static gboolean parse_config_file(GList * config_list, gchar * filename) { gboolean retval = FALSE; gchar *tmpstring = NULL, *tmpstring2; gchar **tmparray; GList *rclist, *tmplist, *tmplist2; Tconfig_list_item *tmpitem; DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, started\n"); rclist = NULL; rclist = get_list(filename, rclist,FALSE); if (rclist == NULL) { DEBUG_MSG("no rclist, returning!\n"); return retval; } /* empty all variables that have type GList ('l') */ tmplist = g_list_first(config_list); while (tmplist != NULL) { tmpitem = (Tconfig_list_item *) tmplist->data; DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, type=%c, identifier=%s\n", tmpitem->type, tmpitem->identifier); if (tmpitem->type == 'l' || tmpitem->type == 'a') { DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, freeing list before filling it\n"); free_stringlist((GList *) * (void **) tmpitem->pointer); *(void **) tmpitem->pointer = (GList *)NULL; } DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, type=%c, identifier=%s\n", tmpitem->type, tmpitem->identifier); tmplist = g_list_next(tmplist); } DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, all the type 'l' and 'a' have been emptied\n"); DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, length rclist=%d\n", g_list_length(rclist)); /* And now for parsing every line in the config file, first check if there is a valid identifier at the start. */ tmplist = g_list_first(rclist); while (tmplist) { tmpstring = (gchar *) tmplist->data; if (tmpstring != NULL) { DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, tmpstring=%s\n", tmpstring); g_strchug(tmpstring); tmplist2 = g_list_first(config_list); while (tmplist2) { tmpitem = (Tconfig_list_item *) tmplist2->data; #ifdef DEVELOPMENT if (!tmpitem || !tmpitem->identifier || !tmpstring) { g_print("WARNING: almost a problem!\n"); } #endif if (g_strncasecmp(tmpitem->identifier, tmpstring, strlen(tmpitem->identifier)) == 0) { /* we have found the correct identifier */ retval = TRUE; DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, identifier=%s, string=%s\n", tmpitem->identifier, tmpstring); /* move pointer past the identifier */ tmpstring += strlen(tmpitem->identifier); trunc_on_char(tmpstring, '\n'); g_strstrip(tmpstring); switch (tmpitem->type) { case 'i': *(int *) (void *) tmpitem->pointer = atoi(tmpstring); break; case 's': *(void **) tmpitem->pointer = (char *) realloc((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, strlen(tmpstring) + 1); strcpy((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmpstring); break; case 'e': tmpstring2 = unescape_string(tmpstring, FALSE); /* I wonder if that should be TRUE */ *(void **) tmpitem->pointer = (char *) realloc((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, strlen(tmpstring2) + 1); strcpy((char *) *(void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmpstring2); g_free(tmpstring2); break; case 'l': case 'm': tmpstring2 = g_strdup(tmpstring); * (void **) tmpitem->pointer = g_list_prepend((GList *) * (void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmpstring2); DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, *(void **)tmpitem->pointer=%p\n", *(void **) tmpitem->pointer); break; case 'a': tmparray = string_to_array(tmpstring); if (tmpitem->len <= 0 || tmpitem->len == count_array(tmparray)) { * (void **) tmpitem->pointer = g_list_prepend((GList *) * (void **) tmpitem->pointer, tmparray); } else { DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, not storing array, count_array() != tmpitem->len\n"); g_strfreev(tmparray); } DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, *(void **)tmpitem->pointer=%p\n", *(void **) tmpitem->pointer); break; default: break; } tmplist2 = g_list_last(tmplist2); } tmplist2 = g_list_next(tmplist2); } } tmplist = g_list_next(tmplist); } DEBUG_MSG("parse_config_file, parsed all entries, freeing list read from file\n"); free_stringlist(rclist); return retval; }
