コード例 #1
void bluetooth_layer_create() {
  if (!s_bitmap_bluetooth) {
    s_bitmap_bluetooth = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_BLUETOOTH_MARK);
    s_bitmap_yes_no = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_YES_NO);
    GRect rect = gbitmap_get_bounds(s_bitmap_yes_no);
    rect.size.w >>= 1;
    s_bitmap_yes = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(s_bitmap_yes_no, rect);
    rect.origin.x += rect.size.w;
    s_bitmap_no = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(s_bitmap_yes_no, rect);
コード例 #2
ファイル: text.c プロジェクト: angus-g/fuzzy-octo-tribble
static void textdata_init(GBitmap *bitmap, TextData *font_data) {
  // for each non-null letter, create a sub-bitmap in the TextData
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GLYPHS; i++) {
    if (!font_data[i].a) continue;
    TextData *d = font_data + i;
    GRect sub = GRect(d->x, 40 - d->t, d->w + d->l, d->h);
    font_data[i].b = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap, sub);
コード例 #3
GBitmap* get_sprite_by_index(GBitmap* spritesheet, int x, int y) {
  if (x > MAX_SPRITE_X || y > MAX_SPRITE_Y) {
    return NULL;
  GRect sub_rect = GRect(3 + (SINGLE_SPRITE_W * x) + (9 * x), 10 + (SINGLE_SPRITE_H * y) + (7 * y) , SINGLE_SPRITE_W, SINGLE_SPRITE_H);
  GBitmap* sub_bitmap = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(spritesheet, sub_rect);
  return sub_bitmap;
コード例 #4
ファイル: weather_layer.c プロジェクト: aizad02/WeatherFace
static void weather_layer_set_icon(WeatherIcon icon, WeatherDisplayArea area)
    WeatherLayerData *wld = layer_get_data(weather_layer);

    static int size = 0;
    static BitmapLayer *layer = NULL;
    static GBitmap *icons = NULL;

    switch (area) {
    case AREA_PRIMARY:
        size  = wld->primary_icon_size;
        layer = wld->primary_icon_layer;
        icons = wld->primary_icons;
    case AREA_HOURLY1:
        size  = wld->hourly_icon_size;
        layer = wld->h1_icon_layer;
        icons = wld->hourly_icons;
    case AREA_HOURLY2:
        size  = wld->hourly_icon_size;
        layer = wld->h2_icon_layer;
        icons = wld->hourly_icons;

    GBitmap *new_icon =  gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(
                             icons, GRect(icon%5*size, ((int)(icon/5))*size, size, size)
    // Display the new bitmap
    bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(layer, new_icon);

