int NeroMonteCarlo::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent){ if ( iEvent.isRealData() ) return 0; isRealData = iEvent.isRealData() ? 1 : 0 ; // private, not the one in the tree TStopwatch sw; if(VERBOSE)sw.Start(); // maybe handle should be taken before iEvent.getByToken(info_token, info_handle); iEvent.getByToken(packed_token, packed_handle); iEvent.getByToken(pruned_token, pruned_handle); iEvent.getByToken(pu_token, pu_handle); iEvent.getByToken(jet_token, jet_handle); if ( not info_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] info_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not packed_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] packed_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not pruned_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] pruned_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not pu_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] pu_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not jet_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] jet_handle is not valid"<<endl; if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] getToken took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // INFO if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] mcWeight="<<endl; mcWeight = info_handle -> weight(); if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<" mcWeight="<<mcWeight<<endl; //weights() //--- scale if ( info_handle -> weights() .size() >= 9){ r1f2 = info_handle -> weights() [1] ; r1f5 = info_handle -> weights() [2] ; r2f1 = info_handle -> weights() [3] ; r2f2 = info_handle -> weights() [4] ; r5f1 = info_handle -> weights() [6] ; r5f5 = info_handle -> weights() [8] ; } if (info_handle -> weights().size() > 109) for( int pdfw = 9 ; pdfw<109 ;++pdfw) { pdfRwgt -> push_back( info_handle -> weights() [pdfw] ); } // --- fill pdf Weights // if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] PDF="<<endl; if ( mParticleGun ) { qScale = -999 ; alphaQED = -999 ; alphaQCD = -999 ; x1 = -999 ; x2 = -999 ; pdf1Id = -999 ; pdf2Id = -999 ; scalePdf = -999 ; } else { qScale = info_handle -> qScale(); alphaQED = info_handle -> alphaQED(); alphaQCD = info_handle -> alphaQCD(); x1 = info_handle -> pdf() -> x.first; x2 = info_handle -> pdf() -> x.second; pdf1Id = info_handle -> pdf() -> id.first; pdf2Id = info_handle -> pdf() -> id.second; scalePdf = info_handle -> pdf() -> scalePDF; } if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<" PDF="<<qScale<<" "<< alphaQED<<endl; //PU if(VERBOSE>1){ cout<<endl<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] PU LOOP"<<endl;} puTrueInt = 0; for(const auto & pu : *pu_handle) { //Intime if (pu.getBunchCrossing() == 0) puTrueInt += pu.getTrueNumInteractions(); //puInt += getPU_NumInteractions(); //old //Out-of-time } if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] pu&info took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // GEN PARTICLES //TLorentzVector genmet(0,0,0,0); //for ( auto & gen : *packed_handle) for ( unsigned int i=0;i < packed_handle->size() ;++i) { const auto gen = & (*packed_handle)[i]; if (gen->pt() < 5 ) continue; if (gen->pt() < mMinGenParticlePt ) continue; int pdg = gen->pdgId(); int apdg = abs(pdg); //neutrinos // --- if ( (apdg != 12 and apdg !=14 and apdg != 16 // --- and apdg > 1000000 neutrinos and neutralinos // --- )//SUSY // --- and fabs(gen->eta() ) <4.7 // --- ) // --- { // --- TLorentzVector tmp( gen->px(),gen->py(),gen->pz(),gen->energy() ); // --- genmet += tmp; // --- } // --- genmet = -genmet; //FILL // e mu photons if ( apdg == 11 or apdg == 13 or apdg == 22 // e - mu - gamma or (apdg >=12 and apdg<=16) // neutrinos or apdg > 1000000 // susy neutrinos and neutralinos ) { new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(gen->px(), gen->py(), gen->pz(), gen->energy()); pdgId -> push_back( pdg ); flags -> push_back( ComputeFlags( *gen ) ); // compute ISOLATION float iso=0; float isoFx=0; if (apdg == 22 or apdg ==11 or apdg ==13) { TLorentzVector g1(gen->px(),gen->py(),gen->pz(),gen->energy()); vector< pair<float,float> > inIsoFx ; //isoFx, dR, pT for ( unsigned int j=0;j < packed_handle->size() ;++j) { if (i==j) continue; const auto gen2 = & (*packed_handle)[j]; if ( gen2->pt() ==0 ) continue; if (gen2->pz() > 10e8 ) continue; // inf TLorentzVector g2(gen2->px(),gen2->py(),gen2->pz(),gen2->energy()); if (g2.DeltaR(g1) <0.4){ iso += g2.Pt(); // isoFx containes the epsilon inIsoFx.push_back( pair<float,float>(g2.DeltaR(g1) ,g2.Pt() ) ); } } if (apdg==22){ // ONLY for photon Frixione isolation sort(inIsoFx.begin(), inIsoFx.end() ); // sort in DR, first entry float sumEtFx=0; for( const auto & p : inIsoFx ) { const float& pt= p.second ; const float& delta = p.first; sumEtFx += pt / gen->pt(); // relative iso if (delta == 0 ) continue; // guard float isoCandidate = sumEtFx * TMath::Power( (1. - TMath::Cos(0.4) ) / (1. - TMath::Cos(delta ) ), 2) ;// n=2 if (isoFx < isoCandidate) isoFx = isoCandidate; } } } genIso -> push_back(iso); genIsoFrixione -> push_back(isoFx); // computed dressed objects // if (apdg == 11 or apdg == 13) { // only for final state muons and electrons TLorentzVector dressedLepton(gen->px(),gen->py(),gen->pz(),gen->energy()); TLorentzVector lepton(dressedLepton); //original lepton for dR for ( unsigned int j=0;j < packed_handle->size() ;++j) { const auto gen2 = & (*packed_handle)[j]; TLorentzVector photon(gen2->px(),gen2->py(),gen2->pz(),gen2->energy()); if (i != j and abs( gen->pdgId() ) ==22 and lepton.DeltaR( photon ) <0.1 ) dressedLepton += photon; } new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector( dressedLepton ); pdgId -> push_back( pdg ); flags -> push_back( Dressed ); genIso -> push_back (0.) ; genIsoFrixione -> push_back (0.) ; // --- end of dressing } } } //end packed if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] packed took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // LOOP over PRUNED PARTICLES //for (auto & gen : *pruned_handle) for (unsigned int i=0;i<pruned_handle->size() ;++i) { const auto gen = &(*pruned_handle)[i]; if (gen->pt() < 5 ) continue; if (gen->pt() < mMinGenParticlePt ) continue; int pdg = gen->pdgId(); int apdg = abs(pdg); if (gen->status() == 1) continue; //packed unsigned flag = ComputeFlags(*gen); if ( apdg == 15 or // tau (15) (apdg >= 23 and apdg <26 ) or // Z(23) W(24) H(25) apdg == 37 or // chHiggs: H+(37) apdg <= 6 or // quarks up (2) down (1) charm (4) strange (3) top (6) bottom (5) apdg == 21 or // gluons (21) apdg > 1000000 // susy neutrinos,neutralinos, charginos ... lightest neutralinos (1000022) or ( apdg == 11 and ( flag & HardProcessBeforeFSR) ) or ( apdg == 11 and ( flag & HardProcess) ) or ( apdg == 13 and ( flag & HardProcessBeforeFSR) ) or ( apdg == 13 and ( flag & HardProcess) ) ) { new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(gen->px(), gen->py(), gen->pz(), gen->energy()); pdgId -> push_back( pdg ); flags -> push_back( flag ); genIso -> push_back (0.) ; genIsoFrixione -> push_back (0.) ; } } if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] pruned took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // GEN JETS for (const auto & j : *jet_handle) { if ( < 20 ) continue; if ( < mMinGenJetPt ) continue; // --- FILL new ( (*jetP4)[jetP4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(j.px(),, j.pz(),; } if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] jets took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset();} return 0; }