/* SYNTAX: RECONNECT <tag> [<quit message>] */ static void cmd_reconnect(const char *data, SERVER_REC *server) { SERVER_CONNECT_REC *conn; RECONNECT_REC *rec; char *tag, *msg; void *free_arg; int tagnum; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2 | PARAM_FLAG_GETREST, &tag, &msg)) return; if (*tag != '\0' && strcmp(tag, "*") != 0) server = server_find_tag(tag); if (server != NULL) { /* reconnect connected server */ conn = server_connect_copy_skeleton(server->connrec, TRUE); if (server->connected) reconnect_save_status(conn, server); msg = g_strconcat("* ", *msg == '\0' ? "Reconnecting" : msg, NULL); signal_emit("command disconnect", 2, msg, server); g_free(msg); conn->reconnection = TRUE; server_connect(conn); server_connect_unref(conn); cmd_params_free(free_arg); return; } if (g_strcasecmp(tag, "all") == 0) { /* reconnect all servers in reconnect queue */ reconnect_all(); cmd_params_free(free_arg); return; } if (*data == '\0') { /* reconnect to first server in reconnection list */ if (reconnects == NULL) cmd_param_error(CMDERR_NOT_CONNECTED); rec = reconnects->data; } else { if (g_strncasecmp(data, "RECON-", 6) == 0) data += 6; tagnum = atoi(tag); rec = tagnum <= 0 ? NULL : reconnect_find_tag(tagnum); } if (rec == NULL) { signal_emit("server reconnect not found", 1, data); } else { conn = rec->conn; server_connect_ref(conn); server_reconnect_destroy(rec); server_connect(conn); server_connect_unref(conn); } cmd_params_free(free_arg); }
char *nick_gen(bee_user_t *bu) { gboolean ok = FALSE; /* Set to true once the nick contains something unique. */ GString *ret = g_string_sized_new(MAX_NICK_LENGTH + 1); char *rets; irc_t *irc = (irc_t *) bu->bee->ui_data; char *fmt = set_getstr(&bu->ic->acc->set, "nick_format") ? : set_getstr(&bu->bee->set, "nick_format"); while (fmt && *fmt && ret->len < MAX_NICK_LENGTH) { char *part = NULL, chop = '\0', *asc = NULL, *s; int len = INT_MAX; if (*fmt != '%') { g_string_append_c(ret, *fmt); fmt++; continue; } fmt++; while (*fmt) { /* -char means chop off everything from char */ if (*fmt == '-') { chop = fmt[1]; if (chop == '\0') { g_string_free(ret, TRUE); return NULL; } fmt += 2; } else if (g_ascii_isdigit(*fmt)) { len = 0; /* Grab a number. */ while (g_ascii_isdigit(*fmt)) { len = len * 10 + (*(fmt++) - '0'); } } else if (g_strncasecmp(fmt, "nick", 4) == 0) { part = bu->nick ? : bu->handle; fmt += 4; ok |= TRUE; break; } else if (g_strncasecmp(fmt, "handle", 6) == 0) { part = bu->handle; fmt += 6; ok |= TRUE; break; } else if (g_strncasecmp(fmt, "full_name", 9) == 0) { part = bu->fullname; fmt += 9; ok |= part && *part; break; } else if (g_strncasecmp(fmt, "first_name", 10) == 0) { part = bu->fullname; fmt += 10; ok |= part && *part; chop = ' '; break; } else if (g_strncasecmp(fmt, "group", 5) == 0) { part = bu->group ? bu->group->name : NULL; fmt += 5; break; } else if (g_strncasecmp(fmt, "account", 7) == 0) { part = bu->ic->acc->tag; fmt += 7; break; } else { g_string_free(ret, TRUE); return NULL; } }
gint main (gint argc, gchar ** argv) { gint ret = 0; VsgPRTree3d *tree; gint i; VsgVector3d lb; VsgVector3d ub; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sz); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rk); if (argc > 1 && g_strncasecmp (argv[1], "--version", 9) == 0) { if (rk == 0) g_print ("%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); return 0; } if (argc > 1 && g_strncasecmp (argv[1], "--write", 7) == 0) { _do_write = TRUE; } vsg_init_gdouble (); points = g_ptr_array_new (); regions = g_ptr_array_new (); if (rk == 0) { VsgVector3d *pt; Sphere *c; lb.x = -1.; lb.y = -1.; lb.z = -1.; ub.x = 0.; ub.y = 0.; ub.z = 0.; pt = pt_alloc (TRUE, NULL); pt->x = -0.5; pt->y = -0.5; pt->z = -0.5; c = rg_alloc (TRUE, NULL); c->center.x = -0.6; c->center.y = -0.6; c->center.z = -0.6; c->radius = 0.1; } else { VsgVector3d *pt; Sphere *c; lb.x = 0.; lb.y = 0.; lb.z = 0.; ub.x = 1.*rk; ub.y = 1.*rk; ub.z = 1.*rk; pt = pt_alloc (TRUE, NULL); pt->x = 0.5*rk; pt->y = 0.5*rk; pt->z = 0.5*rk; pt = pt_alloc (TRUE, NULL); pt->x = 0.60*rk; pt->y = 0.65*rk; pt->z = 0.70*rk; pt = pt_alloc (TRUE, NULL); pt->x = 0.15*rk; pt->y = 0.75*rk; pt->z = 0.80*rk; c = rg_alloc (TRUE, NULL); c->center.x = 0.6*rk; c->center.y = 0.6*rk; c->center.z = 0.6*rk; c->radius = 0.11; } /* create the tree */ tree = vsg_prtree3d_new_full (&lb, &ub, (VsgPoint3dLocFunc) vsg_vector3d_vector3d_locfunc, (VsgPoint3dDistFunc) vsg_vector3d_dist, (VsgRegion3dLocFunc) _sphere_loc3, 2); /* insert the points */ for (i=0; i<points->len; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_insert_point (tree, g_ptr_array_index (points, i)); } /* insert the regions */ for (i=0; i<regions->len; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_insert_region (tree, g_ptr_array_index (regions, i)); } /* count total created points and regions */ init_total_points_count (); init_total_regions_count (); /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: set_parallel begin\n", rk); */ vsg_prtree3d_set_parallel (tree, &pconfig); /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: set_parallel ok\n", rk); */ ret += check_points_number (tree); ret += check_regions_number (tree); /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: before migrate_flush ok\n", rk); */ { VsgVector3d *pt; Sphere *c; pt = pt_alloc (TRUE, NULL); pt->x = 0.5*rk; pt->y = 0.75*rk; pt->z = 0.75*rk; vsg_prtree3d_insert_point (tree, pt); c = rg_alloc (TRUE, NULL); c->center.x = 1.; c->center.y = 0.6*rk; c->center.z = 0.6*rk; c->radius = 0.1; vsg_prtree3d_insert_region (tree, c); } /* update total points and regions count */ init_total_points_count (); init_total_regions_count (); /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: migrate_flush begin\n", rk); */ vsg_prtree3d_migrate_flush (tree); /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: migrate_flush ok\n", rk); */ ret += check_points_number (tree); ret += check_regions_number (tree); /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: distribute_nodes begin\n", rk); */ for (i=0; i<sz; i++) { gint dst = (i+1) % sz; /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: move to %d\n", rk, dst); */ vsg_prtree3d_distribute_concentrate (tree, dst); ret += check_points_number (tree); ret += check_regions_number (tree); } /* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); */ /* g_printerr ("%d: split between nodes\n", rk); */ vsg_prtree3d_distribute_scatter_leaves (tree); ret += check_points_number (tree); ret += check_regions_number (tree); /* /\* MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); *\/ */ /* /\* g_printerr ("%d: distribute_nodes ok\n", rk); *\/ */ if (_do_write) { MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD); _tree_write (tree); } if (_do_write) { gchar fn[1024]; FILE *f; g_sprintf (fn, "prtree3parallel-%03d.txt", rk); f = fopen (fn, "w"); vsg_prtree3d_write (tree, f); fclose (f); } /* destroy the points */ g_ptr_array_foreach (points, empty_array, NULL); g_ptr_array_free (points, TRUE); /* destroy the spheres */ g_ptr_array_foreach (regions, empty_array, NULL); g_ptr_array_free (regions, TRUE); /* destroy the tree */ vsg_prtree3d_free (tree); MPI_Finalize (); return ret; }
static void parse_args (int argc, char **argv) { int iarg = 1; char *arg; while (iarg < argc) { arg = argv[iarg]; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-np") == 0) { guint tmp = 0; iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; if (sscanf (arg, "%u", &tmp) == 1) np = tmp; else g_printerr ("Invalid particles number (-np %s)\n", arg); } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-pr") == 0) { guint tmp = 0; iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; if (sscanf (arg, "%u", &tmp) == 1 && tmp > 0) order = tmp; else g_printerr ("Invalid precision order value (-pr %s)\n", arg); } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-s") == 0) { guint tmp = 0; iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; if (sscanf (arg, "%u", &tmp) == 1 && tmp > 0) maxbox = tmp; else g_printerr ("Invalid maximum box size value (-s %s)\n", arg); } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-err") == 0) { gdouble tmp = 0; iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; if (sscanf (arg, "%lf", &tmp) == 1 && tmp > 0.) err_lim = tmp; else g_printerr ("Invalid error limit value (-err %s)\n", arg); } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-nocheck") == 0) { check = FALSE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-check") == 0) { check = TRUE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-direct") == 0) { direct = TRUE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-dist") == 0) { iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "circle") == 0) { _fill = _one_circle_fill; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "random2") == 0) { _fill = _random2_fill; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "random") == 0) { _fill = _random_fill; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "grid") == 0) { _fill = _grid_fill; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "uvsphere") == 0) { _fill = _uvsphere_fill; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "plummer") == 0) { _fill = _plummer_fill; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "load") == 0) { _fill = _load_fill; iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; _load_file = g_malloc (1024*sizeof (gchar)); sscanf (arg, "%s", _load_file); } else { g_printerr ("Invalid fill name (-dist %s)\n", arg); } } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-translation") == 0) { iarg ++; arg = (iarg<argc) ? argv[iarg] : NULL; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "normal") == 0) { m2m = (AranMultipole2MultipoleFunc3d) aran_development3d_m2m; m2l = (AranMultipole2LocalFunc3d) aran_development3d_m2l; l2l = (AranLocal2LocalFunc3d) aran_development3d_l2l; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "kkylin") == 0) { m2m = (AranMultipole2MultipoleFunc3d) aran_development3d_m2m_kkylin; m2l = (AranMultipole2LocalFunc3d) aran_development3d_m2l_kkylin; l2l = (AranLocal2LocalFunc3d) aran_development3d_l2l_kkylin; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "rotate") == 0) { m2m = (AranMultipole2MultipoleFunc3d) aran_development3d_m2m_rotate; m2l = (AranMultipole2LocalFunc3d) aran_development3d_m2l_rotate; l2l = (AranLocal2LocalFunc3d) aran_development3d_l2l_rotate; } else { g_printerr ("Invalid translation name (-translation %s)\n", arg); } } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "-hilbert") == 0) { _hilbert = TRUE; } else if (g_strncasecmp (arg, "-v", 2) == 0 || g_strncasecmp (arg, "--verbose", 9) == 0) { _verbose = TRUE; } else if (g_strncasecmp (arg, "--write", 9) == 0) { _write = TRUE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (arg, "--version") == 0) { g_printerr ("%s version %s\n", argv[0], PACKAGE_VERSION); exit (0); } else { g_printerr ("Invalid argument \"%s\"\n", arg); } iarg ++; } }
int find_update_line_cache(GnomeFindDialog *find_dialog) { int find_text_len; int eflags; regmatch_t pmatch[1]; int regex_result; char errbuf[ERRBUF_SIZE]; char messagebuf[MSGBUF_SIZE]; int strcmp_result; int tmp_find_pos; gchar *find_line_cache; find_selection *find_select; GtkWidget *message_dialog; /* initialisation */ find_line_cache = NULL; find_text_len = strlen(find_params.find_text); line_cache_update = FALSE; /* free matches list if necessary */ if (find_current_match != NULL) { find_current_match = g_list_first(find_current_match); g_list_foreach(find_current_match, find_free_select, NULL); g_list_free(find_current_match); find_current_match = NULL; } /* Move one line */ switch (find_params.direction) { case GNOME_FIND_FORWARDS: do { if(find_pos > find_pos_max) { if(find_params.wrap_search == TRUE) { find_pos = 0; search_wrapped = TRUE; } else { return GNOME_FIND_NOMATCH; } } else { find_pos++; if((search_wrapped) && (find_pos >= find_pos_init)) { return GNOME_FIND_NOMATCH; } } } while (find_text_cache[find_pos] == '\n'); break; case GNOME_FIND_BACKWARDS: do { if(find_pos < 0) { if(find_params.wrap_search == TRUE) { find_pos = find_pos_max; search_wrapped = TRUE; } else { return GNOME_FIND_NOMATCH; } } else { find_pos--; if((search_wrapped) && (find_pos <= find_pos_init)) { return GNOME_FIND_NOMATCH; } } } while (find_text_cache[find_pos] == '\n'); break; } line_cache_start = line_cache_end = find_pos; while ((line_cache_start > 0) && (find_text_cache[line_cache_start - 1] != '\n')) { line_cache_start--; } while ((line_cache_end < find_pos_max) && (find_text_cache[line_cache_end + 1] != '\n')) { line_cache_end++; } /* Grab the line */ find_line_cache = g_strndup(find_text_cache + line_cache_start, line_cache_end - line_cache_start + 1); /* Search line */ if (find_params.regex == TRUE) { /* Regular expression search */ tmp_find_pos = 0; eflags = 0; do { if (tmp_find_pos != 0) { eflags = REG_NOTBOL; } /* execute the match */ regex_result = regexec(preg, find_line_cache + tmp_find_pos, 1, pmatch, eflags); if(regex_result == 0) { /* construct list item if found */ find_select = g_new(find_selection, 1); find_select->select_start = line_cache_start + tmp_find_pos + pmatch[0].rm_so; find_select->select_end = line_cache_start + tmp_find_pos + pmatch[0].rm_eo; find_current_match = g_list_append(find_current_match, (gpointer) find_select); tmp_find_pos += pmatch[0].rm_so + 1; } else if (regex_result != REG_NOMATCH) { /* report regexec errors and terminate the search */ regerror(regex_result, preg, errbuf, ERRBUF_SIZE); g_snprintf(messagebuf, MSGBUF_SIZE, "Error matching regular expression: %s", errbuf); message_dialog = gnome_message_box_new(messagebuf, GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_ERROR, GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_OK, NULL); if (find_dialog != NULL ) { gnome_dialog_set_parent(GNOME_DIALOG(message_dialog), GTK_WINDOW(find_dialog)); } else { gnome_dialog_set_parent(GNOME_DIALOG(message_dialog), GTK_WINDOW(R_gtk_main_window)); } gnome_dialog_run_and_close(GNOME_DIALOG(message_dialog)); if (find_line_cache != NULL) { g_free(find_line_cache); } return GNOME_FIND_NOMATCH; } } while ((tmp_find_pos <= (line_cache_end - line_cache_start)) && (regex_result == 0)); } else { /* Literal search */ for (tmp_find_pos = line_cache_start; tmp_find_pos <= line_cache_end; tmp_find_pos++) { if (find_params.case_sensitive == TRUE) { strcmp_result = strncmp(find_params.find_text, find_text_cache + tmp_find_pos, find_text_len); } else { strcmp_result = g_strncasecmp(find_params.find_text, find_text_cache + tmp_find_pos, find_text_len); } /* construct list item if found */ if(strcmp_result == 0) { find_select = g_new(find_selection, 1); find_select->select_start = tmp_find_pos; find_select->select_end = tmp_find_pos + find_text_len; find_current_match = g_list_append(find_current_match, (gpointer) find_select); } } } if (find_line_cache != NULL) { g_free(find_line_cache); } /* Return result */ if (find_current_match != NULL) { if(find_params.direction == GNOME_FIND_BACKWARDS) find_current_match = g_list_last(find_current_match); return GNOME_FIND_MATCH; } return GNOME_FIND_NOTFOUND; }
/* check if quit message is a netsplit message */ int quitmsg_is_split(const char *msg) { const char *host1, *host2, *p; int prev, len, host1_dot, host2_dot; g_return_val_if_fail(msg != NULL, FALSE); /* NOTE: there used to be some paranoia checks (some older IRC clients have even more), but they're pretty useless nowadays, since IRC server prefixes the quit message with a space if it looks like a netsplit message. So, the check is currently just: - host1.domain1 host2.domain2 - top-level domains have to be 2+ characters long, containing only alphabets - only 1 space - no double-dots (".." - probably useless check) - hosts/domains can't start or end with a dot - the two hosts can't be identical (probably useless check) - can't contain ':' or '/' chars (some servers allow URLs) */ host1 = msg; host2 = NULL; prev = '\0'; len = 0; host1_dot = host2_dot = 0; while (*msg != '\0') { if (*msg == ' ') { if (prev == '.' || prev == '\0') { /* domains can't end with '.', space can't be the first character in msg. */ return FALSE; } if (host2 != NULL) return FALSE; /* only one space allowed */ if (!host1_dot) return FALSE; /* host1 didn't have domain */ host2 = msg+1; len = -1; } else if (*msg == '.') { if (prev == '\0' || prev == ' ' || prev == '.') { /* domains can't start with '.' and can't have ".." */ return FALSE; } if (host2 != NULL) host2_dot = TRUE; else host1_dot = TRUE; } else if (*msg == ':' || *msg == '/') return FALSE; prev = *msg; msg++; len++; } if (!host2_dot || prev == '.') return FALSE; if (len == (int) (host2-host1)-1 && g_strncasecmp(host1, host2, len) == 0) return FALSE; /* hosts can't be the same */ /* top-domain1 must be 2+ chars long and contain only alphabets */ p = host2-1; while (p[-1] != '.') { if (!i_isalpha(p[-1])) return FALSE; p--; } if (host2-p-1 < 2) return FALSE; /* top-domain2 must be 2+ chars long and contain only alphabets */ p = host2+strlen(host2); while (p[-1] != '.') { if (!i_isalpha(p[-1])) return FALSE; p--; } if (strlen(p) < 2) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
void plugin_exec(gint plugin_num) { Plugin *plugin; gchar *stdout = NULL; GError *error = NULL; gint exit_status; GString *command_line = NULL; gint wordStart; gint wordEnd; gchar *current_selection; gint ac_length; gchar *data; if (main_window.current_editor == NULL) { return; } plugin = (Plugin *)g_list_nth_data(Plugins, plugin_num); if (!plugin) { g_print(_("Plugin is null!\n")); } //g_print("Plugin No: %d:%d (%s):%s\n", plugin_num, plugin->type, plugin->name, plugin->filename->str); command_line = g_string_new(plugin->filename->str); command_line = g_string_prepend(command_line, "'"); command_line = g_string_append(command_line, "' '"); if (plugin->type == GPHPEDIT_PLUGIN_TYPE_SELECTION) { wordStart = gtk_scintilla_get_selection_start(GTK_SCINTILLA(main_window.current_editor->scintilla)); wordEnd = gtk_scintilla_get_selection_end(GTK_SCINTILLA(main_window.current_editor->scintilla)); current_selection = gtk_scintilla_get_text_range (GTK_SCINTILLA(main_window.current_editor->scintilla), wordStart, wordEnd, &ac_length); command_line = g_string_append(command_line, current_selection); } else if (plugin->type == GPHPEDIT_PLUGIN_TYPE_FILENAME) { command_line = g_string_append(command_line, editor_convert_to_local(main_window.current_editor)); } command_line = g_string_append(command_line, "'"); //g_print("SPAWNING: %s\n", command_line->str); if (g_spawn_command_line_sync(command_line->str,&stdout,NULL, &exit_status,&error)) { data = strstr(stdout, "\n"); data++; //g_print("COMMAND: %s\nSTDOUT:%s\nOUTPUT: %s\n", command_line->str, stdout, data); if (g_strncasecmp(stdout, "INSERT", MIN(strlen(stdout), 6))==0) { if (data) { gtk_scintilla_insert_text(GTK_SCINTILLA(main_window.current_editor->scintilla), gtk_scintilla_get_current_pos(GTK_SCINTILLA(main_window.current_editor->scintilla)), data); } } else if (g_strncasecmp(stdout, "REPLACE", MIN(strlen(stdout), 7))==0) { if (data) { gtk_scintilla_replace_sel(GTK_SCINTILLA(main_window.current_editor->scintilla), data); } } else if (g_strncasecmp(stdout, "MESSAGE", MIN(strlen(stdout),7))==0) { info_dialog(plugin->name, data); } else if (g_strncasecmp(stdout, "OPEN", MIN(strlen(stdout), 4))==0) { if (DEBUG_MODE) { g_print("DEBUG: main_window.c:plugin_exec: Opening file :date: %s\n", data); } switch_to_file_or_open(data, 0); } else if (g_strncasecmp(stdout, "DEBUG", MIN(strlen(stdout), 5))==0) { debug_dump_editors(); DEBUG_MODE = TRUE; } g_free(stdout); } else { g_print(_("Spawning %s gave error %s\n"), plugin->filename->str, error->message); } }
static void cmd_completion(const char *data) { GHashTable *optlist; CONFIG_NODE *node; GSList *tmp; char *key, *value; void *free_arg; int len; if (!cmd_get_params(data, &free_arg, 2 | PARAM_FLAG_OPTIONS | PARAM_FLAG_GETREST, "completion", &optlist, &key, &value)) return; node = iconfig_node_traverse("completions", *value != '\0'); if (node != NULL && node->type != NODE_TYPE_BLOCK) { /* FIXME: remove after 0.8.5 */ iconfig_node_remove(mainconfig->mainnode, node); node = iconfig_node_traverse("completions", *value != '\0'); } if (node == NULL || (node->value == NULL && *value == '\0')) { printformat(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE, TXT_NO_COMPLETIONS); cmd_params_free(free_arg); return; } if (g_hash_table_lookup(optlist, "delete") != NULL && *key != '\0') { printformat(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTNOTICE, TXT_COMPLETION_REMOVED, key); iconfig_set_str("completions", key, NULL); signal_emit("completion removed", 1, key); } else if (*key != '\0' && *value != '\0') { int automatic = g_hash_table_lookup(optlist, "auto") != NULL; node = config_node_section(node, key, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK); iconfig_node_set_str(node, "value", value); if (automatic) iconfig_node_set_bool(node, "auto", TRUE); else iconfig_node_set_str(node, "auto", NULL); printformat(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, TXT_COMPLETION_LINE, key, value, automatic ? "yes" : "no"); signal_emit("completion added", 1, key); } else { printformat(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, TXT_COMPLETION_HEADER); len = strlen(key); for (tmp = node->value; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { node = tmp->data; if (len == 0 || g_strncasecmp(node->key, key, len) == 0) { printformat(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, TXT_COMPLETION_LINE, node->key, config_node_get_str(node, "value", ""), config_node_get_bool(node, "auto", FALSE) ? "yes" : "no"); } } printformat(NULL, NULL, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, TXT_COMPLETION_FOOTER); } cmd_params_free(free_arg); }
gint main (gint argc, gchar ** argv) { gint ret = 0; VsgVector3d lb = {-1., -1., -1.}; VsgVector3d ub = {1., 1., 1.}; NodeCounter counter = {0, 0}; const guint m = 100; const guint n = 1000; Pt points[m*n]; VsgPRTree3d *tree; gint i; if (argc > 1 && g_strncasecmp (argv[1], "--version", 9) == 0) { g_print ("%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); return 0; } vsg_init_gdouble (); /* create the tree */ tree = vsg_prtree3d_new (&lb, &ub, NULL, 1); vsg_prtree3d_set_node_data (tree, TYPE_NODE_COUNTER, &counter); /* create the points */ create_points (points, m, n); /* insert the points into the tree */ for (i=0; i<m*n; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_insert_point (tree, &points[i]); } /* g_printerr ("ok depth = %d size = %d\n", */ /* vsg_prtree3d_depth (tree), */ /* vsg_prtree3d_point_count (tree)); */ /* accumulate the point counts across the tree */ vsg_prtree3d_traverse (tree, G_POST_ORDER, (VsgPRTree3dFunc) up, NULL); /* do some near/far traversal */ vsg_prtree3d_near_far_traversal (tree, (VsgPRTree3dFarInteractionFunc) far, (VsgPRTree3dInteractionFunc) near, &ret); /* distribute back the point counts across the tree */ vsg_prtree3d_traverse (tree, G_PRE_ORDER, (VsgPRTree3dFunc) down, NULL); /* check the results */ for (i=0; i<m*n; i++) { if (points[i].count != m*n) { g_printerr ("ERROR: wrong count on point %d: %d (should be %d).\n", i, points[i].count, n); ret ++; } } /* remove the points */ for (i=0; i<m*n; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_remove_point (tree, &points[i]); } /* destroy the tree */ vsg_prtree3d_free (tree); return ret; }
