コード例 #1
ファイル: amcmc.c プロジェクト: sophielee1/BAS
double random_switch(int *model, struct Var *vars, int n, int pmodel, int *varin, int *varout) {
  int  j, k, swapin, swapout, num_to_swap_in, num_to_swap_out;

      j = 0; k = 0;
      while (j < n && k < pmodel)
	  if (model[vars[j].index]==1) {varin[k] = vars[j].index; k++;}
	  j++ ;
      num_to_swap_in = k;
      j = 0; k = 0;

      while (j< n)
	  if (model[vars[j].index]==0) {varout[k] = vars[j].index; k++;}
	  j++ ;
      num_to_swap_out = k;	

      swapin = ftrunc(unif_rand()*num_to_swap_in);    // swapin :corresponds to position of randomly chosen included variable
      swapout = ftrunc(unif_rand()*num_to_swap_out);  // swapout :corresponds to position of randomly chosen excluded variable

      model[varin[swapin]] = 0;
      model[varout[swapout]] =1; 

コード例 #2
void marker_loglik(int n_ind, int n_gen, int *geno,
                   double error_prob, double initf(int, int *),
                   double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
                   double *loglik)
    int i, v;
    double temp;
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in loglik argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = (int) ftrunc(*loglik / 1000.0);
    cross_scheme[1] = ((int) *loglik) - 1000 * cross_scheme[0];

    *loglik = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

        R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

        temp = initf(1, cross_scheme) + emitf(geno[i], 1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
        for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++)
            temp = addlog(temp, initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(geno[i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme));

        (*loglik) += temp;
コード例 #3
ファイル: MRFLSH2.C プロジェクト: flomar/CrypTool-VS2015
void fexp(_MIPD_ flash x,flash y)
{ /* calculates y=exp(x) */
    int i,n,nsq,m,sqrn,op[5];
    BOOL minus,rem;
    miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
    if (mr_mip->ERNUM) return;
    if (size(x)==0)
        convert(_MIPP_ 1,y);


    if (size(y)<0)
    ftrunc(_MIPP_ y,y,mr_mip->w9);
    if (n==MR_TOOBIG)
        mr_berror(_MIPP_ MR_ERR_FLASH_OVERFLOW);
コード例 #4
ファイル: mrflash.c プロジェクト: BingyZhang/CommutEnc
void fmodulo(_MIPD_ flash x,flash y,flash z)
{ /* sets z=x mod y */
    miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
    if (mr_mip->ERNUM) return;

    fdiv(_MIPP_ x,y,mr_mip->w8);
    ftrunc(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w8);
    fmul(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w8,y,mr_mip->w8);
    fsub(_MIPP_ x,mr_mip->w8,z);
コード例 #5
ファイル: sample.c プロジェクト: cran/eco
/* preparation for Grid */
void GridPrep(
	      double **W1g,  /* grids holder for W1 */
	      double **W2g,  /* grids holder for W2 */
	      double **X,    /* data: [X Y] */
	      double *maxW1, /* upper bound for W1 */
	      double *minW1, /* lower bound for W1 */
	      int *n_grid,   /* number of grids */
	      int  n_samp,   /* sample size */
	      int  n_step    /* step size */
  int i, j;
  double dtemp;
  double *resid = doubleArray(n_samp);

  for(i=0; i<n_samp; i++)
    for (j=0; j<n_step; j++){
  for(i=0;i<n_samp;i++) {
    if (X[i][1]!=0 && X[i][1]!=1) {
      /* 1/n_step is the length of the grid */
      if ((maxW1[i]-minW1[i]) > (2*dtemp)) { 
	/*if (maxW1[i]-minW1[i]==1) resid[i]=dtemp/4; */
	while (j<n_grid[i]) {
	  if ((W1g[i][j]-minW1[i])<resid[i]/2) W1g[i][j]+=resid[i]/2;
	  if ((maxW1[i]-W1g[i][j])<resid[i]/2) W1g[i][j]-=resid[i]/2;
      else {

コード例 #6
ファイル: alpha3d.c プロジェクト: cran/frontiles
void alpha3d(int *n1, int *n2, double *xtab, double *ytab, double *xref, double *yref, 
double *lambda, double *res1, double *alpha)
int i, j, k, test_max, in, ind1;

for(i=0; i < *n2; i++)

 for(j=0; j < *n1; j++)
 // efficiency score calculated in the output direction
  for(k=0; k < 2; k++)
   {if(xtab[2*j+k]<=xref[2*i+k])       // test if the xtab<xref
    {test_max = test_max + 1;
 {R_rsort(res1, *n1);
  // {ind1=ind1+1;}

コード例 #7
ファイル: MRFLSH3.C プロジェクト: karllen/Windows_Program
void ftan(_MIPD_ flash x,flash y)
{ /* calculates y=tan(x) */
    int i,n,nsq,m,sqrn,sgn,op[5];
    miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
    if (mr_mip->ERNUM || size(y)==0) return;


    sgn=norm(_MIPP_ TAN,y);
    ftrunc(_MIPP_ y,y,mr_mip->w10);
    if (n!=0) build(_MIPP_ y,tan1);
    if (size(mr_mip->w10)==0)
コード例 #8
ファイル: MRFLSH3.C プロジェクト: karllen/Windows_Program
static int norm(_MIPD_ int type,flash y)
{ /* convert y to first quadrant angle *
   * and return sign of result         */
    int s;
    miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
    if (mr_mip->ERNUM) return 0;
    if (size(y)<0)
        if (type!=COS) s=(-s);
    fpi(_MIPP_ mr_mip->pi);
    fpmul(_MIPP_ mr_mip->pi,1,2,mr_mip->w8);
    if (fcomp(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->w8)<=0) return s;
    fpmul(_MIPP_ mr_mip->pi,2,1,mr_mip->w8);
    if (fcomp(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->w8)>0)
    { /* reduce mod 2.pi */
        fdiv(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w9);
        ftrunc(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w9,mr_mip->w9,mr_mip->w9);
        fmul(_MIPP_ mr_mip->w9,mr_mip->w8,mr_mip->w9);
        fsub(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->w9,y);
    if (fcomp(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->pi)>0)
    { /* if greater than pi */
        fsub(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->pi,y);
        if (type!=TAN) s=(-s);
    fpmul(_MIPP_ mr_mip->pi,1,2,mr_mip->w8);
    if (fcomp(_MIPP_ y,mr_mip->w8)>0)
    { /* if greater than pi/2 */
        fsub(_MIPP_ mr_mip->pi,y,y);
        if (type!=SIN) s=(-s);
    return s;
コード例 #9
ファイル: orderalpha.c プロジェクト: cran/frontiles
void orderalpha(int *n1, int *n2, int *pinput, int *qoutput, double *xtab,
double *ytab, double *xref, double *yref, double *lambda, double *output_ref,
double *theta, double *input_ref, double *gammaa, double *hyper_ref,
double *res1, double *res2, double *res3, double *alpha)
int i, j, k, l, test_max, test_min, in, out, ind1, ind2, ind3;
double min_ref, max_ref, minmax_ref;

for(i=0; i < *n2; i++)
 for(j=0; j < *n1; j++)
 // efficiency score calculated in the output direction
  for(k=0; k < *pinput; k++)
   {if(xtab[*pinput*j+k]<=xref[*pinput*i+k])       // test if the xtab<xref
    {test_max = test_max + 1;
      for(l=1; l < *qoutput; l++)    // research of which output
       {min_ref=fmin2(min_ref, ytab[*qoutput*j+l]/yref[*qoutput*i+l]);}
   //  if(lambda[i]<min_ref)
   //  {lambda[i]=min_ref;
   //  output_ref[i]=j+1;
   //  }
 // efficiency score calculated in the input direction
  for(k=0; k < *qoutput; k++)
   {if(ytab[*qoutput*j+k]>=yref[*qoutput*i+k])       // test if the ytab>yref
    {test_min = test_min + 1;
     for(l=1; l < *pinput; l++)   // research of which output

    if(theta[i]==0)             // initialisation of theta[i]

  //  if(theta[i]>max_ref)
  //  {theta[i]=max_ref;
  //   input_ref[i]=j+1;
  //  }

  // efficiency score calculated in the hyperbolic direction

      for(l=1; l < *pinput; l++)   // research of which output

      for(l=1; l < *qoutput; l++)  // research of which output


  // if(gammaa[i]>minmax_ref)
  // {gammaa[i]=minmax_ref;
  //  hyper_ref[i]=j+1;}
 {R_rsort(res1, *n1);
  // {ind1=ind1+1;}

 { R_rsort(res2, *n1);
 //  if(ind2!=((1-*alpha)*(*n1-out)))
 //  {ind2=ind2+1;}   

 R_rsort(res3, *n1); 
//   if(ind3!=fround(((1-*alpha)**n1),5))
//   {ind3=fmin2(ind3+1,(*n1-1));}   
コード例 #10
ファイル: NIstandard.c プロジェクト: cran/experiment
void NIbprobitMixed(int *Y,         /* binary outcome variable */ 
		    int *R,         /* recording indicator for Y */
		    int *grp,       /* group indicator */
		    int *in_grp,    /* number of groups */
		    int *max_samp_grp, /* max # of obs within group */
		    double *dXo,    /* fixed effects covariates */
		    double *dXr,    /* fixed effects covariates */
		    double *dZo,    /* random effects covariates */
		    double *dZr,    /* random effects  covariates */
		    double *beta,   /* coefficients */
		    double *delta,  /* coefficients */
		    double *dPsio,  /* random effects variance */
		    double *dPsir,  /* random effects variance */
		    int *insamp,    /* # of obs */ 
		    int *incovo,    /* # of fixed effects */
		    int *incovr,    /* # of fixed effects */
		    int *incovoR,   /* # of random effects */
		    int *incovrR,   /* # of random effects */
		    int *intreat,   /* # of treatments */
		    double *beta0,  /* prior mean */
		    double *delta0, /* prior mean */
		    double *dAo,    /* prior precision */
		    double *dAr,    /* prior precision */
		    int *dfo,       /* prior degrees of freedom */
		    int *dfr,       /* prior degrees of freedom */
		    double *dS0o, /* prior scale */
		    double *dS0r, /* prior scale */
		    int *Insample,  /* insample QoI */
		    int *param,     /* store parameters? */ 
		    int *mda,       /* marginal data augmentation? */ 
		    int *ndraws,    /* # of gibbs draws */
		    int *iBurnin,   /* # of burnin */
		    int *iKeep,     /* every ?th draws to keep */
		    int *verbose,  
		    double *coefo,  /* storage for coefficients */ 
		    double *coefr,  /* storage for coefficients */ 
		    double *sPsiO,   /* storage for variance */
		    double *sPsiR,   /* storage for variance */
		    double *ATE,     /* storage for ATE */
		    double *BASE    /* storage for baseline */
		    ) {
  /*** counters ***/
  int n_samp = *insamp;      /* sample size */
  int n_gen = *ndraws;       /* number of gibbs draws */
  int n_grp = *in_grp;       /* number of groups */
  int n_covo = *incovo;      /* number of fixed effects */
  int n_covr = *incovr;      /* number of fixed effects */
  int n_covoR = *incovoR;    /* number of random effects */
  int n_covrR = *incovrR;    /* number of random effects */
  int n_treat = *intreat;    /* number of treatments */

  /*** data ***/
  /* covariates for the response model */
  double **Xr = doubleMatrix(n_samp+n_covr, n_covr+1);
  /* covariates for the outcome model */     
  double **Xo = doubleMatrix(n_samp+n_covo, n_covo+1);
  /* random effects covariates */
  double ***Zo = doubleMatrix3D(n_grp, *max_samp_grp + n_covoR,
				n_covoR + 1);
  double ***Zr = doubleMatrix3D(n_grp, *max_samp_grp + n_covrR,
				n_covrR + 1);

  /*** model parameters ***/
  double **PsiO = doubleMatrix(n_covoR, n_covoR);
  double **PsiR = doubleMatrix(n_covrR, n_covrR);
  double **xiO = doubleMatrix(n_grp, n_covoR);
  double **xiR = doubleMatrix(n_grp, n_covrR);
  double **S0o = doubleMatrix(n_covoR, n_covoR);
  double **S0r = doubleMatrix(n_covrR, n_covrR);
  double **Ao = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  double **Ar = doubleMatrix(n_covr, n_covr);
  double **mtemp1 = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  double **mtemp2 = doubleMatrix(n_covr, n_covr);

  /*** QoIs ***/
  double *base = doubleArray(n_treat);
  double *cATE = doubleArray(n_treat);

  /*** storage parameters and loop counters **/
  int progress = 1;
  int keep = 1;
  int i, j, k, main_loop;  
  int itemp, itemp0, itemp1, itemp2, itemp3 = 0, itempP = ftrunc((double) n_gen/10);
  int *vitemp = intArray(n_grp);
  double dtemp, pj, r0, r1;