    switch (area) {
    case AREA_PRIMARY:
        if (wld->primary_icon != NULL) gbitmap_destroy(wld->primary_icon);
        wld->primary_icon = new_icon;
    case AREA_HOURLY1:
        if (wld->h1_icon != NULL) gbitmap_destroy(wld->h1_icon);
        wld->h1_icon = new_icon;
    case AREA_HOURLY2:
        if (wld->h2_icon != NULL) gbitmap_destroy(wld->h2_icon);
        wld->h2_icon = new_icon;
コード例 #5
ファイル: bitmap-loader.c プロジェクト: Kfernand2/pebble
GBitmap* bitmaps_get_sub_bitmap(uint32_t res_id, GRect rect) {
  if (! bitmaps) {
    return NULL;
  GBitmap* parent = NULL;
  uint8_t count = linked_list_count(bitmaps);
  for (uint8_t b = 0; b < count; b += 1) {
    AppBitmap* bmp = (AppBitmap*)linked_list_get(bitmaps, b);
    if (bmp->res_id == res_id) {
      if (bmp->is_sub) {
        if (grect_equal(bmp->rect, &rect)) {
          return bmp->bitmap;
      else {
        parent = bmp->bitmap;
  if (! parent) {
    parent = bitmaps_get_bitmap(res_id);
    if (! parent) {
      return NULL;
  AppBitmap* app_bmp = malloc(sizeof(AppBitmap));
  if (app_bmp == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  app_bmp->res_id = res_id;
  app_bmp->bitmap = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(parent, rect);
  if (app_bmp->bitmap == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  app_bmp->rect = malloc(sizeof(GRect));
  app_bmp->rect->origin = rect.origin;
  app_bmp->rect->size = rect.size;
  app_bmp->is_sub = true;
  linked_list_append(bitmaps, app_bmp);
  return app_bmp->bitmap;
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: PanicMan/Pebble-FuzzyAnalog
static void face_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) 
	GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
	GPoint center = grect_center_point(&bounds), clock_center = GPoint(200, 200);
	//Draw Mask
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
	if (CfgData.circle)
		graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect(ctx, bmp_mask, bounds);
	graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, CfgData.circle || CfgData.inv ? GColorBlack : GColorWhite);
	graphics_context_set_text_color(ctx, CfgData.circle || CfgData.inv ? GColorBlack : GColorWhite);
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, CfgData.circle || CfgData.inv ? GColorBlack : GColorWhite);
	//TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t->tm_sec / 60
	int32_t angle = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((aktHH % 12) * 60) + (aktMM / 1))) / (12 * 60), 
		sinl = sin_lookup(angle), cosl = cos_lookup(angle);
	int16_t radV = 144, radD = 175, radT = 135;
	GPoint sub_center, ptLin, ptDot;
	sub_center.x = (int16_t)(sinl * (int32_t)radV / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.x;
	sub_center.y = (int16_t)(-cosl * (int32_t)radV / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.y;

	GRect sub_rect = {
		.origin = GPoint(sub_center.x - bounds.size.w / 2, sub_center.y - bounds.size.h / 2),
		.size = bounds.size

	for (int32_t i = 1; i<=72; i++)
		int32_t angleC = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * i / 72,
			sinC = sin_lookup(angleC), cosC = cos_lookup(angleC);
		ptLin.x = (int16_t)(sinC * (int32_t)(radD) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.x - sub_rect.origin.x;
		ptLin.y = (int16_t)(-cosC * (int32_t)(radD) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.y - sub_rect.origin.y;

		if (ptLin.x > -40 && ptLin.x < bounds.size.w+40 && ptLin.y > -40 && ptLin.y < bounds.size.h+40)
			if ((i % 6) == 0)
				gpath_move_to(hour_path, ptLin);
				gpath_rotate_to(hour_path, angleC);
				gpath_draw_filled(ctx, hour_path);
				int16_t nHrPnt = i/6;
				if (clock_is_24h_style())
					if ((aktHH > 9 && aktHH < 21 && nHrPnt > 0 && nHrPnt < 6) ||
						(((aktHH > 15 && aktHH <= 23) || (aktHH >= 0 && aktHH < 3)) && nHrPnt >= 6  && nHrPnt <= 12))
						nHrPnt += 12;
				snprintf(hhBuffer, sizeof(hhBuffer), "%d", nHrPnt);
				GSize txtSize = graphics_text_layout_get_content_size(hhBuffer, 
					bounds, GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter);

				ptDot.x = (int16_t)(sinC * (int32_t)radT / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.x - sub_rect.origin.x;
				ptDot.y = (int16_t)(-cosC * (int32_t)radT / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.y - sub_rect.origin.y;

				graphics_draw_text(ctx, hhBuffer, 
					GRect(ptDot.x-txtSize.w/2, ptDot.y-txtSize.h/2, txtSize.w, txtSize.h), 
					GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL);
			else if ((i % 3) == 0)
				gpath_move_to(mins_path, ptLin);
				gpath_rotate_to(mins_path, angleC);
				gpath_draw_filled(ctx, mins_path);
				gpath_move_to(secs_path, ptLin);
				gpath_rotate_to(secs_path, angleC);
				gpath_draw_filled(ctx, secs_path);

