コード例 #1
ファイル: Grid.cpp プロジェクト: chrishamm/RepRapFirmware
// Print what is wrong with the grid, appending it to the existing string
void GridDefinition::PrintError(float originalXrange, float originalYrange, StringRef& r) const
	if (spacing < MinSpacing)
		r.cat("Spacing too small");
	else if (numX == 0)
		r.cat("X range too small");
	else if (numY == 0)
		r.cat("Y range too small");
	else if (   numX > MaxXGridPoints
			 || numX > MaxGridProbePoints || numY > MaxGridProbePoints		// check X and Y individually in case X*Y overflows
			 || NumPoints() > MaxGridProbePoints
		const float totalRange = originalXrange + originalYrange;
		const float area = originalXrange * originalYrange;
		const float minSpacing = (totalRange + sqrtf(fsquare(totalRange) + 4.0 * (MaxGridProbePoints - 1) * area))/(2.0 * (MaxGridProbePoints - 1));
		const float minXspacing = originalXrange/(MaxXGridPoints - 1);
		r.catf("Too many grid points; suggest increase spacing to %.1fmm", max<float>(minSpacing, minXspacing));
		// The only thing left is a bad radius
		r.cat("Bad radius");
コード例 #2
ファイル: curve25519.c プロジェクト: TomCrypto/Ordo
/* Input: Q, Q', Q-Q'
 * Output: 2Q, Q+Q'
 *   x2 z3: long form
 *   x3 z3: long form
 *   x z: short form, destroyed
 *   xprime zprime: short form, destroyed
 *   qmqp: short form, preserved
void fmonty(felem *x2, felem *z2,  /* output 2Q */
            felem *x3, felem *z3,  /* output Q + Q' */
            felem *x, felem *z,    /* input Q */
            felem *xprime, felem *zprime,  /* input Q' */
            const felem *qmqp /* input Q - Q' */) {
  felem origx[10], origxprime[10], zzz[19], xx[19], zz[19], xxprime[19],
        zzprime[19], zzzprime[19], xxxprime[19];

  memcpy(origx, x, 10 * sizeof(felem));
  fsum(x, z);
  fdifference(z, origx);  /* does x - z */

  memcpy(origxprime, xprime, sizeof(felem) * 10);
  fsum(xprime, zprime);
  fdifference(zprime, origxprime);
  fproduct(xxprime, xprime, z);
  fproduct(zzprime, x, zprime);
  memcpy(origxprime, xxprime, sizeof(felem) * 10);
  fsum(xxprime, zzprime);
  fdifference(zzprime, origxprime);
  fsquare(xxxprime, xxprime);
  fsquare(zzzprime, zzprime);
  fproduct(zzprime, zzzprime, qmqp);
  memcpy(x3, xxxprime, sizeof(felem) * 10);
  memcpy(z3, zzprime, sizeof(felem) * 10);

  fsquare(xx, x);
  fsquare(zz, z);
  fproduct(x2, xx, zz);
  fdifference(zz, xx);  /* does zz = xx - zz */
  memset(zzz + 10, 0, sizeof(felem) * 9);
  fscalar_product(zzz, zz, 121665);
  fsum(zzz, xx);
  fproduct(z2, zz, zzz);
コード例 #3
// Set up to probe
bool DeltaProbe::Init(float frequency, float amplitude, float rate, float height)
debugPrintf("Start probe f=%.1f a=%.2f r=%.2f h=%.1f\n", frequency, amplitude, rate, height);
	// Sanity check the inputs (we check the max amplitude later)
	if (frequency < 50.0 || frequency > 1000.0 || amplitude < 0.02 || rate < 0.1 || rate > 10.0 || height < 0.5)
		return false;

debugPrintf("ok so far\n");
	// Calculate the number of steps for the peak to peak amplitude
	const float zRate = reprap.GetPlatform()->DriveStepsPerUnit(Z_AXIS);
	normalSteps = (size_t)(amplitude * zRate);
	if (normalSteps > MaxSteps)
		return false;

