int main() { ftp_init(); struct ftp_connect client; memcpy(client.hostname, "", sizeof(client.hostname)); client.control_port = 21; memcpy(client.username, "odin", sizeof(client.username)); memcpy(client.password, "odin", sizeof(client.password)); client.mode = 0; struct file_description file; memcpy(file.remote_dir, "/test/X00/", sizeof(file.remote_dir)); memcpy(file.file_name, "a.txt", sizeof(file.file_name)); int size = 1024 * 1024; char *ptr = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)); file.file_buffer = ptr; file.file_size = size; if (ftp_open(&client) == FTP_OK) { ftp_upload(&client, &file); } ftp_close(&client); free(ptr); ptr = NULL; ftp_release(); return 0; }
void libmftp_tls_test(char *host, unsigned int port, char *user, char *pw, char *workingdirectory) { ftp_connection *c = ftp_open(host, port, ftp_security_always); if (!c) { printf("No TLS connection!\n"); return; } if (ftp_auth(c, user, pw, ftp_btrue) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not authenticate. Error: %i\n", c->error); } if (ftp_item_exists(c, "httpdocs", NULL)) { printf("exists!°!11e3degvrbnm\n"); } ftp_close(c); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd = 0; char *currentfile, old_dir[PATH_MAX]; playlist *pl = NULL; struct id3_file *id3struct = NULL; struct id3_tag *id3tag = NULL; int retval; buffer playbuf; struct mad_decoder decoder; pthread_t keyb_thread; key_t sem_key; key_t mem_key; key_t frames_key; union semun sem_ops; int shm_id; int frames_id; mad_decoder_position = 0; output_buffer_position = 0; old_dir[0] = '\0'; = pl = new_playlist(); if (!pl) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed at startup!\n"); exit(1); } loop_remaining = 1; options.volume = MAD_F_ONE; status = MPG321_PLAYING; /* Get the command line options */ parse_options(argc, argv, pl); if(options.opt & MPG321_PRINT_FFT) if(!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { /* printf("FFT analysis can only be used in Remote mode play.\n\n"); */ usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } /* If there were no files and no playlist specified just print the usage */ if (!playlist_file && optind == argc) { usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } if (playlist_file) load_playlist(pl, playlist_file); if(options.opt & MPG321_RECURSIVE_DIR) add_cmdline_files_recursive_dir(pl, argv); else add_cmdline_files(pl, argv); if (shuffle_play) shuffle_files(pl); if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { /* Initialize semaphore and shared memeory */ if(access(argv[0],X_OK) == 0) sem_key = ftok(argv[0],0); else sem_key = ftok(MPG321_PATH,0); if(sem_key == -1) { perror("Cannot obtain resources for semaphores"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } semarray = semget(sem_key,3,IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | S_IRWXU); if(semarray == -1) { perror("Cannot initialize semaphores"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sem_ops.val = buffer_size-1; if(semctl(semarray,0,SETVAL,sem_ops) == -1) { perror("Error while initializing mad_decoder semaphore"); if(semctl(semarray,0,IPC_RMID) == -1) perror("Error while destroying semaphores"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sem_ops.val = 0; if(semctl(semarray,1,SETVAL,sem_ops) == -1) { perror("Error while initializing mad_decoder semaphore"); if(semctl(semarray,0,IPC_RMID) == -1) perror("Error while destroying semaphores"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sem_ops.val = 0; if(semctl(semarray,2,SETVAL,sem_ops) == -1) { perror("Error while initializing mad_decoder semaphore"); if(semctl(semarray,0,IPC_RMID) == -1) perror("Error while destroying semaphores"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Shared Memory */ mem_key = ftok(argv[0],1); shm_id = shmget(mem_key,buffer_size * sizeof(output_frame), IPC_CREAT | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); if(shm_id == -1) { perror("Cannot initialize shared buffer"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Output_Queue = shmat(shm_id,NULL,0); if(*(int *)Output_Queue == -1) { perror("Error while attaching shared buffer to mad_decoder"); if(shmctl(shm_id,IPC_RMID,NULL)) perror("Cannot destroy shared buffer"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static int n; for(n=0;n<buffer_size;n++) { memset((Output_Queue+n)->data,'\0',4608); memset((Output_Queue+n)->time,'\0',80); (Output_Queue+n)->length = 0; (Output_Queue+n)->seconds = 0; (Output_Queue+n)->num_frames = 0; } frames_key = ftok(argv[0],2); frames_id = shmget(frames_key,buffer_size * sizeof(decoded_frames), IPC_CREAT | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); if(frames_id == -1) { perror("Cannot initialize shared frames counter"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Decoded_Frames = shmat(frames_id,NULL,0); if(*(int *)Decoded_Frames == -1) { perror("Error while attaching shared frames counter to mad_decoder"); if(shmctl(frames_id,IPC_RMID,NULL)) perror("Cannot destroy shared frames counter"); goto out; //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Decoded_Frames->is_http = 0; Decoded_Frames->is_file = 0; } else { ao_initialize(); check_default_play_device(); } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { handle_signals(-1); /* initialize signal handler */ remote_input_buf[0] = '\0'; } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY)) mpg123_boilerplate(); if (options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY) { printf ("@R MPG123\n"); if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA init_alsa_volume_control("default"); /* For the moment use "default", it works on most of the systems. Tested in Debian,Fedora,Ubuntu,RedHat,CentOS,Gentoo */ if(options.volume != MAD_F_ONE) mpg321_alsa_set_volume((long)options.volume*volume_max/100); #endif } } /* Fork here. */ if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { output_pid = fork(); if(output_pid == -1) { perror("Error while forking output process"); goto out; /* Release shared memeory and semaphores */ // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(output_pid == 0) { frame_buffer_p(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } signal(SIGUSR1,handle_signals); if(!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA init_alsa_volume_control("default"); if(options.volume != MAD_F_ONE) mpg321_alsa_set_volume((long)options.volume*volume_max/100); #endif } } if( (options.volume != MAD_F_ONE) && !(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER)) { options.volume = mad_f_tofixed((long)options.volume/100.0); } else{ options.volume = MAD_F_ONE; /* When using the buffer options.volume when decoding each frame should be equal to MAD_F_ONE */ // options.volume = mad_f_tofixed((long)100.0/100.0); } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BASIC) { /* Now create and detach the basic controls thread */ sem_init(&main_lock,0,0); pthread_create(&keyb_thread,NULL,read_keyb,NULL); pthread_detach(keyb_thread); } } if(set_xterm) { tty_control(); get_term_title(title); }else { if (!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { if (tcgetattr(0, &terminal_settings) < 0) perror("tcgetattr()"); memcpy(&old_terminal_settings, &terminal_settings, sizeof(struct termios)); /* Early thread start */ sem_post(&main_lock); } } /* Play the mpeg files or zip it! */ while((currentfile = get_next_file(pl, &playbuf))) { //printf("Current File: %s\n",currentfile); if (quit_now) break; signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); playbuf.buf = NULL; playbuf.fd = -1; playbuf.length = 0; playbuf.done = 0; playbuf.num_frames = 0; current_frame = 0; playbuf.max_frames = -1; strncpy(playbuf.filename,currentfile, PATH_MAX); playbuf.filename[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; if (status == MPG321_PLAYING || status == MPG321_STOPPED) file_change = 1; mad_timer_reset(&playbuf.duration); mad_timer_reset(¤t_time); id3struct = NULL; if (!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY) && file_change) { /* id3struct = id3_file_open (currentfile, ID3_FILE_MODE_READONLY);*/ if (id3struct == NULL) get_id3_info(currentfile, &id3struct, &id3tag); if(id3tag) show_id3(id3tag); } scrobbler_time = -1; if(options.opt & MPG321_USE_SCROBBLER) { if(id3struct == NULL) get_id3_info(currentfile,&id3struct,&id3tag); if (id3tag) { char emptystring[31], emptyyear[5] = " "; int i; if(parse_id3(scrobbler_args, id3tag)) { memset(emptystring, ' ', 30); emptystring[30] = '\0'; if((options.opt & MPG321_VERBOSE_PLAY) && (options.opt & MPG321_USE_SCROBBLER)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nPreparing for the AudioScrobbler:\n"); for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(scrobbler_args[i] == NULL) scrobbler_args[i] = ( i == 3 ? emptyyear: emptystring); fprintf(stderr, "- %s\n", scrobbler_args[i]); } } } } } if (options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY && file_change) { if(id3struct == NULL) get_id3_info(currentfile, &id3struct, &id3tag); if(id3tag) { if (!show_id3(id3tag)) { /* This shouldn't be necessary, but it appears that libid3tag doesn't necessarily know if there are no id3 tags on a given mp3 */ char * basec = strdup(currentfile); char * basen = basename(basec); char * dot = strrchr(basen, '.'); if (dot) *dot = '\0'; printf("@I %s\n", basen); free(basec); } } else { char * basec = strdup(currentfile); char * basen = basename(basec); char * dot = strrchr(basen, '.'); if (dot) *dot = '\0'; printf("@I %s\n", basen); free(basec); } } if(id3struct != NULL) id3_file_close(id3struct); /* Create the MPEG stream */ /* Check if source is on the network */ if((fd = raw_open(currentfile)) != 0 || (fd = http_open(currentfile)) != 0 || (fd = ftp_open(currentfile)) != 0) { playbuf.fd = fd; playbuf.buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE); playbuf.length = BUF_SIZE; if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { Decoded_Frames->is_http = 1; Decoded_Frames->is_file = 0; } calc_http_length(&playbuf); mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_fd, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, handle_error, /* message */ 0); } /* Check if we are to use stdin for input */ else if(strcmp(currentfile, "-") == 0) { playbuf.fd = fileno(stdin); playbuf.buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE); playbuf.length = BUF_SIZE; mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_fd, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, handle_error, /* message */ 0); } /* currentfile is a local file (presumably.) mmap() it */ else { struct stat stat; if((fd = open(currentfile, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { mpg321_error(currentfile); /* Restore TTY from keyboard reader thread */ if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BASIC) if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_terminal_settings) < 0) perror("tcsetattr ICANON"); if(set_xterm) { set_tty_restore(); osc_print(0,0,title); if (ctty) fclose(ctty); } if( options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY) if(remote_restart) { clear_remote_file(pl); /* If restart is enabled, restart remote shell when file doesn't exist*/ continue; } if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) goto out; else exit(1); /* mpg123 stops immediately if it can't open a file */ /* If sth goes wrong break!!!