コード例 #1
ファイル: StdString.cpp プロジェクト: smlu/project64
strvector stdstr::Tokenize(char delimiter) const
    strvector tokens;

    stdstr::size_type lastPos = find_first_not_of(delimiter, 0);
    stdstr::size_type pos = find_first_of(delimiter, lastPos);
    while (stdstr::npos != pos || stdstr::npos != lastPos)
        tokens.push_back(substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
        lastPos = find_first_not_of(delimiter, pos);
        pos = find_first_of(delimiter, lastPos);
    return tokens;
コード例 #2
ファイル: zstring.cpp プロジェクト: ARMoir/freezzt
std::list<ZString> ZString::split( const ZString& delim )
  std::list<ZString> tokens;

  size_type left = find_first_not_of( delim, 0 );
  size_type right = find_first_of( delim, left );

  while ( left != npos || right != npos )
    tokens.push_back( substr( left, right - left ) );
    left = find_first_not_of( delim, right );
    right = find_first_of( delim, left );
  return tokens;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mesos.cpp プロジェクト: draios/sysdig
bool libsinsp::container_engine::mesos::match(sinsp_threadinfo* tinfo, sinsp_container_info* container_info)
	for(auto it = tinfo->m_cgroups.begin(); it != tinfo->m_cgroups.end(); ++it)
		string cgroup = it->second;
		size_t pos;

		pos = cgroup.find("/mesos/");
		if(pos != string::npos)
			// It should match `/mesos/a9f41620-b165-4d24-abe0-af0af92e7b20`
			auto id = cgroup.substr(pos + sizeof("/mesos/") - 1);
			if(id.size() == 36 && id.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefABCDEF-") == string::npos)
				container_info->m_type = CT_MESOS;
				container_info->m_id = move(id);
				// Consider a mesos container valid only if we find the mesos_task_id
				// this will exclude from the container itself the mesos-executor
				// but makes sure that we have task_id parsed properly. Otherwise what happens
				// is that we'll create a mesos container struct without a mesos_task_id
				// and for all other processes we'll use it
				return set_mesos_task_id(container_info, tinfo);
	return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: http_net.hpp プロジェクト: a2flo/floor
void http_net::check_header(decltype(receive_store)::const_iterator header_end_iter) {
	auto line = receive_store.begin();
	// first line contains status code
	const size_t space_1 = line->find(" ")+1;
	const size_t space_2 = line->find(" ", space_1);
	status_code = (HTTP_STATUS)strtoul(line->substr(space_1, space_2 - space_1).c_str(), nullptr, 10);
	if(status_code != HTTP_STATUS::CODE_200 && !continue_on_error_status) {
		receive_cb(this, status_code, server_name, page_data);
	// continue ...
	for(line++; line != header_end_iter; line++) {
		if(line->find("Transfer-Encoding:") == 0) {
			if(line->find("chunked") != string::npos) {
				packet_type = http_net::PACKET_TYPE::CHUNKED;
		else if(line->find("Content-Length:") == 0) {
			// ignore content length if a chunked transfer-encoding was already specified (rfc2616 4.4.3)
			if(packet_type != http_net::PACKET_TYPE::CHUNKED) {
				packet_type = http_net::PACKET_TYPE::NORMAL;
				const size_t cl_space = line->find(" ") + 1;
				size_t non_digit = line->find_first_not_of("0123456789", cl_space);
				if(non_digit == string::npos) non_digit = line->size();
				content_length = (size_t)strtoull(line->substr(cl_space, non_digit - cl_space).c_str(), nullptr, 10);
コード例 #5
CL_StringData8::size_type CL_StringData8::find_first_not_of(const char *s, size_type pos) const
	size_type len = 0;
	while (s[len] != 0)
	return find_first_not_of(s, pos, len);
コード例 #6
ファイル: StdString.cpp プロジェクト: smlu/project64
stdstr & stdstr::Trim(const char * chars2remove)
    if (!empty())
        std::string::size_type pos = find_first_not_of(chars2remove);
        if (pos != std::string::npos)
            erase(0, pos);
            erase(begin(), end()); // make empty

