bool PathFinder::findWay(Tag nextCheckTag) { std::priority_queue<Tag, std::vector<Tag>, Compare> openTags; int checkResult = FAIL; cocos2d::Point checkingPos; m_CurTag = nextCheckTag; for(int dir = DIR_UP; dir < DIR_MAX; ++dir) { checkingPos = findNeighbor(dir); checkResult |= checkPos(checkingPos, &openTags); if(checkResult & FIND) { return true; } } if(checkResult & CHECKING) { while(!openTags.empty()) { Tag nextTag =; if(findWay(nextTag)) { m_Path.push(cocos2d::Point(nextTag.m_X, nextTag.m_Y)); return true; } openTags.pop(); } } return false; }
bool hasPath(vector<vector<int>>& maze, vector<int>& start, vector<int>& destination) { static const vector<vector<int>> dirs = {{-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}}; queue<node> q; unordered_set<int> visited; q.emplace(0, start); while (!q.empty()) { int dist = 0; vector<int> node; tie(dist, node) = q.front(); q.pop(); if (visited.count(hash(maze, node))) { continue; } if (node[0] == destination[0] && node[1] == destination[1]) { return true; } visited.emplace(hash(maze, node)); for (const auto& dir : dirs) { int neighbor_dist = 0; vector<int> neighbor; tie(neighbor_dist, neighbor) = findNeighbor(maze, node, dir); q.emplace(dist + neighbor_dist, neighbor); } } return false; }
PsmAddress postProbeEvent(IonNode *node, Embargo *embargo) { PsmPartition ionwm = getIonwm(); PsmAddress addr; IonProbe *probe; IonVdb *ionvdb; IonNeighbor *neighbor; PsmAddress nextElt; unsigned int rtlt; /* Round-trip light time. */ int interval = 6; /* Minimum 6-sec interval. */ PsmAddress elt; IonProbe *pr; CHKZERO(node); CHKZERO(embargo); addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonProbe)); if (addr == 0) { putErrmsg("Can't create probe event.", NULL); return 0; } probe = (IonProbe *) psp(ionwm, addr); CHKZERO(probe); probe->time = getUTCTime(); probe->destNodeNbr = node->nodeNbr; probe->neighborNodeNbr = embargo->nodeNbr; /* Schedule next probe of this embargoed neighbor for the * time that is the current time plus 2x the round-trip * light time from the local node to the neighbor (but * at least 6 seconds). */ ionvdb = getIonVdb(); neighbor = findNeighbor(ionvdb, embargo->nodeNbr, &nextElt); if (neighbor) { rtlt = (neighbor->owltOutbound + neighbor->owltInbound) << 1; if (rtlt > interval) { interval = rtlt; } } probe->time += interval; for (elt = sm_list_last(ionwm, ionvdb->probes); elt; elt = sm_list_prev(ionwm, elt)) { pr = (IonProbe *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt)); CHKZERO(pr); if (pr->time <= probe->time) { return sm_list_insert_after(ionwm, elt, addr); } } return sm_list_insert_first(ionwm, ionvdb->probes, addr); }
Control::Control(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Control) { ui->setupUi(this); setWindowTitle("GSM管理界面"); out = new Dataout(0,"0",this); in = new DataIn(); ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->stackedWidget_2->setCurrentIndex(0); QRegExp regExp("0?[.][0-9]+$"); ui->lineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regExp,this)); initTime(); addBTSname(); addCellID(); connect(ui->confirm,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(data_in())); connect(ui->confirm_2,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(data_out())); connect(ui->pushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page1())); connect(ui->pushButton_2,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page2())); connect(ui->confirm_3,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(queryBTS())); connect(ui->pushButton_3,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page3())); connect(ui->pushButton_4,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page4())); connect(ui->confirm_4,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(queryCell())); connect(ui->pushButton_6,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(bulkInsert())); connect(ui->pushButton_5,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page5())); connect(ui->pushButton_9,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