for (i = s->header.header_size; i < check->nclusters; i++) { if (!qed_test_bit(check->used_clusters, i)) { check->result->leaks++; } } } int qed_check(BDRVQEDState *s, BdrvCheckResult *result, bool fix) { QEDCheck check = { .s = s, .result = result, .nclusters = qed_bytes_to_clusters(s, s->file_size), .request = { .l2_table = NULL }, .fix = fix, }; int ret; check.used_clusters = g_malloc0(((check.nclusters + 31) / 32) * sizeof(check.used_clusters[0])); ret = qed_check_l1_table(&check, s->l1_table); if (ret == 0) { /* Only check for leaks if entire image was scanned successfully */ qed_check_for_leaks(&check); } g_free(check.used_clusters); return ret; }
/* creates a stat_tree node * name: the name of the stats_tree node * parent_name: the name of the ALREADY REGISTERED parent * with_hash: whether or not it should keep a hash with its children names * as_named_node: whether or not it has to be registered in the root namespace */ static stat_node* new_stat_node(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, gboolean with_hash, gboolean as_parent_node) { stat_node *node = (stat_node *)g_malloc (sizeof(stat_node)); stat_node *last_chld = NULL; node->counter = 0; node->total = 0; node->minvalue = G_MAXINT; node->maxvalue = G_MININT; node->st_flags = parent_id?0:ST_FLG_ROOTCHILD; node->bh = (burst_bucket*)g_malloc0(sizeof(burst_bucket)); node->bt = node->bh; node->bcount = 0; node->max_burst = 0; node->burst_time = -1.0; node->name = g_strdup(name); node->children = NULL; node->next = NULL; node->st = (stats_tree*) st; node->hash = with_hash ? g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal) : NULL; node->parent = NULL; node->rng = NULL; if (as_parent_node) { g_hash_table_insert(st->names, node->name, node); g_ptr_array_add(st->parents,node); node->id = st->parents->len - 1; } else { node->id = -1; } if (parent_id >= 0 && parent_id < (int) st->parents->len ) { node->parent = (stat_node *)g_ptr_array_index(st->parents,parent_id); } else { /* ??? should we set the parent to be root ??? */ g_assert_not_reached(); } if (node->parent->children) { /* insert as last child */ for (last_chld = node->parent->children; last_chld->next; last_chld = last_chld->next ) ; last_chld->next = node; } else { /* insert as first child */ node->parent->children = node; } if(node->parent->hash) { g_hash_table_insert(node->parent->hash,node->name,node); } if (st->cfg->setup_node_pr) { st->cfg->setup_node_pr(node); } else { node->pr = NULL; } return node; }
void gui_init(struct dt_iop_module_t *self) { self->gui_data = malloc(sizeof(dt_iop_colorout_gui_data_t)); memset(self->gui_data,0,sizeof(dt_iop_colorout_gui_data_t)); dt_iop_colorout_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_colorout_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data; g->profiles = NULL; dt_iop_color_profile_t *prof = (dt_iop_color_profile_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_iop_color_profile_t)); g_strlcpy(prof->filename, "sRGB", sizeof(prof->filename)); g_strlcpy(prof->name, "sRGB", sizeof(prof->name)); int pos; int display_pos; prof->pos = 0; prof->display_pos = 0; g->profiles = g_list_append(g->profiles, prof); prof = (dt_iop_color_profile_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_iop_color_profile_t)); g_strlcpy(prof->filename, "adobergb", sizeof(prof->filename)); g_strlcpy(prof->name, "adobergb", sizeof(prof->name)); prof->pos = 1; prof->display_pos = 1; g->profiles = g_list_append(g->profiles, prof); prof = (dt_iop_color_profile_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_iop_color_profile_t)); g_strlcpy(prof->filename, "X profile", sizeof(prof->filename)); g_strlcpy(prof->name, "X profile", sizeof(prof->name)); prof->pos = -1; prof->display_pos = 2; g->profiles = g_list_append(g->profiles, prof); prof = (dt_iop_color_profile_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_iop_color_profile_t)); g_strlcpy(prof->filename, "linear_rgb", sizeof(prof->filename)); g_strlcpy(prof->name, "linear_rgb", sizeof(prof->name)); pos = prof->pos = 2; display_pos = prof->display_pos = 3; g->profiles = g_list_append(g->profiles, prof); // read {conf,data}dir/color/out/*.icc char datadir[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN]; char confdir[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN]; char dirname[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN]; char filename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN]; dt_loc_get_user_config_dir(confdir, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN); dt_loc_get_datadir(datadir, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN); snprintf(dirname, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/color/out", confdir); if(!g_file_test(dirname, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) snprintf(dirname, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/color/out", datadir); cmsHPROFILE tmpprof; const gchar *d_name; GDir *dir = g_dir_open(dirname, 0, NULL); if(dir) { while((d_name = g_dir_read_name(dir))) { snprintf(filename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dirname, d_name); tmpprof = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(filename, "r"); if(tmpprof) { char *lang = getenv("LANG"); if (!lang) lang = "en_US"; dt_iop_color_profile_t *prof = (dt_iop_color_profile_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_iop_color_profile_t)); char name[1024]; cmsGetProfileInfoASCII(tmpprof, cmsInfoDescription, lang, lang+3, name, 1024); g_strlcpy(prof->name, name, sizeof(prof->name)); g_strlcpy(prof->filename, d_name, sizeof(prof->filename)); prof->pos = ++pos; prof->display_pos = ++display_pos; cmsCloseProfile(tmpprof); g->profiles = g_list_append(g->profiles, prof); } } g_dir_close(dir); } self->widget = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, DT_BAUHAUS_SPACE); // TODO: g->cbox1 = dt_bauhaus_combobox_new(self); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), g->cbox1, TRUE, TRUE, 0); dt_bauhaus_widget_set_label(g->cbox1, _("output intent")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox1, _("perceptual")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox1, _("relative colorimetric")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox1, C_("rendering intent", "saturation")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox1, _("absolute colorimetric")); g->cbox4 = dt_bauhaus_combobox_new(self); dt_bauhaus_widget_set_label(g->cbox4, _("display intent")); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), g->cbox4, TRUE, TRUE, 0); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox4, _("perceptual")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox4, _("relative colorimetric")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox4, C_("rendering intent", "saturation")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox4, _("absolute colorimetric")); g->cbox2 = dt_bauhaus_combobox_new(self); g->cbox3 = dt_bauhaus_combobox_new(self); g->cbox5 = dt_bauhaus_combobox_new(self); dt_bauhaus_widget_set_label(g->cbox2, _("output profile")); dt_bauhaus_widget_set_label(g->cbox5, _("softproof profile")); dt_bauhaus_widget_set_label(g->cbox3, _("display profile")); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), g->cbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), g->cbox5, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), g->cbox3, TRUE, TRUE, 0); GList *l = g->profiles; while(l) { dt_iop_color_profile_t *prof = (dt_iop_color_profile_t *)l->data; if(!strcmp(prof->name, "X profile")) { // the system display profile is only suitable for display purposes dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox3, _("system display profile")); } else if(!strcmp(prof->name, "linear_rgb")) { dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox2, _("linear RGB")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox3, _("linear RGB")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox5, _("linear RGB")); } else if(!strcmp(prof->name, "sRGB")) { dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox2, _("sRGB (web-safe)")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox3, _("sRGB (web-safe)")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox5, _("sRGB (web-safe)")); } else if(!strcmp(prof->name, "adobergb")) { dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox2, _("Adobe RGB")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox3, _("Adobe RGB")); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox5, _("Adobe RGB")); } else { dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox2, prof->name); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox3, prof->name); dt_bauhaus_combobox_add(g->cbox5, prof->name); } l = g_list_next(l); } char tooltip[1024]; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(g->cbox1), "tooltip-text", _("rendering intent"), (char *)NULL); snprintf(tooltip, 1024, _("icc profiles in %s/color/out or %s/color/out"), confdir, datadir); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(g->cbox2), "tooltip-text", tooltip, (char *)NULL); snprintf(tooltip, 1024, _("display icc profiles in %s/color/out or %s/color/out"), confdir, datadir); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(g->cbox3), "tooltip-text", tooltip, (char *)NULL); snprintf(tooltip, 1024, _("softproof icc profiles in %s/color/out or %s/color/out"), confdir, datadir); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(g->cbox5), "tooltip-text", tooltip, (char *)NULL); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (g->cbox1), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (intent_changed), (gpointer)self); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (g->cbox4), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (display_intent_changed), (gpointer)self); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (g->cbox2), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (output_profile_changed), (gpointer)self); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (g->cbox3), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (display_profile_changed), (gpointer)self); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (g->cbox5), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (softproof_profile_changed), (gpointer)self); // reload the profiles when the display profile changed! dt_control_signal_connect(darktable.signals, DT_SIGNAL_CONTROL_PROFILE_CHANGED, G_CALLBACK(_signal_profile_changed), self->dev); }
dt_undo_lt_history_t *dt_history_snapshot_item_init(void) { return (dt_undo_lt_history_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_undo_lt_history_t)); }
