コード例 #1
void K3bListViewItem::setForegroundColor( int col, const QColor& c )
 ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
 info->foregroundColorSet = true;
 info->foregroundColor = c;
コード例 #2
void K3bListViewItem::setMarginHorizontal( int col, int margin )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  info->margin = margin;

コード例 #3
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: surpass/voltdb
std::string TupleSchema::debug() const {
    std::ostringstream buffer;

    buffer << "Schema has "
           << columnCount() << " columns, "
           << hiddenColumnCount() << " hidden columns, "
           << "length = " << tupleLength() << ", "
           <<  "uninlinedObjectColumns "  << m_uninlinedObjectColumnCount << std::endl;

    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < columnCount(); i++) {
        const TupleSchema::ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(i);
        buffer << " column " << i << ": " << columnInfo->debug() << std::endl;

    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < hiddenColumnCount(); i++) {
        const TupleSchema::ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getHiddenColumnInfo(i);
        buffer << " hidden column " << i << ": " << columnInfo->debug() << std::endl;

    buffer << " terminator column info: "
           << getColumnInfoPrivate(totalColumnCount())->debug() << std::endl;

    std::string ret(buffer.str());
    return ret;
コード例 #4
void K3bListViewItem::setTotalSteps( int col, int steps )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  info->totalProgressSteps = steps;

コード例 #5
void K3bListViewItem::setEditor( int column, int editor, const QStringList& cs )
  ColumnInfo* colInfo = getColumnInfo(column);

  colInfo->editorType = editor;
  if( !cs.isEmpty() )
    colInfo->comboItems = cs;
コード例 #6
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: wwgong/CVoltDB
// GWW: escrow column
void TupleSchema::setColumnMetaData(uint16_t index, ValueType type, const int32_t length, bool allowNull,
                                    bool escrowColumn, uint16_t &uninlinedObjectColumnIndex)
    assert(length <= 1048576);
    uint32_t offset = 0;

    // set the type
    ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(index);
    columnInfo->type = static_cast<char>(type);
    columnInfo->allowNull = (char)(allowNull ? 1 : 0);
    // GWW
    columnInfo->escrowCol = escrowColumn;
    columnInfo->length = length;
    if ((type == VALUE_TYPE_VARCHAR) || (type == VALUE_TYPE_VARBINARY)) {
        if (length < UNINLINEABLE_OBJECT_LENGTH && m_allowInlinedObjects) {
             * Inline the string if it is less then UNINLINEABLE_OBJECT_LENGTH bytes.
            columnInfo->inlined = true;
            // One byte to store the size
            offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(length + SHORT_OBJECT_LENGTHLENGTH);
        } else {
             * Set the length to the size of a String pointer since it won't be inlined.
            offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(NValue::getTupleStorageSize(type));
            columnInfo->inlined = false;
            setUninlinedObjectColumnInfoIndex(uninlinedObjectColumnIndex++, index);
    } else {
        // All values are inlined if they aren't strings.
        columnInfo->inlined = true;
        // don't trust the planner since it can be avoided
        offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(NValue::getTupleStorageSize(type));
    // make the column offsets right for all columns past this one
    int oldsize = columnLengthPrivate(index);
    ColumnInfo *nextColumnInfo = NULL;
    for (int i = index + 1; i <= m_columnCount; i++) {
        nextColumnInfo = getColumnInfo(i);
        nextColumnInfo->offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(nextColumnInfo->offset + offset - oldsize);
    assert(index == 0 ? columnInfo->offset == 0 : true);
コード例 #7
void K3bListViewItem::setProgress( int col, int p )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  if( !info->showProgress )
    setDisplayProgressBar( col, true );
  if( info->progressValue != p ) {
    info->progressValue = p;
コード例 #8
void K3bListViewItem::paintProgressBar( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cgh, int col, int width )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );

  QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
  if( listView()->isEnabled() )
    flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
  if( listView()->hasFocus() )
    flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus;

  // FIXME: the QPainter is translated so 0, m_vMargin is the upper left of our paint rect
  QRect r( 0, m_vMargin, width, height()-2*m_vMargin );

  // create the double buffer pixmap
  static QPixmap *doubleBuffer = 0;
  if( !doubleBuffer )
    doubleBuffer = new QPixmap;
  doubleBuffer->resize( width, height() );

  QPainter dbPainter( doubleBuffer );

  // clear the background (we cannot use paintEmptyArea since it's protected in QListView)
  if( K3bListView* lv = dynamic_cast<K3bListView*>(listView()) )
    lv->paintEmptyArea( &dbPainter, r );
    dbPainter.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(),
			cgh.brush( QPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode(listView()->viewport()->backgroundMode()) ) );

