コード例 #1
* Function Name  : LCD_TouchRead( )
* Author				 : Anilandro
* Description    : Lectura de puntero sobre pantalla con versión Portrait y Landscape
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         :
* Attention		 : None
uint8_t LCD_TouchRead(Coordinate * displayLCD){
  uint16_t px,py,x,y;
  int p,f;

  //char cadena[20];

  GetFormat();							 /*obtiene valor de formato de pantalla activo*/

    getDisplayPoint(&display, Read_Ads7846(), &matrix ) ;	 /*lee la posición del puntero sobre la pantalla*/

  displayLCD->x = x;
  displayLCD->y =	y;

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: AndreMiras/EFM32-Library
 * @brief  Read normalized touchscreen XY position (10bit resolution)
 * @return Touchscreen position
static POINT getTouchSample( void )
  POINT sample, normalizedSample;

  sample = getTouchSample10bit();
  getDisplayPoint( &normalizedSample, &sample, &calibFactors );
  return normalizedSample;
コード例 #3
ファイル: tscCalibrate.c プロジェクト: OS-Project/Divers
static void ReadTouchScreenPress(void)
   int xDpos;
   int yDpos;
   POINT stDisplayPoint;

   POINT stTouchScreenPoint;
   do {
                   IsTSPress = 0;                 
 		   stTouchScreenPoint.x = x_val[0];
		   stTouchScreenPoint.y = y_val[0];
		   getDisplayPoint(&stDisplayPoint, &stTouchScreenPoint, &stMatrix);
                   xDpos = stDisplayPoint.x;

                   xDpos = LCD_WIDTH - xDpos;

                   if(xDpos < 0)
                        xDpos = 0;

                   if(xDpos > LCD_WIDTH)
                        xDpos = LCD_WIDTH;



                   yDpos = stDisplayPoint.y;

                   yDpos = LCD_HEIGHT - yDpos;

                   if(yDpos < 0)
                        yDpos = 0;

                   if(yDpos > LCD_HEIGHT)
                        yDpos = LCD_HEIGHT;


                   UARTPuts("\r\n", -1);
    } while (1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: touchscreen.c プロジェクト: fabienroyer/NetduinoGo
tsTouchError_t tsRead(tsTouchData_t* data) {
  uint32_t x1, y1;

  // Assign pressure levels regardless of touch state
  tsReadZ(&data->z1, &data->z2);

  data->xraw = 0;
  data->yraw = 0;
  data->xlcd = 0;
  data->ylcd = 0;

  // Abort if the screen is not being touched (0 levels reported)
  if (data->z1 < _tsThreshhold) {
    data->valid = false;
    return TS_ERROR_NONE;


  // Get two X/Y readings and compare results
  x1 = tsReadX();
  y1 = tsReadY();

  // X/Y seems to be valid and reading has been confirmed twice
  data->xraw = x1;
  data->yraw = y1;

  // Convert x/y values to pixel location with matrix multiply
  tsPoint_t location, touch;
  touch.x = x1;
  touch.y = y1;

  getDisplayPoint(&location, &touch, &_tsMatrix);
  data->xlcd = location.x;
  data->ylcd = location.y;
  data->valid = true;

  return TS_ERROR_NONE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: touch.c プロジェクト: Blone/my-project-hihack
 * @brief
 *	Convert ADC readings into XY position
 * @param[in] pos
 *	Pointer to position structure
void TOUCH_RecalculatePosition(volatile TOUCH_Pos_TypeDef *pos)
  POINT old_pos, new_pos;

  if (pos->pen)
    old_pos.x = pos->adcx;
    old_pos.y = pos->adcy;
    if (getDisplayPoint(&new_pos, &old_pos, &calibrationMatrix) == OK)
      if (new_pos.x >= 0) pos->x = new_pos.x;
      else pos->x = 0;
      if (new_pos.y >= 0) pos->y = new_pos.y;
      else pos->y = 0;
    pos->x = 0;
    pos->y = 0;
コード例 #6
 * Description:
 *    Read coordinates from the touch panel. The values (especially z) will
 *    have the value 0 when there are no touch events.
 * Params:
 *   [out] x, y, z 
 * Returns:
 *   None
void touch_xyz(int32_t *x, int32_t* y, int32_t* z)
  int32_t ix, iy, iz = 0;
  POINT displayPoint, screenSample;
  //SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type sspCfg;
  uint8_t pwrDown = PWRDOWN;

  readAndFilter(&ix, &iy, &iz);