debugPrintf("normalSteps=%u\n", normalSteps);
	// Build the tables of step times for sinusoidal motion
	const float recipOmega = (float)DDA::stepClockRate/(frequency * 2.0 * PI);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < normalSteps - 1; ++i)
		normalStepTable[i] = acos(1.0 - (float)(2 * (i + 1))/(float)normalSteps) * recipOmega;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < normalSteps; ++i)
		incStepTable[i] = acos(1.0 - (float)(2 * (i + 1))/(float)(normalSteps + 1)) * recipOmega;

	halfCycleTime = (uint32_t)((float)DDA::stepClockRate/(2.0 * frequency));
	incStepTable[normalSteps] = normalStepTable[normalSteps - 1] = halfCycleTime;

	halfCyclesPerIncrement = 2 * (unsigned int)((frequency / (rate * zRate)) + 0.5);
	if (halfCyclesPerIncrement < 4)
		halfCyclesPerIncrement = 4;
	maxIncrements = height * zRate;

const float peakAccel = fsquare(2.0 * PI * frequency) * amplitude * 0.5;
debugPrintf("halfCycleTime=%u halfCyclesPerIncrement=%u peak accel=%.1f\n", halfCycleTime, halfCyclesPerIncrement, peakAccel);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < normalSteps; ++i)
	debugPrintf(" %u", normalStepTable[i]);
debugPrintf(" incStepTable=");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= normalSteps; ++i)
	debugPrintf(" %u", incStepTable[i]);
	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: smult.c プロジェクト: BurnBeforeReading/cjdns
fmonty(felem *x2,  /* output 2Q */
       felem *x3,  /* output Q + Q' */
       felem *x,    /* input Q */
       felem *xprime,  /* input Q' */
       const felem *qmqp /* input Q - Q' */) {
  felem *const z2 = &x2[5];
  felem *const z3 = &x3[5];
  felem *const z = &x[5];
  felem *const zprime = &xprime[5];
  felem origx[5], origxprime[5], zzz[5], xx[5], zz[5], xxprime[5],
        zzprime[5], zzzprime[5];

  memcpy(origx, x, 5 * sizeof(felem));
  fsum(x, z);
  fdifference_backwards(z, origx);  // does x - z

  memcpy(origxprime, xprime, sizeof(felem) * 5);
  fsum(xprime, zprime);
  fdifference_backwards(zprime, origxprime);
  fmul(xxprime, xprime, z);
  fmul(zzprime, x, zprime);
  memcpy(origxprime, xxprime, sizeof(felem) * 5);
  fsum(xxprime, zzprime);
  fdifference_backwards(zzprime, origxprime);
  fsquare(x3, xxprime);
  fsquare(zzzprime, zzprime);
  fmul(z3, zzzprime, qmqp);

  fsquare(xx, x);
  fsquare(zz, z);
  fmul(x2, xx, zz);
  fdifference_backwards(zz, xx);  // does zz = xx - zz
  fscalar(zzz, zz); // * 121665
  fsum(zzz, xx);
  fmul(z2, zz, zzz);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Mwave.c プロジェクト: 1014511134/src
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    WINFO wi;        /* struct for command line input */
    /* workspace */
    float * v;       /* velocity field */
    float * p1;      /* pressure field, current time step */
    float * p0;      /* pressure field, last time step */
    float * tr;      /* storage for traces */
    float * tmp;     /* used to swap p1 and p0 */
    int ix, it;      /* counters */
    int isrc;        /* source counter */
    int imf;         /* movie frame counter */
    int isx;         /* source location, in units of dx */
    int nxz;         /* number of spatial grid points */
    /* int nz;          local number of gridpoints */
    int ntr;         /* number of traces */
    int nsam;        /* number of trace samples */
    int nsrc;        /* number of shots */
    float rz,rx,s;   /* precomputed coefficients */
    float vmax,vmin; /* max, min velocity values */
    /* float two;        two */
    /* read inputs from command line */
    /* compute number of shots */
    nsrc = (wi.isxend-wi.isxbeg)/(wi.iskip); nsrc++;
    /* compute number of spatial grid points */
    nxz=wi.nx * wi.nz;
    /* compute number of traces, samples in each record */
    /* allocate, initialize p0, p1, v, traces */
    v =sf_floatalloc(nxz);
    /* read velocity */
    /* CFL, sanity checks */
    if (vmax*wi.dt>CFL*fmaxf(wi.dx,wi.dz)) {
	sf_warning("CFL criterion violated");
	sf_warning("vmax=%e dx=%e dz=%e dt=%e\n",vmax,wi.dx,wi.dz,wi.dt);
	sf_error("max permitted dt=%e\n",CFL*fmaxf(wi.dx,wi.dz)/vmax);
    if (vmin<=0.0) 
	sf_error("min velocity nonpositive");
    /* only square of velocity array needed from here on */
    /* precalculate some coefficients */
    s =2.0*(rz+rx);
/*    two=2.0;
      nz=wi.nz; */
    /* shot loop */
    while (isx <= wi.isxend) {
	/* initialize pressure fields, traces */
	/* initialize movie frame counter */
	/* time loop */
	for (it=0;it<wi.nt;it++) {
	    /* construct next time step, overwrite on p0 */
	    /* tack on source */
	    /* swap pointers */
	    /* store trace samples if necessary */
	    if (NULL != wi.tfile) 
		for (ix=0;ix<ntr;ix++) 
	    /* write movie snap to file if necessary */
	    if (NULL != wi.mfile && wi.nm && !(it%wi.nm)) {
	    /* next t */