*/ break; } if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { Decoded_Frames->is_http = 0; Decoded_Frames->is_file = 1; } if(fstat(fd, &stat) == -1) { mpg321_error(currentfile); close(fd); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(stat.st_mode)) { if(S_ISFIFO(stat.st_mode)) { fallback = 1; goto fall_back_to_read_from_fd; } close(fd); continue; } retval = calc_length(currentfile, &playbuf); //FIXME Check also if it is an mp3 file. If not break and go to the next file possible if(retval < 0) { if(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY) { fprintf(stderr,"@E Corrupted file: %s\n",currentfile); close(fd); if(remote_restart) { clear_remote_file(pl); /* If restart is enabled, restart remote shell when file is corrupted */ continue; } break; } mpg321_error(currentfile); close(fd); // break; //FIXME Break and stop OR continue the playlist ???? continue; } if((options.opt & MPG321_VERBOSE_PLAY) && (options.opt & MPG321_USE_SCROBBLER)) fprintf(stderr, "Track duration: %ld seconds\n",playbuf.duration.seconds); if(options.opt & MPG321_USE_SCROBBLER) scrobbler_set_time(playbuf.duration.seconds); if ((options.maxframes != -1) && (options.maxframes <= playbuf.num_frames)) { playbuf.max_frames = options.maxframes; } playbuf.frames = malloc((playbuf.num_frames + 1) * sizeof(void*)); playbuf.times = malloc((playbuf.num_frames + 1) * sizeof(mad_timer_t)); #ifdef __uClinux__ if((playbuf.buf = mmap(0, playbuf.length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) #else if((playbuf.buf = mmap(0, playbuf.length, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) #endif { mpg321_error(currentfile); continue; } playbuf.frames[0] = playbuf.buf; mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_mmap, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, handle_error, /* message */ 0); fall_back_to_read_from_fd: //FIXME. Reported that on some embedded systems with low memory, less than 16MB doesn't work properly. if(fallback) { playbuf.fd = fd; playbuf.buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE); playbuf.length = BUF_SIZE; mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_fd, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, handle_error, /* message */ 0); fallback = 1; } } if(!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY))/*zip it!!!*/ { /* Because dirname might modify the argument */ char * dirc = strdup(currentfile); char * basec = strdup(currentfile); char * basen = basename(basec); char * dirn = dirname(dirc); /* make sure that the file has a pathname; otherwise don't print out a Directory: listing */ if(strchr(currentfile, '/') && strncmp(old_dir, dirn, PATH_MAX) != 0) { /* Print information about the file */ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Directory: %s\n", dirn); strncpy(old_dir, dirn, PATH_MAX); old_dir[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; } /* print a newline between different songs only, not after Directory: listing */ else { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"Playing MPEG stream from %s ...\n", basen); /* Printing xterm title */ if(set_xterm) { osc_print(0,0,basen); } free(dirc); free(basec); } signal(SIGINT, handle_signals); signal(SIGCHLD, handle_sigchld); /*Give control back so that we can implement SIG's*/ if(set_xterm) { set_tty_restore(); if (tcgetattr(0, &terminal_settings) < 0) perror("tcgetattr()"); memcpy(&old_terminal_settings, &terminal_settings, sizeof(struct termios)); /* disable canonical mode processing in the line discipline driver */ terminal_settings.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); /* apply our new settings */ if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &terminal_settings) < 0) perror("tcsetattr ICANON"); if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BASIC) { /* Late thread start */ sem_post(&main_lock); } } /* Every time the user gets us to rewind, we exit decoding, reinitialize it, and re-start it */ if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { Decoded_Frames->total_decoded_frames = 0; Decoded_Frames->done = 0; } while (1) { decoder.options |= MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC; mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC); if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { static struct sembuf start_sops = {2,-1,0}; semop(semarray,&start_sops,1); mad_decoder_position = 0; output_buffer_position = 0; union semun sem_ops; sem_ops.val = 0; semctl(semarray,2,SETVAL,sem_ops); Decoded_Frames->total_decoded_frames = 0; Decoded_Frames->done = 0; Decoded_Frames->is_http = 0; Decoded_Frames->is_file = 0; } /* if we're rewinding on an mmap()ed stream */ if(status == MPG321_REWINDING && playbuf.fd == -1) { mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_mmap, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, /*error*/0, /* message */ 0); } else break; } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY)) { char time_formatted[11]; mad_timer_string(current_time, time_formatted, "%.1u:%.2u", MAD_UNITS_MINUTES, MAD_UNITS_SECONDS, 0); fprintf(stderr," \r"); fprintf(stderr, "\n[%s] Decoding of %s finished.