virtual MStatus undoIt() { MFnCamera fnCamera( camera ); double fl = fnCamera.focalLength(); fnCamera.setFocalLength( fl / 2.0 ); return MS::kSuccess; }
void parseCamera(const MDagPath& camera, MATRIX44F& mat, double& clipnear, double& clipfar, double& fov, int& ispersp) { MFnCamera fnCamera( camera ); clipnear = fnCamera.nearClippingPlane(); clipfar = fnCamera.farClippingPlane(); MVector viewDir = fnCamera.viewDirection( MSpace::kWorld ); MPoint eyePos = fnCamera.eyePoint ( MSpace::kWorld ); MVector rightDir = fnCamera.rightDirection( MSpace::kWorld ); MVector upDir = fnCamera.upDirection( MSpace::kWorld ); mat.setIdentity (); mat.v[0][0] = -rightDir.x; mat.v[0][1] = -rightDir.y; mat.v[0][2] = -rightDir.z; mat.v[1][0] = upDir.x; mat.v[1][1] = upDir.y; mat.v[1][2] = upDir.z; mat.v[2][0] = viewDir.x; mat.v[2][1] = viewDir.y; mat.v[2][2] = viewDir.z; mat.v[3][0] = eyePos.x; mat.v[3][1] = eyePos.y; mat.v[3][2] = eyePos.z; fov = fnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView(); fov = fov/PI*180; ispersp = 1; if(fnCamera.isOrtho()) { ispersp = 0; fov = fnCamera.orthoWidth(); } }
// ========== DtCameraGetPosition ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the camera position. // int DtCameraGetPosition( int cameraID, float* xTran, float* yTran, float* zTran ) { // Check for error. // if( (cameraID < 0) || (cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { *xTran = 0.0; *yTran = 0.0; *zTran = 0.0; return( 0 ); } MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MFnDagNode fnDagNode( local->cameras[cameraID].transformNode, &stat ); MDagPath aPath; stat = fnDagNode.getPath( aPath ); // Get the global transformation matrix of the camera node. // MMatrix globalMatrix = aPath.inclusiveMatrix(); MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &stat ); MPoint eyePt; double eyePos[4]; if( MS::kSuccess == stat ) { eyePt = fnCamera.eyePoint( MSpace::kObject, &stat ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "eye point is at " << eyePt.x << " " << eyePt.y << " " << eyePt.z << endl; } eyePt *= globalMatrix; eyePt.get( eyePos ); } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); } // Return values: // *xTran = eyePos[0]; *yTran = eyePos[1]; *zTran = eyePos[2]; return( 1 ); } // DtCameraGetPosition //
// ========== DtCameraGetHeight ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Returns the height of the camera view volume. This is // only applicable to orthographic cameras. // int DtCameraGetHeight( int cameraID, float* height ) { // Initialize return values. // *height = 0.0; // Check for error. // if( ( cameraID < 0 ) || ( cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { return(0); } if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "In DtCameraGetHeight\n"; } MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &returnStatus ); if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus ) { // Make sure camera is of a valid type for this attribute. // switch( local->cameras[cameraID].type ) { // Valid types: // case DT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA: // For Maya ortho camera, height = width? // *height = fnCamera.orthoWidth( &returnStatus ); cerr << "height (width of orthographic camera ) is " << *height << endl; break; // Invalid types: // default: return(0); } } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); } // Set the valid flag. // // local->cameras[cameraID].valid_bits|=(DT_VALID_BIT_MASK&DT_CAMERA_HEIGHT); // PA comments: For now return 0 // *height = 0.0; return(1); } // DtCameraGetHeight //
// ========== DtCameraGetInterest ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the camera position. // int DtCameraGetInterest(int cameraID,float* xTran,float* yTran,float* zTran) { // check for error // if ( (cameraID < 0) || (cameraID >= local->camera_ct) ) { *xTran = 0.0; *yTran = 0.0; *zTran = 0.0; return(0); } // return values // MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MFnDagNode fnDagNode( local->cameras[cameraID].transformNode, &stat ); MDagPath aPath; stat = fnDagNode.getPath( aPath ); // Get the global transformation matrix of the camera node. // MMatrix globalMatrix = aPath.inclusiveMatrix(); MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &stat ); // Center of interest point: view node point. // MPoint coiPoint = fnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint( MSpace::kObject, &stat ); double coiPos[4]; if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { coiPoint.get( coiPos ); cerr << "local center of interest( view point position ) is " << coiPos[0] << " " << coiPos[1] << " " << coiPos[2] << " " << coiPos[3] << endl; } coiPoint *= globalMatrix; coiPoint.get( coiPos ); *xTran = coiPos[0]; *yTran = coiPos[1]; *zTran = coiPos[2]; return(1); } // DtCameraGetInterest //