	/* write traces to file if necessary */
	if (NULL != wi.tfile) 
	isx += wi.iskip;

コード例 #6
ファイル: _lowess.c プロジェクト: AlexBrandt/bio-playground
static void lowest(double *x, double *y, int n, double *xs, double *ys,
	int nleft, int nright, double *w,
	int userw, double *rw, int *ok)
    int nrt, j;
    double a, b, c, h, h1, h9, r, range;


    range = x[n]-x[1];
    h = fmax2(*xs-x[nleft], x[nright]-*xs);
    h9 = 0.999*h;
    h1 = 0.001*h;

    /* sum of weights */

    a = 0.;
    j = nleft;
    while (j <= n) {

	/* compute weights */
	/* (pick up all ties on right) */

	w[j] = 0.;
	r = fabs(x[j] - *xs);
	if (r <= h9) {
	    if (r <= h1)
		w[j] = 1.;
		w[j] = fcube(1.-fcube(r/h));
	    if (userw)
		w[j] *= rw[j];
	    a += w[j];
	else if (x[j] > *xs)
	j = j+1;

    /* rightmost pt (may be greater */
    /* than nright because of ties) */

    nrt = j-1;
    if (a <= 0.)
	*ok = 0;
    else {
	*ok = 1;

	/* weighted least squares */
	/* make sum of w[j] == 1 */

	for(j=nleft ; j<=nrt ; j++)
	    w[j] /= a;
	if (h > 0.) {
	    a = 0.;

	    /*  use linear fit */
	    /* weighted center of x values */

	    for(j=nleft ; j<=nrt ; j++)
		a += w[j] * x[j];
	    b = *xs - a;
	    c = 0.;
	    for(j=nleft ; j<=nrt ; j++)
		c += w[j]*fsquare(x[j]-a);
	    if (sqrt(c) > 0.001*range) {
		b /= c;

		/* points are spread out */
		/* enough to compute slope */

		for(j=nleft; j <= nrt; j++)
		    w[j] *= (b*(x[j]-a) + 1.);
	*ys = 0.;
	for(j=nleft; j <= nrt; j++)
	    *ys += w[j] * y[j];
コード例 #7
ファイル: _lowess.c プロジェクト: AlexBrandt/bio-playground
void clowess(double *x, double *y, int n,
	     double f, int nsteps, double delta,
	     double *ys, double *rw, double *res)
    int i, iter, j, last, m1, m2, nleft, nright, ns;
    int ok;
    double alpha, c1, c9, cmad, cut, d1, d2, denom, r, sc;

    if (n < 2) {
	ys[0] = y[0]; return;

    /* nleft, nright, last, etc. must all be shifted to get rid of these: */

    /* at least two, at most n points */
    ns = imax2(2, imin2(n, (int)(f*n + 1e-7)));

    /* robustness iterations */

    iter = 1;
    while (iter <= nsteps+1) {
	nleft = 1;
	nright = ns;
	last = 0;	/* index of prev estimated point */
	i = 1;		/* index of current point */

	for(;;) {
	    if (nright < n) {

		/* move nleft,  nright to right */
		/* if radius decreases */

		d1 = x[i] - x[nleft];
		d2 = x[nright+1] - x[i];

