コード例 #1
ファイル: object-snapper.cpp プロジェクト: zanqi/inkscape
void Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_snapPathsTangPerp(bool snap_tang, bool snap_perp, IntermSnapResults &isr, SnapCandidatePoint const &p, Geom::Curve const *curve, SPDesktop const *dt) const
    // Here we will try to snap either tangentially or perpendicularly to a single path; for this we need to know where the origin is located of the line that is currently being rotated,
    // or we need to know the vector of the guide which is currently being translated
    std::vector<std::pair<Geom::Point, bool> > const origins_and_vectors = p.getOriginsAndVectors();
    // Now we will iterate over all the origins and vectors and see which of these will get use a tangential or perpendicular snap
    for (std::vector<std::pair<Geom::Point, bool> >::const_iterator it_origin_or_vector = origins_and_vectors.begin(); it_origin_or_vector != origins_and_vectors.end(); ++it_origin_or_vector) {
        Geom::Point origin_or_vector_doc = dt->dt2doc((*it_origin_or_vector).first); // "first" contains a Geom::Point, denoting either a point or vector
        if ((*it_origin_or_vector).second) { // if "second" is true then "first" is a vector, otherwise it's a point
            // So we have a vector, which tells us what tangential or perpendicular direction we're looking for
            if (curve->degreesOfFreedom() <= 2) { // A LineSegment has order one, and therefore 2 DOF
                // When snapping to a point of a line segment that has a specific tangential or normal vector, then either all point
                // along that line will be snapped to or no points at all will be snapped to. This is not very useful, so let's skip
                // any line segments and lets only snap to higher order curves
            // The vector is being treated as a point (relative to the origin), and has been translated to document coordinates accordingly
            // We need however to make it a vector again, because also the origin has been transformed
            origin_or_vector_doc -= dt->dt2doc(Geom::Point(0,0));

        Geom::Point point_dt;
        Geom::Coord dist;
        std::vector<double> ts;

        if (snap_tang) { // Find all points that lead to a tangential snap
            if ((*it_origin_or_vector).second) { // if "second" is true then "first" is a vector, otherwise it's a point
                ts = find_tangents_by_vector(origin_or_vector_doc, curve->toSBasis());
            } else {
                ts = find_tangents(origin_or_vector_doc, curve->toSBasis());
            for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator t = ts.begin(); t != ts.end(); ++t) {
                point_dt = dt->doc2dt(curve->pointAt(*t));
                dist = Geom::distance(point_dt, p.getPoint());
                isr.points.push_back(SnappedPoint(point_dt, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), SNAPTARGET_PATH_TANGENTIAL, dist, getSnapperTolerance(), getSnapperAlwaysSnap(), false, true));

        if (snap_perp) { // Find all points that lead to a perpendicular snap
            if ((*it_origin_or_vector).second) {
                ts = find_normals_by_vector(origin_or_vector_doc, curve->toSBasis());
            } else {
                ts = find_normals(origin_or_vector_doc, curve->toSBasis());
            for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator t = ts.begin(); t != ts.end(); ++t) {
                point_dt = dt->doc2dt(curve->pointAt(*t));
                dist = Geom::distance(point_dt, p.getPoint());
                isr.points.push_back(SnappedPoint(point_dt, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), SNAPTARGET_PATH_PERPENDICULAR, dist, getSnapperTolerance(), getSnapperAlwaysSnap(), false, true));
コード例 #2
ファイル: QSlpatMake.cpp プロジェクト: anguszhou/Qsplat_win32
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
#ifdef WIN32
	_fmode = _O_BINARY;
	printf("This is QSplatMake version %s.\n", QSPLATMAKE_VERSION);

	// Parse command-line params
	//strncasecmp(char*s1,char*s2,size_t n):compare first n chars of s1 and s2
	//ignore case and return 0 if equal else if s1>s2 return >0 else if s1<s2 return <0;
	if ((argc < 4) ||
		!strncasecmp(argv[1], "-h", 2) ||
		!strncasecmp(argv[1], "--h", 3))
	bool is_pointfile = false;
	int i = strncasecmp(argv[1], "point" , 5);
	if(!strncasecmp(argv[1], "point" , 5))
		is_pointfile = true;
	const char *infilename = argv[2];
	const char *outfilename = argv[3];
	float threshold = 0;

	if (argc >= 5 && !strncasecmp(argv[1], "-m", 2)) {
		threshold = atof(argv[2]);
		infilename = argv[3];
		outfilename = argv[4];

	// Read the .ply file
	int numleaves, numfaces;
	face *faces;
	bool havecolor;
	QTree_Node *leaves;
	std::string comments;

	if (!read_ply(infilename, numleaves, leaves, numfaces, faces, havecolor, comments)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read input file %s\n", infilename);
	if (numleaves < 4) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Ummm...  That's an awfully small mesh you've got there...\n");
		if (numfaces < 4) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Ummm... I need a *mesh* as input.  That means triangles 'n stuff...\n");
	// Compute per-vertex normals
		find_normals(numleaves, leaves, numfaces, faces);
		// Merge nodes
		merge_nodes(numleaves, leaves, numfaces, faces, havecolor, threshold);

		// Compute initial splat sizes
		find_splat_sizes(numleaves, leaves, numfaces, faces);
		compute_splat_sizes(numleaves, leaves);

	// Don't need face data any more
	delete [] faces;

	// Initialize the tree
	QTree qt(numleaves, leaves, havecolor);

	// Build the tree...

	// ... and write it out
	qt.Write(outfilename, comments);
	return 0;