コード例 #1
static void
fav_selection_changed_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *widget, gint fav_id, TFavoritesType fav_type,
			  const gchar *selection, SchemaBrowserPerspective *bpers)
	if (fav_type == T_FAVORITES_TABLES) {
		GdaQuarkList *ql;
		const gchar *type;
		const gchar *schema = NULL, *table = NULL, *short_name = NULL;

		ql = gda_quark_list_new_from_string (selection);
		if (ql) {
			type = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "OBJ_TYPE");
			schema = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "OBJ_SCHEMA");
			table = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "OBJ_NAME");
			short_name = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "OBJ_SHORT_NAME");
		if (!type || !schema || !table) {
			if (ql)
				gda_quark_list_free (ql);

		if (!strcmp (type, "table")) {
			schema_browser_perspective_display_table_info (bpers, schema, table, short_name);
		else {
			gint ntabs, i;
			ntabs = gtk_notebook_get_n_pages (GTK_NOTEBOOK (bpers->priv->notebook));
			for (i = 0; i < ntabs; i++) {
				GtkWidget *child;
				child = gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (bpers->priv->notebook), i);
				if (IS_TABLE_INFO (child)) {
					if (!strcmp (schema, table_info_get_table_schema (TABLE_INFO (child))) &&
					    !strcmp (table, table_info_get_table_name (TABLE_INFO (child)))) {
						gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (bpers->priv->notebook), i);

			g_warning ("Non handled favorite type: %s", type);
		if (ql)
			gda_quark_list_free (ql);
	else if (fav_type == T_FAVORITES_DIAGRAMS) {
		schema_browser_perspective_display_diagram (bpers, fav_id);
		g_warning ("Can't display diagram because canvas not compiled.");
	g_print ("Reacted to selection fav_id=>%d type=>%u, contents=>%s\n", fav_id, fav_type, selection);	
コード例 #2
ファイル: gda-ldap-provider.c プロジェクト: arthurnn/libgda
 * compute cache file's absolute name
static gchar *
compute_data_file_name (GdaQuarkList *params, gboolean is_cache, const gchar *data_type)
	/* real cache file name */
	GString *string;
	gchar *cfile, *evalue;
	const gchar *base_dn;
	const gchar *host;
	const gchar *require_ssl;
	const gchar *port;
	gint rport;
	gboolean use_ssl;

        base_dn = gda_quark_list_find (params, "DB_NAME");
	host = gda_quark_list_find (params, "HOST");
	if (!host)
		host = "";
        port = gda_quark_list_find (params, "PORT");
        require_ssl = gda_quark_list_find (params, "USE_SSL");
	use_ssl = (require_ssl && ((*require_ssl == 't') || (*require_ssl == 'T'))) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if (port && *port)
		rport = atoi (port);
	else {
		if (use_ssl)
			rport = LDAPS_PORT;
			rport = LDAP_PORT;
	string = g_string_new ("");
	evalue = gda_rfc1738_encode (host);
	g_string_append_printf (string, ",=%s", evalue);
	g_free (evalue);
	g_string_append_printf (string, ";PORT=%d", rport);
	if (base_dn) {
		evalue = gda_rfc1738_encode (base_dn);
		g_string_append_printf (string, ";BASE_DN,=%s", evalue);
		g_free (evalue);
	evalue = g_compute_checksum_for_string (G_CHECKSUM_SHA1, string->str, -1);
	g_string_free (string, TRUE);
	if (is_cache)
		cfile = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%s", evalue, data_type);
		cfile = g_strdup_printf ("ldap-%s.%s", evalue, data_type);
	g_free (evalue);
	gchar *fname;
	if (is_cache)
		fname = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, g_get_user_cache_dir (),
				      "libgda", "ldap", cfile, NULL);
		fname = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, g_get_user_data_dir (),
				      "libgda", cfile, NULL);

	g_free (cfile);
	return fname;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gdaui-entry-string.c プロジェクト: GNOME/libgda
 * Options handling
static void
set_entry_options (GdauiEntryString *mgstr, const gchar *options)
	GdauiEntryStringPrivate *priv = gdaui_entry_string_get_instance_private (mgstr);

	if (options && *options) {
                GdaQuarkList *params;
                const gchar *str;
                params = gda_quark_list_new_from_string (options);