        pos = find_last_not_of(chars2remove);
        if (pos != std::string::npos)
            erase(pos + 1);
            erase(begin(), end()); // make empty
    return *this;
コード例 #7
ファイル: dwstring.cpp プロジェクト: serghei/kde3-kdepim
size_t DwString::find_first_not_of(const char *aCstr, size_t aPos) const
    assert(aCstr != 0);
    if(aCstr == 0) return (size_t) - 1;
    size_t len = strlen(aCstr);
    return find_first_not_of(aCstr, aPos, len);
コード例 #8
ファイル: pstring.cpp プロジェクト: NULUSIOS/mame
const pstring_t<F> pstring_t<F>::ltrim(const pstring_t &ws) const
	int f = find_first_not_of(ws);
	if (f>=0)
		return substr(f);
		return "";
コード例 #9
ファイル: MIUtilString.cpp プロジェクト: llvm-project/lldb
// Details: Check if *this string is a hexadecimal number.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMIUtilString::IsHexadecimalNumber() const {
  // Compare '0x..' prefix
  if ((strncmp(c_str(), "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp(c_str(), "0X", 2) != 0))
    return false;

  // Skip '0x..' prefix
  const size_t nPos = find_first_not_of("01234567890ABCDEFabcedf", 2);
  return nPos == std::string::npos;
コード例 #10
std::string RifEclipseUserDataParserTools::trimString(const std::string& s)
    auto sCopy = s.substr(0, s.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1);
    if (sCopy.size() > 0)
        sCopy = sCopy.substr(sCopy.find_first_not_of(' '));

    return sCopy;
コード例 #11
ファイル: MIUtilString.cpp プロジェクト: llvm-project/lldb
// Details: Check if *this string is a decimal number.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMIUtilString::IsNumber() const {
  if (empty())
    return false;

  if ((at(0) == '-') && (length() == 1))
    return false;

  const size_t nPos = find_first_not_of("-.0123456789");
  return nPos == std::string::npos;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Board.cpp プロジェクト: oclancy/GTest
	/// <summary>
	/// Checks this instance to see if either there is a winner or if the board is still playable.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>True if there is a winner or the board is no longer playable</returns>
	bool CBoard::Check()
		if (_is_finished)
			return _is_finished;

		// 1st row
		auto sub = _current_state.substr(0, 3);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		// 2nd row
		sub = _current_state.substr(3, 3);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		// 3rd row
		sub = _current_state.substr(6, 3);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		// 1st col
		sub = _current_state.substr(0, 1) + _current_state.substr(3, 1) + _current_state.substr(6, 1);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		// 2nd col
		sub = _current_state.substr(1, 1) + _current_state.substr(4, 1) + _current_state.substr(7, 1);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		// 3rd col
		sub = _current_state.substr(2, 1) + _current_state.substr(5, 1) + _current_state.substr(8, 1);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		// diagonal l to r
		sub = _current_state.substr(0, 1) + _current_state.substr(4, 1) + _current_state.substr(8, 1);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];
		// diagonal r to l
		sub = _current_state.substr(2, 1) + _current_state.substr(4, 1) + _current_state.substr(6, 1);
		if (sub.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos && sub.find_first_not_of(sub[0]) == std::string::npos)
			_winner = sub[0];

		_is_finished = _winner != SPACE;

		if (!_is_finished)
			_is_finished = _current_state.find(SPACE) == std::string::npos;

		return _is_finished;
コード例 #13
std::pair<sfs::FileManager::Directory *, std::string> sfs::FileManager::
Locate(std::string path)
	if (def::trim(path).empty())
		return std::make_pair(nullptr, std::move(std::string()));

	if (std::strchr(def::PATH_CHARS, path.back()) == nullptr)			/* 补齐格式 */
		path += def::PATH_CHARS[0];

	auto begin = 0U;
	std::vector<Directory *> stack;
	{	/* 初始化 */
		if (std::strchr(def::PATH_CHARS, path.front()) == nullptr)
			stack = _CurrentDirectoryStack;
		else {
			begin = 1U;

