bool Fits2D::readStringKeyword(string keyword, string &value){ char *ptr = NULL; int status = 0; fitsfile *fptr; const char * filename; char v[40]; filename = mFitsPath.c_str(); if(fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status)){ printerror(status); return false; } char * key = new char[keyword.length()+1]; strcpy(key,keyword.c_str()); if(fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, key, v, NULL, &status)){ printerror(status); delete key; return false; } value = string(v); delete key; if(fits_close_file(fptr, &status)){ printerror(status); return false; } return true; }
int read_fits(char* path, unsigned char** image) { fitsfile *fptr; int status = 0; unsigned int bitpix, naxis; long naxes[2]; long nelements; int anynul; if (!fits_open_file(&fptr, path, READONLY, &status)) { if (!fits_get_img_param(fptr, 2, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, &status) ) { printf("bitpix=%d naxes=%d width=%ld height=%ld\n",bitpix,naxis,naxes[0],naxes[1]); nelements = naxes[0]*naxes[1]; if (width==0 && height==0){ width = naxes[0]; height = naxes[1]; } else { if (width != naxes[0] || height != naxes[1]){ printf("naxes error: %ldx%ld instead of %ldx%ld\n",naxes[0],naxes[1],width,height); return -1; } } if (naxis != 2){ printf("Process only 2D fits\n"); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return -1; } if (bitpix != 8){ printf("Process only 8 bit fits\n"); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return -1; } *image = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*nelements); fits_read_img(fptr,TBYTE,1,nelements,NULL,*image, &anynul, &status); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return status; } } return -1; }
int focus_quality(std::string filename) { fitsfile *fptr; /* FITS file pointer, defined in fitsio.h */ int status = 0; /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */ int bitpix, naxis, ii; long naxes[2] = {1,1}, fpixel[2] = {1,1}; double *pixels; std::vector<double> values; //stores the values of all pixels in image if (!fits_open_file(&fptr, filename.c_str(), READONLY, &status)) { if (!fits_get_img_param(fptr, 2, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, &status) ) { if (naxis > 2 || naxis == 0) printf("Error: only 1D or 2D images are supported\n"); else { /* get memory for 1 row */ pixels = (double *) malloc(naxes[0] * sizeof(double)); if (pixels == NULL) { printf("Memory allocation error\n"); return(1); } /* loop over all the rows in the image, top to bottom */ for (fpixel[1] = naxes[1]; fpixel[1] >= 1; fpixel[1]--) { if (fits_read_pix(fptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, naxes[0], NULL, pixels, NULL, &status) ) /* read row of pixels */ break; /* jump out of loop on error */ for (ii = 0; ii < naxes[0]; ii++) { values.push_back(pixels[ii]); } } free(pixels); } } fits_close_file(fptr, &status); } if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print any error message */ std::sort(values.begin(), values.end(), std::greater<double>()); return values[FOCUS_INDEX]; }
str FITStest(int *res, str *fname) { fitsfile *fptr; /* pointer to the FITS file, defined in fitsio.h */ str msg = MAL_SUCCEED; int status = 0, hdutype; *res = 0; if (fits_open_file(&fptr, *fname, READONLY, &status)) msg = createException(MAL, "fits.test", "Missing FITS file %s", *fname); else { fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, 2, &hdutype, &status); *res = hdutype; fits_close_file(fptr, &status); } return msg; }
int showkey(char *filename, char *keyword) { /* function showkey displays keyword and value if keyword is COMMENT or HISTORY, it displays all respective lines. */ fitsfile *fptr; /* FITS file pointer, defined in fitsio.h */ char card[FLEN_CARD]; int status = 0, nkeys, i; /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */ if (!fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status)) { for (i=0; i<FLEN_CARD; i++) keyword[i]=toupper(keyword[i]); if ( !strcmp(keyword, "COMMENT") || !strcmp(keyword, "HISTORY")) { fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status); /* get # of keywords */ for (i = 1; i <= nkeys; i++) { /* Read and print each keywords */ if (fits_read_record(fptr, i, card, &status)) break; if ( !strncmp(card, keyword, 7) ) printf("%s\n", card); } } else { if (fits_read_card(fptr, keyword, card, &status)) { printf("Keyword does not exist\n"); status = 0; /* reset status after error */ } else printf("%s\n",card); } fits_close_file(fptr, &status); } /* open_file */ /* if error occured, print out error message */ if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); return(status); }
/** * Function: get_SPC_opened * The function opens an existing SPC file and returns the pointer * to it. * As of now, the mode of opening it is automatically READWRITE. * Later on a differentiation using the free parameter "mode" * might be added to generalize the function. * * Parameters: * @param SPCname - name of the SPC file * @param mode - mode to open it (not yet used) * * Returns: * @return SPC_ptr - pointer to the opened fits file * */ fitsfile * get_SPC_opened(char SPCname[], int mode) { fitsfile *SPC_ptr; int f_status=0; // Open the OPET file for reading/writing fits_open_file (&SPC_ptr, SPCname, READWRITE, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stdout, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_INTPIXCORR: Could not open file: %s\n", SPCname); } // return the pointer to the fits file return SPC_ptr; }
void readheader( char *filename ) /**********************************************************************/ /* Print out all the header keywords in all extensions of a FITS file */ /**********************************************************************/ { fitsfile *fptr; /* pointer to the FITS file, defined in fitsio.h */ int status, nkeys, keypos, hdutype, ii, jj; char card[FLEN_CARD]; /* standard string lengths defined in fitsioc.h */ status = 0; if ( fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status) ) printerror( status, __LINE__ ); /* attempt to move to next HDU, until we get an EOF error */ for (ii = 1; !(fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, ii, &hdutype, &status) ); ii++) { /* get no. of keywords */ if (fits_get_hdrpos(fptr, &nkeys, &keypos, &status) ) printerror( status, __LINE__ ); printf("Header listing for HDU #%d:\n", ii); for (jj = 1; jj <= nkeys; jj++) { if ( fits_read_record(fptr, jj, card, &status) ) printerror( status, __LINE__ ); printf("%s\n", card); /* print the keyword card */ } printf("END\n\n"); /* terminate listing with END */ } if (status == END_OF_FILE) /* status values are defined in fitsioc.h */ status = 0; /* got the expected EOF error; reset = 0 */ else printerror( status, __LINE__ ); /* got an unexpected error */ if ( fits_close_file(fptr, &status) ) printerror( status, __LINE__ ); return; }
/** * Function: get_num_extensions * The function determines the number of extensions in * the fits file. Here the primary extension does not count. * * Parameters: * @param spectral_models_file - pathname to the spectral models file * * Returns: * @return n_models - the number of spectral models */ int get_num_extensions(const char spectral_models_file[]) { int n_ext=0; int n_models=0; int i; int f_status=0; fitsfile *s_models; // open the fits file // report any error fits_open_file (&s_models, spectral_models_file, READONLY, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stderr, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PETCONT: " "Could not open file: %s", spectral_models_file); } // do until a fits error occurs while (!f_status) { // move one extension forward fits_movrel_hdu (s_models, 1, NULL, &f_status); // count up n_ext++; } // close the fits file fits_close_file (s_models, &f_status); // the zeroth extension // does nnot count!! n_models = n_ext - 1; // return the return n_models; }
FitsReader& FitsReader::operator=(const FitsReader& rhs) { _filename = rhs._filename; _imgWidth = rhs._imgWidth; _imgHeight = rhs._imgHeight; _nFrequencies = rhs._nFrequencies; _phaseCentreRA = rhs._phaseCentreRA; _phaseCentreDec = rhs._phaseCentreDec; _pixelSizeX = rhs._pixelSizeX; _pixelSizeY = rhs._pixelSizeY; _phaseCentreDL = rhs._phaseCentreDL; _phaseCentreDM = rhs._phaseCentreDM; _frequency = rhs._frequency; _bandwidth = rhs._bandwidth; _dateObs = rhs._dateObs; _hasBeam = rhs._hasBeam; _beamMajorAxisRad = rhs._beamMajorAxisRad; _beamMinorAxisRad = rhs._beamMinorAxisRad; _beamPositionAngle = rhs._beamPositionAngle; _polarization = rhs._polarization; _unit = rhs._unit; _telescopeName = rhs._telescopeName; _observer = rhs._observer; _objectName = rhs._objectName; _origin = rhs._origin; _originComment = rhs._originComment; _history = rhs._history; int status = 0; fits_close_file(_fitsPtr, &status); checkStatus(status, _filename); fits_open_file(&_fitsPtr, _filename.c_str(), READONLY, &status); checkStatus(status, _filename); // Move to first HDU int hduType; fits_movabs_hdu(_fitsPtr, 1, &hduType, &status); checkStatus(status, _filename); if(hduType != IMAGE_HDU) throw std::runtime_error("First HDU is not an image"); return *this; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { fitsfile *fptr; int i, j, status, dataok, hduok, hdunum, hdutype; char *hdustr, *datastr; for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { fits_open_file(&fptr, argv[i], READONLY, &status); if (status) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); exit(-1); } fits_get_num_hdus(fptr, &hdunum, &status); if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad get_num_hdus status for '%s' = %d", argv[i], status); exit(-1); } for (j=0; j<hdunum; j++) { fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, hdunum, &hdutype, &status); if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad movabs status for '%s[%d]' = %d.", argv[i], j, status); exit(-1); } fits_verify_chksum(fptr, &dataok, &hduok, &status); if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad verify status for '%s[%d]' = %d.", argv[i], j, status); exit(-1); } datastr = verify_status(dataok); hdustr = verify_status(hduok); printf("Verifying '%s[%d]' data='%s' hdu='%s'.\n", argv[i], j, datastr, hdustr); } } }
fitsfile* fits_init(char *filename, int iomode, int *nrelhdu, int *status) { *status = 0; fitsfile *fptr; if (fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, iomode, status)) { fits_print_error(*status); return 0; } /* Get the current HDU position and number of HDUs*/ int hdupos, nhdu; fits_get_hdu_num (fptr, &hdupos); fits_get_num_hdus(fptr, &nhdu, status); /* will process only a single header if a specific extension was given, otherwise all HDUs */ if (hdupos != 1 || strchr(filename, '[') || nhdu == 1) *nrelhdu = 0; else *nrelhdu = nhdu-hdupos; return fptr; }
str FITSdirpat(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci) { str msg = MAL_SUCCEED; str dir = *getArgReference_str(stk, pci, 1); str pat = *getArgReference_str(stk, pci, 2); fitsfile *fptr; char *s; int status = 0; glob_t globbuf; char fulldirectory[BUFSIZ]; size_t j = 0; (void)mb; globbuf.gl_offs = 0; snprintf(fulldirectory, BUFSIZ, "%s%s", dir, pat); glob(fulldirectory, GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); /* fprintf(stderr,"#fulldir: %s \nSize: %lu\n",fulldirectory, globbuf.gl_pathc);*/ if (globbuf.gl_pathc == 0) throw(MAL, "listdir", "Couldn't open the directory or there are no files that match the pattern"); for (j = 0; j < globbuf.gl_pathc; j++) { char stmt[BUFSIZ]; char fname[BUFSIZ]; s = stmt; snprintf(fname, BUFSIZ, "%s", globbuf.gl_pathv[j]); status = 0; fits_open_file(&fptr, fname, READONLY, &status); if (status == 0) { snprintf(stmt, BUFSIZ, ATTACHDIR, fname); msg = SQLstatementIntern(cntxt, &s, "fits.listofdirpat", TRUE, FALSE, NULL); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); break; } } return msg; }