/** * mdm_config_get_xservers * * Calls daemon to get xserver config. */ GSList * mdm_config_get_xservers (gboolean flexible) { GSList *xservers = NULL; gchar **splitstr, **sec; gchar *command = NULL; gchar *result = NULL; gchar *temp; command = g_strdup_printf ("GET_SERVER_LIST"); result = mdmcomm_call_mdm (command, NULL /* auth cookie */, "", comm_tries); g_free (command); if (! result || ve_string_empty (result) || strncmp (result, "OK ", 3) != 0) { mdm_common_error ("Could not access xserver configuration"); if (result) g_free (result); return NULL; } /* skip the "OK " */ splitstr = g_strsplit (result + 3, ";", 0); sec = splitstr; g_free (result); while (sec != NULL && *sec != NULL) { MdmXserver *svr = g_new0 (MdmXserver, 1); temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "ID"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } svr->id = temp; temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "NAME"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } svr->name = temp; temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "COMMAND"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } svr->command = temp; temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "FLEXIBLE"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } else if (g_strncasecmp (ve_sure_string (temp), "true", 4) == 0) svr->flexible = TRUE; else svr->flexible = FALSE; g_free (temp); temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "CHOOSABLE"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } else if (g_strncasecmp (temp, "true", 4) == 0) svr->choosable = TRUE; else svr->choosable = FALSE; g_free (temp); temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "HANDLED"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } else if (g_strncasecmp (temp, "true", 4) == 0) svr->handled = TRUE; else svr->handled = FALSE; g_free (temp); temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "CHOOSER"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } else if (g_strncasecmp (temp, "true", 4) == 0) svr->chooser = TRUE; else svr->chooser = FALSE; g_free (temp); temp = mdm_config_get_xserver_details (*sec, "PRIORITY"); if (temp == NULL) { g_free (svr); continue; } else { svr->priority = atoi (temp); } g_free (temp); sec++; /* If only flexible was requested, then skip if not flexible */ if (flexible && !svr->flexible) { g_free (svr); continue; } xservers = g_slist_append (xservers, svr); } g_strfreev (splitstr); return xservers; }
gint main (gint argc, gchar ** argv) { gint ret = 0; VsgVector3d lb = {-1., -1., -1.}; VsgVector3d ub = {1., 1., 1.}; VsgVector3d *points; gint lvl = 1; gint n, np; VsgPRTree3d *tree; gint i, j, k, l; if (argc > 1 && g_strncasecmp (argv[1], "--version", 9) == 0) { g_print ("%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); return 0; } if (argc > 1) { sscanf (argv[1], "%d", &lvl); } n = 1<<lvl; np = n*n*n; vsg_init_gdouble (); /* create the points */ points = g_malloc (np * sizeof (VsgVector3d)); l = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { gdouble x = 2. * ((i+0.5)/n) - 1.; for (j=0; j<n; j++) { gdouble y = 2. * ((j+0.5)/n) - 1.; for (k=0; k<n; k++) { gdouble z = 2. * ((k+0.5)/n) - 1.; vsg_vector3d_set (&points[l], x, y, z); l ++; } } } /* create the tree */ tree = vsg_prtree3d_new_full (&lb, &ub, (VsgPoint3dLocFunc) vsg_vector3d_vector3d_locfunc, (VsgPoint3dDistFunc) vsg_vector3d_dist, NULL, 1); /* configure for hilbert curve order traversal */ vsg_prtree3d_set_children_order (tree, hilbert3_order, GINT_TO_POINTER (HK3_0_2_1)); /* insert some points */ for (i=0; i<np; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_insert_point (tree, &points[i]); } /* do some traversal */ i=0; vsg_prtree3d_traverse (tree, G_PRE_ORDER, (VsgPRTree3dFunc) traverse_point_count, &i); /* check the results */ if (i != np) { g_printerr ("ERROR: traverse point count %d (should be %d)\n", i, n); ret ++; } /* remove the points */ for (i=0; i<np; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_remove_point (tree, &points[i]); } g_free (points); /* destroy the tree */ vsg_prtree3d_free (tree); return ret; }
static void settings_save_confirm(const char *line, char *fname) { if (g_strncasecmp(line, _("Y"), 1) == 0) settings_save_fe(fname); g_free(fname); }
