コード例 #1
ファイル: rclib-settings.c プロジェクト: horc-fn/RhythmCat2
gdouble *rclib_settings_get_double_list(const gchar *group_name,
    const gchar *key, gsize *length, GError **error)
    if(settings_keyfile==NULL) return NULL;
    return g_key_file_get_double_list(settings_keyfile, group_name, key,
        length, error);
コード例 #2
ファイル: pragha-preferences.c プロジェクト: pingax/pragha
 * pragha_preferences_get_double_list:
gdouble *
pragha_preferences_get_double_list (PraghaPreferences *preferences,
                                    const gchar *group_name,
                                    const gchar *key)
	g_return_val_if_fail(PRAGHA_IS_PREFERENCES(preferences), NULL);

	return g_key_file_get_double_list(preferences->priv->rc_keyfile,
コード例 #3
ファイル: prefs.c プロジェクト: hasufell/pnmixer
 * Gets a list of doubles from preferences.
 * On error, returns NULL.
 * @param key the specific settings key
 * @param n integer pointer that will contain the returned array size
 * @return the preference value or NULL on error
gdouble *
prefs_get_double_list(const gchar *key, gsize *n)
	gsize numcols = 0;
	gdouble *ret = NULL;
	GError *error = NULL;

	ret = g_key_file_get_double_list(keyFile, "PNMixer", key, &numcols, &error);
	if (error) {
		ret = NULL;

	/* For the volume meter color, we need a little bit of care.
	 * Ensure the list is valid, and provide default values if needed.
	if (!g_strcmp0(key, "VolMeterColor")) {
		gsize i;

		if (ret && numcols != 3) {
			ret = NULL;

		if (!ret) {
			ret = g_malloc(3 * sizeof(gdouble));
			ret[0] = 0.909803921569;
			ret[1] = 0.43137254902;
			ret[2] = 0.43137254902;

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			if (ret[i] < 0)
				ret[i] = 0;
			if (ret[i] > 1)
				ret[i] = 1;

	if (n)
		*n = numcols;

	return ret;
コード例 #4
ファイル: keyfile.c プロジェクト: andrewdavis12/cutter
static void
check_double_list_value (GKeyFile    *keyfile,
			  const gchar *group,
			  const gchar *key,
  gint i;
  gdouble v, *value;
  va_list args;
  gsize len;
  GError *error = NULL;

  value = g_key_file_get_double_list (keyfile, group, key, &len, &error);
  check_no_error (error);
  cut_assert (value);
  va_start (args, key);
  i = 0;
  v = va_arg (args, gdouble);
  while (v != -100)
      cut_assert (i != len,
	  	  cut_message ("Group %s key %s: list too short (%d)",
                               group, key, i));
      cut_assert_equal_int (v, value[i],
		      	    cut_message ("Group %s key %s: mismatch at %d, "
                                         "expected %e, got %e",
                                         group, key, i, v, value[i]));
      v = va_arg (args, gdouble);

  va_end (args);
  g_free (value);
コード例 #5
cid_read_key_file (CidMainContainer **pCid, const gchar *f) 
    CidMainContainer *cid = *pCid;
    if (!cid_load_key_file(pCid, f))
        cid_exit(CID_ERROR_READING_FILE,"Key File error");

    bChangedDesktop = cid->config->bAllDesktop;
    iPlayerChanged  = cid->config->iPlayer;
    iSymbolChanged  = cid->config->iSymbolColor;
    iOldWidth       = cid->config->iWidth;
    iOldHeight      = cid->config->iHeight;
    gint *pSize;
    gsize iReadSize;

    GError *error = NULL;
    bUnvalidKey = FALSE;
    // [System] configuration
    cid->config->iPlayer         = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("System", "PLAYER");
    cid->config->iInter          = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("System", "INTER", DEFAULT_TIMERS) SECONDES;
    cid->config->bMonitorPlayer  = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("System", "MONITOR", TRUE);
    cid->config->bPlayerState    = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("System", "STATE", TRUE);
    cid->config->bDisplayTitle   = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("System", "TITLE", TRUE);
    cid->config->iSymbolColor    = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("System", "SYMBOL_COLOR");
    cid->config->bDisplayControl = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("System", "CONTROLS", TRUE);
    cid->config->dPoliceSize     = g_key_file_get_double  (cid->pKeyFile, "System", "POLICE_SIZE", &error);
    cid->config->dPoliceColor    = g_key_file_get_double_list (cid->pKeyFile, "System", "POLICE_COLOR", &cid->config->gPlainTextSize, &error);
    cid->config->dOutlineTextColor = g_key_file_get_double_list (cid->pKeyFile, "System", "OUTLINE_COLOR", &cid->config->gOutlineTextSize, &error);