  //sspCfg.tx_data = &pwrDown;
  //sspCfg.rx_data = NULL;
  //sspCfg.length  = 1;
  Chip_SSP_WriteFrames_Blocking(SSP_ID, &pwrDown, 1);

  *z = iz;

  if (calibrated) 
      screenSample.x = ix;
      screenSample.y = iy;
      getDisplayPoint( &displayPoint, &screenSample, 
        &(storedCalData.storedMatrix) ) ;
      *x = displayPoint.x;
      *y = displayPoint.y;
    *x = ix;
    *y = iy;
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: dudeofea/Capstone-2014
//* Function: Perform DSP
//* Description: Performs a number of operations on the camera input
//such as thresholding/centroid calc. Then draw squares on the screen
//or switch color or brush size, or even clear the screen. Depending
//on the number of centroids and their size, a different gesture is
//detected and the corresponding action is performed. See below for
//more details
//* Input: nothing
//* Returns: nothing
void *perform_DSP(void *args){
	static int calibrate = 1;
	struct Centroid *centroids;
	static int touch = 0;
	static int fingerup = 0;
	struct Centroid last_centroid;
	POINT point1, point2;

		//calculate centroids
		centroids = get_fingers();
	    //if fingers are touching
		if (centroids[0].size > 0)
			touch = 1;
			last_centroid = get_biggest_finger(centroids);
			//if finger just came off
			if (touch == 1)
				fingerup = 1;
			touch = 0;
	    //if calibrating
	    if (calibrate)
	    	//black out screen if calbrating
	    	struct pixel back_color = COLOR_DARK_GREY;	//background color
			for (int i = 0; i < DATA_LEN; ++i)
				//dark grey
				pixels2[i*RGBA_LEN+RGBA_R] = back_color.r;	//set red value
				pixels2[i*RGBA_LEN+RGBA_G] = back_color.g;	//set green value
				pixels2[i*RGBA_LEN+RGBA_B] = back_color.b;	//set blue value
				pixels2[i*RGBA_LEN+RGBA_A] = SHORT_MAX;	//set alpha
				pixels2[i*4+3] = SHORT_MAX;
	    	//draw calibration point
			calib_color.x = perfectPoints[calibrate-1].x;
			calib_color.y = perfectPoints[calibrate-1].y;
			draw_square(pixels2, DATA_WIDTH, DATA_HEIGHT, calib_color);
			if (fingerup)
				//set actual calibration points to the last finger that touched the display
				actualPoints[calibrate-1].x = last_centroid.x;
				actualPoints[calibrate-1].y = last_centroid.y;
				calibrate++;			//increment up to number of calibration points
				//if done calibration
				if (calibrate > 3)
					//create calibration matrix
					setCalibrationMatrix(&perfectPoints[0], &actualPoints[0], &calibMatrix);
					//clear pixels
					for (int i = 0; i < DATA_LEN * 4; ++i)
						pixels2[i] = 0;
					//done calibration
					calibrate = 0;
				fingerup = 0;
		    if (centroids != NULL)
		    	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
					//if decently sized, draw as a red pixel
					if (centroids[i].size > 10)
						point2.x = centroids[i].x;
						point2.y = centroids[i].y;
						getDisplayPoint(&point1, &point2, &calibMatrix);
						finger_colors[0].x = point1.x;
						finger_colors[0].y = point1.y;
						draw_square(pixels2, DATA_WIDTH, DATA_HEIGHT, finger_colors[0]);
	return NULL;
コード例 #8
ファイル: sample.c プロジェクト: SiliconLabs/Gecko_SDK
 *     Function: main()
 *  Description: Entry point into console version of sample
 *                program that exercises the calibration 
 *                functions.
 *  Argument(s): argCount - the number of arguments provided
 *               argValue - pointer to the list of char strings 
 *                           representing the command line arguments.
 *       Return: void
int main( int argCount, char ** argValue )

    int retValue = OK ;

    MATRIX  matrix ;
    POINT   display ;
    int     n ;

    greeting() ;