/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1990 -pedantic-errors" } */ void *p = (__SIZE_TYPE__)(void *)0; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ struct s { void *a; } q = { (__SIZE_TYPE__)(void *)0 }; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ void * f (void) { void *r; r = (__SIZE_TYPE__)(void *)0; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ return (__SIZE_TYPE__)(void *)0; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ } void g (void *); /* { dg-message "but argument is of type" } */ void h (void) { g ((__SIZE_TYPE__)(void *)0); /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ } void g2 (int, void *); /* { dg-message "but argument is of type" } */ void h2 (void) { g2 (0, (__SIZE_TYPE__)(void *)0); /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ }
int main(void) { /***************************** Natrual Syntax ********************************/ Base a; Base b; Base c; Derived aa; // test ordinary function functor<void( ) > g0(&test0); g0(); functor<double (double)> g1; g1 = &test1; assert(12.123 == g1(12.123)); // test member function functor<void (int)> g2(&Base::d); functor<int (int)> g3(&Base::static_b); functor<int (int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)> g4(&Base::d9); functor<int (int)> g5(&Base::virtual_c); // operator = functor<int (int, int)> g6; g6 = &Derived::Derived_a2; functor<int (int)> g7(&Derived::virtual_c); // copy constructor functor<int (int)> g7_2; g7_2 = g7; functor<int (int)> g7_3(g7); // reference functor<int (int)> &g7_4 = g7; // pointer functor<int (int)> *g7_5 = &g7; g2(&a, 18); assert(18 == a.getBase()); assert(g3(29) == 29); assert(g4(&b, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)); assert(g5(&c, 5) == 5); assert(g6(&aa, 5, 6) == 5+6); assert(g7(&aa, 6) == 10+6); assert(g7_2(&aa, 6) == 10+6); assert(g7_3(&aa, 6) == 10+6); assert(g7_4(&aa, 6) == 10+6); assert((*g7_5)(&aa, 6) == 10+6); /************************************* STL *************************************/ int myints[] = {32,71,12,45,26,80,53,33}; std::vector<int> myvector1(myints, myints+8); std::vector<int> myvector2(myints, myints+8); functor<bool (int, int)> functorCmp = &mycmp; std::sort(myvector1.begin(), myvector1.end()); std::sort(myvector2.begin(), myvector2.end(), functorCmp); assert(myvector1.size() == myvector2.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < myvector1.size(); ++i) { assert(myvector1[i] == myvector2[i]); } /***************************** Performance Test ********************************/ // performanceTest (500000000); return 0; }
/*! \reimp */ void QCompactStyle::drawControl( ControlElement element, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &g, SFlags flags, const QStyleOption& opt ) { switch ( element ) { case CE_PopupMenuItem: { if (! widget || opt.isDefault()) break; const QPopupMenu *popupmenu = (const QPopupMenu *) widget; QMenuItem *mi = opt.menuItem(); if ( !mi ) break; int tab = opt.tabWidth(); int maxpmw = opt.maxIconWidth(); bool dis = !(flags & Style_Enabled); bool checkable = popupmenu->isCheckable(); bool act = flags & Style_Active; int x, y, w, h; r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h ); QColorGroup itemg = g; if ( checkable ) maxpmw = QMAX( maxpmw, 8 ); // space for the checkmarks int checkcol = maxpmw; if ( mi && mi->isSeparator() ) { // draw separator p->setPen( g.dark() ); p->drawLine( x, y, x+w, y ); p->setPen( g.light() ); p->drawLine( x, y+1, x+w, y+1 ); return; } QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) : g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ); p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, fill); if ( !mi ) return; if ( mi->isChecked() ) { if ( act && !dis ) { qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); } else { qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Midlight ) ); } } else if ( !act ) { p->fillRect(x, y, checkcol , h, g.brush( QColorGroup::Button )); } if ( mi->iconSet() ) { // draw iconset QIconSet::Mode mode = dis ? QIconSet::Disabled : QIconSet::Normal; if (act && !dis ) mode = QIconSet::Active; QPixmap pixmap; if ( checkable && mi->isChecked() ) pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode, QIconSet::On ); else pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode ); int pixw = pixmap.width(); int pixh = pixmap.height(); if ( act && !dis ) { if ( !mi->isChecked() ) qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, FALSE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); } QRect cr( x, y, checkcol, h ); QRect pmr( 0, 0, pixw, pixh ); pmr.moveCenter( ); p->setPen( itemg.text() ); p->drawPixmap( pmr.topLeft(), pixmap ); QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) : g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ); p->fillRect( x+checkcol + 1, y, w - checkcol - 1, h, fill); } else if ( checkable ) { // just "checking"... int mw = checkcol + motifItemFrame; int mh = h - 2*motifItemFrame; if ( mi->isChecked() ) { SFlags cflags = Style_Default; if (! dis) cflags |= Style_Enabled; if (act) cflags |= Style_On; drawPrimitive( PE_CheckMark, p, QRect(x + motifItemFrame + 2, y + motifItemFrame, mw, mh), itemg, cflags, opt ); } } p->setPen( act ? g.highlightedText() : g.buttonText() ); QColor discol; if ( dis ) { discol = itemg.text(); p->setPen( discol ); } int xm = motifItemFrame + checkcol + motifItemHMargin; if ( mi->custom() ) { int m = motifItemVMargin; p->save(); if ( dis && !act ) { p->setPen( g.light() ); mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, !dis, x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m ); p->setPen( discol ); } mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, !dis, x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m ); p->restore(); } QString s = mi->text(); if ( !s.isNull() ) { // draw text int t = s.find( '\t' ); int m = motifItemVMargin; const int text_flags = AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine; if ( t >= 0 ) { // draw tab text if ( dis && !act ) { p->setPen( g.light() ); p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame+1, y+m+1, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 )); p->setPen( discol ); } p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame, y+m, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ) ); s = s.left( t ); } if ( dis && !act ) { p->setPen( g.light() ); p->drawText( x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t ); p->setPen( discol ); } p->drawText( x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t ); } else if ( mi->pixmap() ) { // draw pixmap QPixmap *pixmap = mi->pixmap(); if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 ) p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode ); p->drawPixmap( x+xm, y+motifItemFrame, *pixmap ); if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 ) p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode ); } if ( mi->popup() ) { // draw sub menu arrow int dim = (h-2*motifItemFrame) / 2; if ( act ) { if ( !dis ) discol = white; QColorGroup g2( discol, g.highlight(), white, white, dis ? discol : white, discol, white ); drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowRight, p, QRect(x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim), g2, Style_Enabled); } else { drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowRight, p, QRect(x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim), g, !dis ? Style_Enabled : Style_Default); } } } break; default: QWindowsStyle::drawControl( element, p, widget, r, g, flags, opt ); break; } }