		/* if d1 <= d2 with */
		/* x[nright+1] == x[nright], */
		/* lowest fixes */

		if (d1 > d2) {

		    /* radius will not */
		    /* decrease by */
		    /* move right */


	    /* fitted value at x[i] */

	    lowest(&x[1], &y[1], n, &x[i], &ys[i],
		   nleft, nright, res, iter>1, rw, &ok);
	    if (!ok) ys[i] = y[i];

	    /* all weights zero */
	    /* copy over value (all rw==0) */

	    if (last < i-1) {
		denom = x[i]-x[last];

		/* skipped points -- interpolate */
		/* non-zero - proof? */

		for(j = last+1; j < i; j++) {
		    alpha = (x[j]-x[last])/denom;
		    ys[j] = alpha*ys[i] + (1.-alpha)*ys[last];

	    /* last point actually estimated */
	    last = i;

	    /* x coord of close points */
	    cut = x[last]+delta;
	    for (i = last+1; i <= n; i++) {
		if (x[i] > cut)
		if (x[i] == x[last]) {
		    ys[i] = ys[last];
		    last = i;
	    i = imax2(last+1, i-1);
	    if (last >= n)
	/* residuals */
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    res[i] = y[i+1] - ys[i+1];

	/* overall scale estimate */
	sc = 0.;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) sc += fabs(res[i]);
	sc /= n;

	/* compute robustness weights */
	/* except last time */

	if (iter > nsteps)
	/* Note: The following code, biweight_{6 MAD|Ri|}
	   is also used in stl(), loess and several other places.
	   --> should provide API here (MM) */
	for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    rw[i] = fabs(res[i]);

	/* Compute   cmad := 6 * median(rw[], n)  ---- */
	/* FIXME: We need C API in R for Median ! */
	m1 = n/2;
	/* partial sort, for m1 & m2 */
	rPsort((double *)rw, (int)n, (int)m1);
	if(n % 2 == 0) {
	    m2 = n-m1-1;
	    rPsort((double *)rw, (int)n, (int)m2);
	    cmad = 3.*(rw[m1]+rw[m2]);
	else { /* n odd */
	    cmad = 6.*rw[m1];
	if(cmad < 1e-7 * sc) /* effectively zero */
	c9 = 0.999*cmad;
	c1 = 0.001*cmad;
	for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
	    r = fabs(res[i]);
	    if (r <= c1)
		rw[i] = 1.;
	    else if (r <= c9)
		rw[i] = fsquare(1.-fsquare(r/cmad));
		rw[i] = 0.;
コード例 #8
// Prepare this DM for an extruder move
void DriveMovement::PrepareExtruder(const DDA& dda, const PrepParams& params, size_t drive)
	const float stepsPerMm = reprap.GetPlatform()->DriveStepsPerUnit(drive) * fabs(dda.directionVector[drive]);
	mp.cart.twoCsquaredTimesMmPerStepDivA = (uint64_t)(((float)DDA::stepClockRate * (float)DDA::stepClockRate)/(stepsPerMm * dda.acceleration)) * 2;

	// Calculate the elasticity compensation parameter (not needed for axis movements, but we do them anyway to keep the code simple)
	const float compensationTime = reprap.GetPlatform()->GetElasticComp(drive);
	uint32_t compensationClocks = (uint32_t)(compensationTime * DDA::stepClockRate);
	const float accelCompensationDistance = compensationTime * (dda.topSpeed - dda.startSpeed);
	const float accelCompensationSteps = accelCompensationDistance * stepsPerMm;

	// Calculate the net total step count to allow for compensation (may be negative)
	// Note that we add totalSteps in floating point mode, to round the number of steps down consistently
	int32_t netSteps = (int32_t)(((dda.endSpeed - dda.startSpeed) * compensationTime * stepsPerMm) + totalSteps);

	// Acceleration phase parameters
	mp.cart.accelStopStep = (uint32_t)((dda.accelDistance * stepsPerMm) + accelCompensationSteps) + 1;
	startSpeedTimesCdivA = params.startSpeedTimesCdivA + compensationClocks;

