コード例 #1
ファイル: devSVG.cpp プロジェクト: bprs/RSvgDevice
static void svg_text(double x, double y, const char *str, double rot,
                     double hadj, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {
    SVGDesc *svgd = (SVGDesc*) dd->deviceSpecific;

    fputs("<text", svgd->file);
    if (rot == 0) {
        write_attr_dbl(svgd->file, "x", x);
        write_attr_dbl(svgd->file, "y", y);
    } else {
        fprintf(svgd->file, " transform='translate(%.2f,%.2f) rotate(%0.0f)'", x, y,
                -1.0 * rot);

    write_attr_dbl(svgd->file, "font-size", gc->cex * gc->ps);
    if (is_bold(gc->fontface))
        write_attr_str(svgd->file, "font-weight", "bold");
    if (is_italic(gc->fontface))
        write_attr_str(svgd->file, "font-style", "italic");
    if (gc->col != -16777216) // black
        write_attr_col(svgd->file, "fill", gc->col);

    std::string font = fontname(gc->fontfamily);
    write_attr_str(svgd->file, "font-family", font.c_str());

    fputs(">", svgd->file);

    write_escaped(svgd->file, str);

    fputs("</text>\n", svgd->file);
コード例 #2
ファイル: docx.cpp プロジェクト: davidgohel/rvg
static double docx_strheight(const char *str, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {
  DOCX_dev *docx_obj = (DOCX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;
  std::string file = fontfile(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, docx_obj->user_aliases);
  std::string name = fontname(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, docx_obj->system_aliases, docx_obj->user_aliases);
  gdtools::context_set_font(docx_obj->cc, name, gc->cex * gc->ps, is_bold(gc->fontface), is_italic(gc->fontface), file);
  FontMetric fm = gdtools::context_extents(docx_obj->cc, std::string(str));
  return fm.height;
コード例 #3
ファイル: devSVG.cpp プロジェクト: bprs/RSvgDevice
static double svg_strwidth(const char *str, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {
    SVGDesc *svgd = (SVGDesc*) dd->deviceSpecific;

    gdtools::context_set_font(svgd->cc, fontname(gc->fontfamily),
                              gc->cex * gc->ps, is_bold(gc->fontface), is_italic(gc->fontface));
    FontMetric fm = gdtools::context_extents(svgd->cc, std::string(str));

    return fm.width;
コード例 #4
ファイル: xlsx.cpp プロジェクト: davidgohel/rvg
static double xlsx_strwidth(const char *str, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd) {
  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;

  std::string file = fontfile(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, xlsx_obj->user_aliases);
  std::string name = fontname(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, xlsx_obj->system_aliases, xlsx_obj->user_aliases);
  gdtools::context_set_font(xlsx_obj->cc, name, gc->cex * gc->ps, is_bold(gc->fontface), is_italic(gc->fontface), file);
  FontMetric fm = gdtools::context_extents(xlsx_obj->cc, std::string(str));

  return fm.width;
コード例 #5
void VSpanHandler::SetFont(const VString& inValue)
	VTextStyle* TheStyle = fStyles->GetData();
		VString fontname(inValue);
		if(fontname.BeginsWith("'") || fontname.BeginsWith("\""))
		if(fontname.EndsWith("'") || fontname.EndsWith("\""))
コード例 #6
ファイル: fontdlg.cpp プロジェクト: SCP-682/Cities3D
void gtk_fontdialog_ok_callback( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), wxFontDialog *dialog )
    if (g_isIdle)

    GtkFontSelectionDialog *fontdlg = GTK_FONT_SELECTION_DIALOG(dialog->m_widget);

    wxGtkString fontname(gtk_font_selection_dialog_get_font_name(fontdlg));
    dialog->SetChosenFont( fontname);

    wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxID_OK);
    event.SetEventObject( dialog );
    dialog->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event );
コード例 #7
ファイル: xlsx.cpp プロジェクト: davidgohel/rvg
void write_text_body_xlsx(pDevDesc dd, R_GE_gcontext *gc, const char* text, double hadj, double fontsize, double fontheight) {
  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev *) dd->deviceSpecific;
  ppr a_ppr_(hadj, fontsize);
  std::string fontname_ = fontname(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, xlsx_obj->system_aliases, xlsx_obj->user_aliases);