reCalculateDatas())); connect(ui->pushButton_7,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page6())); connect(ui->pushButton_11,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(printNeighbor())); connect(ui->pushButton_8,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page7())); connect(ui->pushButton_10,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(findNeighbor())); connect(ui->pushButton_12,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(findCellInfo())); connect(ui->pushButton_13,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page13())); connect(ui->pushButton_14,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page14())); connect(ui->pushButton_15,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page15())); connect(ui->pushButton_16,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page16())); connect(ui->pushButton_17,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page17())); connect(ui->pushButton_18,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(page18())); connect(ui->pushButton_22,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(action22())); connect(ui->pushButton_23,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(action23())); }
void SetIntervalReg::contract(IntervalVector * box,int type) { vector<SetNodeReg*> neigh; findNeighbor(*box,&neigh); vector<IntervalVector> neighbox; double min,max; while(!neigh.empty()) { if(neigh.back()->status == type) {neighbox.push_back(findNodeBox(neigh.back()));} neigh.pop_back(); } if(neighbox.empty()) { *box = IntervalVector::empty(box->size()); return; } for(int i = 0;i<box->size();i++) { double min((*box)[i].ub()),max((*box)[i].lb()); for(int j =0;j<neighbox.size();j++) { min = (min<[i].lb()? min :[i].lb()); max = (max>[i].ub()? max :[i].ub()); } if(min>(*box)[i].lb()) {(*box)[i] = Interval(min,(*box)[i].ub());} if(max<(*box)[i].ub()) {(*box)[i] = Interval((*box)[i].lb(),max);} } }
void mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], int nin, const mxArray *in[]) { enum { X=0,Y,I,iwXp,iwYp } ; enum { wI=0, wIx, wIy } ; int M, N, Mp, Np, ip, jp ; double *X_pt, *Y_pt, *I_pt, *iwXp_pt, *iwYp_pt, *wI_pt, *wIx_pt = 0, *wIy_pt = 0 ; double Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax ; const double NaN = mxGetNaN() ; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Check the arguments * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (nin < 5) { vlmxError (vlmxErrNotEnoughInputArguments, NULL) ; } if (nin > 5) { vlmxError (vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ; } if (nout > 3) { vlmxError (vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ; } if (! vlmxIsPlainMatrix(in[I], -1, -1)) { vlmxError (vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "I is not a plain matrix.") ; } if (! vlmxIsPlainMatrix(in[iwXp], -1, -1)) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "iwXp is not a plain matrix.") ; } M = getM(I) ; N = getN(I) ; Mp = getM(iwXp) ; Np = getN(iwXp) ; if(!vlmxIsPlainMatrix(in[iwYp], Mp, Np)) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "iwXp is not a plain matrix of the same idmension of iwYp.") ; } if(!vlmxIsPlainVector(in[X],N) || !vlmxIsPlainVector(in[Y],M)) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "X and Y are not plain vectors with a length equal to the" " number of columns and rows of I.") ; } X_pt = getPr(X); Y_pt = getPr(Y) ; I_pt = getPr(I) ; iwXp_pt = getPr(iwXp) ; iwYp_pt = getPr(iwYp) ; /* Allocate the result. */ out[wI] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; wI_pt = mxGetPr(out[wI]) ; if (nout > 1) { out[wIx] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; out[wIy] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; wIx_pt = mxGetPr (out[wIx]) ; wIy_pt = mxGetPr (out[wIy]) ; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Do the job * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ Xmin = X_pt [0] ; Xmax = X_pt [N - 1] ; Ymin = Y_pt [0] ; Ymax = Y_pt [M - 1] ; if (nout <= 1) { /* optimized for