コード例 #1
/*! \fn int gaussPGM(Pgm* pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, double sigma, int dim)
 * \brief Gaussian blur of an image \a pgmIn.
 * Apply as a filter two 1D Gaussian filters with the same \a sigma and matrix linear dimension \a dim.
 * \param pgmIn Pointer to the input Pgm image structure.
 * \param pgmOut Pointer to the output Pgm image structure.
 * \param sigma The sigma of the gaussians.
 * \param dim The dimension of the gaussian filter. If 0 it will default to the nearest odd value close to 6 sigma.
 * \return 0 on success, -1 if either pgmIn or pgmOut are NULL.
int gaussPGM(Pgm* pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, double sigma, int dim)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! No input data. Please Check.\n");
        return -1;
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! No space to store the result. Please Check.\n");
        return -1;
    Filter* filter;
    Pgm* imgOut1 = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    // linear X guassian filter
    filter = gauss1DXFilter(sigma, dim);
    convolution1DXPGM(pgmIn, imgOut1, filter);
    // linear Y guassian filter
    filter = gauss1DYFilter(sigma, dim);
    convolution1DYPGM(imgOut1, pgmOut, filter);
    return 0;
コード例 #2
/*! \fn cedPGM(Pgm* pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, double sigma, int dim, int threshold_low, int threshold_high)
 * \brief Filter the image \a pgmIn with two Prewitt filters alogn the vertical and horizontal direction.
 *        Returns either the magnitute or the phase based on \a phase.
 * Apply the vertical and horizontal Prewitt filters and returns the magnitute if \a phase is 0
 * or the phase if \a phase is 1.
 * \param pgmIn Pointer to the input PGM image structure.
 * \param pgmOut Pointer to the output PGM image structure.
 * \param sigma The external sigma of the DoG filter. The internal sigma is set to \a sigma / 1.66 .
 * \param dim The rows and columns of the DoG filter. If set to 0 then it will be the smallest odd next to 6 \a sigma.
 * \param threshold_low Lower threshold used by the Canny algorithm.
 * \param threshold_high Hihger threshold used by the Canny algorithm.
 * \return 0 on success, -1 if either pgmIn or pgmOut are NULL.
int cedPGM(Pgm* pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, double sigma, int dim, int threshold_low, int threshold_high)
    int i;
    Pgm* imgOutX = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    Pgm* imgOutY = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    Pgm* imgOutMod = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    Pgm* imgOutPhi = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);

    gaussPGM(pgmIn, pgmOut, sigma, dim);
    Filter* gx = sobelXFilter();
    Filter* gy = sobelYFilter();
    convolution2DPGM(pgmOut, imgOutX, gx);
    convolution2DPGM(pgmOut, imgOutY, gy);
    modulePGM(imgOutX, imgOutY, imgOutMod);
    phasePGM(imgOutX, imgOutY, imgOutPhi);
    suppressionPGM(imgOutMod, imgOutPhi, pgmOut);


    // Find strong and weak edges with thresholding
    Pgm *imgNH = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    thresholdPGM(pgmOut, imgNH, threshold_high);
    Pgm *imgNLshadow = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    thresholdPGM(pgmOut, imgNLshadow, threshold_low);

    Pgm *imgNL = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    linearAddPGM(imgNLshadow, imgNH, 1.0, -1.0, imgNL);
    int change = 1;
    // Find 8-connected pixels in imgNL by a repeated search

