コード例 #1
ファイル: vsrc_mptestsrc.c プロジェクト: r-type/vice-libretro
static int request_frame(AVFilterLink *outlink)
    MPTestContext *test = outlink->src->priv;
    AVFrame *picref;
    int w = WIDTH, h = HEIGHT,
        cw = FF_CEIL_RSHIFT(w, test->hsub), ch = FF_CEIL_RSHIFT(h, test->vsub);
    unsigned int frame = outlink->frame_count;
    enum test_type tt = test->test;
    int i;

    if (test->max_pts >= 0 && test->pts > test->max_pts)
        return AVERROR_EOF;
    picref = ff_get_video_buffer(outlink, w, h);
    if (!picref)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    picref->pts = test->pts++;

    // clean image
    for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
        memset(picref->data[0] + i*picref->linesize[0], 0, w);
    for (i = 0; i < ch; i++) {
        memset(picref->data[1] + i*picref->linesize[1], 128, cw);
        memset(picref->data[2] + i*picref->linesize[2], 128, cw);

    if (tt == TEST_ALL && frame%30) /* draw a black frame at the beginning of each test */
        tt = (frame/30)%(TEST_NB-1);

    switch (tt) {
    case TEST_DC_LUMA:       dc_test(picref->data[0], picref->linesize[0], 256, 256, frame%30); break;
    case TEST_DC_CHROMA:     dc_test(picref->data[1], picref->linesize[1], 256, 256, frame%30); break;
    case TEST_FREQ_LUMA:   freq_test(picref->data[0], picref->linesize[0], frame%30); break;
    case TEST_FREQ_CHROMA: freq_test(picref->data[1], picref->linesize[1], frame%30); break;
    case TEST_AMP_LUMA:     amp_test(picref->data[0], picref->linesize[0], frame%30); break;
    case TEST_AMP_CHROMA:   amp_test(picref->data[1], picref->linesize[1], frame%30); break;
    case TEST_CBP:          cbp_test(picref->data   , picref->linesize   , frame%30); break;
    case TEST_MV:            mv_test(picref->data[0], picref->linesize[0], frame%30); break;
    case TEST_RING1:      ring1_test(picref->data[0], picref->linesize[0], frame%30); break;
    case TEST_RING2:      ring2_test(picref->data[0], picref->linesize[0], frame%30); break;

    return ff_filter_frame(outlink, picref);
コード例 #2
ファイル: tryrand4.cpp プロジェクト: RuiVarela/Smokin
void test_perm(int N, int NN, unsigned int M)
   int j; unsigned long i; double sum2 = 0;
   Array<long> count(0,NN-1);   // count number of times each ball is drawn
   Array<int> last(0,NN-1);     // details of last draw
   long consec = 0;             // count number of consecutive balls
   last = 0; count = 0;         // set the arrays to zero

   cout << endl;
   cout << "Size of urn = " << NN << ";  ";
   cout << "no. of balls = " << N << ";  ";
   cout << "no. of trials = " << M << endl;
   cout << BaseTest::Header << endl;   
   if (N > NN) { Throw(Runtime_error("N > NN")); }
   long double S0 = 0.0;             // sum of ball numbers
   long double S1 = 0.0;             // sum of ball * draw
   double centre = (NN+1) / 2.0;     // average ball number
   double avj = (N+1)/2.0;           // average draw number
   Array2<int> table1(0,NN-1,0,N-1);     // times ball i occurs at draw j
   Array2<int> table2(0,NN-1,0,NN-1);    // times ball i and ball j both occur
   table1 = 0; table2 = 0;           // clear the tables
   long turnings = 0;                // number of turning points
   RandomPermutation RP;             // reset the Urn
   Array<int> Draw(0,N-1);           // for the draw

   for (i=1; i<=M; i++)              // iterate over total number of trials
      int last_ball = -1;
      RP.Next(NN,N,Draw.base(),1);   // do the draw
      Array<int> check(0,NN-1); check = 0;  // for checking no repeats
      for (j = 1; j <= N; j++)       // N balls in draw
	 int x = Draw(j-1);
	 if (x<1 || x>NN) Throw(Runtime_error("Invalid number"));
	 check(x-1)++; count(x-1)++; sum2 += last(x-1);
	 if (x == last_ball+1 || x == last_ball-1) consec++;
	 last_ball = x;
	 double xc = x - centre;
	 S0 += xc; S1 += xc * (j-avj);
      for (j=0; j<NN; j++)
	 if (check(j) > 1) Throw(Runtime_error("Repeated number"));
	 last(j) = check(j);
	 if (check(j))              // increment table of pairs
	    for (int k = j+1; k<NN; k++) if (check(k)) table2(j,k)++;

      // count number of turnings
      for (j = 2; j < N; j++)
         long last = Draw(j-2);
         long current = Draw(j-1);
         long next = Draw(j);
         if ( (last < current && next < current) ||
            (last > current && next > current) ) turnings++;


   // do the tests
   double sum1 = 0.0; double d = M * (N / (double)NN);
   for (j=0; j<NN; j++) { sum1 += square(count(j) - d); }

   if (N < NN)
      sum1 /= d;
      double sd = (NN - N) * sqrt( 2 * (M - 1)  / (M * ((double)(NN - 1))) );
      NormalTestTwoSided freq_test("Ball freq.", sum1, NN - N, square(sd));

      NormalTestTwoSided repeats_test("Repeats", sum2, (M - 1) * (N * N / (double)NN),
         square((double)(N * (NN - N)) / (double)NN) * (M - 1) / (NN - 1) );

      double V0 = ((double)N * (NN+1.0) * (NN-N))/12.0;
      NormalTestTwoSided average_test("Average", S0, 0, M * V0);

   if (N > 1)
      double V1 = (double)N * (N*N - 1) * NN * (NN + 1) / 144.0;
      NormalTestTwoSided ball_times_draw("Ball * draw", S1, 0, M * V1);

      double e = 2 * M * (N - 1) / (double)NN;
				   // expected # of consecutive balls
      NormalTestTwoSided consec_test("Consec balls", consec, e, e);

   if (N > 1)
      // balls vs draws
      double CS = 0; double ev = (double)M / NN;
      for (int i = 0; i < NN; i++) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	 CS += square(table1(i,j)-ev);
      CS /= ev; ev = N * (NN - 1);
      double v =  2.0 * N * (M - 1) * (N - (2 - NN) * NN) / M / (NN - 1);
      NormalTestTwoSided ball_draw("Ball vs draw", CS, ev, v);

   if (N>1 && N < NN)
      // pairs of balls
      double CS = 0; double ev = (double)M*N*(N-1)/ NN / (NN-1);
      for (int i = 0; i < NN; i++) for (int j = i+1; j < NN; j++)
	 CS += square(table2(i,j)-ev);
      CS /= ev; ev = (NN-N)*(NN+N-1)/2.0;
      double v =  (double)(M-1)*square(NN-N)*(-3+6*N-3.0*N*N+2*NN-6.0*N*NN+
      NormalTestTwoSided pairs_test("Pairs table", CS, ev, v);

   if (N > 2)
      double V2 = (16.0 * N - 29.0) / 90.0;
      NormalTestTwoSided runs_test("Runs test", turnings,
         (double)M * (N-2) / 1.5, M * V2);
