コード例 #1
ファイル: FLConnectDBDialog.cpp プロジェクト: afibanez/eneboo
void FLConnectDBDialog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
  QPixmap pix(width(), height());
  pix.fill(QColor(logo.pixel(1, 1)));

  QPainter p(&pix);

  int dx = width() - logo.width();
  int dy = height() - logo.height();
  p.drawImage(QPoint(dx, dy), logo);

  if (pbnMore->isOn()) {
#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
    QFont font7(qApp->font().family(), 9);
    QFont font8(qApp->font().family(), 10);
    QFont font7(qApp->font().family(), 7);
    QFont font8(qApp->font().family(), 8);
    int lineWidth = QFontMetrics(font7).width("This software is provided under the terms");
    int lineHeight = QFontMetrics(font7).height();
    p.drawImage(lineWidth + 30 , height() - lineHeight * 4, QImage::fromMimeSource("defFactory"));
    p.drawText(QRect(6, height() - lineHeight * 3 - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight),
               Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, "This software is provided under the terms");
    p.drawText(QRect(6, height() - lineHeight * 2 - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight),
               Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, "of GNU General Public License ( GPL ) and");
    p.drawText(QRect(6, height() - lineHeight - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight),
               Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, "without warranty of any kind.");

  p.drawImage(QRect(6, 5, 45, 15), QImage::fromMimeSource("defFactory"));

  bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &pix);
コード例 #2
void FLConnectDBDialog::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * pe ) {
  QPainter p( this );
  p.fillRect( pe->rect(), QColor( logo.pixel( 1, 1 ) ) );

  int dx = width() - logo.width();
  int dy = height() - logo.height();
  p.drawImage( QPoint( dx, dy ), logo );

  if ( pbnMore->isOn() ) {
    QFont font7( qApp->font().family(), 7 );
    QFont font8( qApp->font().family(), 8 );
    font8.setBold( true );

    QString copyright( "Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by InfoSiAL S.L." );
    int lineWidth = QFontMetrics( font8 ).width( copyright );
    int lineHeight = QFontMetrics( font8 ).height();
    p.setFont( font8 );
    p.drawText( QRect( 6, height() - lineHeight * 4 - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight ),
                Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, copyright );
    p.drawImage( lineWidth + 20 , height() - lineHeight * 4, QImage::fromMimeSource( "defFactory" ) );
    lineWidth = QFontMetrics( font7 ).width( "This software is provided under the terms" );
    lineHeight = QFontMetrics( font7 ).height();
    p.setFont( font7 );
    p.drawText( QRect( 6, height() - lineHeight * 3 - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight ),
                Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, "This software is provided under the terms" );
    p.drawText( QRect( 6, height() - lineHeight * 2 - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight ),
                Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, "of GNU General Public License ( GPL ) and" );
    p.drawText( QRect( 6, height() - lineHeight - 2, lineWidth + 10, lineHeight ),
                Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::SingleLine, "without warranty of any kind." );

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_MACX)
  QFont font6( qApp->font().family(), 8 );
  QFont font6( qApp->font().family(), 6 );
  p.setFont( font6 );
  p.drawText( 54, 18, "(C) 2003-2009 InfoSiAL S.L." );
  p.drawImage( QRect( 6, 5, 45, 15 ), QImage::fromMimeSource( "defFactory" ) );

  QColor pColor( 0, 0, 32 );
  p.setPen( pColor );
  p.setBrush( pColor );
  p.drawRect( dx + 32, 0, 4, dy );


  QWidget::paintEvent( pe );