only image output */ for(jp = 0 ; jp < Np ; ++jp) { for(ip = 0 ; ip < Mp ; ++ip) { /* Search for the four neighbors of the backprojected point. */ double x = *iwXp_pt++ ; double y = *iwYp_pt++ ; double z = NaN ; /* This messy code allows the identity transformation * to be processed as expected. */ if(x >= Xmin && x <= Xmax && y >= Ymin && y <= Ymax) { int j = findNeighbor(x, X_pt, N) ; int i = findNeighbor(y, Y_pt, M) ; double* pt = I_pt + j*M + i ; /* Weights. */ double x0 = X_pt[j] ; double x1 = (j < N-1) ? X_pt[j+1] : x0 + 1; double y0 = Y_pt[i] ; double y1 = (i < M-1) ? Y_pt[i+1] : y0 + 1; double wx = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) ; double wy = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) ; /* Load all possible neighbors. */ double z00 = 0.0 ; double z10 = 0.0 ; double z01 = 0.0 ; double z11 = 0.0 ; if(j > -1) { if(i > -1 ) z00 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z10 = *pt ; } else { pt++ ; } pt += M - 1; if(j < N-1) { if(i > -1 ) z01 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z11 = *pt ; } /* Bilinear interpolation. */ z = (1 - wy) * ((1-wx) * z00 + wx * z01) + ( wy) * ((1-wx) * z10 + wx * z11) ; } *(wI_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = z ; } } } /* do also the derivatives */ else { /* optimized for only image output */ for(jp = 0 ; jp < Np ; ++jp) { for(ip = 0 ; ip < Mp ; ++ip) { /* Search for the four neighbors of the backprojected point. */ double x = *iwXp_pt++ ; double y = *iwYp_pt++ ; double z = NaN, zx = NaN, zy = NaN ; /* This messy code allows the identity transformation * to be processed as expected. */ if(x >= Xmin && x <= Xmax && y >= Ymin && y <= Ymax) { int j = findNeighbor(x, X_pt, N) ; int i = findNeighbor(y, Y_pt, M) ; double* pt = I_pt + j*M + i ; /* Weights. */ double x0 = X_pt[j] ; double x1 = X_pt[j+1] ; double y0 = Y_pt[i] ; double y1 = Y_pt[i+1] ; double wx = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) ; double wy = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) ; /* Load all possible neighbors. */ double z00 = 0.0 ; double z10 = 0.0 ; double z01 = 0.0 ; double z11 = 0.0 ; if(j > -1) { if(i > -1 ) z00 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z10 = *pt ; } else { pt++ ; } pt += M - 1; if(j < N-1) { if(i > -1 ) z01 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z11 = *pt ; } /* Bilinear interpolation. */ z = (1-wy)*( (1-wx) * z00 + wx * z01) + wy*( (1-wx) * z10 + wx * z11) ; zx = (1-wy) * (z01 - z00) + wy * (z11 - z10) ; zy = (1-wx) * (z10 - z00) + wx * (z11 - z01) ; } *(wI_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = z ; *(wIx_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = zx ; *(wIy_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = zy ; } } } }
static int adjustThrottles() { PsmPartition ionwm = getIonwm(); IonVdb *ionvdb = getIonVdb(); BpVdb *bpvdb = getBpVdb(); PsmAddress elt; VOutduct *outduct; unsigned long nodeNbr; IonNeighbor *neighbor; PsmAddress nextElt; int delta; VInduct *induct; /* Only the LTP induct and outduct throttles can be * dynamically adjusted in response to changes in data * rate between the local node and its neighbors, because * (currently) there is no mechanism for mapping neighbor * node number to duct name for any other CL protocol. * For LTP, duct name is LTP engine number which, by * convention, is identical to BP node number. For all * other CL protocols, duct nominal data rate is initially * set to the protocol's configured nominal data rate and * is never subsequently modified. * * So, first we find the LTP induct if any. */ for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, bpvdb->inducts); elt; elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt)) { induct = (VInduct *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt)); if (strcmp(induct->protocolName, "ltp") == 0) { break; /* Found the LTP induct. */ } } if (elt == 0) /* No LTP induct; nothing to do. */ { return 0; } /* Now update all LTP outducts, and the induct as well, * inferring