コード例 #1
ファイル: DSIGObject.cpp プロジェクト: okean/cpputils
void DSIGObject::load(void) {

	if (mp_objectNode == NULL || 
		mp_objectNode->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE || 
		!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(mp_objectNode), s_Object)) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ObjectError,
			"Expected <Object> Node in DSIGObject::load");


	mp_idAttr = ((DOMElement *) mp_objectNode)->getAttributeNodeNS(NULL, s_Id);
	if (mp_idAttr) {
	    ((DOMElement *) mp_objectNode)->setIdAttributeNS(NULL, s_Id);
		((DOMElement *) mp_objectNode)->setIdAttributeNS(NULL, s_Id, true);

	mp_mimeTypeAttr = ((DOMElement *) mp_objectNode)->getAttributeNodeNS(NULL, s_MimeType);
	mp_encodingAttr = ((DOMElement *) mp_objectNode)->getAttributeNodeNS(NULL, s_Encoding);

コード例 #2
ファイル: DSIGReference.cpp プロジェクト: okean/cpputils
DSIGReferenceList *DSIGReference::loadReferenceListFromXML(const XSECEnv * env, DOMNode *firstReference) {

	// Have the first reference element in the document,
	// so want to find and load them all

	DOMNode *tmpRef = firstReference;
	DSIGReferenceList * refList;
	DSIGReference * r;

	XSECnew(refList, DSIGReferenceList());
	Janitor<DSIGReferenceList> j_refList(refList);

	while (tmpRef != 0) {

		// Must be an element node

		if (tmpRef->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ||
			!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpRef), "Reference")) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected <Reference> as child of <SignedInfo>");


		XSECnew(r, DSIGReference(env, tmpRef));


		// Load the reference before moving on

		// Find next element Node
		tmpRef = tmpRef->getNextSibling();

		while (tmpRef != 0 && tmpRef->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
			if (tmpRef->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"EntityReference nodes in <Reference> are unsupported.");
			tmpRef = tmpRef->getNextSibling();


	return refList;

コード例 #3
ファイル: DSIGKeyInfoName.cpp プロジェクト: okean/cpputils
void DSIGKeyInfoName::load(void) {

	// Assuming we have a valid DOM_Node to start with, load the signing key so that it can
	// be used later on

	if (mp_keyInfoDOMNode == NULL) {

		// Attempt to load an empty signature element
		throw XSECException(XSECException::LoadEmptyInfoName);


	if (!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(mp_keyInfoDOMNode), "KeyName")) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::LoadNonInfoName);


	// Now find the text node containing the name

	DOMNode *tmpElt = mp_keyInfoDOMNode->getFirstChild();

	while (tmpElt != 0 && tmpElt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::TEXT_NODE)
		tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpElt != 0) {

		mp_keyNameTextNode = tmpElt;
		mp_name = tmpElt->getNodeValue();


	else {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
			MAKE_UNICODE_STRING("Expected TEXT node as child to <KeyName> element"));


コード例 #4
void DSIGSignedInfo::load(void) {

	if (mp_signedInfoNode == 0) {

		// Attempt to load an empty signature element
		throw XSECException(XSECException::LoadEmptySignedInfo);


	if (!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(mp_signedInfoNode), "SignedInfo")) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::LoadNonSignedInfo);


	DOMNode * tmpSI = mp_signedInfoNode->getFirstChild();

	// Check for CanonicalizationMethod

	while (tmpSI != 0 && (tmpSI->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE))
		// Skip text and comments
		tmpSI = tmpSI->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpSI == 0 || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpSI), "CanonicalizationMethod")) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound, 
				"Expected <CanonicalizationMethod> as first child of <SignedInfo>");


	// Determine what the canonicalization method is
	DOMNamedNodeMap *tmpAtts = tmpSI->getAttributes();