	// Constant speed phase parameters
	mp.cart.mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed = (uint32_t)(((float)DDA::stepClockRate * K1)/(stepsPerMm * dda.topSpeed));
	accelClocksMinusAccelDistanceTimesCdivTopSpeed = (int32_t)params.accelClocksMinusAccelDistanceTimesCdivTopSpeed - (int32_t)(compensationClocks * params.compFactor);

	// Deceleration and reverse phase parameters
	// First check whether there is any deceleration at all, otherwise we may get strange results because of rounding errors
	if (dda.decelDistance * stepsPerMm < 0.5)
		totalSteps = netSteps;
		mp.cart.decelStartStep = mp.cart.reverseStartStep = netSteps + 1;
		topSpeedTimesCdivAPlusDecelStartClocks = 0;
		mp.cart.fourMaxStepDistanceMinusTwoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA = 0;
		twoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA = 0;
		mp.cart.decelStartStep = (uint32_t)((params.decelStartDistance * stepsPerMm) + accelCompensationSteps) + 1;
		const int32_t initialDecelSpeedTimesCdivA = (int32_t)params.topSpeedTimesCdivA - (int32_t)compensationClocks;	// signed because it may be negative and we square it
		const uint64_t initialDecelSpeedTimesCdivASquared = isquare64(initialDecelSpeedTimesCdivA);
		topSpeedTimesCdivAPlusDecelStartClocks = params.topSpeedTimesCdivAPlusDecelStartClocks - compensationClocks;
		twoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA =
			initialDecelSpeedTimesCdivASquared + (uint64_t)(((params.decelStartDistance + accelCompensationDistance) * (DDA::stepClockRateSquared * 2))/dda.acceleration);

		const float initialDecelSpeed = dda.topSpeed - dda.acceleration * compensationTime;
		const float reverseStartDistance = (initialDecelSpeed > 0.0) ? fsquare(initialDecelSpeed)/(2 * dda.acceleration) + params.decelStartDistance : params.decelStartDistance;

		// Reverse phase parameters
		if (reverseStartDistance >= dda.totalDistance)
			// No reverse phase
			totalSteps = netSteps;
			mp.cart.reverseStartStep = netSteps + 1;
			mp.cart.fourMaxStepDistanceMinusTwoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA = 0;
			mp.cart.reverseStartStep = (initialDecelSpeed < 0.0)
									? mp.cart.decelStartStep
									: (twoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA/mp.cart.twoCsquaredTimesMmPerStepDivA) + 1;
			// Because the step numbers are rounded down, we may sometimes get a situation in which netSteps = 1 and reverseStartStep = 1.
			// This would lead to totalSteps = -1, which must be avoided.
			int32_t overallSteps = (int32_t)(2 * (mp.cart.reverseStartStep - 1)) - netSteps;
			if (overallSteps > 0)
				totalSteps = overallSteps;
				mp.cart.fourMaxStepDistanceMinusTwoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA =
						(int64_t)((2 * (mp.cart.reverseStartStep - 1)) * mp.cart.twoCsquaredTimesMmPerStepDivA) - (int64_t)twoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA;
				totalSteps = (uint)max<int32_t>(netSteps, 0);
				mp.cart.reverseStartStep = totalSteps + 1;
				mp.cart.fourMaxStepDistanceMinusTwoDistanceToStopTimesCsquaredDivA = 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: DDA.cpp プロジェクト: JostSchenck/RepRapFirmware
// Set up a real move. Return true if it represents real movement, else false.
bool DDA::Init(const GCodes::RawMove *nextMove, bool doMotorMapping)
	// 1. Compute the new endpoints and the movement vector
	const int32_t *positionNow = prev->DriveCoordinates();
	const Move *move = reprap.GetMove();
	if (doMotorMapping)
		move->MotorTransform(nextMove->coords, endPoint);			// transform the axis coordinates if on a delta or CoreXY printer
		isDeltaMovement = move->IsDeltaMode()
							&& (endPoint[X_AXIS] != positionNow[X_AXIS] || endPoint[Y_AXIS] != positionNow[Y_AXIS] || endPoint[Z_AXIS] != positionNow[Z_AXIS]);
		isDeltaMovement = false;

	isPrintingMove = false;
	bool realMove = false, xyMoving = false;
	const bool isSpecialDeltaMove = (move->IsDeltaMode() && !doMotorMapping);
	float accelerations[DRIVES];
	const float *normalAccelerations = reprap.GetPlatform()->Accelerations();
	for (size_t drive = 0; drive < DRIVES; drive++)
		accelerations[drive] = normalAccelerations[drive];
		if (drive >= AXES || !doMotorMapping)
			endPoint[drive] = Move::MotorEndPointToMachine(drive, nextMove->coords[drive]);

		int32_t delta;
		if (drive < AXES)
			endCoordinates[drive] = nextMove->coords[drive];
			delta = endPoint[drive] - positionNow[drive];
			delta = endPoint[drive];