// ========== DtCameraGetNearClip ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the camera new clip distance. // int DtCameraGetNearClip( int cameraID, float* lnear ) { double nclip = 0.0; MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "In DtCameraGetNearClip\n"; cerr << "cameraID is " << cameraID << endl; cerr << "local->camera_ct is " << local->camera_ct << endl; } // Check for error. // if( ( cameraID < 0 ) || ( cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { *lnear = 1.0; return(0); } // Set the valid flag. // // local->cameras[cameraID].valid_bits|=(DT_VALID_BIT_MASK&DT_CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP); // Return values: // MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &returnStatus ); if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus ) { nclip = fnCamera.nearClippingPlane( &returnStatus ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "nclip is " << nclip << endl; } } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); } *lnear = (float)nclip; return(1); } // DtCameraGetNearClip //
MStatus moveContext::doPress( MEvent & event ) { MStatus stat = MPxSelectionContext::doPress( event ); MSpace::Space spc = MSpace::kWorld; // If we are not in selecting mode (i.e. an object has been selected) // then set up for the translation. // if ( !isSelecting() ) { event.getPosition( startPos_x, startPos_y ); view = M3dView::active3dView(); MDagPath camera; stat = view.getCamera( camera ); if ( stat != MS::kSuccess ) { cerr << "Error: M3dView::getCamera" << endl; return stat; } MFnCamera fnCamera( camera ); MVector upDir = fnCamera.upDirection( spc ); MVector rightDir = fnCamera.rightDirection( spc ); // Determine the camera used in the current view // if ( fnCamera.isOrtho() ) { if ( upDir.isEquivalent(MVector::zNegAxis,kVectorEpsilon) ) { currWin = TOP; } else if ( rightDir.isEquivalent(MVector::xAxis,kVectorEpsilon) ) { currWin = FRONT; } else { currWin = SIDE; } } else { currWin = PERSP; } // Create an instance of the move tool command. // cmd = (moveCmd*)newToolCommand(); cmd->setVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } return stat; }
// ========== DtCameraGetAspect ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the camera aspect ratio. // // From PA DT: // Not implemented: always sets aspect value to 1.0. // int DtCameraGetAspect( int cameraID, float* aspect ) { if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "In DtCameraGetAspect\n"; cerr << "cameraID is " << cameraID << endl; cerr << "local->camera_ct is " << local->camera_ct << endl; } // Check for error. // if( ( cameraID < 0) || ( cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { *aspect = 1.0; return(0); } double ar = 0.0; // Set the valid flag. // // local->cameras[cameraID].valid_bits|=(DT_VALID_BIT_MASK&DT_CAMERA_ASPECT); MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &returnStatus ); if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus ) { ar = fnCamera.aspectRatio( &returnStatus ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "aspect ratio is " << ar << endl; } } *aspect = (float)ar; return(1); } // DtCameraGetAspect //
// ========== DtCameraGetFocalDistance ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the distance from the camera viewpoint to // the point of focus. // int DtCameraGetFocalDistance( int cameraID, float* focal ) { *focal = 1.0; // Check for error. // if( ( cameraID < 0) || ( cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { return(0); } if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "In DtCameraGetFocalDistance\n"; } MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &returnStatus ); if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus ) { *focal = fnCamera.focalLength( &returnStatus ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "focal length is " << *focal << endl; } } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); } // Set the valid flag. // // local->cameras[cameraID].valid_bits|=(DT_VALID_BIT_MASK&DT_CAMERA_FOCAL_DISTANCE); return(1); } // DtCameraGetFocalDistance //