// Function which determines if file is of type spSpec, spPlate int SDSS_filetype(char *infile, int *nspec){ // return value: // 0 = spSpec // 1 = spPlate // 2 = spec int val = 0; int hdunum_exp = 0; fitsfile *infits; int status = 0, hdunum = 0; //printf("Name of File: %s\n", infile); fits_open_file(&infits, infile, READONLY, &status); fits_get_num_hdus(infits, &hdunum, &status); //printf("HDUNumber: %i\n\n", hdunum); // Number of HDUs not necessarily 9. In some cases might be different if( strstr(infile, "spSpec") != NULL ){ val = 0; hdunum_exp = 7; //if(hdunum != hdunum_exp) warnmsg("Number of HDUs is not %d as expected from spSpec", hdunum_exp); } if( strstr(infile, "spPlate") != NULL ){ val = 1; hdunum_exp = 9; //if(hdunum != hdunum_exp) warnmsg("Number of HDUs is not %d as expected from spPlate", hdunum_exp); fits_read_key(infits, TINT, "NAXIS2", nspec, NULL, &status); } if( strstr(infile, "spec-") != NULL ){ val = 2; hdunum_exp = 14; //if(hdunum != hdunum_exp) warnmsg("Number of HDUs is not %d as expected from spec", hdunum_exp); } // report Error. TODO: Decide if want to use errormsg instead. fits_close_file(infits, &status); fits_report_error(stderr, status); return val; }
bool Fits2D::readDoubleKeyword(string keyword, double &value){ char *ptr = NULL; int status = 0; fitsfile *fptr; const char * filename; filename = mFitsPath.c_str(); if(fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status)){ printerror(status); return false; } char * key = new char[keyword.length()+1]; strcpy(key,keyword.c_str()); if(fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, key, &value, NULL, &status)){ printerror(status); delete key; return false; } delete key; if(fits_close_file(fptr, &status)){ printerror(status); return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; fitsfile *fptr; char card[FLEN_CARD]; int status = 0, nkeys, ii; /* MUST initialize status */ fits_open_file(&fptr, argv[1], READONLY, &status); fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status); for (ii = 1; ii <= nkeys; ii++) { fits_read_record(fptr, ii, card, &status); /* read keyword */ printf("%s\n", card); } printf("END\n\n"); /* terminate listing with END */ fits_close_file(fptr, &status); if (status) /* print any error messages */ fits_report_error(stderr, status); return(status); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double *read_data_fits(char *source_fits,long nx,long ny) { fitsfile *fptr_in; int status, anynull; long fpixel,npixels; double nullval; status = 0; fits_open_file(&fptr_in, source_fits, READONLY, &status); npixels = nx*ny; fpixel = 1; nullval = 0; double *source_map = (double *)malloc(npixels*sizeof(double)); fits_read_img(fptr_in, TDOUBLE, fpixel, npixels, &nullval,source_map, &anynull, &status); fits_close_file(fptr_in, &status); //printf("%ld %ld %ld\n", i,j,npixels); return source_map; }
int append_filter(const char *fname, int ispec, int imjd, double fmjd, struct filter_freq *hf) { int status=0; fitsfile *fptr; fits_open_file(&fptr, fname, READWRITE, &status); fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, 1, NULL, &status); int naxis; long naxes[3]; fits_get_img_dim(fptr, &naxis, &status); if (naxis!=3) { fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return(-1); } fits_get_img_size(fptr, 3, naxes, &status); if (naxes[0]!=2 || naxes[1]!=hf->nchan || naxes[2]<ispec) { fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return(-2); } int imjd0; double fmjd0; fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "IMJD", &imjd0, NULL, &status); fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "FMJD", &fmjd0, NULL, &status); double toffs = (double)(imjd-imjd0) + (fmjd-fmjd0); toffs *= 86400.0; char key[80]; sprintf(key, "DT%5.5d", ispec); fits_write_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, key, &toffs, "[s]", &status); naxes[0] = naxes[1] = 1; naxes[2] = ispec; fits_write_pix(fptr, TFLOAT, naxes, 2*hf->nchan, (float *)hf->data, &status); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in append_filter:\n"); fits_report_error(stderr, status); return(-1); } return(0); }
void ClienteQtFits::leerFits() { fitsfile *fptr; float nullval, pline[2048]; int status = 0, anynull=0; long fpixel = 1; char filename[] = "/home/ievivas/Desarrollo/obs401.qnx3.ccd2.n110.fits"; if (fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status)) printerror(status); for (int i=0; i<512; i++) { if ( fits_read_img(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, 2048, &nullval, pline, &anynull, &status) ) printerror( status ); for (int j=0; j<2048; j++) { matrix(i, j) = quint16(pline[j]); } fpixel = fpixel + 2100; std::cout << 512 - i << std::endl; } }
/* This program illustrates how to use the CFITSIO iterator function. It simply prints out the values in a character string and a logical type column in a table, and toggles the value in the logical column so that T -> F and F -> T. */ main() { extern str_iter(); /* external work function is passed to the iterator */ fitsfile *fptr; iteratorCol cols[2]; int n_cols; long rows_per_loop, offset; int status = 0; char filename[] = ""; /* name of rate FITS file */ /* open the file and move to the correct extension */ fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READWRITE, &status); fits_movnam_hdu(fptr, BINARY_TBL, "iter_test", 0, &status); /* define input column structure members for the iterator function */ n_cols = 2; /* number of columns */ /* define input column structure members for the iterator function */ fits_iter_set_by_name(&cols[0], fptr, "Avalue", TSTRING, InputOutputCol); fits_iter_set_by_name(&cols[1], fptr, "Lvalue", TLOGICAL, InputOutputCol); rows_per_loop = 0; /* use default optimum number of rows */ offset = 0; /* process all the rows */ /* apply the function to each row of the table */ printf("Calling iterator function...%d\n", status); fits_iterate_data(n_cols, cols, offset, rows_per_loop, str_iter, 0L, &status); fits_close_file(fptr, &status); /* all done */ if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print out error messages */ return(status); }
int is_PSRFITS(char *filename) // Return 1 if the file described by filename is a PSRFITS file // Return 0 otherwise. { fitsfile *fptr; int status=0; char ctmp[80], comment[120]; // Read the primary HDU fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status); if (status) return 0; // Make the easy check first fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "FITSTYPE", ctmp, comment, &status); if (status || strcmp(ctmp, "PSRFITS")) return 0; // See if the data are search-mode fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "OBS_MODE", ctmp, comment, &status); if (status || (strcmp(ctmp, "SEARCH") && strcmp(ctmp, "SRCH"))) return 0; fits_close_file(fptr, &status); return 1; // it is search-mode PSRFITS }
void avtFITSFileFormat::Initialize(avtDatabaseMetaData *md) { const char *mName = "avtFITSFileFormat::Initialize: "; if(fits == 0) { debug4 << mName << "Opening " << filename << endl; int status = 0; if(fits_open_file(&fits, filename, 0, &status)) { PrintError(status); EXCEPTION1(InvalidFilesException, filename); } char card[FLEN_CARD], tmp[100]; std::string fileComment; int hdutype = 0; // Iterate over the HDU's for(int hdu = 1; !(fits_movabs_hdu(fits, hdu, &hdutype, &status)); hdu++) { debug4 << mName << "Looking at HDU " << hdu << endl; // Get no. of keywords int nkeys = 0, keypos = 0; if(fits_get_hdrpos(fits, &nkeys, &keypos, &status)) PrintError(status); if(hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) { debug4 << mName << "HDU " << hdu << " contains an image" << endl; //int status2 = 0; char value[FLEN_VALUE]; std::string objname, bunit, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel; // Try and get the key value for BUNIT if(GetKeywordValue("BUNIT", value)) { bunit = std::string(value); debug4 << "\tBUNIT=" << value << endl; } // Try and get the key value for OBJECT if(GetKeywordValue("OBJECT", value)) { objname = std::string(value); debug4 << "\tOBJECT=" << value << endl; } #if 0 // // Re-enable these someday when we read the mesh coordinates from the file // and use them to construct a sensible mesh. // // Try and get the key value for CTYPE1 if(GetKeywordValue("CTYPE1", value)) { xlabel = std::string(value); debug4 << "\tCTYPE1=" << value << endl; } // Try and get the key value for CTYPE2 if(GetKeywordValue("CTYPE2", value)) { ylabel = std::string(value); debug4 << "\tCTYPE2=" << value << endl; } // Try and get the key value for CTYPE3 if(GetKeywordValue("CTYPE3", value)) { zlabel = std::string(value); debug4 << "\tCTYPE3=" << value << endl; } #endif // Use the keywords to create a comment. SNPRINTF(tmp, 100, "Header listing for HDU #%d:\n", hdu); fileComment += tmp; for(int jj = 1; jj <= nkeys; jj++) { if(fits_read_record(fits, jj, card, &status)) PrintError(status); std::string cs(card); fileComment += cs; if(cs.size() > 0 && cs[cs.size()-1] != '\n') fileComment += "\n"; } fileComment += "\n\n"; // // Get the image's dimensions. // int ndims = 0; if(fits_get_img_dim(fits, &ndims, &status)) PrintError(status); debug4 << mName << "Num dimensions: " << ndims << ", status=" << status << endl; long *dims = new long[ndims]; if(fits_get_img_size(fits, ndims, dims, &status)) PrintError(status); if(ndims == 0) { debug4 << mName << "The image has no dimensions. Skip it." << endl; continue; } // // Create a mesh name for the image. // intVector mdims; std::string meshName("image"); debug4 << mName << "Image dimensions: "; bool dimensionsNonZero = false; for(int i = 0; i < ndims; ++i) { char num[20]; if(i > 0) SNPRINTF(num, 20, "x%d", (int)dims[i]); else SNPRINTF(num, 20, "%d", (int)dims[i]); meshName += num; mdims.push_back((int)dims[i]); dimensionsNonZero |= (dims[i] != 0); debug4 << dims[i] << ", "; } debug4 << endl; if(!dimensionsNonZero) { debug4 << mName << "All dimensions were zero. skip." << endl; continue; } if(ndims == 1 && objname != "") meshName = objname; if(meshDimensions.find(meshName) == meshDimensions.end()) { meshDimensions[meshName] = mdims; // Create metadata if necessary. if(md != 0) { if(ndims == 1) { debug4 << mName << "Adding a curve called " << meshName.c_str() << " for HDU " << hdu << endl; avtCurveMetaData *cmd = new avtCurveMetaData; cmd->name = meshName; if(xlabel != "") cmd->xLabel = xlabel; if(ylabel != "") cmd->yLabel = ylabel; md->Add(cmd); // Do this because we use GetVar to read the data // that we use to create the curve. varToHDU[meshName] = hdu; varToMesh[meshName] = meshName; } else { int sdims, tdims; int nrealdims = (ndims <= 3) ? ndims : 3; #define VECTOR_SUPPORT #ifdef VECTOR_SUPPORT if(nrealdims == 3 && dims[2] == 3) nrealdims = 2; #endif sdims = tdims = nrealdims; debug4 << mName << "Adding a " << sdims << " dimensional mesh called " << meshName.c_str() << " for HDU " << hdu << endl; avtMeshMetaData *mmd = new avtMeshMetaData( meshName, 1, 1, 1, 0, sdims, tdims, AVT_RECTILINEAR_MESH); if(xlabel != "") mmd->xLabel = xlabel; if(ylabel != "") mmd->yLabel = ylabel; if(zlabel != "") mmd->zLabel = zlabel; md->Add(mmd); } } } // // Create a name for the variable at this HDU // if(ndims > 1) { char varname[100]; SNPRINTF(varname, 100, "hdu%d", hdu); std::string vName(varname); if(objname != "") vName = objname; varToHDU[vName] = hdu; varToMesh[vName] = meshName; // Create metadata if necessary if(md != 0) { #ifdef VECTOR_SUPPORT // Limit the dimensions to 3. int ncomps = 1; int nrealdims = (ndims <= 3) ? ndims : 3; if(nrealdims == 3 && dims[2] == 3) ncomps = 3; if(ncomps == 1) { #endif debug4 << mName << "Adding a scalar called " << vName.c_str() << " for HDU " << hdu << endl; // Add the scalar metadata avtScalarMetaData *smd = new avtScalarMetaData( vName, meshName, AVT_ZONECENT); smd->hasUnits = bunit != ""; smd->units = bunit; md->Add(smd); #ifdef VECTOR_SUPPORT } else { debug4 << mName << "Adding a color vector called " << vName.c_str() << " for HDU " << hdu << endl; // Add the vector metadata avtVectorMetaData *vmd = new avtVectorMetaData( vName, meshName, AVT_ZONECENT, 4); // vmd->hasUnits = true; // vmd->units = md->Add(vmd); } #endif } } delete [] dims; } else if(hdutype == ASCII_TBL) { debug4 << mName << "HDU " << hdu << " contains an ascii table" << endl; } else if(hdutype == BINARY_TBL) { debug4 << mName << "HDU " << hdu << " contains a binary table" << endl; // Use the keywords to create a comment. SNPRINTF(tmp, 100, "Header listing for HDU #%d:\n", hdu); debug4 << tmp; for(int jj = 1; jj <= nkeys; jj++) { if(fits_read_record(fits, jj, card, &status)) PrintError(status); std::string cs(card); if(cs.size() > 0 && cs[cs.size()-1] != '\n') cs += "\n"; debug4 << "\t" << cs.c_str(); } } } if(md != 0) md->SetDatabaseComment(fileComment); } }