void LL(){ //y0 = 0.000135096401209 sigma_y0 = 0.000103896581837 x0 = 0.000446013873443 sigma_x0 =1.81384394011e-06 //0.014108652249 0.0168368471049 0.0219755396247 0.000120423865262 1.5575931164 1.55759310722 3.41637854038 //0.072569437325 0.084063541977 0.0376693978906 0.000284216132439 0.51908074913 0.519080758095 1.12037749267 // double d = 0.014108652249; // double sd = 0.0168368471049; // double mc = 0.0219755396247; // double smc = 0.000120423865262; // double r0 = d/mc; double d = 0.072569437325; double sd = 0.084063541977; double mc = 0.0376693978906; double smc = 0.00028421613243; double r0 = d/mc; RooRealVar x("x","x",mc*0.9,mc*1.1); RooRealVar x0("x0","x0",mc); RooRealVar sx("sx","sx",smc); RooRealVar r("r","r",r0,0.,5.); RooRealVar y0("y0","y0",d); RooRealVar sy("sy","sy",sd); RooProduct rx("rx","rx",RooArgList(r,x)); RooGaussian g1("g1","g1",x,x0,sx); RooGaussian g2("g2","g2",rx,y0,sy); RooProdPdf LL("LL","LL",g1,g2); RooArgSet obs(x0,y0); //observables RooArgSet poi(r); //parameters of interest RooDataSet data("data", "data", obs); data.add(obs); //actually add the data RooFitResult* res = LL.fitTo(data,RooFit::Minos(poi),RooFit::Save(),RooFit::Hesse(false)); if(res->status()==0) { r.Print(); x.Print(); cout << r.getErrorLo() << " " << r.getErrorHi() << endl; } else { cout << "Likelihood maximization failed" << endl; } RooAbsReal* nll = LL.createNLL(data); RooPlot* frame = r.frame(); RooAbsReal* pll = nll->createProfile(poi); pll->plotOn(frame);//,RooFit::LineColor(ROOT::kRed)); frame->Draw(); r.setVal(0.); cout << pll->getVal() << endl; return; }
// Core 1321 // { dg-options -std=c++0x } // Two dependent names are equivalent even if the overload sets found by // phase 1 lookup are different. Merging them keeps the earlier set. int g1(int); template <class T> decltype(g1(T())) f1(); int g1(); template <class T> decltype(g1(T())) f1() { return g1(T()); } int i1 = f1<int>(); // OK, g1(int) was declared before the first f1 template <class T> decltype(g2(T())) f2(); // { dg-error "g2. was not declared" } int g2(int); template <class T> decltype(g2(T())) f2() { return g2(T()); } int i2 = f2<int>(); // { dg-error "no match" } int g3(); template <class T> decltype(g3(T())) f3(); // { dg-error "too many arguments" } int g3(int); template <class T> decltype(g3(T())) f3() { return g3(T()); } int i3 = f3<int>(); // { dg-error "no match" }
/* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1990 -pedantic-errors" } */ __extension__ typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t; void *p = (size_t)(void *)0; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ struct s { void *a; } q = { (size_t)(void *)0 }; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ void * f (void) { void *r; r = (size_t)(void *)0; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ return (size_t)(void *)0; /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ } void g (void *); /* { dg-message "but argument is of type" } */ void h (void) { g ((size_t)(void *)0); /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ } void g2 (int, void *); /* { dg-message "but argument is of type" } */ void h2 (void) { g2 (0, (size_t)(void *)0); /* { dg-error "without a cast" } */ }
void jecplots(){ gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111111); // Show overflow, underflow + SumOfWeights gStyle->SetOptFit(111110); gStyle->SetOptFile(1); gStyle->SetMarkerStyle(20); gStyle->SetMarkerSize(.3); gStyle->SetMarkerColor(1); TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas("c0"," ",200,10,500,500); c0->Clear(); TFile g("/tmp/delre/vbf.root"); TFile g1("/tmp/delre/vbf1.root"); TFile g2("/tmp/delre/vbf2.root"); TFile g3("/tmp/delre/vbf3.root"); TFile g4("/tmp/delre/vbf4.root"); TFile h("/tmp/delre/vh.root"); TFile h1("/tmp/delre/vh1.root"); TFile h2("/tmp/delre/vh2.root"); TFile h3("/tmp/delre/vh3.root"); TFile h4("/tmp/delre/vh4.root");; JECresovbf->SetTitle(""); JECresovbf->SetStats(0); JECresovbf->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovbf->Draw();; JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovbf->Draw("same");; JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovbf->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JECsyst_vbf.png");; JECresovh->SetTitle(""); JECresovh->SetStats(0); JECresovh->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovh->Draw();; JECresovh->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovh->Draw("same");; JECresovh->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovh->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JECsyst_vh.png");; JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovbf->SetTitle(""); JECresovbf->SetStats(0); JECresovbf->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovbf->Draw();; JECresovbf->Draw("same");; JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovbf->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JERsyst_vbf.png");; JECresovh->SetTitle(""); JECresovh->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovh->SetStats(0); JECresovh->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovh->Draw();; JECresovh->Draw("same");; JECresovh->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovh->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JERsyst_vh.png"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); jcz::TileFactory * tileFactory = new jcz::TileFactory(); RandomNextTileProvider rntp; Game * game = new Game(&rntp); qDebug("NODE_VARIANT: " STR(NODE_VARIANT)); if (false) { qDebug() << "CONTROL_GAME" << CONTROL_GAME; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { qDebug() << "================================\nRUN" << i; Game g1(&rntp), g2(&rntp), g3(&rntp), g4(&rntp), g5(&rntp); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g2)); Q_ASSERT(g2.equals(g1)); g1.addPlayer(&RandomPlayer::instance); g1.addPlayer(&RandomPlayer::instance); // g1.addPlayer(new jcz::JCZPlayer(tileFactory)); for (Player * p : g1.getPlayers()) { g2.addPlayer(p->clone()); g3.addPlayer(p->clone()); g4.addPlayer(p->clone()); g5.addPlayer(p->clone()); } Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g2)); Q_ASSERT(g2.equals(g1)); g1.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); g2.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); g4.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); g5.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g2)); Q_ASSERT(g2.equals(g1)); int steps = 0; bool notDone = true; //for ( ; steps < 23; ++steps) for ( ; notDone; ++steps) { notDone = g1.step(); MoveHistoryEntry const & e = g1.getMoveHistory().back(); g4.simStep(e); g5.simPartStepChance(e.tileIndex); g5.simPartStepTile(e.move.tileMove); g5.simPartStepMeeple(e.move.meepleMove); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g4)); Q_ASSERT(g4.equals(g1)); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g5)); Q_ASSERT(g5.equals(g1)); #if CONTROL_GAME g3.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory, g1.getMoveHistory()); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g3)); Q_ASSERT(g3.equals(g1)); #endif } for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { g1.simUndo(); g4.simUndo(); g5.simPartUndoMeeple(); g5.simPartUndoTile(); g5.simPartUndoChance(); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g4)); Q_ASSERT(g4.equals(g1)); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g5)); Q_ASSERT(g5.equals(g1)); #if CONTROL_GAME g3.