CK_RV gkm_crypto_sexp_to_data (gcry_sexp_t sexp, guint bits, CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG *n_data, EggPadding padding, ...) { gcry_sexp_t at = NULL; gsize n_block, offset, len; gcry_mpi_t mpi = NULL; gpointer padded; guchar *block; va_list va; gboolean ret; gcry_error_t gcry; g_assert (sexp); g_assert (data); g_assert (n_data); g_assert (bits); /* First try and dig out sexp child based on arguments */ va_start (va, padding); at = gkm_sexp_get_childv (sexp, va); va_end (va); /* It's expected we would find it */ g_return_val_if_fail (at != NULL, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR); /* Parse out the MPI */ mpi = gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (at, 1, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG); g_return_val_if_fail (at != NULL, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR); gcry_sexp_release (at); /* Print out the MPI into the end of a temporary buffer */ n_block = (bits + 7) / 8; gcry = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, NULL, 0, &len, mpi); g_return_val_if_fail (gcry == 0, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR); g_return_val_if_fail (len <= n_block, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR); offset = n_block - len; block = g_malloc0 (n_block); memset (block, 0, offset); gcry = gcry_mpi_print (GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, block + offset, len, &len, mpi); g_return_val_if_fail (gcry == 0, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR); g_return_val_if_fail (len == n_block - offset, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR); gcry_mpi_release (mpi); /* Pad it properly if necessary */ if (padding != NULL) { ret = (padding) (g_realloc, n_block, block, n_block, &padded, &n_block); g_free (block); if (ret == FALSE) return CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE; block = padded; } /* Now stuff it into the output buffer */ if (n_block > *n_data) return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; memcpy (data, block, n_block); *n_data = n_block; g_free (block); return CKR_OK; }
static void make_stream (HwpHWP5File *file, GError **error) { GsfInput *input = NULL; GsfInfile *ole = GSF_INFILE (file->priv->olefile); gint n_root_entry = gsf_infile_num_children (ole); if (n_root_entry < 1) { g_set_error_literal (error, HWP_FILE_ERROR, HWP_FILE_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid hwp file"); return; } /* 우선 순위에 따라 스트림을 만든다 */ input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "FileHeader"); if (input && gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)) == -1) { file->file_header_stream = input; input = NULL; parse_file_header (file); } else { goto FAIL; } input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "DocInfo"); if (input && gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)) == -1) { if (file->is_compress) { GInputStream *gis; GZlibDecompressor *zd; GInputStream *cis; gis = (GInputStream *) gsf_input_stream_new (input); zd = g_zlib_decompressor_new (G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_RAW); cis = g_converter_input_stream_new (gis, (GConverter *) zd); g_filter_input_stream_set_close_base_stream (G_FILTER_INPUT_STREAM (cis), TRUE); file->doc_info_stream = cis; g_object_unref (zd); g_object_unref (gis); input = NULL; } else { file->doc_info_stream = (GInputStream *) gsf_input_stream_new (input); } } else { goto FAIL; } if (!file->is_distribute) input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "BodyText"); else input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "ViewText"); if (input) { for (gint i = 0; i < gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)); i++) { GsfInput *section = gsf_infile_child_by_name (GSF_INFILE (input), g_strdup_printf("Section%d", i)); if (gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (section)) != -1) { if (GSF_IS_INPUT (section)) g_object_unref (section); g_set_error_literal (error, HWP_FILE_ERROR, HWP_FILE_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid hwp file"); return; } if (file->is_distribute) { guint8 *data = g_malloc0 (256); gsf_input_read (section, 4, NULL); gsf_input_read (section, 256, data); guint32 seed = GSF_LE_GET_GUINT32 (data); msvc_srand (seed); gint n = 0, val = 0, offset; for (guint i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (n == 0) { val = msvc_rand() & 0xff; n = (msvc_rand() & 0xf) + 1; } data[i] ^= val; n--; } offset = 4 + (seed & 0xf); gchar *key = g_malloc0 (16); memcpy (key, (const gchar *) data + offset, 16); #ifdef HWP_ENABLE_DEBUG gchar *sha1 = g_convert ((const gchar *) data + offset, 80, "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE", NULL, NULL, error); printf ("sha1: %s\n", sha1); printf ("key: %s\n", key); g_free (sha1); #endif g_free (data); EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new (); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init (ctx); EVP_DecryptInit_ex (ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, (unsigned char *) key, NULL); g_free (key); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(ctx, 0); /* no padding */ gsf_off_t encrypted_data_len = gsf_input_remaining (section); guint8 const *encrypted_data = gsf_input_read (section, encrypted_data_len, NULL); guint8 *decrypted_data = g_malloc (encrypted_data_len); int decrypted_data_len, len; EVP_DecryptUpdate (ctx, decrypted_data, &len, encrypted_data, encrypted_data_len); decrypted_data_len = len; EVP_DecryptFinal_ex (ctx, decrypted_data + len, &len); decrypted_data_len += len; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free (ctx); g_object_unref (section); section = gsf_input_memory_new (decrypted_data, decrypted_data_len, TRUE); } if (file->is_compress) { GInputStream *gis; GZlibDecompressor *zd; GInputStream *cis; gis = (GInputStream *) gsf_input_stream_new (section); zd = g_zlib_decompressor_new (G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_RAW); cis = g_converter_input_stream_new (gis, (GConverter *) zd); g_filter_input_stream_set_close_base_stream (G_FILTER_INPUT_STREAM (cis), TRUE); g_ptr_array_add (file->section_streams, cis); g_object_unref (zd); g_object_unref (gis); } else { GInputStream *stream = (GInputStream *) gsf_input_stream_new (section); g_ptr_array_add (file->section_streams, stream); } } /* for */ g_object_unref (input); input = NULL; } else { goto FAIL; } input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "\005HwpSummaryInformation"); if (input && gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)) == -1) { file->summary_info_stream = input; input = NULL; } else { goto FAIL; } input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "BinData"); if (input) { gint n_data = gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)); for (gint i = 0; i < n_data; i++) { GsfInput *bin_data_input = gsf_infile_child_by_index (GSF_INFILE (input), i); if (gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (bin_data_input)) != -1) { if (GSF_IS_INPUT (bin_data_input)) g_object_unref (bin_data_input); g_set_error_literal (error, HWP_FILE_ERROR, HWP_FILE_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid hwp file"); return; } if (file->is_compress) { GInputStream *gis; GZlibDecompressor *zd; GInputStream *cis; gis = (GInputStream *) gsf_input_stream_new (bin_data_input); zd = g_zlib_decompressor_new (G_ZLIB_COMPRESSOR_FORMAT_RAW); cis = g_converter_input_stream_new (gis, (GConverter *) zd); g_filter_input_stream_set_close_base_stream (G_FILTER_INPUT_STREAM (cis), TRUE); g_ptr_array_add (file->bin_data_streams, cis); g_object_unref (zd); g_object_unref (gis); } else { GInputStream *stream = (GInputStream *) gsf_input_stream_new (bin_data_input); g_ptr_array_add (file->bin_data_streams, stream); } } g_object_unref (input); input = NULL; } input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "PrvText"); if (input && gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)) == -1) { file->prv_text_stream = input; input = NULL; } else { goto FAIL; } input = gsf_infile_child_by_name (ole, "PrvImage"); if (input && gsf_infile_num_children (GSF_INFILE (input)) == -1) { file->prv_image_stream = input; input = NULL; } else { goto FAIL; } return; FAIL: if (GSF_IS_INPUT (input)) g_object_unref (input); g_set_error_literal (error, HWP_FILE_ERROR, HWP_FILE_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid hwp file"); return; }
static void shmsrc_tilde_try_pop_audio_buf (t_shmsrc_tilde *x) { //g_print ("length %d\n", g_async_queue_length (x->x_audio_queue)); x->x_current_audio_buf = g_async_queue_try_pop (x->x_audio_queue); if (x->x_current_audio_buf == NULL) return; double src_ratio; if (x->x_sample_duration < 1.0 || x->x_stream_sample_duration < 1.0) src_ratio = (double) x->x_pd_samplerate / (double)x->x_current_audio_buf->sample_rate; else src_ratio = x->x_stream_sample_duration / x->x_sample_duration; /* g_print ("x->x_pd_samplerate %d x->x_current_audio_buf->sample_rate %d\n", x->x_pd_samplerate, x->x_current_audio_buf->sample_rate); */ /* g_print ("x->x_sample_duration %f x->x_stream_sample_duration %f\n", x->x_sample_duration, x->x_stream_sample_duration); */ /* g_print ("%f queue length %d, stream sample dur %f, sample duration %f\n", */ /* src_ratio, */ /* g_async_queue_length (x->x_audio_queue), */ /* x->x_stream_sample_duration, */ /* x->x_sample_duration); */ if (src_ratio == 1 ) return; SRC_DATA src_data ; int error, terminate ; int input_len = x->x_current_audio_buf->remaining_samples; int output_len = floor (input_len * src_ratio); if (output_len == 0) return; //g_print ("%d, %d\n",output_len,input_len); src_data.data_in = x->x_current_audio_buf->audio_data ; src_data.input_frames = input_len ; src_data.src_ratio = src_ratio; //g_print ("outputlen %d channels %d\n", output_len, x->x_current_audio_buf->num_channels_in_buf); t_float *output = g_malloc0 (sizeof (t_float) * output_len * x->x_current_audio_buf->num_channels_in_buf); src_data.data_out = output ; src_data.output_frames = output_len; //SRC_ZERO_ORDER_HOLD SRC_LINEAR SRC_SINC_FASTEST if ((error = src_simple (&src_data, SRC_SINC_FASTEST, x->x_current_audio_buf->num_channels_in_buf))) printf ("\n\nLine %d : %s\n\n", __LINE__, src_strerror (error)) ; terminate = (int) ceil ((src_ratio >= 1.0) ? src_ratio : 1.0 / src_ratio) ; if (fabs (src_data.output_frames_gen - src_ratio * input_len) > 2 * terminate) { printf ("\n\nLine %d : bad output data length %ld should be %d.\n", __LINE__, src_data.output_frames_gen, (int) floor (src_ratio * input_len)) ; printf ("\tsrc_ratio : %.4f\n", src_ratio) ; printf ("\tinput_len : %d\n\toutput_len : %d\n\n", input_len, output_len) ; } if (x->x_current_audio_buf->free_audio_data) g_free (x->x_current_audio_buf->audio_data); x->x_current_audio_buf->free_audio_data = TRUE; x->x_current_audio_buf->audio_data = output; x->x_current_audio_buf->remaining_samples = output_len; }
GList *gc_db_users_from_group_get(gint group_id) { GcomprisProfile *profile = gc_profile_get_current(); if (profile && profile->groups) { GcomprisGroup *group = g_hash_table_lookup(profile->groups, GINT_TO_POINTER(group_id)); return group ? group->user_ids : NULL; } SUPPORT_OR_RETURN(NULL); #ifdef USE_SQLITE char *zErrMsg; char **result; int rc; int nrow; int ncolumn; gchar *request; int i; GList *users = NULL; request = g_strdup_printf(USERS_FROM_GROUP(group_id)); rc = sqlite3_get_table(gcompris_db, request, &result, &nrow, &ncolumn, &zErrMsg ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ g_error("SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg); } g_free(request); if (nrow == 0){ g_message("No users in the group id %d", group_id); } else { i = ncolumn; while (i < (nrow +1)*ncolumn) { GcomprisUser *user = g_malloc0(sizeof(GcomprisUser)); user->user_id = atoi(result[i++]); user->login = g_strdup(result[i++]); user->lastname = g_strdup(result[i++]); user->firstname = g_strdup(result[i++]); user->birthdate = g_strdup(result[i++]); user->class_id = atoi(result[i++]); users = g_list_append(users, user); } } return users; #else return NULL; #endif }