// ========== DtCameraGetHeightAngle ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Returns the camera vertical angle in radians of the // camera view volume. This is only applicable to // perspective cameras. // int DtCameraGetHeightAngle( int cameraID, float* angle ) { // Initialize return values. // *angle = 0.0; // Check for error. // if( ( cameraID < 0 ) || ( cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { return(0); } if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "In DtCameraGetHeightAngle\n"; } MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &returnStatus ); double focal; double horiz; if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus ) { // Make sure camera is of a valid type for this attribute. // switch( local->cameras[cameraID].type ) { // Valid types: // case DT_PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA: // Changed the following to match that of the Mel // scripts which shows the field of view to the user. //*angle = fnCamera.verticalFieldOfView( &returnStatus ); focal = fnCamera.focalLength( &returnStatus ); horiz = fnCamera.horizontalFilmAperture( &returnStatus ); *angle = 2.0 * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE * atan( 0.5*horiz / ( 0.03937 * focal )); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "height angle (vertical field of view) is " << *angle << endl; } break; // Invalid types // default: return(0); } } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); } // Set the valid flag. // // local->cameras[cameraID].valid_bits|=(DT_VALID_BIT_MASK&DT_CAMERA_HEIGHT_ANGLE); return(1); } // DtCameraGetHeightAngle //
// ========== DtCameraGetOrientation ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the camera orientation as x,y,z // Euler angles. // int DtCameraGetOrientation( int cameraID, float* xRot, float* yRot, float* zRot ) { float LRotX, LRotY, LRotZ; double LX = 0.0; double LY = 0.0; double LZ = 0.0; double LXV = 0.0; double LYV = 0.0; double LZV = 0.0; double LXUp = 0.0; double LYUp = 0.0; double LZUp = 0.0; MMatrix LMatrix; // Check for error. // if( (cameraID<0) || (cameraID>=local->camera_ct) ) { *xRot=0.0; *yRot=0.0; *zRot=0.0; return( 0 ); } MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &returnStatus ); if( MS::kSuccess == returnStatus ) { MPoint eyePt = fnCamera.eyePoint( MSpace::kObject, &returnStatus ); LX = eyePt.x; LY = eyePt.y; LZ = eyePt.z; if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "eye point is at " << LX << " " << LY << " " << LZ << endl; } MVector upDir = fnCamera.upDirection( MSpace::kObject, &returnStatus ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "up direction is " << upDir.x << " " << upDir.y << " " << upDir.z << endl; } LXUp = upDir.x; LYUp = upDir.y; LZUp = upDir.z; MVector viewDir = fnCamera.viewDirection( MSpace::kObject, &returnStatus ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "view direction is " << viewDir.x << " " << viewDir.y << " " << viewDir.z << endl; } LXV = -viewDir.x; LYV = -viewDir.y; LZV = -viewDir.z; } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); return 0; } // If the up-vector is a null-vector (a problem), set it to 0,1,0 if ( (LXUp == 0) && (LYUp == 0) && (LZUp == 0) ) { LXUp=0.0; LYUp=1.0; LZUp=0.0; } // Compute camera orbital angles LXV, LYV, LZV: direction vector of the camera LRotX = DtGetAngle2D( LYV, sqrt(LXV*LXV + LZV*LZV) ); LRotY = DtGetAngle2D(LZV, LXV); if ( LRotY < 0.0 ) LRotY += 360.0; LX=0.0; LY=1.0; LZ=0.0; // Unit-length up-vector // Create the inverse camera rotation matrix and transform the // default up-vector with it MVector vec( LX, LY, LZ ); vec.rotateBy( MVector::kXaxis, LRotX-90.0 ); vec.rotateBy( MVector::kYaxis, LRotY ); LX = vec.x; LY = vec.y; LZ = vec.z; #if 0 LMatrix = LMatrix.rotateX((LRotX-90.0)*DEGREE_TO_RADIAN); LMatrix *= LMatrix.rotateY(LRotY*DEGREE_TO_RADIAN); LMatrix.transVector(LX,LY,LZ); #endif LRotZ = acos((LXUp*LX + LYUp*LY + LZUp*LZ) / sqrt(LXUp*LXUp + LYUp*LYUp + LZUp*LZUp)) * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE; *xRot = LRotX; *yRot = LRotY; *zRot = LRotZ; return(1); } // DtCameraGetOrientation //
