static int option_parse_tech(GAtResult *result) { GAtResultIter iter; int s, octi, ouwcti; int tech; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "_OCTI:")) return -1; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &s)) return -1; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &octi)) return -1; if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "_OUWCTI:")) return -1; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &s)) return -1; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &ouwcti)) return -1; switch (octi) { case 1: /* GSM */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_GSM; break; case 2: /* GPRS */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_GSM; break; case 3: /* EDGE */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_GSM_EGPRS; break; default: tech = -1; break; } switch (ouwcti) { case 1: /* UMTS */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_UTRAN; break; case 2: /* HSDPA */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_UTRAN_HSDPA; break; case 3: /* HSUPA */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_UTRAN_HSUPA; break; case 4: /* HSPA */ tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_UTRAN_HSDPA_HSUPA; break; } DBG("octi %d ouwcti %d tech %d", octi, ouwcti, tech); return tech; }
static void at_discover_apps_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; GAtResultIter iter; ofono_sim_list_apps_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_error error; const unsigned char *dataobj; gint linelen; unsigned char *buffer; int len; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, NULL, 0, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); len = 0; while (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CUAD:")) { if (!g_at_result_iter_next_hexstring(&iter, NULL, &linelen)) goto error; len += linelen; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); buffer = g_malloc(len); len = 0; while (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CUAD:")) { g_at_result_iter_next_hexstring(&iter, &dataobj, &linelen); memcpy(buffer + len, dataobj, linelen); len += linelen; } cb(&error, buffer, len, cbd->data); g_free(buffer); return; error: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, NULL, 0, cbd->data); }
static void csq_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_netreg_strength_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; int strength; GAtResultIter iter; struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CSQ:")) { CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &strength); DBG("csq_cb: %d", strength); if (strength == 99) strength = -1; else strength = (strength * 100) / 31; cb(&error, strength, cbd->data); }
static void ifx_ctzdst_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_netreg *netreg = user_data; struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); int dst; GAtResultIter iter; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CTZDST:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &dst)) return; DBG("dst %d", dst); nd->time.dst = dst; if (nd->nitz_timeout > 0) { g_source_remove(nd->nitz_timeout); nd->nitz_timeout = 0; } ofono_netreg_time_notify(netreg, &nd->time); }
static void ciev_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_netreg *netreg = user_data; struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); int strength, ind; GAtResultIter iter; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CIEV:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &ind)) return; if (ind != nd->signal_index) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &strength)) return; if (strength == nd->signal_invalid) strength = -1; else strength = (strength * 100) / (nd->signal_max - nd->signal_min); ofono_netreg_strength_notify(netreg, strength); }
static void rat_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_radio_settings_rat_mode_query_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; enum ofono_radio_access_mode mode; struct ofono_error error; GAtResultIter iter; int value; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CFUN:")) goto err; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &value)) goto err; if (!ste_mode_to_ofono_mode(value, &mode)) goto err; CALLBACK_WITH_SUCCESS(cb, mode, cbd->data); return; err: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, cbd->data); }
static void cgev_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs_context *gc = user_data; struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); GAtResultIter iter; const char *event; gint cid; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGEV:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_unquoted_string(&iter, &event)) return; if (g_str_has_prefix(event, "NW PDN DEACT")) sscanf(event, "%*s %*s %*s %u", &cid); else if (g_str_has_prefix(event, "NW DEACT")) sscanf(event, "%*s %*s %u", &cid); else return; DBG("cid %d", cid); if ((unsigned int) cid != gcd->active_context) return; ofono_gprs_context_deactivated(gc, gcd->active_context); gcd->active_context = 0; }
static void bcs_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct hfp *hfp = user_data; struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; GAtResultIter iter; char str[32]; int value; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+BCS:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &value)) return; if (ofono_handsfree_card_set_codec(hfp->card, value) == FALSE) { /* Unsupported codec, re-send our codecs */ if (ofono_handsfree_audio_has_wideband()) sprintf(str, "AT+BAC=%d,%d", HFP_CODEC_CVSD, HFP_CODEC_MSBC); else sprintf(str, "AT+BAC=%d", HFP_CODEC_CVSD); goto done; } /* Confirm the codec */ sprintf(str, "AT+BCS=%d", value); done: g_at_chat_send(info->chat, str, none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
