コード例 #1
ファイル: QueryExecutor.cpp プロジェクト: aygerim/geo2tag
QSharedPointer<User> QueryExecutor::insertNewUser(const QSharedPointer<User>& user)
  bool result;
  QSqlQuery newUserQuery(m_database);
  qlonglong newId = nextUserKey();
  syslog(LOG_INFO,"Generating token for new user, %s : %s",user->getLogin().toStdString().c_str()
  QString newToken = generateNewToken(user->getLogin(),user->getPassword());
  //  syslog(LOG_INFO,"newToken = %s",newToken.toStdString().c_str());
  newUserQuery.prepare("insert into users (id,login,password,token) values(:id,:login,:password,:a_t);");
  syslog(LOG_INFO,"Sending: %s",newUserQuery.lastQuery().toStdString().c_str());
  syslog(LOG_INFO,"Sending: %s",newUserQuery.lastQuery().toStdString().c_str());
  syslog(LOG_INFO,"Sending: %s",newUserQuery.lastQuery().toStdString().c_str());
  syslog(LOG_INFO,"Sending: %s",newUserQuery.lastQuery().toStdString().c_str());
    syslog(LOG_INFO,"Rollback for NewUser sql query");
    return QSharedPointer<User>(NULL);
    syslog(LOG_INFO,"Commit for NewUser sql query");
  QSharedPointer<DbUser> newUser(new DbUser(user->getLogin(),user->getPassword(),newId,newToken));
  return newUser;
コード例 #2
//Stage 2 SSL Login Check: Verify that the returned/encrypted string can be decoded and matches the initial random string
QString AuthorizationManager::LoginUC(QHostAddress host, QString encstring){
  //Login w/  SSL certificate
  bool ok = false;
  //qDebug() << "SSL Auth Attempt";
    //First clean out any old strings/keys
    QStringList pubkeys = QStringList(HASH.keys()).filter("SSL_CHECK_STRING/"); //temporary, re-use variable below
    for(int i=0; i<pubkeys.length(); i++){ 
      //Check expiration time on each initial string
      if(QDateTime::currentDateTime() > HASH[pubkeys[i]]){ 
        //Note: normally only 1 request per user at a time, but it is possible for a couple different clients to try 
        // and authenticate as the same user (but different keys) at nearly the same time - so keep a short valid-string time frame (<30 seconds)
        // to mitigate this possibility (need to prevent the second user-auth request from invalidating the first before the first auth handshake is finished)
        HASH.remove(pubkeys[i]); //initstring expired - go ahead and remove it to reduce calc time later
    //Now re-use the "pubkeys" variable for the public SSL keys
    QString user;
    pubkeys = CONFIG->allKeys().filter("RegisteredCerts/"); //Format: "RegisteredCerts/<user>/<key>"
    //qDebug() << " - Check pubkeys";// << pubkeys;
    for(int i=0; i<pubkeys.length() && !ok; i++){
      //Decrypt the string with this pubkey - and compare to the outstanding initstrings
      QString key = DecryptSSLString(encstring, pubkeys[i].section("/",2,-1));
        //Valid reponse found
	//qDebug() << " - Found Valid Key";
        ok = true;
        //Remove the initstring from the hash (already used)
        user = pubkeys[i].section("/",1,1);
  bool isOperator = false;    
    //qDebug() << "Check user groups";
    //First check that the user is valid on the system and part of the operator group
    if(user!="root" && user!="toor"){
      QStringList groups = getUserGroups(user);
      if(groups.contains("wheel")){ isOperator = true; } //full-access user
      else if(!groups.contains("operator")){
        return ""; //user not allowed access if not in either of the wheel/operator groups
    }else{ isOperator = true; }

  if(user.isEmpty()){ ok = false; }

  qDebug() << "User Login Attempt:" << user << " Success:" << ok << " IP:" << host.toString();
  LogManager::log(LogManager::HOST, QString("User Login Attempt: ")+user+"   Success: "+(ok?"true":"false")+"   IP: "+host.toString() );
    //invalid login
    //Bump the fail count for this host
    bool overlimit = BumpFailCount(host.toString());
    if(overlimit){ emit BlockHost(host); }
    return (overlimit ? "REFUSED" : "");
    //valid login - generate a new token for it
    return generateNewToken(isOperator, user);
コード例 #3
QString AuthorizationManager::LoginService(QHostAddress host, QString service){
  bool localhost = ( (host== QHostAddress::LocalHost) || (host== QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) || (host.toString()=="::ffff:") );
  //Login a particular automated service
  qDebug() << "Service Login Attempt:" << service << " Success:" << localhost;
  if(!localhost){ return ""; } //invalid - services must be local for access
  //Check that the service is valid on the system
  bool isok = localhost && CONFIG->value("auth/allowServiceAuth",false).toBool( );
  if(service!="root" && service!="toor" && isok){