	DOMNode *algorithm = tmpAtts->getNamedItem(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrAlgorithm);

	if (algorithm == 0) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"Expected Algorithm attribute in <CanonicalizationMethod>");


	safeBuffer tmpSB;

	tmpSB << (*mp_formatter << algorithm->getNodeValue());

	if (tmpSB.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_C14N_NOC) == 0) {

		m_canonicalizationMethod = CANON_C14N_NOC;


	else if (tmpSB.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_C14N_COM) == 0) {

		m_canonicalizationMethod = CANON_C14N_COM;



		throw XSECException(XSECException::UnknownCanonicalization);

	// Now load the SignatureMethod

	tmpSI = tmpSI->getNextSibling();

	while (tmpSI != 0 && (tmpSI->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE))
		// Skip text and comments
		tmpSI = tmpSI->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpSI == 0 || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpSI), "SignatureMethod")) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound, 
				"Expected <SignatureMethod> as child of <SignedInfo>");

	// Determine the algorithms used to sign this document

	tmpAtts = tmpSI->getAttributes();

	algorithm = tmpAtts->getNamedItem(DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrAlgorithm);
	if (algorithm == 0) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"Expected Algorithm attribute in <SignatureMethod>");


	tmpSB << (*mp_formatter << algorithm->getNodeValue());

	if (tmpSB.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_DSA_SHA1) == 0) {

		m_signatureMethod = SIGNATURE_DSA;
		m_hashMethod = HASH_SHA1;


	else if (tmpSB.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_RSA_SHA1) == 0) {

		m_signatureMethod = SIGNATURE_RSA;
		m_hashMethod = HASH_SHA1;


	else if (tmpSB.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_HMAC_SHA1) == 0) {

		m_signatureMethod = SIGNATURE_HMAC;
		m_hashMethod = HASH_SHA1;

		// Check to see if there is a maximum output value

		DOMNode *tmpSOV = tmpSI->getFirstChild();
		while (tmpSOV != NULL && 
			tmpSOV->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE && 
			!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpSOV), "HMACOutputLength"))
			tmpSOV = tmpSOV->getNextSibling();

		if (tmpSOV != NULL) {

			// Have a max output value!
			tmpSOV = tmpSOV->getFirstChild();
			while (tmpSOV != NULL && tmpSOV->getNodeType() != DOMNode::TEXT_NODE)
				tmpSOV = tmpSOV->getNextSibling();

			if (tmpSOV != NULL) {

				safeBuffer val;
				val << (*mp_formatter << tmpSOV->getNodeValue());
				m_HMACOutputLength = atoi((char *) val.rawBuffer());



		throw XSECException(XSECException::UnknownSignatureAlgorithm);

	// Now look at references....

	tmpSI = tmpSI->getNextSibling();

	// Run through the rest of the elements until done

	while (tmpSI != 0 && (tmpSI->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE))
		// Skip text and comments
		tmpSI = tmpSI->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpSI != NULL) {

		// Have an element node - should be a reference, so let's load the list

		mp_referenceList = DSIGReference::loadReferenceListFromXML(mp_parentSignature, tmpSI);


コード例 #5
void XENCEncryptionMethodImpl::load() {

	if (mp_encryptionMethodElement == NULL) {

		// Attempt to load an empty encryptedType element
		throw XSECException(XSECException::EncryptionMethodError,
			"XENCEncryptionMethod::load - called on empty DOM");


	if (!strEquals(getXENCLocalName(mp_encryptionMethodElement), s_EncryptionMethod)) {

		// Attempt to load an empty encryptedData element
		throw XSECException(XSECException::EncryptionMethodError,
			"XENCEncryptionMethod::load - called on non EncryptionMethod node");