		DriveMovement& dm = ddm[drive];
		if (drive < AXES && !isSpecialDeltaMove)
			directionVector[drive] = nextMove->coords[drive] - prev->GetEndCoordinate(drive, false);
			dm.state = (isDeltaMovement || delta != 0)
						? DMState::moving				// on a delta printer, if one tower moves then we assume they all do
						: DMState::idle;
			directionVector[drive] = (float)delta/reprap.GetPlatform()->DriveStepsPerUnit(drive);
			dm.state = (delta != 0) ? DMState::moving : DMState::idle;

		if (dm.state == DMState::moving)
			dm.totalSteps = labs(delta);				// for now this is the number of net steps, but gets adjusted later if there is a reverse in direction
			dm.direction = (delta >= 0);				// for now this is the direction of net movement, but gets adjusted later if it is a delta movement
			realMove = true;

			if (drive < Z_AXIS)
				xyMoving = true;

			if (drive >= AXES && xyMoving)
				if (delta > 0)
					isPrintingMove = true;				// we have both movement and extrusion
				float compensationTime = reprap.GetPlatform()->GetElasticComp(drive);
				if (compensationTime > 0.0)
					// Compensation causes instant velocity changes equal to acceleration * k, so we may need to limit the acceleration
					accelerations[drive] = min<float>(accelerations[drive], reprap.GetPlatform()->ConfiguredInstantDv(drive)/compensationTime);

	// 2. Throw it away if there's no real movement.
	if (!realMove)
		return false;

	// 3. Store some values
	endStopsToCheck = nextMove->endStopsToCheck;
	filePos = nextMove->filePos;
	usePressureAdvance = nextMove->usePressureAdvance;

	// The end coordinates will be valid at the end of this move if it does not involve endstop checks and is not a special move on a delta printer
	endCoordinatesValid = (endStopsToCheck == 0) && (doMotorMapping || !move->IsDeltaMode());

	// 4. Normalise the direction vector and compute the amount of motion.
	// If there is any XYZ movement, then we normalise it so that the total XYZ movement has unit length.
	// This means that the user gets the feed rate that he asked for. It also makes the delta calculations simpler.
	if (xyMoving || ddm[Z_AXIS].state == DMState::moving)
		totalDistance = Normalise(directionVector, DRIVES, AXES);
		if (isDeltaMovement)
			// The following are only needed when doing delta movements. We could defer computing them until Prepare(), which would make simulation faster.
			a2plusb2 = fsquare(directionVector[X_AXIS]) + fsquare(directionVector[Y_AXIS]);
			cKc = (int32_t)(directionVector[Z_AXIS] * DriveMovement::Kc);

			const DeltaParameters& dparams = move->GetDeltaParams();
			const float initialX = prev->GetEndCoordinate(X_AXIS, false);
			const float initialY = prev->GetEndCoordinate(Y_AXIS, false);
			const float diagonalSquared = fsquare(dparams.GetDiagonal());
			const float a2b2D2 = a2plusb2 * diagonalSquared;

			for (size_t drive = 0; drive < AXES; ++drive)
				const float A = initialX - dparams.GetTowerX(drive);
				const float B = initialY - dparams.GetTowerY(drive);
				const float stepsPerMm = reprap.GetPlatform()->DriveStepsPerUnit(drive);
				DriveMovement& dm = ddm[drive];
				const float aAplusbB = A * directionVector[X_AXIS] + B * directionVector[Y_AXIS];
				const float dSquaredMinusAsquaredMinusBsquared = diagonalSquared - fsquare(A) - fsquare(B);
				float h0MinusZ0 = sqrtf(dSquaredMinusAsquaredMinusBsquared);
				dm.mp.delta.hmz0sK = (int32_t)(h0MinusZ0 * stepsPerMm * DriveMovement::K2);
				dm.mp.delta.minusAaPlusBbTimesKs = -(int32_t)(aAplusbB * stepsPerMm * DriveMovement::K2);
				dm.mp.delta.dSquaredMinusAsquaredMinusBsquaredTimesKsquaredSsquared =
						(int64_t)(dSquaredMinusAsquaredMinusBsquared * fsquare(stepsPerMm * DriveMovement::K2));

