コード例 #1
ファイル: build_4index_ops.C プロジェクト: chrinide/Block
void do_4index_2_2_tensor_products( bool forwards, const opTypes& optype, const opTypes& rhsType, const opTypes& lhsType,
                                    SpinBlock& big, SpinBlock* rhsBlock, SpinBlock* lhsBlock, std::ofstream& ofs,
                                    const std::vector<Matrix>& rotateMatrix, const StateInfo *stateinfo )
  Op_component_base& rhs_array = rhsBlock->get_op_array(rhsType);
  Op_component_base& lhs_array = lhsBlock->get_op_array(lhsType);
  assert ( (rhs_array.get_size() == 1) || (lhs_array.get_size() == 1) );

  // Loop over all rhs operator indices //FIXME copy or reference?
  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > rhs_ops;
  for (int iidx = 0; iidx < rhs_array.get_size(); ++iidx) {
    rhs_ops = rhs_array.get_local_element(iidx);

    // Loop over all lhs operator indices
    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > lhs_ops;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < lhs_array.get_size(); ++idx) {
      lhs_ops = lhs_array.get_local_element(idx);
      int i = rhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[0]; int j = rhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[1];
      int k = lhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[0]; int l = lhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[1];
      // In parallel calculations not all operators are built on each proc
      if ( ! big.get_op_array(optype).has_local_index(i,j,k,l) ) continue;
//pout << "p" << mpigetrank() << "; i,j,k,l = " << i << "," << j << "," << k << "," << l << endl;
      std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > vec = big.get_op_array(optype).get_element(i,j,k,l);

      // Loop over rhs spin-op components
      for (int jjdx=0; jjdx < rhs_ops.size(); jjdx++) {
        boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& rhs_op = rhs_ops[jjdx];
        assert( rhs_op->get_built() );
        const SpinQuantum& spin_12 = rhs_op->get_deltaQuantum(0);

        // Loop over lhs spin-op components
        for (int jdx=0; jdx < lhs_ops.size(); jdx++) {
          boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& lhs_op = lhs_ops[jdx];
          assert( lhs_op->get_built() );
          std::string build_12 = rhs_op->get_build_pattern();
          std::string build_34 = lhs_op->get_build_pattern();
          std::string build_pattern = "(" + build_12 + build_34 + ")";
          const SpinQuantum& spin_34 = lhs_op->get_deltaQuantum(0);

          // Allocate and build new operator
          for (int sx=0; sx < vec.size(); sx++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& op = vec[sx];
            std::vector<SpinQuantum> s1 = { op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_pattern).at(0), op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_pattern).at(1) };
            std::vector<SpinQuantum> s2 = { spin_12, spin_34 };
            // Select relevant spin components
            if ( s1 == s2 ) {
              finish_tensor_product( big, rhsBlock, *rhs_op, *lhs_op, *op, forwards, build_pattern );
              // Renormalise operator
              op->renormalise_transform( rotateMatrix, stateinfo );
      // Store spin-batch on disk 
      if ( ! dmrginp.do_npdm_in_core() ) store_ops_on_disk( ofs, vec );

コード例 #2
ファイル: build_4index_ops.C プロジェクト: chrinide/Block
void do_4index_3_1_tensor_products( bool forwards, const opTypes& optype, const opTypes& rhsType, const opTypes& lhsType,
                                    SpinBlock& big, SpinBlock* rhsBlock, SpinBlock* lhsBlock, std::ofstream& ofs,
                                    const std::vector<Matrix>& rotateMatrix, const StateInfo *stateinfo )
  // (i,j,k | l ) partition
  Op_component_base& rhs_array = rhsBlock->get_op_array(rhsType);
  Op_component_base& lhs_array = lhsBlock->get_op_array(lhsType);
  assert ( (rhs_array.get_size() == 1) || (lhs_array.get_size() == 1) );

  // Initialize filesystem
  std::ifstream rhsifs;
  if ( (! dmrginp.do_npdm_in_core()) && rhsBlock->size() > 1 ) rhsifs.open( rhs_array.get_filename().c_str(), std::ios::binary );

  // Loop over all rhs operator indices
  for (int idx = 0; idx < rhs_array.get_size(); ++idx) {
    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > rhs_ops;
    if ( dmrginp.do_npdm_in_core() || rhsBlock->size() <= 1 )
      rhs_ops = rhs_array.get_local_element(idx);
      rhs_ops = get_ops_from_disk( rhsifs, rhs_array.get_local_element(0).size() );

    // Loop over all lhs operator indices
    for (int iidx = 0; iidx < lhs_array.get_size(); ++iidx) {
      std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > lhs_ops = lhs_array.get_local_element(iidx);
      int i = rhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[0]; int j = rhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[1]; int k = rhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[2];
      int l = lhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[0];
      // In parallel calculations not all operators are built on each proc
      if ( ! big.get_op_array(optype).has_local_index(i,j,k,l) ) continue;
//pout << "p" << mpigetrank() << "; i,j,k,l = " << i << "," << j << "," << k << "," << l << endl;
      std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > vec = big.get_op_array(optype).get_element(i,j,k,l);

