コード例 #1
ndarray from_data_impl(void * data,
		       dtype const & dt,
		       Container shape,
		       Container strides,
		       python::object const & owner,
		       bool writeable,
		       typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral<typename Container::value_type> >::type * enabled = NULL)
  std::vector<Py_intptr_t> shape_(shape.begin(),shape.end());
  std::vector<Py_intptr_t> strides_(strides.begin(), strides.end());
  return from_data_impl(data, dt, shape_, strides_, owner, writeable);    
コード例 #2
ndarray from_data_impl(void * data,
		       dtype const & dt,
		       python::object const & shape,
		       python::object const & strides,
		       python::object const & owner,
		       bool writeable)
  std::vector<Py_intptr_t> shape_(len(shape));
  std::vector<Py_intptr_t> strides_(len(strides));
  if (shape_.size() != strides_.size())
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Length of shape and strides arrays do not match.");
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < shape_.size(); ++i)
    shape_[i] = python::extract<Py_intptr_t>(shape[i]);
    strides_[i] = python::extract<Py_intptr_t>(strides[i]);
  return from_data_impl(data, dt, shape_, strides_, owner, writeable);