\n",time_formatted, basename(currentfile)); /* Report total decoded seconds. Maybe for the frame buffer report only total played time?? */ } if (options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY && status == MPG321_STOPPED) { clear_remote_file(pl); } mad_decoder_finish(&decoder); if (playbuf.frames) free(playbuf.frames); if (playbuf.times) free(playbuf.times); if (playbuf.fd == -1) { munmap(playbuf.buf, playbuf.length); close(fd); } else { free(playbuf.buf); if (playbuf.fd != fileno(stdin)) close(playbuf.fd); } } if(!(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER)) { if(playdevice) ao_close(playdevice); ao_shutdown(); } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BASIC) { pflag = 1; /* Restore TTY from keyboard reader thread */ if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_terminal_settings) < 0) perror("tcsetattr ICANON"); } } /*Restoring TTY*/ if(set_xterm) { set_tty_restore(); osc_print(0,0,title); if (ctty) fclose(ctty); } out: if(options.opt & MPG321_ENABLE_BUFFER) { if(kill(output_pid,SIGUSR1) == -1) perror("Error while stopping output process"); static int wstatus; wait(&wstatus); if(wstatus == -1) perror("Error while waiting for output process to exit"); if(semctl(semarray,0,IPC_RMID) == -1) perror("Error while destroying semaphores"); if(shmdt(Output_Queue) == -1) perror("Error while detaching shared buffer"); if(shmctl(shm_id,IPC_RMID,NULL)) perror("Cannot destroy shared buffer"); if(shmctl(frames_id,IPC_RMID,NULL)) perror("Cannot destroy shared buffer"); } return(0); }
void libmftp_main_test(char *host, unsigned int port, char *user, char *pw, char *workingdirectory) { int success = 0; ftp_file *f = NULL, *g = NULL; ftp_content_listing *cl = NULL, *cl2 = NULL; ftp_date d; char *buf = NULL; ftp_connection *c = ftp_open(host, port, tls == 0 ? ftp_security_none : ftp_security_always); /*c->_current_features->use_mlsd = ftp_bfalse;*/ if (!c) { printf("Could not connect. Error: %i\n",ftp_error); if (ftp_error == FTP_ESECURITY) { printf("This server does not support a TLS connection. FTP_ESECURITY\n"); } goto end; } if (ftp_auth(c, user, pw, ftp_btrue) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not authenticate. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_change_cur_directory(c, workingdirectory) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not cwd. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_reload_cur_directory(c) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not reload wd. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (strcmp(workingdirectory, c->cur_directory) != 0) { printf("Warning: Working dir (%s) does not match ftp dir (%s)! Continue? (y/n)\n",workingdirectory,c->cur_directory); if (getchar() != 'y') { goto end; } } char *test = "This is a test string that will be written to the server."; size_t test_len = strlen(test); //TEST UPLOAD 1 f = ftp_fopen(c, "testfile.test", FTP_WRITE, 0); if (!f) { printf("Could not fopen to write. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_fwrites(test, f) != test_len) { printf("Could not write test string. Error: %i\n", *(f->error)); goto end; } ftp_fclose(f); f = NULL; //TEST CONTENT LISTING int entry_count; cl = ftp_contents_of_directory(c, &entry_count); if (!cl) { printf("Could not get content listing. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (entry_count != 1 || cl->next) { printf("More than 1 entry in content listing.\n"); goto end; } if (!ftp_item_exists_in_content_listing(cl, "testfile.test", &cl2)) { printf("Could not find previously generated file in content listing.\n"); goto end; } if (!cl2) { printf("Did not get a pointer to the content listing entry.\n"); goto end; } if (!cl2->facts.given.modify) { printf("Warning: Remote host does not provide modification date information! Continue? (y/n)\n"); if (getchar() != 'y') { goto end; } } else { time_t cur = time(NULL); struct tm *curtm = localtime(&cur); if (curtm->tm_year + 1900 != cl2->facts.modify.year) { printf("Warning: Modification year of remote file (%i) does not equal local year (%i). Continue? (y/n)\n",cl2->facts.modify.year,curtm->tm_year + 1900); if (getchar() != 'y') { goto end; } } } //TEST SIZE size_t srv_size; if (ftp_size(c, "testfile.test", &srv_size) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not get file size. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (srv_size != test_len) { printf("Remote file size (%lu) differs from local file size (%lu).\n",srv_size,test_len); goto end; } //TEST READ f = ftp_fopen(c, "testfile.test", FTP_READ, 0); if (!f) { printf("Could not fopen to read. