/**************************************************************************** Desc: Spits out a short message saying that the URL for the SCache block that was requested was badly formed. Used when locateSCacheBlock() returns FERR_MEM. ****************************************************************************/ void F_SCacheBase::malformedUrlErr() { stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<html>\n<HEAD>\n"); printStyle(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD><BODY>\n" "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Bad SCache Block URL</H2>" "<HR><P> Couldn't process requested URL. Is" " the query string properly formed?.</P>\n</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Page that is displayed when a URL is requested for a page requireing secure access but the Session security is not enabled. A password is required. ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_SessionAccessPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( uiNumParams); F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( ppszParams); stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<html>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<head>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<title>Session Access Error Page</title>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</head>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<body>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<STRONG>The page you are attempting to view requires " "secure access. The session level access has not been enabled." " To activate session level secure access, you must enter the " "secure access password.</STRONG>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Spits out a short message saying that the SCache block you were looking for wasn't found. Used when locateSCacheBlock() returns FERR_NOT_FOUND. ****************************************************************************/ void F_SCacheBase::notFoundErr() { stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<html>\n<HEAD>\n"); printStyle(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD><BODY>\n" "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>SCache Block Not Found</H2>" "<HR><P> Unable to find the SCache Block that you requested." " This is probably because the state of the cache changed between the time" " that you displayed the previous page and the time that you clicked on the" " link that brought you here. (It's also possible that the link you selected" " was a NULL pointer.) \n" " <P>Your best bet is probably to click on the \"Database System Data\" link on" " the left.</P>\n</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Page that is displayed when a URL is requested for a page requireing secure access but the Global security is not enabled or has expired. ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_GblAccessPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( uiNumParams); F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( ppszParams); stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<html>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<head>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<title>Global Access Error Page</title>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</head>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<body>\n"); // We're putting this script here to force the Nav bar to reload. The // reason for this because of the case where one user disables the secure // access stuff after a second user has successfully logged in. When the // second user attempts to load a page requiring secure access he or she // will get this page. If the nav bar is not reloaded then it will still // be indicating that the user is logged in and the user will have no idea // why this page is coming up. If the nav bar is reloaded, it will at // least give a clue (though not an obvious one) as to what has happened. fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<script>parent.Menu.location.href=\"%s/Nav.htm\" " "</script>\n", m_pszURLString); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<STRONG>The page you are attempting to view requires " "secure access. The secure access either has not been enabled or " "it has expired. To activate secure access, you must select the " "\"Access Code\" link in the navigation bar and enter the " "enabling data provided to you by Novell Inc. You will then need " "to enter the secure access password.</STRONG>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Prints the web page for an SCACHE use list This function is essentially unimplemented because I have yet to see an SCache page where the use_list value was non-null!! ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_SCacheUseListPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( uiNumParams); F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( ppszParams); RCODE rc = FERR_OK; stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "\n<html>\n <body>\n" "Congratulations! You've managed to find an SCache block with a valid " "use list! Too bad we haven't implemented a page to dislay use " "lists yet...