    // [Options] configuration
    cid->config->bHide           = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Options", "HIDE");
    cid->config->cDefaultImage   = CID_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH  ("Options", "IMAGE", cid->config->bDevMode ? TESTING_DIR"/"TESTING_COVER : CID_DEFAULT_IMAGE);
    cid->config->bRunAnimation   = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Options", "ANIMATION", TRUE);
    cid->config->iAnimationType  = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Options", "ANIMATION_TYPE");
    cid->config->iAnimationSpeed = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Options", "ANIMATION_SPEED");
    cid->config->bThreaded       = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Options", "THREAD");
    cid->config->bDownload       = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Options", "DOWNLOAD");
    cid->config->cDLPath         = CID_CONFIG_GET_STRING_WITH_DEFAULT ("Options", "DL_PATH", cid->defaut->cDLPath);
    cid->config->iImageSize      = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Options", "D_SIZE");
    cid->config->iTimeToWait     = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Options", "DELAY", DEFAULT_TIMERS);
    cid->config->bUnstable       = cid->config->bTesting && CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Options", "B_UNSTABLE", TRUE);
    // [Behaviour] configuration
    cid->config->iPosX          = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Behaviour", "GAP_X");
    cid->config->iPosY          = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Behaviour", "GAP_Y");
    pSize               = g_key_file_get_integer_list (cid->pKeyFile, "Behaviour", "SIZE", &iReadSize, &error);
    if (cid_free_and_debug_error(&error) || iReadSize != 2)
        pSize = g_realloc (pSize, 2 * sizeof(int));
        if (pSize != NULL)
            pSize[0] = DEFAULT_SIZE;
            pSize[1] = DEFAULT_SIZE;
            cid_exit (CID_ERROR_READING_FILE, "cannot allocate memory");
    cid->config->dRotate        = g_key_file_get_double  (cid->pKeyFile, "Behaviour", "ROTATION", &error);
    cid->config->dColor         = g_key_file_get_double_list (cid->pKeyFile, "Behaviour", "COLOR", &cid->config->gColorSize, &error);
    cid->config->dFlyingColor   = g_key_file_get_double_list (cid->pKeyFile, "Behaviour", "FLYING_COLOR", &cid->config->gFlyingColorSize, &error);
    cid->config->bKeepCorners   = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Behaviour", "KEEP_CORNERS");
    cid->config->bAllDesktop    = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Behaviour", "ALL_DESKTOP", TRUE);
    cid->config->bLockPosition  = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Behaviour", "LOCK", TRUE);
    cid->config->bMask          = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Behaviour", "MASK", TRUE);
    cid->config->bShowAbove     = CID_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Behaviour", "SWITCH_ABOVE", TRUE);
    // MPD configurations
    cid->mpd_dir   = CID_CONFIG_GET_DIR_PATH ("MPD", "MPD_DIR", g_strdup_printf ("%s/Music",g_getenv ("HOME")));
    cid->mpd_host  = CID_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("MPD", "MPD_HOST");
    if (cid->mpd_host != NULL && strcmp (cid->mpd_host, "") == 0)
        g_free (cid->mpd_host);
        cid->mpd_host = g_strdup ("localhost");
    gchar *cEncrypted = NULL;
    cEncrypted     = CID_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("MPD", "MPD_PASS");
    //cid_decrypt_string (cEncrypted, &cid->mpd_pass);
    cid->mpd_pass = g_strdup (cEncrypted);
    g_free (cEncrypted);
    cid->mpd_port  = CID_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("MPD", "MPD_PORT", 6600);
    cid->config->iWidth = pSize[0] <= MAX_SIZE ? pSize[0] : MAX_SIZE;
    cid->config->iHeight = pSize[1] <= MAX_SIZE ? pSize[1] : MAX_SIZE;
    if (!bUnvalidKey) 
        cid->config->dRed            = cid->config->dColor[0];
        cid->config->dGreen          = cid->config->dColor[1];
        cid->config->dBlue           = cid->config->dColor[2];
        cid->config->dAlpha          = cid->config->dColor[3];
        cid->runtime->dFocusVariation = cid->config->dFlyingColor[3]>cid->config->dAlpha ? +1 : -1;
        cid->config->iExtraSize      = (cid->config->iHeight + cid->config->iWidth)/20;
        cid->config->iPrevNextSize   = cid->config->iExtraSize * 2;
        cid->config->iPlayPauseSize  = cid->config->iExtraSize * 3;

    if (bUnvalidKey && !bReloaded)
        cid_save_data (pCid);
        cid_read_key_file (pCid, f);
        bReloaded = TRUE;
コード例 #6
		gchar *subtitle = NULL, *font_desc;
		gdouble *my_points = NULL, *p_start, *p_stop, *c_start, *c_stop;
		gsize length;
		gint anim_id,anim_duration, text_pos, placing, gradient;
		GdkPixbuf *pix = NULL;
        gboolean      load_ok, img_load_ok;
        gchar *original_filename = NULL;
        GtkIconTheme *icon_theme;
        GtkIconInfo  *icon_info;
        const gchar  *icon_filename;
		ImgAngle   angle = 0;
		/* Load project backgroud color */
		color = g_key_file_get_double_list( img_key_file, "slideshow settings",
											"background color", NULL, NULL );
		img->background_color[0] = color[0];
		img->background_color[1] = color[1];
		img->background_color[2] = color[2];
		g_free( color );

		/* Loads the thumbnails and set the slides info */
		number = g_key_file_get_integer( img_key_file, "slideshow settings",
										 "number of slides", NULL);
		/* Store the previous number of slides and set img->slides_nr so to have the correct number of slides displayed on the status bar */
		previous_nr_of_slides = img->slides_nr;
		img->slides_nr = number;

		gtk_widget_show( img->progress_bar );
		for( i = 1; i <= number; i++ )