コード例 #1
bool OctreeQueryNode::updateCurrentViewFrustum() {
    // if shutting down, return immediately
    if (_isShuttingDown) {
        return false;

    bool currentViewFrustumChanged = false;
    ViewFrustum newestViewFrustum;
    // get position and orientation details from the camera

    // Also make sure it's got the correct lens details from the camera
    float originalFOV = getCameraFov();
    float wideFOV = originalFOV + VIEW_FRUSTUM_FOV_OVERSEND;

    newestViewFrustum.setFieldOfView(wideFOV); // hack

    // if there has been a change, then recalculate
    if (!newestViewFrustum.isVerySimilar(_currentViewFrustum)) {
        _currentViewFrustum = newestViewFrustum;
        currentViewFrustumChanged = true;

    // Also check for LOD changes from the client
    if (_lodInitialized) {
        if (_lastClientBoundaryLevelAdjust != getBoundaryLevelAdjust()) {
            _lastClientBoundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
            _lodChanged = true;
        if (_lastClientOctreeSizeScale != getOctreeSizeScale()) {
            _lastClientOctreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
            _lodChanged = true;
    } else {
        _lodInitialized = true;
        _lastClientOctreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
        _lastClientBoundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
        _lodChanged = false;

    // When we first detect that the view stopped changing, we record this.
    // but we don't change it back to false until we've completely sent this
    // scene.
    if (_viewFrustumChanging && !currentViewFrustumChanged) {
        _viewFrustumJustStoppedChanging = true;
    _viewFrustumChanging = currentViewFrustumChanged;
    return currentViewFrustumChanged;
コード例 #2
void OctreeRenderer::render(RenderArgs::RenderMode renderMode,
                            RenderArgs::RenderSide renderSide,
                            RenderArgs::DebugFlags renderDebugFlags) {
    RenderArgs args(this, _viewFrustum, getSizeScale(), getBoundaryLevelAdjust(),
                    renderMode, renderSide, renderDebugFlags);
    if (_tree) {
        _tree->recurseTreeWithOperation(renderOperation, &args);
    _meshesConsidered = args._meshesConsidered;
    _meshesRendered = args._meshesRendered;
    _meshesOutOfView = args._meshesOutOfView;
    _meshesTooSmall = args._meshesTooSmall;

    _elementsTouched = args._elementsTouched;
    _itemsRendered = args._itemsRendered;
    _itemsOutOfView = args._itemsOutOfView;
    _itemsTooSmall = args._itemsTooSmall;

    _materialSwitches = args._materialSwitches;
    _trianglesRendered = args._trianglesRendered;
    _quadsRendered = args._quadsRendered;

    _translucentMeshPartsRendered = args._translucentMeshPartsRendered;
    _opaqueMeshPartsRendered = args._opaqueMeshPartsRendered;

コード例 #3
ファイル: LODManager.cpp プロジェクト: Giugiogia/hifi
QString LODManager::getLODFeedbackText() {
    // determine granularity feedback
    int boundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
    QString granularityFeedback;
    switch (boundaryLevelAdjust) {
        case 0: {
            granularityFeedback = QString(".");
        } break;
        case 1: {
            granularityFeedback = QString(" at half of standard granularity.");
        } break;
        case 2: {
            granularityFeedback = QString(" at a third of standard granularity.");
        } break;
        default: {
            granularityFeedback = QString(" at 1/%1th of standard granularity.").arg(boundaryLevelAdjust + 1);
        } break;
    // distance feedback
    float octreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
    float relativeToDefault = octreeSizeScale / DEFAULT_OCTREE_SIZE_SCALE;
    int relativeToTwentyTwenty = 20 / relativeToDefault;