GList *gc_menu_load_db(GList *boards_list) { SUPPORT_OR_RETURN(NULL); #ifdef USE_SQLITE GList *boards = boards_list; char *zErrMsg; char **result; int rc; int nrow; int ncolumn; int i; rc = sqlite3_get_table(gcompris_db, BOARDS_READ, &result, &nrow, &ncolumn, &zErrMsg ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ g_error("SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg); } /* first ncolumns are columns labels. */ i = ncolumn; while (i < (nrow +1)*ncolumn) { GcomprisBoard *gcomprisBoard = NULL; gcomprisBoard = g_malloc0 (sizeof (GcomprisBoard)); gcomprisBoard->plugin=NULL; gcomprisBoard->previous_board=NULL; gcomprisBoard->board_ready=FALSE; gcomprisBoard->canvas=gc_get_canvas(); gcomprisBoard->gmodule = NULL; gcomprisBoard->gmodule_file = NULL; gcomprisBoard->board_id = atoi(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->name = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->section_id = atoi(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->section = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->author = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->type = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->mode = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->difficulty = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->icon_name = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->boarddir = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->mandatory_sound_file = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->mandatory_sound_dataset = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->filename = g_strdup(result[i++]); gcomprisBoard->title = reactivate_newline(gettext(result[i++])); gcomprisBoard->description = reactivate_newline(gettext(result[i++])); gcomprisBoard->prerequisite = reactivate_newline(gettext(result[i++])); gcomprisBoard->goal = reactivate_newline(gettext(result[i++])); gcomprisBoard->manual = reactivate_newline(gettext(result[i++])); gcomprisBoard->credit = reactivate_newline(gettext(result[i++])); gcomprisBoard->demo = atoi(result[i++]); boards = g_list_append(boards, gcomprisBoard); gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Loading activity from database:\n%s"), gcomprisBoard->title); gc_status_set_msg(msg); g_free(msg); } sqlite3_free_table(result); return boards; #endif }
static void init_widgets(char *path) { GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox, *dialog; icalcomponent_kind kind; icalcomponent *subcomp; GtkWidget *selector, *label; ESourceList *source_list; ESource *primary; GtkWidget *scrolled; ICalImporterData *icidata = g_malloc0(sizeof(*icidata)); GtkWidget *icon, *button; char *label_str = NULL; char *markup; g_return_if_fail ( path != NULL); dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Import ICS"), NULL, GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, NULL); icidata->window = dialog; g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (dialog_response_cb), icidata); vbox = GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox; hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, FALSE); label = gtk_label_new(NULL); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 6); icidata->icalcomp = get_icalcomponent_from_file (path); subcomp = icalcomponent_get_inner(icidata->icalcomp); kind = icalcomponent_isa (subcomp); if (kind == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT ) { e_cal_get_sources (&source_list, E_CAL_SOURCE_TYPE_TODO, NULL); label_str = _("Select Task List"); icidata->source_type = E_CAL_SOURCE_TYPE_TODO; } else if ( kind == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT) { e_cal_get_sources (&source_list, E_CAL_SOURCE_TYPE_EVENT, NULL); label_str = _("Select Calendar"); icidata->source_type = E_CAL_SOURCE_TYPE_EVENT; } markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", label_str); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup); g_free (markup); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, FALSE); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 6); selector = e_source_selector_new (source_list); e_source_selector_show_selection (E_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector), FALSE); scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_container_add((GtkContainer *)scrolled, selector); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled), GTK_SHADOW_IN); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, FALSE); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), scrolled, TRUE, TRUE, 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 6); icidata->selector = selector; /* FIXME What if no sources? */ primary = e_source_list_peek_source_any (source_list); e_source_selector_set_primary_selection (E_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector), primary); g_object_unref (source_list); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, FALSE); icon = e_icon_factory_get_image ("stock_mail-import", E_ICON_SIZE_MENU); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), icon, FALSE, FALSE, 6); label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Import")); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 6); gtk_widget_show(label); button = gtk_button_new (); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), hbox); gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), button, GTK_RESPONSE_OK); gtk_widget_grab_focus (button); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), 210,340); gtk_widget_show_all (dialog); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); }
GcomprisProfile *gc_db_get_profile_from_id(gint profile_id) { SUPPORT_OR_RETURN(FALSE); #ifdef USE_SQLITE GcomprisProfile *profile = NULL; char *zErrMsg; char **result; int rc; int nrow; int ncolumn; gchar *request; int i; GList *ids; /* get section_id */ request = g_strdup_printf(GET_PROFILE(profile_id)); rc = sqlite3_get_table(gcompris_db, request, &result, &nrow, &ncolumn, &zErrMsg ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ g_error("SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg); } if (nrow != 0){ profile = g_malloc0(sizeof(GcomprisProfile)); profile->profile_id = profile_id; profile->name = g_strdup(result[3]); profile->directory = g_strdup(result[4]); profile->description = g_strdup(result[5]); sqlite3_free_table(result); g_free(request); request = g_strdup_printf(GET_GROUPS_IN_PROFILE(profile->profile_id)); rc = sqlite3_get_table(gcompris_db, request, &result, &nrow, &ncolumn, &zErrMsg ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ g_error("SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg); } g_free(request); if (nrow == 0){ g_message("No users' groups for profile %s", profile->name); profile->group_ids = NULL; } else { ids = NULL; i = ncolumn; while (i < (nrow +1)*ncolumn) { int *group_id = g_malloc(sizeof(int)); *group_id = atoi(result[i++]); ids = g_list_append(ids, group_id); } profile->group_ids = ids; } sqlite3_free_table(result); request = g_strdup_printf(GET_ACTIVITIES_OUT_OF_PROFILE(profile->profile_id)); rc = sqlite3_get_table(gcompris_db, request, &result, &nrow, &ncolumn, &zErrMsg ); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ g_error("SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg); } g_free(request); if (nrow == 0){ g_message("No activities for profile %s", profile->name); profile->activities = NULL; } else { ids = NULL; i = ncolumn; while (i < (nrow +1)*ncolumn) { int *board_id = g_malloc(sizeof(int)); *board_id = atoi(result[i++]); ids = g_list_append(ids, board_id); } profile->activities = ids; } sqlite3_free_table(result); } return profile; #endif }
static int xenfb_map_fb(struct XenFB *xenfb) { struct xenfb_page *page = xenfb->; char *protocol = xenfb->c.xendev.protocol; int n_fbdirs; xen_pfn_t *pgmfns = NULL; xen_pfn_t *fbmfns = NULL; void *map, *pd; int mode, ret = -1; /* default to native */ pd = page->pd; mode = sizeof(unsigned long) * 8; if (!protocol) { /* * Undefined protocol, some guesswork needed. * * Old frontends which don't set the protocol use * one page directory only, thus pd[1] must be zero. * pd[1] of the 32bit struct layout and the lower * 32 bits of pd[0] of the 64bit struct layout have * the same location, so we can check that ... */ uint32_t *ptr32 = NULL; uint32_t *ptr64 = NULL; #if defined(__i386__) ptr32 = (void*)page->pd; ptr64 = ((void*)page->pd) + 4; #elif defined(__x86_64__) ptr32 = ((void*)page->pd) - 4; ptr64 = (void*)page->pd; #endif if (ptr32) { if (ptr32[1] == 0) { mode = 32; pd = ptr32; } else { mode = 64; pd = ptr64; } } #if defined(__x86_64__) } else if (strcmp(protocol, XEN_IO_PROTO_ABI_X86_32) == 0) { /* 64bit dom0, 32bit domU */ mode = 32; pd = ((void*)page->pd) - 4; #elif defined(__i386__) } else if (strcmp(protocol, XEN_IO_PROTO_ABI_X86_64) == 0) { /* 32bit dom0, 64bit domU */ mode = 64; pd = ((void*)page->pd) + 4; #endif } if (xenfb->pixels) { munmap(xenfb->pixels, xenfb->fbpages * XC_PAGE_SIZE); xenfb->pixels = NULL; } xenfb->fbpages = (xenfb->fb_len + (XC_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) / XC_PAGE_SIZE; n_fbdirs = xenfb->fbpages * mode / 8; n_fbdirs = (n_fbdirs + (XC_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) / XC_PAGE_SIZE; pgmfns = g_malloc0(sizeof(xen_pfn_t) * n_fbdirs); fbmfns = g_malloc0(sizeof(xen_pfn_t) * xenfb->fbpages); xenfb_copy_mfns(mode, n_fbdirs, pgmfns, pd); map = xc_map_foreign_pages(xen_xc, xenfb->c.xendev.dom, PROT_READ, pgmfns, n_fbdirs); if (map == NULL) goto out; xenfb_copy_mfns(mode, xenfb->fbpages, fbmfns, map); munmap(map, n_fbdirs * XC_PAGE_SIZE); xenfb->pixels = xc_map_foreign_pages(xen_xc, xenfb->c.xendev.dom, PROT_READ, fbmfns, xenfb->fbpages); if (xenfb->pixels == NULL) goto out; ret = 0; /* all is fine */ out: g_free(pgmfns); g_free(fbmfns); return ret; }
/* Initialize the MSI-X structures */ int msix_init(struct PCIDevice *dev, unsigned short nentries, MemoryRegion *table_bar, uint8_t table_bar_nr, unsigned table_offset, MemoryRegion *pba_bar, uint8_t pba_bar_nr, unsigned pba_offset, uint8_t cap_pos) { int cap; unsigned table_size, pba_size; uint8_t *config; /* Nothing to do if MSI is not supported by interrupt controller */ if (!msi_supported) { return -ENOTSUP; } if (nentries < 1 || nentries > PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_QSIZE + 1) { return -EINVAL; } table_size = nentries * PCI_MSIX_ENTRY_SIZE; pba_size = QEMU_ALIGN_UP(nentries, 64) / 8; /* Sanity test: table & pba don't overlap, fit within BARs, min aligned */ if ((table_bar_nr == pba_bar_nr && ranges_overlap(table_offset, table_size, pba_offset, pba_size)) || table_offset + table_size > memory_region_size(table_bar) || pba_offset + pba_size > memory_region_size(pba_bar) || (table_offset | pba_offset) & PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_BIRMASK) { return -EINVAL; } cap = pci_add_capability(dev, PCI_CAP_ID_MSIX, cap_pos, MSIX_CAP_LENGTH); if (cap < 0) { return cap; } dev->msix_cap = cap; dev->cap_present |= QEMU_PCI_CAP_MSIX; config = dev->config + cap; pci_set_word(config + PCI_MSIX_FLAGS, nentries - 1); dev->msix_entries_nr = nentries; dev->msix_function_masked = true; pci_set_long(config + PCI_MSIX_TABLE, table_offset | table_bar_nr); pci_set_long(config + PCI_MSIX_PBA, pba_offset | pba_bar_nr); /* Make flags bit writable. */ dev->wmask[cap + MSIX_CONTROL_OFFSET] |= MSIX_ENABLE_MASK | MSIX_MASKALL_MASK; dev->msix_table = g_malloc0(table_size); dev->msix_pba = g_malloc0(pba_size); dev->msix_entry_used = g_malloc0(nentries * sizeof *dev->msix_entry_used); msix_mask_all(dev, nentries); memory_region_init_io(&dev->msix_table_mmio, OBJECT(dev), &msix_table_mmio_ops, dev, "msix-table", table_size); memory_region_add_subregion(table_bar, table_offset, &dev->msix_table_mmio); memory_region_init_io(&dev->msix_pba_mmio, OBJECT(dev), &msix_pba_mmio_ops, dev, "msix-pba", pba_size); memory_region_add_subregion(pba_bar, pba_offset, &dev->msix_pba_mmio); return 0; }