/* This function is called with (cosx,cosy,cosz) denoting the unit vector * in marx spacecraft coordinates that corresponds to the desired * location of the optical axis. This will place a source at this * position on axis (Duhh!). To simulate an event file as-is, the user * should use the nominal ra and dec as given in the event file for the * source position. */ int user_open_source (char **argv, int argc, double area, double cosx, double cosy, double cosz) { char *file, *extname; fitsfile *f; int status = 0; double want_ra, want_dec; char *spectral_file, *ra_str, *dec_str; file = spectral_file = ra_str = dec_str = NULL; switch (argc) { default: return usage (); case 4: ra_str = argv[2]; dec_str = argv[3]; if (1 != sscanf (ra_str, "%lf", &want_ra)) return usage (); if (1 != sscanf (dec_str, "%lf", &want_dec)) return usage (); want_ra *= PI/180; want_dec *= PI/180; /* drop */ case 2: file = argv[0]; spectral_file = argv[1]; break; } extname = "EVENTS"; (void) fits_open_file (&f, file, READONLY, &status); if (status) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open fits file %s\n", file); dump_fits_error (status); return -1; } if (0 != fits_movnam_hdu (f, BINARY_TBL, extname, 1, &status)) { dump_fits_error (status); close_file (f); return -1; } if ((-1 == get_col_num (f, "X", &X_Col_Num)) || (-1 == get_col_num (f, "Y", &Y_Col_Num)) || (-1 == get_col_num (f, "EXPNO", &Expno_Col_Num)) || (-1 == get_col_num (f, "PI", &Pi_Col_Num))) { close_file (f); return -1; } if ((-1 == read_wcs_info (f, X_Col_Num, &X_CrVal, &X_CrPix, &X_CDelt)) || (-1 == read_wcs_info (f, Y_Col_Num, &Y_CrVal, &Y_CrPix, &Y_CDelt))) { close_file (f); return -1; } if ((-1 == read_key_double (f, "RA_NOM", &Nominal_Ra)) || (-1 == read_key_double (f, "DEC_NOM", &Nominal_Dec)) || (-1 == read_key_double (f, "ROLL_NOM", &Nominal_Roll)) || (-1 == read_key_double (f, "TSTART", &TStart))) { close_file (f); return -1; } Nominal_Ra *= PI/180.0; Nominal_Dec *= PI/180.0; Nominal_Roll *= PI/180.0; Nominal_Pointing = JDMv_spherical_to_vector (1.0, PI/2 - Nominal_Dec, Nominal_Ra); Marx_Pointing.x = -cosx; Marx_Pointing.y = -cosy; Marx_Pointing.z = -cosz; if (ra_str == NULL) want_ra = Nominal_Ra; if (dec_str == NULL) want_dec = Nominal_Dec; setup_rotations (want_ra, want_dec); if (-1 == init_spectral_bins (spectral_file)) { close_file (f); return -1; } Events_Ptr = f; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv []) { if(populate_env_variable(REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2_ERROR_CODES_FILE")) { printf("\nUnable to populate [REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE] variable with corresponding environment variable. Routine will proceed without error handling\n"); } if (argc != 7) { if(populate_env_variable(SPE_BLURB_FILE, "L2_SPE_BLURB_FILE")) { RETURN_FLAG = 1; } else { print_file(SPE_BLURB_FILE); } write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -1, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); return 1; } else { // *********************************************************************** // Redefine routine input parameters char *input_f = strdup(argv[1]); char *method = strdup(argv[2]); char *ss_method = strdup(argv[3]); double target_half_aperture_px = strtod(argv[4], NULL); int sky_window_half_aperture_px = strtol(argv[5], NULL, 0); char *output_f = strdup(argv[6]); // *********************************************************************** // Open input file (ARG 1), get parameters and perform any data format // checks fitsfile *input_f_ptr; int input_f_maxdim = 2, input_f_status = 0, input_f_bitpix, input_f_naxis; long input_f_naxes [2] = {1,1}; if(!fits_open_file(&input_f_ptr, input_f, IMG_READ_ACCURACY, &input_f_status)) { if(!populate_img_parameters(input_f, input_f_ptr, input_f_maxdim, &input_f_bitpix, &input_f_naxis, input_f_naxes, &input_f_status, "INPUT FRAME")) { if (input_f_naxis != 2) { // any data format checks here write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -2, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); return 1; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -3, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); return 1; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -4, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // Set the range limits int cut_x [2] = {1, input_f_naxes[0]}; int cut_y [2] = {1, input_f_naxes[1]}; // *********************************************************************** // Set parameters used when reading data from input file (ARG 1) long fpixel [2] = {cut_x[0], cut_y[0]}; long nxelements = (cut_x[1] - cut_x[0]) + 1; long nyelements = (cut_y[1] - cut_y[0]) + 1; // *********************************************************************** // Create arrays to store pixel values from input fits file (ARG 1) double input_f_pixels [nxelements]; // *********************************************************************** // Get input fits file (ARG 1) values and store in 2D array int ii; double input_frame_values [nyelements][nxelements]; memset(input_frame_values, 0, sizeof(double)*nxelements*nyelements); for (fpixel[1] = cut_y[0]; fpixel[1] <= cut_y[1]; fpixel[1]++) { memset(input_f_pixels, 0, sizeof(double)*nxelements); if(!fits_read_pix(input_f_ptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, nxelements, NULL, input_f_pixels, NULL, &input_f_status)) { for (ii=0; ii<nxelements; ii++) { input_frame_values[fpixel[1]-1][ii] = input_f_pixels[ii]; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -5, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); return 1; } } // *********************************************************************** // Open [SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE] input file FILE *inputfile; if (!check_file_exists(SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE)) { inputfile = fopen(SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE , "r"); } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -6, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // Find some [SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE] input file details char input_string [150]; int row_count = 0; while(!feof(inputfile)) { memset(input_string, '\0', sizeof(char)*150); fgets(input_string, 150, inputfile); if (strtol(&input_string[0], NULL, 0) > 0) { // check the line begins with a positive number (usable) row_count++; } } rewind(inputfile); // *********************************************************************** // Store [SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE] data double x_coords[row_count]; memset(x_coords, 0, sizeof(double)*(row_count)); double y_coords[row_count]; memset(y_coords, 0, sizeof(double)*(row_count)); double coord_x, coord_y; int idx = 0; while(!feof(inputfile)) { memset(input_string, '\0', sizeof(char)*150); fgets(input_string, 150, inputfile); if (strtol(&input_string[0], NULL, 0) > 0) { // check the line begins with a positive number (usable) sscanf(input_string, "%lf\t%lf\n", &coord_x, &coord_y); x_coords[idx] = coord_x; y_coords[idx] = coord_y; idx++; } } double output_frame_values[nxelements]; memset(output_frame_values, 0, sizeof(double)*nxelements); // *********************************************************************** // EXTRACTION if (strcmp(method, "simple") == 0) { // *********************************************************************** // PARTIAL PIXEL APERTURE int ii, jj; double y; y = y_coords[0]; // should only be one bin in [SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE] data file double this_col_value; for (ii=0; ii<nxelements; ii++) { this_col_value = 0.; // *********************************************************************** // Does [y] violate the img boundaries? if ((y + target_half_aperture_px > nyelements) || (y - target_half_aperture_px <= 0)) { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -7, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // Extract flux within aperture double y_low, y_high; y_low = y-target_half_aperture_px-0.5; y_high = y+target_half_aperture_px+0.5; int y_low_floor, y_high_floor; y_low_floor = floor(y-target_half_aperture_px-0.5); // 0.5 as taking (half_ap*2) + 1 as total aperture y_high_floor = floor(y+target_half_aperture_px+0.5); for (jj=y_low_floor; jj<=y_high_floor; jj++) { if (jj == y_low_floor) { // outside pixel where partial flux needs to be taken into account double partial_fraction_of_bin = (y_low_floor + 1) - y_low; this_col_value += partial_fraction_of_bin * input_frame_values[jj][ii]; } else if (jj == y_high_floor) { // outside pixel where partial flux needs to be taken into account double partial_fraction_of_bin = y_high - y_high_floor; this_col_value += partial_fraction_of_bin * input_frame_values[jj][ii]; } else { this_col_value += input_frame_values[jj][ii]; } } output_frame_values[ii] = this_col_value; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -8, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // SKY SUBTRACTION if (strcmp(ss_method, "none") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(ss_method, "median") == 0) { // *********************************************************************** // MEDIAN SUBTRACTION int ii, jj; double y; y = y_coords[0]; // should only be one bin in [SPFIND_OUTPUTF_PEAKS_FILE] data file double this_col_value; for (ii=0; ii<nxelements; ii++) { this_col_value = 0.; // *********************************************************************** // Does [y] violate the img boundaries? if ((y + target_half_aperture_px + sky_window_half_aperture_px > nyelements) || (y - target_half_aperture_px - sky_window_half_aperture_px <= 0)) { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -9, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // Find pixels for sky aperture int ap_lower_lo, ap_lower_hi, ap_upper_lo, ap_upper_hi; ap_lower_lo = floor(y-target_half_aperture_px-0.5) - sky_window_half_aperture_px - 1; ap_lower_hi = floor(y-target_half_aperture_px-0.5) - 1; ap_upper_lo = floor(y+target_half_aperture_px+0.5) + 1; ap_upper_hi = floor(y+target_half_aperture_px+0.5) + sky_window_half_aperture_px + 1; int n_ap_values = (ap_lower_hi-ap_lower_lo) + (ap_upper_hi-ap_upper_lo) + 2; double ap_values[n_ap_values]; int idx = 0; for (jj=ap_lower_lo; jj<=ap_lower_hi; jj++) { ap_values[idx] = input_frame_values[jj][ii]; idx++; } for (jj=ap_upper_lo; jj<=ap_upper_hi; jj++) { ap_values[idx] = input_frame_values[jj][ii]; idx++; } // DEBUG /*for (jj=0; jj<idx; jj++) printf("%f,", ap_values[jj]); printf("\n"); for (jj=0; jj<idx; jj++) printf("%d,", jj); printf("\n");*/ // Take median double ap_values_sorted [n_ap_values]; memcpy(ap_values_sorted, ap_values, sizeof(double)*n_ap_values); gsl_sort(ap_values_sorted, 1, (ap_lower_hi-ap_lower_lo) + (ap_upper_hi-ap_upper_lo) + 