        /* The following call calculates the translation matrix that   */
        /*  results when the three consecutive points in the sample    */
        /*  set are used.  Such points are assumed to be properly      */
        /*  spaced within the screen surface.                          */
        /* Note that we call the function twice as we would normally   */
        /*  do within a calibration routine.  The first time we call   */
        /*  it using a perfect set of display and screen arguments.    */
        /* Such a call is made to obtain a calibration matrix that is  */
        /*  just good enough to collect samples to do the real         */
        /*  calibration.                                               */
        /*                                                             */
        /*                                                             */
        /*                                                             */
        /*                 NOTE!    NOTE!    NOTE!                     */
        /*                                                             */
        /*  setCalibrationMatrix() and getDisplayPoint() will do fine  */
        /*  for you as they are, provided that your digitizer          */
        /*  resolution does not exceed 10 bits (1024 values).  Higher  */
        /*  resolutions may cause the integer operations to overflow   */
        /*  and return incorrect values.  If you wish to use these     */
        /*  functions with digitizer resolutions of 12 bits (4096      */
        /*  values) you will either have to a) use 64-bit signed       */
        /*  integer variables and math, or b) judiciously modify the   */
        /*  operations to scale results by a factor of 2 or even 4.    */
        /*                                                             */

    setCalibrationMatrix( &perfectDisplaySample[0], 
						  &matrix ) ;

        /* Look at the matrix values when we use a perfect sample set. */
        /* The result is a unity matrix.                               */
    printf("\n\nLook at the unity matrix:\n\n"
           "matrix.An = % 8ld  matrix.Bn = % 8ld  matrix.Cn = % 8ld\n"
           "matrix.Dn = % 8ld  matrix.En = % 8ld  matrix.Fn = % 8ld\n"
           "matrix.Divider = % 8ld\n",
           matrix.Divider ) ;

        /* Now is when we need to do the work to collect a real set of */
        /*  calibration data.                                          */

        /* Draw three targets on your display. Drawing one at time is  */
        /*  probably a simpler implementation. These targets should be */
        /*  widely separated but also avoid the areas too near the     */
        /*  edges where digitizer output tends to become non-linear.   */
        /*  The recommended set of points is (in display resolution    */
        /*   percentages):                                             */
        /*                                                             */
        /*                  ( 15, 15)                                  */
        /*                  ( 50, 85)                                  */
        /*                  ( 85, 50)                                  */
        /*                                                             */
        /* Each time save the display and screen set (returned by the  */
        /*  digitizer when the user touches each calibration target    */
        /*  into the corresponding array).                             */ 
        /* Since you normalized your calibration matrix above, you     */
        /*  should be able to use touch screen data as it would be     */
        /*  provided by the digitizer driver.  When the matrix equals  */
        /*  unity, getDisplayPoint() returns the same raw input data   */
        /*  as output.                                                 */


        /* Call the function once more to obtain the calibration       */
        /*  factors you will use until you calibrate again.            */
    setCalibrationMatrix( &displaySample[0], &screenSample[0], &matrix ) ;

        /* Let's see the matrix values for no particular reason.       */
    printf("\n\nThis is the actual calibration matrix that we will use\n"
           "for all points (until we calibrate again):\n\n"
           "matrix.An = % 8d  matrix.Bn = % 8d  matrix.Cn = % 8d\n"
           "matrix.Dn = % 8d  matrix.En = % 8d  matrix.Fn = % 8d\n"
           "matrix.Divider = % 8d\n",
           matrix.Divider ) ;

        /* Now, lets use the complete set of screen samples to verify  */
        /*  that the calculated calibration matrix does its job as     */
        /*  expected.                                                  */
    printf("\n\nShow the results of our work:\n\n"
           "  Screen Sample    Translated Sample    Display Sample\n\n" ) ;