\n </body> </html>"); fnEmit(); return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Prints the web page for the SCacheHashTable ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_SCacheHashTablePage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; FLMBOOL bRefresh; FLMBOOL bHighlight = TRUE; FLMUINT uiLoop; FLMUINT uiHashTableSize; FLMUINT uiUsedEntries = 0; char szStart[10]; char szRefresh[] = "&Refresh"; FLMUINT uiStart; FLMUINT uiNewStart; char * pszTemp; #define NUM_ENTRIES 20 char * pszHTLinks[NUM_ENTRIES]; F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( uiNumParams); F_UNREFERENCED_PARM( ppszParams); // Check for the refresh parameter bRefresh = DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh"); if (!bRefresh) { szRefresh[0]='\0'; // Effectively turns szRefresh into a null string } // Get the starting entry number... if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Start", sizeof( szStart), szStart))) { flmAssert( 0); goto Exit; } uiStart = f_atoud( szStart); // Allocate space for the hyperlink text for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_ENTRIES; uiLoop++) { if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 250, &pszHTLinks[ uiLoop]))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } pszHTLinks[uiLoop][0] = '\0'; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 250, &pszTemp))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } // Lock the database f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); // Get the number of entries in the hash table uiHashTableSize = gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.uiHashTblSize; // May need to modify starting number if it's out of range... if ((uiStart + NUM_ENTRIES) >= uiHashTableSize) { uiStart = uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES; } // Loop through the entire table counting the number of entries in use // If the entry is one of the one's we're going to display, store the // appropriate text in pszHTLinks for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < uiHashTableSize; uiLoop++) { if (gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.ppHashTbl[uiLoop]) { uiUsedEntries++; } if ( (uiLoop >= uiStart) && (uiLoop < (uiStart + NUM_ENTRIES)) ) { // This is one of the entries that we will display if (gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.ppHashTbl[uiLoop]) { flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszHTLinks[uiLoop - uiStart], gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr.ppHashTbl[uiLoop]); } } } // Unlock the database f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); // Begin rendering the page... stdHdr(); printStyle(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<html>\n"); // Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or not. if (bRefresh) { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>" "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s\">" "<TITLE>Database iMonitor - SCache Hash Table</TITLE>\n", m_pszURLString, uiStart, szRefresh); } else { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>\n"); } // If we are not to refresh this page, then don't include the // refresh meta command if (!bRefresh) { f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu&Refresh>Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>", m_pszURLString, uiStart); } else { f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu>Stop Auto-refresh</A>", m_pszURLString, uiStart); } // Print out a formal header and the refresh option. printTableStart("SCache Hash Table", 4); printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Refresh</A>, %s\n", m_pszURLString, uiStart, szRefresh, pszTemp); printColumnHeadingClose(); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( (bHighlight = !bHighlight)); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<TD>Table Size: %lu </TD>\n", uiHashTableSize); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( (bHighlight = !bHighlight)); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<TD>Entries Used: %lu (%lu%%) </TD>\n", uiUsedEntries, ((uiUsedEntries * 100) / uiHashTableSize) ); printTableRowEnd(); // The rest of the table is going to be a single row with two columns: // one for the list of hash buckets and the other for everything else printTableRowStart( FALSE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, " <TD>\n"); // Print out the hash buckets for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_ENTRIES; uiLoop++) { if (pszHTLinks[uiLoop][0] != '\0') { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s%s>%lu</A> <br>\n", pszHTLinks[uiLoop], szRefresh, uiStart+uiLoop); } else { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "%lu<br>\n", uiStart+uiLoop); } } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</ul>\n</TD>\n<TD>\n"); // Print out the other stuff... uiNewStart = (uiStart > 100)?(uiStart - 100):0; fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Previous 100</A> <BR>\n", m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh); uiNewStart = (uiStart > 10)?(uiStart - 10):0; fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Previous 10</A> <BR>\n", m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<BR>\n"); uiNewStart = (uiStart + 10); if (uiNewStart >= (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES)) { uiNewStart = (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES); } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Next 10</A> <BR>\n", m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh); uiNewStart = (uiStart + 100); if (uiNewStart >= (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES)) { uiNewStart = (uiHashTableSize - NUM_ENTRIES); } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=%lu%s>Next 100</A> <BR>\n" "<form type=\"submit\" method=\"get\" action=\"/coredb/SCacheHashTable\">\n" "<BR> Jump to specific bucket:<BR> \n" "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" name=\"Start\"></INPUT> <BR>\n", m_pszURLString, uiNewStart, szRefresh); printButton( "Jump", BT_Submit); // We use a hidden field to pass the refresh parameter back the the server if (bRefresh) { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"Refresh\"></INPUT>\n"); } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</form>\n</TD>\n"); printTableRowEnd(); printTableEnd(); printDocEnd(); fnEmit(); Exit: // Free the space for the hyperlink text for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_ENTRIES; uiLoop++) { f_free( &pszHTLinks[uiLoop]); } f_free( &pszTemp); return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Prints the web page for an SCACHEMGR struct (The URL for this page requires no parameters since there is only one SCACHE_MGR per copy of FLAIM.) ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_SCacheMgrPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; SCACHE_MGR LocalSCacheMgr; FLMBOOL bAutoRefresh; #define NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS 4 char * pszSCacheRequestString[ NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS]; char szOffsetTable[12][6]; char szAddressTable[2][20]; FLMBOOL bHighlight = FALSE; char * pszTemp = NULL; FLMUINT uiLoop; // Note: The SCacheBlock requests need the following params: // "BlockAddress", "File", "LowTransID" and "HighTransID" // ex: <A href="SCacheBlock?BlockAddress=100?File=5?LowTransID=30?HighTransID=100"> pMRUCache </A> if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 200, &pszTemp))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } // First thing that we need to do is grab a local copy of gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr, // and of the data for the three SCache blocks that it has pointers to... for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS; uiLoop++) { if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheRequestString[ uiLoop]))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } } f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); f_memcpy (&LocalSCacheMgr, &gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr, sizeof (LocalSCacheMgr)); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[0], LocalSCacheMgr.pMRUCache); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[1], LocalSCacheMgr.pLRUCache); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[2], LocalSCacheMgr.pFirstFree); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[3], LocalSCacheMgr.pLastFree); f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); bAutoRefresh = DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh"); // Now - are we being asked to display the usage stats? Or is this a regular page... if (DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Usage")) { // There's a function to handle display the usage info (because both // RCacheMgr and SCacheMgr have usage stats). writeUsage( &LocalSCacheMgr.Usage, bAutoRefresh, "/SCacheMgr?Usage", "Usage Statistics for the SCache"); } else // This is a regular SCacheMgr page... { // Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or not. stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<HTML>\n"); if (bAutoRefresh) { // Send back the page with a refresh command in the header fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>" "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=%s/SCacheMgr?Refresh\">" "<TITLE>gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr</TITLE>\n", m_pszURLString); printStyle(); popupFrame(); //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window.. fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "\n</HEAD>\n<body>\n"); f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheMgr>Stop Auto-refresh</A>", m_pszURLString); } else // bAutoRefresh == FALSE { // Send back a page without the refresh command fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>" "<TITLE>gv_FlmSysData.SCacheMgr</TITLE>\n"); printStyle(); popupFrame(); //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window.. fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "\n</HEAD>\n<body>\n"); f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheMgr?Refresh>Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>", m_pszURLString); } // Write out the table headings printTableStart( "SCache Manager Structure", 4); printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=%s/SCacheMgr>Refresh</A>, %s\n", m_pszURLString, pszTemp); printColumnHeadingClose(); printTableRowEnd(); // Write out the table headings. printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "Byte Offset (hex)"); printColumnHeading( "Field Name"); printColumnHeading( "Field Type"); printColumnHeading( "Value"); printTableRowEnd(); //Now - we have three rows in the table that may or may not have hyperlinks in them. printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[0], "pMRUCache", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pMRUCache); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[1], "pLRUCache", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pLRUCache); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[2], "pFirstFree", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pFirstFree); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[3], "pLastFree", &LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.pLastFree); //Format the strings that are displayed in the Offset column on of the table printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.ppHashTbl, szOffsetTable[0]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.Usage, szOffsetTable[1]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.bAutoCalcMaxDirty, szOffsetTable[2]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiMaxDirtyCache, szOffsetTable[3]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiLowDirtyCache, szOffsetTable[4]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiTotalUses, szOffsetTable[5]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiBlocksUsed, szOffsetTable[6]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiPendingReads, szOffsetTable[7]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiIoWaits, szOffsetTable[8]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiHashTblSize, szOffsetTable[9]); printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.uiHashTblBits, szOffsetTable[10]); #ifdef FLM_DEBUG printOffset(&LocalSCacheMgr, &LocalSCacheMgr.bDebug, szOffsetTable[11]); #endif printAddress( LocalSCacheMgr.ppHashTbl, szAddressTable[0]); printAddress( &LocalSCacheMgr.Usage, szAddressTable[1]); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td><A HREF=\"%s/SCacheHashTable?Start=0\">ppHashTbl</A></td>\n" "<td>SCACHE **</td>\n" "<td><A