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } buf = malloc(srv_size + 1); if (ftp_fread(buf, 1, srv_size, f) != srv_size) { printf("Could not read file. Error: %i\n", *(f->error)); goto end; } ftp_fclose(f); f = NULL; *(buf+srv_size) = '\0'; if (strcmp(test, buf) != 0) { printf("Remote file content differs from local file content.\n"); goto end; } //TEST UPLOAD 2 (SIMULTANEOUS) f = ftp_fopen(c, "testfile1.txt", FTP_WRITE, 0); if (!f) { printf("Could not fopen to write 2 (1). Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } g = ftp_fopen(c, "testfile2.txt", FTP_WRITE, 0); if (!g) { printf("Could not fopen to write 2 (2). Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_fwrites(test, f) != test_len) { printf("Could not write test string 2 (1). Error: %i\n", *(f->error)); goto end; } if (ftp_fwrites(test, g) != test_len) { printf("Could not write test string 2 (2). Error: %i\n", *(g->error)); goto end; } ftp_fclose(f); ftp_fclose(g); f = g = NULL; //TEST SIZE 2 size_t srv_size2; if (ftp_size(c, "testfile1.txt", &srv_size) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not get file size 2 (1). Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_size(c, "testfile2.txt", &srv_size2) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not get file size 2 (2). Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (srv_size != test_len || srv_size2 != test_len) { printf("Remote file size 2 differs from local file size.\n"); goto end; } //TEST FOLDERS if (ftp_create_folder(c, "testfolder") != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not create folder. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_move(c, "testfile1.txt", "testfolder/testfile1.txt")) { printf("Could not move file. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_change_cur_directory(c, "testfolder") != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not cwd 2. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (!ftp_item_exists(c, "testfile1.txt", NULL)) { printf("File does not exist where it was moved to."); goto end; } //TEST DELETE if (ftp_delete(c, "testfile1.txt", ftp_bfalse) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not delete file. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_item_exists(c, "testfile1.txt", NULL)) { printf("Deleted file still exists."); goto end; } if (ftp_change_cur_directory(c, workingdirectory) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not cwd 3. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_delete(c, "testfolder", ftp_btrue) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not delete folder. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } if (ftp_item_exists(c, "testfolder", NULL)) { printf("Deleted folder still exists."); goto end; } if (ftp_delete(c, "testfile.test", ftp_bfalse) != FTP_OK || ftp_delete(c, "testfile2.txt", ftp_bfalse) != FTP_OK) { printf("Could not clean up. Error: %i\n", c->error); goto end; } success = 1; end: if (cl) ftp_free(cl); if (f) ftp_fclose(f); if (g) ftp_fclose(g); if (c) ftp_close(c); if (buf) free(buf); if (!success) { printf("Test was NOT successful. :-(\n"); } else { printf("Test was successful! :-)\n"); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int use_audio, use_video; int fullscreen; int scalesize; int scale_width, scale_height; int loop_play; int i, pause; int volume; Uint32 seek; float skip; int bilinear_filtering; SDL_Surface *screen = NULL; SMPEG *mpeg; SMPEG_Info info; char *basefile; const char *title = NULL; SDL_version sdlver; SMPEG_version smpegver; int fd; char buf[32]; int status; /* Get the command line options */ use_audio = 1; use_video = 1; fullscreen = 0; scalesize = 1; scale_width = 0; scale_height = 0; loop_play = 0; volume = 100; seek = 0; skip = 0; bilinear_filtering = 0; fd = 0; for ( i=1; argv[i] && (argv[i][0] == '-') && (argv[i][1] != 0); ++i ) { if ( (strcmp(argv[i], "--noaudio") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "--nosound") == 0) ) { use_audio = 0; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "--novideo") == 0 ) { use_video = 0; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "--fullscreen") == 0 ) { fullscreen = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--double") == 0)||(strcmp(argv[i], "-2") == 0)) { scalesize = 2; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--loop") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0)) { loop_play = 1; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "--bilinear") == 0 ) { bilinear_filtering = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--seek") == 0)||(strcmp(argv[i], "-S") == 0)) { ++i; if ( argv[i] ) { seek = atol(argv[i]); } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--skip") == 0)||(strcmp(argv[i], "-k") == 0)) { ++i; if ( argv[i] ) { skip = (float)atof(argv[i]); } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--volume") == 0)||(strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0)) { ++i; if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify volume when using --volume or -v\n"); return(1); } if ( argv[i] ) { volume = atoi(argv[i]); } if ( ( volume < 0 ) || ( volume > 100 ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Volume must be between 0 and 100\n"); volume = 100; } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--title") == 0)||(strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0)) { ++i; if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify title when using --title or -t\n"); return(1); } if ( argv[i] ) { title = argv[i]; } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-V") == 0)) { sdlver = *SDL_Linked_Version(); SMPEG_VERSION(&smpegver); printf("SDL version: %d.