		str = gda_quark_list_find (params, "MAX_SIZE");
		if (str) 
			priv->maxsize = atoi (str);
		str = gda_quark_list_find (params, "MULTILINE");
		if (str) {
			if ((*str == 't') || (*str == 'T'))
				priv->multiline = TRUE;
				priv->multiline = FALSE;
		str = gda_quark_list_find (params, "HIDDEN");
		if (str) {
			if ((*str == 't') || (*str == 'T'))
				priv->hidden = TRUE;
				priv->hidden = FALSE;
		if (priv->entry) {
			if (priv->multiline) {
				gtk_widget_hide (priv->entry);
				gtk_widget_show (priv->sw);
			else {
				gtk_widget_show (priv->entry);
				gtk_widget_hide (priv->sw);
				gtk_entry_set_visibility (GTK_ENTRY (priv->entry),
                gda_quark_list_free (params);
		sync_entry_options (mgstr);
コード例 #4
ファイル: test-cnc-utils.c プロジェクト: UIKit0/libgda
static void 
cnc_quark_foreach_func (gchar *name, gchar *value, Data1 *data)
	if (!strcmp (name, "DB_NAME")) {
		data->requested_db_name = g_strdup (value);

	if (data->ql) {
		if (!gda_quark_list_find (data->ql, name)) {
			if (*(data->string->str) != 0)
				g_string_append_c (data->string, ';');
			g_string_append_printf (data->string, "%s=%s", name, value);
	else {
		if (*(data->string->str) != 0)
			g_string_append_c (data->string, ';');
		g_string_append_printf (data->string, "%s=%s", name, value);
コード例 #5
ファイル: test-quark-list.c プロジェクト: arthurnn/libgda
test_quark (GdaQuarkList *ql, guint *out_ntests)
    const gchar *tmp;
    guint nfailed = 0;
    guint ntests = 0;

    ntests ++;
    tmp = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "PARAM");
    if (!tmp || strcmp (tmp, "value"))

    ntests ++;
    tmp = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "PASSWORD");
    if (!tmp || strcmp (tmp, "*mypass*"))

    ntests ++;
    tmp = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "PASSWORD");
    if (!tmp || strcmp (tmp, "*mypass*"))

    gda_quark_list_protect_values (ql);

    ntests ++;
    tmp = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "PASSWORD");
    if (!tmp || strcmp (tmp, "*mypass*"))

    ntests ++;
    tmp = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "USERNAME");
    if (!tmp || strcmp (tmp, "dirch"))

    gda_quark_list_remove (ql, "PASSWORD");

    ntests ++;
    tmp = gda_quark_list_find (ql, "PASSWORD");
    if (tmp)

    gda_quark_list_protect_values (ql);

    if (out_ntests)
        *out_ntests = ntests;
    return nfailed;
コード例 #6
ファイル: table-preferences.c プロジェクト: UIKit0/libgda
static void
plugins_combo_changed_cb (GtkComboBox *combo, TablePreferences *tpref)
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	GtkWidget *old_options = NULL;

	if (tpref->priv->options_wid) {
		old_options = tpref->priv->options_wid;
		tpref->priv->options_wid = NULL;
	if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (combo, &iter)) {
		GdauiPlugin *plugin;
		GtkTreeModel *model;
		GError *error = NULL;

		model = gtk_combo_box_get_model (combo);
		gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, PL_COLUMN_PLUGIN, &plugin, -1);
		if (plugin && plugin->options_xml_spec) {
			GdaSet *plist;
			plist = gda_set_new_from_spec_string (plugin->options_xml_spec, &error);
			if (!plist) {
				g_warning ("Cannot parse XML spec for plugin options: %s",
					   error && error->message ? error->message : "No detail");
				g_clear_error (&error);
			else {
				if (!old_options ||
				    (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (old_options), "plugin") != plugin)) {
					tpref->priv->options_wid = gdaui_basic_form_new (plist);
					g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (tpref->priv->options_wid), "plugin", plugin);
					g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tpref->priv->options_wid), "holder-changed",
							  G_CALLBACK (options_form_param_changed_cb), tpref);

					gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (tpref->priv->options_vbox),
							    tpref->priv->options_wid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
				else {
					tpref->priv->options_wid = old_options;
					old_options = NULL;
				g_object_unref (plist);

			if (tpref->priv->options_wid) {
				plist = gdaui_basic_form_get_data_set (GDAUI_BASIC_FORM (tpref->priv->options_wid));
				gtk_widget_hide (tpref->priv->options_none);
				gtk_widget_show (tpref->priv->options_wid);

				if (plist && !tpref->priv->save_plugin_changes) {
					/* load plugin options */
					GtkTreeSelection *select;
					GtkTreeIter citer;