  rpr rpr_(fontsize, is_italic(gc->fontface), is_bold(gc->fontface), gc->col, fontname_);

  fputs("<xdr:txBody>", xlsx_obj->file );
  fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", body_pr::a_tag().c_str() );
  fputs("<a:p>", xlsx_obj->file );
  fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", a_ppr_.a_tag().c_str() );
  fputs("<a:r>", xlsx_obj->file );
  fprintf(xlsx_obj->file, "%s", rpr_.a_tag().c_str() );
  write_t_xlsx(dd, text);
  fputs("</a:r>", xlsx_obj->file );
  fputs("</a:p>", xlsx_obj->file );
  fputs("</xdr:txBody>", xlsx_obj->file );
コード例 #8
ファイル: cpdf_font.cpp プロジェクト: documentcloud/pdfium
CPDF_Font* CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
                                   const CFX_ByteStringC& name) {
  CFX_ByteString fontname(name);
  int font_id = PDF_GetStandardFontName(&fontname);
  if (font_id < 0)
    return nullptr;

  CPDF_FontGlobals* pFontGlobals =
  CPDF_Font* pFont = pFontGlobals->Find(pDoc, font_id);
  if (pFont)
    return pFont;

  CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = new CPDF_Dictionary(pDoc->GetByteStringPool());
  pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Type", "Font");
  pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Subtype", "Type1");
  pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("BaseFont", fontname);
  pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Encoding", "WinAnsiEncoding");
  return pFontGlobals->Set(pDoc, font_id, CPDF_Font::Create(nullptr, pDict));
コード例 #9
ファイル: devSVG.cpp プロジェクト: bprs/RSvgDevice
static void svg_metric_info(int c, const pGEcontext gc, double* ascent,
                            double* descent, double* width, pDevDesc dd) {
    SVGDesc *svgd = (SVGDesc*) dd->deviceSpecific;

    // Convert to string - negative implies unicode code point
    char str[16];
    if (c < 0) {
        Rf_ucstoutf8(str, (unsigned int) -c);
    } else {
        str[0] = (char) c;
        str[1] = '\0';

    gdtools::context_set_font(svgd->cc, fontname(gc->fontfamily),
                              gc->cex * gc->ps, is_bold(gc->fontface), is_italic(gc->fontface));
    FontMetric fm = gdtools::context_extents(svgd->cc, std::string(str));

    *ascent = fm.ascent;
    *descent = fm.descent;
    *width = fm.width;
コード例 #10
ファイル: docx.cpp プロジェクト: davidgohel/rvg
void write_text_body_docx(pDevDesc dd, R_GE_gcontext *gc, const char* text, double hadj, double fontsize, double fontheight) {
  DOCX_dev *docx_obj = (DOCX_dev *) dd->deviceSpecific;
  ppr a_ppr_(hadj, fontsize);
  std::string fontname_ = fontname(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, docx_obj->system_aliases, docx_obj->user_aliases);
  rpr rpr_(fontsize, is_italic(gc->fontface), is_bold(gc->fontface), gc->col, fontname_);

  fputs("<wps:txbx>", docx_obj->file );
  fputs("<w:txbxContent>", docx_obj->file );

  fputs("<w:p>", docx_obj->file );
  fprintf(docx_obj->file, "%s", a_ppr_.w_tag().c_str() );
  fputs("<w:r>", docx_obj->file );
  fprintf(docx_obj->file, "%s", rpr_.w_tag().c_str() );
  write_t_docx(dd, text);
  fputs("</w:r>", docx_obj->file );
  fputs("</w:p>", docx_obj->file );
  fputs("</w:txbxContent>", docx_obj->file );
  fputs("</wps:txbx>", docx_obj->file );

コード例 #11
ファイル: xlsx.cpp プロジェクト: davidgohel/rvg
static void xlsx_metric_info(int c, const pGEcontext gc, double* ascent,
                            double* descent, double* width, pDevDesc dd) {
  XLSX_dev *xlsx_obj = (XLSX_dev*) dd->deviceSpecific;