				// Calculate the distance at which we need to reverse direction.
				if (a2plusb2 <= 0.0)
					// Pure Z movement. We can't use the main calculation because it divides by a2plusb2.
					dm.direction = (directionVector[Z_AXIS] >= 0.0);
					dm.mp.delta.reverseStartStep = dm.totalSteps + 1;
					// The distance to reversal is the solution to a quadratic equation. One root corresponds to the carriages being above the bed,
					// the other root corresponds to the carriages being above the bed.
					const float drev = ((directionVector[Z_AXIS] * sqrt(a2b2D2 - fsquare(A * directionVector[Y_AXIS] - B * directionVector[X_AXIS])))
										- aAplusbB)/a2plusb2;
					if (drev > 0.0 && drev < totalDistance)		// if the reversal point is within range
						// Calculate how many steps we need to move up before reversing
						float hrev = directionVector[Z_AXIS] * drev + sqrt(dSquaredMinusAsquaredMinusBsquared - 2 * drev * aAplusbB - a2plusb2 * fsquare(drev));
						int32_t numStepsUp = (int32_t)((hrev - h0MinusZ0) * stepsPerMm);

						// We may be almost at the peak height already, in which case we don't really have a reversal.
						// We must not set reverseStartStep to 1, because then we would set the direction when Prepare() calls CalcStepTime(), before the previous move finishes.
						if (numStepsUp < 1 || (dm.direction && (uint32_t)numStepsUp <= dm.totalSteps))
							dm.mp.delta.reverseStartStep = dm.totalSteps + 1;
							dm.mp.delta.reverseStartStep = (uint32_t)numStepsUp + 1;

							// Correct the initial direction and the total number of steps
							if (dm.direction)
								// Net movement is up, so we will go up a bit and then down by a lesser amount
								dm.totalSteps = (2 * numStepsUp) - dm.totalSteps;
								// Net movement is down, so we will go up first and then down by a greater amount
								dm.direction = true;
								dm.totalSteps = (2 * numStepsUp) + dm.totalSteps;
						dm.mp.delta.reverseStartStep = dm.totalSteps + 1;
		totalDistance = Normalise(directionVector, DRIVES, DRIVES);

	// 5. Compute the maximum acceleration available and maximum top speed
	float normalisedDirectionVector[DRIVES];			// Used to hold a unit-length vector in the direction of motion
	memcpy(normalisedDirectionVector, directionVector, sizeof(normalisedDirectionVector));
	Absolute(normalisedDirectionVector, DRIVES);
	acceleration = VectorBoxIntersection(normalisedDirectionVector, accelerations, DRIVES);

	// Set the speed to the smaller of the requested and maximum speed.
	// Also enforce a minimum speed of 0.5mm/sec. We need a minimum speed to avoid overflow in the movement calculations.
	float reqSpeed = nextMove->feedRate;
	if (isSpecialDeltaMove)
		// Special case of a raw or homing move on a delta printer
		// We use the Cartesian motion system to implement these moves, so the feed rate will be interpreted in Cartesian coordinates.
		// This is wrong, we want the feed rate to apply to the drive that is moving the farthest.
		float maxDistance = 0.0;
		for (size_t axis = 0; axis < AXES; ++axis)
			if (normalisedDirectionVector[axis] > maxDistance)
				maxDistance = normalisedDirectionVector[axis];
		if (maxDistance != 0.0)				// should always be true
			reqSpeed /= maxDistance;		// because normalisedDirectionVector is unit-normalised
	requestedSpeed = max<float>(0.5, min<float>(reqSpeed, VectorBoxIntersection(normalisedDirectionVector, reprap.GetPlatform()->MaxFeedrates(), DRIVES)));