        /* In a real application, your digitizer driver interrupt      */
        /*  would probably do the following:                           */
        /*      1) collect raw digitizer data,                         */
        /*      2) filter the raw data which would probably contain    */
        /*          position jitter,                                   */
        /*      3) filter out repeated values (a touch screen          */
        /*          controller normally continues causing interrupts   */
        /*          and collecting data as long as the user is         */
        /*          pressing on the screen), and                       */
        /*      4) call the function getDisplayPoint() to obtain       */
        /*          the display coordinates that the user meant to     */
        /*          input as he touched the screen.                    */
        /*                                                             */
        /* This code sample, of course, only uses sample data.  So we  */
        /*  simply run through all the available sample points.        */

    for( n = 0 ; n < MAX_SAMPLES ; ++n )
        getDisplayPoint( &display, &screenSample[n], &matrix ) ;
        printf("  % 6d,%-6d      % 6d,%-6d       % 6d,%-6d\n", 
                screenSample[n].x,  screenSample[n].y,
                display.x,          display.y,
                displaySample[n].x, displaySample[n].y ) ;

    return( retValue ) ;

} // end of main() 
コード例 #9
ファイル: TouchTest.cpp プロジェクト: lstefani006/teensy
void loop() 
	if (nn < 3)
		if (ts.touched()) {
			TS_Point p = ts.getPoint();
			touch[nn].x = p.x/4;
			touch[nn].y = p.y/4;
			nn += 1;
	else if (nn == 3)
		setCalibrationMatrix(display, touch, &matrix);
		Serial.print("matrix.An = "); Serial.print(matrix.An); Serial.println(";");
		Serial.print("matrix.Bn = "); Serial.print(matrix.Bn); Serial.println(";");
		Serial.print("matrix.Cn = "); Serial.print(matrix.Cn); Serial.println(";");
		Serial.print("matrix.Dn = "); Serial.print(matrix.Dn); Serial.println(";");
		Serial.print("matrix.En = "); Serial.print(matrix.En); Serial.println(";");
		Serial.print("matrix.Fn = "); Serial.print(matrix.Fn); Serial.println(";");
		Serial.print("matrix.Divider = "); Serial.print(matrix.Divider); Serial.println(";");

		static int32_t col = ILI9341_RED;

		if (ts.touched()) 
			TS_Point p = ts.getPoint();
			POINT touch;
			touch.x = p.x/4;
			touch.y = p.y/4;
			POINT display;
			getDisplayPoint(&display, &touch, &matrix);

			bool found = false;

			for (int c = 0; c < int(sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0])); c++)
				int16_t d=20;
				int16_t xa = 40+d*c;
				int16_t xb = 40+d*c + d;

				int16_t ya = 0;
				int16_t yb = 0 + d;

				if (display.x >= xa && display.x <= xb && display.y >= ya && display.y <= yb)
					col = colors[c];
					tft.fillRect(0, 0, d, d, col);
					tft.drawRect(0, 0, d, d, ILI9341_WHITE);
					found = true;

					if (col == ILI9341_BLACK) {
						col = ILI9341_WHITE;


			if (found == false)
			tft.drawPixel(display.x, display.y, col);

コード例 #10
tsTouchError_t tsRead(tsTouchData_t* data, uint8_t calibrating)
  uint32_t x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2;

  // Assign pressure levels regardless of touch state
  tsReadZ(&z1, &z2);
  data->z1 = z1;
  data->z2 = z2;
  data->xraw = 0;
  data->yraw = 0;
  data->xlcd = 0;
  data->ylcd = 0;

  // Abort if the screen is not being touched (0 levels reported)
  if (z1 < _tsThreshhold)
    data->valid = false;
    return TS_ERROR_NONE;

  // Get two X/Y readings and compare results
  x1 = tsReadX();
  x2 = tsReadX();
  y1 = tsReadY();
  y2 = tsReadY();

  // Throw an error if both readings aren't identical
  if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2)
    data->valid = false;
    data->xraw = x1;
    data->yraw = y1;

  // X/Y seems to be valid and reading has been confirmed twice
  data->xraw = x1;
  data->yraw = y1;

  // Convert x/y values to pixel location with matrix multiply
  tsPoint_t location, touch;
  touch.x = x1;
  touch.y = y1;
  // Only calculate the relative LCD value if this isn't for calibration
  if (!calibrating)
    getDisplayPoint( &location, &touch, &_tsMatrix) ;
    data->xlcd = location.x;
    data->ylcd = location.y;
    // Assign some false values, but only xraw and yraw are
    // used for calibration
    data->xlcd = 0;
    data->ylcd = 0;
  data->valid = true;

  return TS_ERROR_NONE;