コード例 #1
create_inter_postscript (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
    fl_object_ps_dump(fd_receiver_interferometer->interferometer_chart, NULL);
コード例 #2
create_pulsar_postscript (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
    fl_object_ps_dump(fd_receiver_pulsar->pulsar_plot, NULL);
コード例 #3
create_spec_postscript (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
    fl_object_ps_dump(fd_receiver_spectrum->spectral_plot, NULL);
コード例 #4
create_tp_postscript (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
    fl_object_ps_dump(fd_receiver_continuum->tp_chart, NULL);
コード例 #5
ファイル: NeoWindow.C プロジェクト: djreiss/xNeoterics
void NeoWindow::HandleMainWinObject( FL_OBJECT *obj ) { // Handle command from form on main window
   int scale = neo->scale, i;
   if ( obj == mainWin->pause ) { // Pause/un-pause
      if ( ! neo->setup ) return;
      neo->started = true;
      neo->paused = ! neo->paused;
      Refresh( true );
   } else if ( obj == mainWin->step ) { // If paused, update by one timestep
      neo->started = true;
      if ( neo->paused ) neo->nextStep = true;
   } else if ( obj == mainWin->add_food ) { // Add food to world
      neo->borrowed_energy -= neo->food_button_increment;
   } else if ( obj == mainWin->remove_food ) { // Remove food
      neo->borrowed_energy += neo->food_button_increment;
   } else if ( obj == mainWin->file_menu ) {
      const char *choice = fl_get_menu_text( obj );
      if ( ! strcmp( "New", choice ) ) {
	 neo->started = false;
	 neo->paused = true;
	 neo->SetUpRun(); // Set up the run
	 Refresh( true );
	 //portal = new NeoPortal( 1115 );
	 //( portal = new NeoPortal() )->CallServer( "localhost", 1115 );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Close", choice ) ) {
	 neo->started = false;
	 neo->paused = true;
	 Refresh( true );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Load", choice ) ) {
	 const char *output = NULL;
	 if ( ( output = fl_show_fselector( "Load simulation from file:" , ".", "*",
					    neo->fileName ) ) != NULL ) {
	    strcpy( neo->fileName, output );
	    Refresh( true );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Save", choice ) ) {
	 const char *output = NULL;
	 if ( ( output = fl_show_fselector( "Save simulation to file:" , ".", "*",
					    neo->fileName ) ) != NULL ) {
	    strcpy( neo->fileName, output );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Print...", choice ) ) {
	 char tmp[50];
	 sprintf( tmp, "%s.%08d.ps", neo->fileName, neo->time_step );
	 const char *output = NULL;
	 if ( ( output = fl_show_fselector( "Print simulation to PostScript file:" , ".", "*",
					    tmp ) ) != NULL ) {
	    fl_object_ps_dump( mainWin->mainCanvas, tmp );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Quit", choice ) ) {
	 neo->done = true;
	 neo->started = false;
	 neo->keepDrawing = false;
   } else if ( obj == mainWin->other_menu ) {
      const char *choice = fl_get_menu_text( obj );
      if ( ! strcmp( "Update Display", choice ) ) {
	 neo->keepDrawing = ! neo->keepDrawing;
	 Refresh( true ); // Need to update the whole screen
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "NNet Window", choice ) ) {
	 nnet_plot = create_form_neural_net_plot();
	 fl_add_canvas_handler( nnet_plot->mainCanvas, Expose, expose_callback, (void *) this );
	 fl_show_form( nnet_plot->neural_net_plot, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_TRANSIENT, "Neural Net Plot" );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Chart Window", choice ) ) {
	 chart_wind = create_form_chart_window();
	 fl_show_form( chart_wind->chart_window, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_TRANSIENT, "Population Statistics" );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Leave Trails", choice ) ) {
	 neo->leaveTrails = ! neo->leaveTrails;
	 if ( ! neo->leaveTrails ) Refresh( true );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Add Bug", choice ) ) {
	 const char *output = NULL;
	 fl_add_fselector_appbutton( "Number", fselector_callback, this );
	 if ( ( output = fl_show_fselector( "Add creature from file:", ".", "*", 
					    neo->creatureFile ) ) != NULL ) {
	    for ( int jj = 0; jj < neo->initialBugSeed; jj ++ ) {
	       strcpy( neo->creatureFile, output );
	       new Creature( Introduced, neo );
	 fl_remove_fselector_appbutton( "Number" );
	 Draw( true );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Save Bug", choice ) ) {
	 if ( neo->output_creature < 0 ) return;
	 const char *output = NULL;
	 if ( ( output = fl_show_fselector( "Save creature to file:" , ".", "*", 
					    neo->creatureFile ) ) != NULL ) {
	    Creature *creature = neo->ppCreatureList[ neo->output_creature ];
	    if ( creature != NULL ) creature->WriteGenotype( (char *) output );
      } else if ( ! strcmp( "Options...", choice ) ) {
	 options_box = create_form_options();
	 FD_options *box = options_box;
	 if ( neo->started ) {
	    fl_deactivate_object( box->initial_parameters_group );
	    fl_set_object_label( box->initial_params_frame, "Initial Parameters (currently inactive)" );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->initial_pop, neo->initial_creatures );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->initial_plant, neo->num_initial_food_locs );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->initial_flesh, neo->num_initial_meat_locs );
	 fl_set_button( box->give_head_start, neo->bGiveHeadStart );
	 fl_set_button( box->allow_sex, neo->bAllowSexual );
	 fl_set_button( box->allow_asex, neo->bAllowAsexual );
	 char tmp[5];
	 sprintf( tmp, "%d", neo->terrain_size );
	 fl_set_choice_text( box->terrain_size, tmp );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->scale, neo->scale );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->prob_crossover, neo->prob_crossover );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->prob_mutation, neo->prob_mutation );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->max_pop, neo->maximum_creatures );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->min_pop, neo->nMinimumPopulation );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->age_factor, neo->age_factor );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->carcass_decay_rate, neo->nCarcassDecayRate );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->waste_decay_rate, neo->nWasteDecayRate );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->poison_decay_rate, neo->nPoisonDecayRate );
	 fl_set_button( box->give_head_start, neo->bGiveHeadStart );
	 fl_set_button( box->maintain_min_pop, neo->bKeepMinimumPopulation );
	 fl_set_button( box->use_survivor, neo->bUseSurvivorForMinimum );
	 fl_set_slider_value( box->save_every, neo->saveEveryNsteps );
	 if ( neo->saveEveryNsteps == -1 ) fl_set_button( box->save_sim, 0 );
	 else fl_set_button( box->save_sim, 1 );
	 fl_set_input( box->file_name, neo->fileName );
	 fl_show_form( box->options, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_TRANSIENT, "Key Commands" );