コード例 #1
// MEX-file gateway routine. Note that varbvsbinupdate.m checks the
// inputs, so we do not have to do it here.
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], 
		  int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {

  const SingleMatrix X       = getSingleMatrix(prhs[0]);
  const double       sa      = *mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
  const DoubleVector logodds = getDoubleVector(prhs[2]);
  const DoubleVector d       = getDoubleVector(mxGetField(prhs[3],0,"d"));
  const DoubleVector xdx     = getDoubleVector(mxGetField(prhs[3],0,"xdx"));
  const DoubleVector xy      = getDoubleVector(mxGetField(prhs[3],0,"xy"));
  const DoubleVector xd      = getDoubleVector(mxGetField(prhs[3],0,"xd"));
  const DoubleVector alpha0  = getDoubleVector(prhs[4]);
  const DoubleVector mu0     = getDoubleVector(prhs[5]);
  const DoubleVector Xr0     = getDoubleVector(prhs[6]);
  const DoubleVector I       = getDoubleVector(prhs[7]);

  // Get the number of samples (n), the number of variables (p), and
  // the number of coordinate ascent updates (numiter).
  const Size n       = X.nr;
  const Size p       = X.nc;
  const Size numiter = I.n;

  DoubleVector alpha = createMatlabVector(p,&plhs[0]);
  DoubleVector mu    = createMatlabVector(p,&plhs[1]);
  DoubleVector Xr    = createMatlabVector(n,&plhs[2]);


  // This is storage for a column of matrix X.
  double* x = malloc(sizeof(double)*n);

  // Repeat for each coordinate ascent update.
  for (Index iter = 0; iter < numiter; iter++) {
    Index k = (Index) I.elems[iter];

    // Copy the kth column of matrix X.

    // Perform the update.

  // Free the dynamically allocated memory.
コード例 #2
ファイル: FBXReader_Mesh.cpp プロジェクト: SeijiEmery/hifi
ExtractedMesh FBXReader::extractMesh(const FBXNode& object, unsigned int& meshIndex, bool deduplicate) {
    MeshData data;
    data.extracted.mesh.meshIndex = meshIndex++;

    QVector<int> materials;
    QVector<int> textures;

    bool isMaterialPerPolygon = false;

    static const QVariant BY_VERTICE = QByteArray("ByVertice");
    static const QVariant INDEX_TO_DIRECT = QByteArray("IndexToDirect");

    bool isDracoMesh = false;

    foreach (const FBXNode& child, object.children) {
        if (child.name == "Vertices") {
            data.vertices = createVec3Vector(getDoubleVector(child));

        } else if (child.name == "PolygonVertexIndex") {
            data.polygonIndices = getIntVector(child);

        } else if (child.name == "LayerElementNormal") {
            data.normalsByVertex = false;
            bool indexToDirect = false;
            foreach (const FBXNode& subdata, child.children) {
                if (subdata.name == "Normals") {
                    data.normals = createVec3Vector(getDoubleVector(subdata));

                } else if (subdata.name == "NormalsIndex") {
                    data.normalIndices = getIntVector(subdata);

                } else if (subdata.name == "MappingInformationType" && subdata.properties.at(0) == BY_VERTICE) {
                    data.normalsByVertex = true;
                } else if (subdata.name == "ReferenceInformationType" && subdata.properties.at(0) == INDEX_TO_DIRECT) {
                    indexToDirect = true;
            if (indexToDirect && data.normalIndices.isEmpty()) {
                // hack to work around wacky Makehuman exports
                data.normalsByVertex = true;
        } else if (child.name == "LayerElementColor") {
コード例 #3
// MEX-file gateway routine. Note that varbvsupdate.m checks the
// inputs, so we do not have to do it here.
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], 
		  int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {

  // Get inputs.
  const SparseMatrix SiRiS	= getSparseMatrix(prhs[0]);
  const double       sigma_beta	= *mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
  const DoubleVector logodds	= getDoubleVector(prhs[2]);
  const DoubleVector betahat	= getDoubleVector(prhs[3]);
  const DoubleVector se		= getDoubleVector(prhs[4]);
  const DoubleVector alpha0	= getDoubleVector(prhs[5]);
  const DoubleVector mu0	= getDoubleVector(prhs[6]);
  const DoubleVector SiRiSr0	= getDoubleVector(prhs[7]);
  const DoubleVector I		= getDoubleVector(prhs[8]);

  // Get the number of SNPs (p) and coordinate ascent updates (m).
  const Size p = betahat.n;
  const Size m = I.n;
  Index* Ir    = SiRiS.ir;
  Index* Jc    = SiRiS.jc;