  /*** get random seed **/

  /*** fixed effects ***/
  itemp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) 
      Xo[i][j] = dXo[itemp++];
  itemp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < n_covr; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) 
      Xr[i][j] = dXr[itemp++];
  /* prior */
  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covo; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
      Ao[j][k] = dAo[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covr; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covr; j++)
      Ar[j][k] = dAr[itemp++];

  dcholdc(Ao, n_covo, mtemp1);
  for(i = 0; i < n_covo; i++) {
    Xo[n_samp+i][n_covo] = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++) {
      Xo[n_samp+i][n_covo] += mtemp1[i][j]*beta0[j];
      Xo[n_samp+i][j] = mtemp1[i][j];

  dcholdc(Ar, n_covr, mtemp2);
  for(i = 0; i < n_covr; i++) {
    Xr[n_samp+i][n_covr] = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < n_covr; j++) {
      Xr[n_samp+i][n_covr] += mtemp2[i][j]*delta0[j];
      Xr[n_samp+i][j] = mtemp2[i][j];

  /* random effects */
  itemp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < n_grp; j++)
    vitemp[j] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n_covoR; j++)
      Zo[grp[i]][vitemp[grp[i]]][j] = dZo[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < n_grp; j++)
    vitemp[j] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n_covrR; j++)
      Zr[grp[i]][vitemp[grp[i]]][j] = dZr[itemp++];

  /* prior variance for random effects */
  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covoR; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covoR; j++) 
      PsiO[j][k] = dPsio[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covrR; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covrR; j++) 
      PsiR[j][k] = dPsir[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covoR; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_grp; j++)
      xiO[j][k] = norm_rand();

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covrR; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_grp; j++)
      xiR[j][k] = norm_rand();

  /* hyper prior scale parameter for random effects */
  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covoR; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covoR; j++)
      S0o[j][k] = dS0o[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covrR; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covrR; j++)
      S0r[j][k] = dS0r[itemp++];

  /*** Gibbs Sampler! ***/
  itemp = 0; itemp0 = 0; itemp1 = 0; itemp2 = 0;     
  for(main_loop = 1; main_loop <= n_gen; main_loop++){

    /** Response Model: binary Probit **/    
    bprobitMixedGibbs(R, Xr, Zr, grp, delta, xiR, PsiR, n_samp,
		      n_covr, n_covrR, n_grp, 0, delta0, Ar, *dfr, S0r,
    /** Outcome Model: binary probit **/
    bprobitMixedGibbs(Y, Xo, Zr, grp, beta, xiO, PsiO, n_samp, n_covo,
		      n_covoR, n_grp, 0, beta0, Ao, *dfo, S0o, 1);

    /** Imputing the missing data **/
    for (j = 0; j < n_grp; j++)
      vitemp[j] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
      if (R[i] == 0) {
	pj = 0;
	r0 = delta[0];
	r1 = delta[1];
	for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++) 
	  pj += Xo[i][j]*beta[j];
	for (j = 2; j < n_covr; j++) {
	  r0 += Xr[i][j]*delta[j];
	  r1 += Xr[i][j]*delta[j];
	for (j = 0; j < n_covoR; j++)
	  pj += Zo[grp[i]][vitemp[grp[i]]][j]*xiO[grp[i]][j];
	for (j = 0; j < n_covrR; j++) {
	  r0 += Zr[grp[i]][vitemp[grp[i]]][j]*xiR[grp[i]][j];
	  r1 += Zr[grp[i]][vitemp[grp[i]]][j]*xiR[grp[i]][j];
	pj = pnorm(0, pj, 1, 0, 0);
	r0 = pnorm(0, r0, 1, 0, 0);
	r1 = pnorm(0, r1, 1, 0, 0);
	if (unif_rand() < ((1-r1)*pj/((1-r1)*pj+(1-r0)*(1-pj)))) {
	  Y[i] = 1;
	  Xr[i][0] = 0;
	  Xr[i][1] = 1;
	} else {
	  Y[i] = 0;
	  Xr[i][0] = 1;
	  Xr[i][1] = 0;
    /** Compute quantities of interest **/
    for (j = 0; j < n_grp; j++)
      vitemp[j] = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++) 
      base[j] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
      dtemp = 0; 
      for (j = n_treat; j < n_covo; j++) 
	dtemp += Xo[i][j]*beta[j];
      for (j = 0; j < n_covoR; j++)
	dtemp += Zo[grp[i]][vitemp[grp[i]]][j]*xiO[grp[i]][j];
      for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++) {
	if (*Insample) {
	  if (Xo[i][j] == 1)
	    base[j] += (double)Y[i];
	    base[j] += (double)((dtemp+beta[j]+norm_rand()) > 0);
	} else
	  base[j] += pnorm(0, dtemp+beta[j], 1, 0, 0);
    for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++) 
      base[j] /= (double)n_samp;
    /** Storing the results **/
    if (main_loop > *iBurnin) {
      if (keep == *iKeep) {
	for (j = 0; j < (n_treat-1); j++)
	  ATE[itemp0++] = base[j+1] - base[0];
	for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++)
	  BASE[itemp++] = base[j];
	if (*param) {
	  for (i = 0; i < n_covo; i++) 
	    coefo[itemp1++] = beta[i];
	  for (i = 0; i < n_covr; i++) 
	    coefr[itemp2++] = delta[i];
	  for (i = 0; i < n_covoR; i++)
	    for (j = i; j < n_covoR; j++)
	      sPsiO[itemp3++] = PsiO[i][j];
	  for (i = 0; i < n_covrR; i++)
	    for (j = i; j < n_covrR; j++)
	      sPsiR[itemp3++] = PsiR[i][j];
	keep = 1;

    if(*verbose) {
      if(main_loop == itempP) {
	Rprintf("%3d percent done.\n", progress*10);
	itempP += ftrunc((double) n_gen/10); 
  } /* end of Gibbs sampler */

  /** write out the random seed **/

  /** freeing memory **/
  FreeMatrix(Xr, n_samp+n_covr);
  FreeMatrix(Xo, n_samp+n_covo);
  Free3DMatrix(Zo, n_grp, *max_samp_grp + n_covoR);
  Free3DMatrix(Zr, n_grp, *max_samp_grp + n_covrR);
  FreeMatrix(PsiO, n_covoR);
  FreeMatrix(PsiR, n_covrR);
  FreeMatrix(xiO, n_grp);
  FreeMatrix(xiR, n_grp);
  FreeMatrix(S0o, n_covoR);
  FreeMatrix(S0r, n_covrR);
  FreeMatrix(Ao, n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(Ar, n_covr);
  FreeMatrix(mtemp1, n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(mtemp2, n_covr);
} /* NIbprobitMixed */
コード例 #11
ファイル: NIstandard.c プロジェクト: cran/experiment
void NIbprobit(int *Y,         /* binary outcome variable */ 
	       int *R,         /* recording indicator for Y */
	       double *dXo,    /* covariates */
	       double *dXr,    /* covariates */
	       double *beta,   /* coefficients */
	       double *delta,  /* coefficients */
	       int *insamp,    /* # of obs */ 
	       int *incovo,    /* # of covariates */
	       int *incovr,    /* # of covariates */
	       int *intreat,   /* # of treatments */
	       double *beta0,  /* prior mean */
	       double *delta0, /* prior mean */
	       double *dAo,    /* prior precision */
	       double *dAr,    /* prior precision */
	       int *Insample,  /* insample QoI */
	       int *param,     /* store parameters? */ 
	       int *mda,       /* marginal data augmentation? */ 
	       int *ndraws,    /* # of gibbs draws */
	       int *iBurnin,   /* # of burnin */
	       int *iKeep,     /* every ?th draws to keep */
	       int *verbose,  
	       double *coefo,  /* storage for coefficients */ 
	       double *coefr,  /* storage for coefficients */ 
	       double *ATE,     /* storage for ATE */
	       double *BASE    /* storage for baseline */
	       ) {
  /*** counters ***/
  int n_samp = *insamp;      /* sample size */
  int n_gen = *ndraws;       /* number of gibbs draws */
  int n_covo = *incovo;      /* number of covariates */
  int n_covr = *incovr;      /* number of covariates */
  int n_treat = *intreat;    /* number of treatments */

  /*** data ***/
  /* covariates for the response model */
  double **Xr = doubleMatrix(n_samp+n_covr, n_covr+1);
  /* covariates for the outcome model */     
  double **Xo = doubleMatrix(n_samp+n_covo, n_covo+1);

  /*** model parameters ***/
  double **Ao = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  double **Ar = doubleMatrix(n_covr, n_covr);
  double **mtemp1 = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  double **mtemp2 = doubleMatrix(n_covr, n_covr);

  /*** QoIs ***/
  double *base = doubleArray(n_treat);
  double *cATE = doubleArray(n_treat);

  /*** storage parameters and loop counters **/
  int progress = 1;
  int keep = 1;
  int i, j, k, main_loop;  
  int itemp, itemp0, itemp1, itemp2, itempP = ftrunc((double) n_gen/10);
  double dtemp, pj, r0, r1;

  /*** get random seed **/

  /*** read the data ***/
  itemp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) 
      Xo[i][j] = dXo[itemp++];
  itemp = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < n_covr; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) 
      Xr[i][j] = dXr[itemp++];
  /*** read the prior and it as additional data points ***/ 
  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covo; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
      Ao[j][k] = dAo[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covr; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covr; j++)
      Ar[j][k] = dAr[itemp++];

  dcholdc(Ao, n_covo, mtemp1);
  for(i = 0; i < n_covo; i++) {
    Xo[n_samp+i][n_covo] = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++) {
      Xo[n_samp+i][n_covo] += mtemp1[i][j]*beta0[j];
      Xo[n_samp+i][j] = mtemp1[i][j];

  dcholdc(Ar, n_covr, mtemp2);
  for(i = 0; i < n_covr; i++) {
    Xr[n_samp+i][n_covr] = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < n_covr; j++) {
      Xr[n_samp+i][n_covr] += mtemp2[i][j]*delta0[j];
      Xr[n_samp+i][j] = mtemp2[i][j];

  /*** Gibbs Sampler! ***/
  itemp = 0; itemp0 = 0; itemp1 = 0; itemp2 = 0;     
  for(main_loop = 1; main_loop <= n_gen; main_loop++){

    /** Response Model: binary Probit **/    
    bprobitGibbs(R, Xr, delta, n_samp, n_covr, 0, delta0, Ar, *mda, 1);
    /** Outcome Model: binary probit **/
    bprobitGibbs(Y, Xo, beta, n_samp, n_covo, 0, beta0, Ao, *mda, 1);

    /** Imputing the missing data **/
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
      if (R[i] == 0) {
	pj = 0;
	r0 = delta[0];
	r1 = delta[1];
	for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++) 
	  pj += Xo[i][j]*beta[j];
	for (j = 2; j < n_covr; j++) {
	  r0 += Xr[i][j]*delta[j];
	  r1 += Xr[i][j]*delta[j];
	pj = pnorm(0, pj, 1, 0, 0);
	r0 = pnorm(0, r0, 1, 0, 0);
	r1 = pnorm(0, r1, 1, 0, 0);
	if (unif_rand() < ((1-r1)*pj/((1-r1)*pj+(1-r0)*(1-pj)))) {
	  Y[i] = 1;
	  Xr[i][0] = 0;
	  Xr[i][1] = 1;
	} else {
	  Y[i] = 0;
	  Xr[i][0] = 1;
	  Xr[i][1] = 0;
    /** Compute quantities of interest **/
    for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++) 
      base[j] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
      dtemp = 0; 
      for (j = n_treat; j < n_covo; j++) 
	dtemp += Xo[i][j]*beta[j];
      for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++) {
	if (*Insample) {
	  if (Xo[i][j] == 1)
	    base[j] += (double)Y[i];
	    base[j] += (double)((dtemp+beta[j]+norm_rand()) > 0);
	} else
	  base[j] += pnorm(0, dtemp+beta[j], 1, 0, 0);
    for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++) 
      base[j] /= (double)n_samp;
    /** Storing the results **/
    if (main_loop > *iBurnin) {
      if (keep == *iKeep) {
	for (j = 0; j < (n_treat-1); j++)
	  ATE[itemp0++] = base[j+1] - base[0];
	for (j = 0; j < n_treat; j++)
	  BASE[itemp++] = base[j];
	if (*param) {
	  for (i = 0; i < n_covo; i++) 
	    coefo[itemp1++] = beta[i];
	  for (i = 0; i < n_covr; i++) 
	    coefr[itemp2++] = delta[i];
	keep = 1;

    if(*verbose) {
      if(main_loop == itempP) {
	Rprintf("%3d percent done.\n", progress*10);
	itempP += ftrunc((double) n_gen/10); 
  } /* end of Gibbs sampler */