/** get next qso record from log * * Read next line from logfile until it is no comment. * Then parse the logline into a new allocated QSO data structure * and return that structure. * * \return ptr to new qso record (or NULL if eof) */ struct qso_t *get_next_record (FILE *fp) { char buffer[160]; char *tmp; char *sp; struct qso_t *ptr; struct tm date_n_time; while ((fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) != NULL) { if (!is_comment(buffer)) { ptr = g_malloc0 (sizeof(struct qso_t)); /* remember whole line */ ptr->logline = g_strdup( buffer ); /* split buffer into parts for qso_t record and parse * them accordingly */ tmp = strtok_r( buffer, " \t", &sp); /* band */ ptr->band = atoi( tmp ); /* mode */ if ( strcasestr( tmp, "CW")) ptr->mode = CWMODE; else if (strcasestr( tmp, "SSB" )) ptr->mode = SSBMODE; else ptr->mode = DIGIMODE; /* date & time */ memset( &date_n_time, 0, sizeof(struct tm) ); strptime ( strtok_r( NULL, " \t", &sp ), "%d-%b-%y", &date_n_time); strptime ( strtok_r( NULL, " \t", &sp ), "%H:%M", &date_n_time); ptr->year = date_n_time.tm_year + 1900; /* convert to 1968..2067 */ ptr->month = date_n_time.tm_mon + 1; /* tm_mon = 0..11 */ ptr->day = date_n_time.tm_mday; ptr->hour = date_n_time.tm_hour; ptr->min = date_n_time.tm_min; /* qso number */ ptr->qso_nr = atoi( strtok_r( NULL, " \t", &sp ) ); /* his call */ ptr->call = g_strdup( strtok_r( NULL, " \t", &sp ) ); /* RST send and received */ ptr->rst_s = atoi( strtok_r( NULL, " \t", &sp ) ); ptr->rst_r = atoi( strtok_r( NULL, " \t", &sp ) ); /* comment (exchange) */ ptr->comment = g_strndup( buffer + 54, 13 ); /* tx */ ptr->tx = (buffer[79] == '*') ? 1 : 0; /* frequency */ ptr->freq = atof( buffer + 80 ); if ( ( ptr->freq < 1800. ) || ( ptr->freq >= 30000. ) ) { ptr->freq = 0.; } return ptr; } } return NULL; }
void ToolsCore_RegisterPlugins(ToolsServiceState *state) { ToolsAppProvider *fakeProv; ToolsAppProviderReg fakeReg; if (state->plugins == NULL) { return; } /* * Create "fake" app providers for the functionality provided by * vmtoolsd (GuestRPC channel, glib signals, custom app providers). */ state->providers = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (ToolsAppProviderReg)); if (state->ctx.rpc != NULL) { fakeProv = g_malloc0(sizeof *fakeProv); fakeProv->regType = TOOLS_APP_GUESTRPC; fakeProv->regSize = sizeof (RpcChannelCallback); fakeProv->name = "GuestRPC"; fakeProv->registerApp = ToolsCoreRegisterRPC; fakeProv->dumpState = ToolsCoreDumpRPC; fakeReg.prov = fakeProv; fakeReg.state = TOOLS_PROVIDER_ACTIVE; g_array_append_val(state->providers, fakeReg); } fakeProv = g_malloc0(sizeof *fakeProv); fakeProv->regType = TOOLS_APP_SIGNALS; fakeProv->regSize = sizeof (ToolsPluginSignalCb); fakeProv->name = "Signals"; fakeProv->registerApp = ToolsCoreRegisterSignal; fakeProv->dumpState = ToolsCoreDumpSignal; fakeReg.prov = fakeProv; fakeReg.state = TOOLS_PROVIDER_ACTIVE; g_array_append_val(state->providers, fakeReg); fakeProv = g_malloc0(sizeof *fakeProv); fakeProv->regType = TOOLS_APP_PROVIDER; fakeProv->regSize = sizeof (ToolsAppProvider); fakeProv->name = "App Provider"; fakeProv->registerApp = NULL; fakeProv->dumpState = NULL; fakeReg.prov = fakeProv; fakeReg.state = TOOLS_PROVIDER_ACTIVE; g_array_append_val(state->providers, fakeReg); fakeProv = g_malloc0(sizeof *fakeProv); fakeProv->regType = TOOLS_SVC_PROPERTY; fakeProv->regSize = sizeof (ToolsServiceProperty); fakeProv->name = "Service Properties"; fakeProv->registerApp = ToolsCoreRegisterProperty; fakeProv->dumpState = ToolsCoreDumpProperty; fakeReg.prov = fakeProv; fakeReg.state = TOOLS_PROVIDER_ACTIVE; g_array_append_val(state->providers, fakeReg); /* * First app providers need to be identified, so that we know that they're * available for use by plugins who need them. */ ToolsCoreForEachPlugin(state, NULL, ToolsCoreRegisterProvider); /* * Now that we know all app providers, register all the apps, activating * individual app providers as necessary. */ ToolsCoreForEachPlugin(state, NULL, ToolsCoreRegisterApp); }
G_MODULE_EXPORT int test_paint_wrapper_main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterAlpha *alpha; ClutterActor *stage; ClutterColor stage_color = { 0x61, 0x64, 0x8c, 0xff }; SuperOH *oh; gint i; GError *error; ClutterActor *real_hand; error = NULL; clutter_init_with_args (&argc, &argv, NULL, super_oh_entries, NULL, &error); if (error) { g_warning ("Unable to initialise Clutter:\n%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return EXIT_FAILURE; } stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); clutter_actor_set_size (stage, 800, 600); clutter_stage_set_title (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), "Paint Test"); clutter_stage_set_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &stage_color); oh = g_new(SuperOH, 1); oh->stage = stage; /* Create a timeline to manage animation */ oh->timeline = clutter_timeline_new (6000); clutter_timeline_set_loop (oh->timeline, TRUE); /* fire a callback for frame change */ g_signal_connect (oh->timeline, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (frame_cb), oh); /* Set up some behaviours to handle scaling */ alpha = clutter_alpha_new_with_func (oh->timeline, my_sine_wave, NULL, NULL); oh->scaler_1 = clutter_behaviour_scale_new (alpha, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); oh->scaler_2 = clutter_behaviour_scale_new (alpha, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5); real_hand = clutter_texture_new_from_file ("redhand.png", &error); if (real_hand == NULL) { g_error ("image load failed: %s", error->message); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* create a new group to hold multiple actors in a group */ oh->group = clutter_group_new(); oh->hand = g_new (ClutterActor*, n_hands); oh->stage_width = clutter_actor_get_width (stage); oh->stage_height = clutter_actor_get_height (stage); oh->radius = (oh->stage_width + oh->stage_height) / n_hands; for (i = 0; i < n_hands; i++) { gint x, y, w, h; if (i == 0) oh->hand[i] = real_hand; else oh->hand[i] = clutter_clone_new (real_hand); clutter_actor_set_reactive (oh->hand[i], TRUE); clutter_actor_set_size (oh->hand[i], 200, 213); /* Place around a circle */ w = clutter_actor_get_width (oh->hand[i]); h = clutter_actor_get_height (oh->hand[i]); x = oh->stage_width / 2 + oh->radius * cos (i * G_PI / (n_hands / 2)) - w / 2; y = oh->stage_height / 2 + oh->radius * sin (i * G_PI / (n_hands / 2)) - h / 2; clutter_actor_set_position (oh->hand[i], x, y); clutter_actor_move_anchor_point_from_gravity (oh->hand[i], CLUTTER_GRAVITY_CENTER); g_signal_connect (oh->hand[i], "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (on_button_press_event), oh); /* paint something before each hand */ g_signal_connect (oh->hand[i], "paint", G_CALLBACK (hand_pre_paint), oh); /* paint something after each hand */ g_signal_connect_after (oh->hand[i], "paint", G_CALLBACK (hand_post_paint), oh); /* Add to our group group */ clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (oh->group), oh->hand[i]); if (i % 2) clutter_behaviour_apply (oh->scaler_1, oh->hand[i]); else clutter_behaviour_apply (oh->scaler_2, oh->hand[i]); } oh->paint_guards = g_malloc0 (sizeof (gboolean) * n_hands); /* Add the group to the stage */ clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), CLUTTER_ACTOR (oh->group)); /* Show everying ( and map window ) */ clutter_actor_show (stage); g_signal_connect (stage, "key-release-event", G_CALLBACK (input_cb), oh); /* and start it */ clutter_timeline_start (oh->timeline); clutter_main (); g_object_unref (oh->scaler_1); g_object_unref (oh->scaler_2); g_object_unref (oh->timeline); g_free (oh->paint_guards); g_free (oh->hand); g_free (oh); return 0; }
static int virtio_ccw_device_init(VirtioCcwDevice *dev, VirtIODevice *vdev) { unsigned int cssid = 0; unsigned int ssid = 0; unsigned int schid; unsigned int devno; bool have_devno = false; bool found = false; SubchDev *sch; int ret; int num; DeviceState *parent = DEVICE(dev); sch = g_malloc0(sizeof(SubchDev)); sch->driver_data = dev; dev->sch = sch; dev->vdev = vdev; dev->indicators = 0; /* Initialize subchannel structure. */ sch->channel_prog = 0x0; sch->last_cmd_valid = false; sch->orb = NULL; /* * Use a device number if provided. Otherwise, fall back to subchannel * number. */ if (dev->bus_id) { num = sscanf(dev->bus_id, "%x.%x.%04x", &cssid, &ssid, &devno); if (num == 3) { if ((cssid > MAX_CSSID) || (ssid > MAX_SSID)) { ret = -EINVAL; error_report("Invalid cssid or ssid: cssid %x, ssid %x", cssid, ssid); goto out_err; } /* Enforce use of virtual cssid. */ if (cssid != VIRTUAL_CSSID) { ret = -EINVAL; error_report("cssid %x not valid for virtio devices", cssid); goto out_err; } if (css_devno_used(cssid, ssid, devno)) { ret = -EEXIST; error_report("Device %x.%x.%04x already exists", cssid, ssid, devno); goto out_err; } sch->cssid = cssid; sch->ssid = ssid; sch->devno = devno; have_devno = true; } else { ret = -EINVAL; error_report("Malformed devno parameter '%s'", dev->bus_id); goto out_err; } } /* Find the next free id. */ if (have_devno) { for (schid = 0; schid <= MAX_SCHID; schid++) { if (!css_find_subch(1, cssid, ssid, schid)) { sch->schid = schid; css_subch_assign(cssid, ssid, schid, devno, sch); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ret = -ENODEV; error_report("No free subchannel found for %x.%x.%04x", cssid, ssid, devno); goto out_err; } trace_virtio_ccw_new_device(cssid, ssid, schid, devno, "user-configured"); } else { cssid = VIRTUAL_CSSID; for (ssid = 0; ssid <= MAX_SSID; ssid++) { for (schid = 0; schid <= MAX_SCHID; schid++) { if (!css_find_subch(1, cssid, ssid, schid)) { sch->cssid = cssid; sch->ssid = ssid; sch->schid = schid; devno = schid; /* * If the devno is already taken, look further in this * subchannel set. */ while (css_devno_used(cssid, ssid, devno)) { if (devno == MAX_SCHID) { devno = 0; } else if (devno == schid - 1) { ret = -ENODEV; error_report("No free devno found"); goto out_err; } else { devno++; } } sch->devno = devno; css_subch_assign(cssid, ssid, schid, devno, sch); found = true; break; } } if (found) { break; } } if (!found) { ret = -ENODEV; error_report("Virtual channel subsystem is full!"); goto out_err; } trace_virtio_ccw_new_device(cssid, ssid, schid, devno, "auto-configured"); } /* Build initial schib. */ css_sch_build_virtual_schib(sch, 0, VIRTIO_CCW_CHPID_TYPE); sch->ccw_cb = virtio_ccw_cb; /* Build senseid data. */ memset(&sch->id, 0, sizeof(SenseId)); sch->id.reserved = 0xff; sch->id.cu_type = VIRTIO_CCW_CU_TYPE; sch->id.cu_model = dev->vdev->device_id; virtio_bind_device(vdev, &virtio_ccw_bindings, DEVICE(dev)); /* Only the first 32 feature bits are used. */ dev->host_features[0] = vdev->get_features(vdev, dev->host_features[0]); dev->host_features[0] |= 0x1 << VIRTIO_F_NOTIFY_ON_EMPTY; dev->host_features[0] |= 0x1 << VIRTIO_F_BAD_FEATURE; css_generate_sch_crws(sch->cssid, sch->ssid, sch->schid, parent->hotplugged, 1); return 0; out_err: dev->sch = NULL; g_free(sch); return ret; }
