コード例 #1
ファイル: lswnss.c プロジェクト: ibotty/libreswan
static void fill_RSA_public_key(struct RSA_public_key *rsa, SECKEYPublicKey *pubkey)
	passert(SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType(pubkey) == rsaKey);
	rsa->e = clone_secitem_as_chunk(pubkey->u.rsa.publicExponent, "e");
	rsa->n = clone_secitem_as_chunk(pubkey->u.rsa.modulus, "n");
	form_keyid(rsa->e, rsa->n, rsa->keyid, &rsa->k);
コード例 #2
ファイル: seam_x509_list.c プロジェクト: lparis/Openswan
/* x509.c SEAM */
static void
list_x509cert_chain(const char *caption, x509cert_t* cert, u_char auth_flags
 , bool utc)
    bool first = TRUE;
    time_t tnow;

    /* determine the current time */

    while (cert != NULL)
	if (auth_flags == AUTH_NONE || (auth_flags & cert->authority_flags))
	    unsigned keysize;
	    char keyid[KEYID_BUF];
	    char buf[ASN1_BUF_LEN];
	    char tbuf[TIMETOA_BUF];

	    cert_t c;

	    c.type = CERT_X509_SIGNATURE;
	    c.u.x509 = cert;

	    if (first)
		DBG_log( " ");
		DBG_log( "List of X.509 %s Certificates:", caption);
		DBG_log( " ");
		first = FALSE;

	    DBG_log( "NOW, count: %d", cert->count);
	    dntoa(buf, ASN1_BUF_LEN, cert->subject);
	    DBG_log( "       subject: '%s'", buf);
	    dntoa(buf, ASN1_BUF_LEN, cert->issuer);
	    DBG_log( "       issuer:  '%s'", buf);
	    datatot(cert->serialNumber.ptr, cert->serialNumber.len, ':'
		, buf, ASN1_BUF_LEN);
	    DBG_log( "       serial:   %s", buf);
	    form_keyid(cert->publicExponent, cert->modulus, keyid, &keysize);
	    DBG_log( "       pubkey:   %4d RSA Key %s"
                    , 8*keysize, keyid);
	    DBG_log( "       validity: not before %s %s",
		timetoa(&cert->notBefore, utc, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)),
		(cert->notBefore < tnow)?"ok":"fatal (not valid yet)");
	    DBG_log( "                 not after  %s %s",
		timetoa(&cert->notAfter, utc, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)),
		check_expiry(cert->notAfter, CA_CERT_WARNING_INTERVAL, TRUE));
	    if (cert->subjectKeyID.ptr != NULL)
		datatot(cert->subjectKeyID.ptr, cert->subjectKeyID.len, ':'
		    , buf, ASN1_BUF_LEN);
		DBG_log( "       subjkey:  %s", buf);
	    if (cert->authKeyID.ptr != NULL)
		datatot(cert->authKeyID.ptr, cert->authKeyID.len, ':'
		    , buf, ASN1_BUF_LEN);
		DBG_log( "       authkey:  %s", buf);
	    if (cert->authKeySerialNumber.ptr != NULL)
		datatot(cert->authKeySerialNumber.ptr, cert->authKeySerialNumber.len
		    , ':', buf, ASN1_BUF_LEN);
		DBG_log( "       aserial:  %s", buf);
	cert = cert->next;