the existence of Neighbors in the process. */ for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, bpvdb->outducts); elt; elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt)) { outduct = (VOutduct *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt)); if (strcmp(outduct->protocolName, "ltp") != 0) { continue; } nodeNbr = atol(outduct->ductName); neighbor = findNeighbor(ionvdb, nodeNbr, &nextElt); if (neighbor == NULL) { neighbor = addNeighbor(ionvdb, nodeNbr, nextElt); if (neighbor == NULL) { putErrmsg("Can't adjust outduct throttle.", NULL); return -1; } } if (neighbor->xmitRate != neighbor->prevXmitRate) { #ifndef ION_NOSTATS if (neighbor->nodeNbr != getOwnNodeNbr()) { /* We report and clear transmission * statistics as necessary. NOTE that * this procedure is based on the * assumption that the local node is * in LTP transmission contact with * AT MOST ONE neighbor at any time. * For more complex topologies it will * need to be redesigned. */ if (neighbor->xmitRate == 0) { /* End of xmit contact. */ reportAllStateStats(); clearAllStateStats(); } else if (neighbor->prevXmitRate == 0) { /* Start of xmit contact. */ reportAllStateStats(); clearAllStateStats(); } } #endif outduct->xmitThrottle.nominalRate = neighbor->xmitRate; neighbor->prevXmitRate = neighbor->xmitRate; } /* Note that the LTP induct is aggregate; the * duct's nominal rate is the sum of the rates * at which all neighbors are expected to be * transmitting to the local node at any given * moment. So we must add the change in rate * for each known neighbor to the aggregate * nominal reception rate for the induct. */ if (neighbor->recvRate != neighbor->prevRecvRate) { #ifndef ION_NOSTATS if (neighbor->nodeNbr != getOwnNodeNbr()) { /* We report and clear reception * statistics as necessary. NOTE that * this procedure is based on the * assumption that the local node is * in LTP reception contact with * AT MOST ONE neighbor at any time. * For more complex topologies it will * need to be redesigned. */ if (neighbor->recvRate == 0) { /* End of recv contact. */ reportAllStateStats(); clearAllStateStats(); } else if (neighbor->prevRecvRate == 0) { /* Start of recv contact. */ reportAllStateStats(); clearAllStateStats(); } } #endif delta = neighbor->recvRate - neighbor->prevRecvRate; induct->acqThrottle.nominalRate += delta; neighbor->prevRecvRate = neighbor->recvRate; } } return 0; }
static int manageLinks(Sdr sdr, time_t currentTime) { PsmPartition ionwm = getIonwm(); LtpVdb *ltpvdb = getLtpVdb(); IonVdb *ionvdb = getIonVdb(); PsmAddress elt; LtpVspan *vspan; Object obj; LtpSpan span; IonNeighbor *neighbor; PsmAddress nextElt; unsigned long priorXmitRate; sdr_begin_xn(sdr); for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, ltpvdb->spans); elt; elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt)) { vspan = (LtpVspan *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt)); /* Finish aggregation as necessary. */ obj = sdr_list_data(sdr, vspan->spanElt); sdr_stage(sdr, (char *) &span, obj, sizeof(LtpSpan)); if (span.lengthOfBufferedBlock > 0) { span.ageOfBufferedBlock++; sdr_write(sdr, obj, (char *) &span, sizeof(LtpSpan)); if (span.ageOfBufferedBlock >= span.aggrTimeLimit) { sm_SemGive(vspan->bufFullSemaphore); } } /* Find Neighbor object encapsulating the current * known state of this LTP engine. */ neighbor = findNeighbor(ionvdb, vspan->engineId, &nextElt); if (neighbor == NULL) { neighbor = addNeighbor(ionvdb, vspan->engineId, nextElt); if (neighbor == NULL) { putErrmsg("Can't update span.", NULL); return -1; } } if (neighbor->xmitRate == 0) { if (vspan->localXmitRate > 0) { vspan->localXmitRate = 0; ltpStopXmit(vspan); } } else { if (vspan->localXmitRate == 0) { vspan->localXmitRate = neighbor->xmitRate; ltpStartXmit(vspan); } } if (neighbor->fireRate == 0) { if (vspan->remoteXmitRate > 0) { priorXmitRate = vspan->remoteXmitRate; vspan->remoteXmitRate = 0; if (ltpSuspendTimers(vspan, elt, currentTime, priorXmitRate)) { putErrmsg("Can't manage links.", NULL); return -1; } } } else { if (vspan->remoteXmitRate == 0) { vspan->remoteXmitRate = neighbor->fireRate; if (ltpResumeTimers(vspan, elt, currentTime, vspan->remoteXmitRate)) { putErrmsg("Can't manage links.", NULL); return -1; } } } if (neighbor->recvRate == 0) { vspan->receptionRate = 0; } else { vspan->receptionRate = neighbor->recvRate; } if (neighbor->owltInbound != vspan->owltInbound) { vspan->owltInbound = neighbor->owltInbound; } if (neighbor->owltOutbound != vspan->owltOutbound) { vspan->owltOutbound = neighbor->owltOutbound; } } if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0) { putErrmsg("ltpclock failed managing links.", NULL); return -1; } return 0; }
bool AStarPlanner::computePath(std::vector<Util::Point>& agent_path, Util::Point start, Util::Point goal, SteerLib::GridDatabase2D * _gSpatialDatabase, bool append_to_path) { gSpatialDatabase = _gSpatialDatabase; //TODO std::cout<<"\nIn A*\n"; //coordinate for start & goal in the cell int startIndex = gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromLocation(start); gSpatialDatabase->getLocationFromIndex(startIndex, start); int goalIndex = gSpatialDatabase->getCellIndexFromLocation(goal); gSpatialDatabase->getLocationFromIndex(goalIndex, goal); std::vector<AStarPlannerNode> closedset; std::vector<AStarPlannerNode> openset; std::vector<AStarPlannerNode> neighbors; std::map<AStarPlannerNode, AStarPlannerNode> came; AStarPlannerNode startNode = AStarPlannerNode(start, 0, 0, NULL); startNode.startNode = 1; startNode.g = 0; startNode.f = startNode.g + W * heuristic(start, goal); openset.push_back(startNode); AStarPlannerNode curr; int count = 0; while(!openset.empty()){ count++; //get Lowest F int index = 0; curr = openset[0]; for(int i = 0; i < openset.size(); i++){ if( openset[i] < curr){ curr = openset[i]; index = i; } if( openset[i].f == curr.f){ if(openset[i].g > curr.g){ curr = openset[i]; index = i; } } } if(curr.point == goal){ agent_path.push_back(curr.point); while(curr.startNode != 1){ for(AStarPlannerNode node: closedset){ if(node.point.x == curr.parentx && node.point.z == curr.parenty){ curr = node; agent_path.push_back(curr.point); break; } } } std::cout << "path:" << agent_path.size() <<std::endl; std::cout << "expanded node:" << closedset.size()+1 <<std::endl; std::reverse(agent_path.begin(), agent_path.end()); return true; } openset.erase(openset.begin() + index); closedset.push_back(curr); neighbors = findNeighbor(curr.point, gSpatialDatabase); for(AStarPlannerNode neighbor: neighbors){ if(closed(neighbor, closedset)){ continue; } double temp_g = curr.g + euclidean(curr.point, neighbor.point); if(temp_g < neighbor.g){ neighbor.g = temp_g; neighbor.f = neighbor.g + W * heuristic(neighbor.point, goal); neighbor.parentx = curr.point.x; neighbor.parenty = curr.point.z; if(!opened(neighbor, openset)){ openset.push_back(neighbor); } } } } return false; }
std::unique_ptr<StepGenerator> NnRolloutFactory::createGenerator(SearchStatus &status, HistoryEntry const *entry, State const */*state*/, HistoricalData const */*data*/) { // Find a neighbor, and use it to make a new generator. BeliefNode *neighbor = findNeighbor(entry->getAssociatedBeliefNode()); return std::make_unique<NnRolloutGenerator>(status, solver_, neighbor); }
void mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], int nin, const mxArray *in[]) { enum { X=0,Y,I,iwXp,iwYp } ; enum { wI=0, wIx, wIy } ; int M, N, Mp, Np, ip, jp ; double *X_pt, *Y_pt, *I_pt, *iwXp_pt, *iwYp_pt, *wI_pt, *wIx_pt = 0, *wIy_pt = 0 ; double Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax ; const double NaN = mxGetNaN() ; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Check the arguments * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(nin != 5) { mexErrMsgTxt("Five input argumets required.") ; } if (nout > 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments") ; } if(!uIsRealMatrix(in[I], -1, -1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("I must be a real matrix of class