					select = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (tpref->priv->columns_treeview);
					if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (select, NULL, &citer)) {
						gchar *plugin_str;

						gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (tpref->priv->columns_store),
								    &citer, COLUMN_PLUGIN, &plugin_str, -1);
						/*g_print ("%p PLUGIN_STR:[%s]\n", tpref, plugin_str);*/
						if (plugin_str) {
							GdaQuarkList *ql;
							GSList *list;
							gchar *tmp;
							for (tmp = plugin_str; *tmp && (*tmp != ':'); tmp++);
							if (*tmp == ':') {
								ql = gda_quark_list_new_from_string (tmp+1);
								for (list = plist->holders; list; list = list->next) {
									GdaHolder *holder = GDA_HOLDER (list->data);
									const gchar *cstr;
									cstr = gda_quark_list_find (ql, gda_holder_get_id (holder));
									if (cstr)
										gda_holder_set_value_str (holder, NULL, cstr, NULL);
										gda_holder_set_value (holder, NULL, NULL);
								gda_quark_list_free (ql);
							g_free (plugin_str);

		if (tpref->priv->save_plugin_changes &&
		    tpref->priv->current_table &&
		    tpref->priv->current_column &&
		    ! browser_connection_set_table_column_attribute (tpref->priv->bcnc,
								     plugin ? plugin->plugin_name : NULL,
								     &error)) {
			TO_IMPLEMENT; /* FIXME: add a notice somewhere in the UI */
			g_warning ("Error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : _("No detail"));
			g_clear_error (&error);

		set_preview_widget (tpref);

	if (old_options)
		gtk_widget_destroy (old_options);

	if (! tpref->priv->options_wid)
		gtk_widget_show (tpref->priv->options_none);
コード例 #7
ファイル: gda-ldap-provider.c プロジェクト: arthurnn/libgda
worker_gda_ldap_rebind (LdapConnectionData *cdata, GError **error)
	if (!cdata)
		return NULL;

	/*g_print ("Trying to reconnect...\n");*/
	LDAP *ld;
	int res;
	res = ldap_initialize (&ld, cdata->url);
	if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			     "%s", ldap_err2string (res));
		return NULL;

	/* set protocol version to 3 by default */
	int version = LDAP_VERSION3;
	res = ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
        if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
		if (res == LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR) {
			version = LDAP_VERSION2;
			res = ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
		if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
				     "%s", ldap_err2string (res));
			ldap_unbind_ext (ld, NULL, NULL);
			return NULL;

	/* authentication */
	struct berval cred;
	const gchar *pwd = "";
	const gchar *user = "";
	if (cdata->auth)
		pwd = gda_quark_list_find (cdata->auth, "PASSWORD");
        memset (&cred, 0, sizeof (cred));
        cred.bv_len = pwd && *pwd ? strlen (pwd) : 0;
        cred.bv_val = pwd && *pwd ? (char *) pwd : NULL;

	if (cdata->auth)
		user = gda_quark_list_find (cdata->auth, "USERNAME");
	res = ldap_sasl_bind_s (ld, user, NULL, &cred, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (cdata->auth)
		gda_quark_list_protect_values (cdata->auth);

	if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			     "%s", ldap_err2string (res));
		ldap_unbind_ext (ld, NULL, NULL);
                return NULL;

	/* time limit */
	int limit = cdata->time_limit;
	res = ldap_set_option (cdata->handle, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, &limit);
	if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			     "%s", ldap_err2string (res));
		ldap_unbind_ext (ld, NULL, NULL);
                return NULL;

	/* size limit */
	limit = cdata->size_limit;
	res = ldap_set_option (cdata->handle, LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT, &limit);
	if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			     "%s", ldap_err2string (res));
		ldap_unbind_ext (ld, NULL, NULL);
                return NULL;

	/* all ok */
	if (cdata->handle) {
		/* don't call ldap_unbind_ext() as it often crashed the application */
		/*ldap_unbind_ext (cdata->handle, NULL, NULL);*/
	cdata->handle = ld;