	// Find the type
	mp_algorithmAttr = 

	// Check for known children
	DOMElement * c = findFirstElementChild(mp_encryptionMethodElement);

	while (c != NULL) {

		if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(c), s_DigestMethod)) {

			mp_digestAlgorithmAttr = c->getAttributeNodeNS(NULL, 

			if (mp_digestAlgorithmAttr == NULL) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::EncryptionMethodError,
					"XENCEncryptionMethod::load - Cannot find Algorithm Attribute in DigestMethod element");

		else if (strEquals(getXENC11LocalName(c), s_MGF)) {

			mp_mgfAlgorithmAttr = c->getAttributeNodeNS(NULL, 

			if (mp_mgfAlgorithmAttr == NULL) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::EncryptionMethodError,
					"XENCEncryptionMethod::load - Cannot find Algorithm Attribute in xenc11:MGF element");

        else if (strEquals(getXENCLocalName(c), s_OAEPparams)) {

			mp_oaepParamsTextNode = NULL;
			mp_oaepParamsTextNode = findFirstChildOfType(c, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);

			if (mp_oaepParamsTextNode == NULL) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::EncryptionMethodError,
					"XENCEncryptionMethod::load - Cannot find text value of xenc:OAEPparams element");


		else if (strEquals(getXENCLocalName(c), s_KeySize)) {

			mp_keySizeTextNode = NULL;
			mp_keySizeTextNode = findFirstChildOfType(c, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);

			if (mp_keySizeTextNode == NULL) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::EncryptionMethodError,
					"XENCEncryptionMethod::load - Cannot find text value of xenc:KeySize node");

		c = findNextElementChild(c);
コード例 #6
ファイル: DSIGReference.cpp プロジェクト: okean/cpputils
void DSIGReference::load(void) {

	// Load reference info from XML

	DOMNamedNodeMap *atts = mp_referenceNode->getAttributes();
	DOMNode *tmpElt;

	const XMLCh * name;
	safeBuffer sbName;

	if (atts != 0) {

		XMLSize_t size = atts->getLength();

		for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

			name = atts->item(i)->getNodeName();
			sbName << (*mp_formatter << atts->item(i)->getNodeName());

			if (strEquals(name, s_unicodeStrURI)) {
				mp_URI = atts->item(i)->getNodeValue();

			else if (strEquals(name, "Type")) {

				// Check if a manifest, otherwise ignore for now
				if (strEquals(atts->item(i)->getNodeValue(), DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrURIMANIFEST))
					m_isManifest = true;


			else if (strEquals(name, "Id")) {

				// For now ignore


			else if (sbName.sbStrncmp("xmlns", 5) == 0) {

				// Ignore name spaces


			else {
				//safeBuffer tmp, error;

				//error << (*mp_formatter << name);
				//tmp.sbStrcpyIn("Unknown attribute in <Reference> Element : ");

				throw XSECException(XSECException::UnknownDSIGAttribute,
					"Unknown attribute in <Reference> Element");




	// Now check for Transforms
	tmpElt = mp_referenceNode->getFirstChild();

	while (tmpElt != 0 && (tmpElt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)) {
		if (tmpElt->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"EntityReference nodes in <Reference> are unsupported.");
		// Skip text and comments
		tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpElt == 0) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"Expected <Transforms> or <DigestMethod> within <Reference>");


	if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpElt), "Transforms")) {

		// Store node for later use
		mp_transformsNode = tmpElt;

		// Load the transforms
		mp_transformList = loadTransforms(tmpElt, mp_formatter, mp_env);

		// Find next node
		tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();
		while (tmpElt != 0 && (tmpElt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)) {
			if (tmpElt->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"EntityReference nodes in <Reference> are unsupported.");
			tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	} /* if tmpElt node type = transforms */
	else {
		mp_transformList = NULL;

	if (tmpElt == NULL || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpElt), "DigestMethod")) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
							"Expected <DigestMethod> element");


	// Determine what the digest method actually is

	atts = tmpElt->getAttributes();
	unsigned int i;

	for (i = 0; i < atts->getLength() &&
		!strEquals(atts->item(i)->getNodeName(), DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrAlgorithm); ++i);

	if (i == atts->getLength()) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
							"Expected 'Algorithm' attribute in <DigestMethod>");


	mp_algorithmURI = atts->item(i)->getNodeValue();

	// Determine hashing algorithm
	XSECmapURIToHashMethod(mp_algorithmURI, me_hashMethod);

	// Find the hash value node

	tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	while (tmpElt != 0 &&
		(tmpElt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpElt), "DigestValue"))) {
		if (tmpElt->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"EntityReference nodes in <Reference> are unsupported.");
		tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpElt == 0) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
			"Expected <DigestValue> within <Reference>");


	mp_hashValueNode = tmpElt;