	//Draw Hand Path
	ptLin.x = (int16_t)(sinl * (int32_t)(radV+111) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.x - sub_rect.origin.x;
	ptLin.y = (int16_t)(-cosl * (int32_t)(radV+111) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + clock_center.y - sub_rect.origin.y;
#ifdef PBL_COLOR
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorOrange);
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, CfgData.circle || CfgData.inv ? GColorBlack : GColorWhite);

	gpath_move_to(hand_path, ptLin);
	gpath_rotate_to(hand_path, angle);
	gpath_draw_filled(ctx, hand_path);

	//Only if no Mask...
	if (!CfgData.circle) 
		graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, CfgData.inv ? GColorWhite : GColorBlack);
		gpath_draw_outline(ctx, hand_path);
	//Draw Separator Lines
	graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, CfgData.inv ? GColorBlack : GColorWhite);
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
	if (CfgData.sep && !CfgData.circle)
		graphics_draw_line(ctx, GPoint(10, bounds.size.h-1), GPoint(bounds.size.w-10, bounds.size.h-1));
#elif defined(PBL_ROUND)
	//Radio & Battery
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, CfgData.inv ? GColorWhite : GColorBlack);
	if (CfgData.smart)
		graphics_fill_radial(ctx, GRect(-20, center.y-20, 40, 40), GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, 20, DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(5), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(175));
		graphics_fill_radial(ctx, GRect(bounds.size.w-20, center.y-20, 40, 40), GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, 20, DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(185), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(355));
		if (CfgData.sep)
			graphics_draw_arc(ctx, GRect(-20, center.y-20, 40, 40), GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(5), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(175));
			graphics_draw_arc(ctx, GRect(bounds.size.w-20, center.y-20, 40, 40), GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(190), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(350));

	if (!CfgData.fsm)
		graphics_fill_radial(ctx, GRect(center.x-100, bounds.size.h-n_bottom_margin-5, 200, 200), GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, n_bottom_margin+5, DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(275), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(445));
		graphics_draw_text(ctx, ddmmyyyyBuffer, digitS, GRect(0, bounds.size.h-n_bottom_margin-5, bounds.size.w, n_bottom_margin), GTextOverflowModeWordWrap, GTextAlignmentCenter, NULL);
		if (CfgData.sep)
			graphics_draw_arc(ctx, GRect(center.x-100, bounds.size.h-n_bottom_margin-5, 200, 200), GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(275), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(445));
static void handle_tick(struct tm *tick_time, TimeUnits units_changed) 
	if (b_initialized)
		aktHH = tick_time->tm_hour;
		aktMM = tick_time->tm_min;
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
	strftime(ddmmyyyyBuffer, sizeof(ddmmyyyyBuffer), 
		//true ? "%a %d.%b" :
		CfgData.datefmt == 1 ? "%d-%m-%Y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 2 ? "%d/%m/%Y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 3 ? "%m/%d/%Y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 4 ? "%Y-%m-%d" :  
		CfgData.datefmt == 5 ? "%d.%m.%y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 6 ? "%d-%m-%y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 7 ? "%d/%m/%y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 8 ? "%m/%d/%y" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 9 ? "%y-%m-%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 10 ? "%a %d.%m." : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 11 ? "%a %d.%b" : "%d.%m.%Y", tick_time);
#elif defined(PBL_ROUND)
	strftime(ddmmyyyyBuffer, sizeof(ddmmyyyyBuffer), 
		//true ? "%a %d." :
		CfgData.datefmt == 1 ? "%d-%m" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 2 ? "%d/%m" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 3 ? "%m/%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 4 ? "%m-%d" :  
		CfgData.datefmt == 5 ? "%d.%m" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 6 ? "%d-%m" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 7 ? "%d/%m" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 8 ? "%m/%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 9 ? "%m-%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 10 ? "%a %d." : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 11 ? "%a %d." : "%d.%m", tick_time);
	snprintf(ddmmyyyyBuffer, sizeof(ddmmyyyyBuffer), 
		CfgData.datefmt == 1 ? "%d-%d-%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 2 ? "%d/%d/%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 3 ? "%d/%d/%d" : 
		CfgData.datefmt == 4 ? "%d-%d-%d" : "%d.%d.%d", 88, 88, 8888);
	//strcpy(ddmmyyyyBuffer, "00000");
	text_layer_set_text(date_layer, ddmmyyyyBuffer);
	//Hourly vibrate
	if (CfgData.vibr && tick_time->tm_min == 0)
static void timerCallback(void *data) 
	if ((int)data == TIMER_ANIM_FACE && !b_initialized)
		time_t temp = time(NULL);
		struct tm *t = localtime(&temp);
		if ((aktHH % 12) != (t->tm_hour % 12) || aktMM != t->tm_min)
			int16_t nStep = (aktHH % 12) != (t->tm_hour % 12) ? 5 : 1;
			if ((t->tm_hour % 12) < 6)
				//Initial Value? Set correct initial
				if (aktHH == 0 && aktMM == 0)
					aktHH = t->tm_hour >= 12 ? 12 : 0;
					aktMM = 0;