2); double ap_values_median = gsl_stats_median_from_sorted_data(ap_values_sorted, 1, n_ap_values); this_col_value = ap_values_median * ((target_half_aperture_px*2) + 1); // need to scale up to target extraction aperture size output_frame_values[ii] -= this_col_value; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -10, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // Set output frame parameters fitsfile *output_f_ptr; int output_f_status = 0; long output_f_naxes [2] = {nxelements, 1}; long output_f_fpixel = 1; // *********************************************************************** // Create and write [output_frame_values] to output file (ARG 6) if (!fits_create_file(&output_f_ptr, output_f, &output_f_status)) { if (!fits_create_img(output_f_ptr, INTERMEDIATE_IMG_ACCURACY[0], 2, output_f_naxes, &output_f_status)) { if (!fits_write_img(output_f_ptr, INTERMEDIATE_IMG_ACCURACY[1], output_f_fpixel, nxelements, output_frame_values, &output_f_status)) { } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -11, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, output_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); if(fits_close_file(output_f_ptr, &output_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, output_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -12, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, output_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); if(fits_close_file(output_f_ptr, &output_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, output_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } } else { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -13, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error(stdout, output_f_status); free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); fclose(inputfile); return 1; } // *********************************************************************** // Free arrays on heap free(input_f); free(output_f); free(method); free(ss_method); // *********************************************************************** // Close input file (ARG 1) and output file (ARG 6) if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -14, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); return 1; } if(fits_close_file(output_f_ptr, &output_f_status)) { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", -15, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); fits_report_error (stdout, output_f_status); return 1; } if (fclose(inputfile)) { write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATTR", -16, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); return 1; } // Write success to [ERROR_CODES_FILE] write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATEX", RETURN_FLAG, "Status flag for L2 spextract routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS); return 0; } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *opt; char grism_file[MAXCHAR]; char grism_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char aper_file[MAXCHAR]; char aper_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char obj_PET_file[MAXCHAR]; char obj_PET_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char bck_PET_file[MAXCHAR]; char bck_PET_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char conf_file[MAXCHAR]; char conf_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char SPC_file[MAXCHAR]; char SPC_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char SPC_opt_file[MAXCHAR]; char SPC_opt_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char WHT_file[MAXCHAR]; char WHT_file_path[MAXCHAR]; char label[MAXCHAR]; int i, index, dobck = 0, noflux = 1; object **oblist; FITScards *cards; ap_pixel *obj_PET = NULL, *bck_PET = NULL; observation *obs; //tracestruct *trace; aperture_conf *conf; spectrum *obj_spec = NULL, *bck_spec = NULL, *sobj_spec = NULL; spectrum *resp; response_function *resp_func; calib_function *wl_calibration; fitsfile *OPET_ptr, *BPET_ptr; int f_status = 0; fitsfile *SPC_ptr, *SPC_opt_ptr, *WHT_ptr; gsl_matrix *weights; drzstamp *modvar; int obj_aperID, obj_beamID, objindex; int bck_aperID, bck_beamID; char table[MAXCHAR], table_path[MAXCHAR]; //char comment[FLEN_COMMENT]; int empty; int drizzle; int quant_cont=0; int opt_weights=0; int for_grism=0; int smooth_conv=0; d_point smooth_params; double exptime; double sky_cps; drzstamp_dim dimension; gsl_matrix *coverage; if (((argc < 3)) || (opt = get_online_option ("help", argc, argv))) { fprintf (stdout, "ST-ECF European Coordinating Facility\n" "Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Kuemmel\n" "aXe_PET2SPC Version %s:\n" " aXe task that produces 1-D, binned spectra using information\n" " contained in a OPET and a BPET. A 1-D spectrum is generated\n" " for each beam in each of both the OPET and the BPET files\n" " The binned background spectra of each beam (order) is then\n" " subtraced from the corresponding spectra form the OPET. Th\ne" " background subtraction (and reading a BPET altogether can be\n" " avoided by using the -noBPET option\n" " An SPC file, a multi-extension FITS file containing binned\n" " spectra is produced. Each extension (named after the beam ID,\n" " e.g. 11B for aperture (object) 11,beam (order) B) contains the\n" " following columns:\n" "\n" " LAMBDA ; the wavelength (in A)\n" " TCOUNT ; the total number of counts (in DN)\n" " TERROR ; the error in TERRORS (in DN)\n" " BCOUNT ; the estimated number of counts from the\n" " background (in DN)\n" " BERROR ; the error in BCOUNTS (in DN)\n" " COUNT ; the estimated number of counts from the\n" " object (in DN)\n" " ERROR ; the error in COUNTS (in DN)\n" " FLUX ; the estimated flux (in erg/s/cm^2/A)\n" " FERROR ; the error in FLUX (in erg/s/cm^s/A)\n" " WEIGHT ; weight (in pixels)\n" "\n" " Input FITS mages are looked for in $AXE_IMAGE_PATH\n" " aXe config file is looked for in $AXE_CONFIG_PATH\n" " All outputs are writen to $AXE_OUTPUT_PATH\n" "\n" "Usage:\n" " aXe_PET2SPC [g/prism image filename] [aXe config file name] [options]\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -noBPET - to disable the use of a BPET file\n" " -noflux - to disable the flux calibration\n" " -drz - use $AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH to locate the grism-, OAF-\n" " - and PET-files instead of $AXE_IMAGE/OUTPUT_PATH\n" " -in_AF=[string] - overwrite the default input Aperture File name\n" " -OPET=[string] - overwrite the default input Object PET file name\n" " -BPET=[string] - overwrite the default input Background PET\n" " file name\n" " -out_SPC=[string] - overwrite the default output SPC file name\n" "\n" "Example:\n" " ./aXe_PET2SPC slim_grism.fits SLIM.conf.A.0\n" "\n",RELEASE); exit (1); } // make a general opening statement fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Starting...\n"); // get the name of the flt-file index = 0; strcpy (grism_file, argv[++index]); if ((opt = get_online_option ("drz", argc, argv))) { build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, grism_file, grism_file_path); drizzle=1; } else { build_path (AXE_IMAGE_PATH, grism_file, grism_file_path); drizzle=0; } // get the name of the configuration file strcpy (conf_file, argv[++index]); build_path (AXE_CONFIG_PATH, conf_file, conf_file_path); // load the configuration file conf = get_aperture_descriptor (conf_file_path); // Determine where the various extensions are in the FITS file get_extension_numbers(grism_file_path, conf,conf->optkey1,conf->optval1); // Build aperture file name replace_file_extension (grism_file, aper_file, ".fits", ".OAF", conf->science_numext); if (drizzle) build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, aper_file, aper_file_path); else build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, aper_file, aper_file_path); // Build object PET file name replace_file_extension (grism_file, obj_PET_file, ".fits", ".PET.fits", conf->science_numext); // make the total filename if (drizzle) build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, obj_PET_file, obj_PET_file_path); else build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, obj_PET_file, obj_PET_file_path); // Build background PET file name replace_file_extension (grism_file, bck_PET_file, ".fits", ".BCK.PET.fits", conf->science_numext); // make the total filename if (drizzle) build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, bck_PET_file, bck_PET_file_path); else build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, bck_PET_file, bck_PET_file_path); // make a non-standard AF name if necessary if ((opt = get_online_option ("in_AF", argc, argv))) { strcpy(aper_file,opt); strcpy(aper_file_path,opt); } // make a non-standard PET name if necessary if ((opt = get_online_option ("OPET", argc, argv))) { strcpy(obj_PET_file,opt); strcpy(obj_PET_file_path,opt); } // make a non-standard BPET name if necessary if ((opt = get_online_option ("BPET", argc, argv))) { strcpy(bck_PET_file,opt); strcpy(bck_PET_file_path,opt); } // set the flagg for no background subtraction if ((opt = get_online_option ("noBPET",argc,argv))) { dobck = 0; strcpy(bck_PET_file,"None"); strcpy(bck_PET_file_path, "None"); } else { dobck = 1; } // set the flagg for flux if ((opt = get_online_option ("noflux",argc,argv))) noflux = 1; else noflux = 0; // check for the weights flagg, // set the file name if the flagg is set if ((opt = get_online_option ("opt_weights",argc,argv))) opt_weights = 1; else opt_weights = 0; // read the trigger for smoothing the sensitivity if ((opt = get_online_option ("smooth_conv",argc,argv))) smooth_conv = 1; else smooth_conv = 0; if ((opt = get_online_option ("out_SPC", argc, argv))) { strcpy (SPC_file, opt); strcpy (SPC_file_path, opt); if (opt_weights) { replace_file_extension (SPC_file, SPC_opt_file, ".fits", "_opt.SPC.fits", -1); replace_file_extension (SPC_file_path, SPC_opt_file_path, ".fits", "_opt.SPC.fits", -1); replace_file_extension (SPC_opt_file, WHT_file, ".SPC.fits", ".WHT.fits", -1); replace_file_extension (SPC_opt_file_path, WHT_file_path, ".SPC.fits", ".WHT.fits", -1); } } else { replace_file_extension (obj_PET_file, SPC_file, ".PET.fits", ".SPC.fits", -1); if (drizzle) build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, SPC_file, SPC_file_path); else build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, SPC_file, SPC_file_path); if (opt_weights) { replace_file_extension (obj_PET_file, SPC_opt_file, ".PET.fits", "_opt.SPC.fits", -1); replace_file_extension (SPC_opt_file, WHT_file, ".SPC.fits", ".WHT.fits", -1); if (drizzle) { build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, SPC_opt_file, SPC_opt_file_path); build_path (AXE_DRIZZLE_PATH, WHT_file, WHT_file_path); } else { build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, SPC_opt_file, SPC_opt_file_path); build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, WHT_file, WHT_file_path); } } } // check the configuration file for the smoothin keywords if (!check_conf_for_smoothing(conf, smooth_conv)) aXe_message(aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SP: Either the configuration file %s does not contain\n" "the necessary keywords for the smoothing (POBJSIZE, SMFACTOR),\n" "or one of these keywords has an unreasonable value < 0.0!\n", conf_file_path); // give feedback onto the screen: // report on input and output // and also on specific parameter fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Input configuration file name: %s\n", conf_file_path); fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Input Object Aperture file name: %s\n", aper_file_path); fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Input Object PET file name: %s\n", obj_PET_file_path); if (dobck) fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Input Background PET file name: %s\n", bck_PET_file_path); fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Output SPC file name: %s\n", SPC_file_path); if (opt_weights) { fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Computing optimal weights.