FileName imageLibFileSearch(QString & dir, QString const & name, QString const & ext) { string tmp = fromqstr(dir); FileName fn = support::imageLibFileSearch(tmp, fromqstr(name), fromqstr(ext)); dir = toqstr(tmp); return fn; }
Private(QString const & mask) : f(mask) { LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Temporary file in " << fromqstr(mask)); if ( LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Temporary file `" << fromqstr(f.fileName()) << "' created."); else LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Unable to create temporary file with following template: " << f.fileTemplate()); }
void GuiDelimiter::on_insertPB_clicked() { if (sizeCO->currentIndex() == 0) dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_DELIM, fromqstr(tex_code_))); else { QString command = '"' + tex_code_ + '"'; command.replace(' ', "\" \""); dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_MATH_BIGDELIM, fromqstr(command))); } }
string widgetsToLength(QLineEdit const * input, LengthCombo const * combo) { QString const length = input->text(); if (length.isEmpty()) return string(); // Don't return unit-from-choice if the input(field) contains a unit if (isValidGlueLength(fromqstr(length))) return fromqstr(length); Length::UNIT const unit = combo->currentLengthItem(); return Length(locstringToDouble(length.trimmed()), unit).asString(); }
FileName TempFile::name() const { QString const n = d->f.fileName(); if (n.isNull()) return FileName(); return FileName(fromqstr(n)); }
QValidator::State LengthValidator::validate(QString & qtext, int &) const { bool ok; qtext.trimmed().toDouble(&ok); if (qtext.isEmpty() || ok) return QValidator::Acceptable; string const text = fromqstr(qtext); if (glue_length_) { GlueLength gl; return (isValidGlueLength(text, &gl)) ? QValidator::Acceptable : QValidator::Intermediate; } Length l; bool const valid_length = isValidLength(text, &l); if (!valid_length) return QValidator::Intermediate; if (no_bottom_) return QValidator::Acceptable; return b_.inPixels(100) <= l.inPixels(100) ? QValidator::Acceptable : QValidator::Intermediate; }
Length widgetsToLength(QLineEdit const * input, QComboBox const * combo) { QString const length = input->text(); if (length.isEmpty()) return Length(); // don't return unit-from-choice if the input(field) contains a unit if (isValidGlueLength(fromqstr(length))) return Length(fromqstr(length)); Length::UNIT unit = Length::UNIT_NONE; QString const item = combo->currentText(); for (int i = 0; i < num_units; i++) { if (qt_(lyx::unit_name_gui[i]) == item) { unit = unitFromString(unit_name[i]); break; } } return Length(locstringToDouble(length.trimmed()), unit); }
GuiDelimiter::GuiDelimiter(GuiView & lv) : GuiDialog(lv, "mathdelimiter", qt_("Math Delimiter")) { setupUi(this); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); setFocusProxy(leftLW); leftLW->setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); rightLW->setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); leftLW->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::NoDragDrop); rightLW->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::NoDragDrop); initMathSymbols(); typedef map<char_type, QListWidgetItem *> ListItems; ListItems list_items; // The last element is the empty one. int const end = nr_latex_delimiters - 1; for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { string const delim = latex_delimiters[i]; MathSymbol const & ms = mathSymbol(delim); QString symbol(ms.fontcode? QChar(ms.fontcode) : toqstr(docstring(1, ms.unicode))); QListWidgetItem * lwi = new QListWidgetItem(symbol); lwi->setToolTip(toqstr(delim)); FontInfo lyxfont; lyxfont.setFamily(ms.fontfamily); lwi->setFont(frontend::getFont(lyxfont)); list_items[ms.unicode] = lwi; leftLW->addItem(lwi); } for (int i = 0; i != leftLW->count(); ++i) { MathSymbol const & ms = mathSymbol( fromqstr(leftLW->item(i)->toolTip())); rightLW->addItem(list_items[doMatch(ms.unicode)]->clone()); } // The last element is the empty one. leftLW->addItem(qt_("(None)")); rightLW->addItem(qt_("(None)")); sizeCO->addItem(qt_("Variable")); for (int i = 0; *biggui[i]; ++i) sizeCO->addItem(qt_(biggui[i])); on_leftLW_currentRowChanged(0); bc().setPolicy(ButtonPolicy::IgnorantPolicy); }
QValidator::State LengthValidator::validate(QString & qtext, int &) const { QLocale loc; bool ok; double d = loc.toDouble(qtext.trimmed(), &ok); // QLocale::toDouble accepts something like "1." // We don't. bool dp = qtext.endsWith(loc.decimalPoint()); if (!ok) { // Fall back to C QLocale c(QLocale::C); d = c.toDouble(qtext.trimmed(), &ok); dp = qtext.endsWith(c.decimalPoint()); } if (ok && unsigned_ && d < 0) return QValidator::Invalid; if (qtext.isEmpty() || (ok && !dp)) return QValidator::Acceptable; string const text = fromqstr(qtext); if (glue_length_) { GlueLength gl; if (unsigned_ && gl.len().value() < 0) return QValidator::Invalid; return (isValidGlueLength(text, &gl)) ? QValidator::Acceptable : QValidator::Intermediate; } Length l; bool const valid_length = isValidLength(text, &l); if (!valid_length) return QValidator::Intermediate; if (no_bottom_) return QValidator::Acceptable; if (unsigned_ && l.value() < 0) return QValidator::Invalid; return b_.inPixels(100) <= l.inPixels(100) ? QValidator::Acceptable : QValidator::Intermediate; }
QString changeExtension(QString const & oldname, QString const & ext) { return toqstr(support::changeExtension(fromqstr(oldname), fromqstr(ext))); }
void GuiSymbols::dispatchParams() { dispatch(FuncRequest(getLfun(), fromqstr(chosenLE->text()))); }
void Dialog::disconnect() const { lyxview_->disconnectDialog(fromqstr(name_)); }
void Dialog::updateDialog() const { dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_DIALOG_UPDATE, fromqstr(name_))); }
/** Convert relative path into absolute path based on a basepath. If relpath is absolute, just use that. If basepath doesn't exist use CWD. */ QString makeAbsPath(QString const & relpath, QString const & base) { return toqstr(support::makeAbsPath(fromqstr(relpath), fromqstr(base)).absFileName()); }
FileName libFileSearch(QString const & dir, QString const & name, QString const & ext) { return support::libFileSearch(fromqstr(dir), fromqstr(name), fromqstr(ext)); }
/** Add the extension \p ext to \p name. Use this instead of changeExtension if you know that \p name is without extension, because changeExtension would wrongly interpret \p name if it contains a dot. */ QString addExtension(QString const & name, QString const & ext) { return toqstr(support::addExtension(fromqstr(name), fromqstr(ext))); }
/// Return the extension of the file (not including the .) QString getExtension(QString const & name) { return toqstr(support::getExtension(fromqstr(name))); }
/// Remove the extension from \p name QString removeExtension(QString const & name) { return toqstr(support::removeExtension(fromqstr(name))); }
QString const qt_(QString const & qstr) { return toqstr(_(fromqstr(qstr))); }
QString onlyPath(const QString & str) { return toqstr(support::onlyPath(fromqstr(str))); }
QString onlyFileName(const QString & str) { return toqstr(support::onlyFileName(fromqstr(str))); }
QString internalPath(const QString & str) { return toqstr(os::internal_path(fromqstr(str))); }