static void pci_ivshmem_realize(PCIDevice *dev, Error **errp) { IVShmemState *s = IVSHMEM(dev); uint8_t *pci_conf; uint8_t attr = PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEMORY | PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_PREFETCH; if (!!s->server_chr + !!s->shmobj + !!s->hostmem != 1) { error_setg(errp, "You must specify either 'shm', 'chardev' or 'x-memdev'"); return; } if (s->hostmem) { MemoryRegion *mr; if (s->sizearg) { g_warning("size argument ignored with hostmem"); } mr = host_memory_backend_get_memory(s->hostmem, errp); s->ivshmem_size = memory_region_size(mr); } else if (s->sizearg == NULL) { s->ivshmem_size = 4 << 20; /* 4 MB default */ } else { char *end; int64_t size = qemu_strtosz(s->sizearg, &end); if (size < 0 || *end != '\0' || !is_power_of_2(size)) { error_setg(errp, "Invalid size %s", s->sizearg); return; } s->ivshmem_size = size; } fifo8_create(&s->incoming_fifo, sizeof(int64_t)); /* IRQFD requires MSI */ if (ivshmem_has_feature(s, IVSHMEM_IOEVENTFD) && !ivshmem_has_feature(s, IVSHMEM_MSI)) { error_setg(errp, "ioeventfd/irqfd requires MSI"); return; } /* check that role is reasonable */ if (s->role) { if (strncmp(s->role, "peer", 5) == 0) { s->role_val = IVSHMEM_PEER; } else if (strncmp(s->role, "master", 7) == 0) { s->role_val = IVSHMEM_MASTER; } else { error_setg(errp, "'role' must be 'peer' or 'master'"); return; } } else { s->role_val = IVSHMEM_MASTER; /* default */ } if (s->role_val == IVSHMEM_PEER) { error_setg(&s->migration_blocker, "Migration is disabled when using feature 'peer mode' in device 'ivshmem'"); migrate_add_blocker(s->migration_blocker); } pci_conf = dev->config; pci_conf[PCI_COMMAND] = PCI_COMMAND_IO | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY; pci_config_set_interrupt_pin(pci_conf, 1); memory_region_init_io(&s->ivshmem_mmio, OBJECT(s), &ivshmem_mmio_ops, s, "ivshmem-mmio", IVSHMEM_REG_BAR_SIZE); /* region for registers*/ pci_register_bar(dev, 0, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEMORY, &s->ivshmem_mmio); memory_region_init(&s->bar, OBJECT(s), "ivshmem-bar2-container", s->ivshmem_size); if (s->ivshmem_64bit) { attr |= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_TYPE_64; } if (s->hostmem != NULL) { MemoryRegion *mr; IVSHMEM_DPRINTF("using hostmem\n"); mr = host_memory_backend_get_memory(MEMORY_BACKEND(s->hostmem), errp); vmstate_register_ram(mr, DEVICE(s)); memory_region_add_subregion(&s->bar, 0, mr); pci_register_bar(PCI_DEVICE(s), 2, attr, &s->bar); } else if (s->server_chr != NULL) { /* FIXME do not rely on what chr drivers put into filename */ if (strncmp(s->server_chr->filename, "unix:", 5)) { error_setg(errp, "chardev is not a unix client socket"); return; } /* if we get a UNIX socket as the parameter we will talk * to the ivshmem server to receive the memory region */ IVSHMEM_DPRINTF("using shared memory server (socket = %s)\n", s->server_chr->filename); if (ivshmem_setup_interrupts(s) < 0) { error_setg(errp, "failed to initialize interrupts"); return; } /* we allocate enough space for 16 peers and grow as needed */ resize_peers(s, 16); s->vm_id = -1; pci_register_bar(dev, 2, attr, &s->bar); s->eventfd_chr = g_malloc0(s->vectors * sizeof(CharDriverState *)); qemu_chr_add_handlers(s->server_chr, ivshmem_can_receive, ivshmem_check_version, ivshmem_event, s); } else { /* just map the file immediately, we're not using a server */ int fd; IVSHMEM_DPRINTF("using shm_open (shm object = %s)\n", s->shmobj); /* try opening with O_EXCL and if it succeeds zero the memory * by truncating to 0 */ if ((fd = shm_open(s->shmobj, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_EXCL, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)) > 0) { /* truncate file to length PCI device's memory */ if (ftruncate(fd, s->ivshmem_size) != 0) { error_report("could not truncate shared file"); } } else if ((fd = shm_open(s->shmobj, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)) < 0) { error_setg(errp, "could not open shared file"); return; } if (check_shm_size(s, fd, errp) == -1) { return; } create_shared_memory_BAR(s, fd, attr, errp); } }
int flush_work(gpointer data){ int ret = 0; CACHE_CTRL *cctrl = (CACHE_CTRL*)data; GTimeVal expired; char *tmp_buf = (char *)g_malloc0(cctrl->block_size \ *cctrl->flush_once_size); g_assert(tmp_buf); while (!cctrl->flush_worker_should_exit) { HLOG_DEBUG("-- flush worker doing --"); g_get_current_time(&expired); g_time_val_add(&expired, cctrl->flush_interval * 1000 * 1000); g_mutex_lock(cctrl->cache_mutex); gboolean res = g_cond_timed_wait(cctrl->flush_waken_cond, \ cctrl->cache_mutex, &expired); g_mutex_unlock(cctrl->cache_mutex); HLOG_DEBUG(" time wait res for cond is :%d !",res); if (cctrl->flush_worker_should_exit) { HLOG_INFO("-- flush worker should exit --"); break; } do { GSList *continue_blocks = NULL; ret = get_continues_blocks(cctrl, &continue_blocks); g_assert(ret==0); uint32_t blocks_count = g_slist_length(continue_blocks); uint32_t buff_len = blocks_count *cctrl->block_size; HLOG_DEBUG("--blocks_count:%d, buff_len:%d--", \ blocks_count, buff_len); if (res == TRUE && buff_len == 0) { HLOG_ERROR("Never reach here"); g_assert(0); } if (buff_len == 0) { HLOG_DEBUG("do not need flush now"); break; } if (NULL == cctrl->write_callback_func) { HLOG_WARN("--not given flush callback func--"); break; } //char* tmp_buf = g_malloc0(buff_len); //g_assert(tmp_buf!=NULL); uint32_t start_no; uint32_t end_no; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < blocks_count; i++) { block_t *block = g_slist_nth_data(continue_blocks, i); if (i == 0) { start_no = block->block_no; } if (i == blocks_count-1) { end_no = block->block_no; } memcpy(tmp_buf + i * cctrl->block_size, \ block->block, cctrl->block_size); } //HLOG_DEBUG("--tmp_buf:%p",tmp_buf); ret = cctrl->write_callback_func(cctrl->write_callback_user_param, \ tmp_buf, start_no,end_no); g_assert(ret >= 0); //g_free(tmp_buf); if (ret >= 0 ) { HLOG_DEBUG("--signal write thread--"); g_mutex_lock(cctrl->cache_mutex); __free_from_cache(cctrl, continue_blocks); //g_cond_broadcast(cctrl->writer_waken_cond); g_cond_signal(cctrl->writer_waken_cond); g_mutex_unlock(cctrl->cache_mutex); g_slist_free(continue_blocks); //HLOG_DEBUG("--return blocks to cache over--"); } } while (get_cache_free_size(cctrl) < cctrl->flush_trigger_level \ *cctrl->cache_size / 100 || (res == 0 && get_cache_free_size(cctrl) != 0)); } g_free(tmp_buf); HLOG_INFO("--flush worker exit--"); return 0; }
static int sim_init() { int i; dbg("************************************\n"); dbg("****** Blade Center Simulator ******\n"); dbg("************************************\n"); sim_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); if (sim_hash == NULL) { dbg("Cannot allocate simulation hash table\n"); return -1; } for (i=0; sim_resource_array[i].oid != NULL; i++) { char *key; char *key_exists; SnmpMibInfoT *mibinfo; key = g_strdup(sim_resource_array[i].oid); if (!key) { dbg("Cannot allocate memory for key for oid=%s\n", sim_resource_array[i].oid); sim_close(); return -1; } mibinfo = g_malloc0(sizeof(SnmpMibInfoT)); if (!mibinfo) { dbg("Cannot allocate memory for hash value for oid=%s", sim_resource_array[i].oid); sim_close(); return -1; } key_exists = g_hash_table_lookup(sim_hash, key); if (!key_exists) { mibinfo->type = sim_resource_array[i].mib.type; switch (mibinfo->type) { case ASN_INTEGER: mibinfo->value.integer = sim_resource_array[i].mib.value.integer; break; case ASN_OCTET_STR: strcpy(mibinfo->value.string, sim_resource_array[i].mib.value.string); break; default: dbg("Unknown SNMP type=%d for oid=%s\n", mibinfo->type, key); return -1; } g_hash_table_insert(sim_hash, key, mibinfo); } else { dbg("WARNING: Oid %s is defined twice\n", sim_resource_array[i].oid); } } return 0; }
void shmsrc_tilde_on_data (shmdata_any_reader_t *reader, void *shmbuf, void *data, int data_size, unsigned long long timestamp, const char *type_description, void *user_data) { t_shmsrc_tilde *x = (t_shmsrc_tilde *) user_data; //do not buffer audio if dsp is off FIXME should be optionnal if (!canvas_dspstate) { shmdata_any_reader_free (shmbuf); return; } /* printf ("data %p, data size %d, timestamp %llu, type descr %s\n", */ /* data, data_size, timestamp, type_description); */ GstStructure *meta_data = gst_structure_from_string (type_description, NULL); if (meta_data == NULL) { shmdata_any_reader_free (shmbuf); //post ("metadata is NULL\n"); return; } if (!g_str_has_prefix (gst_structure_get_name (meta_data), "audio/")) { shmdata_any_reader_free (shmbuf); //post ("not an audio stream\n"); return; } //should be "audio/... t_shmsrc_tilde_buf *audio_buf = g_malloc0 (sizeof (t_shmsrc_tilde_buf)); int channels = -1; int samplerate = -1; int width = -1; gst_structure_get (meta_data, "rate", G_TYPE_INT, &samplerate, "channels", G_TYPE_INT, &channels, "width", G_TYPE_INT, &width, NULL); gst_structure_free(meta_data); audio_buf->num_channels_in_buf = channels; if (channels > x->x_num_outlets) audio_buf->num_channels_to_output = x->x_num_outlets; else if (channels < 0) audio_buf->num_channels_to_output = 0; else audio_buf->num_channels_to_output = channels; audio_buf->num_unused_channels = channels - x->x_num_outlets; if (audio_buf->num_unused_channels < 0) audio_buf->num_unused_channels = 0; audio_buf->sample_rate = samplerate; //audio_buf->sample_size = width; audio_buf->remaining_samples = data_size / ((width/8) * channels); /* g_print ("data_size %d, width %d, channels %d, samplerate %d, remaining samples %d, cur logicial date %f \n", */ /* data_size, */ /* width, */ /* channels, */ /* samplerate, */ /* audio_buf->remaining_samples, */ /* clock_getlogicaltime()); */ //g_print ("on data queue size %d\n", g_async_queue_length (x->x_audio_queue)); double audio_buf_sample_duration = (1.0 / samplerate) * (32.*441000.); //see TIMEUNITPERSEC in m_sched.c audio_buf->shm_buf = shmbuf; //double cur_date = clock_getlogicaltime(); /* if (x->x_stream_data_date == -1.0) */ /* x->x_stream_data_date = clock_getlogicaltime(); */ if (x->x_stream_sample_duration == -1.0) x->x_stream_sample_duration = audio_buf_sample_duration; /* else */ /* { */ /* double cur_stream_dur = (cur_date - x->x_stream_data_date) / audio_buf->remaining_samples; */ /* double max_deriv = 0.001; //FIXME make this a param */ /* if (cur_stream_dur > audio_buf_sample_duration * (1.0 + max_deriv)) */ /* cur_stream_dur = audio_buf_sample_duration * (1.0 + max_deriv); */ /* else if (cur_stream_dur < audio_buf_sample_duration * (1.0 - max_deriv)) */ /* cur_stream_dur = audio_buf_sample_duration * (1.0 - max_deriv); */ /* x->x_stream_sample_duration = audio_buf_sample_duration; */ /* } */ /* x->x_stream_sample_duration = ceil (x->x_stream_sample_duration); */ /* x->x_stream_data_date = cur_date; */ /* g_print ("rate %d, channels %d, width %d num sample=%d\n", */ /* samplerate, */ /* channels, */ /* width, */ /* data_size / ((width/8) *channels)); */ //converting to float audio_buf->free_audio_data = FALSE; audio_buf->audio_data = (t_float *)data; if (width == 16) { //g_print ("converting\n"); audio_buf->free_audio_data = TRUE; t_float *audio_converted = g_malloc0 (sizeof (t_float) * audio_buf->num_channels_in_buf * audio_buf->remaining_samples); audio_buf->audio_data = audio_converted; int n = channels * audio_buf->remaining_samples; while (n--) { *audio_converted++ = (t_float)(*(gint16 *)data * 3.051850e-05); data += sizeof(gint16); } } else if (width == 8) { post ("8 bit audio not supported yet"); shmdata_any_reader_free (shmbuf); return; } audio_buf->current_pos = audio_buf->audio_data; g_async_queue_push (x->x_audio_queue, audio_buf); }