    QStringList groups = getUserGroups(service);
    isok = (groups.contains(service) && !groups.contains("wheel") && !groups.contains("operator"));
  //Now generate a new token and send it back
    //invalid login
      //Bump the fail count for this host
      bool overlimit = BumpFailCount(host.toString());
      if(overlimit){ emit BlockHost(host); }
      return (overlimit ? "REFUSED" : "");	  
      return "";
  }else{ return generateNewToken(false, service); }//services are never given operator privileges
コード例 #4
QString AuthorizationManager::LoginService(bool localhost, QString service){
  //Login a particular automated service
  qDebug() << "Service Login Attempt:" << service << " Success:" << localhost;
  if(!localhost){ return ""; } //invalid - services must be local for access
  //Check that the service is valid on the system
  // -- TO-DO
  //Now generate a new token and send it back
  return generateNewToken();
コード例 #5
// =========================
//               PRIVATE
// =========================
QString AuthorizationManager::generateNewToken(){
  QString tok;
  for(int i=0; i<TOKENLENGTH; i++){
    tok.append( AUTHCHARS.at( qrand() % AUTHCHARS.length() ) );
    //Just in case the randomizer came up with something identical - re-run it
    tok = generateNewToken();
    //unique token created - add it to the hash with the current time (+timeout)
    HASH.insert(tok, QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(TIMEOUTSECS) );
  return tok;
コード例 #6
// == Token Generation functions
QString AuthorizationManager::LoginUP(bool localhost, QString user, QString pass){
	//Login w/ username & password
  bool ok = false;
  //First check that the user is valid on the system and part of the operator group
    if(!getUserGroups(user).contains("operator")){ return ""; } //invalid user - needs to be part of operator group
  //qDebug() << "Check username/password" << user << pass;
  //Need to run the full username/password through PAM
  ok = pam_checkPW(user,pass);
  qDebug() << "User Login Attempt:" << user << " Success:" << ok << " Local Login:"******""; } //invalid login
  else{ return generateNewToken(); } //valid login - generate a new token for it
コード例 #7
// =========================
//               PRIVATE
// =========================
QString AuthorizationManager::generateNewToken(bool isOp, QString user){
  QString tok;
  for(int i=0; i<TOKENLENGTH; i++){
    tok.append( AUTHCHARS.at( qrand() % AUTHCHARS.length() ) );
  if( !hashID(tok).isEmpty() ){ 
    //Just in case the randomizer came up with something identical - re-run it
    tok = generateNewToken(isOp, user);
    //unique token created - add it to the hash with the current time (+timeout)
    QString id = tok + "::::"+(isOp ? "operator" : "user")+"::::"+user; //append operator status to auth key
    HASH.insert(id, QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(TIMEOUTSECS) );
    //qDebug() << "Current HASH Contents:" << HASH.keys();
  return tok;
コード例 #8
// == Token Generation functions
QString AuthorizationManager::LoginUP(QHostAddress host, QString user, QString pass){
  //Login w/ username & password
  bool localhost = ( (host== QHostAddress::LocalHost) || (host== QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) || (host.toString()=="::ffff:") );
  bool ok = false;
  bool isOperator = false;
  //First check that the user is valid on the system and part of the operator group
  if( CONFIG->value("auth/allowUserPassAuth",true).toBool() ){
    if(user!="root" && user!="toor"){
      QStringList groups = getUserGroups(user);
      if(groups.contains("wheel")){ isOperator = true; } //full-access user
      else if(!groups.contains("operator")){
        return ""; //user not allowed access if not in either of the wheel/operator groups
    }else{ isOperator = true; }
    //qDebug() << "Check username/password" << user << pass << localhost;
    //Need to run the full username/password through PAM
    if(!localhost || user=="root" || user=="toor"){
      ok = pam_checkPW(user,pass);
      ok = local_checkActive(user); //allow local access for users without password
  qDebug() << "User Login Attempt:" << user << " Success:" << ok << " IP:" << host.toString();
  LogManager::log(LogManager::HOST, QString("User Login Attempt: ")+user+"   Success: "+(ok?"true":"false")+"   IP: "+host.toString() );
    //invalid login
    //Bump the fail count for this host
    bool overlimit = BumpFailCount(host.toString());
    if(overlimit){ emit BlockHost(host); }
    return (overlimit ? "REFUSED" : "");
    //valid login - generate a new token for it
    return generateNewToken(isOperator, user);