	/* 开始寻找目标位置 */

	auto len = path.length();
	for (auto end = path.find_first_of(def::PATH_CHARS, begin); 
		 end != path.npos; 
		 end = path.find_first_of(def::PATH_CHARS, begin)) 
		auto & directories = stack.back()->directories;
		auto name = std::move(path.substr(begin, end - begin));

		if (name.find_first_not_of(def::DOT_CHAR, 0U) == name.npos) {	/* ... */
			auto n = std::min(name.length(), stack.size());
			for (auto i = 1U; i < n; i++)
		} else if (end == len - 1U) {
			return std::make_pair(stack.back(), std::move(name));
		} else {
			auto iter = std::find(directories.begin(), directories.end(), name);
			if (iter != directories.end())								/* 目录 */
			else														/* 无效位置 */
				return std::make_pair(nullptr, std::move(std::string()));

		begin = end + 1U;

	auto name = stack.back()->name;
	if (stack.size() > 1U)

	return std::make_pair(stack.back(), std::move(name));
コード例 #14
ファイル: MIUtilString.cpp プロジェクト: Jean-Daniel/lldb
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Check if *this string is a decimal number.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	None.
// Return:	bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMIUtilString::IsNumber( void ) const
	if( empty() )
		return false;

	if( (at( 0 ) == '-') && (length() == 1) )
		return false;

	const MIint nPos = find_first_not_of( "-.0123456789" );
	if( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: my_parser.cpp プロジェクト: orcchg/ChatServer
std::string reduce(const std::string& str, const std::string& fill, const std::string& whitespace) {
  // trim first
  auto result = trim(str, whitespace);

  // replace sub ranges
  auto beginSpace = result.find_first_of(whitespace);
  while (beginSpace != std::string::npos) {
    const auto endSpace = result.find_first_not_of(whitespace, beginSpace);
    const auto range = endSpace - beginSpace;
    result.replace(beginSpace, range, fill);
    const auto newStart = beginSpace + fill.length();
    beginSpace = result.find_first_of(whitespace, newStart);
  return result;
コード例 #16
ファイル: MIUtilString.cpp プロジェクト: llvm-project/lldb
// Details: Extract the number from the hexadecimal string..
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vwrNumber   - (W) Number extracted from the string.
// Return:  bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMIUtilString::ExtractNumberFromHexadecimal(MIint64 &vwrNumber) const {
  vwrNumber = 0;

  const size_t nPos = find_first_not_of("xX01234567890ABCDEFabcedf");
  if (nPos != std::string::npos)
    return false;

  errno = 0;
  const MIuint64 nNum = ::strtoull(this->c_str(), nullptr, 16);
  if (errno == ERANGE)
    return false;

  vwrNumber = static_cast<MIint64>(nNum);

  return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: MIUtilString.cpp プロジェクト: Jean-Daniel/lldb
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Extract the number from the hexadecimal string..
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vwrNumber	- (W) Number exracted from the string.
// Return:	bool - True = yes number, false not a number.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMIUtilString::ExtractNumberFromHexadecimal( MIint64 & vwrNumber ) const
	vwrNumber = 0;
	const MIint nPos = find_first_not_of( "x01234567890ABCDEFabcedf" );
	if( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	const MIint64 nNum = ::strtoul( this->c_str(), nullptr, 16 );
	if( nNum != ULONG_MAX )
		vwrNumber = nNum;
		return true;
	return true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: cplstring.cpp プロジェクト: Wedjaa/node-gdal
CPLString &CPLString::Trim()

    static const char szWhitespace[] = " \t\r\n";

    const size_t iLeft = find_first_not_of( szWhitespace );
    const size_t iRight = find_last_not_of( szWhitespace );

    if( iLeft == std::string::npos )
        return *this;

    assign( substr( iLeft, iRight - iLeft + 1 ) );