void gui_init(dt_lib_module_t *self) { char filename[PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; char datadir[PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; /* initialize ui widgets */ dt_lib_darktable_t *d = (dt_lib_darktable_t *)g_malloc0(sizeof(dt_lib_darktable_t)); self->data = (void *)d; /* create drawing area */ self->widget = gtk_event_box_new(); /* connect callbacks */ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(self->widget), "draw", G_CALLBACK(_lib_darktable_draw_callback), self); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(self->widget), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(_lib_darktable_button_press_callback), self); /* create a cairo surface of dt icon */ char *logo; dt_logo_season_t season = get_logo_season(); if(season != DT_LOGO_SEASON_NONE) logo = g_strdup_printf("%%s/pixmaps/idbutton-%d.%%s", (int)season); else logo = g_strdup("%s/pixmaps/idbutton.%s"); dt_loc_get_datadir(datadir, sizeof(datadir)); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), logo, datadir, "svg"); // first we try the SVG { GError *error = NULL; RsvgHandle *svg = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(filename, &error); if(!svg || error) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: can't load darktable logo from SVG file `%s', falling back to PNG version\n%s\n", filename, error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; goto png_fallback; } cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; RsvgDimensionData dimension; rsvg_handle_get_dimensions(svg, &dimension); int width = DT_PIXEL_APPLY_DPI(dimension.width) * darktable.gui->ppd, height = DT_PIXEL_APPLY_DPI(dimension.height) * darktable.gui->ppd; int stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width); d->image_buffer = (guint8 *)calloc(stride * height, sizeof(guint8)); surface = dt_cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(d->image_buffer, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height, stride); if(cairo_surface_status(surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { free(d->image_buffer); d->image_buffer = NULL; g_object_unref(svg); fprintf(stderr, "warning: can't load darktable logo from SVG file `%s', falling back to PNG version\n", filename); goto png_fallback; } cr = cairo_create(surface); cairo_scale(cr, darktable.gui->dpi_factor, darktable.gui->dpi_factor); rsvg_handle_render_cairo(svg, cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_flush(surface); d->image = surface; g_object_unref(svg); } goto done; png_fallback: // let's fall back to the PNG { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), logo, datadir, "png"); surface = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(filename); if(cairo_surface_status(surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: can't load darktable logo from PNG file `%s'\n", filename); d->image = NULL; goto done; } int png_width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface), png_height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface); // blow up the PNG. Ugly, but at least it has the correct size afterwards :-/ int width = DT_PIXEL_APPLY_DPI(png_width) * darktable.gui->ppd, height = DT_PIXEL_APPLY_DPI(png_height) * darktable.gui->ppd; int stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width); d->image_buffer = (guint8 *)calloc(stride * height, sizeof(guint8)); d->image = dt_cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(d->image_buffer, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height, stride); if(cairo_surface_status(d->image) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { free(d->image_buffer); d->image_buffer = NULL; cairo_surface_destroy(surface); fprintf(stderr, "warning: can't load darktable logo from PNG file `%s'\n", filename); d->image = NULL; goto done; } cr = cairo_create(d->image); cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, width, height); cairo_scale(cr, darktable.gui->dpi_factor, darktable.gui->dpi_factor); cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface, 0, 0); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_flush(d->image); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } done: g_free(logo); d->image_width = d->image ? dt_cairo_image_surface_get_width(d->image) : 0; d->image_height = d->image ? dt_cairo_image_surface_get_height(d->image) : 0; /* set size of drawing area */ gtk_widget_set_size_request(self->widget, d->image_width + (int)DT_PIXEL_APPLY_DPI(180), d->image_height + (int)DT_PIXEL_APPLY_DPI(8)); }
static DiaObject *attribute_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version,DiaContext *ctx) { Attribute *attribute; Element *elem; DiaObject *obj; int i; AttributeNode attr; attribute = g_malloc0(sizeof(Attribute)); elem = &attribute->element; obj = &elem->object; obj->type = &attribute_type; obj->ops = &attribute_ops; element_load(elem, obj_node, ctx); attribute->border_width = 0.1; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_width"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->border_width = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); attribute->border_color = color_black; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "border_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &attribute->border_color, ctx); attribute->inner_color = color_white; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "inner_color"); if (attr != NULL) data_color(attribute_first_data(attr), &attribute->inner_color, ctx); attribute->name = NULL; attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "name"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->name = data_string(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "key"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->key = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "weak_key"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->weakkey = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "derived"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->derived = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); attr = object_find_attribute(obj_node, "multivalued"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->multivalue = data_boolean(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); if (attribute->font != NULL) { /* This shouldn't happen, but doesn't hurt */ dia_font_unref(attribute->font); attribute->font = NULL; } attr = object_find_attribute (obj_node, "font"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->font = data_font (attribute_first_data (attr), ctx); attribute->font_height = FONT_HEIGHT; attr = object_find_attribute (obj_node, "font_height"); if (attr != NULL) attribute->font_height = data_real(attribute_first_data(attr), ctx); element_init(elem, 8, NUM_CONNECTIONS); for (i=0;i<NUM_CONNECTIONS;i++) { obj->connections[i] = &attribute->connections[i]; attribute->connections[i].object = obj; attribute->connections[i].connected = NULL; } attribute->connections[8].flags = CP_FLAGS_MAIN; if (attribute->font == NULL) attribute->font = dia_font_new_from_style(DIA_FONT_MONOSPACE, attribute->font_height); attribute->name_width = dia_font_string_width(attribute->name, attribute->font, attribute->font_height); attribute_update_data(attribute); for (i=0;i<8;i++) obj->handles[i]->type = HANDLE_NON_MOVABLE; return &attribute->element.object; }
static void mips_r4k_init(MachineState *machine) { ram_addr_t ram_size = machine->ram_size; const char *cpu_model = machine->cpu_model; const char *kernel_filename = machine->kernel_filename; const char *kernel_cmdline = machine->kernel_cmdline; const char *initrd_filename = machine->initrd_filename; char *filename; MemoryRegion *address_space_mem = get_system_memory(); MemoryRegion *ram = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1); MemoryRegion *bios; MemoryRegion *iomem = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1); MemoryRegion *isa_io = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1); MemoryRegion *isa_mem = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1); int bios_size; MIPSCPU *cpu; CPUMIPSState *env; ResetData *reset_info; int i; qemu_irq *i8259; ISABus *isa_bus; DriveInfo *hd[MAX_IDE_BUS * MAX_IDE_DEVS]; DriveInfo *dinfo; int be; /* init CPUs */ if (cpu_model == NULL) { #ifdef TARGET_MIPS64 cpu_model = "R4000"; #else cpu_model = "24Kf"; #endif } cpu = cpu_mips_init(cpu_model); if (cpu == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find CPU definition\n"); exit(1); } env = &cpu->env; reset_info = g_malloc0(sizeof(ResetData)); reset_info->cpu = cpu; reset_info->vector = env->active_tc.PC; qemu_register_reset(main_cpu_reset, reset_info); /* allocate RAM */ if (ram_size > (256 << 20)) { fprintf(stderr, "qemu: Too much memory for this machine: %d MB, maximum 256 MB\n", ((unsigned int)ram_size / (1 << 20))); exit(1); } memory_region_allocate_system_memory(ram, NULL, "mips_r4k.ram", ram_size); memory_region_add_subregion(address_space_mem, 0, ram); memory_region_init_io(iomem, NULL, &mips_qemu_ops, NULL, "mips-qemu", 0x10000); memory_region_add_subregion(address_space_mem, 0x1fbf0000, iomem); /* Try to load a BIOS image. If this fails, we continue regardless, but initialize the hardware ourselves. When a kernel gets preloaded we also initialize the hardware, since the BIOS wasn't run. */ if (bios_name == NULL) bios_name = BIOS_FILENAME; filename = qemu_find_file(QEMU_FILE_TYPE_BIOS, bios_name); if (filename) { bios_size = get_image_size(filename); } else { bios_size = -1; } #ifdef TARGET_WORDS_BIGENDIAN be = 1; #else be = 0; #endif if ((bios_size > 0) && (bios_size <= BIOS_SIZE)) { bios = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1); memory_region_init_ram(bios, NULL, "mips_r4k.bios", BIOS_SIZE, &error_fatal); memory_region_set_readonly(bios, true); memory_region_add_subregion(get_system_memory(), 0x1fc00000, bios); load_image_targphys(filename, 0x1fc00000, BIOS_SIZE); } else if ((dinfo = drive_get(IF_PFLASH, 0, 0)) != NULL) { uint32_t mips_rom = 0x00400000; if (!pflash_cfi01_register(0x1fc00000, NULL, "mips_r4k.bios", mips_rom, blk_by_legacy_dinfo(dinfo), sector_len, mips_rom / sector_len, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, be)) { fprintf(stderr, "qemu: Error registering flash memory.\n"); } } else if (!qtest_enabled()) { /* not fatal */ fprintf(stderr, "qemu: Warning, could not load MIPS bios '%s'\n", bios_name); } g_free(filename); if (kernel_filename) { loaderparams.ram_size = ram_size; loaderparams.kernel_filename = kernel_filename; loaderparams.kernel_cmdline = kernel_cmdline; loaderparams.initrd_filename = initrd_filename; reset_info->vector = load_kernel(); } /* Init CPU internal devices */ cpu_mips_irq_init_cpu(cpu); cpu_mips_clock_init(cpu); /* ISA bus: IO space at 0x14000000, mem space at 0x10000000 */ memory_region_init_alias(isa_io, NULL, "isa-io", get_system_io(), 0, 0x00010000); memory_region_init(isa_mem, NULL, "isa-mem", 0x01000000); memory_region_add_subregion(get_system_memory(), 0x14000000, isa_io); memory_region_add_subregion(get_system_memory(), 0x10000000, isa_mem); isa_bus = isa_bus_new(NULL, isa_mem, get_system_io(), &error_abort); /* The PIC is attached to the MIPS CPU INT0 pin */ i8259 = i8259_init(isa_bus, env->irq[2]); isa_bus_irqs(isa_bus, i8259); rtc_init(isa_bus, 2000, NULL); pit = pit_init(isa_bus, 0x40, 0, NULL); serial_hds_isa_init(isa_bus, 0, MAX_SERIAL_PORTS); isa_vga_init(isa_bus); if (nd_table[0].used) isa_ne2000_init(isa_bus, 0x300, 9, &nd_table[0]); ide_drive_get(hd, ARRAY_SIZE(hd)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_IDE_BUS; i++) isa_ide_init(isa_bus, ide_iobase[i], ide_iobase2[i], ide_irq[i], hd[MAX_IDE_DEVS * i], hd[MAX_IDE_DEVS * i + 1]); isa_create_simple(isa_bus, "i8042"); }