  // we want a little additional margin
  r.setLeft( r.left()+1 );
  r.setWidth( r.width()-2 );
  r.setTop( r.top()+1 );
  r.setHeight( r.height()-2 );

  // this might be a stupid hack but most styles do not reimplement drawPrimitive PE_ProgressBarChunk
  // so this way the user is happy....
  static QProgressBar* s_dummyProgressBar = 0;
  if( !s_dummyProgressBar ) {
    s_dummyProgressBar = new QProgressBar();

  s_dummyProgressBar->setTotalSteps( info->totalProgressSteps );
  s_dummyProgressBar->setProgress( info->progressValue );

  // some styles use the widget's geometry
  s_dummyProgressBar->setGeometry( r );

  listView()->style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_ProgressBarContents, &dbPainter, s_dummyProgressBar, r, cgh, flags );
  listView()->style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_ProgressBarLabel, &dbPainter, s_dummyProgressBar, r, cgh, flags );

  // now we really paint the progress in the listview
  p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, *doubleBuffer );
コード例 #9
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: AsherBond/voltdb
std::string TupleSchema::debug() const {
    std::ostringstream buffer;

    buffer << "Schema has " << columnCount() << " columns, length = " << tupleLength()
           <<  ", uninlinedObjectColumns "  << m_uninlinedObjectColumnCount << std::endl;

    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < columnCount(); i++) {
        const TupleSchema::ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(i);

        buffer << " column " << i << ": type = " << getTypeName(columnInfo->getVoltType());
        buffer << ", length = " << columnInfo->length << ", nullable = ";
        buffer << (columnInfo->allowNull ? "true" : "false") << ", isInlined = " << columnInfo->inlined <<  std::endl;

    std::string ret(buffer.str());
    return ret;
コード例 #10
void K3bListViewItem::paintCell( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, int col, int width, int align )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );


  QFont oldFont( p->font() );
  QFont newFont = info->fontSet ? info->font : oldFont;
  p->setFont( newFont );
  QColorGroup cgh(cg);
  if( info->foregroundColorSet )
    cgh.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, info->foregroundColor );
  if( info->backgroundColorSet )
    cgh.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, info->backgroundColor );

  // in case this is the selected row has a margin we need to repaint the selection bar
  if( isSelected() &&
      (col == 0 || listView()->allColumnsShowFocus()) &&
      info->margin > 0 ) {

    p->fillRect( 0, 0, info->margin, height(),
		 cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
    p->fillRect( width-info->margin, 0, info->margin, height(),
		 cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
  else { // in case we use the KListView alternate color stuff
    p->fillRect( 0, 0, info->margin, height(),
		 cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );
    p->fillRect( width-info->margin, 0, info->margin, height(),
		 cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );

  // FIXME: the margin (we can only translate horizontally since height() is used for painting)
  p->translate( info->margin, 0 );

  if( info->showProgress ) {
    paintProgressBar( p, cgh, col, width-2*info->margin );
  else {
    paintK3bCell( p, cgh, col, width-2*info->margin, align );

コード例 #11
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: AllenShi/h-store
bool TupleSchema::equals(const TupleSchema *other) const {
    if (other->m_columnCount != m_columnCount ||
        other->m_uninlinedObjectColumnCount != m_uninlinedObjectColumnCount ||
        other->m_allowInlinedObjects != m_allowInlinedObjects) {
        return false;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < m_columnCount; ii++) {
        const ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(ii);
        const ColumnInfo *ocolumnInfo = other->getColumnInfo(ii);
        if (columnInfo->allowNull != ocolumnInfo->allowNull ||
                columnInfo->offset != ocolumnInfo->offset ||
                columnInfo->type != ocolumnInfo->type) {
            return false;

    return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: AsherBond/voltdb
bool TupleSchema::equals(const TupleSchema *other) const
    // First check for structural equality.
    if ( ! isCompatibleForCopy(other)) {
        return false;
    // Finally, rule out behavior differences.
    for (int ii = 0; ii < m_columnCount; ii++) {
        const ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(ii);
        const ColumnInfo *ocolumnInfo = other->getColumnInfo(ii);
        if (columnInfo->allowNull != ocolumnInfo->allowNull) {
            return false;
        // The declared column length for an out-of-line object is a behavior difference
        // that has no effect on tuple format.
        if (( ! columnInfo->inlined) &&
                (columnInfo->length != ocolumnInfo->length)) {
            return false;
    return true;
コード例 #13
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: AsherBond/voltdb
bool TupleSchema::isCompatibleForCopy(const TupleSchema *other) const
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    if (other->m_columnCount != m_columnCount ||
        other->m_uninlinedObjectColumnCount != m_uninlinedObjectColumnCount ||
        other->tupleLength() != tupleLength()) {
        return false;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < m_columnCount; ii++) {
        const ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(ii);
        const ColumnInfo *ocolumnInfo = other->getColumnInfo(ii);
        if (columnInfo->offset != ocolumnInfo->offset ||
                columnInfo->type != ocolumnInfo->type ||
                columnInfo->inlined != ocolumnInfo->inlined) {
            return false;