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory, g1.getMoveHistory()); Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g3)); Q_ASSERT(g3.equals(g1)); #endif } Q_ASSERT(g1.equals(g2)); Q_ASSERT(g2.equals(g1)); } return 0; } if (true) { static int const playouts = 5000; Game g(&rntp); g.addPlayer(&RandomPlayer::instance); g.addPlayer(&RandomPlayer::instance); // g.addPlayer(new jcz::JCZPlayer(tileFactory)); // g.addPlayer(new jcz::JCZPlayer(tileFactory)); // g.addPlayer(new SimplePlayer()); QTime t; t.start(); for (int i = 0; i < playouts; ++i) { g.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); int steps = 0; do { ++steps; } while (g.step()); } int e = t.elapsed(); std::cout << playouts << "p / " << e << "ms = " << playouts / (e / 1000.0) << " pps" << std::endl; // return 0; } if (true) { static int const playouts = 5000; Game g(&rntp); g.addPlayer(&RandomPlayer::instance); g.addPlayer(&RandomPlayer::instance); // g.addPlayer(new SimplePlayer()); g.newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); QTime t; t.start(); for (int i = 0; i < playouts; ++i) { int steps = 0; do { ++steps; } while (g.step()); for (; steps > 0; --steps) { g.simUndo(); } } int e = t.elapsed(); std::cout << playouts << "p / " << e << "ms = " << playouts / (e / 1000.0) << " pps" << std::endl; return 0; } if (false) { Player * p1 = &RandomPlayer::instance; // auto * p2 = new MonteCarloPlayer<>(tileFactory); auto * p2 = new MonteCarloPlayer2<>(tileFactory); game->addPlayer(p1); game->addPlayer(p2); QTime t; int const n = 5; t.start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { #if !COUNT_PLAYOUTS t.start(); #endif game->newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); for (int ply = 0; game->step(); ++ply) { // std::cout << ply << std::endl; } int e = t.elapsed(); #if COUNT_PLAYOUTS std::cout << i << " " << p2->playouts << "p / " << e << "ms = " << (p2->playouts) / (e / 1000.0) << " pps" << std::endl; #else std::cout << i << " " << e << std::endl; #endif } std::cout << (t.elapsed() / n) << std::endl; return 0; } if (true) { Player * p1 = &RandomPlayer::instance; auto * p2 = new MCTSPlayer<>(tileFactory); game->addPlayer(p1); game->addPlayer(p2); QTime t; int const n = 5; t.start(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { #if !COUNT_PLAYOUTS t.start(); #endif game->newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); for (int ply = 0; game->step(); ++ply) { // std::cout << "ply " << ply << std::endl; } int e = t.elapsed(); #if COUNT_PLAYOUTS std::cout << i << " " << p2->playouts << "p / " << e << "ms = " << (p2->playouts) / (e / 1000.0) << " pps" << std::endl; #else std::cout << i << " " << e << std::endl; #endif #if MCTS_COUNT_EXPAND_HITS std::cout << i << " " << p2->hit << "hits / " << p2->miss << "misses = " << (p2->hit / qreal(p2->miss)) << std::endl; #endif } std::cout << (qreal(t.elapsed()) / qreal(n)) << std::endl; return 0; } if (false) { SimplePlayer3 s3; game->addPlayer(&s3); game->newGame(Tile::BaseGame, tileFactory); forever { game->simStep(&RandomPlayer::instance); if (game->getPlayerMeeples(0) <= 0) break; } qDebug() << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); forever { game->simStep(&s3); if (game->getPlayerMeeples(0) > 0) break; } qDebug() << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); qDebug(); MoveHistoryEntry h = game->getMoveHistory().back(); game->undo(); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); game->simStep(h); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); game->undo(); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); qDebug(); qDebug("simPartStepChance"); game->simPartStepChance(h.tileIndex); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); qDebug("simPartStepTile"); game->simPartStepTile(h.move.tileMove); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); qDebug() << "placements" << game->getPossibleMeeplePlacements(0, game->simTile).size(); qDebug("simPartStepMeeple"); game->simPartStepMeeple(h.move.meepleMove); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); qDebug(); qDebug(); qDebug("simPartUndoMeeple"); game->simPartUndoMeeple(); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); qDebug() << "placements" << game->getPossibleMeeplePlacements(0, game->simTile).size(); qDebug("simPartUndoTile"); game->simPartUndoTile(); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); qDebug("simPartUndoChance"); game->simPartUndoChance(); qDebug() << "m" << game->getPlayerMeeples(0); // qDebug() << "r" << game->getPlayerReturnMeeples(0); }
int f2(int v) { if ( v < 10 ) return 10 + g2(v); return v; }
struct S { void g2 (void (*) (...)); void h2 () { g2 (f); } };// { dg-error "match" "match" }
void skipjack_forwards(u_int8_t *plain, u_int8_t *cipher, u_int8_t **key_tables) { u_int8_t wh1 = plain[0]; u_int8_t wl1 = plain[1]; u_int8_t wh2 = plain[2]; u_int8_t wl2 = plain[3]; u_int8_t wh3 = plain[4]; u_int8_t wl3 = plain[5]; u_int8_t wh4 = plain[6]; u_int8_t wl4 = plain[7]; u_int8_t * k0 = key_tables [0]; u_int8_t * k1 = key_tables [1]; u_int8_t * k2 = key_tables [2]; u_int8_t * k3 = key_tables [3]; u_int8_t * k4 = key_tables [4]; u_int8_t * k5 = key_tables [5]; u_int8_t * k6 = key_tables [6]; u_int8_t * k7 = key_tables [7]; u_int8_t * k8 = key_tables [8]; u_int8_t * k9 = key_tables [9]; /* first 8 rounds */ g0 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wl4 ^= wl1 ^ 1; wh4 ^= wh1; g4 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wl3 ^= wl4 ^ 2; wh3 ^= wh4; g8 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wl2 ^= wl3 ^ 3; wh2 ^= wh3; g2 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); wl1 ^= wl2 ^ 4; wh1 ^= wh2; g6 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wl4 ^= wl1 ^ 5; wh4 ^= wh1; g0 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wl3 ^= wl4 ^ 6; wh3 ^= wh4; g4 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wl2 ^= wl3 ^ 7; wh2 ^= wh3; g8 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); wl1 ^= wl2 ^ 8; wh1 ^= wh2; /* second 8 rounds */ wh2 ^= wh1; wl2 ^= wl1 ^ 9 ; g2 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wh1 ^= wh4; wl1 ^= wl4 ^ 10; g6 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wh4 ^= wh3; wl4 ^= wl3 ^ 11; g0 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wh3 ^= wh2; wl3 ^= wl2 ^ 12; g4 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); wh2 ^= wh1; wl2 ^= wl1 ^ 13; g8 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wh1 ^= wh4; wl1 ^= wl4 ^ 14; g2 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wh4 ^= wh3; wl4 ^= wl3 ^ 15; g6 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wh3 ^= wh2; wl3 ^= wl2 ^ 16; g0 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); /* third 8 rounds */ g4 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wl4 ^= wl1 ^ 17; wh4 ^= wh1; g8 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wl3 ^= wl4 ^ 18; wh3 ^= wh4; g2 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wl2 ^= wl3 ^ 19; wh2 ^= wh3; g6 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); wl1 ^= wl2 ^ 20; wh1 ^= wh2; g0 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wl4 ^= wl1 ^ 21; wh4 ^= wh1; g4 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wl3 ^= wl4 ^ 22; wh3 ^= wh4; g8 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wl2 ^= wl3 ^ 23; wh2 ^= wh3; g2 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); wl1 ^= wl2 ^ 24; wh1 ^= wh2; /* last 8 rounds */ wh2 ^= wh1; wl2 ^= wl1 ^ 25; g6 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wh1 ^= wh4; wl1 ^= wl4 ^ 26; g0 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wh4 ^= wh3; wl4 ^= wl3 ^ 27; g4 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wh3 ^= wh2; wl3 ^= wl2 ^ 28; g8 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); wh2 ^= wh1; wl2 ^= wl1 ^ 29; g2 (wh1,wl1, wh1,wl1); wh1 ^= wh4; wl1 ^= wl4 ^ 30; g6 (wh4,wl4, wh4,wl4); wh4 ^= wh3; wl4 ^= wl3 ^ 31; g0 (wh3,wl3, wh3,wl3); wh3 ^= wh2; wl3 ^= wl2 ^ 32; g4 (wh2,wl2, wh2,wl2); /* pack into byte vector */ cipher [0] = wh1; cipher [1] = wl1; cipher [2] = wh2; cipher [3] = wl2; cipher [4] = wh3; cipher [5] = wl3; cipher [6] = wh4; cipher [7] = wl4; }
