コード例 #1
void KviRegisteredChannelDataBase::add(KviRegisteredChannel * c)
	KviRegisteredChannel * old = findExact(c->name(),c->netMask());

		// merge properties
		QHash<QString,QString> * pPropertyDict = old->propertyDict();

		for(QHash<QString,QString>::Iterator it = pPropertyDict->begin();it != pPropertyDict->end();++it)


	KviRegisteredChannelList * l = m_pChannelDict->value(c->name());
		l = new KviRegisteredChannelList();

	// insert where there are less wildcards
	int o = c->netMask().count(QChar('*'));

	int idx = 0;
	for(KviRegisteredChannel * rc = l->first();rc;rc = l->next())
		if(rc->netMask().count(QChar('*')) > o)
			// the existing has more wildcards, insert here!

コード例 #2
void txGeneAccession(char *oldBedFile, char *lastIdFile, char *newBedFile, char *txToAccFile,
	char *oldToNewFile)
/* txGeneAccession - Assign permanent accession number to genes. */
/* Read in all input. */
struct bed *oldList = bedLoadNAll(oldBedFile, 12);
verbose(2, "Read %d from %s\n", slCount(oldList), oldBedFile);
struct bed *newList = bedLoadNAll(newBedFile, 12);
verbose(2, "Read %d from %s\n", slCount(newList), newBedFile);
int txId = readNumberFromFile(lastIdFile);
verbose(2, "Last txId used was %d (from %s)\n", txId, lastIdFile);

/* Make a random-access data structure for old list. */
struct hash *oldHash = bedsIntoKeeperHash(oldList);

/* Make a little hash to help prevent us from reusing an
 * old accession twice (which might happen if we extend it
 * in two incompatible ways). */
struct hash *usedHash = hashNew(16);

/* Record our decisions in hash as well as file. */
struct hash *idToAccHash = hashNew(16);

/* Loop through new list first looking for exact matches. Record
 * exact matches in hash so we don't look for them again during
 * the next, "compatable" match phase. */
struct hash *oldExactHash = hashNew(16), *newExactHash = hashNew(16);
struct bed *oldBed, *newBed;
FILE *f = mustOpen(txToAccFile, "w");
FILE *fOld = mustOpen(oldToNewFile, "w");
for (newBed = newList; newBed != NULL; newBed = newBed->next)
    oldBed = findExact(newBed, oldHash, usedHash);
    if (oldBed != NULL)
	hashAdd(oldExactHash, oldBed->name, oldBed);
	hashAdd(newExactHash, newBed->name, newBed);
	hashAdd(usedHash, oldBed->name, NULL);
        fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", newBed->name, oldBed->name);
	hashAdd(idToAccHash, newBed->name, oldBed->name);
	fprintf(fOld, "%s:%d-%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", oldBed->chrom, oldBed->chromStart, oldBed->chromEnd,
		oldBed->name, oldBed->name, "exact");

/* Loop through new bed looking for compatible things.  If
 * we can't find anything compatable, make up a new accession. */
for (newBed = newList; newBed != NULL; newBed = newBed->next)
    if (!hashLookup(newExactHash, newBed->name))
	oldBed = findCompatible(newBed, oldHash, usedHash);
	if (oldBed == NULL)
	    char newAcc[16];
	    txGeneAccFromId(++txId, newAcc);
	    strcat(newAcc, ".1");
	    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", newBed->name, newAcc);
	    hashAdd(idToAccHash, newBed->name, cloneString(newAcc));
	    oldBed = findMostOverlapping(newBed, oldHash);
	    char *oldAcc = (oldBed == NULL ? "" : oldBed->name);
	    fprintf(fOld, "%s:%d-%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", newBed->chrom, newBed->chromStart, newBed->chromEnd,
	    	oldAcc, newAcc, "new");
	    char *acc = cloneString(oldBed->name);
	    char *ver = strchr(acc, '.');
	    if (ver == NULL)
	        errAbort("No version found in %s", oldBed->name);
	    *ver++ = 0;
	    int version = sqlUnsigned(ver);
	    char newAcc[16];
	    safef(newAcc, sizeof(newAcc), "%s.%d", acc, version+1);
	    hashAdd(usedHash, oldBed->name, NULL);
	    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", newBed->name, newAcc);
	    hashAdd(idToAccHash, newBed->name, newAcc);
	    fprintf(fOld, "%s:%d-%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", newBed->chrom, newBed->chromStart, newBed->chromEnd,
	    	oldBed->name, newAcc, "compatible");

/* Make a random-access data structure for old list. */
struct hash *newHash = bedsIntoKeeperHash(newList);

/* Write record of ones that don't map. */
for (oldBed = oldList; oldBed != NULL; oldBed = oldBed->next)
    if (!hashLookup(usedHash, oldBed->name))
	char *newAcc = "";
	struct bed *newBed = findMostOverlapping(oldBed, newHash);
	if (newBed != NULL)
	    newAcc = hashMustFindVal(idToAccHash, newBed->name);
	fprintf(fOld, "%s:%d-%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", oldBed->chrom, oldBed->chromStart, oldBed->chromEnd,
		oldBed->name, newAcc, "lost");

if (!optionExists("test"))
    FILE *fId = mustOpen(lastIdFile, "w");
    fprintf(fId, "%d\n", txId);