  /** write out the random seed **/

  /** freeing memory **/
  FreeMatrix(Xr, n_samp+n_covr);
  FreeMatrix(Xo, n_samp+n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(Ao, n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(Ar, n_covr);
  FreeMatrix(mtemp1, n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(mtemp2, n_covr);
} /* NIbprobit */
コード例 #12
void est_map(int n_ind, int n_mar, int n_gen, int *geno, double *rf,
             double *rf2, double error_prob, double initf(int, int *),
             double emitf(int, int, double, int *),
             double stepf(int, int, double, double, int *),
             double nrecf1(int, int, double, int*), double nrecf2(int, int, double, int*),
             double *loglik, int maxit, double tol, int sexsp,
             int verbose)
    int i, j, j2, v, v2, it, flag=0, **Geno, ndigits;
    double s, **alpha, **beta, **gamma, *cur_rf, *cur_rf2;
    double curloglik, maxdif, temp;
    char pattern[100], text[200];
    int cross_scheme[2];

    /* cross scheme hidden in loglik argument; used by hmm_bcsft */
    cross_scheme[0] = (int) ftrunc(*loglik / 1000.0);
    cross_scheme[1] = ((int) *loglik) - 1000 * cross_scheme[0];
    *loglik = 0.0;

    /* allocate space for beta and reorganize geno */
    reorg_geno(n_ind, n_mar, geno, &Geno);
    allocate_alpha(n_mar, n_gen, &alpha);
    allocate_alpha(n_mar, n_gen, &beta);
    allocate_dmatrix(n_gen, n_gen, &gamma);
    allocate_double(n_mar-1, &cur_rf);
    allocate_double(n_mar-1, &cur_rf2);

    /* digits in verbose output */
    if(verbose) {
        ndigits = (int)ceil(-log10(tol));
        if(ndigits > 16) ndigits=16;
        sprintf(pattern, "%s%d.%df", "%", ndigits+3, ndigits+1);

    /* begin EM algorithm */
    for(it=0; it<maxit; it++) {

        for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
            cur_rf[j] = cur_rf2[j] = rf[j];
            rf[j] = 0.0;
            if(sexsp) {
                cur_rf2[j] = rf2[j];
                rf2[j] = 0.0;

        for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */

            R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */

            /* initialize alpha and beta */
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
                beta[v][n_mar-1] = 0.0;

            /* forward-backward equations */
            for(j=1,j2=n_mar-2; j<n_mar; j++, j2--) {

                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] + stepf(1, v+1, cur_rf[j-1], cur_rf2[j-1], cross_scheme);
                    beta[v][j2] = beta[0][j2+1] + stepf(v+1,1,cur_rf[j2], cur_rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                        emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

                    for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] +
                                             stepf(v2+1,v+1,cur_rf[j-1],cur_rf2[j-1], cross_scheme));
                        beta[v][j2] = addlog(beta[v][j2], beta[v2][j2+1] +
                                             stepf(v+1,v2+1,cur_rf[j2],cur_rf2[j2], cross_scheme) +
                                             emitf(Geno[j2+1][i],v2+1,error_prob, cross_scheme));

                    alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);


            for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {

                /* calculate gamma = log Pr(v1, v2, O) */
                for(v=0, s=0.0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        gamma[v][v2] = alpha[v][j] + beta[v2][j+1] +
                            emitf(Geno[j+1][i], v2+1, error_prob, cross_scheme) +
                            stepf(v+1, v2+1, cur_rf[j], cur_rf2[j], cross_scheme);

                        if(v==0 && v2==0) s = gamma[v][v2];
                        else s = addlog(s, gamma[v][v2]);

                for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                    for(v2=0; v2<n_gen; v2++) {
                        rf[j] += nrecf1(v+1,v2+1, cur_rf[j], cross_scheme) * exp(gamma[v][v2] - s);
                        if(sexsp) rf2[j] += nrecf2(v+1,v2+1, cur_rf[j], cross_scheme) * exp(gamma[v][v2] - s);

        } /* loop over individuals */

        /* rescale */
        for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
            rf[j] /= (double)n_ind;
            if(rf[j] < tol/1000.0) rf[j] = tol/1000.0;
            else if(rf[j] > 0.5-tol/1000.0) rf[j] = 0.5-tol/1000.0;

            if(sexsp) {
                rf2[j] /= (double)n_ind;
                if(rf2[j] < tol/1000.0) rf2[j] = tol/1000.0;
                else if(rf2[j] > 0.5-tol/1000.0) rf2[j] = 0.5-tol/1000.0;
            else rf2[j] = rf[j];

        if(verbose>1) {
            /* print estimates as we go along*/
            Rprintf("   %4d ", it+1);
            for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
                temp = fabs(rf[j] - cur_rf[j])/(cur_rf[j]+tol*100.0);
                if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
                if(sexsp) {
                    temp = fabs(rf2[j] - cur_rf2[j])/(cur_rf2[j]+tol*100.0);
                    if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
                /* bsy add */
                if(verbose > 2)
                    Rprintf("%d %f %f\n", j+1, cur_rf[j], rf[j]);
                /* bsy add */
            sprintf(text, "%s%s\n", "  max rel've change = ", pattern);
            Rprintf(text, maxdif);

        /* check convergence */
        for(j=0, flag=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
            if(fabs(rf[j] - cur_rf[j]) > tol*(cur_rf[j]+tol*100.0) ||
               (sexsp && fabs(rf2[j] - cur_rf2[j]) > tol*(cur_rf2[j]+tol*100.0))) {
                flag = 1;

        if(!flag) break;

    } /* end EM algorithm */

    if(flag) warning("Didn't converge!\n");

    /* calculate log likelihood */
    *loglik = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<n_ind; i++) { /* i = individual */
        /* initialize alpha */
        for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
            alpha[v][0] = initf(v+1, cross_scheme) + emitf(Geno[0][i], v+1, error_prob, cross_scheme);
        /* forward equations */
        for(j=1; j<n_mar; j++) {
            for(v=0; v<n_gen; v++) {
                alpha[v][j] = alpha[0][j-1] +
                    stepf(1, v+1, rf[j-1], rf2[j-1], cross_scheme);

                for(v2=1; v2<n_gen; v2++)
                    alpha[v][j] = addlog(alpha[v][j], alpha[v2][j-1] +
                                         stepf(v2+1,v+1,rf[j-1],rf2[j-1], cross_scheme));

                alpha[v][j] += emitf(Geno[j][i],v+1,error_prob, cross_scheme);

        curloglik = alpha[0][n_mar-1];
        for(v=1; v<n_gen; v++)
            curloglik = addlog(curloglik, alpha[v][n_mar-1]);

        *loglik += curloglik;

    if(verbose) {
        if(verbose < 2) {
            /* print final estimates */
            Rprintf("  no. iterations = %d\n", it+1);
            for(j=0; j<n_mar-1; j++) {
                temp = fabs(rf[j] - cur_rf[j])/(cur_rf[j]+tol*100.0);
                if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
                if(sexsp) {
                    temp = fabs(rf2[j] - cur_rf2[j])/(cur_rf2[j]+tol*100.0);
                    if(maxdif < temp) maxdif = temp;
            sprintf(text, "%s%s\n", "  max rel've change at last step = ", pattern);
            Rprintf(text, maxdif);

        Rprintf("  loglik: %10.4lf\n\n", *loglik);

コード例 #13
ファイル: amcmc.c プロジェクト: sophielee1/BAS
double random_walk(int *model, struct Var *vars, int n) {
  int index;
      index = ftrunc(n*unif_rand());
      model[vars[index].index] = 1 - model[vars[index].index];
コード例 #14
ファイル: gamma_cody.c プロジェクト: 6e441f9c/julia
double attribute_hidden gamma_cody(double x)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

   This routine calculates the GAMMA function for a float argument X.
   Computation is based on an algorithm outlined in reference [1].
   The program uses rational functions that approximate the GAMMA
   function to at least 20 significant decimal digits.	Coefficients
   for the approximation over the interval (1,2) are unpublished.
   Those for the approximation for X >= 12 are from reference [2].
   The accuracy achieved depends on the arithmetic system, the
   compiler, the intrinsic functions, and proper selection of the
   machine-dependent constants.


   Error returns

   The program returns the value XINF for singularities or
   when overflow would occur.	 The computation is believed
   to be free of underflow and overflow.

   Intrinsic functions required are:


   [1]  "An Overview of Software Development for Special Functions",
	W. J. Cody, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 506,
	Numerical Analysis Dundee, 1975, G. A. Watson (ed.),
	Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1976.

   [2]  Computer Approximations, Hart, Et. Al., Wiley and sons, New York, 1968.

   Latest modification: October 12, 1989

   Authors: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
   Applied Mathematics Division
   Argonne National Laboratory
   Argonne, IL 60439

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   Mathematical constants
    const static double sqrtpi = .9189385332046727417803297; /* == ??? */

/* *******************************************************************

   Explanation of machine-dependent constants

   beta	- radix for the floating-point representation
   maxexp - the smallest positive power of beta that overflows
   XBIG	- the largest argument for which GAMMA(X) is representable
	in the machine, i.e., the solution to the equation
	GAMMA(XBIG) = beta**maxexp
   XINF	- the largest machine representable floating-point number;
	approximately beta**maxexp
   EPS	- the smallest positive floating-point number such that  1.0+EPS > 1.0
   XMININ - the smallest positive floating-point number such that
	1/XMININ is machine representable

   Approximate values for some important machines are:

   beta	      maxexp	     XBIG

   CRAY-1		(S.P.)	      2		8191	    966.961
   Cyber 180/855
   under NOS	(S.P.)	      2		1070	    177.803
   SUN, etc.)	(S.P.)	      2		 128	    35.040
   SUN, etc.)	(D.P.)	      2		1024	    171.624
   IBM 3033	(D.P.)	     16		  63	    57.574
   VAX D-Format	(D.P.)	      2		 127	    34.844
   VAX G-Format	(D.P.)	      2		1023	    171.489


   CRAY-1		(S.P.)	 5.45E+2465   7.11E-15	  1.84E-2466
   Cyber 180/855
   under NOS	(S.P.)	 1.26E+322    3.55E-15	  3.14E-294
   SUN, etc.)	(S.P.)	 3.40E+38     1.19E-7	  1.18E-38
   SUN, etc.)	(D.P.)	 1.79D+308    2.22D-16	  2.23D-308
   IBM 3033	(D.P.)	 7.23D+75     2.22D-16	  1.39D-76
   VAX D-Format	(D.P.)	 1.70D+38     1.39D-17	  5.88D-39
   VAX G-Format	(D.P.)	 8.98D+307    1.11D-16	  1.12D-308


   Machine dependent parameters

    const static double xbig = 171.624;
    /* ML_POSINF ==   const double xinf = 1.79e308;*/
    /* DBL_EPSILON = const double eps = 2.22e-16;*/
    /* DBL_MIN ==   const double xminin = 2.23e-308;*/

      Numerator and denominator coefficients for rational minimax
      approximation over (1,2).
    const static double p[8] = {
	66456.1438202405440627855 };
    const static double q[8] = {
	-115132.259675553483497211 };
      Coefficients for minimax approximation over (12, INF).
    const static double c[7] = {
	.0057083835261 };