\n"); fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Optimized SPC file name: %s\n", SPC_opt_file_path); fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Output WHT file name: %s\n", WHT_file_path); } if (!noflux) { fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Performing flux calibration.\n"); if (smooth_conv) fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Using smoothed sensitivity curves.\n"); } fprintf (stdout, "\n\n"); // // try to get the descriptor 'exptime' from the 'sci'-extension // exptime = (double)get_float_from_keyword(grism_file_path, conf->science_numext, conf->exptimekey); if (isnan(exptime)) exptime = (double)get_float_from_keyword(grism_file_path, 1, conf->exptimekey); if (isnan(exptime)) exptime = 1.0; // // try to get the descriptor 'SKY_CPS' from the 'sci'-extension // sky_cps = (double)get_float_from_keyword(grism_file_path, conf->science_numext, "SKY_CPS"); if (isnan(sky_cps)) sky_cps = 0.0; // Open the OPET file for reading fits_open_file (&OPET_ptr, obj_PET_file_path, READONLY, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stderr, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SPC: Could not open file: %s\n", obj_PET_file_path); } // check whether the contamination is quantitative quant_cont = check_quantitative_contamination(OPET_ptr); if (opt_weights && !quant_cont) aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SPC: The optimal extractions needs quantitative contamination! " " Please re-run aXe with Gauss or Fluxcube contamination!"); obs = load_dummy_observation (); /* Loading the object list */ fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Loading object aperture list..."); oblist = file_to_object_list_seq (aper_file_path, obs); fprintf (stdout,"%d objects loaded.\n",object_list_size(oblist)); if (dobck) { // Open the file for reading fits_open_file (&BPET_ptr, bck_PET_file_path, READONLY, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stderr, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SP: Could not open file: %s\n", bck_PET_file_path); } } /* Copy the header info from the grism image */ SPC_ptr = create_SPC_opened (SPC_file_path,1); cards = get_FITS_cards_opened(OPET_ptr); put_FITS_cards_opened(SPC_ptr, cards); free_FITScards(cards); if (opt_weights) { cards = get_FITS_cards_opened(OPET_ptr); // open the WHT file and add the header keywords WHT_ptr = create_FITSimage_opened (WHT_file_path, 1); put_FITS_cards_opened(WHT_ptr, cards); // open the opt_SPC and add the header keywords SPC_opt_ptr = create_SPC_opened (SPC_opt_file_path,1); put_FITS_cards_opened(SPC_opt_ptr, cards); // delete the header keywords free_FITScards(cards); } // do something only if there // exist valid objects i = 0; if (oblist!=NULL) { // turn until the end of the PET is reached while (1) { empty=0; // Get the PET for this object obj_PET = get_ALL_from_next_in_PET(OPET_ptr, &obj_aperID, &obj_beamID); // load the background PET if requested if (dobck) { bck_PET = get_ALL_from_next_in_PET(BPET_ptr, &bck_aperID, &bck_beamID); if ((bck_aperID!=obj_aperID)||(bck_beamID!=obj_beamID)) aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Background PET and Object PET extensions are not" " in the same order and cannot be combined.\n"); } // end of PET reached: the break condition if ((obj_aperID==-1) && (obj_beamID==-1)) break; // signal an empty PET if (obj_PET==NULL) empty=1; // give feedback to the screen fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: BEAM %d; %d%c\n", i, obj_aperID, BEAM(obj_beamID));fflush(stdout); // identify the object which matches the PET objindex = find_object_in_object_list(oblist,obj_aperID); // look whether we are for grisms or prisms for_grism = check_for_grism (conf_file_path, obj_beamID); wl_calibration = get_calfunc_for_beam(oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID], for_grism, conf_file_path, conf); // compute the object spectrum obj_spec = bin_naive (obj_PET, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID].width, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID].orient, quant_cont); // check for the existence of a background PET if (dobck) { // compute the background spectrum bck_spec = bin_naive (bck_PET, oblist[objindex]->beams[bck_beamID].width, oblist[objindex]->beams[bck_beamID].orient, quant_cont); } else { // create a dummy background spectrum bck_spec = empty_counts_spectrum_copy(obj_spec); } // subtract the background spectrum from the // object (or forground) spectrum sobj_spec = subtract_spectra (obj_spec, bck_spec); if(!noflux) { get_troughput_table_name(conf_file_path, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID].ID, table); if (strcmp(table,"None")) { build_path (AXE_CONFIG_PATH, table, table_path); resp=get_response_function_from_FITS(table_path,2); resp_func = create_response_function(table_path); if (resp->spec_len <2) { aXe_message (aXe_M_WARN1, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Throughput table %s contains only %d" " values. No sensitivity curve was applied.\n", table_path,resp->spec_len); } else { fprintf(stdout,"aXe_PET2SPC: Applying sensitivity contained in %s\n",table_path); smooth_params = get_smooth_pars_for_beam(conf, smooth_conv, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID]); if (smooth_params.x > 0.0) { // apply a smoothed flux conversion apply_smoothed_response(wl_calibration, for_grism, quant_cont, resp_func, smooth_params, sobj_spec); } else { // apply a normal flux conversion apply_response_function(sobj_spec,resp, quant_cont); } } // free the memory of the // response functions free_spectrum(resp); free_response_function(resp_func); } } if (empty!=1) { add_spectra_to_SPC_opened (SPC_ptr, obj_spec, bck_spec, sobj_spec, oblist[objindex]->ID, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID].ID); /* Copy header from OPET extension into this SPC extension */ cards = get_FITS_cards_opened(OPET_ptr); put_FITS_cards_opened(SPC_ptr,cards); free_FITScards(cards); } free_spectrum (bck_spec); free_spectrum (sobj_spec); free_spectrum (obj_spec); if (opt_weights) { // get the dimension in trace length // and crossdispersion dimension = get_all_dims(obj_PET, bck_PET, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID], dobck); // check for empty PET if (!dimension.resolution) { // create dummies in case of empty PET's weights = get_default_weight(); modvar = get_default_modvar(); } else { // prepare the PET's by computing the inverse variance. // Also the trace distances are shifted by 0.5 // to get a sampling comparable to the unweighted // extraction prepare_inv_variance(obj_PET, bck_PET, dobck, conf, exptime, sky_cps, 0.0); // compute the inverse variance and the profile // image in the trace distance - crossdispersion plane modvar = compute_modvar(obj_PET, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID], dimension); // compute the optimal weights weights = comp_allweight(modvar); } if (dimension.resolution && empty != 1) { sprintf (label, "WHT_%d%c", obj_aperID, BEAM (obj_beamID)); gsl_to_FITSimage_opened (weights, WHT_ptr ,0,label); // make and store the default header cards = beam_to_FITScards(oblist[objindex],obj_beamID); put_FITS_cards_opened(WHT_ptr,cards); free_FITScards(cards); } // create the optimal weighted // foreground spectrum obj_spec = bin_optimal (obj_PET,oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID], quant_cont, weights, dimension, coverage); // check for the presence of a background PET if (dobck) { // create the optimal weighted // background spectrum bck_spec = bin_optimal (bck_PET,oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID], quant_cont, weights, dimension, coverage); } else { // make a dummy background spectrum bck_spec = empty_counts_spectrum_copy(obj_spec); } // release memory gsl_matrix_free(weights); free_drzstamp(modvar); // subtract the background spectrum from the // object (or forground) spectrum sobj_spec = subtract_spectra (obj_spec, bck_spec); if(!noflux) { get_troughput_table_name(conf_file_path, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID].ID, table); if (strcmp(table,"None")) { build_path (AXE_CONFIG_PATH, table, table_path); resp=get_response_function_from_FITS(table_path,2); resp_func = create_response_function(table_path); if (resp->spec_len <2) { aXe_message (aXe_M_WARN1, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Throughput table %s contains only %d" " values. No sensitivity curve was applied.\n", table_path,resp->spec_len); } else { fprintf(stdout,"aXe_PET2SPC: Applying sensitivity contained in %s\n",table_path); smooth_params = get_smooth_pars_for_beam(conf, smooth_conv, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID]); if (smooth_params.x > 0.0) { apply_smoothed_response(wl_calibration, for_grism, quant_cont, resp_func, smooth_params, sobj_spec); } else { apply_response_function(sobj_spec,resp, quant_cont); } } // free the memory free_spectrum(resp); free_response_function(resp_func); } } if (empty!=1) { add_spectra_to_SPC_opened (SPC_opt_ptr, obj_spec, bck_spec, sobj_spec, oblist[objindex]->ID, oblist[objindex]->beams[obj_beamID].ID); /* Copy header from OPET extension into this SPC extension */ cards = get_FITS_cards_opened(OPET_ptr); put_FITS_cards_opened(SPC_opt_ptr,cards); free_FITScards(cards); } free_spectrum (bck_spec); free_spectrum (sobj_spec); free_spectrum (obj_spec); } // free memory free_calib (wl_calibration); if (bck_PET!=NULL) free (bck_PET); if (obj_PET!=NULL) free (obj_PET); i++; } } fits_close_file (SPC_ptr, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stderr, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SPC: " "Error closing SPC: %s\n", SPC_file_path); } if (opt_weights) { fits_close_file (WHT_ptr, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stderr, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SPC: " "Error closing WHT: %s\n", WHT_file_path); } fits_close_file (SPC_opt_ptr, &f_status); if (f_status) { ffrprt (stderr, f_status); aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, "aXe_PET2SPC: " "Error closing PSC: %s\n", SPC_opt_file_path); } } if (oblist!=NULL) free_oblist (oblist); fprintf (stdout, "aXe_PET2SPC: Done...\n"); exit (0); }