      // Loop over rhs spin-op components
      for (int jdx=0; jdx < rhs_ops.size(); jdx++) {
        boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& rhs_op = rhs_ops[jdx];
        assert( rhs_op->get_built() );
        std::string build_123 = rhs_op->get_build_pattern();
        std::vector<SpinQuantum> spin_123 = rhs_op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_123);

        // Loop over lhs spin-op components //FIXME
        for (int jjdx=0; jjdx < lhs_ops.size(); jjdx++) {
          boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& lhs_op = lhs_ops[jjdx];
          assert( lhs_op->get_built() );
          std::string build_4 = lhs_op->get_build_pattern();
          std::string build_pattern = "(" + build_123 + build_4 + ")";

          // Allocate and build new operator
          for (int sx=0; sx < vec.size(); sx++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& op = vec[sx];
            // Select relevant spin components
            std::vector<SpinQuantum> s = { op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_pattern).at(0), op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_pattern).at(1) };
//            if ( s == spin_123 ) finish_tensor_product( big, rhsBlock, *rhs_op, Transposeview(lhs_op), *op, forwards, build_pattern );
            if ( s == spin_123 ) {
              finish_tensor_product( big, rhsBlock, *rhs_op, *lhs_op, *op, forwards, build_pattern );
              // Renormalise operator
              op->renormalise_transform( rotateMatrix, stateinfo );
      // Store spin-batch on disk 
      if ( ! dmrginp.do_npdm_in_core() ) store_ops_on_disk( ofs, vec );
  if ( rhsifs.is_open() ) rhsifs.close();
コード例 #3
ファイル: build_3index_ops.C プロジェクト: BB-Goldstein/Block
void do_3index_1_2_tensor_products( bool forwards, const opTypes& optype, const opTypes& rhsType, const opTypes& lhsType,
                                    SpinBlock& big, SpinBlock* rhsBlock, SpinBlock* lhsBlock, std::ofstream& ofs,
                                    const std::vector<Matrix>& rotateMatrix, const StateInfo *stateinfo )
  // (i | j,k ) partition
  Op_component_base& rhs_array = rhsBlock->get_op_array(rhsType);
  Op_component_base& lhs_array = lhsBlock->get_op_array(lhsType);
  assert ( (rhs_array.get_size() == 1) || (lhs_array.get_size() == 1) );
//pout << "tensor_1_2: rhs_size = " << rhs_array.get_size() << "; op = " << rhs_array.get_op_string() << endl;
//pout << "tensor_1_2: lhs_size = " << lhs_array.get_size() << "; op = " << lhs_array.get_op_string() << endl;

  // Initialize filesystem
  std::ifstream lhsifs;
  if (( ! dmrginp.do_npdm_in_core()) && lhsBlock->size() > 1) lhsifs.open( lhs_array.get_filename().c_str(), std::ios::binary );

  // Loop over all lhs operator indices
  for (int idx = 0; idx < lhs_array.get_size(); ++idx) {
    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > lhs_ops;
    // Assume 2-index operators are available on this processor in core
    lhs_ops = lhs_array.get_local_element(idx);

    // Loop over all rhs operator indices
    for (int iidx = 0; iidx < rhs_array.get_size(); ++iidx) {
      std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > rhs_ops = rhs_array.get_local_element(iidx);
      int i = rhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[0];
      int j = lhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[0]; int k = lhs_ops[0]->get_orbs()[1];
//pout << "i = " << i << endl;
//pout << "j,k = " << j << "," << k << endl;
      // In parallel calculations not all operators are built on each proc
      if ( ! big.get_op_array(optype).has_local_index(i,j,k) ) continue;
//pout << "building i,j,k = " << i << "," << j << "," << k << endl;
      std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix> > vec = big.get_op_array(optype).get_element(i,j,k);
//pout << "got i,j,k\n";

      // Loop over lhs spin-op components
      for (int jdx=0; jdx < lhs_ops.size(); jdx++) {
        boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& lhs_op = lhs_ops[jdx];
        assert( lhs_op->get_built() );
        std::string build_23 = lhs_op->get_build_pattern();
//pout << build_23 << endl;
//pout << "getting spin_23\n";
        std::vector<SpinQuantum> spin_23 = lhs_op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_23);
//pout << "got spin_23\n";

        // Loop over rhs spin-op components
        for (int jjdx=0; jjdx < rhs_ops.size(); jjdx++) {
          boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& rhs_op = rhs_ops[jjdx];
          assert( rhs_op->get_built() );
          std::string build_1 = rhs_op->get_build_pattern();
          std::string build_pattern = "(" + build_1 + build_23 + ")";

          // Allocate and build new operator
          for (int sx=0; sx < vec.size(); sx++) {
            boost::shared_ptr<SparseMatrix>& op = vec[sx];
            // Select relevant spin component
            std::vector<SpinQuantum> s = { op->get_quantum_ladder().at(build_pattern).at(0) };
            if ( s == spin_23 ) {
              finish_tensor_product( big, rhsBlock, *rhs_op, *lhs_op, *op, forwards, build_pattern );
              // Renormalise operator
              op->renormalise_transform( rotateMatrix, stateinfo );
      // Store spin-batch on disk 
      if ( ! dmrginp.do_npdm_in_core() ) store_ops_on_disk( ofs, vec );
  if ( lhsifs.is_open() ) lhsifs.close();