    /* Local variables */
    long i, n;
    long int parity;/*logical*/
    double fact, xden, xnum, y, z, yi, res, sum, ysq;

    parity = (0);
    fact = 1.;
    n = 0;
    y = x;
    if (y <= 0.) {
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------
	   Argument is negative
	   ------------------------------------------------------------- */
	y = -x;
	yi = ftrunc(y);
	res = y - yi;
	if (res != 0.) {
	    if (yi != ftrunc(yi * .5) * 2.)
		parity = (1);
	    fact = -M_PI / sin(M_PI * res);
	    y += 1.;
	} else {
    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
       Argument is positive
    if (y < DBL_EPSILON) {
	/* --------------------------------------------------------------
	   Argument < EPS
	   -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if (y >= DBL_MIN) {
	    res = 1. / y;
	} else {
    } else if (y < 12.) {
	yi = y;
	if (y < 1.) {
	    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
	       EPS < argument < 1
	       --------------------------------------------------------- */
	    z = y;
	    y += 1.;
	} else {
	    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
	       1 <= argument < 12, reduce argument if necessary
	       ----------------------------------------------------------- */
	    n = (long) y - 1;
	    y -= (double) n;
	    z = y - 1.;
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------
	   Evaluate approximation for 1. < argument < 2.
	xnum = 0.;
	xden = 1.;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
	    xnum = (xnum + p[i]) * z;
	    xden = xden * z + q[i];
	res = xnum / xden + 1.;
	if (yi < y) {
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------
	       Adjust result for case  0. < argument < 1.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    res /= yi;
	} else if (yi > y) {
	    /* ----------------------------------------------------------
	       Adjust result for case  2. < argument < 12.
	       ---------------------------------------------------------- */
	    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		res *= y;
		y += 1.;
    } else {
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------
	   Evaluate for argument >= 12.,
	   ------------------------------------------------------------- */
	if (y <= xbig) {
	    ysq = y * y;
	    sum = c[6];
	    for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
		sum = sum / ysq + c[i];
	    sum = sum / y - y + sqrtpi;
	    sum += (y - .5) * log(y);
	    res = exp(sum);
	} else {
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       Final adjustments and return
    if (parity)
	res = -res;
    if (fact != 1.)
	res = fact / res;
    return res;
コード例 #15
ファイル: isevect.c プロジェクト: cran/survPresmooth
void isevect(double *t, int *delta, int *n, int *nboot, double *gridise, int *legridise, double *gridbw1, int *legridbw1, double *gridbw2, int *legridbw2, int *nkernel, int * dup, int *nestimand, double *phat, double *estim, int* presmoothing, double *isev){
  int i, j, k, boot, *indices, *deltaboot, *pnull;
  double *pnull2, *ptemp, *estimboot, *tboot, *integrand, *isecomp, *deltabootdbl;

  indices = malloc(*n * sizeof(int));
  ptemp = malloc(*n * sizeof(double));
  estimboot = malloc(*legridise * sizeof(double));
  tboot = malloc(*n * sizeof(double));
  integrand = malloc(*legridise * sizeof(double));
  isecomp = malloc(sizeof(double));

  if(*presmoothing == 1){ // with presmoothing
    deltaboot = malloc(*n * sizeof(int));
// S
    case 1:		
      pnull = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
      pnull2 = calloc(1, sizeof(double));
      for (boot = 0; boot < *nboot; boot++){
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++)
	  indices[i] = (int)ftrunc(runif(0, 1) * (*n));
	R_isort(indices, *n);
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++){
	  tboot[i] = t[indices[i]];
	  deltaboot[i] = (int)rbinom(1, phat[indices[i]]);
	for (i = 0; i < *legridbw1; i++){
	  nadarayawatson(tboot, n, tboot, deltaboot, n, &(gridbw1[i]), nkernel, ptemp);
	  presmestim(gridise, legridise, tboot, n, pnull2, pnull, pnull, ptemp, pnull, nestimand, estimboot);
	  for (j = 0; j < *legridise; j++)
	    integrand[j] = (estimboot[j] - estim[j])*(estimboot[j] - estim[j]);
	  simpson(integrand, legridise, isecomp);
	  isev[i] += *isecomp;
// H
    case 2:
      pnull = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
      for (boot = 0; boot < *nboot; boot++){
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++)
	  indices[i] = (int)ftrunc(runif(0, 1) * (*n));
	R_isort(indices, *n);
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++){
	  tboot[i] = t[indices[i]];
	  deltaboot[i] = (int)rbinom(1, phat[indices[i]]);
	for (i = 0; i < *legridbw1; i++){
	  nadarayawatson(tboot, n, tboot, deltaboot, n, &(gridbw1[i]), nkernel, ptemp);
	  presmestim(gridise, legridise, tboot, n, gridbw2, nkernel, pnull, ptemp, dup, nestimand, estimboot);
	  for (j = 0; j < *legridise; j++)
	    integrand[j] = (estimboot[j] - estim[j])*(estimboot[j] - estim[j]);
	  simpson(integrand, legridise, isecomp);
	  isev[i] += *isecomp;
// f
    case 3:
      for (boot = 0; boot < *nboot; boot++){
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++)
	  indices[i] = (int)ftrunc(runif(0, 1) * (*n));
	R_isort(indices, *n);
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++){
	  tboot[i] = t[indices[i]];
	  deltaboot[i] = (int)rbinom(1, phat[indices[i]]);
	for (j = 0; j < *legridbw2; j++)
	  for (i = 0; i < *legridbw1; i++){
	    nadarayawatson(tboot, n, tboot, deltaboot, n, &(gridbw1[i]), nkernel, ptemp);
	    presmdensfast(gridise, legridise, tboot, n, &(gridbw2[j]), nkernel, ptemp, estimboot);
	    for (k = 0; k < *legridise; k++)
	      integrand[k] = (estimboot[k] - estim[k])*(estimboot[k] - estim[k]);
	    simpson(integrand, legridise, isecomp);
	    isev[j * (*legridbw1) + i] += *isecomp;
// h
    case 4:
      for (boot = 0; boot < *nboot; boot++){
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++)
	  indices[i] = (int)ftrunc(runif(0, 1) * (*n));
	R_isort(indices, *n);
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++){
	  tboot[i] = t[indices[i]];
	  deltaboot[i] = (int)rbinom(1, phat[indices[i]]);
	for (j = 0; j < *legridbw2; j++)
	  for (i = 0; i < *legridbw1; i++){
	    nadarayawatson(tboot, n, tboot, deltaboot, n, &(gridbw1[i]), nkernel, ptemp);
	    presmtwfast(gridise, legridise, tboot, n, &(gridbw2[j]), nkernel, dup, ptemp, estimboot);
	    for (k = 0; k < *legridise; k++)
	      integrand[k] = (estimboot[k] - estim[k])*(estimboot[k] - estim[k]);
	    simpson(integrand, legridise, isecomp);
	    isev[j * (*legridbw1) + i] += *isecomp;
  else{ // without presmoothing
    deltabootdbl = malloc(*n * sizeof(double));
    if(*nestimand == 3){
// f
      for (boot = 0; boot < *nboot; boot++){
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++)
	  indices[i] = (int)ftrunc(runif(0, 1) * (*n));
	R_isort(indices, *n);
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++){
	  tboot[i] = t[indices[i]];
	  deltabootdbl[i] = (double)delta[indices[i]];
	for (i = 0; i < *legridbw2; i++){
	  presmdensfast(gridise, legridise, tboot, n, &(gridbw2[i]), nkernel, deltabootdbl, estimboot);
	  for (j = 0; j < *legridise; j++)
	    integrand[j] = (estimboot[j] - estim[j])*(estimboot[j] - estim[j]);
	  simpson(integrand, legridise, isecomp);
	  isev[i] += *isecomp;
// h
      for (boot = 0; boot < *nboot; boot++){
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++)
	  indices[i] = (int)ftrunc(runif(0, 1) * (*n));
	R_isort(indices, *n);
	for (i = 0; i < *n; i++){
	  tboot[i] = t[indices[i]];
	  deltabootdbl[i] = (double)delta[indices[i]];
	for (i = 0; i < *legridbw2; i++){
	  presmtwfast(gridise, legridise, tboot, n, &(gridbw2[i]), nkernel, dup, deltabootdbl, estimboot);
	  for (j = 0; j < *legridise; j++)
	    integrand[j] = (estimboot[j] - estim[j])*(estimboot[j] - estim[j]);
	  simpson(integrand, legridise, isecomp);
	  isev[i] += *isecomp;
コード例 #16
ファイル: MARnoncomp.c プロジェクト: cran/experiment
void MARprobit(int *Y, /* binary outcome variable */ 
	       int *Ymiss, /* missingness indicator for Y */
	       int *iYmax,  /* maximum value of Y; 0,1,...,Ymax */
	       int *Z, /* treatment assignment */
	       int *D, /* treatment status */ 
	       int *C, /* compliance status */
	       double *dX, double *dXo, /* covariates */
	       double *dBeta, double *dGamma,    /* coefficients */
	       int *iNsamp, int *iNgen, int *iNcov, int *iNcovo,
	       int *iNcovoX, int *iN11, 
	       /* counters */
	       double *beta0, double *gamma0, double *dA, double *dAo, /*prior */
	       int *insample, /* 1: insample inference, 2: conditional inference */
	       int *smooth,   
	       int *param, int *mda, int *iBurnin, 
	       int *iKeep, int *verbose, /* options */
	       double *pdStore
	       ) {
  /*** counters ***/
  int n_samp = *iNsamp;   /* sample size */
  int n_gen = *iNgen;     /* number of gibbs draws */
  int n_cov = *iNcov;     /* number of covariates */
  int n_covo = *iNcovo;   /* number of all covariates for outcome model */
  int n_covoX = *iNcovoX; /* number of covariates excluding smooth
			     terms */
  int n11 = *iN11;        /* number of compliers in the treament group */
  /*** data ***/
  double **X;     /* covariates for the compliance model */
  double **Xo;    /* covariates for the outcome model */
  double *W;      /* latent variable */
  int Ymax = *iYmax;

  /*** model parameters ***/
  double *beta;   /* coef for compliance model */
  double *gamma;  /* coef for outcomme model */
  double *q;      /* some parameters for sampling C */
  double *pc; 
  double *pn;
  double pcmean;
  double pnmean;
  double **SS;    /* matrix folders for SWEEP */
  double **SSo; 
  // HJ commented it out on April 17, 2018
  // double **SSr;
  double *meanb;  /* means for beta and gamma */
  double *meano;
  double *meanr;
  double **V;     /* variances for beta and gamma */
  double **Vo;
  double **Vr;
  double **A;
  double **Ao;
  double *tau;    /* thresholds: tau_0, ..., tau_{Ymax-1} */
  double *taumax; /* corresponding max and min for tau */
  double *taumin; /* tau_0 is fixed to 0 */
  double *treat;  /* smooth function for treat */

  /*** quantities of interest ***/
  int n_comp, n_compC, n_ncompC; 
  double *ITTc;
  double *base;

  /*** storage parameters and loop counters **/
  int progress = 1;
  int keep = 1;
  int i, j, k, main_loop;  
  int itemp, itempP = ftrunc((double) n_gen/10);
  double dtemp, ndraw, cdraw;
  double *vtemp;
  double **mtemp, **mtempo;

  /*** marginal data augmentation ***/
  double sig2 = 1;
  int nu0 = 1;
  double s0 = 1;

  /*** get random seed **/

  /*** define vectors and matricies **/
  X = doubleMatrix(n_samp+n_cov, n_cov+1);
  Xo = doubleMatrix(n_samp+n_covo, n_covo+1);
  W = doubleArray(n_samp);
  tau = doubleArray(Ymax);
  taumax = doubleArray(Ymax);
  taumin = doubleArray(Ymax);
  SS = doubleMatrix(n_cov+1, n_cov+1);
  SSo = doubleMatrix(n_covo+1, n_covo+1);
  // HJ commented it out on April 17, 2018
  // SSr = doubleMatrix(4, 4);
  V = doubleMatrix(n_cov, n_cov);
  Vo = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  Vr = doubleMatrix(3, 3);
  beta = doubleArray(n_cov); 
  gamma = doubleArray(n_covo); 
  meanb = doubleArray(n_cov); 
  meano = doubleArray(n_covo); 
  meanr = doubleArray(3); 
  q = doubleArray(n_samp); 
  pc = doubleArray(n_samp); 
  pn = doubleArray(n_samp); 
  A = doubleMatrix(n_cov, n_cov);
  Ao = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  vtemp = doubleArray(n_samp);
  mtemp = doubleMatrix(n_cov, n_cov);
  mtempo = doubleMatrix(n_covo, n_covo);
  ITTc = doubleArray(Ymax+1);
  treat = doubleArray(n11);
  base = doubleArray(2);

  /*** read the data ***/
  itemp = 0;
  for (j =0; j < n_cov; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++)
      X[i][j] = dX[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (j =0; j < n_covo; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++)
      Xo[i][j] = dXo[itemp++];
  /*** read the prior and it as additional data points ***/ 
  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_cov; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_cov; j++)
      A[j][k] = dA[itemp++];

  itemp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < n_covo; k++)
    for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
      Ao[j][k] = dAo[itemp++];

  dcholdc(A, n_cov, mtemp);
  for(i = 0; i < n_cov; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < n_cov; j++) {
      X[n_samp+i][n_cov] += mtemp[i][j]*beta0[j];
      X[n_samp+i][j] = mtemp[i][j];

  dcholdc(Ao, n_covo, mtempo);
  for(i = 0; i < n_covo; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++) {
      Xo[n_samp+i][n_covo] += mtempo[i][j]*gamma0[j];
      Xo[n_samp+i][j] = mtempo[i][j];

  /*** starting values ***/
  for (i = 0; i < n_cov; i++) 
    beta[i] = dBeta[i];
  for (i = 0; i < n_covo; i++)
    gamma[i] = dGamma[i];
  if (Ymax > 1) {
    tau[0] = 0.0;
    taumax[0] = 0.0;
    taumin[0] = 0.0;
    for (i = 1; i < Ymax; i++)
      tau[i] = tau[i-1]+2/(double)(Ymax-1);
  for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
    pc[i] = unif_rand(); 
    pn[i] = unif_rand();

  /*** Gibbs Sampler! ***/
  for(main_loop = 1; main_loop <= n_gen; main_loop++){

    /** COMPLIANCE MODEL **/    
    if (*mda) sig2 = s0/rchisq((double)nu0);
    /* Draw complier status for control group */
    for(i = 0; i < n_samp; i++){
      dtemp = 0;
      for(j = 0; j < n_cov; j++) 
	dtemp += X[i][j]*beta[j];
      if(Z[i] == 0){
	q[i] = pnorm(dtemp, 0, 1, 1, 0);
	if(unif_rand() < (q[i]*pc[i]/(q[i]*pc[i]+(1-q[i])*pn[i]))) { 
	  C[i] = 1; Xo[i][1] = 1; 
	else {
	  C[i] = 0; Xo[i][1] = 0;
      /* Sample W */
	W[i] = TruncNorm(dtemp-100,0,dtemp,1,0);
	W[i] = TruncNorm(0,dtemp+100,dtemp,1,0);
      X[i][n_cov] = W[i]*sqrt(sig2);
      W[i] *= sqrt(sig2);