/* PC hardware initialisation */ static void pc_init1(MachineState *machine, const char *host_type, const char *pci_type) { PCMachineState *pcms = PC_MACHINE(machine); PCMachineClass *pcmc = PC_MACHINE_GET_CLASS(pcms); MemoryRegion *system_memory = get_system_memory(); MemoryRegion *system_io = get_system_io(); int i; PCIBus *pci_bus; ISABus *isa_bus; PCII440FXState *i440fx_state; int piix3_devfn = -1; qemu_irq *gsi; qemu_irq *i8259; qemu_irq smi_irq; GSIState *gsi_state; DriveInfo *hd[MAX_IDE_BUS * MAX_IDE_DEVS]; BusState *idebus[MAX_IDE_BUS]; ISADevice *rtc_state; MemoryRegion *ram_memory; MemoryRegion *pci_memory; MemoryRegion *rom_memory; PcGuestInfo *guest_info; ram_addr_t lowmem; /* Check whether RAM fits below 4G (leaving 1/2 GByte for IO memory). * If it doesn't, we need to split it in chunks below and above 4G. * In any case, try to make sure that guest addresses aligned at * 1G boundaries get mapped to host addresses aligned at 1G boundaries. * For old machine types, use whatever split we used historically to avoid * breaking migration. */ if (machine->ram_size >= 0xe0000000) { lowmem = pcmc->gigabyte_align ? 0xc0000000 : 0xe0000000; } else { lowmem = 0xe0000000; } /* Handle the machine opt max-ram-below-4g. It is basically doing * min(qemu limit, user limit). */ if (lowmem > pcms->max_ram_below_4g) { lowmem = pcms->max_ram_below_4g; if (machine->ram_size - lowmem > lowmem && lowmem & ((1ULL << 30) - 1)) { error_report("Warning: Large machine and max_ram_below_4g(%"PRIu64 ") not a multiple of 1G; possible bad performance.", pcms->max_ram_below_4g); } } if (machine->ram_size >= lowmem) { pcms->above_4g_mem_size = machine->ram_size - lowmem; pcms->below_4g_mem_size = lowmem; } else { pcms->above_4g_mem_size = 0; pcms->below_4g_mem_size = machine->ram_size; } if (xen_enabled()) { xen_hvm_init(pcms, &ram_memory); } pc_cpus_init(pcms); if (kvm_enabled() && pcmc->kvmclock_enabled) { kvmclock_create(); } if (pcmc->pci_enabled) { pci_memory = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1); memory_region_init(pci_memory, NULL, "pci", UINT64_MAX); rom_memory = pci_memory; } else { pci_memory = NULL; rom_memory = system_memory; } guest_info = pc_guest_info_init(pcms); guest_info->has_acpi_build = pcmc->has_acpi_build; guest_info->legacy_acpi_table_size = pcmc->legacy_acpi_table_size; guest_info->isapc_ram_fw = !pcmc->pci_enabled; guest_info->has_reserved_memory = pcmc->has_reserved_memory; guest_info->rsdp_in_ram = pcmc->rsdp_in_ram; if (pcmc->smbios_defaults) { MachineClass *mc = MACHINE_GET_CLASS(machine); /* These values are guest ABI, do not change */ smbios_set_defaults("QEMU", "Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)", mc->name, pcmc->smbios_legacy_mode, pcmc->smbios_uuid_encoded, SMBIOS_ENTRY_POINT_21); } /* allocate ram and load rom/bios */ if (!xen_enabled()) { pc_memory_init(pcms, system_memory, rom_memory, &ram_memory, guest_info); } else if (machine->kernel_filename != NULL) { /* For xen HVM direct kernel boot, load linux here */ xen_load_linux(pcms, guest_info); } gsi_state = g_malloc0(sizeof(*gsi_state)); if (kvm_ioapic_in_kernel()) { kvm_pc_setup_irq_routing(pcmc->pci_enabled); gsi = qemu_allocate_irqs(kvm_pc_gsi_handler, gsi_state, GSI_NUM_PINS); } else { gsi = qemu_allocate_irqs(gsi_handler, gsi_state, GSI_NUM_PINS); } if (pcmc->pci_enabled) { pci_bus = i440fx_init(host_type, pci_type, &i440fx_state, &piix3_devfn, &isa_bus, gsi, system_memory, system_io, machine->ram_size, pcms->below_4g_mem_size, pcms->above_4g_mem_size, pci_memory, ram_memory); pcms->bus = pci_bus; } else { pci_bus = NULL; i440fx_state = NULL; isa_bus = isa_bus_new(NULL, get_system_memory(), system_io, &error_abort); no_hpet = 1; } isa_bus_irqs(isa_bus, gsi); if (kvm_pic_in_kernel()) { i8259 = kvm_i8259_init(isa_bus); } else if (xen_enabled()) { i8259 = xen_interrupt_controller_init(); } else { i8259 = i8259_init(isa_bus, pc_allocate_cpu_irq()); } for (i = 0; i < ISA_NUM_IRQS; i++) { gsi_state->i8259_irq[i] = i8259[i]; } g_free(i8259); if (pcmc->pci_enabled) { ioapic_init_gsi(gsi_state, "i440fx"); } pc_register_ferr_irq(gsi[13]); pc_vga_init(isa_bus, pcmc->pci_enabled ? pci_bus : NULL); assert(pcms->vmport != ON_OFF_AUTO__MAX); if (pcms->vmport == ON_OFF_AUTO_AUTO) { pcms->vmport = xen_enabled() ? ON_OFF_AUTO_OFF : ON_OFF_AUTO_ON; } /* init basic PC hardware */ pc_basic_device_init(isa_bus, gsi, &rtc_state, true, (pcms->vmport != ON_OFF_AUTO_ON), 0x4); pc_nic_init(isa_bus, pci_bus); ide_drive_get(hd, ARRAY_SIZE(hd)); if (pcmc->pci_enabled) { PCIDevice *dev; if (xen_enabled()) { dev = pci_piix3_xen_ide_init(pci_bus, hd, piix3_devfn + 1); } else { dev = pci_piix3_ide_init(pci_bus, hd, piix3_devfn + 1); } idebus[0] = qdev_get_child_bus(&dev->qdev, "ide.0"); idebus[1] = qdev_get_child_bus(&dev->qdev, "ide.1"); } else { for(i = 0; i < MAX_IDE_BUS; i++) { ISADevice *dev; char busname[] = "ide.0"; dev = isa_ide_init(isa_bus, ide_iobase[i], ide_iobase2[i], ide_irq[i], hd[MAX_IDE_DEVS * i], hd[MAX_IDE_DEVS * i + 1]); /* * The ide bus name is ide.0 for the first bus and ide.1 for the * second one. */ busname[4] = '0' + i; idebus[i] = qdev_get_child_bus(DEVICE(dev), busname); } } pc_cmos_init(pcms, idebus[0], idebus[1], rtc_state); if (pcmc->pci_enabled && usb_enabled()) { pci_create_simple(pci_bus, piix3_devfn + 2, "piix3-usb-uhci"); } if (pcmc->pci_enabled && acpi_enabled) { DeviceState *piix4_pm; I2CBus *smbus; smi_irq = qemu_allocate_irq(pc_acpi_smi_interrupt, first_cpu, 0); /* TODO: Populate SPD eeprom data. */ smbus = piix4_pm_init(pci_bus, piix3_devfn + 3, 0xb100, gsi[9], smi_irq, pc_machine_is_smm_enabled(pcms), &piix4_pm); smbus_eeprom_init(smbus, 8, NULL, 0); object_property_add_link(OBJECT(machine), PC_MACHINE_ACPI_DEVICE_PROP, TYPE_HOTPLUG_HANDLER, (Object **)&pcms->acpi_dev, object_property_allow_set_link, OBJ_PROP_LINK_UNREF_ON_RELEASE, &error_abort); object_property_set_link(OBJECT(machine), OBJECT(piix4_pm), PC_MACHINE_ACPI_DEVICE_PROP, &error_abort); } if (pcmc->pci_enabled) { pc_pci_device_init(pci_bus); } }
static jboolean process_audio (GstElement *source, JNIEnv *env, jobject header) { /* will contain the properties we need to put into the given GstHeader */ AudioProperties *properties = NULL; /* GStreamer elements */ GstElement *pipeline = NULL; GstElement *decoder = NULL; GstElement *typefind = NULL; GstStateChangeReturn res; jboolean result = JNI_FALSE; properties = (AudioProperties *) g_malloc0 (sizeof (AudioProperties)); if (properties == NULL) { return result; } reset_properties(properties); /* * create the decoder element, this will decode the stream and retrieve * its properties. * We connect a signal to this element, to be informed when it is done * in decoding the stream and to get the needed informations about the * audio file. */ decoder = gst_element_factory_make ("decodebin", "decoder"); if (decoder == NULL) { free_properties(properties); return result; } /* now, we create a pipeline and fill it with the other elements */ pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("pipeline"); if (pipeline == NULL) { gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (decoder)); free_properties(properties); return result; } g_signal_connect (decoder, "new-decoded-pad", G_CALLBACK (new_decoded_pad), pipeline); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (decoder), "element-added", G_CALLBACK (element_added), properties); /* * we get the typefind from the decodebin to catch the additional properties * that the decodebin does not expose to us */ typefind = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (decoder), "typefind"); if (typefind != NULL) { /* * NOTE: the above is not a typo, we can live without the typefind, * just, our stream detection will not be as accurate as we would. * Anyway, if this fails, there is some problem, probabily a memory * error. */ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (typefind), "have-type", G_CALLBACK (typefind_callback), properties); } gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), source, decoder, NULL); gst_element_link (source, decoder); /* * now, we set the pipeline playing state to pause and traverse it * to get the info we need. */ res = gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED); if (res == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) { gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (pipeline)); free_properties(properties); return result; } res = gst_element_get_state (pipeline, NULL, NULL, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE); if (res != GST_STATE_CHANGE_SUCCESS) { gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (pipeline)); free_properties(properties); return result; } if (fill_info (decoder, properties)) { result = set_strings (env, properties, header); } /* free stuff */ gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); free_properties (properties); gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (pipeline)); return result; }
/* Internal function to update the burst calculation data - add entry to bucket */ static void update_burst_calc(stat_node *node, gint value) { double current_bucket; double burstwin; burst_bucket *bn; if (!prefs.st_enable_burstinfo) { return; } /* NB thebucket list should always contain at least one node - even if it is */ /* the dummy created at init time. Head and tail should never be NULL! */ current_bucket= floor(node->st->now/prefs.st_burst_resolution); burstwin= prefs.st_burst_windowlen/prefs.st_burst_resolution; if (current_bucket>node->bt->bucket_no) { /* Must add a new bucket at the burst list tail */ bn = (burst_bucket*)g_malloc0(sizeof(burst_bucket)); bn->count = value; bn->bucket_no = current_bucket; bn->start_time = node->st->now; bn->prev = node->bt; node->bt->next = bn; node->bt = bn; /* And add value to the current burst count for node */ node->bcount += value; /* Check if bucket list head is now too old and must be removed */ while (current_bucket>=(node->bh->bucket_no+burstwin)) { /* off with its head! */ bn = node->bh; node->bh = bn->next; node->bh->prev = NULL; node->bcount -= bn->count; g_free(bn); } } else if (current_bucket<node->bh->bucket_no) { /* Packet must be added at head of burst list - check if not too old */ if ((current_bucket+burstwin)>node->bt->bucket_no) { /* packet still within the window */ bn = (burst_bucket*)g_malloc0(sizeof(burst_bucket)); bn->count = value; bn->bucket_no = current_bucket; bn->start_time = node->st->now; bn->next = node->bh; node->bh->prev = bn; node->bh = bn; /* And add value to the current burst count for node */ node->bcount += value; } } else { /* Somewhere in the middle... */ burst_bucket *search = node->bt; while (current_bucket<search->bucket_no) { search = search->prev; } if (current_bucket==search->bucket_no) { /* found existing bucket, increase value */ search->count += value; if (search->start_time>node->st->now) { search->start_time = node->st->now; } } else { /* must add a new bucket after bn. */ bn = (burst_bucket*)g_malloc0(sizeof(burst_bucket)); bn->count = value; bn->bucket_no = current_bucket; bn->start_time = node->st->now; bn->prev = search; bn->next = search->next; search->next = bn; bn->next->prev = bn; } node->bcount += value; } if (node->bcount>node->max_burst) { /* new record burst */ node->max_burst = node->bcount; node->burst_time = node->bh->start_time; } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI VsgPRTreeParallelConfig pconfig = {{NULL,}}; #endif VsgVector2d lbound = {-1., -1.}; VsgVector2d ubound = {1., 1.