DOUBLE") ; } if(!uIsRealMatrix(in[iwXp], -1, -1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("iwXp must be a real matrix") ; } M = getM(I) ; N = getN(I) ; Mp = getM(iwXp) ; Np = getN(iwXp) ; if(!uIsRealMatrix(in[iwYp], Mp, Np)) { mexErrMsgTxt ("iwXp and iwYp must be a real matrices of the same dimension") ; } if(!uIsRealVector(in[X],N) || !uIsRealVector(in[Y],M)) { mexErrMsgTxt ("X and Y must be vectors of the same dimensions " "of the columns/rows of I, respectivelye") ; } X_pt = getPr(X); Y_pt = getPr(Y) ; I_pt = getPr(I) ; iwXp_pt = getPr(iwXp) ; iwYp_pt = getPr(iwYp) ; /* Allocate the result. */ out[wI] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; wI_pt = mxGetPr(out[wI]) ; if (nout > 1) { out[wIx] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; out[wIy] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; wIx_pt = mxGetPr (out[wIx]) ; wIy_pt = mxGetPr (out[wIy]) ; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Do the job * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ Xmin = X_pt [0] ; Xmax = X_pt [N - 1] ; Ymin = Y_pt [0] ; Ymax = Y_pt [M - 1] ; if (nout <= 1) { /* optimized for only image output */ for(jp = 0 ; jp < Np ; ++jp) { for(ip = 0 ; ip < Mp ; ++ip) { /* Search for the four neighbors of the backprojected point. */ double x = *iwXp_pt++ ; double y = *iwYp_pt++ ; double z = NaN ; /* This messy code allows the identity transformation * to be processed as expected. */ if(x >= Xmin && x <= Xmax && y >= Ymin && y <= Ymax) { int j = findNeighbor(x, X_pt, N) ; int i = findNeighbor(y, Y_pt, M) ; double* pt = I_pt + j*M + i ; /* Weights. */ double x0 = X_pt[j] ; double x1 = X_pt[j+1] ; double y0 = Y_pt[i] ; double y1 = Y_pt[i+1] ; double wx = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) ; double wy = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) ; /* Load all possible neighbors. */ double z00 = 0.0 ; double z10 = 0.0 ; double z01 = 0.0 ; double z11 = 0.0 ; if(j > -1) { if(i > -1 ) z00 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z10 = *pt ; } else { pt++ ; } pt += M - 1; if(j < N-1) { if(i > -1 ) z01 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z11 = *pt ; } /* Bilinear interpolation. */ z = (1 - wy) * ((1-wx) * z00 + wx * z01) + ( wy) * ((1-wx) * z10 + wx * z11) ; } *(wI_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = z ; } } } /* do also the derivatives */ else { /* optimized for only image output */ for(jp = 0 ; jp < Np ; ++jp) { for(ip = 0 ; ip < Mp ; ++ip) { /* Search for the four neighbors of the backprojected point. */ double x = *iwXp_pt++ ; double y = *iwYp_pt++ ; double z = NaN, zx = NaN, zy = NaN ; /* This messy code allows the identity transformation * to be processed as expected. */ if(x >= Xmin && x <= Xmax && y >= Ymin && y <= Ymax) { int j = findNeighbor(x, X_pt, N) ; int i = findNeighbor(y, Y_pt, M) ; double* pt = I_pt + j*M + i ; /* Weights. */ double x0 = X_pt[j] ; double x1 = X_pt[j+1] ; double y0 = Y_pt[i] ; double y1 = Y_pt[i+1] ; double wx = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) ; double wy = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) ; /* Load all possible neighbors. */ double z00 = 0.0 ; double z10 = 0.0 ; double z01 = 0.0 ; double z11 = 0.0 ; if(j > -1) { if(i > -1 ) z00 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z10 = *pt ; } else { pt++ ; } pt += M - 1; if(j < N-1) { if(i > -1 ) z01 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z11 = *pt ; } /* Bilinear interpolation. */ z = (1-wy)*( (1-wx) * z00 + wx * z01) + wy*( (1-wx) * z10 + wx * z11) ; zx = (1-wy) * (z01 - z00) + wy * (z11 - z10) ; zy = (1-wx) * (z10 - z00) + wx * (z11 - z01) ; } *(wI_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = z ; *(wIx_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = zx ; *(wIy_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = zy ; } } } }