int main(){ Scalar a("a",STRING,"Hello"); Scalar b("b",STRING,"World"); std::cout << " a : " << a << std::endl; std::cout << " b : " << b << std::endl; Scalar c("c",STRING,"Hello"); std::cout << " c : " << c << std::endl; std::cout << " a == b : " << (a == b) << std::endl; std::cout << " a == c : " << (a == c) << std::endl; std::cout << " a < b : " << (a < b) << std::endl; std::cout << " c < a : " << (c < a) << std::endl; std::cout << " b < a : " << (b < a) << std::endl; Scalar ga("ga",BOOLEAN,"M"); Scalar gb("gb",BOOLEAN,"F"); Scalar gc("gc",BOOLEAN,"F"); Scalar d("d",STRING,"M"); std::cout << " ga : " << ga << std::endl; std::cout << " gb : " << gb << std::endl; std::cout << " gc : " << gc << std::endl; std::cout << " d : " << d << std::endl; std::cout << " (ga == gb) : " << (ga == gb) << std::endl; std::cout << " (gb == gc) : " << (gb == gc) << std::endl; std::cout << " (ga == d) : " << (ga == d) << std::endl; std::cout << " (gb < gc) : " << (gb < gc) << std::endl; std::cout << " (ga < gc) : " << (ga < gc) << std::endl; std::cout << " (gc < ga) : " << (gc < ga) << std::endl; std::cout << " (ga < a) : " << (ga < a) << std::endl; std::cout << " (b < gb) : " << (b < gb) << std::endl; std::cout << "Testing Assignment and Copy operators" << std::endl; Scalar copy1(ga); std::cout << " copy1 of ga : " << copy1 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << copy1.getName() << " = " << copy1.getValueType() << std::endl; Scalar e("e",STRING,"Namaste"); std::cout << " e : " << e << std::endl; e=ga; std::cout << " e=ga : " << e << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << e.getName() << " = " << e.getValueType() << std::endl; e=a; std::cout << " e=a : " << e << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << e.getName() << " = " << e.getValueType() << std::endl; ga=a; std::cout << " ga=a : " << ga << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << ga.getName() << " = " << ga.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << "Testing Scalar variables of type ANY" << std::endl; Scalar anyVar("anyVar"); std::cout << " name and type : " << anyVar.getName() << " = " << anyVar.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " anyVar : " << anyVar << std::endl; std::cout << " anyVar < ga : " << (anyVar < ga) << std::endl; std::cout << " a < anyVar : " << (a < anyVar) << std::endl; std::cout << " a == anyVar : " << (a == anyVar) << std::endl; anyVar.set(STRING,"Wow"); std::cout << " anyVar=Wow : " << anyVar << std::endl; Scalar anyVar1("anyVar1"); std::cout << " anyVar1 : " << anyVar1 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << anyVar1.getName() << " = " << anyVar1.getValueType() << std::endl; anyVar1 = anyVar; std::cout << " anyVar1=anyVar : " << anyVar1 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << anyVar1.getName() << " = " << anyVar1.getValueType() << std::endl; Scalar anyVar2("anyVar2"); std::cout << " anyVar2 : " << anyVar2 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << anyVar2.getName() << " = " << anyVar2.getValueType() << std::endl; anyVar = anyVar2; std::cout << " anyVar=anyVar2 : " << anyVar << std::endl; std::cout << " anyVar name and type : " << anyVar.getName() << " = " << anyVar.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " anyVar2 name and type : " << anyVar2.getName() << " = " << anyVar2.getValueType() << std::endl; Scalar anyType("anyType",ANY,"Testing Any"); std::cout << " anyType : " << anyType << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << anyType.getName() << " = " << anyType.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " anyVar2 < anyType : " << (anyVar2 < anyType) << std::endl; std::cout << " anyVar2 == anyType : " << (anyVar2 == anyType) << std::endl; Scalar g1("g1",GENOTYPE,"120/120"); Scalar g2("g2",GENOTYPE,"120/120"); Scalar g3("g3",GENOTYPE,"112/118"); Scalar g4("g4",GENOTYPE,"C/T"); Scalar g5("g5",GENOTYPE,"A/A"); std::cout << " g1 : " << g1 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << g1.getName() << " = " << g1.getValueType() << std::endl; anyVar2 = g1; std::cout << " anyVar2=g1 : " << anyVar2 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << anyVar2.getName() << " = " << anyVar2.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " g2 : " << g2 << std::endl; std::cout << " g3 : " << g3 << std::endl; std::cout << " g4 : " << g4 << std::endl; std::cout << " g5 : " << g5 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << g5.getName() << " = " << g5.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " g1 < g2 : " << (g1 < g2) << std::endl; std::cout << " g2 == g1 : " << (g2 == g1) << std::endl; std::cout << " g5 < g4 : " << (g5 < g4) << std::endl; std::cout << " g2 < g4 : " << (g2 < g4) << std::endl; std::cout << " g2 < e : " << (g2 < e) << std::endl; std::cout << " ga == g2 : " << (ga == g2) << std::endl; Scalar f("f",STRING,"123/125"); Scalar g6Any("g6Any"); std::cout << " g6Any : " << g6Any << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << g6Any.getName() << " = " << g6Any.getValueType() << std::endl; g6Any = f; std::cout << " g6Any=f : " << g6Any << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << g6Any.getName() << " = " << g6Any.getValueType() << std::endl; g3 = g6Any; std::cout << " g3=g6Any : " << g3 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << g3.getName() << " = " << g3.getValueType() << std::endl; Scalar g7Inv("g7Inv"); g7Inv.set(GENOTYPE,"0/0"); std::cout << " g7Inv : " << g7Inv << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << g7Inv.getName() << " = " << g7Inv.getValueType() << std::endl; Scalar d1("d1",DATE,"1987-08-23"); Scalar d2("d2",DATE,"1987-08"); Scalar d3("d3",DATE,"[1987-1990]"); Scalar d4("d4",DATE,"~2000-02-13"); Scalar d5("d5",DATE,"1948"); Scalar d6Any("d6Any"); std::cout << " d1 : " << d1 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << d1.getName() << " = " << d1.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " d6Any : " << d6Any << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << d6Any.getName() << " = " << d6Any.getValueType() << std::endl; d6Any = d1; std::cout << " d6Any=d1 : " << d6Any << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << d6Any.getName() << " = " << d6Any.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " d2 : " << d2 << std::endl; std::cout << " d3 : " << d3 << std::endl; std::cout << " d4 : " << d4 << std::endl; std::cout << " d5 : " << d5 << std::endl; Scalar d7Inv("d7Inv"); d7Inv.set(DATE,"2003-[03-04-12"); std::cout << " d7Inv : " << d7Inv << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << d7Inv.getName() << " = " << d7Inv.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " d1 < d2 : " << (d1 < d2) << std::endl; std::cout << " d2 == d1 : " << (d2 == d1) << std::endl; std::cout << " d2 == d3 : " << (d2 == d3) << std::endl; std::cout << " d3 < d2 : " << (d3 < d2) << std::endl; std::cout << " d5 < d4 : " << (d5 < d4) << std::endl; std::cout << " d2 < d4 : " << (d2 < d4) << std::endl; std::cout << " d2 < e : " << (d2 < e) << std::endl; std::cout << " ga == d2 : " << (ga == d2) << std::endl; Scalar d8Copy(d4); std::cout << " Copy of d4 : " << d8Copy << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << d8Copy.getName() << " = " << d8Copy.