}; VsgPRTree2d *prtree; AranSolver2d *solver; int ret = 0; guint i; GTimer *timer = NULL; #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sz); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rk); #endif aran_init(); parse_args (argc, argv); #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI pconfig.communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD; pconfig.point = point_accum_vtable; aran_development2d_vtable_init (&pconfig.node_data, 0, order); #endif points = g_ptr_array_new (); if (check) check_points = g_malloc0 (np * sizeof (PointAccum)); prtree = vsg_prtree2d_new_full (&lbound, &ubound, (VsgPoint2dLocFunc) vsg_vector2d_vector2d_locfunc, (VsgPoint2dDistFunc) vsg_vector2d_dist, (VsgRegion2dLocFunc) NULL, maxbox); aran_binomial_require (2*order); solver = aran_solver2d_new (prtree, ARAN_TYPE_DEVELOPMENT2D, aran_development2d_new (0, order), (AranZeroFunc) aran_development2d_set_zero); #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI aran_solver2d_set_parallel (solver, &pconfig); #endif if (virtual_maxbox != 0) aran_solver2d_set_nf_isleaf (solver, _nf_isleaf_virtual_maxbox, &virtual_maxbox); aran_solver2d_set_functions (solver, (AranParticle2ParticleFunc2d) p2p, (AranParticle2MultipoleFunc2d) p2m, (AranMultipole2MultipoleFunc2d) aran_development2d_m2m, (AranMultipole2LocalFunc2d) aran_development2d_m2l, (AranLocal2LocalFunc2d) aran_development2d_l2l, (AranLocal2ParticleFunc2d)l2p); if (semifar_threshold < G_MAXUINT) { aran_solver2d_set_functions_full (solver, (AranParticle2ParticleFunc2d) p2p, (AranParticle2MultipoleFunc2d) p2m, (AranMultipole2MultipoleFunc2d) aran_development2d_m2m, (AranMultipole2LocalFunc2d) aran_development2d_m2l, (AranLocal2LocalFunc2d) aran_development2d_l2l, (AranLocal2ParticleFunc2d) l2p, (AranParticle2LocalFunc2d) p2l, (AranMultipole2ParticleFunc2d) m2p, semifar_threshold); if (semifar_threshold == 0) { PointAccum p1 = {{0.1, 0.1}, 0.1, 0., 0}; PointAccum p2 = {{-0.1, -0.1}, 0.1, 0., 1}; /* compute operators timings to be able to compute optimal solver parameters */ aran_solver2d_profile_operators (solver, (AranParticleInitFunc2d) point_accum_clear_accum, &p1, &p2); /* alternatively, we could get timings from profile databases */ /* aran_profile_db_read_file ("./profiledb-newtonfield3.ini", NULL); */ /* aran_solver2d_db_profile_operators (solver, (gdouble) order); */ } } if (_hilbert) { /* configure for hilbert curve order traversal */ aran_solver2d_set_children_order_hilbert (solver); } _distribution (points, solver); if (_verbose) { g_printerr ("%d : solve begin\n", rk); #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif timer = g_timer_new (); } aran_solver2d_solve (solver); if (_verbose) { #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif g_printerr ("%d : solve ok elapsed=%f seconds\n", rk, g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL)); g_timer_destroy (timer); } if (check) { if (sz == 1) { for (i=0; i<np; i++) { PointAccum *pi = &check_points[i]; guint j; for (j=0; j<np; j++) { if (i != j) { PointAccum *pj = &check_points[j]; gcomplex128 zd_m_zs = (pi->vector.x + I*pi->vector.y) - (pj->vector.x + I*pj->vector.y); pi->accum += 1./zd_m_zs * pj->density; } } } } else check_parallel_points (solver); aran_solver2d_foreach_point (solver, (GFunc) check_point_accum, &ret); if (_verbose) g_printerr ("%d : max err = %e\n", rk, maxerr); g_free (check_points); } aran_solver2d_free (solver); #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI aran_development2d_vtable_clear (&pconfig.node_data); #endif /* destroy the points */ g_ptr_array_foreach (points, empty_array, NULL); g_ptr_array_free (points, TRUE); #ifdef VSG_HAVE_MPI MPI_Finalize (); #endif return ret; }
GNode *build_tree_from_site(struct site *a_site) { GNode *tree_root; struct site_node_data *tmp; struct site_file *current_dir, *current_file; NE_DEBUG(DEBUG_GNOME, "Called build_tree_from_site for site, %s.\n", a_site->name); /* If this site isn't perfect, then don't try and scan the directory. */ /*{ int ret = rc_verifysite(a_site); if ((ret == SITE_NOLOCALDIR) || (ret == SITE_ACCESSLOCALDIR)) return NULL; }*/ tmp = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct site_node_data)); tmp->name = "ROOT"; /* Create the root node. */ tree_root = g_node_new(tmp); /* For each dir in site->files, blah... */ NE_DEBUG(DEBUG_GNOME, "Created root node, about to enter directory loop...\n"); /* This is not very time efficient, but I'm not the one that dictates the * ordering of files/directories, so don't blame me. * What we do here is create all the directory nodes first (and the * directory nodes _only_), and then add the files once the dirs are known * to be in place. */ for (current_dir = a_site->files_tail; (current_dir) && (current_dir->type == file_dir); current_dir = current_dir->prev) ; /* There! SPLAT! Got you, you little bastard of a bug. */ /* if (!current_dir) return tree_root;*/ if (current_dir) { for (current_dir = current_dir->next; current_dir; current_dir = current_dir->next) { core_tree_building_function(current_dir, tree_root); } } for (current_file = a_site->files; (current_file) && (current_file->type != file_dir); current_file = current_file->next) { core_tree_building_function(current_file, tree_root); } /* FIXME: do files here somehow? */ return tree_root; }
static int edit_read_syntax_rules (WEdit * edit, FILE * f, char **args, int args_size) { FILE *g = NULL; char *fg, *bg, *attrs; char last_fg[32] = "", last_bg[32] = "", last_attrs[64] = ""; char whole_right[512]; char whole_left[512]; char *l = 0; int save_line = 0, line = 0; struct context_rule **r, *c = NULL; int num_words = -1, num_contexts = -1; int result = 0; int alloc_contexts = MAX_CONTEXTS, alloc_words_per_context = MAX_WORDS_PER_CONTEXT, max_alloc_words_per_context = MAX_WORDS_PER_CONTEXT; args[0] = NULL; edit->is_case_insensitive = FALSE; strcpy (whole_left, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_01234567890"); strcpy (whole_right, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_01234567890"); r = edit->rules = g_malloc0 (alloc_contexts * sizeof (struct context_rule *)); if (!edit->defines) edit->defines = g_tree_new ((GCompareFunc) strcmp); while (TRUE) { char **a; size_t len; int argc; line++; l = 0; len = read_one_line (&l, f); if (len != 0) xx_lowerize_line (edit, l, len); else { if (g == NULL) break; fclose (f); f = g; g = NULL; line = save_line + 1; MC_PTR_FREE (error_file_name); MC_PTR_FREE (l); len = read_one_line (&l, f); if (len == 0) break; xx_lowerize_line (edit, l, len); } argc = get_args (l, args, args_size); a = args + 1; if (args[0] == NULL) { /* do nothing */ } else if (strcmp (args[0], "include") == 0) { if (g != NULL || argc != 2) { result = line; break; } g = f; f = open_include_file (args[1]); if (f == NULL) { MC_PTR_FREE (error_file_name); result = line; break; } save_line = line; line = 0; } else if (strcmp (args[0], "caseinsensitive") == 0) { edit->is_case_insensitive = TRUE; } else if (strcmp (args[0], "wholechars") == 0) { check_a; if (strcmp (*a, "left") == 0) { a++; g_strlcpy (whole_left, *a, sizeof (whole_left)); } else if (strcmp (*a, "right") == 0) { a++; g_strlcpy (whole_right, *a, sizeof (whole_right)); } else { g_strlcpy (whole_left, *a, sizeof (whole_left)); g_strlcpy (whole_right, *a, sizeof (whole_right)); } a++; check_not_a; } else if (strcmp (args[0], "context") == 0) { check_a; if (num_contexts == -1) { if (strcmp (*a, "default") != 0) { /* first context is the default */ break_a; } a++; c = r[0] = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct context_rule)); c->left = g_strdup (" "); c->right = g_strdup (" "); num_contexts = 0; } else { /* Terminate previous context. */ r[num_contexts - 1]->keyword[num_words] = NULL; c = r[num_contexts] = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct context_rule)); if (strcmp (*a, "exclusive") == 0) { a++; c->between_delimiters = 1; } check_a; if (strcmp (*a, "whole") == 0) { a++; c->whole_word_chars_left = g_strdup (whole_left); c->whole_word_chars_right = g_strdup (whole_right); } else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeleft") == 0) { a++; c->whole_word_chars_left = g_strdup (whole_left); } else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeright") == 0) { a++; c->whole_word_chars_right = g_strdup (whole_right); } check_a; if (strcmp (*a, "linestart") == 0) { a++; c->line_start_left = 1; } check_a; c->left = g_strdup (*a++); check_a; if (strcmp (*a, "linestart") == 0) { a++; c->line_start_right = 1; } check_a; c->right = g_strdup (*a++); c->first_left = *c->left; c->first_right = *c->right; } c->keyword = g_malloc (alloc_words_per_context * sizeof (struct key_word *)); num_words = 1; c->keyword[0] = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct key_word)); subst_defines (edit->defines, a, &args[1024]); fg = *a; if (*a != '\0') a++; bg = *a; if (*a != '\0') a++; attrs = *a; if (*a != '\0') a++; g_strlcpy (last_fg, fg != NULL ? fg : "", sizeof (last_fg)); g_strlcpy (last_bg, bg != NULL ? bg : "", sizeof (last_bg)); g_strlcpy (last_attrs, attrs != NULL ? attrs : "", sizeof (last_attrs)); c->keyword[0]->color = this_try_alloc_color_pair (fg, bg, attrs); c->keyword[0]->keyword = g_strdup (" "); check_not_a; alloc_words_per_context = MAX_WORDS_PER_CONTEXT; if (++num_contexts >= alloc_contexts) { struct context_rule **tmp; alloc_contexts += 128; tmp = g_realloc (r, alloc_contexts * sizeof (struct context_rule *)); r = tmp; } } else if (strcmp (args[0], "spellcheck") == 0) { if (c == NULL) { result = line; break; } c->spelling = TRUE; } else if (strcmp (args[0], "keyword") == 0) { struct key_word *k; if (num_words == -1) break_a; check_a; k = r[num_contexts - 1]->keyword[num_words] = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct key_word)); if (strcmp (*a, "whole") == 0) { a++; k->whole_word_chars_left = g_strdup (whole_left); k->whole_word_chars_right = g_strdup (whole_right); } else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeleft") == 0) { a++; k->whole_word_chars_left = g_strdup (whole_left); } else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeright") == 0) { a++; k->whole_word_chars_right = g_strdup (whole_right); } check_a; if (strcmp (*a, "linestart") == 0) { a++; k->line_start = 1; } check_a; if (strcmp (*a, "whole") == 0) { break_a; } k->keyword = g_strdup (*a++); k->first = *k->keyword; subst_defines (edit->defines, a, &args[1024]); fg = *a; if (*a != '\0') a++; bg = *a; if (*a != '\0') a++; attrs = *a; if (*a != '\0') a++; if (fg == NULL) fg = last_fg; if (bg == NULL) bg = last_bg; if (attrs == NULL) attrs = last_attrs; k->color = this_try_alloc_color_pair (fg, bg, attrs); check_not_a; if (++num_words >= alloc_words_per_context) { struct key_word **tmp; alloc_words_per_context += 1024; if (alloc_words_per_context > max_alloc_words_per_context) max_alloc_words_per_context = alloc_words_per_context; tmp = g_realloc (c->keyword, alloc_words_per_context * sizeof (struct key_word *)); c->keyword = tmp; } } else if (*(args[0]) == '#') { /* do nothing for comment */ } else if (strcmp (args[0], "file") == 0) { break; } else if (strcmp (args[0], "define") == 0) { char *key = *a++; char **argv; if (argc < 3) break_a; argv = g_tree_lookup (edit->defines, key); if (argv != NULL) mc_defines_destroy (NULL, argv, NULL); else key = g_strdup (key); argv = g_new (char *, argc - 1); g_tree_insert (edit->defines, key, argv); while (*a != NULL) *argv++ = g_strdup (*a++); *argv = NULL; } else { /* anything else is an error */