static void deleteContact(PsmAddress cxaddr) { Sdr sdr = getIonsdr(); PsmPartition ionwm = getIonwm(); IonVdb *vdb = getIonVdb(); time_t currentTime = getUTCTime(); IonCXref *cxref; Object obj; IonEvent event; IonNeighbor *neighbor; PsmAddress nextElt; cxref = (IonCXref *) psp(ionwm, cxaddr); /* Delete contact events from timeline. */ event.ref = cxaddr; if (cxref->startXmit) { event.time = cxref->startXmit; event.type = IonStartXmit; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } if (cxref->stopXmit) { event.time = cxref->stopXmit; event.type = IonStopXmit; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } if (cxref->startFire) { event.time = cxref->startFire; event.type = IonStartFire; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } if (cxref->stopFire) { event.time = cxref->stopFire; event.type = IonStopFire; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } if (cxref->startRecv) { event.time = cxref->startRecv; event.type = IonStartRecv; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } if (cxref->stopRecv) { event.time = cxref->stopRecv; event.type = IonStopRecv; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } if (cxref->purgeTime) { event.time = cxref->purgeTime; event.type = IonPurgeContact; sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); } /* Apply to current state as necessary. */ if (currentTime >= cxref->startXmit && currentTime <= cxref->stopXmit) { neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, cxref->toNode, &nextElt); if (neighbor) { neighbor->xmitRate = 0; } } if (currentTime >= cxref->startFire && currentTime <= cxref->stopFire) { neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, cxref->fromNode, &nextElt); if (neighbor) { neighbor->fireRate = 0; } } if (currentTime >= cxref->startRecv && currentTime <= cxref->stopRecv) { neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, cxref->fromNode, &nextElt); if (neighbor) { neighbor->recvRate = 0; } } /* Delete contact from index. */ if (cxref->toTime > currentTime) /* Affects routes. */ { vdb->lastEditTime = currentTime; } sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, rfx_order_contacts, cxref, rfx_erase_data, NULL); /* Delete contact from non-volatile database. */ obj = sdr_list_data(sdr, cxref->contactElt); sdr_list_delete(sdr, cxref->contactElt, NULL, NULL); sdr_free(sdr, obj); }
static void deleteRange(PsmAddress rxaddr, int conditional) { Sdr sdr = getIonsdr(); PsmPartition ionwm = getIonwm(); IonVdb *vdb = getIonVdb(); time_t currentTime = getUTCTime(); IonRXref *rxref; Object obj; IonEvent event; IonNeighbor *neighbor; PsmAddress nextElt; rxref = (IonRXref *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr); /* Delete range from non-volatile database. */ if (rxref->rangeElt) /* An asserted range. */ { if (conditional) /* Delete only if imputed. */ { return; /* Retain asserted range. */ } /* Unconditional deletion; remove range from DB. */ obj = sdr_list_data(sdr, rxref->rangeElt); sdr_free(sdr, obj); sdr_list_delete(sdr, rxref->rangeElt, NULL, NULL); } /* Delete range events from timeline. */ event.ref = rxaddr; event.time = rxref->fromTime; if (rxref->rangeElt) { event.type = IonStartAssertedRange; } else { event.type = IonStartImputedRange; } sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); event.time = rxref->toTime; if (rxref->rangeElt) { event.type = IonStopAssertedRange; } else { event.type = IonStopImputedRange; } sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events, &event, rfx_erase_data, NULL); /* Apply to current state as necessary. */ if (currentTime >= rxref->fromTime && currentTime <= rxref->toTime) { if (rxref->fromNode == getOwnNodeNbr()) { neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, rxref->toNode, &nextElt); if (neighbor) { neighbor->owltOutbound = 0; } } if (rxref->toNode == getOwnNodeNbr()) { neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, rxref->fromNode, &nextElt); if (neighbor) { neighbor->owltInbound = 0; } } } /* Delete range from index. */ if (rxref->toTime > currentTime) /* Affects routes. */ { vdb->lastEditTime = currentTime; } sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges, rxref, rfx_erase_data, NULL); }