    /* SS matrix */
    for(j = 0; j <= n_cov; j++)
      for(k = 0; k <= n_cov; k++)
    for(i = 0; i < n_samp+n_cov; i++)
      for(j = 0; j <= n_cov; j++)
	for(k = 0; k <= n_cov; k++) 
	  SS[j][k] += X[i][j]*X[i][k];
    /* SWEEP SS matrix */
    for(j = 0; j < n_cov; j++)
      SWP(SS, j, n_cov+1);
    /* draw beta */    
    for(j = 0; j < n_cov; j++)
      meanb[j] = SS[j][n_cov];
    if (*mda) 
    for(j = 0; j < n_cov; j++)
      for(k = 0; k < n_cov; k++) V[j][k] = -SS[j][k]*sig2;
    rMVN(beta, meanb, V, n_cov);

    /* rescale the parameters */
    if(*mda) {
      for (i = 0; i < n_cov; i++) beta[i] /= sqrt(sig2);

    /** OUTCOME MODEL **/
    /* Sample W */
    if (Ymax > 1) { /* tau_0=0, tau_1, ... */
      for (j = 1; j < (Ymax - 1); j++) {
	taumax[j] = tau[j+1];
	taumin[j] = tau[j-1];
      taumax[Ymax-1] = tau[Ymax-1]+100;
      taumin[Ymax-1] = tau[Ymax-2];
    if (*mda) sig2 = s0/rchisq((double)nu0);
    for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++){
      dtemp = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < n_covo; j++) dtemp += Xo[i][j]*gamma[j];
      if (Ymiss[i] == 1) {
	W[i] = dtemp + norm_rand();
	if (Ymax == 1) { /* binary probit */
	  if (W[i] > 0) Y[i] = 1;
	  else Y[i] = 0;
	else { /* ordered probit */
	  if (W[i] >= tau[Ymax-1])
	    Y[i] = Ymax;
	  else {
	    j = 0;
	    while (W[i] > tau[j] && j < Ymax) j++;
	    Y[i] = j;
      else {
	if(Ymax == 1) { /* binary probit */
	  if(Y[i] == 0) W[i] = TruncNorm(dtemp-100,0,dtemp,1,0);
	  else W[i] = TruncNorm(0,dtemp+100,dtemp,1,0);
	else {         /* ordered probit */
	  if (Y[i] == 0) 
	    W[i] = TruncNorm(dtemp-100, 0, dtemp, 1, 0);
	  else if (Y[i] == Ymax) {
	    W[i] = TruncNorm(tau[Ymax-1], dtemp+100, dtemp, 1, 0);
	    if (W[i] < taumax[Ymax-1]) taumax[Ymax-1] = W[i];
	  else {
	    W[i] = TruncNorm(tau[Y[i]-1], tau[Y[i]], dtemp, 1, 0);
	    if (W[i] > taumin[Y[i]]) taumin[Y[i]] = W[i];
	    if (W[i] < taumax[Y[i]-1]) taumax[Y[i]-1] = W[i];
      Xo[i][n_covo] = W[i]*sqrt(sig2);
      W[i] *= sqrt(sig2);
    /* draw tau */
    if (Ymax > 1) 
      for (j = 1; j < Ymax; j++) 
	tau[j] = runif(taumin[j], taumax[j])*sqrt(sig2);
    /* SS matrix */
    for(j = 0; j <= n_covo; j++)
      for(k = 0; k <= n_covo; k++)
    for(i = 0;i < n_samp+n_covo; i++)
      for(j = 0;j <= n_covo; j++)
	for(k = 0; k <= n_covo; k++) 
	  SSo[j][k] += Xo[i][j]*Xo[i][k];
    /* SWEEP SS matrix */
    for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
      SWP(SSo, j, n_covo+1);

    /* draw gamma */    
    for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
      meano[j] = SSo[j][n_covo];
    if (*mda) 
    for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
      for(k = 0; k < n_covo; k++) Vo[j][k]=-SSo[j][k]*sig2;
    rMVN(gamma, meano, Vo, n_covo); 
    /* rescaling the parameters */
    if(*mda) {
      for (i = 0; i < n_covo; i++) gamma[i] /= sqrt(sig2);
      if (Ymax > 1)
	for (i = 1; i < Ymax; i++)
	  tau[i] /= sqrt(sig2);

    /* computing smooth terms */
    if (*smooth) {
      for (i = 0; i < n11; i++) {
	treat[i] = 0;
	for (j = n_covoX; j < n_covo; j++)
	  treat[i] += Xo[i][j]*gamma[j]; 

    /** Compute probabilities **/ 
    for(i = 0; i < n_samp; i++){
      vtemp[i] = 0;
      for(j = 0; j < n_covo; j++)
	vtemp[i] += Xo[i][j]*gamma[j];

    for(i = 0; i < n_samp; i++){
	if (C[i] == 1) {
	  pcmean = vtemp[i];
	  if (*smooth)
	    pnmean = vtemp[i]-gamma[0];
	    pnmean = vtemp[i]-gamma[1];
	else {
	  if (*smooth)
	    pcmean = vtemp[i]+gamma[0];
	    pcmean = vtemp[i]+gamma[1];
	  pnmean = vtemp[i];
	if (Y[i] == 0){
	  pc[i] = pnorm(0, pcmean, 1, 1, 0);
	  pn[i] = pnorm(0, pnmean, 1, 1, 0);
	else {
	  if (Ymax == 1) { /* binary probit */
	    pc[i] = pnorm(0, pcmean, 1, 0, 0);
	    pn[i] = pnorm(0, pnmean, 1, 0, 0);
	  else { /* ordered probit */
	    if (Y[i] == Ymax) {
	      pc[i] = pnorm(tau[Ymax-1], pcmean, 1, 0, 0);
	      pn[i] = pnorm(tau[Ymax-1], pnmean, 1, 0, 0);
	    else {
	      pc[i] = pnorm(tau[Y[i]], pcmean, 1, 1, 0) -
		pnorm(tau[Y[i]-1], pcmean, 1, 1, 0);
	      pn[i] = pnorm(tau[Y[i]], pnmean, 1, 1, 0) - 
		pnorm(tau[Y[i]-1], pnmean, 1, 1, 0);

    /** Compute quantities of interest **/
    n_comp = 0; n_compC = 0; n_ncompC = 0; base[0] = 0; base[1] = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i <= Ymax; i++)
      ITTc[i] = 0;
    if (*smooth) {
      for(i = 0; i < n11; i++){
	if(C[i] == 1) {
	  if (Z[i] == 0) {
	    base[0] += (double)Y[i];
	  pcmean = vtemp[i];
	  pnmean = vtemp[i]-treat[i]+gamma[0];
	  ndraw = rnorm(pnmean, 1);
	  cdraw = rnorm(pcmean, 1);
	  if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) 
	    dtemp = (double)(Y[i]==0) - (double)(ndraw < 0);
	    dtemp = pnorm(0, pcmean, 1, 1, 0) - pnorm(0, pnmean, 1, 1, 0);
	  ITTc[0] += dtemp;
	  if (Ymax == 1) { /* binary probit */
	    if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) 
	      dtemp = (double)Y[i] - (double)(ndraw > 0);
	      dtemp = pnorm(0, pcmean, 1, 0, 0) - pnorm(0, pnmean, 1, 0, 0);
	    ITTc[1] += dtemp;
	  else { /* ordered probit */
	    if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) 
	      dtemp = (double)(Y[i]==Ymax) - (double)(ndraw > tau[Ymax-1]);
	      dtemp = pnorm(tau[Ymax-1], pcmean, 1, 0, 0) -
		pnorm(tau[Ymax-1], pnmean, 1, 0, 0);
	    ITTc[Ymax] += dtemp; 
	    for (j = 1; j < Ymax; j++) {
	      if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0)
		  dtemp = (double)(Y[i]==j) - (double)(ndraw < tau[j] &&
						       ndraw > tau[j-1]);
		dtemp = (pnorm(tau[j], pcmean, 1, 1, 0) - 
			 pnorm(tau[j-1], pcmean, 1, 1, 0)) 
		  - (pnorm(tau[j], pnmean, 1, 1, 0) - 
		     pnorm(tau[j-1], pnmean, 1, 1, 0));
	      ITTc[j] += dtemp;
	  if (Z[i] == 0) {
	    base[1] += (double)Y[i];
    else {
      for(i = 0; i < n_samp; i++){
	if(C[i] == 1) {
	  if (Z[i] == 1) {
	    pcmean = vtemp[i];
	    pnmean = vtemp[i]-gamma[0]+gamma[1];
	  else {
	    base[0] += (double)Y[i];
	    pcmean = vtemp[i]+gamma[0]-gamma[1];
	    pnmean = vtemp[i];
	  ndraw = rnorm(pnmean, 1);
	  cdraw = rnorm(pcmean, 1);
	  if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) {
	    if (Z[i] == 1)
	      dtemp = (double)(Y[i]==0) - (double)(ndraw < 0);
	      dtemp = (double)(cdraw < 0) - (double)(Y[i]==0);
	    dtemp = pnorm(0, pcmean, 1, 1, 0) - pnorm(0, pnmean, 1, 1, 0);
	  ITTc[0] += dtemp;
	  if (Ymax == 1) { /* binary probit */
	    if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) {
	      if (Z[i] == 1)
		dtemp = (double)Y[i] - (double)(ndraw > 0);
		dtemp = (double)(cdraw > 0) - (double)Y[i];
	      dtemp = pnorm(0, pcmean, 1, 0, 0) - pnorm(0, pnmean, 1, 0, 0);
	    ITTc[1] += dtemp;
	  else { /* ordered probit */
	    if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) {
	      if (Z[i] == 1)
		dtemp = (double)(Y[i]==Ymax) - (double)(ndraw > tau[Ymax-1]);
		dtemp = (double)(cdraw > tau[Ymax-1]) - (double)(Y[i]==Ymax);
	      dtemp = pnorm(tau[Ymax-1], pcmean, 1, 0, 0) -
		pnorm(tau[Ymax-1], pnmean, 1, 0, 0);
	    ITTc[Ymax] += dtemp; 
	    for (j = 1; j < Ymax; j++) {
	      if (*insample && Ymiss[i]==0) {
		if (Z[i] == 1)
		  dtemp = (double)(Y[i]==j) - (double)(ndraw < tau[j] && ndraw > tau[j-1]);
		  dtemp = (pnorm(tau[j], pcmean, 1, 1, 0) - 
			   pnorm(tau[j-1], pcmean, 1, 1, 0)) - (double)(Y[i]==j);
		dtemp = (pnorm(tau[j], pcmean, 1, 1, 0) - 
			 pnorm(tau[j-1], pcmean, 1, 1, 0)) 
		  - (pnorm(tau[j], pnmean, 1, 1, 0) - 
		     pnorm(tau[j-1], pnmean, 1, 1, 0));
	      ITTc[j] += dtemp;
	  if (Z[i] == 0) {
	    base[1] += (double)Y[i];
    /** storing the results **/
    if (main_loop > *iBurnin) {
      if (keep == *iKeep) {
	if (Ymax == 1) {
	  pdStore[itemp++] = base[0]/(double)n_compC;
	  pdStore[itemp++] = base[1]/(double)n_ncompC;
	  pdStore[itemp++] = (base[0]+base[1])/(double)(n_compC+n_ncompC);
	else {
	  for (i = 0; i <= Ymax; i++) 
	  for (i = 0; i <= Ymax; i++) 
	if (*param) {
	  for(i = 0; i < n_cov; i++) 
	  if (*smooth) {
	    for(i = 0; i < n_covoX; i++)
	    for(i = 0; i < n11; i++)
	    for(i = 0; i < n_covo; i++)
	  if (Ymax > 1)
	    for (i = 0; i < Ymax; i++)
	keep = 1;

    if(*verbose) {
      if(main_loop == itempP) {
	Rprintf("%3d percent done.\n", progress*10);
	itempP += ftrunc((double) n_gen/10); 
  } /* end of Gibbs sampler */

  /** write out the random seed **/

  /** freeing memory **/
  FreeMatrix(X, n_samp+n_cov);
  FreeMatrix(Xo, n_samp+n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(SS, n_cov+1);
  FreeMatrix(SSo, n_covo+1);
  FreeMatrix(V, n_cov);
  FreeMatrix(Vo, n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(Vr, 3);
  FreeMatrix(A, n_cov);
  FreeMatrix(Ao, n_covo);
  FreeMatrix(mtemp, n_cov);
  FreeMatrix(mtempo, n_covo);

} /* main */
コード例 #17
ファイル: bessel_k.c プロジェクト: csilles/cxxr
static void K_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, long *nb,
		     long *ize, double *bk, long *ncalc)

  This routine calculates modified Bessel functions
  of the third kind, K_(N+ALPHA) (X), for non-negative
  argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA, with or without
  exponential scaling.

