Gamma * gamma_spline_calc_little_gamma (GammaSpline *gs, double * omega) { // without the one over omega if (!gstimer) { gstimer = g_timer_new(); g_timer_start(gstimer); } else g_timer_continue(gstimer); int q=0; double kc; int Nkc = 16384; Gamma * g = gamma_new (Nkc); double dkc=2*KCMAX/Nkc; double denom=pow(KCMAX,4); for (kc=-KCMAX+dkc;kc<KCMAX;kc=kc+dkc) { complex double a = gsl_interp_eval(gs->wx_spline_re,gs->k, gs->Wxr, kc,gs->w_accel)+I*gsl_interp_eval(gs->wx_spline_im,gs->k,gs->Wxi,kc,gs->w_accel); double b = gsl_interp_eval_deriv(gs->phi_spline,gs->k, gs->phi, kc,gs->phi_accel); omega[q]=b; double damp = exp(-4*pow(fabs(kc),4)/denom); g->x[q]=a*damp; complex double c = gsl_interp_eval(gs->wy_spline_re,gs->k,gs->Wyr,kc,gs->w_accel)+I*gsl_interp_eval(gs->wy_spline_im,gs->k,gs->Wyi,kc,gs->w_accel); g->y[q]=c*damp; complex double d = gsl_interp_eval(gs->wz_spline_re,gs->k,gs->Wzr,kc,gs->w_accel)+I*gsl_interp_eval(gs->wz_spline_im,gs->k,gs->Wzi,kc,gs->w_accel); g->z[q]=d*damp; q++; } g_timer_stop(gstimer); return g; }
/* Starts, pauses and continues the timer */ static void toggleTimer() { if (prefs.timer_is_clock) return; switch (timerMode) { case 0: timer = g_timer_new(); timerMode = 1; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(resetButton), FALSE); gtk_tool_button_set_stock_id(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(startButton), GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE); break; case 1: g_timer_stop(timer); timerMode = 2; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(resetButton), TRUE); gtk_tool_button_set_stock_id(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(startButton), GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY); break; case 2: g_timer_continue(timer); timerMode = 1; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(resetButton), FALSE); gtk_tool_button_set_stock_id(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(startButton), GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE); break; } }
complex double * gamma_spline_V(GammaSpline *gs, GList * const sd, double kc, int component) { if (!gstimer) { gstimer = g_timer_new(); g_timer_start(gstimer); } else g_timer_continue(gstimer); int NB = model->total_bands; complex double * V = complex_double_array_calloc (NB*NB); size_t m, n; for (m=0;m<NB;m++) { for (n=0;n<NB;n++) { gamma_spline_reset(gs,sd,m,n,FALSE); if (component==0) { V[m+n*NB]=gsl_interp_eval(gs->wx_spline_re,gs->k,gs->Wxr,kc,gs->w_accel)+I*gsl_interp_eval(gs->wx_spline_im,gs->k,gs->Wxi,kc,gs->w_accel); } else if (component==1) { V[m+n*NB]=gsl_interp_eval(gs->wy_spline_re,gs->k,gs->Wyr,kc,gs->w_accel)+I*gsl_interp_eval(gs->wy_spline_im,gs->k,gs->Wyi,kc,gs->w_accel); } else if (component==2) { V[m+n*NB]=gsl_interp_eval(gs->wz_spline_re,gs->k,gs->Wzr,kc,gs->w_accel)+I*gsl_interp_eval(gs->wz_spline_im,gs->k,gs->Wzi,kc,gs->w_accel); } } } g_timer_stop(gstimer); return V; }
Event* scheduler_pop(Scheduler* scheduler) { MAGIC_ASSERT(scheduler); /* this function should block until a non-null event is available for the worker to run. * return NULL only to signal the worker thread to quit */ while(scheduler->isRunning) { /* pop from a queue based on the policy */ Event* nextEvent = scheduler->policy->pop(scheduler->policy, scheduler->currentRound.endTime); if(nextEvent != NULL) { /* we have an event, let the worker run it */ return nextEvent; } else if(scheduler->policyType == SP_SERIAL_GLOBAL) { /* the running thread has no more events to execute this round, but we only have a * single, global, serial queue, so returning NULL without blocking is OK. */ return NULL; } else { /* the running thread has no more events to execute this round and we need to block it * so that we can wait for all threads to finish events from this round. We want to * track idle times, so let's start by making sure we have timer elements in place. */ GTimer* executeEventsBarrierWaitTime = g_hash_table_lookup(scheduler->threadToWaitTimerMap, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pthread_self())); /* wait for all other worker threads to finish their events too, and track wait time */ if(executeEventsBarrierWaitTime) { g_timer_continue(executeEventsBarrierWaitTime); } countdownlatch_countDownAwait(scheduler->executeEventsBarrier); if(executeEventsBarrierWaitTime) { g_timer_stop(executeEventsBarrierWaitTime); } /* now all threads reached the current round end barrier time. * asynchronously collect some stats that the main thread will use. */ if(scheduler->policy->getNextTime) { SimulationTime nextTime = scheduler->policy->getNextTime(scheduler->policy); g_mutex_lock(&(scheduler->globalLock)); scheduler->currentRound.minNextEventTime = MIN(scheduler->currentRound.minNextEventTime, nextTime); g_mutex_unlock(&(scheduler->globalLock)); } /* clear all log messages from the last round */ logger_flushRecords(logger_getDefault(), pthread_self()); /* wait for other threads to finish their collect step */ countdownlatch_countDownAwait(scheduler->collectInfoBarrier); /* now wait for main thread to process a barrier update for the next round */ countdownlatch_countDownAwait(scheduler->prepareRoundBarrier); } } /* scheduler is done, return NULL to stop worker */ return NULL; }
static void timer_start(struct application_info *app) { if (app->timer.state == TIMER_DEAD) { app->timer.gtimer = g_timer_new(); app->timer.state = TIMER_RUNNING; } else if (app->timer.state == TIMER_PAUSED) { g_timer_continue(app->timer.gtimer); app->timer.state = TIMER_RUNNING; } }
gboolean timings_start (Timings* t) { TimingsPrivate* priv; // sanity checks if (!t) return FALSE; priv = GET_PRIVATE (t); if (!priv) return FALSE; // if we have been started already return early if (priv->is_started) { if (g_getenv ("DEBUG")) g_print ("\n*** WARNING: Already started!\n"); return FALSE; } // install and start the two timeout-handlers priv->timeout_id = g_timeout_add (priv->scheduled_duration, _emit_completed, (gpointer) t); priv->max_timeout_id = g_timeout_add (priv->max_duration, _emit_limit_reached, (gpointer) t); // let the on-screen- and duration-timers tick g_timer_continue (priv->on_screen_timer); g_timer_continue (priv->duration_timer); // indicate that we started priv->is_started = TRUE; return TRUE; }
int play(GtkWidget *button, struct arguments *argument) { ALenum format; ALuint buffer; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &status); if(argument->first == 1) InitOpenAL(); if(status == 0 || status == AL_STOPPED) { argument->first = 0; alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); alDeleteSources(1, &source); g_timer_start(argument->elapsed); alGenBuffers(1, &buffer); alGenSources(1, &source); format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; alBufferData(buffer, format, current_sample_array, nSamples * sizeof(ALint), sample_rate); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer); alSourcePlay(source); g_source_remove(argument->tag); if(argument->endless_check || argument->continue_count != 0) { argument->tag = g_timeout_add_seconds(current_song.duration, endless, argument); } argument->bartag = g_timeout_add_seconds(1, timer_progressbar, argument); return 0; } if(status == AL_PLAYING) { if(argument->endless_check) { g_timer_stop(argument->elapsed); g_source_remove(argument->tag); } alSourcePause(source); return 0; } else { alSourcePlay(source); if(argument->endless_check) { g_timer_continue(argument->elapsed); argument->tag = g_timeout_add_seconds(current_song.duration - (int)g_timer_elapsed(argument->elapsed, NULL), endless, argument->label); } return 0; } }