// ========== DtCameraGetUpPosition ========== // // SYNOPSIS // Return the camera Up position. // int DtCameraGetUpPosition( int cameraID, float* xTran, float* yTran, float* zTran ) { // Check for error. // if( (cameraID < 0) || (cameraID >= local->camera_ct ) ) { *xTran = 0.0; *yTran = 0.0; *zTran = 0.0; return( 0 ); } MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MFnDagNode fnDagNode( local->cameras[cameraID].transformNode, &stat ); MDagPath aPath; stat = fnDagNode.getPath( aPath ); // Get the global transformation matrix of the camera node. // MMatrix globalMatrix = aPath.inclusiveMatrix(); MFnCamera fnCamera( local->cameras[cameraID].cameraShapeNode, &stat ); MPoint eyePt; double eyePos[4]; double upPos[4]; if( MS::kSuccess == stat ) { eyePt = fnCamera.eyePoint( MSpace::kObject, &stat ); eyePt *= globalMatrix; eyePt.get( eyePos ); MVector upVec = fnCamera.upDirection( MSpace::kObject, &stat ); upVec *= globalMatrix; if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { double up[3]; upVec.get( up ); cerr << "local up vector is " << up[0] << " " << up[1] << " " << up[2] << endl; } MPoint upPoint = eyePt + upVec; upPoint.get( upPos ); if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "global up point position is " << upPos[0] << " " << upPos[1] << " " << upPos[2] << " " << upPos[3] << endl; } } else { DtExt_Err( "Error in getting the camera function set\n" ); } *xTran = upPos[0]; *yTran = upPos[1]; *zTran = upPos[2]; return(1); }
int addTransformCamera( MObject transformNode, MObject cameraShapeNode ) { if( !DtExt_outputCameras() ) { return 0; } if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "In addTransformCamera\n"; } local->cameras = (CameraStruct*)realloc(local->cameras,(1+local->camera_ct)*sizeof(CameraStruct)); memset( &local->cameras[local->camera_ct], 0, sizeof(CameraStruct) ); local->cameras[local->camera_ct].cameraShapeNode = cameraShapeNode; local->cameras[local->camera_ct].transformNode = transformNode; MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnCamera fnCamera( cameraShapeNode ); if( false == fnCamera.isOrtho( &returnStatus ) ) { if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "perspective camera\n"; } local->cameras[local->camera_ct].type = DT_PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA; } else { if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { cerr << "ortho camera\n"; } local->cameras[local->camera_ct].type = DT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA; } local->camera_ct++; // For testing purpose: // if( DtExt_Debug() & DEBUG_CAMERA ) { float v = 0.0; cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetNearClip\n"; DtCameraGetNearClip( local->camera_ct-1, &v ); cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetFarClip\n"; DtCameraGetFarClip( local->camera_ct-1, &v ); float p[3]; cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetPosition\n"; DtCameraGetPosition( local->camera_ct-1, &p[0], &p[1], &p[2] ); float o[3]; cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetOrientation\n"; DtCameraGetOrientation( local->camera_ct-1, &o[0], &o[1], &o[2] ); float matrix[4][4]; cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetMatrix\n"; DtCameraGetMatrix( local->camera_ct-1, (float ** )matrix ); float aspect = 0.0; cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetAspect\n"; DtCameraGetAspect( local->camera_ct-1, &aspect ); float focal = 0.0; cerr << "Calling DtCameraGetFocalDistance\n"; DtCameraGetFocalDistance( local->camera_ct-1, &focal ); } return 1; }