  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence

 X     - Non-negative argument for which
	 K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X))
	 are to be calculated.	If K's are to be calculated,
	 X must not be greater than XMAX_BESS_K.
 ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
	 K's or exponentially scaled K's (K*EXP(X)) are
	 to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
 NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
	 The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
	 last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
 IZE   - Type.	IZE = 1 if unscaled K's are to be calculated,
		    = 2 if exponentially scaled K's are to be calculated.
 BK    - Output vector of length NB.	If the
	 routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BK
	 contains the functions K(ALPHA,X), ... , K(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
	 or the corresponding exponentially scaled functions.
	 If (0 < NCALC < NB), BK(I) contains correct function
	 values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
	 K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
 NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
	 Before using the vector BK, the user should check that
	 NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
	 the desired accuracy.	See error returns below.


 Error returns

  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all K's are
  calculated to the desired accuracy.

  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
	NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >= XMAX_BESS_K.
	In this case, the B-vector is not calculated,
	and NCALC is set to MIN0(NB,0)-2	 so that NCALC != NB.
  NCALC = -1:  Either  K(ALPHA,X) >= XINF  or
	K(ALPHA+NB-1,X)/K(ALPHA+NB-2,X) >= XINF.	 In this case,
	the B-vector is not calculated.	Note that again

  0 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
	be calculated accurately.  BK(I) contains correct function
	values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
	K(ALPHA+I-1,X)/K(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.

 Intrinsic functions required are:



	This program is based on a program written by J. B. Campbell
	(2) that computes values of the Bessel functions K of float
	argument and float order.  Modifications include the addition
	of non-scaled functions, parameterization of machine
	dependencies, and the use of more accurate approximations
	for SINH and SIN.

 References: "On Temme's Algorithm for the Modified Bessel
	      Functions of the Third Kind," Campbell, J. B.,
	      TOMS 6(4), Dec. 1980, pp. 581-586.

	     "A FORTRAN IV Subroutine for the Modified Bessel
	      Functions of the Third Kind of Real Order and Real
	      Argument," Campbell, J. B., Report NRC/ERB-925,
	      National Research Council, Canada.

  Latest modification: May 30, 1989

  Modified by: W. J. Cody and L. Stoltz
	       Applied Mathematics Division
	       Argonne National Laboratory
	       Argonne, IL  60439

     * Mathematical constants
     *	A = LOG(2) - Euler's constant
     *	D = SQRT(2/PI)
    const static double a = .11593151565841244881;

      P, Q - Approximation for LOG(GAMMA(1+ALPHA))/ALPHA + Euler's constant
      Coefficients converted from hex to decimal and modified
      by W. J. Cody, 2/26/82 */
    const static double p[8] = { .805629875690432845,20.4045500205365151,
	    730.923886650660393,229.299301509425145,.822467033424113231 };
    const static double q[7] = { 29.4601986247850434,277.577868510221208,
	    2210.63190113378647,572.267338359892221 };
    /* R, S - Approximation for (1-ALPHA*PI/SIN(ALPHA*PI))/(2.D0*ALPHA) */
    const static double r[5] = { -.48672575865218401848,13.079485869097804016,
	    3.495898124521934782e-4 };
    const static double s[4] = { -25.579105509976461286,212.57260432226544008,
	    -610.69018684944109624,422.69668805777760407 };
    /* T    - Approximation for SINH(Y)/Y */
    const static double t[6] = { 1.6125990452916363814e-10,
	    .16666666666666666446 };
    const static double estm[6] = { 52.0583,5.7607,2.7782,14.4303,185.3004, 9.3715 };
    const static double estf[7] = { 41.8341,7.1075,6.4306,42.511,1.35633,84.5096,20.};

    /* Local variables */
    long iend, i, j, k, m, ii, mplus1;
    double x2by4, twox, c, blpha, ratio, wminf;
    double d1, d2, d3, f0, f1, f2, p0, q0, t1, t2, twonu;
    double dm, ex, bk1, bk2, nu;

    ii = 0; /* -Wall */

    ex = *x;
    nu = *alpha;
    *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 2;
    if (*nb > 0 && (0. <= nu && nu < 1.) && (1 <= *ize && *ize <= 2)) {
	if(ex <= 0 || (*ize == 1 && ex > xmax_BESS_K)) {
	    if(ex <= 0) {
		if(ex < 0) ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "K_bessel");
		for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
		    bk[i] = ML_POSINF;
	    } else /* would only have underflow */
		for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
		    bk[i] = 0.;
	    *ncalc = *nb;
	k = 0;
	if (nu < sqxmin_BESS_K) {
	    nu = 0.;
	} else if (nu > .5) {
	    k = 1;
	    nu -= 1.;
	twonu = nu + nu;
	iend = *nb + k - 1;
	c = nu * nu;
	d3 = -c;
	if (ex <= 1.) {
	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculation of P0 = GAMMA(1+ALPHA) * (2/X)**ALPHA
			      Q0 = GAMMA(1-ALPHA) * (X/2)**ALPHA
	       ------------------------------------------------------------ */
	    d1 = 0.; d2 = p[0];
	    t1 = 1.; t2 = q[0];
	    for (i = 2; i <= 7; i += 2) {
		d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
		d2 = c * d2 + p[i];
		t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
		t2 = c * t2 + q[i];
	    d1 = nu * d1;
	    t1 = nu * t1;
	    f1 = log(ex);
	    f0 = a + nu * (p[7] - nu * (d1 + d2) / (t1 + t2)) - f1;
	    q0 = exp(-nu * (a - nu * (p[7] + nu * (d1-d2) / (t1-t2)) - f1));
	    f1 = nu * f0;
	    p0 = exp(f1);
	    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculation of F0 =
	       ----------------------------------------------------------- */
	    d1 = r[4];
	    t1 = 1.;
	    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		d1 = c * d1 + r[i];
		t1 = c * t1 + s[i];
	    /* d2 := sinh(f1)/ nu = sinh(f1)/(f1/f0)
	     *	   = f0 * sinh(f1)/f1 */
	    if (fabs(f1) <= .5) {
		f1 *= f1;
		d2 = 0.;
		for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
		    d2 = f1 * d2 + t[i];
		d2 = f0 + f0 * f1 * d2;
	    } else {
		d2 = sinh(f1) / nu;
	    f0 = d2 - nu * d1 / (t1 * p0);
	    if (ex <= 1e-10) {
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------
		   X <= 1.0E-10
		   Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
		   --------------------------------------------------------- */
		bk[0] = f0 + ex * f0;
		if (*ize == 1) {
		    bk[0] -= ex * bk[0];
		ratio = p0 / f0;
		c = ex * DBL_MAX;
		if (k != 0) {
		    /* ---------------------------------------------------
		       Calculation of K(ALPHA,X)
		       and  X*K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),	ALPHA >= 1/2
		       --------------------------------------------------- */
		    *ncalc = -1;
		    if (bk[0] >= c / ratio) {
		    bk[0] = ratio * bk[0] / ex;
		    twonu += 2.;
		    ratio = twonu;
		*ncalc = 1;
		if (*nb == 1)

		/* -----------------------------------------------------
		   Calculate  K(ALPHA+L,X)/K(ALPHA+L-1,X),
		   L = 1, 2, ... , NB-1
		   ----------------------------------------------------- */
		*ncalc = -1;
		for (i = 1; i < *nb; ++i) {
		    if (ratio >= c)

		    bk[i] = ratio / ex;
		    twonu += 2.;
		    ratio = twonu;
		*ncalc = 1;
		goto L420;
	    } else {
		/* ------------------------------------------------------
		   10^-10 < X <= 1.0
		   ------------------------------------------------------ */
		c = 1.;
		x2by4 = ex * ex / 4.;
		p0 = .5 * p0;
		q0 = .5 * q0;
		d1 = -1.;
		d2 = 0.;
		bk1 = 0.;
		bk2 = 0.;
		f1 = f0;
		f2 = p0;
		do {
		    d1 += 2.;
		    d2 += 1.;
		    d3 = d1 + d3;
		    c = x2by4 * c / d2;
		    f0 = (d2 * f0 + p0 + q0) / d3;
		    p0 /= d2 - nu;
		    q0 /= d2 + nu;
		    t1 = c * f0;
		    t2 = c * (p0 - d2 * f0);
		    bk1 += t1;
		    bk2 += t2;
		} while (fabs(t1 / (f1 + bk1)) > DBL_EPSILON ||
			 fabs(t2 / (f2 + bk2)) > DBL_EPSILON);
		bk1 = f1 + bk1;
		bk2 = 2. * (f2 + bk2) / ex;
		if (*ize == 2) {
		    d1 = exp(ex);
		    bk1 *= d1;
		    bk2 *= d1;
		wminf = estf[0] * ex + estf[1];
	} else if (DBL_EPSILON * ex > 1.) {
	    /* -------------------------------------------------
	       X > 1./EPS
	       ------------------------------------------------- */
	    *ncalc = *nb;
	    bk1 = 1. / (M_SQRT_2dPI * sqrt(ex));
	    for (i = 0; i < *nb; ++i)
		bk[i] = bk1;

	} else {
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------
	       X > 1.0
	       ------------------------------------------------------- */
	    twox = ex + ex;
	    blpha = 0.;
	    ratio = 0.;
	    if (ex <= 4.) {
		/* ----------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X),  1.0 <= X <= 4.0
		d2 = ftrunc(estm[0] / ex + estm[1]);
		m = (long) d2;
		d1 = d2 + d2;
		d2 -= .5;
		d2 *= d2;
		for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
		    d1 -= 2.;
		    d2 -= d1;
		    ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
		/* -----------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculation of I(|ALPHA|,X) and I(|ALPHA|+1,X) by backward
		   recurrence and K(ALPHA,X) from the wronskian
		d2 = ftrunc(estm[2] * ex + estm[3]);
		m = (long) d2;
		c = fabs(nu);
		d3 = c + c;
		d1 = d3 - 1.;
		f1 = DBL_MIN;
		f0 = (2. * (c + d2) / ex + .5 * ex / (c + d2 + 1.)) * DBL_MIN;
		for (i = 3; i <= m; ++i) {
		    d2 -= 1.;
		    f2 = (d3 + d2 + d2) * f0;
		    blpha = (1. + d1 / d2) * (f2 + blpha);
		    f2 = f2 / ex + f1;
		    f1 = f0;
		    f0 = f2;
		f1 = (d3 + 2.) * f0 / ex + f1;
		d1 = 0.;
		t1 = 1.;
		for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
		    d1 = c * d1 + p[i - 1];
		    t1 = c * t1 + q[i - 1];
		p0 = exp(c * (a + c * (p[7] - c * d1 / t1) - log(ex))) / ex;
		f2 = (c + .5 - ratio) * f1 / ex;
		bk1 = p0 + (d3 * f0 - f2 + f0 + blpha) / (f2 + f1 + f0) * p0;
		if (*ize == 1) {
		    bk1 *= exp(-ex);
		wminf = estf[2] * ex + estf[3];
	    } else {
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculation of K(ALPHA,X) and K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X), by
		   backward recurrence, for  X > 4.0
		dm = ftrunc(estm[4] / ex + estm[5]);
		m = (long) dm;
		d2 = dm - .5;
		d2 *= d2;
		d1 = dm + dm;
		for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
		    dm -= 1.;
		    d1 -= 2.;
		    d2 -= d1;
		    ratio = (d3 + d2) / (twox + d1 - ratio);
		    blpha = (ratio + ratio * blpha) / dm;
		bk1 = 1. / ((M_SQRT_2dPI + M_SQRT_2dPI * blpha) * sqrt(ex));
		if (*ize == 1)
		    bk1 *= exp(-ex);
		wminf = estf[4] * (ex - fabs(ex - estf[6])) + estf[5];
	    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculation of K(ALPHA+1,X)
	       from K(ALPHA,X) and  K(ALPHA+1,X)/K(ALPHA,X)
	       --------------------------------------------------------- */
	    bk2 = bk1 + bk1 * (nu + .5 - ratio) / ex;
	  Calculation of 'NCALC', K(ALPHA+I,X),	I  =  0, 1, ... , NCALC-1,
	  &	  K(ALPHA+I,X)/K(ALPHA+I-1,X),	I = NCALC, NCALC+1, ... , NB-1
	*ncalc = *nb;
	bk[0] = bk1;
	if (iend == 0)

	j = 1 - k;
	if (j >= 0)
	    bk[j] = bk2;

	if (iend == 1)

	m = min0((long) (wminf - nu),iend);
	for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
	    t1 = bk1;
	    bk1 = bk2;
	    twonu += 2.;
	    if (ex < 1.) {
		if (bk1 >= DBL_MAX / twonu * ex)
	    } else {
		if (bk1 / ex >= DBL_MAX / twonu)
	    bk2 = twonu / ex * bk1 + t1;
	    ii = i;
	    if (j >= 0) {
		bk[j] = bk2;

	m = ii;
	if (m == iend) {
	ratio = bk2 / bk1;
	mplus1 = m + 1;
	*ncalc = -1;
	for (i = mplus1; i <= iend; ++i) {
	    twonu += 2.;
	    ratio = twonu / ex + 1./ratio;
	    if (j >= 1) {
		bk[j] = ratio;
	    } else {
		if (bk2 >= DBL_MAX / ratio)

		bk2 *= ratio;
	*ncalc = max0(1, mplus1 - k);
	if (*ncalc == 1)
	    bk[0] = bk2;
	if (*nb == 1)

	for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i) { /* i == *ncalc */
#ifndef IEEE_754
	    if (bk[i-1] >= DBL_MAX / bk[i])
	    bk[i] *= bk[i-1];
コード例 #18
static void Y_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, long *nb,
		     double *by, long *ncalc)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 This routine calculates Bessel functions Y_(N+ALPHA) (X)
 for non-negative argument X, and non-negative order N+ALPHA.