static FmJobErrorAction on_error(FmFileOpsJob* job, GError* err, FmJobErrorSeverity severity, FmProgressDisplay* data) { GtkTextIter it; if(err->domain == G_IO_ERROR) { if(err->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED) return FM_JOB_ABORT; else if(err->code == G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED) return FM_JOB_CONTINUE; } if(data->timer) g_timer_stop(data->timer); data->has_error = TRUE; ensure_dlg(data); /* FIXME: Need to mount volumes on demand here, too. if( err->domain == G_IO_ERROR ) { if( err->code == G_IO_ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED && severity < FM_JOB_ERROR_CRITICAL ) if(fm_mount_path(parent, dest_path)) return FM_JOB_RETRY; } */ gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(data->error_buf, &it); if(data->cur_file == NULL) g_warning("FmProgressDialog on_error: assertion `cur_file != NULL' failed"); if(data->cur_file || data->old_cur_file) { gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags(data->error_buf, &it, data->cur_file ? data->cur_file : data->old_cur_file, -1, data->bold_tag, NULL); gtk_text_buffer_insert(data->error_buf, &it, _(": "), -1); } gtk_text_buffer_insert(data->error_buf, &it, err->message, -1); gtk_text_buffer_insert(data->error_buf, &it, "\n", 1); if(!gtk_widget_get_visible(data->error_pane)) gtk_widget_show(data->error_pane); if(data->timer) g_timer_continue(data->timer); return FM_JOB_CONTINUE; }
gboolean timings_continue (Timings* t) { TimingsPrivate* priv; guint extension; // sanity checks if (!t) return FALSE; priv = GET_PRIVATE (t); if (!priv) return FALSE; // only if we have been started it makes sense to move on if (!priv->is_started) { if (g_getenv ("DEBUG")) g_print ("\n*** WARNING: Can't continue something, " "which is not started yet!\n"); return FALSE; } // don't continue if we are not paused if (!priv->is_paused) { if (g_getenv ("DEBUG")) g_print ("\n*** WARNING: Already running!\n"); return FALSE; } // make duration-timer tick again, hold paused-timer and update flag g_timer_continue (priv->duration_timer); g_timer_stop (priv->paused_timer); priv->is_paused = FALSE; // put new timeout in place extension = priv->scheduled_duration - _ms_elapsed (priv->duration_timer); priv->timeout_id = g_timeout_add (extension, _emit_completed, (gpointer) t); g_assert (priv->timeout_id != 0); return TRUE; }
static void _schedulerpolicyhoststeal_push(SchedulerPolicy* policy, Event* event, Host* srcHost, Host* dstHost, SimulationTime barrier) { MAGIC_ASSERT(policy); HostStealPolicyData* data = policy->data; /* non-local events must be properly delayed so the event wont show up at another host * before the next scheduling interval. if the thread scheduler guaranteed to always run * the minimum time event accross all of its assigned hosts, then we would only need to * do the time adjustment if the srcThread and dstThread are not identical. however, * the logic of this policy allows a thread to run all events from a given host before * moving on to the next host, so we must adjust the time whenever the srcHost and * dstHost are not the same. */ SimulationTime eventTime = event_getTime(event); if(srcHost != dstHost && eventTime < barrier) { event_setTime(event, barrier); info("Inter-host event time %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT" changed to %"G_GUINT64_FORMAT" " "to ensure event causality", eventTime, barrier); } g_rw_lock_reader_lock(&data->lock); /* we want to track how long this thread spends idle waiting to push the event */ HostStealThreadData* tdata = g_hash_table_lookup(data->threadToThreadDataMap, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pthread_self())); /* get the queue for the destination */ HostStealQueueData* qdata = g_hash_table_lookup(data->hostToQueueDataMap, dstHost); g_rw_lock_reader_unlock(&data->lock); utility_assert(qdata); /* tracking idle time spent waiting for the destination queue lock */ if(tdata) { g_timer_continue(tdata->pushIdleTime); g_mutex_lock(&(tdata->lock)); } g_mutex_lock(&(qdata->lock)); if(tdata) { g_timer_stop(tdata->pushIdleTime); } /* 'deliver' the event to the destination queue */ priorityqueue_push(qdata->pq, event); qdata->nPushed++; /* release the destination queue lock */ g_mutex_unlock(&(qdata->lock)); if(tdata) { g_mutex_unlock(&(tdata->lock)); } }