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " d4 == d8Copy : " << (d4 == d8Copy) << std::endl; Scalar n1("n1",NUMBER,"19-23"); Scalar n2("n2",NUMBER,"18-38"); Scalar n3("n3",NUMBER,"17"); Scalar n4("n4",NUMBER,"~20"); Scalar n5("n5",NUMBER,"48"); Scalar n6Any("n6Any"); std::cout << " n1 : " << n1 << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << n1.getName() << " = " << n1.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " n6Any : " << n6Any << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << n6Any.getName() << " = " << n6Any.getValueType() << std::endl; n6Any = n1; std::cout << " n6Any=n1 : " << n6Any << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << n6Any.getName() << " = " << n6Any.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " n2 : " << n2 << std::endl; std::cout << " n3 : " << n3 << std::endl; std::cout << " n4 : " << n4 << std::endl; std::cout << " n5 : " << n5 << std::endl; Scalar n7Inv("n7Inv"); n7Inv.set(NUMBER,"2003-["); std::cout << " n7Inv : " << n7Inv << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << n7Inv.getName() << " = " << n7Inv.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " n1 < n2 : " << (n1 < n2) << std::endl; std::cout << " n2 == n1 : " << (n2 == n1) << std::endl; std::cout << " n2 == n3 : " << (n2 == n3) << std::endl; std::cout << " n3 < n2 : " << (n3 < n2) << std::endl; std::cout << " n5 < n4 : " << (n5 < n4) << std::endl; std::cout << " n2 < n4 : " << (n2 < n4) << std::endl; std::cout << " n2 < e : " << (n2 < e) << std::endl; std::cout << " ga == n2 : " << (ga == n2) << std::endl; Scalar n8Copy(n4); std::cout << " Copy of n4 : " << n8Copy << std::endl; std::cout << " name and type : " << n8Copy.getName() << " = " << n8Copy.getValueType() << std::endl; std::cout << " n4 == n8Copy : " << (n4 == n8Copy) << std::endl; Number::addNumberMissingValue("99"); std::cout << "Added 99 as Number missing value" << std::endl; Scalar n8("n8",NUMBER,"99"); std::cout << " n8=99 : " << n8 << std::endl; return 0; }
// Incomplete struct pointer used as function argument. void f7() { struct s2 *p = __builtin_alloca(10); g2(p); }
void function_minimizer::hess_routine_master() { int nvar=initial_params::nvarcalc(); // get the number of active parameters //if (adjm_ptr) set_labels_for_hess(nvar); independent_variables x(1,nvar); initial_params::xinit(x); // get the initial values into the x vector double f; double delta=1.e-6; dvector g1(1,nvar); dvector g2(1,nvar); dvector gbest(1,nvar); dvector hess(1,nvar); dvector hess1(1,nvar); dvector hess2(1,nvar); double eps=.1; gradient_structure::set_YES_DERIVATIVES(); gbest.fill_seqadd(1.e+50,0.); adstring tmpstring="admodel.hes"; if (ad_comm::wd_flag) tmpstring = ad_comm::adprogram_name + ".hes"; uostream ofs((char*)tmpstring); ofs << nvar; { pvm_master_function_evaluation(f,x,g1,nvar); double sdelta1; double sdelta2; for (int i=1;i<=nvar;i++) { hess_calcreport(i,nvar); double f=0.0; double xsave=x(i); sdelta1=x(i)+delta; useless(sdelta1); sdelta1-=x(i); x(i)=xsave+sdelta1; pvm_master_function_evaluation(f,x,g1,nvar); sdelta2=x(i)-delta; useless(sdelta2); sdelta2-=x(i); x(i)=xsave+sdelta2; pvm_master_function_evaluation(f,x,g2,nvar); x(i)=xsave; hess1=(g1-g2)/(sdelta1-sdelta2); sdelta1=x(i)+eps*delta; useless(sdelta1); sdelta1-=x(i); x(i)=xsave+sdelta1; pvm_master_function_evaluation(f,x,g1,nvar); x(i)=xsave-eps*delta; sdelta2=x(i)-eps*delta; useless(sdelta2); sdelta2-=x(i); x(i)=xsave+sdelta2; pvm_master_function_evaluation(f,x,g2,nvar); x(i)=xsave; dvariable vf=initial_params::reset(dvar_vector(x)); double eps2=eps*eps; hess2=(g1-g2)/(sdelta1-sdelta2); hess=(eps2*hess1-hess2) /(eps2-1.); ofs << hess; //if (adjm_ptr) ad_update_hess_stats_report(nvar,i); } } gradient_structure::set_NO_DERIVATIVES(); }
int main() { // Ошибка: f() создает константный временный объект: //! g1(f()); // Можно: g2 получает ссылку на константу g2(f()); } ///:~
void f() { const Enum v2 = v; Enum e = false ? g() : v; Enum e2 = false ? v2 : v; Enum e3 = false ? g2() : v; }
void _test_surface_neighbors_3_cube(const Triangul &, const Transformation& transform, const int n = 75, typename Triangul::Geom_traits::FT tolerance = typename Triangul::Geom_traits::FT(1e-29), bool grid=true) { Triangul T; int m=10; double r = 3; typedef typename Triangul::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::FT Coord_type; typedef typename Gt::Point_3 Point; typedef typename Gt::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Gt::Vector_3 Vector; //data points: generate random points in a square of length r std::vector<Point_2> points_2_data; points_2_data.reserve(n); if(grid) CGAL::points_on_square_grid_2 (r,n,std::back_inserter(points_2_data), CGAL::Creator_uniform_2<Coord_type,Point_2>()); else{ CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> g(r); CGAL::cpp11::copy_n( g, n, std::back_inserter(points_2_data)); } for(int i=0; i < n; i++){ T.insert(transform(Point(points_2_data[i].x(),points_2_data[i].y(), -r))); T.insert(transform(Point(points_2_data[i].x(),points_2_data[i].y(), r))); T.insert(transform(Point(-r, points_2_data[i].x(),points_2_data[i].y()))); T.insert(transform(Point(r, points_2_data[i].x(), points_2_data[i].y()))); T.insert(transform(Point(points_2_data[i].x(), -r, points_2_data[i].y()))); T.insert(transform(Point(points_2_data[i].x(), r, points_2_data[i].y()))); } //test_points: generate random points in a square of length r std::vector<Point_2> points_2_test; points_2_test.reserve(m); CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> g2(r-1.0); CGAL::cpp11::copy_n( g2, m, std::back_inserter(points_2_test)); int k=0; for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ //test point on z=r plane: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(points_2_test[i].x(), points_2_test[i].y(), r)), transform(Vector(0,0,1)),tolerance, ++k % 8); //test point on x=-r plane: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(-r, points_2_test[i].x(), points_2_test[i].y())), transform(Vector(-1,0,0)),tolerance, ++k % 8 ); //test point on x=r plane: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(r, points_2_test[i].x(), points_2_test[i].y())), transform(Vector(1,0,0)),tolerance,++k % 8 ); //test point on y=-r plane: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(points_2_test[i].x(), -r,points_2_test[i].y())), transform(Vector(0,-1,0)),tolerance,++k % 8 ); //test point on y=r plane: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(points_2_test[i].x(), r,points_2_test[i].y())), transform(Vector(0,1,0)),tolerance,++k % 8); } //test a sample point: //with Delaunay triangulation filering: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(points_2_data[n/2].x(), points_2_data[n/2].y(), r)), transform(Vector(0,0,1)),Coord_type(0),0); //considering all points: test_coords_and_neighbors(T,transform(Point(points_2_data[n/2].x(), points_2_data[n/2].y(), r)), transform(Vector(0,0,1)),Coord_type(0),4); }
template <class T> decltype(g2(T())) f2() { return g2(T()); }
int g3(int a1, int a2, int a3) const { g2(a1, a2); g1(a3); return 0; }
void h() { g2(17); }