static void ublox_ureg_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs *gprs = user_data; GAtResultIter iter; gint state, bearer; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+UREG:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &state)) return; switch (state) { case 4: bearer = 5; break; case 5: bearer = 4; break; case 8: bearer = 1; break; case 9: bearer = 2; break; default: bearer = state; } ofono_gprs_bearer_notify(gprs, bearer); }
static void cgev_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs *gprs = user_data; struct gprs_data *gd = ofono_gprs_get_data(gprs); GAtResultIter iter; const char *event; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGEV:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_unquoted_string(&iter, &event)) return; if (g_str_equal(event, "NW DETACH") || g_str_equal(event, "ME DETACH")) { if (gd->vendor == OFONO_VENDOR_TELIT && gd->telit_try_reattach) return; gd->attached = FALSE; ofono_gprs_detached_notify(gprs); return; } else if (g_str_has_prefix(event, "ME PDN ACT")) { sscanf(event, "%*s %*s %*s %u", &gd->last_auto_context_id); g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGDCONT?", cgdcont_prefix, at_cgdcont_read_cb, gprs, NULL); } }
static void at_cgsms_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_sms_bearer_query_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_error error; GAtResultIter iter; int bearer; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGSMS:")) goto err; g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &bearer); cb(&error, bearer, cbd->data); return; err: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, cbd->data); }
static void cops_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(cbd->user); ofono_netreg_operator_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_network_operator op; GAtResultIter iter; int format, tech; const char *name; struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+COPS:")) goto error; g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); ok = g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &format); if (ok == FALSE || format != 0) goto error; if (g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &name) == FALSE) goto error; /* Default to GSM */ if (g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &tech) == FALSE) tech = ACCESS_TECHNOLOGY_GSM; strncpy(, name, OFONO_MAX_OPERATOR_NAME_LENGTH);[OFONO_MAX_OPERATOR_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; strncpy(op.mcc, nd->mcc, OFONO_MAX_MCC_LENGTH); op.mcc[OFONO_MAX_MCC_LENGTH] = '\0'; strncpy(op.mnc, nd->mnc, OFONO_MAX_MNC_LENGTH); op.mnc[OFONO_MAX_MNC_LENGTH] = '\0'; /* Set to current */ op.status = 2; = tech; DBG("cops_cb: %s, %s %s %d", name, nd->mcc, nd->mnc, tech); cb(&error, &op, cbd->data); g_free(cbd); return; error: cb(&error, NULL, cbd->data); g_free(cbd); }
static void ctm_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct ofono_error error; GAtResultIter iter; ofono_ctm_query_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; int value; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+PTTY:") == FALSE) goto error; if (g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &value) == FALSE) goto error; cb(&error, value, cbd->data); return; error: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, cbd->data); }
static void cbc_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct phonesim_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GAtResultIter iter; int status; int level; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CBC:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &status)) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &level)) return; data->batt_level = level; __ofono_modem_foreach_registered_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_EMULATOR_HFP, emulator_battery_cb, GUINT_TO_POINTER(level)); }
static void xctms_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_ctm_query_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_error error; GAtResultIter iter; int value; ofono_bool_t enable; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+XCTMS:") == FALSE) goto error; if (g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &value) == FALSE) goto error; /* FULL TTY mode status only sent to oFono */ enable = (value == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE; cb(&error, enable, cbd->data); return; error: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, cbd->data); }
static void ste_cgact_read_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs_context *gc = user_data; struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); gint cid, state; GAtResultIter iter; if (!ok) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); while (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGACT:")) { if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &cid)) continue; if ((unsigned int) cid != gcd->active_context) continue; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &state)) continue; if (state == 1) continue; ofono_gprs_context_deactivated(gc, gcd->active_context); gcd->active_context = 0; break; } }
static void cind_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct slc_establish_data *sed = user_data; struct hfp_slc_info *info = sed->info; GAtResultIter iter; const char *str; int index; int min, max; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CIND:")) goto error; index = 1; while (g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) { if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &str)) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto error; while (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &min, &max)) ; if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) goto error; if (g_str_equal("service", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_SERVICE] = index; else if (g_str_equal("call", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_CALL] = index; else if (g_str_equal("callsetup", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_CALLSETUP] = index; else if (g_str_equal("callheld", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_CALLHELD] = index; else if (g_str_equal("signal", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL] = index; else if (g_str_equal("roam", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_ROAM] = index; else if (g_str_equal("battchg", str) == TRUE) info->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_BATTCHG] = index; index += 1; } slc_establish_data_ref(sed); g_at_chat_send(info->chat, "AT+CIND?", cind_prefix, cind_status_cb, sed, slc_establish_data_unref); return; error: slc_failed(sed); }