	/*g_print ("Reconnected!\n");*/
	return (gpointer) 0x01;
コード例 #8
ファイル: gda-ldap-provider.c プロジェクト: arthurnn/libgda
 * Prepare connection request
 * In this function, the following _must_ be done:
 *   - check for the presence and validify of the parameters required to actually open a connection,
 *     using @params
 *   - open the real connection to the database using the parameters previously checked, create one or
 *     more GdaDataModel objects and declare them to the virtual connection with table names
 *   - create a LdapConnectionData structure and associate it to @cnc
 * Returns: TRUE if no error occurred, or FALSE otherwise (and an ERROR connection event must be added to @cnc)
static gboolean
gda_ldap_provider_prepare_connection (GdaServerProvider *provider, GdaConnection *cnc,
				      GdaQuarkList *params, GdaQuarkList *auth)
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_LDAP_PROVIDER (provider), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_CONNECTION (cnc), FALSE);

	/* Check for connection parameters */
	const gchar *base_dn;
	const gchar *host;
	const gchar *tmp;
	const gchar *port;
	const gchar *user = NULL;
	gchar *dnuser = NULL;
        const gchar *pwd = NULL;
        const gchar *time_limit = NULL;
        const gchar *size_limit = NULL;
        const gchar *tls_method = NULL;
        const gchar *tls_cacert = NULL;
	int rtls_method = -1;
	gint rport;
	gboolean use_ssl, use_cache;

	/* calling the parent's function first */
	GdaServerProviderBase *parent_functions;
        parent_functions = gda_server_provider_get_impl_functions_for_class (parent_class, GDA_SERVER_PROVIDER_FUNCTIONS_BASE);
	if (parent_functions->prepare_connection) {
		if (! parent_functions->prepare_connection (GDA_SERVER_PROVIDER (provider), cnc, params, auth))
			return FALSE;

        base_dn = gda_quark_list_find (params, "DB_NAME");
        if (!base_dn) {
                gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, "%s",
                                                 _("The connection string must contain the DB_NAME value"));
                return FALSE;
	host = gda_quark_list_find (params, "HOST");
	if (!host)
		host = "";
        port = gda_quark_list_find (params, "PORT");
        tmp = gda_quark_list_find (params, "USE_SSL");
	use_ssl = (tmp && ((*tmp == 't') || (*tmp == 'T'))) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	tmp = gda_quark_list_find (params, "USE_CACHE");
	use_cache = (!tmp || ((*tmp == 't') || (*tmp == 'T'))) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if (port && *port)
		rport = atoi (port);
	else {
		if (use_ssl)
			rport = LDAPS_PORT;
			rport = LDAP_PORT;
	user = gda_quark_list_find (auth, "USERNAME");
        if (!user)
                user = gda_quark_list_find (params, "USERNAME");
        pwd = gda_quark_list_find (auth, "PASSWORD");
        if (!pwd)
                pwd = gda_quark_list_find (params, "PASSWORD");

	tls_cacert = gda_quark_list_find (params, "TLS_CACERT");
	tls_method = gda_quark_list_find (params, "TLS_REQCERT");
	if (tls_method && *tls_method) {
		if (! g_ascii_strcasecmp (tls_method, "never"))
			rtls_method = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER;
		else if (! g_ascii_strcasecmp (tls_method, "hard"))
			rtls_method = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD;
		else if (! g_ascii_strcasecmp (tls_method, "demand"))
			rtls_method = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND;
		else if (! g_ascii_strcasecmp (tls_method, "allow"))
			rtls_method = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW;
		else if (! g_ascii_strcasecmp (tls_method, "try"))
			rtls_method = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY;
		else {
			gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, "%s",
							 _("Invalid value for 'TLS_REQCERT'"));
			return FALSE;
	time_limit = gda_quark_list_find (params, "TIME_LIMIT");
	size_limit = gda_quark_list_find (params, "SIZE_LIMIT");

	/* open LDAP connection */
	LdapConnectionData *cdata;
	LDAP *ld;
        int res;
	gchar *url;

	if (use_ssl) {
		/* Configuring SSL/TLS options:
		 * this is for texting purpose only, and should actually be done through LDAP's conf.
		 * files, see: man 5 ldap.conf
		 * For example ~/.ldaprc can contain:
		 * TLS_REQCERT demand
		 * TLS_CACERT /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.crt
		 * Note: if server certificate verification fails,
		 * the error message is: "Can't contact LDAP server"
		if (rtls_method >= 0) {
			res = ldap_set_option (NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, &rtls_method);
			if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
				gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
				return FALSE;

		if (tls_cacert && *tls_cacert) {
			res = ldap_set_option (NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, tls_cacert);
			if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
				gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
				return FALSE;

		url = g_strdup_printf ("ldaps://%s:%d", host, rport);
		url = g_strdup_printf ("ldap://%s:%d", host, rport);

