コード例 #1
void *Mem::gbmalloc ( size_t size , const char *note ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "size=%zu note='%s'", size, note );

	// don't let electric fence zap us
	if ( size == 0 ) return (void *)0x7fffffff;
	if ( allocationShouldFailRandomly() ) {
		g_errno = ENOMEM; 
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: malloc-fake(%zu,%s): %s",size,note, mstrerror(g_errno));
		return NULL;

	size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;

	// don't go over max
	if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + size + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD >= max ) {
		// try to free temp mem. returns true if it freed some.
		if ( freeCacheMem() ) goto retry;
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: malloc(%zu): Out of memory", size );
		return NULL;

	void *mem;

	mem = (void *)sysmalloc ( size + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD );

	int32_t memLoop = 0;
	if ( ! mem && size > 0 ) {
		// try to free temp mem. returns true if it freed some.
		if ( freeCacheMem() ) goto retry;
		g_errno = errno;
		static int64_t s_lastTime;
		static int32_t s_missed = 0;
		int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
		int64_t avail = (int64_t)g_conf.m_maxMem - (int64_t)m_used;
		if ( now - s_lastTime >= 1000LL ) {
			log(LOG_WARN, "mem: system malloc(%zu,%s) availShouldBe=%" PRId64": "
			    "%s (%s) (ooms suppressed since last log msg = %" PRId32")",
			s_lastTime = now;
			s_missed = 0;
		} else {

		return NULL;
	if ( (PTRTYPE)mem < 0x00010000 ) {
		void *remem = sysmalloc(size);
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: Caught low memory allocation "
		      "at %08" PTRFMT", "
		      "reallocated to %08" PTRFMT"",
		      (PTRTYPE)mem, (PTRTYPE)remem );
		mem = remem;
		if ( memLoop > 100 ) {
			log( LOG_WARN, "mem: Attempted to reallocate low "
					"memory allocation 100 times, "
					"aborting and returning NOMEM." );
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			return NULL;
		goto mallocmemloop;

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%zu note='%s'", mem, size, note );

	addMem ( (char *)mem + UNDERPAD , size , note , 0 );
	return (char *)mem + UNDERPAD;
コード例 #2
void *Mem::gbrealloc ( void *ptr , size_t oldSize , size_t newSize , const char *note ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p oldSize=%zu newSize=%zu note='%s'", ptr, oldSize, newSize, note );

	// return dummy values since realloc() returns NULL if failed
	if ( oldSize == 0 && newSize == 0 ) return (void *)0x7fffffff;
	// do nothing if size is same
	if ( oldSize == newSize ) return ptr;

	// if newSize is 0...
	if ( newSize == 0 ) {
		gbfree(ptr, note, oldSize, true);
		return (void *)0x7fffffff;


	// hack so hostid #0 can use more mem
	size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;
	//if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 )  max += 2000000000;

	// don't go over max
	if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + newSize - oldSize >= max ) {
		// try to free temp mem. returns true if it freed some.
		if ( freeCacheMem() ) goto retry;
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: realloc(%zu,%zu): Out of memory.",oldSize,newSize);
		return NULL;
	// if oldSize is 0, use our malloc() instead
	if ( oldSize == 0 ) {
		return gbmalloc ( newSize , note );

	// assume it will be successful. we can't call rmMem() after
	// calling sysrealloc() because it will mess up our MAGICCHAR buf
	rmMem(ptr, oldSize, note, true);

	// . do the actual realloc
	// . CAUTION: don't pass in 0x7fffffff in as "ptr" 
	// . this was causing problems
	char *mem = (char *)sysrealloc ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD , newSize + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD );

	// remove old guy on sucess
	if ( mem ) {
		addMem ( (char *)mem + UNDERPAD , newSize , note , 0 );
		char *returnMem = mem + UNDERPAD;
		// set magic char bytes for mem
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < UNDERPAD ; i++ )
			returnMem[0-i-1] = MAGICCHAR;
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < OVERPAD ; i++ )
			returnMem[0+newSize+i] = MAGICCHAR;
		return returnMem;