    return *this;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Expression.cpp プロジェクト: sarroutbi/pexpupm
std::string Expression::toString() const {
  std::string expstring;
  bool elem_added = false;

  for (auto const& term : termList_) {
    if (elem_added) {
      if (term->getValue() < 0.0f) {
        expstring += " - ";
      } else {
        expstring += " + ";
    } else {
      elem_added = true;
    auto no_minus = term->toString();
    no_minus.erase(0, no_minus.find_first_not_of('-'));
    expstring += no_minus;
  return expstring;
コード例 #20
ファイル: string_piece.cpp プロジェクト: ChenglongChen/mltk
size_type StringPiece::find_first_not_of(const StringPiece& s,
                                         size_type pos) const {
    if (m_length == 0)
        return npos;

    if (s.m_length == 0)
        return 0;

    // Avoid the cost of BuildLookupTable() for a single-character search.
    if (s.m_length == 1)
        return find_first_not_of(s.m_ptr[0], pos);

    bool lookup[UCHAR_MAX + 1] = { false };
    BuildLookupTable(s, lookup);
    for (size_type i = pos; i < m_length; ++i) {
        if (!lookup[static_cast<unsigned char>(m_ptr[i])]) {
            return i;
    return npos;
コード例 #21
ファイル: tokenzr.cpp プロジェクト: 3v1n0/wxWidgets
bool wxStringTokenizer::DoHasMoreTokens() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("you should call SetString() first") );

    if ( find_first_not_of(m_delims, m_delimsLen, m_pos, m_stringEnd)
         != m_stringEnd )
        // there are non delimiter characters left, so we do have more tokens
        return true;

    switch ( m_mode )
        case wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY:
        case wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS:
            // special hack for wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY: we should return the initial
            // empty token even if there are only delimiters after it
            return !m_string.empty() && m_pos == m_string.begin();

        case wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL:
            // special hack for wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL: we can know if we had
            // already returned the trailing empty token after the last
            // delimiter by examining m_lastDelim: it is set to NUL if we run
            // up to the end of the string in GetNextToken(), but if it is not
            // NUL yet we still have this last token to return even if m_pos is
            // already at m_string.length()
            return m_pos < m_stringEnd || m_lastDelim != wxT('\0');

        case wxTOKEN_INVALID:
        case wxTOKEN_DEFAULT:
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unexpected tokenizer mode") );

        case wxTOKEN_STRTOK:
            // never return empty delimiters

    return false;
コード例 #22
CL_StringData8::size_type CL_StringData8::find_first_not_of(const CL_StringData8 &s, size_type pos) const
	return find_first_not_of(s.data(), pos, s.length());
コード例 #23
ファイル: pstring.cpp プロジェクト: antonioginer/mame
const pstring_t<F> pstring_t<F>::ltrim(const pstring_t ws) const
	return substr(find_first_not_of(ws), end());
コード例 #24
ファイル: CIString.cpp プロジェクト: ziavengers/ZIA
 size_t CIString::find_first_not_of(const std::string& str, size_t pos) const
   return find_first_not_of(str.data(), pos);
コード例 #25
string::size_type string::find_first_not_of<xmlChar>(const xmlChar * s, size_type pos) const {
    validate_utf8(s+pos, npos);
    return find_first_not_of(_Convert<xmlChar>::toUTF8(s), pos);
コード例 #26
ファイル: string.cpp プロジェクト: huangmingchuan/My-STL
	size_t string::find_first_not_of(const char* s, size_t pos) const
		return find_first_not_of(s, pos, strlen(s));
コード例 #27
ファイル: string.cpp プロジェクト: Rapptz/Gears
    required(hello2.rfind(hello) == 6);
    required(hello2.rfind(hello, 0) == 0);