 Explanation of variables in the calling sequence

 X     - Non-negative argument for which
	 Y's are to be calculated.
 ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
	 Y's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.0.
 NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB > 0.
	 The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
	 last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
 BY    - Output vector of length NB.	If the
	 routine terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector BY
	 contains the functions Y(ALPHA,X), ... , Y(NB-1+ALPHA,X),
	 If (0 < NCALC < NB), BY(I) contains correct function
	 values for I <= NCALC, and contains the ratios
	 Y(ALPHA+I-1,X)/Y(ALPHA+I-2,X) for the rest of the array.
 NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
	 Before using the vector BY, the user should check that
	 NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
	 the desired accuracy.	See error returns below.


 Error returns

  In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all Y's are
  calculated to the desired accuracy.

  NCALC < -1:  An argument is out of range. For example,
	NB <= 0, IZE is not 1 or 2, or IZE=1 and ABS(X) >=
	XMAX.  In this case, BY[0] = 0.0, the remainder of the
	BY-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
	MIN0(NB,0)-2  so that NCALC != NB.
  NCALC = -1:  Y(ALPHA,X) >= XINF.  The requested function
	values are set to 0.0.
  1 < NCALC < NB: Not all requested function values could
	be calculated accurately.  BY(I) contains correct function
	values for I <= NCALC, and and the remaining NB-NCALC
	array elements contain 0.0.

 Intrinsic functions required are:



	This program draws heavily on Temme's Algol program for Y(a,x)
	and Y(a+1,x) and on Campbell's programs for Y_nu(x).	Temme's
	scheme is used for  x < THRESH, and Campbell's scheme is used
	in the asymptotic region.  Segments of code from both sources
	have been translated into Fortran 77, merged, and heavily modified.
	Modifications include parameterization of machine dependencies,
	use of a new approximation for ln(gamma(x)), and built-in
	protection against over/underflow.

 References: "Bessel functions J_nu(x) and Y_nu(x) of float
	      order and float argument," Campbell, J. B.,
	      Comp. Phy. Comm. 18, 1979, pp. 133-142.

	     "On the numerical evaluation of the ordinary
	      Bessel function of the second kind," Temme,
	      N. M., J. Comput. Phys. 21, 1976, pp. 343-350.

  Latest modification: March 19, 1990

  Modified by: W. J. Cody
	       Applied Mathematics Division
	       Argonne National Laboratory
	       Argonne, IL  60439

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  Mathematical constants
    FIVPI = 5*PI
    PIM5 = 5*PI - 15
    const static double fivpi = 15.707963267948966192;
    const static double pim5	=   .70796326794896619231;

      Coefficients for Chebyshev polynomial expansion of
      1/gamma(1-x), abs(x) <= .5
    const static double ch[21] = { -6.7735241822398840964e-24,
	    -.28387654227602353814,.92187029365045265648 };

    /* Local variables */
    long i, k, na;

    double alfa, div, ddiv, even, gamma, term, cosmu, sinmu,
	b, c, d, e, f, g, h, p, q, r, s, d1, d2, q0, pa,pa1, qa,qa1,
	en, en1, nu, ex,  ya,ya1, twobyx, den, odd, aye, dmu, x2, xna;

    en1 = ya = ya1 = 0;		/* -Wall */

    ex = *x;
    nu = *alpha;
    if (*nb > 0 && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {
	if(ex < DBL_MIN || ex > xlrg_BESS_Y) {
	    /* Warning is not really appropriate, give
	     * proper limit:
	     * ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "Y_bessel"); */
	    *ncalc = *nb;
	    if(ex > xlrg_BESS_Y)  by[0]= 0.; /*was ML_POSINF */
	    else if(ex < DBL_MIN) by[0]=ML_NEGINF;
	    for(i=0; i < *nb; i++)
		by[i] = by[0];
	xna = ftrunc(nu + .5);
	na = (long) xna;
	if (na == 1) {/* <==>  .5 <= *alpha < 1	 <==>  -5. <= nu < 0 */
	    nu -= xna;
	if (nu == -.5) {
	    p = M_SQRT_2dPI / sqrt(ex);
	    ya = p * sin(ex);
	    ya1 = -p * cos(ex);
	} else if (ex < 3.) {
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
	       Use Temme's scheme for small X
	       ------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    b = ex * .5;
	    d = -log(b);
	    f = nu * d;
	    e = pow(b, -nu);
	    if (fabs(nu) < M_eps_sinc)
		c = M_1_PI;
		c = nu / sin(nu * M_PI);

	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	       Computation of sinh(f)/f
	       ------------------------------------------------------------ */
	    if (fabs(f) < 1.) {
		x2 = f * f;
		en = 19.;
		s = 1.;
		for (i = 1; i <= 9; ++i) {
		    s = s * x2 / en / (en - 1.) + 1.;
		    en -= 2.;
	    } else {
		s = (e - 1. / e) * .5 / f;
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------
	       Computation of 1/gamma(1-a) using Chebyshev polynomials */
	    x2 = nu * nu * 8.;
	    aye = ch[0];
	    even = 0.;
	    alfa = ch[1];
	    odd = 0.;
	    for (i = 3; i <= 19; i += 2) {
		even = -(aye + aye + even);
		aye = -even * x2 - aye + ch[i - 1];
		odd = -(alfa + alfa + odd);
		alfa = -odd * x2 - alfa + ch[i];
	    even = (even * .5 + aye) * x2 - aye + ch[20];
	    odd = (odd + alfa) * 2.;
	    gamma = odd * nu + even;
	    /* End of computation of 1/gamma(1-a)
	       ----------------------------------------------------------- */
	    g = e * gamma;
	    e = (e + 1. / e) * .5;
	    f = 2. * c * (odd * e + even * s * d);
	    e = nu * nu;
	    p = g * c;
	    q = M_1_PI / g;
	    c = nu * M_PI_2;
	    if (fabs(c) < M_eps_sinc)
		r = 1.;
		r = sin(c) / c;

	    r = M_PI * c * r * r;
	    c = 1.;
	    d = -b * b;
	    h = 0.;
	    ya = f + r * q;
	    ya1 = p;
	    en = 1.;

	    while (fabs(g / (1. + fabs(ya))) +
		   fabs(h / (1. + fabs(ya1))) > DBL_EPSILON) {
		f = (f * en + p + q) / (en * en - e);
		c *= (d / en);
		p /= en - nu;
		q /= en + nu;
		g = c * (f + r * q);
		h = c * p - en * g;
		ya += g;
		ya1+= h;
		en += 1.;
	    ya = -ya;
	    ya1 = -ya1 / b;
	} else if (ex < thresh_BESS_Y) {
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------------
	       Use Temme's scheme for moderate X :  3 <= x < 16
	       -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    c = (.5 - nu) * (.5 + nu);
	    b = ex + ex;
	    e = ex * M_1_PI * cos(nu * M_PI) / DBL_EPSILON;
	    e *= e;
	    p = 1.;
	    q = -ex;
	    r = 1. + ex * ex;
	    s = r;
	    en = 2.;
	    while (r * en * en < e) {
		en1 = en + 1.;
		d = (en - 1. + c / en) / s;
		p = (en + en - p * d) / en1;
		q = (-b + q * d) / en1;
		s = p * p + q * q;
		r *= s;
		en = en1;
	    f = p / s;
	    p = f;
	    g = -q / s;
	    q = g;
	    en -= 1.;
	    if (en > 0.) {
		r = en1 * (2. - p) - 2.;
		s = b + en1 * q;
		d = (en - 1. + c / en) / (r * r + s * s);
		p = d * r;
		q = d * s;
		e = f + 1.;
		f = p * e - g * q;
		g = q * e + p * g;
		en1 = en;
		goto L220;
	    f = 1. + f;
	    d = f * f + g * g;
	    pa = f / d;
	    qa = -g / d;
	    d = nu + .5 - p;
	    q += ex;
	    pa1 = (pa * q - qa * d) / ex;
	    qa1 = (qa * q + pa * d) / ex;
	    b = ex - M_PI_2 * (nu + .5);
	    c = cos(b);
	    s = sin(b);
	    d = M_SQRT_2dPI / sqrt(ex);
	    ya = d * (pa * s + qa * c);
	    ya1 = d * (qa1 * s - pa1 * c);
	} else { /* x > thresh_BESS_Y */
	    /* ----------------------------------------------------------
	       Use Campbell's asymptotic scheme.
	       ---------------------------------------------------------- */
	    na = 0;
	    d1 = ftrunc(ex / fivpi);
	    i = (long) d1;
	    dmu = ex - 15. * d1 - d1 * pim5 - (*alpha + .5) * M_PI_2;
	    if (i - (i / 2 << 1) == 0) {
		cosmu = cos(dmu);
		sinmu = sin(dmu);
	    } else {
		cosmu = -cos(dmu);
		sinmu = -sin(dmu);
	    ddiv = 8. * ex;
	    dmu = *alpha;
	    den = sqrt(ex);
	    for (k = 1; k <= 2; ++k) {
		p = cosmu;
		cosmu = sinmu;
		sinmu = -p;
		d1 = (2. * dmu - 1.) * (2. * dmu + 1.);
		d2 = 0.;
		div = ddiv;
		p = 0.;
		q = 0.;
		q0 = d1 / div;
		term = q0;
		for (i = 2; i <= 20; ++i) {
		    d2 += 8.;
		    d1 -= d2;
		    div += ddiv;
		    term = -term * d1 / div;
		    p += term;
		    d2 += 8.;
		    d1 -= d2;
		    div += ddiv;
		    term *= (d1 / div);
		    q += term;
		    if (fabs(term) <= DBL_EPSILON) {
		p += 1.;
		q += q0;
		if (k == 1)
		    ya = M_SQRT_2dPI * (p * cosmu - q * sinmu) / den;
		    ya1 = M_SQRT_2dPI * (p * cosmu - q * sinmu) / den;
		dmu += 1.;
	if (na == 1) {
	    h = 2. * (nu + 1.) / ex;
	    if (h > 1.) {
		if (fabs(ya1) > DBL_MAX / h) {
		    h = 0.;
		    ya = 0.;
	    h = h * ya1 - ya;
	    ya = ya1;
	    ya1 = h;

	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
	   Now have first one or two Y's
	   --------------------------------------------------------------- */
	by[0] = ya;
	*ncalc = 1;
	if(*nb > 1) {
	    by[1] = ya1;
	    if (ya1 != 0.) {
		aye = 1. + *alpha;
		twobyx = 2. / ex;
		*ncalc = 2;
		for (i = 2; i < *nb; ++i) {
		    if (twobyx < 1.) {
			if (fabs(by[i - 1]) * twobyx >= DBL_MAX / aye)
			    goto L450;
		    } else {
			if (fabs(by[i - 1]) >= DBL_MAX / aye / twobyx)
			    goto L450;
		    by[i] = twobyx * aye * by[i - 1] - by[i - 2];
		    aye += 1.;
	for (i = *ncalc; i < *nb; ++i)
	    by[i] = ML_NEGINF;/* was 0 */

    } else {
	by[0] = 0.;
	*ncalc = imin2(*nb,0) - 1;
コード例 #19
ファイル: bessel_j.c プロジェクト: 6e441f9c/julia
static void J_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, long *nb,
		     double *b, long *ncalc)
 Calculates Bessel functions J_{n+alpha} (x)
 for non-negative argument x, and non-negative order n+alpha, n = 0,1,..,nb-1.

  Explanation of variables in the calling sequence.