static void cgev_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs_context *gc = user_data; struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); const char *event; int cid; GAtResultIter iter; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGEV:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_unquoted_string(&iter, &event)) return; if (g_str_has_prefix(event, "NW DEACT") == FALSE) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter)) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &cid)) return; DBG("cid %d", cid); if ((unsigned int) cid != gcd->active_context) return; if (gcd->state != STATE_IDLE && gcd->ppp) g_at_ppp_shutdown(gcd->ppp); }
static void at_csms_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = user_data; struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); gboolean cnma_supported = FALSE; GAtResultIter iter; int status_min, status_max; char buf[128]; if (!ok) return at_sms_not_supported(sms); g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CSMS:")) goto out; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto out; while (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &status_min, &status_max)) if (status_min <= 1 && 1 <= status_max) cnma_supported = TRUE; DBG("CSMS query parsed successfully"); out: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CSMS=%d", cnma_supported ? 1 : 0); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, csms_prefix, at_csms_set_cb, sms, NULL); }
static void at_cmgs_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; GAtResultIter iter; ofono_sms_submit_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_error error; int mr; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, -1, cbd->data); return; } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CMGS:")) goto err; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &mr)) goto err; DBG("Got MR: %d", mr); cb(&error, mr, cbd->data); return; err: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, cbd->data); }
static void at_cmgf_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = user_data; struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); gboolean supported = FALSE; if (ok) { GAtResultIter iter; int mode; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CMGF:")) goto out; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto out; /* Look for mode 0 (PDU mode) */ while (g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &mode)) if (mode == 0) supported = TRUE; } out: if (!supported) return at_sms_not_supported(sms); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CPMS=?", cpms_prefix, at_cpms_query_cb, sms, NULL); }
static void xsimstate_query(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct ifx_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GAtResultIter iter; int mode; int state; DBG(""); if (!ok) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+XSIMSTATE:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &mode)) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &state)) return; ifx_set_sim_state(data, state); }
static void ccfc_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_call_forwarding_query_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_error error; GAtResultIter iter; int num = 0; struct ofono_call_forwarding_condition *list = NULL; int i; int maxlen; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) goto out; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); while (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CCFC:")) num += 1; /* Specification is really unclear about this * generate status=0 for all classes just in case */ if (num == 0) { list = g_new0(struct ofono_call_forwarding_condition, 1); num = 1; list->status = 0; list->cls = GPOINTER_TO_INT(cbd->user); goto out; }
static void at_cgdcont_test_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs *gprs = user_data; struct gprs_data *gd = ofono_gprs_get_data(gprs); GAtResultIter iter; int min, max; const char *pdp_type; gboolean found = FALSE; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); while (!found && g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGDCONT:")) { gboolean in_list = FALSE; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) continue; if (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &min, &max) == FALSE) continue; if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) continue; if (g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) in_list = TRUE; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &pdp_type)) continue; if (in_list && !g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) continue; /* We look for IP PDPs */ if (g_str_equal(pdp_type, "IP")) found = TRUE; } if (found == FALSE) goto error; ofono_gprs_set_cid_range(gprs, min, max); g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGREG=?", cgreg_prefix, at_cgreg_test_cb, gprs, NULL); return; error: ofono_info("GPRS not supported on this device"); ofono_gprs_remove(gprs); }