	if (user && *user && ! gda_ldap_parse_dn (user, NULL)) {
		/* analysing the @user parameter */
		/* the user name is not a DN => we need to fetch the DN of the entry
		 * using filters defined in the "mappings" array @user */
		guint i;
		const gchar *ptr;
		GString *rname;
		rname = g_string_new ("");
		for (ptr = user; *ptr; ptr++) {
			if ((*ptr == ',') || (*ptr == '\\') || (*ptr == '#') ||
			    (*ptr == '+') || (*ptr == '<') ||
			    (*ptr == '>') || (*ptr == ';') || (*ptr == '"') ||
			    (*ptr == '=') || (*ptr == '*'))
				g_string_append_c (rname, '\\');
			g_string_append_c (rname, *ptr);
		for (i = 0; i < sizeof (mappings) / sizeof (LdapAuthMapping); i++) {
			gchar *tmp;
			tmp = fetch_user_dn (url, base_dn, rname->str, &(mappings[i]));
			if (tmp) {
				dnuser = tmp;
		g_string_free (rname, TRUE);

		/* if no DN user has been found, then still use the provided name AS IS
		 * => dnuser can be %NULL here */

	res = ldap_initialize (&ld, url);
        if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
		gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
		g_free (url);
		g_free (dnuser);
                return FALSE;

	cdata = g_new0 (LdapConnectionData, 1);
	cdata->keep_bound_count = 0;
	cdata->handle = ld;
	cdata->url = url;
	cdata->time_limit = 0;
	cdata->size_limit = 0;
	cdata->base_dn = g_strdup (base_dn);
	if (use_cache)
		cdata->attributes_cache_file = compute_data_file_name (params, TRUE, "attrs");

	/* set protocol version to 3 by default */
	int version = LDAP_VERSION3;
	res = ldap_set_option (cdata->handle, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
        if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
		if (res == LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR) {
			version = LDAP_VERSION2;
			res = ldap_set_option (cdata->handle, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version);
		if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
			gda_ldap_free_cnc_data (cdata);
			g_free (dnuser);
			return FALSE;

	/* time limit */
	if (time_limit && *time_limit) {
		int limit = atoi (time_limit);
		res = ldap_set_option (cdata->handle, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, &limit);
		if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
			gda_ldap_free_cnc_data (cdata);
			g_free (dnuser);
			return FALSE;
		cdata->time_limit = limit;

	/* size limit */
	if (size_limit && *size_limit) {
		int limit = atoi (size_limit);
		res = ldap_set_option (cdata->handle, LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT, &limit);
		if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
			gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
			gda_ldap_free_cnc_data (cdata);
			g_free (dnuser);
			return FALSE;
		cdata->size_limit = limit;

	/* authentication */
	struct berval cred;
        memset (&cred, 0, sizeof (cred));
        cred.bv_len = pwd && *pwd ? strlen (pwd) : 0;
        cred.bv_val = pwd && *pwd ? (char *) pwd : NULL;
        res = ldap_sasl_bind_s (ld, dnuser ? dnuser : user, NULL, &cred, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
		gda_connection_add_event_string (cnc, ldap_err2string (res));
		gda_ldap_free_cnc_data (cdata);
		g_free (dnuser);
                return FALSE;
	if (pwd) {
		gchar *tmp;
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("PASSWORD=%s", pwd);
		cdata->auth = gda_quark_list_new_from_string (tmp);
		g_free (tmp);
	if (dnuser) {
		gchar *tmp;
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("USERNAME=%s", dnuser);
		if (cdata->auth)
			gda_quark_list_add_from_string (cdata->auth, tmp, FALSE);
			cdata->auth = gda_quark_list_new_from_string (tmp);
		g_free (tmp);
		dnuser = NULL;
	else if (user) {
		gchar *tmp;
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("USERNAME=%s", user);
		if (cdata->auth)
			gda_quark_list_add_from_string (cdata->auth, tmp, FALSE);
			cdata->auth = gda_quark_list_new_from_string (tmp);
		g_free (tmp);

	/* set startup file name */
	gchar *fname;
	fname = compute_data_file_name (params, FALSE, "start");
	g_object_set ((GObject*) cnc, "startup-file", fname, NULL);
	g_free (fname);

	/* open virtual connection */
	gda_virtual_connection_internal_set_provider_data (GDA_VIRTUAL_CONNECTION (cnc), 
							   cdata, (GDestroyNotify) gda_ldap_free_cnc_data);
	gda_ldap_may_unbind (GDA_LDAP_CONNECTION (cnc));
	return TRUE;