static void begin_func__delete (gpointer data) { FrCommand *comm = data; fr_command_progress (comm, -1.0); fr_command_message (comm, _("Deleting files from archive")); }
static void begin_func__uncompress (gpointer data) { FrCommand *comm = data; fr_command_progress (comm, -1.0); fr_command_message (comm, _("Decompressing archive")); }
static void process_line__common (char *line, gpointer data) { FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); if (line == NULL) return; fr_command_message (comm, line); if (comm->n_files != 0) { double fraction = (double) ++comm->n_file / (comm->n_files + 1); fr_command_progress (comm, fraction); } }
static void process_line__extract (char *line, gpointer data) { FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); FrCommandUnarchiver *unar_comm = FR_COMMAND_UNARCHIVER (comm); if (line == NULL) return; unar_comm->n_line++; /* the first line is the name of the archive */ if (unar_comm->n_line == 1) return; if (comm->n_files > 1) { double fraction = (double) ++comm->n_file / (comm->n_files + 1); fr_command_progress (comm, CLAMP (fraction, 0.0, 1.0)); } else fr_command_message (comm, line); }
static void process_line__generic (char *line, gpointer data, char *action_msg) { FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char *msg; if (line == NULL) return; if (line[strlen (line) - 1] == '/') /* ignore directories */ return; msg = g_strconcat (action_msg, file_name_from_path (line), NULL); fr_command_message (comm, msg); g_free (msg); if (comm->n_files != 0) { double fraction = (double) ++comm->n_file / (comm->n_files + 1); fr_command_progress (comm, fraction); } }