	// On a Cartesian or CoreXY printer, it is OK to limit the X and Y speeds and accelerations independently, and in consequence to allow greater values
	// for diagonal moves. On a delta, this is not OK and any movement in the XY plane should be limited to the X/Y axis values, which we assume to be equal.
	if (isDeltaMovement)
		const float xyFactor = sqrt(fsquare(normalisedDirectionVector[X_AXIS]) + fsquare(normalisedDirectionVector[X_AXIS]));
		const float maxSpeed = reprap.GetPlatform()->MaxFeedrates()[X_AXIS];
		if (requestedSpeed * xyFactor > maxSpeed)
			requestedSpeed = maxSpeed/xyFactor;

		const float maxAcceleration = normalAccelerations[X_AXIS];
		if (acceleration * xyFactor > maxAcceleration)
			acceleration = maxAcceleration/xyFactor;

	// 6. Calculate the provisional accelerate and decelerate distances and the top speed
	endSpeed = 0.0;					// until the next move asks us to adjust it

	if (prev->state != provisional)
		// There is no previous move that we can adjust, so this move must start at zero speed.
		startSpeed = 0.0;
		// Try to meld this move to the previous move to avoid stop/start
		// Assuming that this move ends with zero speed, calculate the maximum possible starting speed: u^2 = v^2 - 2as
		float maxStartSpeed = sqrtf(acceleration * totalDistance * 2.0);
		prev->targetNextSpeed = min<float>(maxStartSpeed, requestedSpeed);
		startSpeed = prev->targetNextSpeed;

	state = provisional;
	return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: curve25519.c プロジェクト: TomCrypto/Ordo
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Shamelessly copied from djb's code
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void crecip(felem *out, const felem *z) {
  felem z2[10];
  felem z9[10];
  felem z11[10];
  felem z2_5_0[10];
  felem z2_10_0[10];
  felem z2_20_0[10];
  felem z2_50_0[10];
  felem z2_100_0[10];
  felem t0[10];
  felem t1[10];
  int i;

  /* 2 */ fsquare(z2,z);
  /* 4 */ fsquare(t1,z2);
  /* 8 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 9 */ fmul(z9,t0,z);
  /* 11 */ fmul(z11,z9,z2);
  /* 22 */ fsquare(t0,z11);
  /* 2^5 - 2^0 = 31 */ fmul(z2_5_0,t0,z9);

  /* 2^6 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_5_0);
  /* 2^7 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^8 - 2^3 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^9 - 2^4 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^10 - 2^5 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^10 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_10_0,t0,z2_5_0);

  /* 2^11 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_10_0);
  /* 2^12 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^20 - 2^10 */ for (i = 2;i < 10;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
  /* 2^20 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_20_0,t1,z2_10_0);

  /* 2^21 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_20_0);
  /* 2^22 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^40 - 2^20 */ for (i = 2;i < 20;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
  /* 2^40 - 2^0 */ fmul(t0,t1,z2_20_0);

  /* 2^41 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^42 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^50 - 2^10 */ for (i = 2;i < 10;i += 2) { fsquare(t1,t0); fsquare(t0,t1); }
  /* 2^50 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_50_0,t0,z2_10_0);

  /* 2^51 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,z2_50_0);
  /* 2^52 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^100 - 2^50 */ for (i = 2;i < 50;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
  /* 2^100 - 2^0 */ fmul(z2_100_0,t1,z2_50_0);

  /* 2^101 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t1,z2_100_0);
  /* 2^102 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^200 - 2^100 */ for (i = 2;i < 100;i += 2) { fsquare(t1,t0); fsquare(t0,t1); }
  /* 2^200 - 2^0 */ fmul(t1,t0,z2_100_0);

  /* 2^201 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^202 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^250 - 2^50 */ for (i = 2;i < 50;i += 2) { fsquare(t0,t1); fsquare(t1,t0); }
  /* 2^250 - 2^0 */ fmul(t0,t1,z2_50_0);

  /* 2^251 - 2^1 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^252 - 2^2 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^253 - 2^3 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^254 - 2^4 */ fsquare(t0,t1);
  /* 2^255 - 2^5 */ fsquare(t1,t0);
  /* 2^255 - 21 */ fmul(out,t1,z11);