コード例 #1
ファイル: ByteCodeArray.cpp プロジェクト: 2mc/supercollider
void initByteCodes()
	if (gCompilingByteCodes) {
		gCompilingByteCodes = NULL;
コード例 #2
/* Takes given latria code & compiles it for increased efficiency (removes whitespace, tabs, comments, etc)
 * Takes latria code from a provided file to compile
void compileLatria(char *fn) {
    JumpUpdate *ju = NULL;
    FILE *in, *out;
    size_t len = strlen(fn);
    /* Create our output file name */
    char *nf = malloc(len+2);
    /* Copy the file name we were given */
    strncpy( nf, fn, len);
    /* Append 'c' to the end and \0 (compiled files have the extension .lrac) */
    nf[len] = 'c';
    nf[len+1] = '\0';
    /* Open the file to read */
    in = fopen(fn,"r");
    /* Check we have an opened file */
    if(in == NULL) {
        /* We did NOT open a file, fail and exit */
        /* free our output file name */
        /* no file */
        printf("\nThe file you provided %s could not be found!\n\n", fn);
    /* Input file is good, open our new (compiled) file */
    out = fopen(nf, "wb");
    /* Validate we actually opened a file */
    if(out == NULL) {
        /* output file was not opened, cleanup and exit */
        printf("Tmp file file %s could not be opened/created to write to!\n\n", nf);
    /* A files are good, start reading input and compiling */
    /* Read a line from our input */
    while(fgets( input, INPUT_SIZE, in)) {
        short retSize;
        /* Compile this line of latria */
        /* Check to see if this line created any bytecode to read */
        if((retSize = getByteCodeCount()) > 0) {
            /* Bytecode available, write it into our output file */
            fwrite(readByteCodes(), sizeof(unsigned char), (size_t)retSize, out);
    /* Dispatch up any pending conditional jumps */
    /* Loop over any jump updates we need to process */
    while((ju = popJumpUpdate()) != NULL) {
        /* Create an array to hold our new jump instruction address */
        char jumpCode[LAT_ADDRESS_SIZE+1] = {0};
        /* Seek to the indicated address to update */
        fseek( out, ju->bytecodeAddr, SEEK_SET);
        /* Convert our new jump address into a hexcode */
        sprintf(jumpCode, LAT_ADDRESS_FORMAT_STRING, ju->jumpAddr);
        /* Update the address we are currently at with our new hex one */
        fwrite(jumpCode, sizeof(unsigned char), LAT_ADDRESS_SIZE, out);
    /* Close our input and output files */
    /* free underlying byte code allocations */
    /* free underlying lexical allocations */
    /* deallocate the stack */
    /* free our compiled file name */