%d.%d\n" "SMPEG version: %d.%d.%d\n", sdlver.major, sdlver.minor, sdlver.patch, smpegver.major, smpegver.minor, smpegver.patch); return(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--scale") == 0)||(strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)) { ++i; if ( argv[i] ) { sscanf(argv[i], "%dx%d", &scale_width, &scale_height); } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0)) { usage(argv[0]); return(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } } /* If there were no arguments just print the usage */ if (argc == 1) { usage(argv[0]); return(0); } #if defined(linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__) /* Plaympeg doesn't need a mouse */ putenv("SDL_NOMOUSE=1"); #endif /* Play the mpeg files! */ status = 0; for ( ; argv[i]; ++i ) { /* Initialize SDL */ if ( use_video ) { if ((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) || !SDL_VideoDriverName(buf, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Couldn't init SDL video: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); fprintf(stderr, "Will ignore video stream\n"); use_video = 0; } } if ( use_audio ) { if ((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) || !SDL_AudioDriverName(buf, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Couldn't init SDL audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); fprintf(stderr, "Will ignore audio stream\n"); use_audio = 0; } } /* Allow Ctrl-C when there's no video output */ signal(SIGINT, next_movie); /* Create the MPEG stream */ #ifdef NET_SUPPORT #ifdef RAW_SUPPORT /* Check if source is an IP address and port*/ if((fd = raw_open(argv[i])) != 0) mpeg = SMPEG_new_descr(fd, &info, use_audio); else #endif #ifdef HTTP_SUPPORT /* Check if source is an http URL */ if((fd = http_open(argv[i])) != 0) mpeg = SMPEG_new_descr(fd, &info, use_audio); else #endif #ifdef FTP_SUPPORT /* Check if source is an http URL */ if((fd = ftp_open(argv[i])) != 0) mpeg = SMPEG_new_descr(fd, &info, use_audio); else #endif #endif #ifdef VCD_SUPPORT /* Check if source is a CDROM device */ if((fd = vcd_open(argv[i])) != 0) mpeg = SMPEG_new_descr(fd, &info, use_audio); else #endif { if(strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0) /* Use stdin for input */ mpeg = SMPEG_new_descr(0, &info, use_audio); else mpeg = SMPEG_new(argv[i], &info, use_audio); } if ( SMPEG_error(mpeg) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv[i], SMPEG_error(mpeg)); SMPEG_delete(mpeg); status = -1; continue; } SMPEG_enableaudio(mpeg, use_audio); SMPEG_enablevideo(mpeg, use_video); SMPEG_setvolume(mpeg, volume); /* Enable software bilinear filtering, if desired */ if ( bilinear_filtering ) { SMPEG_Filter *filter; filter = SMPEGfilter_bilinear(); filter = SMPEG_filter( mpeg, filter ); filter->destroy(filter); } /* Print information about the video */ basefile = strrchr(argv[i], '/'); if ( basefile ) { ++basefile; } else { basefile = argv[i]; } if ( info.has_audio && info.has_video ) { printf("%s: MPEG system stream (audio/video)\n", basefile); } else if ( info.has_audio ) { printf("%s: MPEG audio stream\n", basefile); } else if ( info.has_video ) { printf("%s: MPEG video stream\n", basefile); } if ( info.has_video ) { printf("\tVideo %dx%d resolution\n", info.width, info.height); } if ( info.has_audio ) { printf("\tAudio %s\n", info.audio_string); } if ( info.total_size ) { printf("\tSize: %d\n", info.total_size); } if ( info.total_time ) { printf("\tTotal time: %f\n", info.total_time); } /* Set up video display if needed */ if ( info.has_video && use_video ) { const SDL_VideoInfo *video_info; Uint32 video_flags; int video_bpp; int width, height; /* Get the "native" video mode */ video_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); switch (video_info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel) { case 16: case 24: case 32: video_bpp = video_info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel; break; default: video_bpp = 16; break; } if ( scale_width ) { width = scale_width; } else { width = info.width; } width *= scalesize; if ( scale_height ) { height = scale_height; } else { height = info.height; } height *= scalesize; video_flags = SDL_SWSURFACE; if ( fullscreen ) { video_flags = SDL_FULLSCREEN|SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_HWSURFACE; } video_flags |= SDL_ASYNCBLIT; video_flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, video_bpp, video_flags); if ( screen == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set %dx%d video mode: %s\n", width, height, SDL_GetError()); continue; } if (title != NULL) { SDL_WM_SetCaption(title, title); } else { SDL_WM_SetCaption(argv[i], "plaympeg"); } if ( screen->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN ) { SDL_ShowCursor(0); } SMPEG_setdisplay(mpeg, screen, NULL, update); SMPEG_scaleXY(mpeg, screen->w, screen->h); } else { SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); use_video = 