosrb noise energy because null Breakpoints
		//	are used especially to reset the Partial phase,
		//	and are not part of the normal analyasis data:
		if ( it->amplitude() > 0 )
			// absorb energy from other at the time
			// of this Breakpoint:
			double a = other.amplitudeAt( it.time() );
			it->addNoiseEnergy( a * a );
コード例 #8
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	parametersAt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Return the interpolated parameters of this Partial at
//!	the specified time, same as building a Breakpoint from
//!	the results of frequencyAt, ampitudeAt, bandwidthAt, and
//!	phaseAt, but performs only one Breakpoint envelope search.
//!	Throw an InvalidPartial exception if this Partial has no
//!	Breakpoints. If non-zero fadeTime is specified, then the
//!	amplitude at the ends of the Partial is coomputed using a 
//!	linear fade. The default fadeTime is ShortestSafeFadeTime.
Partial::parametersAt( double time, double fadeTime ) const 
	if ( numBreakpoints() == 0 )
		Throw( InvalidPartial, "Tried to interpolate a Partial with no Breakpoints." );
	//	findAfter returns the position of the earliest
	//	Breakpoint later than time, or the end
	//	position if no such Breakpoint exists:
	Partial::const_iterator it = findAfter( time );
	if ( it == begin() ) 
		//	time is before the onset of the Partial:
		//	frequency is starting frequency, 
		//	amplitude is 0 (or fading), bandwidth is starting 
		//	bandwidth, and phase is rolled back.
		double alpha =  (time < it.time()) ? 0. : 1.;
		if ( fadeTime > 0 )
			//	fade in ampltude if time is before the onset of the Partial:
			alpha = std::max(0., 1. - ((it.time() - time) / fadeTime) );
		double amp = alpha * it.breakpoint().amplitude();

		double dp = 2. * Pi * (it.time() - time) * it.breakpoint().frequency();
		double ph = std::fmod( it.breakpoint().phase() - dp, 2. * Pi);
		return Breakpoint( it.breakpoint().frequency(), amp, 
						   it.breakpoint().bandwidth(), ph );
	else if (it == end() ) 
		//	time is past the end of the Partial:
		//	frequency is ending frequency, 
		//	amplitude is 0 (or fading), bandwidth is ending 
		//	bandwidth, and phase is rolled forward.
		double alpha =  (time > it.time()) ? 0. : 1.;
		if ( fadeTime > 0 )
			//	fade out ampltude if time is past the end of the Partial:
			alpha = std::max(0., 1. - ((time - it.time()) / fadeTime) );
		double amp = alpha * it.breakpoint().amplitude();

		double dp = 2. * Pi * (time - it.time()) * it.breakpoint().frequency();
		double ph = std::fmod( it.breakpoint().phase() + dp, 2. * Pi );

		return Breakpoint( it.breakpoint().frequency(), amp, 
						   it.breakpoint().bandwidth(), ph );
	//	interpolate between it and its predeccessor
	//	(we checked already that it is not begin):
		const Breakpoint & hi = it.breakpoint();
		double hitime = it.time();
		const Breakpoint & lo = (--it).breakpoint();
		double lotime = it.time();
		double alpha = (time - lotime) / (hitime - lotime);

		double finterp = ( alpha * hi.frequency() ) + 
						 ( ( 1. - alpha ) * lo.frequency() );

		//	need to keep fmod in here because other stuff 
		//	(Spc export and sdif export, for example) rely 
		//	on it:
		double ph = 0;
		if ( alpha < 0.5 )
			double favg = 0.5 * ( lo.frequency() + finterp );
			double dp = 2. * Pi * (time - lotime) * favg;
			ph = std::fmod( lo.phase() + dp, 2. * Pi );
			double favg = 0.5 * ( hi.frequency() + finterp );
			double dp = 2. * Pi * (hitime - time) * favg;
			ph = std::fmod( hi.phase() - dp, 2. * Pi );

		return Breakpoint( (alpha * hi.frequency()) + ((1. - alpha) * lo.frequency()),
						   (alpha * hi.amplitude()) + ((1. - alpha) * lo.amplitude()),
						   (alpha * hi.bandwidth()) + ((1. - alpha) * lo.bandwidth()),
						   ph );