	// ok, just try using malloc then!
	mem = (char *)mmalloc ( newSize , note );
	// bail on error
	if ( ! mem ) {
		// restore the original buf we tried to grow
		addMem ( ptr , oldSize , note , 0 );
		errno = g_errno = ENOMEM;
		return NULL;
	// log a note
	log(LOG_INFO,"mem: had to use malloc+memcpy instead of realloc.");

	// copy over to it
	memcpy ( mem, ptr, oldSize );
	// we already called rmMem() so don't double call
	sysfree ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD );	

	return mem;
コード例 #3
void *Mem::gbmalloc ( int size , const char *note ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "size=%d note='%s'", size, note );

	// don't let electric fence zap us
	if ( size == 0 ) return (void *)0x7fffffff;
	// random oom testing
	//static int32_t s_mcount = 0;
	if ( g_conf.m_testMem && (rand() % 100) < 2 ) { 
		//if ( s_mcount > 1055 && (rand() % 1000) < 2 ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM; 
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: malloc-fake(%i,%s): %s",size,note, mstrerror(g_errno));
		return NULL;

	int64_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;

	// don't go over max
	if ( m_used + size + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD >= max ) {
		// try to free temp mem. returns true if it freed some.
		if ( freeCacheMem() ) goto retry;
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log( LOG_WARN, "mem: malloc(%i): Out of memory", size );
		return NULL;

	if ( size < 0 ) {
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		log( LOG_ERROR, "mem: malloc(%i): Bad value.", size );
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
		return NULL;

	void *mem;

	g_inMemFunction = true;

	mem = (void *)sysmalloc ( size + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD );

	g_inMemFunction = false;

	int32_t memLoop = 0;
	if ( ! mem && size > 0 ) {
		// try to free temp mem. returns true if it freed some.
		if ( freeCacheMem() ) goto retry;
		g_errno = errno;
		static int64_t s_lastTime;
		static int32_t s_missed = 0;
		int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
		int64_t avail = (int64_t)g_conf.m_maxMem - 
		if ( now - s_lastTime >= 1000LL ) {
			log(LOG_WARN, "mem: system malloc(%i,%s) availShouldBe=%" PRId64": "
			    "%s (%s) (ooms suppressed since last log msg = %" PRId32")",
			s_lastTime = now;
			s_missed = 0;
		} else {
		// to debug oom issues:
		//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;

		// send an email alert if this happens! it is a sign of "memory fragmentation"
		//static bool s_sentEmail = false;
		// stop sending these now... seems to be problematic. says
		// 160MB is avail and can't alloc 20MB...
		static bool s_sentEmail = true;
		// assume only 90% is really available because of 
		// inefficient mallocing
		avail = (int64_t)((float)avail * 0.80);
		// but if it is within about 15MB of what is theoretically
		// available, don't send an email, because there is always some
		// minor fragmentation
		if ( ! s_sentEmail && avail > size ) {
			s_sentEmail = true;
			char msgbuf[1024];
			Host *h = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
			snprintf(msgbuf, 1024,
				 "Possible memory fragmentation "
				 "on host #%" PRId32" %s",
			log(LOG_WARN, "query: %s",msgbuf);
			g_pingServer.sendEmail(NULL, msgbuf,true,true);
		return NULL;
	if ( (PTRTYPE)mem < 0x00010000 ) {
		void *remem = sysmalloc(size);
		log ( LOG_WARN, "mem: Caught low memory allocation "
		      "at %08" PTRFMT", "
		      "reallocated to %08" PTRFMT"",
		      (PTRTYPE)mem, (PTRTYPE)remem );
		mem = remem;
		if ( memLoop > 100 ) {
			log ( LOG_WARN, "mem: Attempted to reallocate low "
					"memory allocation 100 times, "
					"aborting and returning NOMEM." );
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			return NULL;
		goto mallocmemloop;

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%d note='%s'", mem, size, note );

	addMem ( (char *)mem + UNDERPAD , size , note , 0 );
	return (char *)mem + UNDERPAD;