gboolean timings_pause (Timings* t) { TimingsPrivate* priv; gboolean removed_successfully; // sanity checks if (!t) return FALSE; priv = GET_PRIVATE (t); if (!priv) return FALSE; // only if we have been started it makes sense pause if (!priv->is_started) { if (g_getenv ("DEBUG")) g_print ("\n*** WARNING: Can't pause something, which " " is not started yet!\n"); return FALSE; } // don't halt if we are already paused if (priv->is_paused) { if (g_getenv ("DEBUG")) g_print ("\n*** WARNING: Already paused!\n"); return FALSE; } // make paused-timer tick again, hold duration-timer and update flag g_timer_continue (priv->paused_timer); g_timer_stop (priv->duration_timer); priv->is_paused = TRUE; // try to get rid of old timeout removed_successfully = g_source_remove (priv->timeout_id); g_assert (removed_successfully); return TRUE; }
G_MODULE_EXPORT void save_to_flash_btn_clicked_cb () { print_status ("Flash write in progress..."); void wait (gulong wait_us) { gulong timer_us = 0; GTimer *timer = g_timer_new (); g_timer_start (timer); while (timer_us < wait_us) { g_timer_stop (timer); timer_us = g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL); g_timer_continue (timer); gtk_main_iteration_do (FALSE); } g_timer_destroy (timer); }
/** * gtk_timeline_start: * @timeline: A #GtkTimeline * * Runs the timeline from the current frame. **/ void _gtk_timeline_start (GtkTimeline *timeline) { GtkTimelinePriv *priv; GtkSettings *settings; gboolean enable_animations = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TIMELINE (timeline)); priv = timeline->priv; if (!priv->source_id) { if (priv->timer) g_timer_continue (priv->timer); else priv->timer = g_timer_new (); /* sanity check */ g_assert (priv->fps > 0); if (priv->screen) { settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen (priv->screen); g_object_get (settings, "gtk-enable-animations", &enable_animations, NULL); } priv->animations_enabled = enable_animations; g_signal_emit (timeline, signals [STARTED], 0); if (enable_animations) priv->source_id = gdk_threads_add_timeout (FRAME_INTERVAL (priv->fps), (GSourceFunc) gtk_timeline_run_frame, timeline); else priv->source_id = gdk_threads_add_idle ((GSourceFunc) gtk_timeline_run_frame, timeline); } }
static void ev_timeline_real_start (EvTimeline *timeline) { EvTimelinePriv *priv; priv = EV_TIMELINE_GET_PRIV (timeline); if (!priv->source_id) { if (priv->timer) g_timer_continue (priv->timer); else priv->timer = g_timer_new (); /* sanity check */ g_assert (priv->fps > 0); g_signal_emit (timeline, signals [STARTED], 0); priv->source_id = g_timeout_add (FRAME_INTERVAL (priv->fps), (GSourceFunc) ev_timeline_run_frame, timeline); } }
void emulate_thread(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { struct emu_emulate_ctx *ctx = user_data; struct emu_config *conf = ctx->config; struct emu *e = ctx->emu; struct emu_env *env = ctx->env; int ret; g_mutex_lock(&ctx->mutex); if( ctx->state == waiting ) ctx->state = running; if( ctx->time == NULL ) ctx->time = g_timer_new(); else g_timer_continue(ctx->time); while( ctx->state == running ) { if( (ctx->steps % (1024*1024)) == 0 ) { g_debug("steps %li", ctx->steps); if( ctx->steps > conf->limits.steps ) { g_info("shellcode took too many steps ... (%li steps)", ctx->steps); ctx->state = failed; break; } if( conf->limits.cpu > 0. ) { double elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(ctx->time, NULL); if( elapsed > conf->limits.cpu ) { g_info("shellcode took too long ... (%f seconds)", elapsed); ctx->state = failed; break; } } } ctx->steps++; struct emu_env_hook *hook = NULL; hook = emu_env_w32_eip_check(env); if( hook != NULL ) { if( hook->>fnhook == NULL ) { g_critical("unhooked call to %s", hook->>fnname); break; } else if( ctx->state == waiting ) /* for now, we stop! * had a blocking io call * callback from main will come at a given point * and requeue us to the threadpool */ goto unlock_and_return; } else { ret = emu_cpu_parse(emu_cpu_get(e)); struct emu_env_hook *hook =NULL; if( ret != -1 ) { hook = emu_env_linux_syscall_check(env); if( hook == NULL ) { ret = emu_cpu_step(emu_cpu_get(e)); } else { if( hook->hook.lin->fnhook != NULL ) { hook->hook.lin->fnhook(env, hook); if( ctx->state == waiting ) /* stop * as mentioned previously */ goto unlock_and_return; } } } if( ret == -1 ) { g_debug("cpu error %s", emu_strerror(e)); break; } } } g_timer_stop(ctx->time); if( ctx->state == failed ) g_debug("emulating shellcode failed"); g_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mutex); #ifdef DEBUG double elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(ctx->time, NULL); g_debug("shellcode took %f seconds on cpu, %li steps", elapsed, ctx->steps); #endif GAsyncQueue *aq = g_async_queue_ref(g_dionaea->threads->cmds); g_async_queue_push(aq, async_cmd_new(emulate_ctx_free, ctx)); g_async_queue_unref(aq); ev_async_send(g_dionaea->loop, &g_dionaea->threads->trigger); return; unlock_and_return: g_timer_stop(ctx->time); g_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mutex); }
static gint on_ask_rename (FmFileOpsJob *job, FmFileInfo *src, FmFileInfo *dest, char **new_name, FmProgressDisplay *data) { int res; GtkBuilder *builder = gtk_builder_new (); GtkWidget *dlg, *src_icon, *dest_icon, *src_fi, *dest_fi, *filename, *apply_all; char *tmp; const char *disp_size; // return default operation if the user has set it if (data->default_opt) return data->default_opt; if (data->timer) g_timer_stop (data->timer); gtk_builder_set_translation_domain (builder, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); ensure_dlg (data); gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, RENAME_DLG, -1, NULL); dlg = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "dlg"); src_icon = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "src_icon"); src_fi = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "src_fi"); dest_icon = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "dest_icon"); dest_fi = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "dest_fi"); filename = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "filename"); apply_all = (GtkWidget*)gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "apply_all"); gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), (GtkWindow*) data->dlg); gtk_image_set_from_gicon (GTK_IMAGE (src_icon), fm_file_info_get_gicon (src), GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); disp_size = fm_file_info_get_disp_size (src); if (disp_size) { tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Type: %s\nSize: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc (src), disp_size, fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime (src)); } else { tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Type: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc (src), fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime (src)); } gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (src_fi), tmp); g_free (tmp); gtk_image_set_from_gicon (GTK_IMAGE (dest_icon), fm_file_info_get_gicon (src), GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); disp_size = fm_file_info_get_disp_size (dest); if (disp_size) { tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Type: %s\nSize: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc (dest), fm_file_info_get_disp_size (dest), fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime (dest)); } else { tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("Type: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc (dest), fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime (dest)); } gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (dest_fi), tmp); g_free (tmp); tmp = g_filename_display_name (dest->path->name); gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (filename), tmp); g_free (tmp); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (filename), "old_name", dest->disp_name); g_signal_connect (filename, "changed", (GCallback) on_filename_changed, gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "rename")); g_object_unref (builder); res = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)); switch (res) { case RESPONSE_RENAME: *new_name = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (filename))); res = FM_FILE_OP_RENAME; break; case RESPONSE_OVERWRITE: res = FM_FILE_OP_OVERWRITE; break; case RESPONSE_SKIP: res = FM_FILE_OP_SKIP; break; default: res = FM_FILE_OP_CANCEL; } if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (apply_all))) { if (res == RESPONSE_OVERWRITE || res == FM_FILE_OP_SKIP) data->default_opt = res; } gtk_widget_destroy (dlg); if (data->timer) g_timer_continue (data->timer); return res; }
static gint on_ask_rename(FmFileOpsJob* job, FmFileInfo* src, FmFileInfo* dest, char** new_name, FmProgressDisplay* data) { int res; GtkBuilder* builder; GtkDialog *dlg; GtkImage *src_icon, *dest_icon; GtkLabel *src_fi, *dest_fi; GtkEntry *filename; GtkToggleButton *apply_all; char* tmp; const char* disp_size; FmPath* path; FmIcon* icon; /* return default operation if the user has set it */ if(data->default_opt) return data->default_opt; builder = gtk_builder_new(); path = fm_file_info_get_path(dest); icon = fm_file_info_get_icon(src); if(data->timer) g_timer_stop(data->timer); gtk_builder_set_translation_domain(builder, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); ensure_dlg(data); gtk_builder_add_from_file(builder, PACKAGE_UI_DIR "/ask-rename.ui", NULL); dlg = GTK_DIALOG(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "dlg")); src_icon = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "src_icon")); src_fi = GTK_LABEL(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "src_fi")); dest_icon = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "dest_icon")); dest_fi = GTK_LABEL(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "dest_fi")); filename = GTK_ENTRY(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "filename")); apply_all = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "apply_all")); gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(dlg), GTK_WINDOW(data->dlg)); gtk_image_set_from_gicon(src_icon, icon->gicon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); disp_size = fm_file_info_get_disp_size(src); if(disp_size) { tmp = g_strdup_printf(_("Type: %s\nSize: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc(src), disp_size, fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime(src)); } else { tmp = g_strdup_printf(_("Type: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc(src), fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime(src)); } gtk_label_set_text(src_fi, tmp); g_free(tmp); gtk_image_set_from_gicon(dest_icon, icon->gicon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); disp_size = fm_file_info_get_disp_size(dest); if(disp_size) { tmp = g_strdup_printf(_("Type: %s\nSize: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc(dest), fm_file_info_get_disp_size(dest), fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime(dest)); } else { tmp = g_strdup_printf(_("Type: %s\nModified: %s"), fm_file_info_get_desc(dest), fm_file_info_get_disp_mtime(dest)); } gtk_label_set_text(dest_fi, tmp); g_free(tmp); tmp = g_filename_display_name(fm_path_get_basename(path)); gtk_entry_set_text(filename, tmp); g_free(tmp); tmp = (char*)fm_file_info_get_disp_name(dest); /* FIXME: cast const to char */ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(filename), "old_name", tmp); g_signal_connect(filename, "changed", G_CALLBACK(on_filename_changed), gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "rename")); g_object_unref(builder); res = gtk_dialog_run(dlg); switch(res) { case RESPONSE_RENAME: *new_name = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(filename)); res = FM_FILE_OP_RENAME; break; case RESPONSE_OVERWRITE: res = FM_FILE_OP_OVERWRITE; break; case RESPONSE_SKIP: res = FM_FILE_OP_SKIP; break; default: res = FM_FILE_OP_CANCEL; } if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(apply_all)) { if(res == RESPONSE_OVERWRITE || res == FM_FILE_OP_SKIP) data->default_opt = res; } gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dlg)); if(data->timer) g_timer_continue(data->timer); return res; }
