void retcode(Tree p) { Type ty; if (p == NULL) { if (events.returns) apply(events.returns, cfunc, NULL); return; } p = pointer(p); ty = assign(freturn(cfunc->type), p); if (ty == NULL) { error("illegal return type; found `%t' expected `%t'\n", p->type, freturn(cfunc->type)); return; } p = cast(p, ty); if (retv) { if (iscallb(p)) p = tree(RIGHT, p->type, tree(CALL+B, p->type, p->kids[0]->kids[0], idtree(retv)), rvalue(idtree(retv))); else { Type ty = retv->type->type; assert(isstruct(ty)); if (ty->u.sym->u.s.cfields) { ty->u.sym->u.s.cfields = 0; p = asgntree(ASGN, rvalue(idtree(retv)), p); ty->u.sym->u.s.cfields = 1; } else p = asgntree(ASGN, rvalue(idtree(retv)), p); } walk(p, 0, 0); if (events.returns) apply(events.returns, cfunc, rvalue(idtree(retv))); return; } if (events.returns) { Symbol t1 = genident(AUTO, p->type, level); addlocal(t1); walk(asgn(t1, p), 0, 0); apply(events.returns, cfunc, idtree(t1)); p = idtree(t1); } if (!isfloat(p->type)) p = cast(p, promote(p->type)); if (isptr(p->type)) { Symbol q = localaddr(p); if (q && (q->computed || q->generated)) warning("pointer to a %s is an illegal return value\n", q->scope == PARAM ? "parameter" : "local"); else if (q) warning("pointer to %s `%s' is an illegal return value\n", q->scope == PARAM ? "parameter" : "local", q->name); } walk(tree(mkop(RET,p->type), p->type, p, NULL), 0, 0); }
void function(sSymbol_t f, sSymbol_t caller[], sSymbol_t callee[], int ncalls) { int i; localsize=offset=tmpsize=nbregs=0; funame=f->x.name; for (i=8;i<32;i++) temp[i]->x.name="******"; for (i = 0; caller[i] && callee[i]; i++) { caller[i]->x.name=stringf("(ap),%d",offset); caller[i]->x.adrmode='A'; offset+=caller[i]->type->size; if (optimizelevel>1 && callee[i]->sclass==REGISTER && allocreg(callee[i])) ; /* allocreg ok */ else { callee[i]->x.adrmode=caller[i]->x.adrmode; callee[i]->x.name=caller[i]->x.name; callee[i]->sclass=AUTO; } } busy=localsize=0; offset=6; gencode(caller,callee); omit_frame=(i==0 && localsize==6); print("%s\n",funame); if (optimizelevel>1 && omit_frame && nbregs==0) ; else print("\tENTER(%d,%d)\n",nbregs,localsize); if (isstruct(freturn(f->type))) print("\tMOVW_DI(op1,(fp),6)\n"); emitcode(); }
/* tracereturn - generate code to trace return e */ static void tracereturn(Symbol printer, Symbol f, Tree e) { appendstr(f->name); appendstr("#"); tracevalue(idtree(frameno), 0); appendstr(" returned"); if (freturn(f->type) != voidtype && e) { appendstr(" "); tracevalue(e, 0); } appendstr("\n"); tracefinis(printer); }
/* tracefinis - complete & generate the trace call to print */ static void tracefinis(Symbol printer) { Tree *ap; Symbol p; *fp = 0; p = mkstr(string(fmt)); for (ap = &args; *ap; ap = &(*ap)->kids[1]) ; *ap = tree(ARG+P, charptype, pointer(idtree(p->u.c.loc)), 0); walk(calltree(pointer(idtree(printer)), freturn(printer->type), args, NULL), 0, 0); args = 0; fp = fmtend = 0; }
void BytecodeAssembler::_return(BasicType bt) { switch (bt) { case T_BOOLEAN: case T_CHAR: case T_BYTE: case T_SHORT: case T_INT: ireturn(); break; case T_FLOAT: freturn(); break; case T_DOUBLE: dreturn(); break; case T_LONG: lreturn(); break; case T_OBJECT: case T_ARRAY: areturn(); break; case T_VOID: _return(); break; default: ShouldNotReachHere(); } }