    // find_first_of
    required(hello.find_first_of('e') == 1);
    required(hello.find_first_of('l') == 2);
    required(hello.find_first_of(gm::make_string("abcde")) == 1);
    required(hello2.find_first_of(hello) == 0);
    required(hello2.find_first_of('l') == hello2.find('l'));
    required(hello.find_first_of(gm::make_string("qzxl")) == 2);
    required(hello.find_first_of(empty) == hello.npos);
    required(hello.find_first_of(gm::make_string("abce"), 3) == hello.npos);
    required(hello.find_first_of(gm::make_string("xyz")) == hello.npos);

    // find_first_not_of
    required(hello.find_first_not_of('x') == 0);
    required(hello.find_first_not_of(gm::make_string("elh")) == 4);
    required(hello.find_first_not_of(hello) == hello.npos);
    required(hello.find_first_not_of(empty) == 0);
    required(hello2.find_first_not_of(hello) == 5);

    // find_last_of
    required(hello.find_last_of('x') == hello.npos);
    required(hello.find_last_of('l') == 3);
    required(hello.find_last_of(empty) == hello.npos);
    required(hello.find_last_of(gm::make_string("abcdel")) == 3);
    required(hello.find_last_of(gm::make_string("axcl")) == 3);
    required(hello2.find_last_of('l') == 9);
    required(hello2.find_last_of(hello) == 10);

    // find_last_not_of
コード例 #28
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: dotse/bbk
bool parseArgs(int argc, char *argv[],
               TaskConfig &client_cfg, TaskConfig &agent_cfg) {

    CliMode mode = CliMode::NONE;

    client_cfg.set("port", "80");
    client_cfg.set("mtype", "ipv4");
    client_cfg.set("listen_addr", "");

    agent_cfg.add("Measure.Webserver", "frontend.bredbandskollen.se");
    agent_cfg.add("Measure.SettingsUrl", "/api/servers");
    agent_cfg.add("Measure.ContentsUrl", "/api/content");
    agent_cfg.add("Measure.MeasurementsUrl", "/api/measurements");