void AbcWriteJob::setup(double iFrame, MayaTransformWriterPtr iParent, GetMembersMap& gmMap) { MStatus status; // short-circuit if selection flag is on but this node isn't actively // selected if (mArgs.useSelectionList && !mSList.hasItem(mCurDag)) return; MObject ob = mCurDag.node(); // skip all intermediate nodes (and their children) if (util::isIntermediate(ob)) { return; } // skip nodes that aren't renderable (and their children) if (mArgs.excludeInvisible && !util::isRenderable(ob)) { return; } // look for riCurves flag for flattening all curve objects to a curve group MFnDependencyNode fnDepNode(ob, &status); MPlug riCurvesPlug = fnDepNode.findPlug("riCurves", &status); bool riCurvesVal = riCurvesPlug.asBool(); bool writeOutAsGroup = false; if (riCurvesVal) { writeOutAsGroup = checkCurveGrp(); if (writeOutAsGroup == false) { MString msg = "Curves have different degrees or close "; msg += "states, not writing out as curve group"; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); } } if ( status == MS::kSuccess && riCurvesVal && writeOutAsGroup) { MayaNurbsCurveWriterPtr nurbsCurve; if (iParent == NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = mRoot.getTop(); nurbsCurve = MayaNurbsCurveWriterPtr(new MayaNurbsCurveWriter( mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, true, mArgs)); } else { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); nurbsCurve = MayaNurbsCurveWriterPtr(new MayaNurbsCurveWriter( mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, true, mArgs)); } if (nurbsCurve->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mCurveList.push_back(nurbsCurve); mStats.mCurveAnimNum++; mStats.mCurveAnimCurves += nurbsCurve->getNumCurves(); mStats.mCurveAnimCVs += nurbsCurve->getNumCVs(); } else { mStats.mCurveStaticNum++; mStats.mCurveStaticCurves += nurbsCurve->getNumCurves(); mStats.mCurveStaticCVs += nurbsCurve->getNumCVs(); } AttributesWriterPtr attrs = nurbsCurve->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kTransform)) { MFnTransform fnTrans(ob, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize transform node "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } MayaTransformWriterPtr trans; // parented to the root case if (iParent == NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = mRoot.getTop(); trans = MayaTransformWriterPtr(new MayaTransformWriter( obj, mCurDag, mTransTimeIndex, mArgs)); } else { trans = MayaTransformWriterPtr(new MayaTransformWriter( *iParent, mCurDag, mTransTimeIndex, mArgs)); } if (trans->isAnimated() && mTransTimeIndex != 0) { mTransList.push_back(trans); mStats.mTransAnimNum++; } else mStats.mTransStaticNum++; AttributesWriterPtr attrs = trans->getAttrs(); if (mTransTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mTransAttrList.push_back(attrs); // loop through the children, making sure to push and pop them // from the MDagPath unsigned int numChild = mCurDag.childCount(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChild; ++i) { if (mCurDag.push(mCurDag.child(i)) == MS::kSuccess) { setup(iFrame, trans, gmMap); mCurDag.pop(); } } } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kLocator)) { MFnDependencyNode fnLocator(ob, & status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize locator node "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } if (iParent != NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); MayaLocatorWriterPtr locator(new MayaLocatorWriter( mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, mArgs)); if (locator->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mLocatorList.push_back(locator); mStats.mLocatorAnimNum++; } else { mStats.mLocatorStaticNum++; } AttributesWriterPtr attrs = locator->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else { MString err = "Can't translate "; err += + " since it doesn't have a parent."; MGlobal::displayError(err); } } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kParticle)) { MFnParticleSystem mFnParticle(ob, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize particle system "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } if (iParent != NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); MayaPointPrimitiveWriterPtr particle(new MayaPointPrimitiveWriter( iFrame, mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, mArgs)); if (particle->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mPointList.push_back(particle); mStats.mPointAnimNum++; mStats.mPointAnimCVs += particle->getNumCVs(); } else { mStats.mPointStaticNum++; mStats.mPointStaticCVs += particle->getNumCVs(); } AttributesWriterPtr attrs = particle->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else { MString err = "Can't translate "; err += + " since it doesn't have a parent."; MGlobal::displayError(err); } } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) { MFnMesh fnMesh(ob, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize mesh node "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } if (iParent != NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); MayaMeshWriterPtr mesh(new MayaMeshWriter(mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, mArgs, gmMap)); if (mesh->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mMeshList.push_back(mesh); if (mesh->isSubD()) { mStats.mSubDAnimNum++; mStats.mSubDAnimCVs += mesh->getNumCVs(); mStats.mSubDAnimFaces += mesh->getNumFaces(); } else { mStats.mPolyAnimNum++; mStats.mPolyAnimCVs += mesh->getNumCVs(); mStats.mPolyAnimFaces += mesh->getNumFaces(); } } else { if (mesh->isSubD()) { mStats.mSubDStaticNum++; mStats.mSubDStaticCVs += mesh->getNumCVs(); mStats.mSubDStaticFaces += mesh->getNumFaces(); } else { mStats.mPolyStaticNum++; mStats.mPolyStaticCVs += mesh->getNumCVs(); mStats.mPolyStaticFaces += mesh->getNumFaces(); } } AttributesWriterPtr attrs = mesh->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else { MString err = "Can't translate "; err += + " since it doesn't have a parent."; MGlobal::displayError(err); } } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kCamera)) { MFnCamera fnCamera(ob, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize camera node "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } if (iParent != NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); MayaCameraWriterPtr camera(new MayaCameraWriter( mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, mArgs)); if (camera->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mCameraList.push_back(camera); mStats.mCameraAnimNum++; } else mStats.mCameraStaticNum++; AttributesWriterPtr attrs = camera->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else { MString err = "Can't translate "; err += + " since it doesn't have a parent."; MGlobal::displayError(err); } } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface)) { MFnNurbsSurface fnNurbsSurface(ob, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize nurbs surface "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } if (iParent != NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); MayaNurbsSurfaceWriterPtr nurbsSurface(new MayaNurbsSurfaceWriter( mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, mArgs)); if (nurbsSurface->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mNurbsList.push_back(nurbsSurface); mStats.mNurbsAnimNum++; mStats.mNurbsAnimCVs += nurbsSurface->getNumCVs(); } else { mStats.mNurbsStaticNum++; mStats.mNurbsStaticCVs += nurbsSurface->getNumCVs(); } AttributesWriterPtr attrs = nurbsSurface->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else { MString err = "Can't translate "; err += + " since it doesn't have a parent."; MGlobal::displayError(err); } } else if (ob.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve)) { MFnNurbsCurve fnNurbsCurve(ob, &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString msg = "Initialize curve node "; msg += mCurDag.fullPathName(); msg += " failed, skipping."; MGlobal::displayWarning(msg); return; } if (iParent != NULL) { Alembic::Abc::OObject obj = iParent->getObject(); MayaNurbsCurveWriterPtr nurbsCurve(new MayaNurbsCurveWriter( mCurDag, obj, mShapeTimeIndex, false, mArgs)); if (nurbsCurve->isAnimated() && mShapeTimeIndex != 0) { mCurveList.push_back(nurbsCurve); mStats.mCurveAnimNum++; mStats.mCurveAnimCurves++; mStats.mCurveAnimCVs += nurbsCurve->getNumCVs(); } else { mStats.mCurveStaticNum++; mStats.mCurveStaticCurves++; mStats.mCurveStaticCVs += nurbsCurve->getNumCVs(); } AttributesWriterPtr attrs = nurbsCurve->getAttrs(); if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && attrs->isAnimated()) mShapeAttrList.push_back(attrs); } else { MString err = "Can't translate "; err += + " since it doesn't have a parent."; MGlobal::displayError(err); } } else { MString warn = mCurDag.fullPathName() + " is an unsupported type of "; warn += ob.apiTypeStr(); MGlobal::displayWarning(warn); } }