int crypto_aead_decrypt( unsigned char *m,unsigned long long *mlen, // message unsigned char *nsec, // not relavent to CLOC or SLIC const unsigned char *c,unsigned long long clen, // ciphertext const unsigned char *ad,unsigned long long adlen, // associated data const unsigned char *npub, // nonce const unsigned char *k // the master key ) { block estate, tstate, tmp; // encryption state, tag state, and temporary state estate = SETZERO(); unsigned char ltag[16]; // local copy of temporary tag value unsigned long long i, lastblocklen,j; /* set ciphertext length */ *mlen = clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES; /* generate round keys from master key */ AES128_KeyExpansion(k); /* process the first (partial) block of ad */ load_partial_block(&estate, ad, (adlen>STATE_LEN)?STATE_LEN:adlen, ONE_ZERO_PADDING); fix0(estate); AES128_encrypt(estate, estate); if((ad[0] & 0x80) || (adlen == 0)){ // appy h h(estate); } else{ // do nothing } if(adlen > STATE_LEN){ // ad is of moer than one block i = STATE_LEN; /* process the middle ad blocks, excluding the first and last (partial) block */ while((i+STATE_LEN) < adlen) { tmp = LOAD(ad+i); estate = XOR(estate, tmp); AES128_encrypt(estate, estate); i += STATE_LEN; } /* process the last (partial) ad block */ load_partial_block(&tmp, ad+i, adlen - i, ONE_ZERO_PADDING); estate = XOR(estate, tmp); AES128_encrypt(estate, estate); } /* process the nonce */ load_partial_block(&tmp, npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, PARAM_OZP); estate = XOR(estate, tmp); if((adlen % STATE_LEN) || (adlen == 0)){ /* apply f2 */ f2(estate); } else{ /* apply f1 */ f1(estate); } /* process ciphertext */ tstate = estate; AES128_encrypt(estate, estate); if(*mlen){ /* apply g2 to tag state */ g2(tstate); } else{ /* apply g1 to tag state */ g1(tstate); } AES128_encrypt(tstate, tstate); i = 0; /* process all the message except for the last message/ciphertext block */ while((i + STATE_LEN) < (*mlen)){ tmp = LOAD(c+i); estate = XOR(estate, tmp); STORE(m+i, estate); tstate = XOR(tmp, tstate); AES128_encrypt(tstate, tstate); fix1(tmp); print_state("after applying fix1\n", estate); AES128_encrypt(tmp, estate); i += STATE_LEN; } /* process the last block of the message/ciphetext */ lastblocklen = (*mlen) - i; if(lastblocklen > 0){ load_partial_block(&tmp, c+i, lastblocklen, ZERO_APPEND); estate = XOR(estate, tmp); print_state("after xoring last partial message block\n", estate); store_partial_block(m+i, estate, lastblocklen); unsigned char shift_bytes = (STATE_LEN - (unsigned char)lastblocklen); tmp = AND(SHR(_mm_set1_epi8(0xff), shift_bytes), tmp); tstate = XOR(tstate, tmp); /* add the one zero padding */ tstate = XOR(tstate, SHL(_mm_set_epi8(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x80), lastblocklen)); if((*mlen) % STATE_LEN){ /* apply f2 */ f2(tstate); } else{ /* apply f1 */ f1(tstate); } AES128_encrypt(tstate, tstate); } /* compare tag and output message */ STORE(ltag, tstate); for(j = 0; j < CRYPTO_ABYTES; j++){ if(ltag[j] != c[clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES + j]) return RETURN_TAG_NO_MATCH; } return RETURN_SUCCESS; }
struct S { void g2 (void (*) (...)); void h2 () { g2 (f); } };// { dg-error "invalid conversion" "match" }
/* * plaintext, message length in byte, ciphertext, associated data, and associated data length in byte tag, and tag length in byte */ int ae_encrypt(ae_cxt* cxt, byte* pt, unsigned long long mlen, byte* ct, byte* tag, unsigned long long tlen, int enc_dec) { cxt->pt = pt; cxt->ptlen = mlen; cxt->ct = ct; cxt->ctlen = mlen; cxt->tag = tag; cxt->tlen = tlen; byte* es = cxt->es; byte* ts = cxt->ts; word* wd = (word*) ts; if(mlen != 0){ g2(wd[0], wd[1], wd[2], wd[3]); Encode(cxt->ts, cxt->ts); } else{ g1(wd[0], wd[1], wd[2], wd[3]); Encode(cxt->ts, cxt->ts); memcpy(tag, ts, tlen); return SUCCESS; } unsigned long long pc = 0; while((pc + STATE_LEN) < mlen){ if(enc_dec == ENC){ // encryption xor_bytes(es, pt+pc, STATE_LEN); pstate2("After xoring message block:", es); memcpy(ct+pc, es, STATE_LEN); } else{ // decryption xor_bytes2(pt+pc, ct+pc, es, STATE_LEN); pstate2("After xoring ciphertext block:", es); memcpy(es, ct+pc, STATE_LEN); } xor_bytes(ts, es, STATE_LEN); Encode(ts, ts); /* apply fix1 */ es[0] |= 0x80; pstate2("After applying fix1:", es); Encode(es, es); pc += STATE_LEN; } /* process the last block */ unsigned long long lastblocklen = mlen - pc; if(enc_dec == ENC){ // encryption xor_bytes(es, pt+pc, lastblocklen); pstate2("After xoring last partial message block:", es); memcpy(ct+pc, es, lastblocklen); } else{ // decryption xor_bytes2(pt+pc, ct+pc, es, lastblocklen); pstate2("After xoring last partial ciphertext block:", es); memcpy(es, ct+pc, lastblocklen); } xor_bytes(ts, es, lastblocklen); pstate2("tag state:", ts); if(lastblocklen != STATE_LEN){ // apply f2 /* apply padding only when last message block is not full */ ts[lastblocklen] ^= 0x80; word* wd = (word*) ts; f2(wd[0], wd[1], wd[2], wd[3]); } else{ // apply f1 word* wd = (word*) ts; f1(wd[0], wd[1], wd[2], wd[3]); } pstate2("After applying f1/f2:", ts); Encode(ts, ts); memcpy(tag, ts, tlen); return SUCCESS; }
TEST(McmcDiagEMetric, gradients) { rng_t base_rng(0); Eigen::VectorXd q = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(11); stan::mcmc::diag_e_point z(q.size()); z.q = q; z.p.setOnes(); std::fstream data_stream(std::string("").c_str(), std::fstream::in); stan::io::dump data_var_context(data_stream); data_stream.close(); std::stringstream model_output, metric_output; funnel_model_namespace::funnel_model model(data_var_context, &model_output); stan::mcmc::diag_e_metric<funnel_model_namespace::funnel_model, rng_t> metric(model, &metric_output); double epsilon = 1e-6; metric.update(z); Eigen::VectorXd g1 = metric.dtau_dq(z); for (int i = 0; i < z.q.size(); ++i) { double delta = 0; z.q(i) += epsilon; metric.update(z); delta += metric.tau(z); z.q(i) -= 2 * epsilon; metric.update(z); delta -= metric.tau(z); z.q(i) += epsilon; metric.update(z); delta /= 2 * epsilon; EXPECT_NEAR(delta, g1(i), epsilon); } Eigen::VectorXd g2 = metric.dtau_dp(z); for (int i = 0; i < z.q.size(); ++i) { double delta = 0; z.p(i) += epsilon; delta += metric.tau(z); z.p(i) -= 2 * epsilon; delta -= metric.tau(z); z.p(i) += epsilon; delta /= 2 * epsilon; EXPECT_NEAR(delta, g2(i), epsilon); } Eigen::VectorXd g3 = metric.dphi_dq(z); for (int i = 0; i < z.q.size(); ++i) { double delta = 0; z.q(i) += epsilon; metric.update(z); delta += metric.phi(z); z.q(i) -= 2 * epsilon; metric.update(z); delta -= metric.phi(z); z.q(i) += epsilon; metric.update(z); delta /= 2 * epsilon; EXPECT_NEAR(delta, g3(i), epsilon); } EXPECT_EQ("", model_output.str()); EXPECT_EQ("", metric_output.str()); }
void f2(void) { void h2(int, double); void g2(); h2(0, 1); g2(0, 1); } /* prototype vs. non-prototype */