0; } /* Set any special playback parameters */ if ( loop_play ) { SMPEG_loop(mpeg, 1); } /* Seek starting position */ if(seek) SMPEG_seek(mpeg, seek); /* Skip seconds to starting position */ if(skip) SMPEG_skip(mpeg, skip); /* Play it, and wait for playback to complete */ SMPEG_play(mpeg); done = 0; pause = 0; while ( ! done && ( pause || (SMPEG_status(mpeg) == SMPEG_PLAYING) ) ) { SDL_Event event; while ( use_video && SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: { SDL_Surface *old_screen = screen; SMPEG_pause(mpeg); screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(event.resize.w, event.resize.h, screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->flags); if ( old_screen != screen ) { SMPEG_setdisplay(mpeg, screen, NULL, update); } SMPEG_scaleXY(mpeg, screen->w, screen->h); SMPEG_pause(mpeg); } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if ( (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) || (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q) ) { // Quit done = 1; } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN ) { // toggle fullscreen if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT ) { SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(screen); fullscreen = (screen->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN); SDL_ShowCursor(!fullscreen); } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP ) { // Volume up if ( volume < 100 ) { if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT ) { // 10+ volume += 10; } else if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL ) { // 100+ volume = 100; } else { // 1+ volume++; } if ( volume > 100 ) volume = 100; SMPEG_setvolume(mpeg, volume); } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN ) { // Volume down if ( volume > 0 ) { if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT ) { volume -= 10; } else if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL ) { volume = 0; } else { volume--; } if ( volume < 0 ) volume = 0; SMPEG_setvolume(mpeg, volume); } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PAGEUP ) { // Full volume volume = 100; SMPEG_setvolume(mpeg, volume); } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PAGEDOWN ) { // Volume off volume = 0; SMPEG_setvolume(mpeg, volume); } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE ) { // Toggle play / pause if ( SMPEG_status(mpeg) == SMPEG_PLAYING ) { SMPEG_pause(mpeg); pause = 1; } else { SMPEG_play(mpeg); pause = 0; } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RIGHT ) { // Forward if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT ) { SMPEG_skip(mpeg, 100); } else if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL ) { SMPEG_skip(mpeg, 50); } else { SMPEG_skip(mpeg, 5); } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LEFT ) { // Reverse if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT ) { } else if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL ) { } else { } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_MINUS ) { // Scale minus if ( scalesize > 1 ) { scalesize--; } } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_PLUS ) { // Scale plus scalesize++; } else if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_f ) { // Toggle filtering on/off if ( bilinear_filtering ) { SMPEG_Filter *filter = SMPEGfilter_null(); filter = SMPEG_filter( mpeg, filter ); filter->destroy(filter); bilinear_filtering = 0; } else { SMPEG_Filter *filter = SMPEGfilter_bilinear(); filter = SMPEG_filter( mpeg, filter ); filter->destroy(filter); bilinear_filtering = 1; } } break; case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; default: break; } } SDL_Delay(1000/2); } SMPEG_delete(mpeg); } SDL_Quit(); #if defined(RAW_SUPPORT) || defined(HTTP_SUPPORT) || defined(FTP_SUPPORT) || \ defined(VCD_SUPPORT) if(fd) close(fd); #endif return(status); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd = 0; char *currentfile, old_dir[PATH_MAX]; playlist *pl = NULL; struct id3_file *id3struct = NULL; struct id3_tag *id3tag = NULL; buffer playbuf; struct mad_decoder decoder; old_dir[0] = '\0'; = pl = new_playlist(); if (!pl) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed at startup!\n"); exit(1); } options.volume = MAD_F_ONE; status = MPG321_PLAYING; /* Get the command line options */ parse_options(argc, argv, pl); /* If there were no files and no playlist specified just print the usage */ if (!playlist_file && optind == argc) { usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } if (playlist_file) load_playlist(pl, playlist_file); add_cmdline_files(pl, argv); if (shuffle_play) shuffle_files(pl); ao_initialize(); check_default_play_device(); if (!(options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY)) { handle_signals(-1); /* initialize signal handler */ remote_input_buf[0] = '\0'; } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY)) mpg123_boilerplate(); if (options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY) { printf ("@R MPG123\n"); } /* Play the mpeg files or zip it! */ while((currentfile = get_next_file(pl, &playbuf))) { if (quit_now) break; signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); playbuf.buf = NULL; playbuf.fd = -1; playbuf.length = 0; playbuf.done = 0; playbuf.num_frames = 0; playbuf.max_frames = -1; strncpy(playbuf.filename,currentfile, PATH_MAX); playbuf.filename[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; if (status == MPG321_PLAYING) file_change = 1; mad_timer_reset(&playbuf.duration); mad_timer_reset(¤t_time); if (!