    for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
        std::string arg(argv[i]);
        if (arg == "--v6")
            client_cfg.set("mtype", "ipv6");
        else if (arg == "--test") {
            mode = (mode == CliMode::NONE) ? CliMode::TEST : CliMode::IN_ERROR;
        } else if (arg == "--live") {
            mode = (mode == CliMode::NONE) ? CliMode::LIVE : CliMode::IN_ERROR;
        } else if (arg == "--version") {
            std::cout << measurement::appName << ' '
                      << measurement::appVersion << '\n';
            return false;
        } else if (arg == "--quiet") {
            client_cfg.set("quiet", "1");
        } else if (arg == "--local") {
            mode = (mode == CliMode::NONE) ? CliMode::LOCAL : CliMode::IN_ERROR;
#if defined(RUN_SERVER)
        } else if (arg == "--run-server") {
            mode = (mode == CliMode::NONE) ? CliMode::SERVER : CliMode::IN_ERROR;
        } else if (arg.substr(0, 11) == "--duration=")
            agent_cfg.set("Measure.LoadDuration",  argv[i]+11);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 13) == "--speedlimit=")
            agent_cfg.set("Measure.SpeedLimit", argv[i]+13);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 6) == "--out=")
            client_cfg.set("out", argv[i]+6);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 6) == "--dir=")
            client_cfg.set("app_dir", (argv[i]+6) + pathSep);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 6) == "--log=")
            client_cfg.set("logfile", argv[i]+6);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 11) == "--local-ip=")
            agent_cfg.set("Measure.LocalAddress", argv[i]+11);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 9) == "--server=")
            client_cfg.set("server", argv[i]+9);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 7) == "--port=")
            client_cfg.set("port", argv[i]+7);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 9) == "--listen=")
            client_cfg.set("listen", argv[i]+9);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 14) == "--listen-addr=")
            client_cfg.set("listen_addr", argv[i]+14);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 12) == "--listen-pw=") {
            client_cfg.set("listen_pw", argv[i]+12);
        } else if (arg == "--ssl") {
            agent_cfg.set("Measure.TLS", "1");
            client_cfg.set("ssl", "1");
            if (client_cfg.value("port") == "80")
                client_cfg.set("port", "443");
        } else if (arg.substr(0, 9) == "--fakeip=")
            agent_cfg.set("Client.fakeip", argv[i]+9);
        else if (arg == "--check-servers")
            client_cfg.set("pingsweep", "1");
        else if (arg.substr(0, 14) == "--measurements")
                (arg.size() > 15 && arg[14] == '=') ? argv[i]+15 : "10");
        else if (arg.substr(0, 10) == "--from-id=") {
            client_cfg.set("list_from", argv[i]+10);
            if (client_cfg.value("list_measurements").empty())
                client_cfg.set("list_measurements", "10");
        } else if (arg == "--browser") {
            client_cfg.set("browser", "1");
            if (client_cfg.value("listen").empty())
                client_cfg.set("listen", "0"); // Use any avaliable port
        } else if (arg.substr(0, 13) == "--proxy-host=")
            agent_cfg.set("Measure.ProxyServerUrl", argv[i]+13);
        else if (arg.substr(0, 13) == "--proxy-port=")
            agent_cfg.set("Measure.ProxyServerPort", argv[i]+13);
        else {
            int status = 0;
            if (arg != "--help") {
                status = 1;
                std::cerr << argv[0] << ": invalid argument -- " << arg << std::endl;
            std::ostream &fh = status ? std::cerr : std::cout;
            fh << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTION]...\n\nOptions:\n\n"
                  "  --help              Show this help text\n"
                  "  --version           Print version number and exit\n"
               << "\nNetwork related options:\n"
               << "  --v6                Prefer IPv6 (default is IPv4)\n"
#ifdef __linux__
               << "  --local-ip=IP       Measure using existing local ip address IP\n"
               << "                      Note: this will not work on all platforms\n"
               << "  --proxy-host=HOST   Use HTTP proxy server HOST\n"
               << "  --proxy-port=PORT   Use port PORT on proxy server (default 80)\n"
               << "\nMeasurement configuration:\n"
               << "  --server=HOST       Use HOST as measurement server\n"
               << "  --port=N            Port number for measurement server, default 80\n"
               << "  --ssl               Measure using transport layer security (default port 443)\n"
               << "  --duration=N        Measure upload/download for N seconds (2-10, default 10)\n"
               << "  --speedlimit=N      Keep upload/download speed below N mbps on average\n"
               << "\nMeasurement type:\n"
               << "  --live              Measure using Bredbandskollen's live servers (default)\n"
               << "  --test              Measure using Bredbandskollen's development servers\n"
               << "  --local             Don't fetch configuration (server list) from bredbandskollen.se,\n"
               << "                      communicate only with server given by the --server option.\n"
#if defined(RUN_SERVER)
               << "  --run-server        Run as a measurement server (requires option --listen=PORT)\n"
               << "\nLogging:\n"
               << "  --log=FILENAME      Write debug log to FILENAME\n"
               << "                      (log to stderr if FILENAME is -)\n"
               << "\nFinding measurement servers:\n"
               << "  --check-servers     Find closest measurement server\n"
               << "\nList previous measurements:\n"
               << "  --measurements      List 10 last measurements\n"
               << "  --measurements=N    List N last measurements\n"
               << "                      If --quiet, output will be JSON. Otherwise\n"
               << "                      output will be lines with tab separated fields.\n"
               << "  --from-id=N         List only measurements before ID N\n"
               << "\nBrowser interface:\n"
               << "  --browser           Use a web browser as interface\n"
               << "  --listen=PORT       Use web browser as interface;\n"
               << "                      the browser must connect to the given PORT\n"
               << "  --listen-addr=IP    When listening, bind socket to ip address IP\n"
               << "                      (default is to use a web browser on\n"
               << "                      a remote host as interface\n"
               << "                      Note: this may not work due to e.g. firewalls.\n"
               << "                      Don't use it unless you know what you are doing.\n"
               << "  --listen-pw=PW      Use PW as a one-time password when connecting from browser\n"
               << "                      Note: DO NOT reuse a sensitive password here!\n"
               << "                      It is better to omit this option because by default\n"
               << "                      a secure one-time password will be generated.\n"
               << "\nCommand line interface:\n"
               << "  --quiet             Write a single line of output\n"
               << "  --out=FILENAME      Append output to FILENAME instead of stdout\n"
               << std::endl;
            return false;