GList * calc_w_phi_coeffs (const ThreeVector * kperp, const ThreeVector * direction) { if(!cptimer) { /* optimization timer */ cptimer = g_timer_new(); g_timer_start(cptimer); } else { g_timer_continue(cptimer); } cp_init(); g_message ("starting calc_w_phi: {%1.2e, %1.2e}", kperp->x[0], kperp->x[1]); if (model->total_bands == 2) /* for checking the two-band PBA model */ return calc_w_phi_constP (kperp); double te, he, kc; size_t qq; gboolean failed = FALSE; size_t NB = model->total_bands; size_t N2 = (model->total_bands)*(model->total_bands); pert_ode * po = pert_ode_init (NB); // generate basis vectors e, f, g const ThreeVector *g = direction; const ThreeVector *e = three_vector_e (g); const ThreeVector *f = three_vector_f (g, e); g_message ("e is %1.2e, %1.2e, %1.2e", e->x[0], e->x[1], e->x[2]); g_message ("f is %1.2e, %1.2e, %1.2e", f->x[0], f->x[1], f->x[2]); g_message ("g is %1.2e, %1.2e, %1.2e", g->x[0], g->x[1], g->x[2]); // get kperp in basis x, y, z ThreeVector *kperp2 = three_vector_new (0,0,0); kperp2->x[0] = kperp->x[0]*e->x[0] + kperp->x[1]*f->x[0] + kperp->x[2]*g->x[0]; kperp2->x[1] = kperp->x[0]*e->x[1] + kperp->x[1]*f->x[1] + kperp->x[2]*g->x[1]; kperp2->x[2] = kperp->x[0]*e->x[2] + kperp->x[1]*f->x[2] + kperp->x[2]*g->x[2]; if (trajectory_intersects_bad (kperp2, direction)) { g_timer_stop(cptimer); return NULL; } complex double * H; // set up ODE solver po->syse.function = cfuncall; odeparams params; po->syse.params = (void *) ¶ms; te = 0.0;//, kc1 = KCMAX/5; he = 5e-7; double * call; complex double *callc; H = model->H(kperp2); double * eigval = eigenvalues_herm (H, model->total_bands); gsl_matrix_complex * eigvec = eigenvectors_herm (H, model->total_bands); m_free(H); size_t m, n; call = double_array_calloc (2*NB*NB+NB); callc = (complex double*) call; for (m=0;m<NB;m++) { for (n=0;n<NB;n++) { callc[m*NB+n]=*(complex double *)(eigvec->data + 2*(m * eigvec->tda + n)); } call[2*NB*NB+m]=eigval[m]; } d_free(eigval); gsl_matrix_complex_free(eigvec); params.kperp = *three_vector_copy (kperp2); po->syse.params = (void *) ¶ms; params.pos = TRUE; params.dir = *g; /* make a copy of the initial condition because we will need it to go negative */ double * cinit = double_array_clone(call,2*N2+NB); // make list of points, add first point GList * pointlist = g_list_append (NULL, matrix_element_create_from_coeffs(kperp, callc, 0.0)); // evolve in positive g direction g_message("going in g direction"); te = 0.0;//, kc1 = KCMAX/5; he = 5e-7; qq=1; double dkc=5e-5; for (kc=dkc*COARSENESS;kc<=KCMAX;kc=kc+dkc*COARSENESS) { // coarse loop for ODE solver for W - positive kc while (te < kc && !failed) { pert_ode_evolve (po, &te, kc, &he, call); ThreeVector *kpar = three_vector_copy(direction); three_vector_scale(kpar,te); ThreeVector *kval = three_vector_add(kperp2,kpar); pointlist = g_list_prepend (pointlist, matrix_element_create_from_coeffs(kval, callc, te)); if (qq>100000) { /* danger with adaptive solver is it might get stuck */ failed=TRUE; /* this detects whether the number of points is getting too high */ g_warning("calc_w_phi_coeffs: ode solver ran away, positive direction"); } qq++; } } pointlist = g_list_reverse (pointlist); // reverse list pert_ode_reset(po); // reset the ode solver, initial condition d_free(call); call = cinit; callc = (complex double*) call; // evolve in negative g direction params.pos = FALSE; qq=0; te=0; he=5e-7; for (kc=dkc*COARSENESS;kc<=KCMAX;kc=kc+dkc*COARSENESS) { while (te < kc && !failed) { pert_ode_evolve (po, &te, kc, &he, call); ThreeVector *kpar = three_vector_copy(direction); three_vector_scale(kpar,-te); ThreeVector *kval = three_vector_add(kperp2,kpar); pointlist = g_list_prepend (pointlist, matrix_element_create_from_coeffs(kval, callc, -te)); if (qq>100000) { failed=TRUE; g_warning("calc_w_phi_coeffs: ode solver ran away, negative direction"); } qq++; } } pert_ode_free(po); d_free(call); g_timer_stop(cptimer); /* optimization timer */ m_free(wc); if(dHx) m_free(dHx); if(dHy) m_free(dHy); if(dHz) m_free(dHz); return pointlist; }