	// If we are a manifest, then we need to load the manifest references

	if (m_isManifest) {

		// Find the manifest node - we cheat and use a transform
		TXFMBase				* docObject;
		DOMNode					* manifestNode, * referenceNode;

		docObject = getURIBaseTXFM(mp_referenceNode->getOwnerDocument(), mp_URI,

		manifestNode = docObject->getFragmentNode();
		delete docObject;

		// Now search downwards to find a <Manifest>
		if (manifestNode == 0 || manifestNode->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ||
			(!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(manifestNode), "Object") && !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(manifestNode), "Manifest"))) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected <Manifest> or <Object> URI for Manifest Type <Reference>");


		if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(manifestNode), "Object")) {

			// Find Manifest child
			manifestNode = manifestNode->getFirstChild();
			while (manifestNode != 0 && manifestNode->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
				if (manifestNode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
					throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
						"EntityReference nodes in <Reference> are unsupported.");
				manifestNode = manifestNode->getNextSibling();

			if (manifestNode == 0 || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(manifestNode), "Manifest"))
				throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected <Manifest> as child of <Object> for Manifest Type <Reference>");


		// Now have the manifest node, find the first reference and load!
		referenceNode = manifestNode->getFirstChild();

		while (referenceNode != 0 &&
			(referenceNode->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(referenceNode), "Reference"))) {
			if (referenceNode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"EntityReference nodes in <Reference> are unsupported.");
			referenceNode = referenceNode->getNextSibling();

		if (referenceNode == 0)
			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
			"Expected <Reference> as child of <Manifest>");

		// Have reference node, so lets create a list!
		mp_manifestList = DSIGReference::loadReferenceListFromXML(mp_env, referenceNode);

	} /* m_isManifest */

	m_loaded = true;

コード例 #7
ファイル: DSIGReference.cpp プロジェクト: okean/cpputils
unsigned int DSIGReference::readHash(XMLByte *toFill, unsigned int maxToFill) {

	// Determine the hash value stored in the reference

	// First set up for input

	unsigned int size;
	DOMNode *tmpElt;
	//const XMLCh * stringHash;

	TXFMBase * nextInput;

	DOMDocument *d = mp_referenceNode->getOwnerDocument();

	safeBuffer b64HashVal;

	// Find the hash value

	tmpElt = mp_referenceNode->getFirstChild();

	while (tmpElt != 0 && !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(tmpElt), "DigestValue"))
		tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpElt == NULL)
		// ERROR
		return 0;

	// Now read the DOMString of the hash

	tmpElt = tmpElt->getFirstChild();
	while (tmpElt != NULL && tmpElt->getNodeType() != DOMNode::TEXT_NODE)
		tmpElt = tmpElt->getNextSibling();

	if (tmpElt == NULL)
		// Something wrong with the underlying XML if no text was found
		throw XSECException(XSECException::NoHashFoundInDigestValue);

	b64HashVal << (*mp_formatter << tmpElt->getNodeValue());

	// Now have the value of the string - create a transform around it

	XSECnew(nextInput, TXFMSB(d));
	((TXFMSB *) nextInput)->setInput(b64HashVal);

	// Create a transform chain (really as a janitor for the entire list)
	TXFMChain * chain;
	XSECnew(chain, TXFMChain(nextInput));
	Janitor<TXFMChain> j_chain(chain);

	// Now create the base64 transform

	XSECnew(nextInput, TXFMBase64(d));

	// Now get the value

	size = chain->getLastTxfm()->readBytes(toFill, maxToFill);

	// Clear any documentat modifications


	return size;

コード例 #8
ファイル: DSIGReference.cpp プロジェクト: okean/cpputils
DSIGTransformList * DSIGReference::loadTransforms(
							DOMNode *transformsNode,
							XSECSafeBufferFormatter * formatter,
							const XSECEnv * env) {