    client_cfg.set("app_dir", createAndGetAppDir(client_cfg.value("app_dir")));

    if (client_cfg.value("local") == "1" && client_cfg.value("server").empty()) {
        std::cerr << "missing --server option" << std::endl;
        return false;

    std::vector<std::string> pdir = { "listen", "port" };
    for (auto &str : pdir)
        if (!client_cfg.value(str).empty()) {
            auto port = client_cfg.value(str);
            if (port.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos ||
                port.size() > 5 || std::stod(port) > 65535) {
                std::cerr << "invalid port number" << std::endl;
                return false;

    switch (mode) {
    case CliMode::NONE:
    case CliMode::LIVE:
        agent_cfg.set("Measure.Webserver", "frontend.bredbandskollen.se");
    case CliMode::TEST:
        agent_cfg.set("Measure.Webserver", "beta4.bredbandskollen.se");
    case CliMode::LOCAL:
        client_cfg.set("local", "1");
        agent_cfg.set("Measure.Webserver", "none");
#if defined(RUN_SERVER)
    case CliMode::SERVER:
        client_cfg.set("local", "1");
        client_cfg.set("run_server", "1");
        if (client_cfg.value("listen").empty()) {
            std::cerr << "option --listen is required with --run-server"
                      << std::endl;
            return false;
    case CliMode::IN_ERROR:
        std::cerr << "can have only one of options --live, --test,";
#if defined(RUN_SERVER)
        std::cerr << " --run-server,";
        std::cerr << " and --local";
        return false;

    if (!client_cfg.value("listen").empty() &&
        client_cfg.value("listen_pw").empty()) {
        // Generate one-time password
        uint32_t src[2];
        std::random_device rng;
        std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> dist;
        src[0] = dist(rng);
        src[1] = dist(rng);
        char pwd[sizeof(src)*2];
        base64_encode(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(src),
                      sizeof(src), pwd);
        client_cfg.add("listen_pw", std::string(pwd, sizeof(src)*4/3));
    client_cfg.add("url", "http://" + agent_cfg.value("Measure.Webserver") +

    if (client_cfg.value("logfile").empty()) {
#if defined(RUN_SERVER)
        if (mode == CliMode::SERVER)
            client_cfg.add("logfile", client_cfg.value("app_dir") + "server_log");
            client_cfg.add("logfile", client_cfg.value("app_dir") + "last_log");
    client_cfg.set("config_file", client_cfg.value("app_dir") + "config");

    // Default to ipv6 if user wants to use a local ipv6 address
    if (agent_cfg.value("Measure.LocalAddress").find(':') != std::string::npos)
        client_cfg.set("mtype", "ipv6");

                  client_cfg.value("listen").empty() ? "false" : "true");

    agent_cfg.add("Measure.IpType", client_cfg.value("mtype"));

    agent_cfg.add("Client.appname", measurement::appName);
    agent_cfg.add("Client.appver", measurement::appVersion);
    agent_cfg.add("Client.machine", measurement::hw_info);
    agent_cfg.add("Client.system", measurement::os_version);
    agent_cfg.add("Client.language", "en");

    return true;
コード例 #29
ファイル: dwstring.cpp プロジェクト: serghei/kde3-kdepim
size_t DwString::find_first_not_of(const DwString &aStr, size_t aPos) const
    return find_first_not_of(&aStr.mRep->mBuffer[aStr.mStart], aPos, aStr.mLength);
コード例 #30
ファイル: string.cpp プロジェクト: huangmingchuan/My-STL
	size_t string::find_first_not_of(const string& str, size_t pos) const
		return find_first_not_of(str.begin(), pos, str.size());