 X     - Non-negative argument for which J's are to be calculated.
 ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which
	 J's are to be calculated.  0 <= ALPHA < 1.
 NB    - Number of functions to be calculated, NB >= 1.
	 The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the
	 last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA).
 B     - Output vector of length NB.  If RJBESL
	 terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector B contains the
	 functions J/ALPHA/(X) through J/NB-1+ALPHA/(X).
 NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors.
	 Before using the vector B, the user should check that
	 NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to
	 the desired accuracy.	See the following


 Error return codes

    In case of an error,  NCALC != NB, and not all J's are
    calculated to the desired accuracy.

    NCALC < 0:	An argument is out of range. For example,
       NBES <= 0, ALPHA < 0 or > 1, or X is too large.
       In this case, b[1] is set to zero, the remainder of the
       B-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to
       MIN(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB.

    NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could
       be calculated accurately.  This usually occurs because NB is
       much larger than ABS(X).	 In this case, b[N] is calculated
       to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision
       is lost for NCALC < N <= NB.  If b[N] does not vanish
       for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented),
       and b[N]/b[NCALC] = 10^(-K), then only the first NSIG - K
       significant figures of b[N] can be trusted.


	This program is based on a program written by David J. Sookne
	(2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or I of float
	argument and long order.  Modifications include the restriction
	of the computation to the J Bessel function of non-negative float
	argument, the extension of the computation to arbitrary positive
	order, and the elimination of most underflow.


	Olver, F.W.J., and Sookne, D.J. (1972)
	"A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms";
	Math. Comp. 26, 941-947.

	Sookne, D.J. (1973)
	"Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order";
	NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 125-132.

  Latest modification: March 19, 1990

  Author: W. J. Cody
	  Applied Mathematics Division
	  Argonne National Laboratory
	  Argonne, IL  60439

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  Mathematical constants

   PI2	  = 2 / PI
   TWOPI1 = first few significant digits of 2 * PI
   TWOPI2 = (2*PI - TWOPI1) to working precision, i.e.,
	    TWOPI1 + TWOPI2 = 2 * PI to extra precision.
 --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const static double pi2 = .636619772367581343075535;
    const static double twopi1 = 6.28125;
    const static double twopi2 =  .001935307179586476925286767;

 *  Factorial(N)
 *--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const static double fact[25] = { 1.,1.,2.,6.,24.,120.,720.,5040.,40320.,
	    6.2044840173323943936e23 };

    /* Local variables */
    long nend, intx, nbmx, i, j, k, l, m, n, nstart;

    double nu, twonu, capp, capq, pold, vcos, test, vsin;
    double p, s, t, z, alpem, halfx, aa, bb, cc, psave, plast;
    double tover, t1, alp2em, em, en, xc, xk, xm, psavel, gnu, xin, sum;

    /* Parameter adjustment */

    nu = *alpha;
    twonu = nu + nu;

      Check for out of range arguments.
    if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) {

	*ncalc = *nb;
	if(*x > xlrg_BESS_IJ) {
	    ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "J_bessel");
	    /* indeed, the limit is 0,
	     * but the cutoff happens too early */
	    for(i=1; i <= *nb; i++)
		b[i] = 0.; /*was ML_POSINF (really nonsense) */
	intx = (long) (*x);
	/* Initialize result array to zero. */
	for (i = 1; i <= *nb; ++i)
	    b[i] = 0.;

	  Branch into  3 cases :
	  1) use 2-term ascending series for small X
	  2) use asymptotic form for large X when NB is not too large
	  3) use recursion otherwise

	if (*x < rtnsig_BESS) {
	  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
	     Two-term ascending series for small X.
	     --------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    alpem = 1. + nu;

	    halfx = (*x > enmten_BESS) ? .5 * *x :  0.;
	    aa	  = (nu != 0.)	  ? pow(halfx, nu) / (nu * gamma_cody(nu)) : 1.;
	    bb	  = (*x + 1. > 1.)? -halfx * halfx : 0.;
	    b[1] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
	    if (*x != 0. && b[1] == 0.)
		*ncalc = 0;

	    if (*nb != 1) {
		if (*x <= 0.) {
		    for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n)
			b[n] = 0.;
		else {
		    /* ----------------------------------------------
		       Calculate higher order functions.
		       ---------------------------------------------- */
		    if (bb == 0.)
			tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x;
			tover = enmten_BESS / bb;
		    cc = halfx;
		    for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) {
			aa /= alpem;
			alpem += 1.;
			aa *= cc;
			if (aa <= tover * alpem)
			    aa = 0.;

			b[n] = aa + aa * bb / alpem;
			if (b[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n)
			    *ncalc = n - 1;
	} else if (*x > 25. && *nb <= intx + 1) {
	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
	       Asymptotic series for X > 25 (and not too large nb)
	       ------------------------------------------------------------ */
	    xc = sqrt(pi2 / *x);
	    xin = 1 / (64 * *x * *x);
	    if (*x >= 130.)	m = 4;
	    else if (*x >= 35.) m = 8;
	    else		m = 11;
	    xm = 4. * (double) m;
	    /* ------------------------------------------------
	       Argument reduction for SIN and COS routines.
	       ------------------------------------------------ */
	    t = ftrunc(*x / (twopi1 + twopi2) + .5);
	    z = (*x - t * twopi1) - t * twopi2 - (nu + .5) / pi2;
	    vsin = sin(z);
	    vcos = cos(z);
	    gnu = twonu;
	    for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
		s = (xm - 1. - gnu) * (xm - 1. + gnu) * xin * .5;
		t = (gnu - (xm - 3.)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.));
		t1= (gnu - (xm + 1.)) * (gnu + (xm + 1.));
		k = m + m;
		capp = s * t / fact[k];
		capq = s * t1/ fact[k + 1];
		xk = xm;
		for (; k >= 4; k -= 2) {/* k + 2(j-2) == 2m */
		    xk -= 4.;
		    s = (xk - 1. - gnu) * (xk - 1. + gnu);
		    t1 = t;
		    t = (gnu - (xk - 3.)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.));
		    capp = (capp + 1. / fact[k - 2]) * s * t  * xin;
		    capq = (capq + 1. / fact[k - 1]) * s * t1 * xin;

		capp += 1.;
		capq = (capq + 1.) * (gnu * gnu - 1.) * (.125 / *x);
		b[i] = xc * (capp * vcos - capq * vsin);
		if (*nb == 1)

		/* vsin <--> vcos */ t = vsin; vsin = -vcos; vcos = t;
		gnu += 2.;
	    /* -----------------------------------------------
	       If  NB > 2, compute J(X,ORDER+I)	for I = 2, NB-1
	       ----------------------------------------------- */
	    if (*nb > 2)
		for (gnu = twonu + 2., j = 3; j <= *nb; j++, gnu += 2.)
		    b[j] = gnu * b[j - 1] / *x - b[j - 2];
	else {
	    /* rtnsig_BESS <= x && ( x <= 25 || intx+1 < *nb ) :
	       Use recurrence to generate results.
	       First initialize the calculation of P*S.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    nbmx = *nb - intx;
	    n = intx + 1;
	    en = (double)(n + n) + twonu;
	    plast = 1.;
	    p = en / *x;
	    /* ---------------------------------------------------
	       Calculate general significance test.
	       --------------------------------------------------- */
	    test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS;
	    if (nbmx >= 3) {
		/* ------------------------------------------------------------
		   Calculate P*S until N = NB-1.  Check for possible overflow.
		   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
		tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS;
		nstart = intx + 2;
		nend = *nb - 1;
		en = (double) (nstart + nstart) - 2. + twonu;
		for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) {
		    n = k;
		    en += 2.;
		    pold = plast;
		    plast = p;
		    p = en * plast / *x - pold;
		    if (p > tover) {
			/* -------------------------------------------
			   To avoid overflow, divide P*S by TOVER.
			   Calculate P*S until ABS(P) > 1.
			tover = enten_BESS;
			p /= tover;
			plast /= tover;
			psave = p;
			psavel = plast;
			nstart = n + 1;
			do {
			    en += 2.;
			    pold = plast;
			    plast = p;
			    p = en * plast / *x - pold;
			} while (p <= 1.);

			bb = en / *x;
			/* -----------------------------------------------
			   Calculate backward test and find NCALC,
			   the highest N such that the test is passed.
			   ----------------------------------------------- */
			test = pold * plast * (.5 - .5 / (bb * bb));
			test /= ensig_BESS;
			p = plast * tover;
			en -= 2.;
			nend = imin2(*nb,n);
			for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) {
			    pold = psavel;
			    psavel = psave;
			    psave = en * psavel / *x - pold;
			    if (psave * psavel > test) {
				*ncalc = l - 1;
				goto L190;
			*ncalc = nend;
			goto L190;
		n = nend;
		en = (double) (n + n) + twonu;
		/* -----------------------------------------------------
		   Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2.
		test = fmax2(test, sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * sqrt(p + p));
	    /* ------------------------------------------------
	       Calculate P*S until significance test passes. */
	    do {
		en += 2.;
		pold = plast;
		plast = p;
		p = en * plast / *x - pold;
	    } while (p < test);

	      Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum.
	      --------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    en += 2.;
	    bb = 0.;
	    aa = 1. / p;
	    m = n / 2;
	    em = (double)m;
	    m = (n << 1) - (m << 2);/* = 2 n - 4 (n/2)
				       = 0 for even, 2 for odd n */
	    if (m == 0)
		sum = 0.;
	    else {
		alpem = em - 1. + nu;
		alp2em = em + em + nu;
		sum = aa * alpem * alp2em / em;
	    nend = n - *nb;
	    /* if (nend > 0) */
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------
	       Recur backward via difference equation, calculating
	       (but not storing) b[N], until N = NB.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) {
		en -= 2.;
		cc = bb;
		bb = aa;
		aa = en * bb / *x - cc;
		m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
		if (m != 0) {
		    em -= 1.;
		    alp2em = em + em + nu;
		    if (n == 1)

		    alpem = em - 1. + nu;
		    if (alpem == 0.)
			alpem = 1.;
		    sum = (sum + aa * alp2em) * alpem / em;
	      Store b[NB].
	    b[n] = aa;
	    if (nend >= 0) {
		if (*nb <= 1) {
		    if (nu + 1. == 1.)
			alp2em = 1.;
			alp2em = nu;
		    sum += b[1] * alp2em;
		    goto L250;
		else {/*-- nb >= 2 : ---------------------------
			Calculate and store b[NB-1].
		    en -= 2.;
		    b[n] = en * aa / *x - bb;
		    if (n == 1)
			goto L240;

		    m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
		    if (m != 0) {
			em -= 1.;
			alp2em = em + em + nu;
			alpem = em - 1. + nu;
			if (alpem == 0.)
			    alpem = 1.;
			sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;

	    /* if (n - 2 != 0) */
	    /* --------------------------------------------------------
	       Calculate via difference equation and store b[N],
	       until N = 2.
	       -------------------------------------------------------- */
	    for (n = n-1; n >= 2; n--) {
		en -= 2.;
		b[n] = en * b[n + 1] / *x - b[n + 2];
		m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */
		if (m != 0) {
		    em -= 1.;
		    alp2em = em + em + nu;
		    alpem = em - 1. + nu;
		    if (alpem == 0.)
			alpem = 1.;
		    sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em;
	    /* ---------------------------------------
	       Calculate b[1].
	    b[1] = 2. * (nu + 1.) * b[2] / *x - b[3];

	    em -= 1.;
	    alp2em = em + em + nu;
	    if (alp2em == 0.)
		alp2em = 1.;
	    sum += b[1] * alp2em;

	    /* ---------------------------------------------------
	       Normalize.  Divide all b[N] by sum.
/*	    if (nu + 1. != 1.) poor test */
	    if(fabs(nu) > 1e-15)
		sum *= (gamma_cody(nu) * pow(.5* *x, -nu));

	    aa = enmten_BESS;
	    if (sum > 1.)
		aa *= sum;
	    for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) {
		if (fabs(b[n]) < aa)
		    b[n] = 0.;
		    b[n] /= sum;

    else {
      /* Error return -- X, NB, or ALPHA is out of range : */
	b[1] = 0.;
	*ncalc = imin2(*nb,0) - 1;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ratcalc.c プロジェクト: Nersle/skype_part3_source
static void equals(int no)
{ /* perform binary operation */
    BOOL pop;
    while (pop)
        if (prec(no)>prop[sp])
        { /* if higher precedence, keep this one pending */
            if (sp==top)
            else sp++;
        if (flag && op[sp]!=3 && op[sp]!=0) swap();
        switch (op[sp])
        case 7: fdiv(x,y[sp],t);
        case 6: fpowf(x,y[sp],x);
        case 5: frecip(y[sp],t);
        case 4: fdiv(x,y[sp],x);
        case 3: fmul(x,y[sp],x);
        case 2: fsub(x,y[sp],x);
        case 1: fadd(x,y[sp],x);
        case 0: break;
        if (sp>0 && (prec(no)<=prop[sp-1])) sp--;
        else pop=FALSE;