	// This is defined as a static function, not because it makes use of any static variables
	// in the DSIGReference class, but to neatly link it to the other users

	if (transformsNode == 0 || (!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(transformsNode), "Transforms") &&
		!strEquals(getXENCLocalName(transformsNode), "Transforms"))) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
					"Expected <Transforms> in function DSIGReference::processTransforms");


	// Create the list
	DSIGTransformList * lst;
	XSECnew(lst, DSIGTransformList());
	Janitor<DSIGTransformList> j_lst(lst);

	// Find First transform

	DOMNode * transforms = transformsNode->getFirstChild();
	while (transforms != NULL && transforms->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
		transforms = transforms->getNextSibling();

	while (transforms != NULL) {

		// Process each transform in turn
		if (!strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(transforms), "Transform")) {

			// Not what we expected to see!
			safeBuffer tmp, error;

			error << (*formatter << getDSIGLocalName(transforms));
			tmp.sbStrcpyIn("Unknown attribute in <Transforms> - Expected <Transform> found ");

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound, error.rawCharBuffer());


		DOMNamedNodeMap * transformAtts = transforms->getAttributes();

		unsigned int i;

		for (i = 0; i < transformAtts->getLength() &&
				!strEquals(transformAtts->item(i)->getNodeName(), DSIGConstants::s_unicodeStrAlgorithm); ++i);

		if (i == transformAtts->getLength()) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Algorithm attribute not found in <Transform> element");


		safeBuffer algorithm;
		algorithm << (*formatter << transformAtts->item(i)->getNodeValue());

		// Determine what the transform is

		if (algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_BASE64) == 0) {

			DSIGTransformBase64 * b;
			XSECnew(b, DSIGTransformBase64(env, transforms));

		else if (algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_XPATH) == 0) {

			DSIGTransformXPath * x;
			XSECnew(x, DSIGTransformXPath(env, transforms));

		else if (algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_XPF) == 0) {

			DSIGTransformXPathFilter * xpf;

			XSECnew(xpf, DSIGTransformXPathFilter(env, transforms));


		else if (algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_ENVELOPE) == 0) {

			DSIGTransformEnvelope * e;
			XSECnew(e, DSIGTransformEnvelope(env, transforms));

		else if (algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_XSLT) == 0) {

			DSIGTransformXSL * x;
			XSECnew(x, DSIGTransformXSL(env, transforms));


		else if (algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_C14N_COM) == 0 ||
			     algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_C14N_NOC) == 0 ||
			     algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_C14N11_COM) == 0 ||
                 algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_C14N11_NOC) == 0 ||
				 algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_EXC_C14N_COM) == 0 ||
				 algorithm.sbStrcmp(URI_ID_EXC_C14N_NOC) == 0) {

			DSIGTransformC14n * c;
			XSECnew(c, DSIGTransformC14n(env, transforms));


		else {

			// Not what we expected to see!
			safeBuffer tmp;

			tmp.sbStrcpyIn("Unknown transform : ");
			tmp.sbStrcatIn(" found.");

			throw XSECException(XSECException::UnknownTransform, tmp.rawCharBuffer());

		// Now find next element

		transforms = transforms->getNextSibling();
		while (transforms != NULL && transforms->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
			transforms = transforms->getNextSibling();

	} /* while (transforms != NULL) */

	return lst;
コード例 #9
void DSIGKeyInfoValue::load(void) {

	if (mp_valueNode == NULL || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(mp_valueNode), "KeyValue")) {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
			"Empty or incorrect node passed to DSIGKeyInfoValue");


	XSECSafeBufferFormatter *formatter;

	formatter = mp_parentSignature->getSBFormatter();