/* Non-static function, but not mentioned in jabber.h because it's for internal use, just that the unittest should be able to reach it... */ char *sasl_get_part( char *data, char *field ) { int i, len; len = strlen( field ); while( isspace( *data ) || *data == ',' ) data ++; if( g_strncasecmp( data, field, len ) == 0 && data[len] == '=' ) { i = strlen( field ) + 1; } else { for( i = 0; data[i]; i ++ ) { /* If we have a ", skip until it's closed again. */ if( data[i] == '"' ) { i ++; while( data[i] != '"' || data[i-1] == '\\' ) i ++; } /* If we got a comma, we got a new field. Check it, find the next key after it. */ if( data[i] == ',' ) { while( isspace( data[i] ) || data[i] == ',' ) i ++; if( g_strncasecmp( data + i, field, len ) == 0 && data[i+len] == '=' ) { i += len + 1; break; } } } } if( data[i] == '"' ) { int j; char *ret; i ++; len = 0; while( data[i+len] != '"' || data[i+len-1] == '\\' ) len ++; ret = g_strndup( data + i, len ); for( i = j = 0; ret[i]; i ++ ) { if( ret[i] == '\\' ) { ret[j++] = ret[++i]; } else { ret[j++] = ret[i]; } } ret[j] = 0; return ret; } else if( data[i] ) { len = 0; while( data[i+len] && data[i+len] != ',' ) len ++; return g_strndup( data + i, len ); } else { return NULL; } }
void GUI_ReadXConfig() { FILE *file; gchar *line; const gchar *confdir; gchar *rcfile; gchar *current; register gint len; register gint i; GetDefaultValues(); #ifdef WIN32 confdir = g_strconcat(getenv("APPDATA"), "\\gnokii", NULL); if (!g_file_test(confdir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) g_mkdir_with_parents(confdir, 0700); rcfile = g_strconcat(config, "\\xgnokii-config", NULL); #else confdir = g_strconcat(g_get_user_config_dir(), "/gnokii", NULL); if (!g_file_test(confdir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) g_mkdir_with_parents(confdir, 0700); rcfile = g_strconcat(confdir, "/xgnokii-config", NULL); #endif if ((file = fopen(rcfile, "r")) == NULL) { g_free(rcfile); return; } g_free(rcfile); line = g_malloc(255); while (fgets(line, 255, file) != NULL) { gint v; current = line; /* Strip leading, trailing whitespace */ while (isspace((gint) * current)) current++; while ((strlen(current) > 0) && isspace((gint) current[strlen(current) - 1])) current[strlen(current) - 1] = '\0'; /* Ignore blank lines and comments */ if ((*current == '\n') || (*current == '\0') || (*current == '#')) continue; i = 0; while (*config[i].key != '\0') { len = strlen(config[i].key); if (g_strncasecmp(config[i].key, current, len) == 0) { current += len; while (isspace((int) *current)) current++; if (*current == '=') { current++; while (isspace((int) *current)) current++; g_free(*config[i].value); switch (i) { case 3: case 4: *config[i].value = g_strndup(current, max_phonebook_number_length); break; case 7: *config[i].value = g_strndup(current, HTMLVIEWER_LENGTH); break; case 8: *config[i].value = g_strndup(current, MAILBOX_LENGTH); break; case 9: case 10: v = atoi(current); if (v > 0 && v < 100) *config[i].value = g_strndup(current, 3); break; default: *config[i].value = g_strndup(current, MAX_BUSINESS_CARD_LENGTH); break; } } } i++; } } fclose(file); g_free(line); }
gint main (gint argc, gchar ** argv) { gint ret = 0; VsgVector3d lb = {-1., -1., -1.}; VsgVector3d ub = {1., 1., 1.}; VsgVector3d points[] = { {-0.5, -0.5, -.5}, {0.5, -0.5, -.5}, {-0.5, 0.5, .5}, {0.25, 0.25, .5}, {0.75, 0.75, .5}, {1.75, 1.75, 1.}, /* exterior point */ {1.75, 100.75, 1.}, /* another exterior point */ {1.75, -100.75, 1.}, /* another exterior point */ }; const guint n = sizeof (points) / sizeof (VsgVector3d); VsgPRTree3d *tree; VsgPRTree3d *tree_clone; gint i; if (argc > 1 && g_strncasecmp (argv[1], "--version", 9) == 0) { g_print ("%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); return 0; } vsg_init_gdouble (); /* create the tree */ tree = vsg_prtree3d_new_full (&lb, &ub, (VsgPoint3dLocFunc) vsg_vector3d_vector3d_locfunc, (VsgPoint3dDistFunc) vsg_vector3d_dist, NULL, 1); /* insert some points */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_insert_point (tree, &points[i]); } /* clone the tree and destroy it */ tree_clone = vsg_prtree3d_clone (tree); vsg_prtree3d_free (tree); /* do some traversal */ i=0; vsg_prtree3d_traverse (tree_clone, G_PRE_ORDER, (VsgPRTree3dFunc) traverse_point_count, &i); /* check the results */ if (i != n) { g_printerr ("ERROR: traverse point count %d (should be %d)\n", i, n); ret ++; } /* remove the points */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { vsg_prtree3d_remove_point (tree_clone, &points[i]); } /* destroy the cloned tree */ vsg_prtree3d_free (tree_clone); return ret; }