    QString result;
    if (relativeToDefault > 1.01f) {
        result = QString("20:%1 or %2 times further than average vision%3").arg(relativeToTwentyTwenty).arg(relativeToDefault,0,'f',2).arg(granularityFeedback);
    } else if (relativeToDefault > 0.99f) {
        result = QString("20:20 or the default distance for average vision%1").arg(granularityFeedback);
    } else if (relativeToDefault > 0.01f) {
        result = QString("20:%1 or %2 of default distance for average vision%3").arg(relativeToTwentyTwenty).arg(relativeToDefault,0,'f',3).arg(granularityFeedback);
    } else {
        result = QString("%2 of default distance for average vision%3").arg(relativeToDefault,0,'f',3).arg(granularityFeedback);
    return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: LODManager.cpp プロジェクト: Giugiogia/hifi
// TODO: This is essentially the same logic used to render octree cells, but since models are more detailed then octree cells
//       I've added a voxelToModelRatio that adjusts how much closer to a model you have to be to see it.
bool LODManager::shouldRenderMesh(float largestDimension, float distanceToCamera) {
    const float octreeToMeshRatio = 4.0f; // must be this many times closer to a mesh than a voxel to see it.
    float octreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
    int boundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
    float maxScale = (float)TREE_SCALE;
    float visibleDistanceAtMaxScale = boundaryDistanceForRenderLevel(boundaryLevelAdjust, octreeSizeScale) / octreeToMeshRatio;
    if (_shouldRenderTableNeedsRebuilding) {
        float SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE = 0.001f; // 1mm is plenty small
        float scale = maxScale;
        float visibleDistanceAtScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale;
        while (scale > SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE) {
            scale /= 2.0f;
            visibleDistanceAtScale /= 2.0f;
            _shouldRenderTable[scale] = visibleDistanceAtScale;
        _shouldRenderTableNeedsRebuilding = false;
    float closestScale = maxScale;
    float visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale;
    QMap<float, float>::const_iterator lowerBound = _shouldRenderTable.lowerBound(largestDimension);
    if (lowerBound != _shouldRenderTable.constEnd()) {
        closestScale = lowerBound.key();
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = lowerBound.value();
    if (closestScale < largestDimension) {
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale *= 2.0f;
    return (distanceToCamera <= visibleDistanceAtClosestScale);
コード例 #5
void OctreeHeadlessViewer::queryOctree() {
    char serverType = getMyNodeType();
    PacketType packetType = getMyQueryMessageType();
    NodeToJurisdictionMap& jurisdictions = *_jurisdictionListener->getJurisdictions();

    bool wantExtraDebugging = false;

    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeHeadlessViewer::queryOctree() _jurisdictionListener=" << _jurisdictionListener;
        qCDebug(octree) << "---------------";
        qCDebug(octree) << "_jurisdictionListener=" << _jurisdictionListener;
        qCDebug(octree) << "Jurisdictions...";
        for (NodeToJurisdictionMapIterator i = jurisdictions.begin(); i != jurisdictions.end(); ++i) {
            qCDebug(octree) << i.key() << ": " << &i.value();
        qCDebug(octree) << "---------------";

    // These will be the same for all servers, so we can set them up once and then reuse for each server we send to.
    _octreeQuery.setWantCompression(true); // TODO: should be on by default



    // Iterate all of the nodes, and get a count of how many voxel servers we have...
    int totalServers = 0;
    int inViewServers = 0;
    int unknownJurisdictionServers = 0;

    DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are serverType
        if (node->getActiveSocket() && node->getType() == serverType) {

            // get the server bounds for this server
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();

            // if we haven't heard from this voxel server, go ahead and send it a query, so we
            // can get the jurisdiction...
            if (jurisdictions.find(nodeUUID) == jurisdictions.end()) {
            } else {
                const JurisdictionMap& map = (jurisdictions)[nodeUUID];

                unsigned char* rootCode = map.getRootOctalCode();

                if (rootCode) {
                    VoxelPositionSize rootDetails;
                    voxelDetailsForCode(rootCode, rootDetails);
                    AACube serverBounds(glm::vec3(rootDetails.x, rootDetails.y, rootDetails.z), rootDetails.s);

                    ViewFrustum::location serverFrustumLocation = _viewFrustum.cubeInFrustum(serverBounds);

                    if (serverFrustumLocation != ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE) {
                } else {

    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree, "Servers: total %d, in view %d, unknown jurisdiction %d",
            totalServers, inViewServers, unknownJurisdictionServers);

    int perServerPPS = 0;
    const int SMALL_BUDGET = 10;
    int perUnknownServer = SMALL_BUDGET;
    int totalPPS = getMaxPacketsPerSecond();

    // determine PPS based on number of servers
    if (inViewServers >= 1) {
        // set our preferred PPS to be exactly evenly divided among all of the voxel servers... and allocate 1 PPS
        // for each unknown jurisdiction server
        perServerPPS = (totalPPS / inViewServers) - (unknownJurisdictionServers * perUnknownServer);
    } else {
        if (unknownJurisdictionServers > 0) {
            perUnknownServer = (totalPPS / unknownJurisdictionServers);

    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree, "perServerPPS: %d perUnknownServer: %d", perServerPPS, perUnknownServer);