				if (aktMM < 60-nStep)
					aktMM += nStep;
					aktMM = 0;
				//Initial Value? Set correct initial
				if (aktHH == 0 && aktMM == 0)
					aktHH = t->tm_hour > 12 ? 23 : 11;
					aktMM = 60;
				if (aktMM > nStep)
					aktMM -= nStep;
					aktMM = 60;
				//Little workaround if time is close to the 12 o'clock
				if ((aktHH % 12) == (t->tm_hour % 12) && aktMM < t->tm_min)
					aktMM = t->tm_min;

			timer_face = app_timer_register(TIMER_ANIM_FACE_MS, timerCallback, (void*)TIMER_ANIM_FACE);
			b_initialized = true;
	else if ((int)data == TIMER_ANIM_BATT && b_charging)
		int nImage = 10 - (aktBattAnim / 10);
		bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(battery_layer, NULL);
		bmp_batt = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(batteryAll, GRect(10*nImage, 0, 10, 20));
		bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(battery_layer, bmp_batt);

		aktBattAnim += 10;
		if (aktBattAnim > 100)
			aktBattAnim = aktBatt;
		timer_batt = app_timer_register(TIMER_ANIM_BATT_MS, timerCallback, (void*)TIMER_ANIM_BATT);
void battery_state_service_handler(BatteryChargeState charge_state) 
	int nImage = 0;
	aktBatt = charge_state.charge_percent;
	if (charge_state.is_charging)
		if (!b_charging)
			nImage = 10;
			b_charging = true;
			aktBattAnim = aktBatt;
			timer_batt = app_timer_register(TIMER_ANIM_BATT_MS, timerCallback, (void*)TIMER_ANIM_BATT);
		nImage = 10 - (aktBatt / 10);
		b_charging = false;
	bmp_batt = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(batteryAll, GRect(10*nImage, 0, 10, 20));
	bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(battery_layer, bmp_batt);
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: PanicMan/Pebble-FuzzyAnalog
static void update_configuration(void)
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_THEME))
        int32_t theme = persist_read_int(CONFIG_KEY_THEME);
		CfgData.circle = (theme == 0);
		CfgData.circle = false;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_FSM))
		CfgData.fsm = persist_read_bool(CONFIG_KEY_FSM);
		CfgData.fsm = false;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_INV))
		CfgData.inv = !CfgData.circle && persist_read_bool(CONFIG_KEY_INV);
		CfgData.inv = true;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_ANIM))
		CfgData.anim = persist_read_bool(CONFIG_KEY_ANIM);
		CfgData.anim = true;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_SEP))
		CfgData.sep = persist_read_bool(CONFIG_KEY_SEP);
		CfgData.sep = true;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_DATEFMT)) 
		CfgData.datefmt = (int16_t)persist_read_int(CONFIG_KEY_DATEFMT);
		CfgData.datefmt = 0;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_SMART))
		CfgData.smart = persist_read_bool(CONFIG_KEY_SMART);
		CfgData.smart = true;
    if (persist_exists(CONFIG_KEY_VIBR))
		CfgData.vibr = persist_read_bool(CONFIG_KEY_VIBR);
		CfgData.vibr = false;
	app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Curr Conf: circle:%d, fsm:%d, inv:%d, anim:%d, sep:%d, datefmt:%d, smart:%d, vibr:%d",
		CfgData.circle, CfgData.fsm, CfgData.inv, CfgData.anim, CfgData.sep, CfgData.datefmt, CfgData.smart, CfgData.vibr);
	batteryAll = gbitmap_create_with_resource(CfgData.inv ? RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_BATTERY_INV : RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_BATTERY);
	bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(radio_layer, NULL);
	bmp_radio = gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(batteryAll, GRect(110, 0, 10, 20));
	bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(radio_layer, bmp_radio);
	Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
	GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_get_root_layer(window));
	window_set_background_color(window, CfgData.inv ? GColorWhite : GColorBlack);
	//Face Layer first on round
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
	face_layer = layer_create(GRect(0, 0, bounds.size.w, CfgData.fsm ? bounds.size.h : bounds.size.h-n_bottom_margin));
	layer_set_update_proc(face_layer, face_update_proc);
#elif defined(PBL_ROUND)
	face_layer = layer_create(GRect(0, 0, bounds.size.w, bounds.size.h));
	layer_set_update_proc(face_layer, face_update_proc);
	layer_add_child(window_layer, face_layer);