href=\"%s/SCacheHashTbl\">%s</A></td>\n", szOffsetTable[0], m_pszURLString, m_pszURLString, szAddressTable[0]); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td><A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s/SCacheMgr?Usage')\">Usage</A></td>\n" "<td>FLM_CACHE_USAGE</td>\n" "<td><A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s/SCacheMgr?Usage')\">%s</A></td>\n", szOffsetTable[1], m_pszURLString, m_pszURLString, szAddressTable[1]); printTableRowEnd(); // uiFreeCount printHTMLUint( (char *)"uiFreeCount", (char *)"FLMUINT", (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr, (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiFreeCount, LocalSCacheMgr.uiFreeCount, (bHighlight = ~bHighlight)); // uiFreeBytes printHTMLUint( (char *)"uiFreeBytes", (char *)"FLMUINT", (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr, (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiFreeBytes, LocalSCacheMgr.uiFreeBytes, (bHighlight = ~bHighlight)); // uiReplaceableCount printHTMLUint( (char *)"uiReplaceableCount", (char *)"FLMUINT", (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr, (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiReplaceableCount, LocalSCacheMgr.uiReplaceableCount, (bHighlight = ~bHighlight)); // uiReplaceableBytes printHTMLUint( (char *)"uiReplaceableBytes", (char *)"FLMUINT", (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr, (void *)&LocalSCacheMgr.uiReplaceableBytes, LocalSCacheMgr.uiReplaceableBytes, (bHighlight = ~bHighlight)); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>bAutoCalcMaxDirty</td>\n" "<td>FLMBOOL</td>\n" TD_i, szOffsetTable[2], LocalSCacheMgr.bAutoCalcMaxDirty); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiMaxDirtyCache</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[3], LocalSCacheMgr.uiMaxDirtyCache); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiLowDirtyCache</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[4], LocalSCacheMgr.uiLowDirtyCache); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiTotalUses</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[5], LocalSCacheMgr.uiTotalUses); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiBlocksUsed</td> <td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[6], LocalSCacheMgr.uiBlocksUsed); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiPendingReads</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[7], LocalSCacheMgr.uiPendingReads); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiIoWaits</td>\n <td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[8], LocalSCacheMgr.uiIoWaits); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiHashTableSize</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[9], LocalSCacheMgr.uiHashTblSize); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiHashTableBits</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[10], LocalSCacheMgr.uiHashTblBits); printTableRowEnd(); #ifdef FLM_DEBUG printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>bDebug</td>\n" "<td>FLMBOOL</td>\n" TD_i, szOffsetTable[11], LocalSCacheMgr.bDebug); printTableRowEnd(); #endif printTableEnd(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); } Exit: if (pszTemp) { f_free( &pszTemp); } for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < NUM_CACHE_REQ_STRINGS; uiLoop++) { if( pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop]) { f_free( &pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop]); } } return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Prints the web page showing the binary data in an SCache block ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_SCacheDataPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; FLMUINT uiBlkAddress = 0; FLMUINT uiLowTransID = 0; FLMUINT uiHighTransID = 0; FFILE * pFile = NULL; FLMBOOL bFlaimLocked = FALSE; SCACHE LocalSCacheBlock; char * pucData = NULL; char * pucDataLine; char szData[97]; char szOneChar[7]; FLMUINT uiCurrentOffset = 0; FLMUINT uiLoop = 0; f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); bFlaimLocked = TRUE; rc = locateSCacheBlock( uiNumParams, ppszParams, &LocalSCacheBlock, &uiBlkAddress, &uiLowTransID, &uiHighTransID, &pFile); if (RC_BAD( rc)) { if(rc == FERR_NOT_FOUND) { notFoundErr(); rc = FERR_OK; } goto Exit; } else { // Store the data in a local variable... if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize, &pucData))) { goto Exit; } f_memcpy( pucData, LocalSCacheBlock.pucBlk, LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize); } f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); bFlaimLocked = FALSE; // Start the HTML... stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<HTML> <BODY>\n<font face=arial><PRE>\n"); while (uiCurrentOffset < LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize) { szData[0] = '\0'; pucDataLine = pucData + uiCurrentOffset; fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<font color=blue>0x%04X</font> " "%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X ", uiCurrentOffset, pucDataLine[ 0], pucDataLine[ 1], pucDataLine[ 2], pucDataLine[ 3], pucDataLine[ 4], pucDataLine[ 5], pucDataLine[ 6], pucDataLine[ 7], pucDataLine[ 8], pucDataLine[ 9], pucDataLine[10], pucDataLine[11], pucDataLine[12], pucDataLine[13], pucDataLine[14], pucDataLine[15]); for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < 16; uiLoop++) { if ( (pucDataLine[uiLoop] >= 32) && // 32 is a space (pucDataLine[uiLoop] <= 126) ) // 126 is a ~ { f_sprintf( szOneChar, "&#%d;", pucDataLine[uiLoop]); } else { f_strcpy( szOneChar, "."); // 46 is a . } f_strcat(szData, szOneChar); // The reason for all the &#xxx; nonsence is because if we just put // the characters into a string, when the brower comes across a < // character, it will try to interpret what follows as an HTML // tag... } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<font color=green>%s</font>\n", szData); uiCurrentOffset += 16; } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</PRE></font>\n</BODY> </HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); Exit: if (bFlaimLocked) { f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); } if (pucData) { f_free( &pucData); } return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Prints the web page for an SCACHE struct ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_SCacheBlockPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; FLMUINT uiBlkAddress = 0; FLMUINT uiLowTransID = 0; FLMUINT uiHighTransID = 0; FFILE * pFile; FLMBOOL bHighlight = FALSE; char * pszTemp = NULL; char * pszTemp1 = NULL; FLMUINT uiLoop = 0; char szOffsetTable[10][6]; char szAddressTable[4][20]; SCACHE LocalSCacheBlock; FLMUINT uiPFileBucket = 0; char * pszSCacheRequestString[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char * pszSCacheDataRequest = NULL; char * pszSCacheAutoRequest = NULL; char * pszSCacheUseListRequest = NULL; char * pszSCacheNotifyListRequest = NULL; char * pszFFileRequest = NULL; char * pszFlagNames = NULL; if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 200, &pszTemp))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 200, &pszTemp1))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } // Allocate memory for all those string pointers we declared above... for (uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < 8; uiLoop++) { if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheRequestString[ uiLoop]))) { goto Exit; } } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheDataRequest))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheAutoRequest))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheUseListRequest))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszSCacheNotifyListRequest))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 100, &pszFFileRequest))) { goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 100, &pszFlagNames))) { goto Exit; } f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); rc = locateSCacheBlock( uiNumParams, ppszParams, &LocalSCacheBlock, &uiBlkAddress, &uiLowTransID, &uiHighTransID, &pFile); if (RC_OK(rc) && LocalSCacheBlock.pFile) { uiPFileBucket = LocalSCacheBlock.pFile->uiBucket; } if (RC_OK( rc)) { // Build the proper strings to request various other SCache blocks flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[0], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInFile); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[1], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInFile); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[2], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInGlobalList); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[3], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInGlobalList); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[4], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInHashBucket); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[5], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInHashBucket); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[6], LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInVersionList); flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheRequestString[7], LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInVersionList); // Build the proper string to request the current Page flmBuildSCacheBlockString( pszSCacheAutoRequest, &LocalSCacheBlock); } f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); if (RC_BAD( rc)) { if (rc == FERR_NOT_FOUND) { // The block wasn't there, print an error message and exit notFoundErr(); rc = FERR_OK; } else if (rc == FERR_MEM) { // Parameters were too long to store in the space provided. // Probably means that the URL was malformed... malformedUrlErr(); rc = FERR_OK; } goto Exit; } //Build the proper string to request this block's data... printAddress( pFile, szAddressTable[0]); f_sprintf( (char *)pszSCacheDataRequest, "%s/SCacheData?BlockAddress=%lu&File=%s&LowTransID=%lu&HighTransID=%lu", m_pszURLString, LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szAddressTable[0], uiLowTransID, uiHighTransID); #ifdef FLM_DEBUG //Build the proper string to request this block's use list if( LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList) { f_sprintf( (char *)pszSCacheUseListRequest, "%s/SCacheUseList?BlockAddress=%lu&File=%s&LowTransID=%lu&HighTransID=%lu", m_pszURLString, LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szAddressTable[0], uiLowTransID, uiHighTransID); } else { pszSCacheUseListRequest[0] = '\0'; } #endif //Build the proper string to request the notify list data... if (LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList) { f_sprintf( (char *)pszSCacheNotifyListRequest, "%s/SCacheNotifyList?BlockAddress=%lu&File=%s&LowTransID=%lu&HighTransID=%lu", m_pszURLString, LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szAddressTable[0], uiLowTransID, uiHighTransID); } else { pszSCacheNotifyListRequest[0] = '\0'; } //Build the proper string to request the FFile printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pFile, szAddressTable[0]); f_sprintf( (char *)pszFFileRequest, "%s/FFile?From=SCacheBlock&Bucket=%lu&Address=%s", m_pszURLString, uiPFileBucket, szAddressTable[0]); // Build a string with the names of all the flags that have been set... pszFlagNames[0]='\0'; if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_DIRTY) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_DIRTY"); } if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_READ_PENDING) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_READ_PENDING"); } if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_WRITE_TO_LOG) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_WRITE_TO_LOG"); } if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_LOG_FOR_CP) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_LOG_FOR_CP"); } if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_WAS_DIRTY) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_WAS_DIRTY"); } if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_WRITE_PENDING) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_WRITE_PENDING"); } if (LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags & CA_IN_WRITE_PENDING_LIST) { f_strcat( pszFlagNames, "<BR> CA_IN_WRITE_PENDING_LIST"); } // OK - Start outputting HTML... stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE "<html>\n"); // Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or not. if (DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh")) { // Send back the page with a refresh command in the header fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>\n" "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=\"%s\">" "<TITLE>SCache Block</TITLE>\n", pszSCacheAutoRequest); printStyle(); popupFrame(); //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window.. fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD>\n<body>\n"); f_sprintf( (char*)pszTemp, "<A HREF=\"%s\">Stop Auto-refresh</A>", pszSCacheAutoRequest); } else { // Send back a page without the refresh command fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>\n"); printStyle(); popupFrame(); //Spits out a Javascript function that will open a new window.. fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD>\n<body>\n"); f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=\"%s?Refresh\">Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>", pszSCacheAutoRequest); } // Write out the table headings printTableStart( "SCache Block Structure", 4, 100); printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<A HREF=\"%s\">Refresh</A>, %s\n", pszSCacheAutoRequest, pszTemp); printColumnHeadingClose(); printTableRowEnd(); // Write out the table headings. printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "Byte Offset (hex)"); printColumnHeading( "Field Name"); printColumnHeading( "Field Type"); printColumnHeading( "Value"); printTableRowEnd(); // Print the two rows for pPrevInFile and pNextInFile printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[0], "pPrevInFile", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInFile); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[1], "pNextInFile", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInFile); // Format the strings that are displayed in the Offset and Address // columns of the table printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pucBlk, szOffsetTable[0]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pFile, szOffsetTable[1]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress, szOffsetTable[2]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList, szOffsetTable[3]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiHighTransID, szOffsetTable[4]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiUseCount, szOffsetTable[5]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags, szOffsetTable[6]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize, szOffsetTable[7]); #ifdef FLM_DEBUG printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.uiChecksum, szOffsetTable[8]); printOffset( &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList, szOffsetTable[9]); #endif printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pucBlk, szAddressTable[0]); printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pFile, szAddressTable[1]); printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList, szAddressTable[2]); #ifdef FLM_DEBUG printAddress( LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList, szAddressTable[3]); #endif printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td><A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\">pucBlk</A></td>\n" "<td>FLMBYTE *</td>\n<td><A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\">%s</A></td>\n", szOffsetTable[0], pszSCacheDataRequest, pszSCacheDataRequest, szAddressTable[0] ); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td><A href=%s>pFile</A></td>\n" "<td>FFILE *</td>\n<td><A HREF=%s>%s</a></td>\n", szOffsetTable[1], pszFFileRequest, pszFFileRequest, szAddressTable[1]); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiBlkAddress</td>\n<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" "<td>0x%lX</td>\n", szOffsetTable[2], LocalSCacheBlock.uiBlkAddress); printTableRowEnd(); //Print the rows for the remaining SCache * fields printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[2], "pPrevInGlobalList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInGlobalList); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[3], "pNextInGlobalList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInGlobalList); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[4], "pPrevInHashBucket", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInHashBucket); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[5], "pNextInHashBucket", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInHashBucket); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[6], "pPrevInVersionList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pPrevInVersionList); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); flmPrintCacheLine(m_pHRequest, pszSCacheRequestString[7], "pNextInVersionList", &LocalSCacheBlock, &LocalSCacheBlock.pNextInVersionList); //Notify list line printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); if (LocalSCacheBlock.pNotifyList) { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s " <td> <A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\"> pNotifyList </A> </td> <td>FNOTIFY *</td> " "<td> <A HREF=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')\"> %s </A> </td>", szOffsetTable[3], pszSCacheNotifyListRequest, pszSCacheNotifyListRequest, szAddressTable[2]); } else { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s " <td> pNotifyList </td> <td>FNOTIFY *</td> " "<td> 0x0 </td>", szOffsetTable[3]); } printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiHighTransID</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_8x, szOffsetTable[4], LocalSCacheBlock.uiHighTransID); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiUseCount</td>\n<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_lu, szOffsetTable[5], LocalSCacheBlock.uiUseCount); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>ui16Flags</td>\n<td>FLMUINT16</td>\n" "<td>0x%04X %s</td>\n", szOffsetTable[6], LocalSCacheBlock.ui16Flags, pszFlagNames); printTableRowEnd(); printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>ui16BlkSize</td>\n<td>FLMUINT16</td>\n" TD_i, szOffsetTable[7], LocalSCacheBlock.ui16BlkSize); printTableRowEnd(); #ifdef FLM_DEBUG printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s "<td>uiChecksum</td>\n" "<td>FLMUINT</td>\n" TD_8x, szOffsetTable[8], LocalSCacheBlock.uiChecksum); printTableRowEnd(); #endif #ifdef FLM_DEBUG //Last line - the use list... printTableRowStart( bHighlight = ~bHighlight); if (LocalSCacheBlock.pUseList) { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s " <td> <A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')> pUseList </A> </td> <td> SCACHE_USE_p </td> <td> <A href=\"javascript:openPopup('%s')> %s </A></td>", szOffsetTable[9], pszSCacheUseListRequest, pszSCacheUseListRequest, szAddressTable[3]); } else { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TD_s " <td> pUseList </td> <td> SCACHE_USE_p </td> <td> 0x0 </td>", szOffsetTable[9]); } printTableRowEnd(); #endif fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, TABLE_END "</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); Exit: // Even though uiLoop2 is not in the same scope as uiLoop, VC6 still // complains if this is called uiLoop.... for (FLMUINT uiLoop2 = 0; uiLoop2 < 8; uiLoop2++) { if (pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop2]) { f_free( &pszSCacheRequestString[uiLoop2]); } } if (pszSCacheDataRequest) { f_free( &pszSCacheDataRequest); } if (pszSCacheAutoRequest) { f_free( &pszSCacheAutoRequest); } if (pszSCacheUseListRequest) { f_free( &pszSCacheUseListRequest); } if (pszSCacheNotifyListRequest) { f_free( &pszSCacheNotifyListRequest); } if( pszFFileRequest) { f_free( &pszFFileRequest); } if( pszFlagNames) { f_free( &pszFlagNames); } if (pszTemp) { f_free( &pszTemp); } if (pszTemp1) { f_free( &pszTemp1); } return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: This function handle the details of extracting the parameters needed to interpret the request and then generating the response HTML page ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_FFilePage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; #define GENERIC_SIZE_B 20 char szFrom[ GENERIC_SIZE_B]; char szBucket[ 4]; FLMUINT uiBucket; FFILE localFFile; FFILE * pFile; FLMBOOL bRefresh; void * pvAddress; char szAddress[GENERIC_SIZE_B]; char szLink[GENERIC_SIZE_B]; FLMBOOL bFlmLocked = FALSE; DATASTRUCT DataStruct; FLMBYTE * pszTemp = NULL; FLMBYTE * pszTemp1 = NULL; if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszTemp))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } if( RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( 150, &pszTemp1))) { printErrorPage( rc, TRUE, (char *)"Failed to allocate temporary buffer"); goto Exit; } // Initialize a few variables first... szFrom[0] = '\0'; szBucket[0] = '\0'; pFile = NULL; // Get the "From" parameter. We use this to determine everything else. if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "From", sizeof( szFrom), szFrom))) { goto Exit; } f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); bFlmLocked = TRUE; if (!f_stricmp( szFrom, "FileHashTbl")) { // Get the hash bucket index if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Bucket", sizeof( szBucket), szBucket))) { goto Exit; } uiBucket = f_atoud( szBucket); pFile = (FFILE *)gv_FlmSysData.pFileHashTbl[uiBucket].pFirstInBucket; } else if ( (f_stricmp( szFrom, "SCacheBlock") == 0) || (f_stricmp( szFrom, "RCache") == 0) || (f_stricmp( szFrom, "FDB") == 0)) { // Get the FFile address and the Hash Bucket if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Bucket", sizeof( szBucket), szBucket))) { goto Exit; } uiBucket = f_atoud( szBucket); if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Address", sizeof( szAddress), szAddress))) { goto Exit; } pvAddress = (void *)f_atoud( szAddress); pFile = (FFILE *)gv_FlmSysData.pFileHashTbl[uiBucket].pFirstInBucket; while (pFile && (void *)pFile != pvAddress) { pFile = pFile->pNext; } } else if (f_stricmp( szFrom, "FlmSysData") == 0) { // Get the Link and the FFile address if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Link", sizeof( szLink), szLink))) { goto Exit; } if (RC_BAD( rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Address", sizeof( szAddress), szAddress))) { goto Exit; } pvAddress = (void *)f_atoud( szAddress); if (f_stricmp( szLink, "pMrnuFile") == 0) { pFile = gv_FlmSysData.pMrnuFile; // Now let's make sure we are looking at the right FFile... while (pFile && (void *)pFile != pvAddress) { pFile = pFile->pNextNUFile; } } else if (f_stricmp( szLink, "pLrnuFile") == 0) { pFile = gv_FlmSysData.pLrnuFile; // Now let's make sure we are looking at the right FFile... while (pFile && (void *)pFile != pvAddress) { pFile = pFile->pPrevNUFile; } } } else if (f_stricmp( szFrom, "FFile") == 0) { // We need to get the Link, Bucket & Address if (RC_BAD(rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Link", sizeof( szLink), szLink))) { goto Exit; } if (RC_BAD(rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Address", sizeof( szAddress), szAddress))) { goto Exit; } pvAddress = (void *)f_atoud( szAddress); if (RC_BAD(rc = ExtractParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Bucket", sizeof( szBucket), szBucket))) { goto Exit; } uiBucket = f_atoud( szBucket); // First, let's get a reference to an FFile from the specified bucket if (gv_FlmSysData.pFileHashTbl[uiBucket].pFirstInBucket) { pFile = (FFILE *)gv_FlmSysData.pFileHashTbl[uiBucket].pFirstInBucket; } // Now let's make sure we are looking at the right FFile... while (pFile && (void *)pFile != pvAddress) { pFile = pFile->pNext; } // Now what link are we supposed to follow? if (f_stricmp( szLink, "pNext") == 