fz_error pdf_parse_stm_obj(fz_obj **op, pdf_xref *xref, fz_stream *file, char *buf, int cap) { fz_error error; int tok; int len; error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse token in object stream"); switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: error = pdf_parse_array(op, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse object stream"); break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: error = pdf_parse_dict(op, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse object stream"); break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: *op = fz_new_name(buf); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: *op = fz_new_real(fz_atof(buf)); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: *op = fz_new_string(buf, len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: *op = fz_new_bool(1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: *op = fz_new_bool(0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: *op = fz_new_null(); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: *op = fz_new_int(atoi(buf)); break; default: return fz_throw("unknown token in object stream"); } return fz_okay; }
pdf_obj * pdf_parse_stm_obj(pdf_document *xref, fz_stream *file, pdf_lexbuf *buf) { int tok; fz_context *ctx = file->ctx; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: return pdf_parse_array(xref, file, buf); case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: return pdf_parse_dict(xref, file, buf); case PDF_TOK_NAME: return fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: return pdf_new_real(ctx, buf->f); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: return pdf_new_string(ctx, buf->scratch, buf->len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: return pdf_new_bool(ctx, 1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: return pdf_new_bool(ctx, 0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: return pdf_new_null(ctx); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: return pdf_new_int(ctx, buf->i); break; default: fz_throw(ctx, "unknown token in object stream"); } return NULL; /* Stupid MSVC */ }
pdf_obj * pdf_to_utf8_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *src) { char *buf = pdf_to_utf8(ctx, src); pdf_obj *dst = fz_new_name(ctx, buf); fz_free(ctx, buf); return dst; }
fz_obj * pdf_to_utf8_name(fz_obj *src) { char *buf = pdf_to_utf8(src); fz_obj *dst = fz_new_name(buf); fz_free(buf); return dst; }
static void addhexfilter(fz_obj *dict) { fz_obj *f, *dp, *newf, *newdp; fz_obj *ahx, *nullobj; ahx = fz_new_name(ctx, "ASCIIHexDecode"); nullobj = fz_new_null(ctx); newf = newdp = NULL; f = fz_dict_gets(dict, "Filter"); dp = fz_dict_gets(dict, "DecodeParms"); if (fz_is_name(f)) { newf = fz_new_array(ctx, 2); fz_array_push(newf, ahx); fz_array_push(newf, f); f = newf; if (fz_is_dict(dp)) { newdp = fz_new_array(ctx, 2); fz_array_push(newdp, nullobj); fz_array_push(newdp, dp); dp = newdp; } } else if (fz_is_array(f)) { fz_array_insert(f, ahx); if (fz_is_array(dp)) fz_array_insert(dp, nullobj); } else f = ahx; fz_dict_puts(dict, "Filter", f); if (dp) fz_dict_puts(dict, "DecodeParms", dp); fz_drop_obj(ahx); fz_drop_obj(nullobj); if (newf) fz_drop_obj(newf); if (newdp) fz_drop_obj(newdp); }
pdf_obj * pdf_parse_ind_obj(pdf_document *xref, fz_stream *file, pdf_lexbuf *buf, int *onum, int *ogen, int *ostmofs) { pdf_obj *obj = NULL; int num = 0, gen = 0, stm_ofs; int tok; int a, b; fz_context *ctx = file->ctx; fz_var(obj); tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); /* RJW: cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ if (tok != PDF_TOK_INT) fz_throw(ctx, "expected object number (%d %d R)", num, gen); num = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); /* RJW: "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ if (tok != PDF_TOK_INT) fz_throw(ctx, "expected generation number (%d %d R)", num, gen); gen = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); /* RJW: "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ if (tok != PDF_TOK_OBJ) fz_throw(ctx, "expected 'obj' keyword (%d %d R)", num, gen); tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); /* RJW: "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: obj = pdf_parse_array(xref, file, buf); /* RJW: "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: obj = pdf_parse_dict(xref, file, buf); /* RJW: "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: obj = fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: obj = pdf_new_real(ctx, buf->f); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: obj = pdf_new_string(ctx, buf->scratch, buf->len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: obj = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: obj = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: obj = pdf_new_null(ctx); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: a = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); /* "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen */ if (tok == PDF_TOK_STREAM || tok == PDF_TOK_ENDOBJ) { obj = pdf_new_int(ctx, a); goto skip; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT) { b = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); /* RJW: "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); */ if (tok == PDF_TOK_R) { obj = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, a, b, xref); break; } } fz_throw(ctx, "expected 'R' keyword (%d %d R)", num, gen); case PDF_TOK_ENDOBJ: obj = pdf_new_null(ctx); goto skip; default: fz_throw(ctx, "syntax error in object (%d %d R)", num, gen); } fz_try(ctx) { tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(obj); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); } skip: if (tok == PDF_TOK_STREAM) { int c = fz_read_byte(file); while (c == ' ') c = fz_read_byte(file); if (c == '\r') { c = fz_peek_byte(file); if (c != '\n') fz_warn(ctx, "line feed missing after stream begin marker (%d %d R)", num, gen); else fz_read_byte(file); } stm_ofs = fz_tell(file); } else if (tok == PDF_TOK_ENDOBJ) { stm_ofs = 0; } else { fz_warn(ctx, "expected 'endobj' or 'stream' keyword (%d %d R)", num, gen); stm_ofs = 0; } if (onum) *onum = num; if (ogen) *ogen = gen; if (ostmofs) *ostmofs = stm_ofs; return obj; }
pdf_obj * pdf_parse_dict(pdf_document *xref, fz_stream *file, pdf_lexbuf *buf) { pdf_obj *dict; pdf_obj *key = NULL; pdf_obj *val = NULL; int tok; int a, b; fz_context *ctx = file->ctx; dict = pdf_new_dict(ctx, 8); fz_var(key); fz_var(val); fz_try(ctx) { while (1) { tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); skip: if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT) break; /* for BI .. ID .. EI in content streams */ if (tok == PDF_TOK_KEYWORD && !strcmp(buf->scratch, "ID")) break; if (tok != PDF_TOK_NAME) fz_throw(ctx, "invalid key in dict"); key = fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: /* cf. http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=1643 */ fz_try(ctx) { val = pdf_parse_array(xref, file, buf); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring broken array for '%s'", pdf_to_name(key)); pdf_drop_obj(key); val = key = NULL; do tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); while (tok != PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT && tok != PDF_TOK_CLOSE_ARRAY && tok != PDF_TOK_EOF && tok != PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY && tok != PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT); if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT) goto skip; if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_ARRAY) continue; fz_throw(ctx, "cannot make sense of broken array after all"); } break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: val = pdf_parse_dict(xref, file, buf); break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: val = fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: val = pdf_new_real(ctx, buf->f); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: val = pdf_new_string(ctx, buf->scratch, buf->len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: val = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: val = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: val = pdf_new_null(ctx); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: /* 64-bit to allow for numbers > INT_MAX and overflow */ a = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT || tok == PDF_TOK_NAME || (tok == PDF_TOK_KEYWORD && !strcmp(buf->scratch, "ID"))) { val = pdf_new_int(ctx, a); fz_dict_put(dict, key, val); pdf_drop_obj(val); val = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(key); key = NULL; goto skip; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT) { b = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); if (tok == PDF_TOK_R) { val = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, a, b, xref); break; } } fz_throw(ctx, "invalid indirect reference in dict"); default: fz_throw(ctx, "unknown token in dict"); } fz_dict_put(dict, key, val); pdf_drop_obj(val); val = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(key); key = NULL; } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(dict); pdf_drop_obj(key); pdf_drop_obj(val); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot parse dict"); } return dict; }
pdf_obj * pdf_parse_array(pdf_document *xref, fz_stream *file, pdf_lexbuf *buf) { pdf_obj *ary = NULL; pdf_obj *obj = NULL; int a = 0, b = 0, n = 0; int tok; fz_context *ctx = file->ctx; pdf_obj *op; fz_var(obj); ary = pdf_new_array(ctx, 4); fz_try(ctx) { while (1) { tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); if (tok != PDF_TOK_INT && tok != PDF_TOK_R) { if (n > 0) { obj = pdf_new_int(ctx, a); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; } if (n > 1) { obj = pdf_new_int(ctx, b); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; } n = 0; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT && n == 2) { obj = pdf_new_int(ctx, a); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; a = b; n --; } switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_CLOSE_ARRAY: op = ary; goto end; case PDF_TOK_INT: if (n == 0) a = buf->i; if (n == 1) b = buf->i; n ++; break; case PDF_TOK_R: if (n != 2) fz_throw(ctx, "cannot parse indirect reference in array"); obj = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, a, b, xref); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; n = 0; break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: obj = pdf_parse_array(xref, file, buf); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: obj = pdf_parse_dict(xref, file, buf); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: obj = fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: obj = pdf_new_real(ctx, buf->f); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: obj = pdf_new_string(ctx, buf->scratch, buf->len); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: obj = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 1); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: obj = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 0); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: obj = pdf_new_null(ctx); pdf_array_push(ary, obj); pdf_drop_obj(obj); obj = NULL; break; default: fz_throw(ctx, "cannot parse token in array"); } } end: {} } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(obj); pdf_drop_obj(ary); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot parse array"); } return op; }
pdf_obj * pdf_parse_dict(pdf_document *xref, fz_stream *file, pdf_lexbuf *buf) { pdf_obj *dict; pdf_obj *key = NULL; pdf_obj *val = NULL; int tok; int a, b; fz_context *ctx = file->ctx; dict = pdf_new_dict(ctx, 8); fz_var(key); fz_var(val); fz_try(ctx) { while (1) { tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); skip: if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT) break; /* for BI .. ID .. EI in content streams */ if (tok == PDF_TOK_KEYWORD && !strcmp(buf->scratch, "ID")) break; if (tok != PDF_TOK_NAME) fz_throw(ctx, "invalid key in dict"); key = fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: val = pdf_parse_array(xref, file, buf); break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: val = pdf_parse_dict(xref, file, buf); break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: val = fz_new_name(ctx, buf->scratch); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: val = pdf_new_real(ctx, buf->f); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: val = pdf_new_string(ctx, buf->scratch, buf->len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: val = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: val = pdf_new_bool(ctx, 0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: val = pdf_new_null(ctx); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: /* 64-bit to allow for numbers > INT_MAX and overflow */ a = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT || tok == PDF_TOK_NAME || (tok == PDF_TOK_KEYWORD && !strcmp(buf->scratch, "ID"))) { val = pdf_new_int(ctx, a); pdf_dict_put(dict, key, val); pdf_drop_obj(val); val = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(key); key = NULL; goto skip; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT) { b = buf->i; tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); if (tok == PDF_TOK_R) { val = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, a, b, xref); break; } } fz_throw(ctx, "invalid indirect reference in dict"); default: fz_throw(ctx, "unknown token in dict"); } pdf_dict_put(dict, key, val); pdf_drop_obj(val); val = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(key); key = NULL; } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(dict); pdf_drop_obj(key); pdf_drop_obj(val); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot parse dict"); } return dict; }
fz_error pdf_parse_ind_obj(fz_obj **op, pdf_xref *xref, fz_stream *file, char *buf, int cap, int *onum, int *ogen, int *ostmofs) { fz_error error = fz_okay; fz_obj *obj = NULL; int num = 0, gen = 0, stm_ofs; int tok; int len; int a, b; error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); if (tok != PDF_TOK_INT) return fz_throw("expected object number (%d %d R)", num, gen); num = atoi(buf); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); if (tok != PDF_TOK_INT) return fz_throw("expected generation number (%d %d R)", num, gen); gen = atoi(buf); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); if (tok != PDF_TOK_OBJ) return fz_throw("expected 'obj' keyword (%d %d R)", num, gen); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: error = pdf_parse_array(&obj, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: error = pdf_parse_dict(&obj, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: obj = fz_new_name(buf); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: obj = fz_new_real(fz_atof(buf)); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: obj = fz_new_string(buf, len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: obj = fz_new_bool(1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: obj = fz_new_bool(0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: obj = fz_new_null(); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: a = atoi(buf); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); if (tok == PDF_TOK_STREAM || tok == PDF_TOK_ENDOBJ) { obj = fz_new_int(a); goto skip; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT) { b = atoi(buf); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); if (tok == PDF_TOK_R) { obj = fz_new_indirect(a, b, xref); break; } } return fz_throw("expected 'R' keyword (%d %d R)", num, gen); case PDF_TOK_ENDOBJ: obj = fz_new_null(); goto skip; default: return fz_throw("syntax error in object (%d %d R)", num, gen); } error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(obj); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse indirect object (%d %d R)", num, gen); } skip: if (tok == PDF_TOK_STREAM) { int c = fz_read_byte(file); while (c == ' ') c = fz_read_byte(file); if (c == '\r') { c = fz_peek_byte(file); if (c != '\n') fz_warn("line feed missing after stream begin marker (%d %d R)", num, gen); else fz_read_byte(file); } stm_ofs = fz_tell(file); } else if (tok == PDF_TOK_ENDOBJ) { stm_ofs = 0; } else { fz_warn("expected 'endobj' or 'stream' keyword (%d %d R)", num, gen); stm_ofs = 0; } if (onum) *onum = num; if (ogen) *ogen = gen; if (ostmofs) *ostmofs = stm_ofs; *op = obj; return fz_okay; }