void read_PSRFITS_files(struct spectra_info *s) // Read and convert PSRFITS information from a group of files // and place the resulting info into a spectra_info structure. { int IMJD, SMJD, itmp, ii, status = 0; double OFFS, dtmp; long double MJDf; char ctmp[80], comment[120]; s->datatype = PSRFITS; s->fitsfiles = (fitsfile **)malloc(sizeof(fitsfile *) * s->num_files); s->start_subint = gen_ivect(s->num_files); s->num_subint = gen_ivect(s->num_files); s->start_spec = (long long *)malloc(sizeof(long long) * s->num_files); s->num_spec = (long long *)malloc(sizeof(long long) * s->num_files); s->num_pad = (long long *)malloc(sizeof(long long) * s->num_files); s->start_MJD = (long double *)malloc(sizeof(long double) * s->num_files); s->N = 0; s->num_beams = 1; s->get_rawblock = &get_PSRFITS_rawblock; s->offset_to_spectra = &offset_to_PSRFITS_spectra; // By default, don't flip the band. But don't change // the input value if it is aleady set to flip the band always if (s->apply_flipband==-1) s->apply_flipband = 0; // Step through the other files for (ii = 0 ; ii < s->num_files ; ii++) { // Is the file a PSRFITS file? if (!is_PSRFITS(s->filenames[ii])) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError! File '%s' does not appear to be PSRFITS!\n", s->filenames[ii]); exit(1); } // Open the PSRFITS file fits_open_file(&(s->fitsfiles[ii]), s->filenames[ii], READONLY, &status); // Is the data in search mode? fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TSTRING, "OBS_MODE", ctmp, comment, &status); // Quick fix for Parkes DFB data (SRCH? why????)... if (strcmp("SRCH", ctmp)==0) { strncpy(ctmp, "SEARCH", 40); } if (strcmp(ctmp, "SEARCH")) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError! File '%s' does not contain SEARCH-mode data!\n", s->filenames[ii]); exit(1); } // Now get the stuff we need from the primary HDU header fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TSTRING, "TELESCOP", ctmp, comment, &status); \ // Quick fix for MockSpec data... if (strcmp("ARECIBO 305m", ctmp)==0) { strncpy(ctmp, "Arecibo", 40); } // Quick fix for Parkes DFB data... { char newctmp[80]; // Copy ctmp first since strlower() is in-place strcpy(newctmp, ctmp); if (strcmp("parkes", strlower(remove_whitespace(newctmp)))==0) { strncpy(ctmp, "Parkes", 40); } } if (status) { printf("Error %d reading key %s\n", status, "TELESCOP"); if (ii==0) s->telescope[0]='\0'; if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) status=0; } else { if (ii==0) strncpy(s->telescope, ctmp, 40); else if (strcmp(s->telescope, ctmp)!=0) printf("Warning!: %s values don't match for files 0 and %d!\n", "TELESCOP", ii); } get_hdr_string("OBSERVER", s->observer); get_hdr_string("SRC_NAME", s->source); get_hdr_string("FRONTEND", s->frontend); get_hdr_string("BACKEND", s->backend); get_hdr_string("PROJID", s->project_id); get_hdr_string("DATE-OBS", s->date_obs); get_hdr_string("FD_POLN", s->poln_type); get_hdr_string("RA", s->ra_str); get_hdr_string("DEC", s->dec_str); get_hdr_double("OBSFREQ", s->fctr); get_hdr_int("OBSNCHAN", s->orig_num_chan); get_hdr_double("OBSBW", s->orig_df); //get_hdr_double("CHAN_DM", s->chan_dm); get_hdr_double("BMIN", s->beam_FWHM); /* This is likely not in earlier versions of PSRFITS so */ /* treat it a bit differently */ fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TDOUBLE, "CHAN_DM", &(s->chan_dm), comment, &status); if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) { status = 0; s->chan_dm = 0.0; } // Don't use the macros unless you are using the struct! fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TINT, "STT_IMJD", &IMJD, comment, &status); s->start_MJD[ii] = (long double) IMJD; fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TINT, "STT_SMJD", &SMJD, comment, &status); fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TDOUBLE, "STT_OFFS", &OFFS, comment, &status); s->start_MJD[ii] += ((long double) SMJD + (long double) OFFS) / SECPERDAY; // Are we tracking? fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TSTRING, "TRK_MODE", ctmp, comment, &status); itmp = (strcmp("TRACK", ctmp)==0) ? 1 : 0; if (ii==0) s->tracking = itmp; else if (s->tracking != itmp) printf("Warning!: TRK_MODE values don't match for files 0 and %d!\n", ii); // Now switch to the SUBINT HDU header fits_movnam_hdu(s->fitsfiles[ii], BINARY_TBL, "SUBINT", 0, &status); get_hdr_double("TBIN", s->dt); get_hdr_int("NCHAN", s->num_channels); get_hdr_int("NPOL", s->num_polns); get_hdr_string("POL_TYPE", s->poln_order); fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TINT, "NCHNOFFS", &itmp, comment, &status); if (itmp > 0) printf("Warning!: First freq channel is not 0 in file %d!\n", ii); get_hdr_int("NSBLK", s->spectra_per_subint); get_hdr_int("NBITS", s->bits_per_sample); fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TINT, "NAXIS2", &(s->num_subint[ii]), comment, &status); fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TINT, "NSUBOFFS", &(s->start_subint[ii]), comment, &status); s->time_per_subint = s->dt * s->spectra_per_subint; /* This is likely not in earlier versions of PSRFITS so */ /* treat it a bit differently */ fits_read_key(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, "ZERO_OFF", &(s->zero_offset), comment, &status); if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) { status = 0; s->zero_offset = 0.0; } s->zero_offset = fabs(s->zero_offset); // Get the time offset column info and the offset for the 1st row { double offs_sub; int colnum, anynull, numrows; // Identify the OFFS_SUB column number fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "OFFS_SUB", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Warning!: Can't find the OFFS_SUB column!\n"); status = 0; // Reset status } else { if (ii==0) { s->offs_sub_col = colnum; } else if (colnum != s->offs_sub_col) { printf("Warning!: OFFS_SUB column changes between files!\n"); } } // Read the OFFS_SUB column value for the 1st row fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TDOUBLE, s->offs_sub_col, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0, &offs_sub, &anynull, &status); numrows = (int)((offs_sub - 0.5 * s->time_per_subint) / s->time_per_subint + 1e-7); // Check to see if any rows have been deleted or are missing if (numrows > s->start_subint[ii]) { printf("Warning: NSUBOFFS reports %d previous rows\n" " but OFFS_SUB implies %d. Using OFFS_SUB.\n" " Will likely be able to correct for this.\n", s->start_subint[ii], numrows); } s->start_subint[ii] = numrows; } // This is the MJD offset based on the starting subint number MJDf = (s->time_per_subint * s->start_subint[ii]) / SECPERDAY; // The start_MJD values should always be correct s->start_MJD[ii] += MJDf; // Compute the starting spectra from the times MJDf = s->start_MJD[ii] - s->start_MJD[0]; if (MJDf < 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error!: File %d seems to be from before file 0!\n", ii); exit(1); } s->start_spec[ii] = (long long)(MJDf * SECPERDAY / s->dt + 0.5); // Now pull stuff from the other columns { float ftmp; long repeat, width; int colnum, anynull; // Identify the data column and the data type fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "DATA", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Warning!: Can't find the DATA column!\n"); status = 0; // Reset status } else { if (ii==0) { s->data_col = colnum; fits_get_coltype(s->fitsfiles[ii], colnum, &(s->FITS_typecode), &repeat, &width, &status); } else if (colnum != s->data_col) { printf("Warning!: DATA column changes between files!\n"); } } // Telescope azimuth fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "TEL_AZ", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { s->azimuth = 0.0; status = 0; // Reset status } else { fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, colnum, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0, &ftmp, &anynull, &status); if (ii==0) s->azimuth = (double) ftmp; } // Telescope zenith angle fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "TEL_ZEN", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { s->zenith_ang = 0.0; status = 0; // Reset status } else { fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, colnum, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0, &ftmp, &anynull, &status); if (ii==0) s->zenith_ang = (double) ftmp; } // Observing frequencies fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "DAT_FREQ", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Warning!: Can't find the channel freq column!\n"); status = 0; // Reset status } else { int jj; float *freqs = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * s->num_channels); fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, colnum, 1L, 1L, s->num_channels, 0, freqs, &anynull, &status); if (ii==0) { s->df = freqs[1]-freqs[0]; s->lo_freq = freqs[0]; s->hi_freq = freqs[s->num_channels-1]; // Now check that the channel spacing is the same throughout for (jj = 0 ; jj < s->num_channels - 1 ; jj++) { ftmp = freqs[jj+1] - freqs[jj]; if (fabs(ftmp - s->df) > 1e-7) printf("Warning!: Channel spacing changes in file %d!\n", ii); } } else { ftmp = fabs(s->df-(freqs[1]-freqs[0])); if (ftmp > 1e-7) printf("Warning!: Channel spacing changes between files!\n"); ftmp = fabs(s->lo_freq-freqs[0]); if (ftmp > 1e-7) printf("Warning!: Low channel changes between files!\n"); ftmp = fabs(s->hi_freq-freqs[s->num_channels-1]); if (ftmp > 1e-7) printf("Warning!: High channel changes between files!\n"); } free(freqs); } // Data weights fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "DAT_WTS", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Warning!: Can't find the channel weights!\n"); status = 0; // Reset status } else { if (s->apply_weight < 0) { // Use the data to decide int jj; if (ii==0) { s->dat_wts_col = colnum; } else if (colnum != s->dat_wts_col) { printf("Warning!: DAT_WTS column changes between files!\n"); } float *fvec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * s->num_channels); fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, s->dat_wts_col, 1L, 1L, s->num_channels, 0, fvec, &anynull, &status); for (jj = 0 ; jj < s->num_channels ; jj++) { // If the weights are not 1, apply them if (fvec[jj] != 1.0) { s->apply_weight = 1; break; } } free(fvec); } if (s->apply_weight < 0) s->apply_weight = 0; // not needed } // Data offsets fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "DAT_OFFS", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Warning!: Can't find the channel offsets!\n"); status = 0; // Reset status } else { if (s->apply_offset < 0) { // Use the data to decide int jj; if (ii==0) { s->dat_offs_col = colnum; } else if (colnum != s->dat_offs_col) { printf("Warning!: DAT_OFFS column changes between files!\n"); } float *fvec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * s->num_channels * s->num_polns); fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, s->dat_offs_col, 1L, 1L, s->num_channels * s->num_polns, 0, fvec, &anynull, &status); for (jj = 0 ; jj < s->num_channels * s->num_polns ; jj++) { // If the offsets are not 0, apply them if (fvec[jj] != 0.0) { s->apply_offset = 1; break; } } free(fvec); } if (s->apply_offset < 0) s->apply_offset = 0; // not needed } // Data scalings fits_get_colnum(s->fitsfiles[ii], 0, "DAT_SCL", &colnum, &status); if (status==COL_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Warning!: Can't find the channel scalings!\n"); status = 0; // Reset status } else { if (s->apply_scale < 0) { // Use the data to decide int jj; if (ii==0) { s->dat_scl_col = colnum; } else if (colnum != s->dat_scl_col) { printf("Warning!: DAT_SCL column changes between files!\n"); } float *fvec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * s->num_channels * s->num_polns); fits_read_col(s->fitsfiles[ii], TFLOAT, colnum, 1L, 1L, s->num_channels * s->num_polns, 0, fvec, &anynull, &status); for (jj = 0 ; jj < s->num_channels * s->num_polns ; jj++) { // If the scales are not 1, apply them if (fvec[jj] != 1.0) { s->apply_scale = 1; break; } } free(fvec); } if (s->apply_scale < 0) s->apply_scale = 0; // not needed } } // Compute the samples per file and the amount of padding // that the _previous_ file has s->num_pad[ii] = 0; s->num_spec[ii] = s->spectra_per_subint * s->num_subint[ii]; if (ii > 0) { if (s->start_spec[ii] > s->N) { // Need padding s->num_pad[ii-1] = s->start_spec[ii] - s->N; s->N += s->num_pad[ii-1]; } } s->N += s->num_spec[ii]; } // Convert the position strings into degrees { int d, h, m; double sec; ra_dec_from_string(s->ra_str, &h, &m, &sec); s->ra2000 = hms2rad(h, m, sec) * RADTODEG; ra_dec_from_string(s->dec_str, &d, &m, &sec); s->dec2000 = dms2rad(d, m, sec) * RADTODEG; } // Are the polarizations summed? if ((strncmp("AA+BB", s->poln_order, 5)==0) || (strncmp("INTEN", s->poln_order, 5)==0)) s->summed_polns = 1; else s->summed_polns = 0; // Calculate some others s->T = s->N * s->dt; s->orig_df /= (double) s->orig_num_chan; s->samples_per_spectra = s->num_polns * s->num_channels; // Note: the following is the number of bytes that will be in // the returned array from CFITSIO. // CFITSIO turns bits into bytes when FITS_typecode=1 // and we turn 2-bits or 4-bits into bytes if bits_per_sample < 8 if (s->bits_per_sample < 8) s->bytes_per_spectra = s->samples_per_spectra; else s->bytes_per_spectra = (s->bits_per_sample * s->samples_per_spectra) / 8; s->samples_per_subint = s->samples_per_spectra * s->spectra_per_subint; s->bytes_per_subint = s->bytes_per_spectra * s->spectra_per_subint; // Flip the band? if (s->hi_freq < s->lo_freq) { float ftmp = s->hi_freq; s->hi_freq = s->lo_freq; s->lo_freq = ftmp; s->df *= -1.0; s->apply_flipband = 1; } // Compute the bandwidth s->BW = s->num_channels * s->df; // Flip the bytes for Parkes FB_1BIT data if (s->bits_per_sample==1 && strcmp(s->telescope, "Parkes")==0 && strcmp(s->backend, "FB_1BIT")==0) { printf("Flipping bit ordering since Parkes FB_1BIT data.\n"); s->flip_bytes = 1; } else { s->flip_bytes = 0; } // Allocate the buffers cdatabuffer = gen_bvect(s->bytes_per_subint); // Following is twice as big because we use it as a ringbuffer too fdatabuffer = gen_fvect(2 * s->spectra_per_subint * s->num_channels); s->padvals = gen_fvect(s->num_channels); for (ii = 0 ; ii < s->num_channels ; ii++) s->padvals[ii] = 0.0; offsets = gen_fvect(s->num_channels * s->num_polns); scales = gen_fvect(s->num_channels * s->num_polns); weights = gen_fvect(s->num_channels); // Initialize these if we won't be reading them from the file if (s->apply_offset==0) for (ii = 0 ; ii < s->num_channels * s->num_polns ; ii++) offsets[ii] = 0.0; if (s->apply_scale==0) for (ii = 0 ; ii < s->num_channels * s->num_polns ; ii++) scales[ii] = 1.0; if (s->apply_weight==0) for (ii = 0 ; ii < s->num_channels ; ii++) weights[ii] = 1.0; }