	//Bottom Layer next, then Radio and Battery
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
	if (!CfgData.fsm)
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
		layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(date_layer));
		#ifdef PBL_COLOR
			text_layer_set_text_color(date_layer, CfgData.inv ? GColorDarkGray : GColorLightGray);
			text_layer_set_text_color(date_layer, CfgData.inv ? GColorBlack : GColorWhite);
		text_layer_set_background_color(date_layer, CfgData.inv ? GColorWhite : GColorBlack);
		if (CfgData.smart)
			layer_add_child(window_layer, bitmap_layer_get_layer(radio_layer));
			layer_add_child(window_layer, bitmap_layer_get_layer(battery_layer));

	//On Rect later
#if defined(PBL_RECT)
	layer_add_child(window_layer, face_layer);

	//Get a time structure so that it doesn't start blank
	time_t temp = time(NULL);
	struct tm *t = localtime(&temp);

	//Manually call the tick handler when the window is loading
	aktHH = t->tm_hour;
	aktMM = t->tm_min;
	handle_tick(t, MINUTE_UNIT);

	//Set Battery state
	BatteryChargeState btchg = battery_state_service_peek();
	//Set Bluetooth state
	bool connected = bluetooth_connection_service_peek();
コード例 #8
ファイル: digit_bitmaps.c プロジェクト: yemM/pebblot
GBitmap* get_digit_bitmap(uint8_t position, uint8_t digit) {
  if (!sprite) sprite = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_SPRITE);
  return gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(sprite, digit_sprite_bounds(position, digit));
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: wildhart/Job-Timer
void init(void) {
  snprintf(app_version,APP_VERSION_LENGTH,"%d.%d",__pbl_app_info.process_version.major, __pbl_app_info.process_version.minor);
  bitmap_pause=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_PAUSE);
  bitmap_play=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_PLAY);
  bitmap_add=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_ADD);
  bitmap_settings=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_SETTINGS);
  bitmap_delete=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_DELETE);
  bitmap_edit=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_EDIT);
  bitmap_adjust=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_ADJUST);
  bitmap_reset=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_RESET);
  bitmap_minus=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_MINUS);
  bitmap_tick=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_TICK);
  bitmap_export=gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(bitmap_matrix, ICON_RECT_EXPORT);
  app_message_open(app_message_inbox_size_maximum(), app_message_outbox_size_maximum());