static Event* _schedulerpolicyhoststeal_pop(SchedulerPolicy* policy, SimulationTime barrier) { MAGIC_ASSERT(policy); HostStealPolicyData* data = policy->data; /* first, we try to pop a host from this thread's queue */ g_rw_lock_reader_lock(&data->lock); HostStealThreadData* tdata = g_hash_table_lookup(data->threadToThreadDataMap, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pthread_self())); g_rw_lock_reader_unlock(&data->lock); /* if there is no tdata, that means this thread didn't get any hosts assigned to it */ if(!tdata) { /* this thread will remain idle */ return NULL; } /* we only need to lock this thread's lock, since it's our own queue */ g_timer_continue(tdata->popIdleTime); g_mutex_lock(&(tdata->lock)); g_timer_stop(tdata->popIdleTime); if(barrier > tdata->currentBarrier) { tdata->currentBarrier = barrier; /* make sure all of the hosts that were processed last time get processed in the next round */ if(g_queue_is_empty(tdata->unprocessedHosts) && !g_queue_is_empty(tdata->processedHosts)) { GQueue* swap = tdata->unprocessedHosts; tdata->unprocessedHosts = tdata->processedHosts; tdata->processedHosts = swap; } else { while(!g_queue_is_empty(tdata->processedHosts)) { g_queue_push_tail(tdata->unprocessedHosts, g_queue_pop_head(tdata->processedHosts)); } } } /* attempt to get an event from this thread's queue */ Event* nextEvent = _schedulerpolicyhoststeal_popFromThread(policy, tdata, tdata->unprocessedHosts, barrier); g_mutex_unlock(&(tdata->lock)); if(nextEvent != NULL) { return nextEvent; } /* no more hosts with events on this thread, try to steal a host from the other threads' queues */ GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; g_rw_lock_reader_lock(&data->lock); guint i, n = data->threadCount; g_rw_lock_reader_unlock(&data->lock); for(i = 1; i < n; i++) { guint stolenTnumber = (i + tdata->tnumber) % n; g_rw_lock_reader_lock(&data->lock); HostStealThreadData* stolenTdata = g_array_index(data->threadList, HostStealThreadData*, stolenTnumber); g_rw_lock_reader_unlock(&data->lock); /* We don't need a lock here, because we're only reading, and a misread just means either * we read as empty when it's not, in which case the assigned thread (or one of the others) * will pick it up anyway, or it reads as non-empty when it is empty, in which case we'll * just get a NULL event and move on. Accepting this reduces lock contention towards the end * of every round. */ if(g_queue_is_empty(stolenTdata->unprocessedHosts)) { continue; } /* We need to lock the thread we're stealing from, to be sure that we're not stealing * something already being stolen, as well as our own lock, to be sure nobody steals * what we just stole. But we also need to do this in a well-ordered manner, to * prevent deadlocks. To do this, we always lock the lock with the smaller thread * number first. */ g_timer_continue(tdata->popIdleTime); if(tdata->tnumber < stolenTnumber) { g_mutex_lock(&(tdata->lock)); g_mutex_lock(&(stolenTdata->lock)); } else { g_mutex_lock(&(stolenTdata->lock)); g_mutex_lock(&(tdata->lock)); } g_timer_stop(tdata->popIdleTime); /* attempt to get event from the other thread's queue, likely moving a host from its * unprocessedHosts into this threads runningHost (and eventually processedHosts) */ nextEvent = _schedulerpolicyhoststeal_popFromThread(policy, tdata, stolenTdata->unprocessedHosts, barrier); /* must unlock in reverse order of locking */ if(tdata->tnumber < stolenTnumber) { g_mutex_unlock(&(stolenTdata->lock)); g_mutex_unlock(&(tdata->lock)); } else { g_mutex_unlock(&(tdata->lock)); g_mutex_unlock(&(stolenTdata->lock)); } if(nextEvent != NULL) { break; } } return nextEvent; }
static void song_continued(void) { g_timer_continue(timer); }