0) { pFile = pFile->pNext; } else if (f_stricmp( szLink, "pPrev") == 0) { pFile = pFile->pPrev; } else if (f_stricmp( szLink, "pNextNUFile") == 0) { pFile = pFile->pNextNUFile; } else if (f_stricmp( szLink, "pPrevNUFile") == 0) { pFile = pFile->pPrevNUFile; } } // Gather additional data if present. Initialize the structure before // using it. f_memset( &DataStruct, 0, sizeof(DataStruct)); if (pFile) { f_memcpy( &localFFile, pFile, sizeof(localFFile)); if (pFile->pSCacheList) { DataStruct.SCacheBlkAddress = pFile->pSCacheList->uiBlkAddress; DataStruct.SCacheLowTransID = scaGetLowTransID( pFile->pSCacheList), DataStruct.SCacheHighTransID = pFile->pSCacheList->uiHighTransID; } if (pFile->pPendingWriteList) { DataStruct.PendingWriteBlkAddress = pFile->pPendingWriteList->uiBlkAddress; DataStruct.PendingWriteLowTransID = scaGetLowTransID( pFile->pPendingWriteList), DataStruct.PendingWriteHighTransID = pFile->pPendingWriteList->uiHighTransID; } if (pFile->pLastDirtyBlk) { DataStruct.LastDirtyBlkAddress = pFile->pLastDirtyBlk->uiBlkAddress; DataStruct.LastDirtyLowTransID = scaGetLowTransID( pFile->pLastDirtyBlk), DataStruct.LastDirtyHighTransID = pFile->pLastDirtyBlk->uiHighTransID; } if (pFile->pFirstRecord) { DataStruct.FirstRecordContainer = pFile->pFirstRecord->uiContainer; DataStruct.FirstRecordDrn = pFile->pFirstRecord->uiDrn; DataStruct.FirstRecordLowTransId = pFile->pFirstRecord->uiLowTransId; } if (pFile->pLastRecord) { DataStruct.LastRecordContainer = pFile->pLastRecord->uiContainer; DataStruct.LastRecordDrn = pFile->pLastRecord->uiDrn; DataStruct.LastRecordLowTransId = pFile->pLastRecord->uiLowTransId; } } f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); bFlmLocked = FALSE; stdHdr(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<html>\n"); // Determine if we are being requested to refresh this page or not. if ((bRefresh = DetectParameter( uiNumParams, ppszParams, "Refresh")) == TRUE) { // Send back the page with a refresh command in the header f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "%s/FFile?Refresh&From=%s&Bucket=%s", m_pszURLString, szFrom, szBucket); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD>" "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5; url=%s\">" "<TITLE>FFile Structure</TITLE>\n", pszTemp); } else { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<HEAD><TITLE>FFile Structure</TITLE>\n"); } printStyle(); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</HEAD>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<body>\n"); // If we are not to refresh this page, then don't include the // refresh meta command if (!bRefresh) { f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=%s/FFile?Refresh&From=%s&Bucket=%s>Start Auto-refresh (5 sec.)</A>", m_pszURLString, szFrom, szBucket); } else { f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp, "<A HREF=%s/FFile?From=%s&Bucket=%s>Stop Auto-refresh</A>", m_pszURLString, szFrom, szBucket); } // Prepare the refresh link. f_sprintf( (char *)pszTemp1, "<A HREF=%s/FFile?From=%s&Bucket=%s>Refresh</A>", m_pszURLString, szFrom, szBucket); // Show the table headings and the refresh option. if (pFile) { // Write out the table headings printTableStart( "FFile Structure", 4, 100); printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "", JUSTIFY_LEFT, FLM_IMON_COLOR_PUTTY_1, 4, 1, FALSE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "%s, ", pszTemp1); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "%s\n", pszTemp); printColumnHeadingClose(); printTableRowEnd(); // Write out the table headings. printTableRowStart(); printColumnHeading( "Byte Offset (hex)"); printColumnHeading( "Field Name"); printColumnHeading( "Field Type"); printColumnHeading( "Value"); printTableRowEnd(); write_data( (pFile ? &localFFile: NULL), (void *)pFile, &DataStruct); } else { // Write out an error page... fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<P>Unable to find the FFile structure that you requested." " This is probably because the state of the cache changed between " "the time that you displayed the previous page and the time that you " "clicked on the link that brought you here.\n" "<P>Click on your browser's \"Back\" button, then click \"Reload\" " "and then try the link again.\n"); } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</body></html>\n"); fnEmit(); Exit: if (bFlmLocked) { f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex); bFlmLocked = FALSE; } if (pszTemp) { f_free( &pszTemp); } if (pszTemp1) { f_free( &pszTemp1); } return( rc); }
/**************************************************************************** Desc: Page that is displayed when a URL is requested that we don't know how to fill ****************************************************************************/ RCODE F_ErrorPage::display( FLMUINT uiNumParams, const char ** ppszParams) { RCODE rc = FERR_OK; // Can't use a call to stdHdr() because we want to send back a 404 error fnSetHdrValue( "Content-Type", "text/html"); fnSetNoCache( NULL); fnSendHeader( HTS_NOT_FOUND); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, HTML_DOCTYPE); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<html>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<head>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<title>Error Page</title>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</head>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<body>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>That which you seek is not available.</H2>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<br><br> \n Number of Parameters: %ld <br>\n", uiNumParams); for (FLMUINT uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < uiNumParams; uiLoop++) { fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "Parameter %ld:\t%s<BR>\n", uiLoop, ppszParams[uiLoop]); } fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "<BR><BR>\n"); fnPrintf( m_pHRequest, "</BODY></HTML>\n"); fnEmit(); return( rc); }