    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    nodeList->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
        // only send to the NodeTypes that are serverType
        if (node->getActiveSocket() && node->getType() == serverType) {

            // get the server bounds for this server
            QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID();

            bool inView = false;
            bool unknownView = false;

            // if we haven't heard from this voxel server, go ahead and send it a query, so we
            // can get the jurisdiction...
            if (jurisdictions.find(nodeUUID) == jurisdictions.end()) {
                unknownView = true; // assume it's in view
                if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "no known jurisdiction for node " << *node << ", assume it's visible.";
            } else {
                const JurisdictionMap& map = (jurisdictions)[nodeUUID];

                unsigned char* rootCode = map.getRootOctalCode();

                if (rootCode) {
                    VoxelPositionSize rootDetails;
                    voxelDetailsForCode(rootCode, rootDetails);
                    AACube serverBounds(glm::vec3(rootDetails.x, rootDetails.y, rootDetails.z), rootDetails.s);

                    ViewFrustum::location serverFrustumLocation = _viewFrustum.cubeInFrustum(serverBounds);
                    if (serverFrustumLocation != ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE) {
                        inView = true;
                    } else {
                        inView = false;
                } else {
                    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                        qCDebug(octree) << "Jurisdiction without RootCode for node " << *node << ". That's unusual!";

            if (inView) {
                if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "inView for node " << *node << ", give it budget of " << perServerPPS;
            } else if (unknownView) {
                if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "no known jurisdiction for node " << *node << ", give it budget of "
                    << perUnknownServer << " to send us jurisdiction.";

                // set the query's position/orientation to be degenerate in a manner that will get the scene quickly
                // If there's only one server, then don't do this, and just let the normal voxel query pass through
                // as expected... this way, we will actually get a valid scene if there is one to be seen
                if (totalServers > 1) {
                    const glm::quat OFF_IN_NEGATIVE_SPACE = glm::quat(-0.5, 0, -0.5, 1.0);
                    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                        qCDebug(octree) << "Using 'minimal' camera position for node" << *node;
                } else {
                    if (wantExtraDebugging) {
                        qCDebug(octree) << "Using regular camera position for node" << *node;
            } else {

            // setup the query packet
            auto queryPacket = NLPacket::create(packetType);
            _octreeQuery.getBroadcastData(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(queryPacket->getPayload()));

            // ask the NodeList to send it
            nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(queryPacket), *node);
コード例 #6
ファイル: OctreeQueryNode.cpp プロジェクト: ZappoMan/hifi
bool OctreeQueryNode::updateCurrentViewFrustum() {
    // if shutting down, return immediately
    if (_isShuttingDown) {
        return false;
    if (!_usesFrustum) {
        // this client does not use a view frustum so the view frustum for this query has not changed
        return false;
    } else {
        bool currentViewFrustumChanged = false;
        ViewFrustum newestViewFrustum;
        // get position and orientation details from the camera
        // Also make sure it's got the correct lens details from the camera
        float originalFOV = getCameraFov();
        float wideFOV = originalFOV + VIEW_FRUSTUM_FOV_OVERSEND;
        if (0.0f != getCameraAspectRatio() &&
            0.0f != getCameraNearClip() &&
            0.0f != getCameraFarClip() &&
            getCameraNearClip() != getCameraFarClip()) {
                                                             glm::radians(wideFOV), // hack
        { // if there has been a change, then recalculate
            QMutexLocker viewLocker(&_viewMutex);
            if (!newestViewFrustum.isVerySimilar(_currentViewFrustum)) {
                _currentViewFrustum = newestViewFrustum;
                currentViewFrustumChanged = true;
        // Also check for LOD changes from the client
        if (_lodInitialized) {
            if (_lastClientBoundaryLevelAdjust != getBoundaryLevelAdjust()) {
                _lastClientBoundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
                _lodChanged = true;
            if (_lastClientOctreeSizeScale != getOctreeSizeScale()) {
                _lastClientOctreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
                _lodChanged = true;
        } else {
            _lodInitialized = true;
            _lastClientOctreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
            _lastClientBoundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
            _lodChanged = false;
        // When we first detect that the view stopped changing, we record this.
        // but we don't change it back to false until we've completely sent this
        // scene.
        if (_viewFrustumChanging && !currentViewFrustumChanged) {
            _viewFrustumJustStoppedChanging = true;
        _viewFrustumChanging = currentViewFrustumChanged;
        return currentViewFrustumChanged;