fz_error pdf_parse_dict(fz_obj **op, pdf_xref *xref, fz_stream *file, char *buf, int cap) { fz_error error = fz_okay; fz_obj *dict = NULL; fz_obj *key = NULL; fz_obj *val = NULL; int tok; int len; int a, b; dict = fz_new_dict(8); while (1) { error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse dict"); } skip: if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT) { *op = dict; return fz_okay; } /* for BI .. ID .. EI in content streams */ if (tok == PDF_TOK_KEYWORD && !strcmp(buf, "ID")) { *op = dict; return fz_okay; } if (tok != PDF_TOK_NAME) { fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_throw("invalid key in dict"); } key = fz_new_name(buf); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse dict"); } switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: error = pdf_parse_array(&val, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse dict"); } break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: error = pdf_parse_dict(&val, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse dict"); } break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: val = fz_new_name(buf); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: val = fz_new_real(fz_atof(buf)); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: val = fz_new_string(buf, len); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: val = fz_new_bool(1); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: val = fz_new_bool(0); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: val = fz_new_null(); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: /* 64-bit to allow for numbers > INT_MAX and overflow */ a = (int) strtoll(buf, 0, 10); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse dict"); } if (tok == PDF_TOK_CLOSE_DICT || tok == PDF_TOK_NAME || (tok == PDF_TOK_KEYWORD && !strcmp(buf, "ID"))) { val = fz_new_int(a); fz_dict_put(dict, key, val); fz_drop_obj(val); fz_drop_obj(key); goto skip; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT) { b = atoi(buf); error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse dict"); } if (tok == PDF_TOK_R) { val = fz_new_indirect(a, b, xref); break; } } fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_throw("invalid indirect reference in dict"); default: fz_drop_obj(key); fz_drop_obj(dict); return fz_throw("unknown token in dict"); } fz_dict_put(dict, key, val); fz_drop_obj(val); fz_drop_obj(key); } }
fz_error pdf_parse_array(fz_obj **op, pdf_xref *xref, fz_stream *file, char *buf, int cap) { fz_error error = fz_okay; fz_obj *ary = NULL; fz_obj *obj = NULL; int a = 0, b = 0, n = 0; int tok; int len; ary = fz_new_array(4); while (1) { error = pdf_lex(&tok, file, buf, cap, &len); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(ary); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse array"); } if (tok != PDF_TOK_INT && tok != PDF_TOK_R) { if (n > 0) { obj = fz_new_int(a); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); } if (n > 1) { obj = fz_new_int(b); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); } n = 0; } if (tok == PDF_TOK_INT && n == 2) { obj = fz_new_int(a); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); a = b; n --; } switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_CLOSE_ARRAY: *op = ary; return fz_okay; case PDF_TOK_INT: if (n == 0) a = atoi(buf); if (n == 1) b = atoi(buf); n ++; break; case PDF_TOK_R: if (n != 2) { fz_drop_obj(ary); return fz_throw("cannot parse indirect reference in array"); } obj = fz_new_indirect(a, b, xref); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); n = 0; break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: error = pdf_parse_array(&obj, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(ary); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse array"); } fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: error = pdf_parse_dict(&obj, xref, file, buf, cap); if (error) { fz_drop_obj(ary); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot parse array"); } fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: obj = fz_new_name(buf); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: obj = fz_new_real(fz_atof(buf)); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: obj = fz_new_string(buf, len); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_TRUE: obj = fz_new_bool(1); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_FALSE: obj = fz_new_bool(0); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; case PDF_TOK_NULL: obj = fz_new_null(); fz_array_push(ary, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); break; default: fz_drop_obj(ary); return fz_throw("cannot parse token in array"); } } }