	DOMNode *child, *p, *val;

	child = mp_valueNode->getFirstChild();
	while (child != NULL && child->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
		child = child->getNextSibling();
	//child = findFirstChildOfType(mp_valueNode, DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE);

	if (child == 0) {
		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
			"Empty Expected value node beneath <KeyValue>");


	if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(child), "DSAKeyValue")) {

		m_keyInfoType = KEYINFO_VALUE_DSA;

		p = findFirstChildOfType(child, DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE);

		while (p != NULL) {

			if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(p), "P")) {
				val = findFirstChildOfType(p, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);
				if (val != NULL) {
					mp_PTextNode = val;
					m_P << (*formatter << val->getNodeValue());
			if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(p), "Q")) {
				val = findFirstChildOfType(p, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);
				if (val != NULL) {
					mp_QTextNode = val;
					m_Q << (*formatter << val->getNodeValue());
			if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(p), "G")) {
				val = findFirstChildOfType(p, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);
				if (val != NULL) {
					mp_GTextNode = val;
					m_G << (*formatter << val->getNodeValue());
			if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(p), "Y")) {
				val = findFirstChildOfType(p, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);
				if (val != NULL) {
					mp_YTextNode = val;
					m_Y << (*formatter << val->getNodeValue());

			p = p->getNextSibling();


	else if (strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(child), "RSAKeyValue")) {

		m_keyInfoType = KEYINFO_VALUE_RSA;

		p = findFirstChildOfType(child, DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE);

		if (p == 0 || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(p), "Modulus")) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected <Modulus> node beneath <RSAKeyValue>");


		val = findFirstChildOfType(p, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);

		if (val == 0) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected a text node beneath <Modulus>");

		m_modulus << (*formatter << val->getNodeValue());
		mp_modulusTextNode = val;

		// Find the Exponent

		p = p->getNextSibling();

		while (p != 0 && p->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
			p = p->getNextSibling();

		if (p == 0 || !strEquals(getDSIGLocalName(p), "Exponent")) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected <Exponent> node beneath <RSAKeyValue>");


		val = findFirstChildOfType(p, DOMNode::TEXT_NODE);

		if (val == 0) {

			throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedDSIGChildNotFound,
				"Expected a text node beneath <Exponent>");

		m_exponent << (*formatter << val->getNodeValue());
		mp_exponentTextNode = val;


	else {

		throw XSECException(XSECException::UnknownKeyValue);


コード例 #10
void XKMSAuthenticationImpl::load(const XMLCh * id) {

	if (mp_authenticationElement == NULL) {
		throw XSECException(XSECException::ExpectedXKMSChildNotFound,
			"XKMSAuthenticationImpl::load - called on empty DOM");

	// Store for later use
	mp_keyBindingId = id;

	DOMElement * tmpElt = findFirstElementChild(mp_authenticationElement);

	if (tmpElt != NULL && strEquals(getXKMSLocalName(tmpElt), 
									XKMSConstants::s_tagKeyBindingAuthentication)) {

		// Find the signature
		mp_keyBindingAuthenticationSignatureElement = 
			(DOMElement *) findFirstElementChild(tmpElt);

		while (mp_keyBindingAuthenticationSignatureElement != NULL && 
						XKMSConstants::s_tagSignature)) {



		// The provider will take care of cleaning this up later.

		if (mp_keyBindingAuthenticationSignatureElement != NULL) {

			mp_keyBindingAuthenticationSignature = m_prov.newSignatureFromDOM(

			// Check the signature is across the correct input
			DSIGReferenceList * rl = 

			if (rl->getSize() != 1) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::XKMSError,
					"XKMSAuthenticationImpl::load - KeyBindingAuthentication Signature with incorrect number of references found (should be 1)");

			safeBuffer sb;

			if (!strEquals(rl->item(0)->getURI(), sb.rawXMLChBuffer())) {
				throw XSECException(XSECException::XKMSError,
					"XKMSAuthenticationImpl::load - KeyBindingAuthentication Signature refers to incorrect Id (should be for KeyBinding)");

			// We don't actually check the signature as we have no key material to do so!

		tmpElt = findNextElementChild(tmpElt);


	if (tmpElt != NULL && strEquals(getXKMSLocalName(tmpElt), 
									XKMSConstants::s_tagNotBoundAuthentication)) {

		XSECnew(mp_notBoundAuthentication, XKMSNotBoundAuthenticationImpl(mp_env, tmpElt));