    return true;
コード例 #14
int K3bListViewItem::width( const QFontMetrics& fm, const QListView* lv, int c ) const
  return KListViewItem::width( fm, lv, c ) + getColumnInfo(c)->margin*2;
コード例 #15
void K3bListViewItem::setValidator( int column, QValidator* v )
  getColumnInfo(column)->validator = v;
コード例 #16
QValidator* K3bListViewItem::validator( int col ) const
  return getColumnInfo(col)->validator;
コード例 #17
void K3bListViewItem::setButton( int column, bool on )
  ColumnInfo* colInfo = getColumnInfo(column);

  colInfo->button = on;
コード例 #18
int K3bListViewItem::editorType( int col ) const
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  return info->editorType;
コード例 #19
ファイル: TupleSchema.cpp プロジェクト: AsherBond/voltdb
void TupleSchema::setColumnMetaData(uint16_t index, ValueType type, const int32_t length, bool allowNull,
                                    uint16_t &uninlinedObjectColumnIndex, bool inBytes)
    assert(length <= COLUMN_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH);
    uint32_t offset = 0;

    // set the type
    ColumnInfo *columnInfo = getColumnInfo(index);
    columnInfo->type = static_cast<char>(type);
    columnInfo->allowNull = (char)(allowNull ? 1 : 0);
    columnInfo->length = length;
    columnInfo->inBytes = inBytes;

    if ((type == VALUE_TYPE_VARCHAR && inBytes) || type == VALUE_TYPE_VARBINARY) {
        if (length == 0) {
            throwFatalLogicErrorStreamed("Zero length for object type " << valueToString((ValueType)type));
        if (length < UNINLINEABLE_OBJECT_LENGTH) {
             * Inline the string if it is less then UNINLINEABLE_OBJECT_LENGTH bytes.
            columnInfo->inlined = true;
            // One byte to store the size
            offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(length + SHORT_OBJECT_LENGTHLENGTH);
        } else {
             * Set the length to the size of a String pointer since it won't be inlined.
            offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(NValue::getTupleStorageSize(type));
            columnInfo->inlined = false;
            setUninlinedObjectColumnInfoIndex(uninlinedObjectColumnIndex++, index);
    } else if (type == VALUE_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
        if (length == 0) {
            throwFatalLogicErrorStreamed("Zero length for object type " << valueToString((ValueType)type));
             * Inline the string if it is less then UNINLINEABLE_CHARACTER_LENGTH characters.
            columnInfo->inlined = true;
            // One byte to store the size
            offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(length * 4 + SHORT_OBJECT_LENGTHLENGTH);
        } else {
             * Set the length to the size of a String pointer since it won't be inlined.
            offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(NValue::getTupleStorageSize(type));
            columnInfo->inlined = false;
            setUninlinedObjectColumnInfoIndex(uninlinedObjectColumnIndex++, index);
    } else {
        // All values are inlined if they aren't strings.
        columnInfo->inlined = true;
        // don't trust the planner since it can be avoided
        offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(NValue::getTupleStorageSize(type));
    // make the column offsets right for all columns past this one
    int oldsize = columnLengthPrivate(index);
    ColumnInfo *nextColumnInfo = NULL;
    for (int i = index + 1; i <= m_columnCount; i++) {
        nextColumnInfo = getColumnInfo(i);
        nextColumnInfo->offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(nextColumnInfo->offset + offset - oldsize);
    assert(index == 0 ? columnInfo->offset == 0 : true);
コード例 #20
bool K3bListViewItem::needButton( int col ) const
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  return info->button;
コード例 #21
int K3bListViewItem::marginHorizontal( int col ) const
  return getColumnInfo( col )->margin;
コード例 #22
const QStringList& K3bListViewItem::comboStrings( int col ) const
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  return info->comboItems;
コード例 #23
void K3bListViewItem::setFont( int col, const QFont& f )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  info->fontSet = true;
  info->font = f;
コード例 #24
void K3bListViewItem::setDisplayProgressBar( int col, bool displ )
  ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
  info->showProgress = displ;