bool rspfOgrVectorTileSource::open() { const char* MODULE = "rspfOgrVectorTileSource::open"; if (isOgrVectorDataSource() == false) { close(); return false; } if(isOpen()) { close(); } theDataSource = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(theImageFile, false); if (theDataSource) { int layerCount = theDataSource->GetLayerCount(); theLayerVector.resize(layerCount); if(layerCount) { for(int i = 0; i < layerCount; ++i) { OGRLayer* layer = theDataSource->GetLayer(i); if(layer) { OGRSpatialReference* spatialReference = layer->GetSpatialRef(); if(!spatialReference) { if(traceDebug()) { rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_NOTICE) << MODULE << " No spatial reference given, assuming geographic" << endl; } } } else { if(traceDebug()) { rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_NOTICE) << MODULE << " layer " << i << " is null." << endl; } } if (layer) { layer->GetExtent(&theBoundingExtent, true); rspfRefPtr<rspfProjection> proj = createProjFromReference(layer->GetSpatialRef()); rspfRefPtr<rspfImageGeometry> imageGeometry = 0; bool isDefaultProjection = false; if(proj.valid()) { imageGeometry = new rspfImageGeometry(0, proj.get()); } rspfMapProjection* mapProj = 0; if(imageGeometry.valid()) { mapProj = PTR_CAST(rspfMapProjection, imageGeometry->getProjection()); } else { mapProj = createDefaultProj(); imageGeometry = new rspfImageGeometry(0, mapProj); isDefaultProjection = true; } if(mapProj) { rspfDrect rect(theBoundingExtent.MinX, theBoundingExtent.MaxY, theBoundingExtent.MaxX, theBoundingExtent.MinY, RSPF_RIGHT_HANDED); std::vector<rspfGpt> points; if (isDefaultProjection || mapProj->isGeographic()) { rspfGpt g1(rect.ul().y, rect.ul().x); rspfGpt g2(rect.ur().y, rect.ur().x); rspfGpt g3(,; rspfGpt g4(rect.ll().y, rect.ll().x); points.push_back(g1); points.push_back(g2); points.push_back(g3); points.push_back(g4); } else { rspfGpt g1 = mapProj->inverse(rect.ul()); rspfGpt g2 = mapProj->inverse(rect.ur()); rspfGpt g3 = mapProj->inverse(; rspfGpt g4 = mapProj->inverse(rect.ll()); points.push_back(g1); points.push_back(g2); points.push_back(g3); points.push_back(g4); } std::vector<rspfDpt> rectTmp; rectTmp.resize(4); for(std::vector<rspfGpt>::size_type index=0; index < 4; ++index) { imageGeometry->worldToLocal(points[(int)index], rectTmp[(int)index]); } rspfDrect rect2 = rspfDrect(rectTmp[0], rectTmp[1], rectTmp[2], rectTmp[3]); theLayerVector[i] = new rspfOgrVectorLayerNode(rect2); theLayerVector[i]->setGeoImage(imageGeometry); if (i == 0) theImageGeometry = imageGeometry; } } } } } else { delete theDataSource; theDataSource = 0; return false; } return (theDataSource!=0); }
QT_END_NAMESPACE void tst_QButtonGroup::arrowKeyNavigation() { if (!qt_tab_all_widgets()) QSKIP("This test requires full keyboard control to be enabled."); QDialog dlg(0); QHBoxLayout layout(&dlg); QGroupBox g1("1", &dlg); QHBoxLayout g1layout(&g1); QRadioButton bt1("Radio1", &g1); QPushButton pb("PB", &g1); QLineEdit le(&g1); QRadioButton bt2("Radio2", &g1); g1layout.addWidget(&bt1); g1layout.addWidget(&pb); g1layout.addWidget(&le); g1layout.addWidget(&bt2); // create a mixed button group with radion buttons and push // buttons. Not very useful, but it tests borderline cases wrt // focus handling. QButtonGroup bgrp1(&g1); bgrp1.addButton(&bt1); bgrp1.addButton(&pb); bgrp1.addButton(&bt2); QGroupBox g2("2", &dlg); QVBoxLayout g2layout(&g2); // we don't need a button group here, because radio buttons are // auto exclusive, i.e. they group themselves in he same parent // widget. QRadioButton bt3("Radio3", &g2); QRadioButton bt4("Radio4", &g2); g2layout.addWidget(&bt3); g2layout.addWidget(&bt4); layout.addWidget(&g1); layout.addWidget(&g2);; qApp->setActiveWindow(&dlg); QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowActive(&dlg)); bt1.setFocus(); QTRY_VERIFY(bt1.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt1, Qt::Key_Right); QVERIFY(pb.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&pb, Qt::Key_Right); QVERIFY(bt2.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt2, Qt::Key_Right); QVERIFY(bt2.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt2, Qt::Key_Left); QVERIFY(pb.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&pb, Qt::Key_Left); QVERIFY(bt1.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt1, Qt::Key_Tab); QVERIFY(pb.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&pb, Qt::Key_Tab); QVERIFY(le.hasFocus()); QCOMPARE(le.selectedText(), le.text()); QTest::keyClick(&le, Qt::Key_Tab); QVERIFY(bt2.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt2, Qt::Key_Tab); QVERIFY(bt3.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt3, Qt::Key_Down); QVERIFY(bt4.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt4, Qt::Key_Down); QVERIFY(bt4.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt4, Qt::Key_Up); QVERIFY(bt3.hasFocus()); QTest::keyClick(&bt3, Qt::Key_Up); QVERIFY(bt3.hasFocus()); }
void test() { M::S s; f(s); // ok g1(s); // expected-error {{use of undeclared}} g2(s); // expected-error {{use of undeclared}} }
bool App::init() { _scene = new Scene; _core = new Core; _core->initialize(); connect(_core, SIGNAL(exit()), this, SLOT(quit())); // delete later _background = new GraphicObject; _background->setSurface(_core->getSurface("background.png")); SDL_Rect backRect = {0, 0, 1500, 843}; _background->setRect(backRect); qsrand(time(NULL)); _scene->setBack(_background); connect(_core->getEH(), SIGNAL(eventMsg(SDL_Event*)), this, SLOT(event(SDL_Event*))); // creating state ------------------------------ Battle *battle = new Battle; Scene *batScene = new Scene; battle->setScene(_scene); loadUnits(battle); // gates SDL_Rect gateRect; gateRect.x = 0; gateRect.y = 0; gateRect.w = 30; gateRect.h = 30; CombinedAnimation gateAnLeft; gateAnLeft.setSurface(_core->getSurface("leftgate.png")); gateAnLeft.setFrameLines(2); gateAnLeft.setMaxFrames(7); gateAnLeft.setFrames(0, 4); gateAnLeft.setFrames(1, 7); CombinedAnimation gateAnRight; gateAnRight.setSurface(_core->getSurface("rightgate.png")); gateAnRight.setFrameLines(2); gateAnRight.setMaxFrames(7); gateAnRight.setFrames(0, 4); gateAnRight.setFrames(1, 7); gateAnRight.flipHorizontal(); DamageableItem g1(1000, Position(310, SPAWN_LINE),Size(100, 90), 9); DamageableItem g2(1000, Position(1200, SPAWN_LINE),Size(100, 90), 19); // left castle SDL_Rect wallRect = {0, 0, 297, 230}; Animation leftWallAn; leftWallAn.setSurface(_core->getSurface("castle.png")); leftWallAn.setFrames(1); leftWallAn.setRect(wallRect); leftWallAn.flipHorizontal(); AreaItem leftWallItem(147, SPAWN_LINE, 220, 195); QSharedPointer<Castle> lCastle = QSharedPointer<Castle>(new Castle(leftWallItem, g1, leftWallAn, gateAnLeft, Position(100, SPAWN_LINE), 5, 1, 1500)); battle->setLeftCastle(lCastle); // right castle Animation wallAn; wallAn.setSurface(_core->getSurface("castle.png")); wallAn.setFrames(1); wallAn.setRect(wallRect); AreaItem wallItem(1365, SPAWN_LINE, 220, 195); QSharedPointer<Castle> rCastle = QSharedPointer<Castle>(new Castle(wallItem, g2, wallAn, gateAnRight, Position(1400, SPAWN_LINE), 5, 0, 1500)); battle->setRightCastle(rCastle); // Player stats QList<SDL_Surface*> iconSurfs; iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("warrior_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("ranger_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("rangerwall_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("knight_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("evilwarrior_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("evilranger_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("evilrangerwall_icon.png"); iconSurfs << _core->getSurface("evilknight_icon.png"); PlayerStats *stats = new PlayerStats(iconSurfs); battle->setPlayerStats(stats); // barrier floor QSharedPointer<AreaItem> floor = QSharedPointer<AreaItem>(new AreaItem(450, SPAWN_LINE + 700, 3000, 699, 0, true, true)); battle->setFloor(floor); // win sets GraphicObject *right = new GraphicObject(); GraphicObject *left = new GraphicObject(); GraphicObject *draw = new GraphicObject(); right->setSurface(_core->getSurface("rightwin.png")); left->setSurface(_core->getSurface("leftwin.png")); draw->setSurface(_core->getSurface("draw.png")); SDL_Rect winrect = {500, 300, 500, 200}; right->setRect(winrect); left->setRect(winrect); draw->setRect(winrect); battle->setWinPics(*left, *right, *draw); // starting _core->pushState(battle); _core->startStateTimer(17); int id = _core->addTimer(); _core->getTimer(id)->start(17); connect(_core->getTimer(id), SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(draw())); //---------------------------------------------- return true; }