static void at_cmgl_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = user_data; struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); GAtResultIter iter; const char *hexpdu; unsigned char pdu[176]; long pdu_len; int tpdu_len; int index; int status; char buf[16]; DBG(""); g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); while (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CMGL:")) { if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &index)) goto err; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &status)) goto err; if (!g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter)) goto err; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &tpdu_len)) goto err; /* Only MT messages */ if (status != 0 && status != 1) continue; hexpdu = g_at_result_pdu(result); DBG("Found an old SMS PDU: %s, with len: %d", hexpdu, tpdu_len); if (strlen(hexpdu) > sizeof(pdu) * 2) continue; decode_hex_own_buf(hexpdu, -1, &pdu_len, 0, pdu); ofono_sms_deliver_notify(sms, pdu, pdu_len, tpdu_len); /* We don't buffer SMS on the SIM/ME, send along a CMGD */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CMGD=%d", index); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, none_prefix, at_cmgd_cb, NULL, NULL); } return; err: ofono_error("Unable to parse CMGL response"); }
static void cops_numeric_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(cbd->user); ofono_netreg_operator_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; GAtResultIter iter; const char *str; int format; int len; struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+COPS:")) goto error; g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); ok = g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &format); if (ok == FALSE || format != 2) goto error; if (g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &str) == FALSE) goto error; len = strspn(str, "0123456789"); if (len != 5 && len != 6) goto error; extract_mcc_mnc(str, nd->mcc, nd->mnc); DBG("Cops numeric got mcc: %s, mnc: %s", nd->mcc, nd->mnc); ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS=3,0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ok) ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS?", cops_prefix, cops_cb, cbd, NULL); if (ok) return; error: cb(&error, NULL, cbd->data); g_free(cbd); }
static void notify_callback(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GAtResultIter iter; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, NULL) == TRUE) printf("%s\n", g_at_result_iter_raw_line(&iter)); printf("==> %s\n", g_at_result_final_response(result)); }
static void chld_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct slc_establish_data *sed = user_data; struct hfp_slc_info *info = sed->info; unsigned int ag_mpty_feature = 0; GAtResultIter iter; const char *str; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CHLD:")) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto error; while (g_at_result_iter_next_unquoted_string(&iter, &str)) { if (!strcmp(str, "0")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_0; else if (!strcmp(str, "1")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_1; else if (!strcmp(str, "1x")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_1x; else if (!strcmp(str, "2")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_2; else if (!strcmp(str, "2x")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_2x; else if (!strcmp(str, "3")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_3; else if (!strcmp(str, "4")) ag_mpty_feature |= HFP_AG_CHLD_4; } if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) goto error; info->ag_mpty_features = ag_mpty_feature; if ((info->ag_features & HFP_AG_FEATURE_HF_INDICATORS) && (info->hf_features & HFP_HF_FEATURE_HF_INDICATORS)) { slc_establish_data_ref(sed); g_at_chat_send(info->chat, "AT+BIND=1", none_prefix, bind_set_cb, sed, slc_establish_data_unref); } else slc_established(sed); return; error: slc_failed(sed); }
static void at_cgreg_test_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs *gprs = user_data; struct gprs_data *gd = ofono_gprs_get_data(gprs); gint range[2]; GAtResultIter iter; int cgreg1 = 0; int cgreg2 = 0; const char *cmd; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGREG:")) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto error; while (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &range[0], &range[1])) { if (1 >= range[0] && 1 <= range[1]) cgreg1 = 1; if (2 >= range[0] && 2 <= range[1]) cgreg2 = 1; } g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter); if (cgreg2) cmd = "AT+CGREG=2"; else if (cgreg1) cmd = "AT+CGREG=1"; else goto error; g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, cmd, none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGAUTO=0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* ST-E modem does not support AT+CGEREP = 2,1 */ if (gd->vendor == OFONO_VENDOR_STE) g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGEREP=1,0", none_prefix, gprs_initialized, gprs, NULL); else g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGEREP=2,1", none_prefix, gprs_initialized, gprs, NULL); return; error: ofono_info("GPRS not supported on this device"); ofono_gprs_remove(gprs); }
static gboolean parse_sysinfo(GAtResult *result, gint *status) { GAtResultIter iter; gint srv_status; gint srv_domain; gint roaming_status; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "^SYSINFO:")) return FALSE; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &srv_status)) return FALSE; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &srv_domain)) return FALSE; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &roaming_status)) return FALSE; DBG("%d, %d, %d", srv_status, srv_domain, roaming_status); switch (srv_status) { case 1: /* Restricted service */ case 2: /* Service valid */ case 3: /* Restricted region service */ if (roaming_status) *status = CDMA_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_STATUS_ROAMING; else *status = CDMA_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_STATUS_REGISTERED; break; case 0: /* No service */ case 4: /* Not registered */ default: *status = CDMA_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NOT_REGISTERED; break; } switch (srv_domain) { case 0: /* No service */ *status = CDMA_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NOT_REGISTERED; break; case 1: /* Only CS */ case 2: /* Only PS */ case 3: /* CS PS */ case 4: /* CS registered, PS in searching state */ case 255: /* CDMA not supported */ break; } return TRUE; }