int main() { char infile[] = "pih.fits"; char devtyp[16], idents[3][80], nlcprm[1], opt[2]; int c0[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; int i, ic, gcode[2], naxis[2], nkeyrec, nreject, nwcs, relax, status; float blc[2], trc[2]; double cache[257][4], grid1[1], grid2[1], nldprm[1]; struct wcsprm *wcs; nlfunc_t pgwcsl_; #if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO char *header; fitsfile *fptr; #else char keyrec[81], header[28801]; int gotend, j, k; FILE *fptr; #endif /* Set line buffering in case stdout is redirected to a file, otherwise * stdout and stderr messages will be jumbled (stderr is unbuffered). */ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); printf("Testing WCSLIB parser for FITS image headers (tpih2.c)\n" "------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */ #if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO status = 0; if (fits_open_file(&fptr, infile, READONLY, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); return 1; } if (fits_hdr2str(fptr, 1, NULL, 0, &header, &nkeyrec, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); return 1; } fits_close_file(fptr, &status); #else if ((fptr = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0x0) { printf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile); return 1; } k = 0; nkeyrec = 0; gotend = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) { if (fgets(keyrec, 81, fptr) == 0) { break; } if (strncmp(keyrec, " ", 8) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(keyrec, "COMMENT ", 8) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(keyrec, "HISTORY ", 8) == 0) continue; strncpy(header+k, keyrec, 80); k += 80; nkeyrec++; if (strncmp(keyrec, "END ", 8) == 0) { /* An END keyrecord was read, but read the rest of the block. */ gotend = 1; } } if (gotend) break; } fclose(fptr); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Found %d non-comment header keyrecords.\n", nkeyrec); relax = WCSHDR_all; if ((status = wcspih(header, nkeyrec, relax, 2, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs))) { fprintf(stderr, "wcspih ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]); } #if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO free(header); #endif /* Plot setup. */ naxis[0] = 1024; naxis[1] = 1024; blc[0] = 0.5f; blc[1] = 0.5f; trc[0] = naxis[0] + 0.5f; trc[1] = naxis[1] + 0.5f; strcpy(devtyp, "/XWINDOW"); cpgbeg(0, devtyp, 1, 1); cpgvstd(); cpgwnad(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); cpgask(1); cpgpage(); /* Annotation. */ strcpy(idents[0], "Right ascension"); strcpy(idents[1], "Declination"); opt[0] = 'G'; opt[1] = 'E'; /* Compact lettering. */ cpgsch(0.8f); /* Draw full grid lines. */ cpgsci(1); gcode[0] = 2; gcode[1] = 2; grid1[0] = 0.0; grid2[0] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < nwcs; i++) { if ((status = wcsset(wcs+i))) { fprintf(stderr, "wcsset ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]); continue; } /* Get WCSNAME out of the wcsprm struct. */ strcpy(idents[2], (wcs+i)->wcsname); printf("\n%s\n", idents[2]); /* Draw the celestial grid. The grid density is set for each world */ /* coordinate by specifying LABDEN = 1224. */ ic = -1; cpgsbox(blc, trc, idents, opt, 0, 1224, c0, gcode, 0.0, 0, grid1, 0, grid2, 0, pgwcsl_, 1, WCSLEN, 1, nlcprm, (int *)(wcs+i), nldprm, 256, &ic, cache, &status); /* Draw the frame. */ cpgbox("BC", 0.0f, 0, "BC", 0.0f, 0); cpgpage(); } status = wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr,"test-read filename ext\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fitsfile* fits=NULL; struct image *image=NULL; const char *fname=argv[1]; int ext = atoi(argv[2]); fprintf(stderr,"reading ext %d from %s\n",ext,fname); int status=0; if (fits_open_file(&fits, fname, READONLY, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int hdutype=0; if (fits_movabs_hdu(fits, ext+1, &hdutype, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int maxdim=CFITSIO_MAX_ARRAY_DIMS; LONGLONG dims[CFITSIO_MAX_ARRAY_DIMS]; int bitpix=0, ndims=0; if (fits_get_img_paramll(fits, maxdim, &bitpix, &ndims, dims, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ndims != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"expected ndims=2, got %d\n", ndims); goto _test_read_bail; } // dims reversed fprintf(stderr,"dims: [%lld,%lld]\n", dims[1], dims[2]); // note dims are reversed image=image_new(dims[1], dims[0]); long npix=dims[1]*dims[0]; long fpixel[2]={1,1}; if (fits_read_pix(fits, TDOUBLE, fpixel, npix, NULL,image->rows[0], NULL, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } size_t row=0,col=0; row=10; col=13; fprintf(stderr,"im[%ld,%ld]: %.16g\n",row,col,IM_GET(image,row,col)); row=10; col=10; fprintf(stderr,"im[%ld,%ld]: %.16g\n",row,col,IM_GET(image,row,col)); row=18; col=24; fprintf(stderr,"im[%ld,%ld]: %.16g\n",row,col,IM_GET(image,row,col)); _test_read_bail: image=image_free(image); if (fits_close_file(fits, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
int extractAvePlane (char *cubepath, char *impath, int iplane, int nplaneave, int *splaneave, int *eplaneave, char *errmsg) { struct stat buf; struct FitsHdr hdr; char str[1024]; char cmd[1024]; int bitpix; int istatus; int nhdu, hdutype, hdunum; int nelements; int naxis3; int l; int j; int i; int jj; int nullcnt; int splane; int eplane; long fpixel[4]; long fpixelo[4]; double *fitsbuf; double *imbuff; fitsfile *infptr; fitsfile *outfptr; int debugfile = 1; int debugfile1 = 0; /* Make a NaN value to use setting blank pixels */ union { double d; char c[8]; } value; double nan; for(i=0; i<8; ++i) value.c[i] = 255; nan = value.d; if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "\nEnter extractAvePlane: cubepath= [%s]\n", cubepath); fprintf (fp_debug, "iplane= [%d]\n", iplane); fprintf (fp_debug, "nplaneave= [%d]\n", nplaneave); fprintf (fp_debug, "impath= [%s]\n", impath); fflush (fp_debug); } splane = iplane - nplaneave/2; eplane = splane + nplaneave - 1; if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "splane= [%d] eplane= [%d]\n", splane, eplane); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = 0; if (fits_open_file (&infptr, cubepath, READONLY, &istatus)) { if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "istatus= [%d]\n", istatus); fflush (fp_debug); } sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to open FITS file [%s]\n", cubepath); return (-1); } hdunum = 1; nhdu = 0; istatus = 0; istatus = fits_get_num_hdus (infptr, &nhdu, &istatus); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "returned fits_get_hdu_num: istatus= [%d] nhdu= [%d]\n", istatus, nhdu); fflush (fp_debug); } if (hdunum > nhdu) { sprintf (errmsg, "fname [%s] doesn't contain any HDU", cubepath); return (-1); } /* Read fits keywords from the first HDU */ hdutype = 0; istatus = 0; istatus = fits_movabs_hdu (infptr, hdunum, &hdutype, &istatus); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "returned fits_movabs_hdu: istatus= [%d] hdutype= [%d]\n", istatus, hdutype); fflush (fp_debug); } /* Read fits keywords */ istatus = 0; istatus = fits_read_key (infptr, TSTRING, "simple", str, (char *)NULL, &istatus); if (istatus == KEY_NO_EXIST) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword SIMPLE not found in fits header"); return (-1); } if ((strcmp (str, "T") != 0) && (strcmp (str, "F") != 0)) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword SIMPLE must be T or F"); return (-1); } istatus = 0; istatus = fits_read_key (infptr, TSTRING, "bitpix", str, (char *)NULL, &istatus); if (istatus == KEY_NO_EXIST) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword BITPIX not found in fits header"); return (-1); } istatus = str2Integer (str, &bitpix, errmsg); if (istatus != 0) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword BITPIX must be an integer"); return (-1); } if ((bitpix != 8) && (bitpix != 16) && (bitpix != 32) && (bitpix != 64) && (bitpix != -32) && (bitpix != -64)) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword BITPIX value must be 8, 16, 32, 64, -32, -64"); return (-1); } hdr.bitpix = bitpix; istatus = 0; istatus = fits_read_key (infptr, TSTRING, "naxis", str, (char *)NULL, &istatus); if (istatus == KEY_NO_EXIST) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword naxis not found in fits header"); return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "str= [%s]\n", str); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = str2Integer (str, &hdr.naxis, errmsg); if (istatus < 0) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to convert naxis to integer"); return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "naxis= [%d]\n", hdr.naxis); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = 0; istatus = fits_read_key (infptr, TSTRING, "naxis1", str, (char *)NULL, &istatus); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "returned fits_read_key: istatus= [%d]\n", istatus); fflush (fp_debug); } if (istatus == KEY_NO_EXIST) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword naxis1 not found in fits header"); return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "str= [%s]\n", str); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = str2Integer (str, &hdr.ns, errmsg); if (istatus < 0) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to convert naxis1 string to integer"); return (-1); } hdr.naxes[0] = hdr.ns; istatus = 0; istatus = fits_read_key (infptr, TSTRING, "naxis2", str, (char *)NULL, &istatus); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "returned fits_read_key: istatus= [%d]\n", istatus); fflush (fp_debug); } if (istatus == KEY_NO_EXIST) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword naxis2 not found in fits header"); return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "str= [%s]\n", str); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = str2Integer (str, &, errmsg); if (istatus < 0) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to convert naxis2 string to integer"); return (-1); } hdr.naxes[1] =; if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "ns= [%d] nl= [%d]\n", hdr.ns,; fflush (fp_debug); } hdr.nplane = 1; if (hdr.naxis > 2) { istatus = 0; istatus = fits_read_key (infptr, TSTRING, "naxis3", str, (char *)NULL, &istatus); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "returned fits_read_key: istatus= [%d]\n", istatus); fflush (fp_debug); } if (istatus == KEY_NO_EXIST) { sprintf (errmsg, "keyword naxis3 not found in fits header"); return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "str= [%s]\n", str); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = str2Integer (str, &hdr.naxes[2], errmsg); if (istatus < 0) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to convert naxis3 string to integer"); return (-1); } hdr.nplane = hdr.naxes[2]; if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "naxes[2]= [%d]\n", hdr.naxes[2]); fflush (fp_debug); } } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "nplane= [%d]\n", hdr.nplane); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = stat (impath, &buf); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "impath exists? : istatus= [%d]\n", istatus); fflush (fp_debug); } if (istatus >= 0) { sprintf (cmd, "unlink %s", impath); istatus = system (cmd); } /* Create output fits file */ istatus = 0; if (fits_create_file (&outfptr, impath, &istatus)) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to create output fitsfile [%s]\n", impath); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "err: [%s]\n", errmsg); fflush (fp_debug); } return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "outptr created\n"); fflush (fp_debug); } /* Copy input fits header to output fitsfile */ istatus = 0; if (fits_copy_header (infptr, outfptr, &istatus)) { strcpy (errmsg, "Failed to copy fitshdr\n"); if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "err: [%s]\n", errmsg); fflush (fp_debug); } return (-1); } /* Update header keyword NAXIS3 */ naxis3 = 1; istatus = 0; if (fits_update_key_lng(outfptr, "NAXIS3", naxis3, (char *)NULL, &istatus)) { strcpy (errmsg, "Failed to update keyword NAXIS3\n"); return (-1); } istatus = 0; if (fits_close_file (infptr, &istatus)) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to close cubepath [%s]\n", cubepath); return (-1); } if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "cubepath= [%s]\n", cubepath); fflush (fp_debug); } istatus = 0; if (fits_open_file (&infptr, cubepath, READONLY, &istatus)) { if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "istatus= [%d]\n", istatus); fflush (fp_debug); } sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to open FITS file [%s]\n", cubepath); return (-1); } /* Create imbuff for average image */ imbuff = (double *)malloc (hdr.ns**sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<*hdr.ns; i++) { imbuff[i] = 0.; } /* Read data from nth plane and write to output fitsfile */ nelements = hdr.ns; if ((debugfile) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "iplane= [%d]\n", iplane); fflush (fp_debug); } fitsbuf = (double *)malloc(hdr.ns*sizeof(double)); if (splane < 1) splane = 1; if (eplane > hdr.nplane) eplane = hdr.nplane; for (l=splane; l<=eplane; l++) { fpixel[0] = 1; fpixel[1] = 1; fpixel[2] = l; fpixel[3] = 1; for (j=0; j<; j++) { if (j == 0) { if ((debugfile1) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "l= [%d] fpixel[2]= [%ld]\n", l, fpixel[2]); fflush (fp_debug); } } if (fits_read_pix (infptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, nelements, &nan, fitsbuf, &nullcnt, &istatus)) { break; } if (j == 10) { if ((debugfile1) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { for (i=0; i<hdr.ns; i++) { fprintf (fp_debug, "j= [%d] i= [%d] fitsbuf= [%lf]\n", j, i, fitsbuf[i]); fprintf (fp_debug, "fitsbuf/nplaneave= [%lf]\n", fitsbuf[i]/nplaneave); } fflush (fp_debug); } } /* Copy data to imbuff for plane averaging */ jj = hdr.ns*j; if ((debugfile1) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { fprintf (fp_debug, "jj= [%d]\n", jj); fflush (fp_debug); } for (i=0; i<hdr.ns; i++) { imbuff[jj+i] += fitsbuf[i]/nplaneave; } if (j == 10) { if ((debugfile1) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { for (i=0; i<hdr.ns; i++) { fprintf (fp_debug, "j= [%d] i= [%d] imbuff= [%lf]\n", j, i, imbuff[jj+i]); } fflush (fp_debug); } } fpixel[1]++; } } /* Write averaged image to output FITS file */ fpixelo[0] = 1; fpixelo[1] = 1; fpixelo[2] = 1; fpixelo[3] = 1; for (j=0; j<; j++) { jj = hdr.ns*j; for (i=0; i<hdr.ns; i++) { fitsbuf[i] = imbuff[jj+i]; } if (j == 10) { if ((debugfile1) && (fp_debug != (FILE *)NULL)) { for (i=0; i<hdr.ns; i++) { fprintf (fp_debug, "j= [%d] i= [%d] fitsbuf= [%lf]\n", j, i, fitsbuf[i]); } fflush (fp_debug); } } if (fits_write_pix (outfptr, TDOUBLE, fpixelo, nelements, (void *)fitsbuf, &istatus)) { sprintf (errmsg, "fits write error: l= [%d]\n", l); return (-1); } fpixelo[1]++; } istatus = 0; if (fits_close_file (infptr, &istatus)) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to close cubepath [%s]\n", cubepath); return (-1); } istatus = 0; if (fits_close_file (outfptr, &istatus)) { sprintf (errmsg, "Failed to close impath [%s]\n", impath); return (-1); } *splaneave = splane; *eplaneave = eplane; return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { fitsfile *infptr = 0, *outfptr = 0; /* FITS file pointers */ int status = 0; /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */ int icol = 0, incols = 0, outcols = 0, intype = 0, outtype = 0, check = 1; long inrep = 0, outrep = 0, width = 0, inrows = 0, outrows = 0, ii = 0, jj = 0; unsigned char *buffer = 0; int printhelp = (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)); if (printhelp || argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s infile1[ext][filter] outfile[ext]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Merge 2 tables by copying all the rows from the 1st table\n"); fprintf(stderr, "into the 2nd table. The 2 tables must have identical\n"); fprintf(stderr, "structure, with the same number of columns with the same\n"); fprintf(stderr, "datatypes. This program modifies the output file in place,\n"); fprintf(stderr, "rather than creating a whole new output file.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Examples: \n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "1. %s\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " merge the table in the 1st extension of with\n"); fprintf(stderr, " the table in the 2nd extension of\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "2. %s '[PI > 45]' outab.fits+2\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Same as the 1st example, except only rows that have a PI\n"); fprintf(stderr, " column value > 45 will be merged into the output table.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return (0); } /* open both input and output files and perform validity checks */ if (fits_open_file(&infptr, argv[1], READONLY, &status) || fits_open_file(&outfptr, argv[2], READWRITE, &status)) { fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't open both files\n"); } else if (fits_get_hdu_type(infptr, &intype, &status) || fits_get_hdu_type(outfptr, &outtype, &status)) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get the type of HDU for the files\n"); } else if (intype == IMAGE_HDU) { fprintf(stderr, "The input HDU is an image, not a table\n"); } else if (outtype == IMAGE_HDU) { fprintf(stderr, "The output HDU is an image, not a table\n"); } else if (outtype != intype) { fprintf(stderr, "Input and output HDUs are not the same type of table.\n"); } else if (fits_get_num_cols(infptr, &incols, &status) || fits_get_num_cols(outfptr, &outcols, &status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get number of columns in the tables\n"); } else if (incols != outcols) { fprintf(stderr, "Input and output HDUs don't have same # of columns.\n"); } else if (fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &width, NULL, &status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get width of input table\n"); } else if (!(buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(width))) { fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation error\n"); } else if (fits_get_num_rows(infptr, &inrows, &status) || fits_get_num_rows(outfptr, &outrows, &status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the number of rows in the tables\n"); } else { /* check that the corresponding columns have the same datatypes */ for (icol = 1; icol <= incols; icol++) { fits_get_coltype(infptr, icol, &intype, &inrep, NULL, &status); fits_get_coltype(outfptr, icol, &outtype, &outrep, NULL, &status); if (intype != outtype || inrep != outrep) { fprintf(stderr, "Column %d is not the same in both tables\n", icol); check = 0; } } if (check && !status) { /* insert 'inrows' empty rows at the end of the output table */ fits_insert_rows(outfptr, outrows, inrows, &status); for (ii = 1, jj = outrows +1; ii <= inrows; ii++, jj++) { /* read row from input and write it to the output table */ fits_read_tblbytes(infptr, ii, 1, width, buffer, &status); fits_write_tblbytes(outfptr, jj, 1, width, buffer, &status); if (status) { break; /* jump out of loop if error occurred */ } } /* all done; now free memory and close files */ fits_close_file(outfptr, &status); fits_close_file(infptr, &status); } } if (buffer) { free(buffer); } if (status) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print any error message */ } return (status); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { fitsfile *afptr, *outfptr; /* FITS file pointers */ int status = 0; /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */ int anaxis, check = 1, keytype; long npixels = 1, firstpix[3] = {1,1,1}; long anaxes[3] = {1,1,1}; double *apix; char card[FLEN_CARD]; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: tofitsbp16 inimage outimage \n"); printf("\n"); printf("Compiled from cfitsio v2.460\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Converts a FITS from BITPIX = -32 to BITPIX = 16\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Example: \n"); printf(" tofitsbp16 out.fits.\n"); return(0); } fits_open_file(&afptr, argv[1], READONLY, &status); /* open input images */ fits_get_img_dim(afptr, &anaxis, &status); /* read dimensions */ fits_get_img_size(afptr, 3, anaxes, &status); if (status) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print error message */ return(status); } /* create the new empty output file if the above checks are OK */ if (check && !fits_create_file(&outfptr, argv[2], &status) ) { /* copy all the header keywords from first image to new output file */ fits_copy_header(afptr, outfptr, &status); /* change to 16 bit integer variable */ fits_modify_key_lng (outfptr, "BITPIX", 16, "&", &status ); npixels = anaxes[0]; /* no. of pixels to read in each row */ apix = (double *) malloc(npixels * sizeof(double)); /* mem for 1 row */ if (apix == NULL) { printf("Memory allocation error\n"); return(1); } /* loop over all planes of the cube (2D images have 1 plane) */ for (firstpix[2] = 1; firstpix[2] <= anaxes[2]; firstpix[2]++) { /* loop over all rows of the plane */ for (firstpix[1] = 1; firstpix[1] <= anaxes[1]; firstpix[1]++) { /* Read both images as doubles, regardless of actual datatype. */ /* Give starting pixel coordinate and no. of pixels to read. */ /* This version does not support undefined pixels in the image. */ if (fits_read_pix(afptr, TDOUBLE, firstpix, npixels, NULL, apix, NULL, &status) ) break; /* jump out of loop on error */ fits_write_pix(outfptr, TDOUBLE, firstpix, npixels, apix, &status); /* write new values to output image */ } } /* end of loop over planes */ fits_close_file(outfptr, &status); free(apix); } fits_close_file(afptr, &status); if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print any error message */ return(status); }