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY) && file_change) { id3struct = id3_file_open (currentfile, ID3_FILE_MODE_READONLY); if (id3struct) { id3tag = id3_file_tag (id3struct); if (id3tag) { show_id3 (id3tag); } id3_file_close (id3struct); } } if (options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY && file_change) { id3struct = id3_file_open (currentfile, ID3_FILE_MODE_READONLY); if (id3struct) { id3tag = id3_file_tag (id3struct); if (id3tag) { if (!show_id3(id3tag)) { /* This shouldn't be necessary, but it appears that libid3tag doesn't necessarily know if there are no id3 tags on a given mp3 */ char * basec = strdup(currentfile); char * basen = basename(basec); char * dot = strrchr(basen, '.'); if (dot) *dot = '\0'; printf("@I %s\n", basen); free(basec); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation error"); exit(1); } id3_file_close (id3struct); } else { char * basec = strdup(currentfile); char * basen = basename(basec); char * dot = strrchr(basen, '.'); if (dot) *dot = '\0'; printf("@I %s\n", basen); free(basec); } } /* Create the MPEG stream */ /* Check if source is on the network */ if((fd = raw_open(currentfile)) != 0 || (fd = http_open(currentfile)) != 0 || (fd = ftp_open(currentfile)) != 0) { playbuf.fd = fd; playbuf.buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE); playbuf.length = BUF_SIZE; mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_fd, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, /*error*/0, /* message */ 0); } /* Check if we are to use stdin for input */ else if(strcmp(currentfile, "-") == 0) { playbuf.fd = fileno(stdin); playbuf.buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE); playbuf.length = BUF_SIZE; mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_fd, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, /*error*/0, /* message */ 0); } /* currentfile is a local file (presumably.) mmap() it */ else { struct stat stat; if((fd = open(currentfile, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { mpg321_error(currentfile); /* mpg123 stops immediately if it can't open a file */ break; } if(fstat(fd, &stat) == -1) { close(fd); mpg321_error(currentfile); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(stat.st_mode)) { close(fd); continue; } calc_length(currentfile, &playbuf); if ((options.maxframes != -1) && (options.maxframes <= playbuf.num_frames)) { playbuf.max_frames = options.maxframes; } playbuf.frames = malloc((playbuf.num_frames + 1) * sizeof(void*)); playbuf.times = malloc((playbuf.num_frames + 1) * sizeof(mad_timer_t)); if((playbuf.buf = mmap(0, playbuf.length, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) { close(fd); mpg321_error(currentfile); continue; } close(fd); playbuf.frames[0] = playbuf.buf; mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_mmap, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, /*error*/0, /* message */ 0); } if(!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY))/*zip it!!!*/ { /* Because dirname might modify the argument */ char * dirc = strdup(currentfile); char * basec = strdup(currentfile); char * basen = basename(basec); char * dirn = dirname(dirc); /* make sure that the file has a pathname; otherwise don't print out a Directory: listing */ if(strchr(currentfile, '/') && strncmp(old_dir, dirn, PATH_MAX) != 0) { /* Print information about the file */ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Directory: %s/\n", dirn); strncpy(old_dir, dirn, PATH_MAX); old_dir[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; } /* print a newline between different songs only, not after Directory: listing */ else { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"Playing MPEG stream from %s ...\n", basen); free(dirc); free(basec); } signal(SIGINT, handle_signals); /* Every time the user gets us to rewind, we exit decoding, reinitialize it, and re-start it */ while (1) { mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC); /* if we're rewinding on an mmap()ed stream */ if(status == MPG321_REWINDING && playbuf.fd == -1) { mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &playbuf, read_from_mmap, read_header, /*filter*/0, output, /*error*/0, /* message */ 0); } else break; } if (!(options.opt & MPG321_QUIET_PLAY)) { char time_formatted[11]; mad_timer_string(current_time, time_formatted, "%.1u:%.2u", MAD_UNITS_MINUTES, MAD_UNITS_SECONDS, 0); fprintf(stderr, "\n[%s] Decoding of %s finished.\n",time_formatted, basename(currentfile)); } if (options.opt & MPG321_REMOTE_PLAY && status == MPG321_STOPPED) { clear_remote_file(pl); } mad_decoder_finish(&decoder); if (quit_now) break; if (playbuf.frames) free(playbuf.frames); if (playbuf.times) free(playbuf.times); if (playbuf.fd == -1) { munmap(playbuf.buf, playbuf.length); } else { free(playbuf.buf); if (playbuf.fd != fileno(stdin)) close(playbuf.fd); } } if(playdevice) ao_close(playdevice); ao_shutdown(); #if defined(RAW_SUPPORT) || defined(HTTP_SUPPORT) || defined(FTP_SUPPORT) if(fd) close(fd); #endif return(0); }