/* stabsym - output a stab entry for symbol p */ void stabsym(Symbol p) { int code, tc, sz = p->type->size; if (p->generated || p->computed) return; if (isfunc(p->type)) { print(".stabs \"%s:%c%d\",%d,0,0,%s\n", p->name, p->sclass == STATIC ? 'f' : 'F', dbxtype(freturn(p->type)), N_FUN, p->x.name); return; } if (!IR->wants_argb && p->scope == PARAM && p->structarg) { assert(isptr(p->type) && isstruct(p->type->type)); tc = dbxtype(p->type->type); sz = p->type->type->size; } else tc = dbxtype(p->type); if (p->sclass == AUTO && p->scope == GLOBAL || p->sclass == EXTERN) { print(".stabs \"%s:G", p->name); code = N_GSYM; } else if (p->sclass == STATIC) { print(".stabs \"%s:%c%d\",%d,0,0,%s\n", p->name, p->scope == GLOBAL ? 'S' : 'V', tc, p->u.seg == BSS ? N_LCSYM : N_STSYM, p->x.name); return; } else if (p->sclass == REGISTER) { if (p->x.regnode) { int r = p->x.regnode->number; if (p->x.regnode->set == FREG) r += 32; /* floating point */ print(".stabs \"%s:%c%d\",%d,0,", p->name, p->scope == PARAM ? 'P' : 'r', tc, N_RSYM); print("%d,%d\n", sz, r); } return; } else if (p->scope == PARAM) { print(".stabs \"%s:p", p->name); code = N_PSYM; } else if (p->scope >= LOCAL) { print(".stabs \"%s:", p->name); code = N_LSYM; } else assert(0); print("%d\",%d,0,0,%s\n", tc, code, p->scope >= PARAM && p->sclass != EXTERN ? p->x.name : "0"); }
Tree vcall(Symbol func, Type ty, ...) { va_list ap; Tree args = NULL, e, f = pointer(idtree(func)), r = NULL; assert(isfunc(func->type)); if (ty == NULL) ty = freturn(func->type); va_start(ap, ty); while ((e = va_arg(ap, Tree)) != NULL) { if (hascall(e)) r = r == NULL ? e : tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, e); args = tree(mkop(ARG, e->type), e->type, e, args); } va_end(ap); if (r != NULL) args = tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, args); return calltree(f, ty, args, NULL); }
void statement(int loop, Swtch swp, int lev) { float ref = refinc; if (Aflag >= 2 && lev == 15) warning("more than 15 levels of nested statements\n"); switch (t) { case IF: ifstmt(genlabel(2), loop, swp, lev + 1); break; case WHILE: whilestmt(genlabel(3), swp, lev + 1); break; case DO: dostmt(genlabel(3), swp, lev + 1); expect(';'); break; case FOR: forstmt(genlabel(4), swp, lev + 1); break; case BREAK: walk(NULL, 0, 0); definept(NULL); if (swp && swp->lab > loop) branch(swp->lab + 1); else if (loop) branch(loop + 2); else error("illegal break statement\n"); t = gettok(); expect(';'); break; case CONTINUE: walk(NULL, 0, 0); definept(NULL); if (loop) branch(loop + 1); else error("illegal continue statement\n"); t = gettok(); expect(';'); break; case SWITCH: swstmt(loop, genlabel(2), lev + 1); break; case CASE: { int lab = genlabel(1); if (swp == NULL) error("illegal case label\n"); definelab(lab); while (t == CASE) { static char stop[] = { IF, ID, 0 }; Tree p; t = gettok(); p = constexpr(0); if (generic(p->op) == CNST && isint(p->type)) { if (swp) { needconst++; p = cast(p, swp->sym->type); if (p->type->op == UNSIGNED) p->u.v.i = extend(p->u.v.u, p->type); needconst--; caselabel(swp, p->u.v.i, lab); } } else error("case label must be a constant integer expression\n"); test(':', stop); } statement(loop, swp, lev); } break; case DEFAULT: if (swp == NULL) error("illegal default label\n"); else if (swp->deflab) error("extra default label\n"); else { swp->deflab = findlabel(swp->lab); definelab(swp->deflab->u.l.label); } t = gettok(); expect(':'); statement(loop, swp, lev); break; case RETURN: { Type rty = freturn(cfunc->type); t = gettok(); definept(NULL); if (t != ';') if (rty == voidtype) { error("extraneous return value\n"); expr(0); retcode(NULL); } else retcode(expr(0)); else { if (rty != voidtype) warning("missing return value\n"); retcode(NULL); } branch(cfunc->u.f.label); } expect(';'); break; case '{': compound(loop, swp, lev + 1); break; case ';': definept(NULL); t = gettok(); break; case GOTO: walk(NULL, 0, 0); definept(NULL); t = gettok(); if (t == ID) { Symbol p = lookup(token, stmtlabs); if (p == NULL) { p = install(token, &stmtlabs, 0, FUNC); p->scope = LABELS; p->u.l.label = genlabel(1); p->src = src; } use(p, src); branch(p->u.l.label); t = gettok(); } else error("missing label in goto\n"); expect(';'); break; case ID: if (getchr() == ':') { stmtlabel(); statement(loop, swp, lev); break; } default: definept(NULL); if (kind[t] != ID) { error("unrecognized statement\n"); t = gettok(); } else { Tree e = expr0(0); listnodes(e, 0, 0); if (nodecount == 0 || nodecount > 200) walk(NULL, 0, 0); else if (glevel) walk(NULL, 0, 0); deallocate(STMT); } expect(';'); break; } if (kind[t] != IF && kind[t] != ID && t != '}' && t != EOI) { static char stop[] = { IF, ID, '}', 0 }; error("illegal statement termination\n"); skipto(0, stop); } refinc = ref; }
Tree call(Tree f, Type fty, Coordinate src) { int n = 0; Tree args = NULL, r = NULL, e; Type *proto, rty = unqual(freturn(fty)); Symbol t3 = NULL; if (fty->u.f.oldstyle) proto = NULL; else proto = fty->u.f.proto; if (hascall(f)) r = f; if (isstruct(rty)) { t3 = temporary(AUTO, unqual(rty)); if (rty->size == 0) error("illegal use of incomplete type `%t'\n", rty); } if (t != ')') for (;;) { Tree q = pointer(expr1(0)); if (proto && *proto && *proto != voidtype) { Type aty; q = value(q); aty = assign(*proto, q); if (aty) q = cast(q, aty); else error("type error in argument %d to %s; found `%t' expected `%t'\n", n + 1, funcname(f), q->type, *proto); if ((isint(q->type) || isenum(q->type)) && q->type->size != inttype->size) q = cast(q, promote(q->type)); ++proto; } else { if (!fty->u.f.oldstyle && *proto == NULL) error("too many arguments to %s\n", funcname(f)); q = value(q); if (isarray(q->type) || q->type->size == 0) error("type error in argument %d to %s; `%t' is illegal\n", n + 1, funcname(f), q->type); else q = cast(q, promote(q->type)); } if (!IR->wants_argb && isstruct(q->type)) if (iscallb(q)) q = addrof(q); else { Symbol t1 = temporary(AUTO, unqual(q->type)); q = asgn(t1, q); q = tree(RIGHT, ptr(t1->type), root(q), lvalue(idtree(t1))); } if (q->type->size == 0) q->type = inttype; if (hascall(q)) r = r ? tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, q) : q; args = tree(mkop(ARG, q->type), q->type, q, args); n++; if (Aflag >= 2 && n == 32) warning("more than 31 arguments in a call to %s\n", funcname(f)); if (t != ',') break; t = gettok(); } expect(')'); if (proto && *proto && *proto != voidtype) error("insufficient number of arguments to %s\n", funcname(f)); if (r) args = tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, args); e = calltree(f, rty, args, t3); if (events.calls) apply(events.calls, &src, &e); return e; }