    for (i=0; (i<50) && change; i++) {
        connectivityPGM(imgNH, imgNL, pgmOut);
        change = comparePGM(imgNH, pgmOut);
        copyPGM(pgmOut, imgNH);
    copyPGM(imgNH, pgmOut);
    return 0;
コード例 #3
/*! \fn int prewittPGM(Pgm* pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, uint8_t phase)
 * \brief Filter the image \a pgmIn with two Prewitt filters alogn the vertical and horizontal direction.
 *        Returns either the magnitute or the phase based on \a phase.
 * Apply the vertical and horizontal Prewitt filters and returns the magnitute if \a phase is 0
 * or the phase if \a phase is 1.
 * \param pgmIn Pointer to the input PGM image structure.
 * \param pgmOut Pointer to the output PGM image structure.
 * \param phase Returns the phase if set to 1. Otherwise it returns the magnitude.
 * \return 0 on success, -1 if either pgmIn or pgmOut are NULL.
int prewittPGM(Pgm* pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, unsigned int phase)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! No input data. Please Check.\n");
        return -1;
        fprintf(stderr, "Error! No space to store the result. Please Check.\n");
        return -1;
    Filter* filter;
    Pgm* gx = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    // apply a sobel horizontal filter
    filter = prewittXFilter();
    convolution2DPGM(pgmIn, gx, filter);
    Pgm* gy = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    // apply a sobel vertical filter
    filter = prewittYFilter();
    convolution2DPGM(pgmIn, gy, filter);
    // compute the module of the two images with the
    // applied sobel filters
    if (phase == 0) {
        modulePGM(gx, gy, pgmOut);
    } else
        phasePGM(gx, gy, pgmOut);
    return 0;
コード例 #4
/*! \fn execImageOps(Pgm *pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, FILE *fp)
 * \brief Filter the image \a pgmIn with the filters listed in file \a fp.
 * The file \a fp contains a list of filters, one per line, that will be applied in sequence to
 * the image pointed by \a pgmIn. The output will be stored in the Pgm structure pointed by
 * \a pgmOut. Certain filters have optional parameters.
 * \param pgmIn Pointer to the input PGM image structure.
 * \param pgmOut Pointer to the output PGM image structure.
 * \param fp Pointer to a file with the list of filters.
 * \par List of implemented filters
 *   - threshold [threshold_value (default 0)]
 *   - uniform_noise [range_value (default 32)]
 *   - salt_n_pepper [density (default 0.05)]
 *   - normalize
 *   - equalize
 *   - median
 *   - average
 *   - internal_contour
 *   - operator_39
 *   - nagao
 *   - sharpening
 *   - prewitt [mod|phase (default mod)]
 *   - sobel [mod|phase (default mod)]
 *   - gauss [sigma (default 1)] [dim (default 0)]
 *   - dog [sigma (default 1)] [dim (default 0)]
 *   - ced [sigma (default sqrt(2))] [threshold (default 25)]
void execImageOps(Pgm *pgmIn, Pgm* pgmOut, FILE *fp)
    char buffer[64];
    char *ch, *cmdline;
    int iarg;
    float farg;
    Pgm* pgmTmp = newPGM(pgmIn->width, pgmIn->height, pgmIn->max_val);
    copyPGM(pgmIn, pgmOut);
    while (fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)!=NULL) {
        copyPGM(pgmOut, pgmTmp);
        // Read a line till \n or 64 char
        cmdline = trimwhitespace(buffer);
        ch = strtok(cmdline, " ");
        if (strcmp(ch,"threshold")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch == NULL) {
                iarg = 0;
            } else
                iarg = atoi(ch);
            thresholdPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, iarg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"uniform_noise")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch == NULL) {
                iarg = 32;
            } else
                iarg = atoi(ch);
            addUniformNoisePGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, iarg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"salt_n_pepper")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch == NULL) {
                farg = 0.05;
            } else
            addSaltPepperNoisePGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, farg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"normalize")==0) {
            normalizePGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"equalize")==0) {
            equalizePGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"median")==0) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Start median\n");
            medianPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
            fprintf(stderr,"Median completed\n");
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"average")==0) {
            averagePGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"internal_contour")==0) {
            contourN8IntPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"operator_39")==0) {
            op39PGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"nagao")==0) {
            nagaoPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch,"sharpening")==0) {
            sharpeningPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut);
        } else if (strcmp(ch, "prewitt")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch==NULL) {
                iarg = 0;
            } else
                if (strcmp(ch, "phase") == 0) {
                    iarg = 1;
                    iarg = 0;
            prewittPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, iarg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch, "sobel")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch==NULL) {
                iarg = 0;
            } else
                if (strcmp(ch, "phase") == 0) {
                    iarg = 1;
                    iarg = 0;
            sobelPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, iarg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch, "gauss")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch==NULL) {
                farg = 1.0;
                iarg = 0;
            } else
                sscanf(ch, "%f", &farg);
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if ( ch == NULL) {
                iarg = 0;
                iarg = atoi(ch);
            gaussPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, farg, iarg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch, "dog")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch==NULL) {
                farg = 1.0;
                iarg = 0;
            } else
                sscanf(ch, "%f", &farg);
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if ( ch == NULL) {
                iarg = 0;
                iarg = atoi(ch);
            dogPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, farg, iarg);
        } else if (strcmp(ch, "ced")==0) {
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if (ch==NULL) {
                farg = sqrt(2.0);
                iarg = 0;
            } else
                sscanf(ch, "%f", &farg);
            ch = strtok(NULL, " ");
            if ( ch == NULL) {
                iarg = 25;
                iarg = atoi(ch);
            cedPGM(pgmTmp, pgmOut, farg, 0, iarg, iarg*3);
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: ykondrashyn/IMAGETURNER
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    imagePGM srcImg;
    imagePGM dstImg;
    char *srcFilename;
    char *dstFilename;
    int FileLoad = 0, FileLoadFilename = 0, FileSave = 0, FileSaveFilename = 0, flagInfo = 0, FileInfoOptions = 0;
    int FileImage = 0, FileImageOptions = 0, rotAngle = 0;
    int c;
    int index;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:hnr:")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'h':
            case 'n':
                flagInfo = 1;
            case 'i':
                FileLoad = 1;
                FileLoadFilename = 1;
                srcFilename = optarg;
            case 'o':
                FileSave = 1;
                FileSaveFilename = 1;
                dstFilename = optarg;
            case 'r':
                FileImage = 1;
                FileImageOptions = 1;
                rotAngle = atoi(optarg);
            case '?':
                if (optopt == 'i')
                    fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
                else if (optopt == 'o')
                    fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
                else if (optopt == 'r')
                    fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
                else if (isprint(optopt))
                    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
                    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt);
                return 1;
                fprintf(stderr, "Wrong arguments. try simpleocr -h for help.");
    ///printf("src = %s\n", dstFilename);
    if (FileLoad && FileLoadFilename) {
        srcImg = loadPGM(srcFilename);
        if (flagInfo) {
            printf ("Properties:\n");
            printf ("format: %s\n", getFormatPGM(srcImg));
            printf ("depth: %d\n", getMaxIntensityPGM(srcImg));
            printf ("width: %d\n", getColsPGM(srcImg));
            printf ("height: %d\n", getRowsPGM(srcImg));
            printf ("###: %d\n", getRowsPGM(srcImg));
            dstImg = buildHistogram(srcImg);
            savePGM("histogram.pgm", dstImg);
    if (FileSave && FileSaveFilename) {
        if (FileImage) {
            dstImg = rotatePGM(srcImg, rotAngle);
        savePGM(dstFilename, dstImg);
        printf ("Done\n");
    return 0;