  // Convert to string - negative implies unicode code point
  char str[16];
  if (c < 0) {
    Rf_ucstoutf8(str, (unsigned int) -c);
  } else {
    str[0] = (char) c;
    str[1] = '\0';

  std::string file = fontfile(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, xlsx_obj->user_aliases);
  std::string name = fontname(gc->fontfamily, gc->fontface, xlsx_obj->system_aliases, xlsx_obj->user_aliases);
  gdtools::context_set_font(xlsx_obj->cc, name, gc->cex * gc->ps, is_bold(gc->fontface), is_italic(gc->fontface), file);
  FontMetric fm = gdtools::context_extents(xlsx_obj->cc, std::string(str));

  *ascent = fm.ascent;
  *descent = fm.descent;
  *width = fm.width;
コード例 #12
ファイル: dviFile.cpp プロジェクト: JPriya/Okular
void dvifile::read_postamble()
  quint8 magic_byte = readUINT8();
  if (magic_byte != POST) {
    errorMsg = i18n("The postamble does not begin with the POST command.");
  last_page_offset = readUINT32();

  // Skip the numerator, denominator and magnification, the largest
  // box height and width and the maximal depth of the stack. These
  // are not used at the moment.
  command_pointer += 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2;

  // The number of pages is more interesting for us.
  total_pages  = readUINT16();

  // As a next step, read the font definitions.
  quint8 cmnd = readUINT8();
  while (cmnd >= FNTDEF1 && cmnd <= FNTDEF4) {
    quint32 TeXnumber = readUINT(cmnd-FNTDEF1+1);
    quint32 checksum  = readUINT32(); // Checksum of the font, as found by TeX in the TFM file

    // Read scale and design factor, and the name of the font. All
    // these are explained in section A.4 of the DVI driver standard,
    // Level 0, published by the TUG DVI driver standards committee
    quint32 scale     = readUINT32();
    quint32 design    = readUINT32();
    quint16 len       = readUINT8() + readUINT8(); // Length of the font name, including the directory name
    QByteArray fontname((char*)command_pointer, len);
    command_pointer += len;

    kDebug(kvs::dvi) << "Postamble: define font \"" << fontname << "\" scale=" << scale << " design=" << design;

    // According to section A.4 of the DVI driver standard, this font
    // shall be enlarged by the following factor before it is used.
    double enlargement_factor = (double(scale) * double(_magnification))/(double(design) * 1000.0);

    if (font_pool != 0) {
      TeXFontDefinition *fontp = font_pool->appendx(fontname, checksum, scale, enlargement_factor);

      // Insert font in dictionary and make sure the dictionary is big
      // enough.
      if (tn_table.capacity()-2 <= tn_table.count())
        // Not quite optimal. The size of the dictionary should be a
        // prime for optimal performance. I don't care.
      tn_table.insert(TeXnumber, fontp);

    // Read the next command
    cmnd = readUINT8();

  if (cmnd != POSTPOST) {
    errorMsg = i18n("The postamble contained a command other than FNTDEF.");

  // Now we remove all those fonts from the memory which are no longer
  // in use.
  if (font_pool != 0)
コード例 #13
ファイル: SoFontStyle.cpp プロジェクト: Alexpux/Coin3D
  Returns a system-specific text string to use for font loading, based
  on the style settings of this node.
SoFontStyle::getFontName(void) const

  SbString fontname(this->name.getValue().getString());

  static SbBool messageflag = TRUE;
  if (messageflag && (fontname != "defaultFont")) {
                              "Font name ('%s') is ignored when using "
                              "FontStyle nodes. Use the 'family' and "
                              "'style' fields instead.", 
    messageflag = FALSE; // Only display this message once.

  switch (this->family.getValue()) {
  case SoFontStyle::SERIF:
    fontname = "Times New Roman";
  case SoFontStyle::SANS:
    fontname = "Arial";
  case SoFontStyle::TYPEWRITER:
    fontname = "Courier New";
                              "value of family field is invalid, setting to SERIF");
    fontname = "Times New Roman";
#endif // COIN_DEBUG

  // If this doesn't hold up, we need to include a few more cases in
  // the switch block.
  assert(SoFontStyle::NONE == 0);

  switch (this->style.getValue()) {
  case SoFontStyle::NONE:
  case SoFontStyle::BOLD:
    fontname += ":Bold";
  case SoFontStyle::ITALIC:
    fontname += ":Italic";
  case (SoFontStyle::BOLD | SoFontStyle::ITALIC):
    fontname += ":Bold Italic";
                              "value of style field is invalid");
#endif // COIN_DEUG

  return fontname;