  // Initialize outputs.
  DoubleVector alpha  = createMatlabVector(p,&plhs[0]);
  DoubleVector mu     = createMatlabVector(p,&plhs[1]);
  DoubleVector SiRiSr = createMatlabVector(p,&plhs[2]);


  // Store a single column of matrix inv(S)*R*inv(S).
  double* SiRiS_snp = malloc(sizeof(double)*p);

  // Run coordinate ascent updates.
  // Repeat for each coordinate ascent update.
  for (Index j = 0; j < m; j++) {
    Index k = (Index) I.elems[j];

    // Copy the kth column of matrix inv(S)*R*inv(S).
    copySparseColumn(SiRiS_snp, k, SiRiS.elems, Ir, Jc, p);

    // Copy the kth element of vector inv(S)*R*inv(S)*r.
    double SiRiSr_snp = SiRiSr.elems[k];

    // Perform the mean-field variational update.
    rss_varbvsr_update(betahat.elems[k], se.elems[k], sigma_beta, 
		       SiRiS_snp, SiRiSr.elems, SiRiSr_snp, 
		       logodds.elems[k], alpha.elems+k, mu.elems+k, p);

  // Free the dynamically allocated memory.
コード例 #4
// Import a whole network or a parametric description of preprocessors or algorithms
int csimMexImport(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  if (nrhs == 3) {
    // Import preprocessor or filter

    // Get identifiers of preprocessors or algorithms
    uint32 *idx; int nIdx;
    if ( getUint32Vector(prhs[1],&idx,&nIdx) )
      mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('set',idx[,field,value]*); idx is not a uint32  vector.\n");

    // Get description data
    double *values; int n;
    if ( getDoubleVector(prhs[2],&values,&n) )
      mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('import',idx,values; values is not a double vector.\n");

    if ( n < 1 )
      mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('import',idx,values; values is empty!");
    // Import the data
    if ( TheNetwork->importObject(idx,nIdx,values,n) < 0 ) {
      TheCsimError.add("csim('import',idx,values; failed\n");
      return -1;

    return 0;

  else if (nrhs == 2) {
    // Import a whole network

    if ( !TheNetwork ) 
      TheNetwork = new MexNetwork();

    return TheNetwork->importNetwork(prhs[1]);
    mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('import',net);\n");

コード例 #5
                    data.normalsByVertex = true;
                } else if (subdata.name == "ReferenceInformationType" && subdata.properties.at(0) == "IndexToDirect") {
                    indexToDirect = true;
            if (indexToDirect && data.normalIndices.isEmpty()) {
                // hack to work around wacky Makehuman exports
                data.normalsByVertex = true;
        } else if (child.name == "LayerElementColor") {
            data.colorsByVertex = false;
            bool indexToDirect = false;
            foreach (const FBXNode& subdata, child.children) {
                if (subdata.name == "Colors") {
                    data.colors = createVec4VectorRGBA(getDoubleVector(subdata), data.averageColor);
                } else if (subdata.name == "ColorsIndex") {
                    data.colorIndices = getIntVector(subdata);

                } else if (subdata.name == "MappingInformationType" && subdata.properties.at(0) == "ByVertice") {
                    data.colorsByVertex = true;
                } else if (subdata.name == "ReferenceInformationType" && subdata.properties.at(0) == "IndexToDirect") {
                    indexToDirect = true;
            if (indexToDirect && data.normalIndices.isEmpty()) {
                // hack to work around wacky Makehuman exports
                data.colorsByVertex = true;
コード例 #6
// Create a column vector in MATLAB array.
DoubleVector createMatlabVector (Size n, mxArray** ptr) {
  *ptr = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n,1,mxREAL);
  return getDoubleVector(*ptr);
コード例 #7
int csimMexSimulate(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  int i;
  int n, m, nInputs, nSigArg, nTeachers = 0;
  int i_spiking, i_dt, i_data, i_idx;

  if ( !TheNetwork )
    mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM: No network initialized yet!\n");

  if ( nrhs < 2 || nlhs > 1)
    mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: [output = ]csim('simulate',Tsim,[,InputSignal]*);\n");

  double Tsim;
  if ( getDouble(prhs[1],&Tsim) )
    mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Tsim is not a single double.\n");

  // prhs[2,...] should be something like a struct or an empty matrix

  csimInputChannel *inputs=0;
  csimInputChannel *teachers=0;

  int k=2;
  while ( k < nrhs ) {
    n = mxGetN(prhs[k]);
    m = mxGetM(prhs[k]);
    nSigArg = max(n,m);

    if ( nSigArg > 0 && !mxIsStruct(prhs[k]) )
      mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input is non empty but not a struct array.\n");

    if ( nSigArg == 0 )
      mexPrintf("CSIM-Warning: input is empty!\n");

    if ( nSigArg > 0 && min(m,n) != 1 )
      mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input is not a struct vector.\n");

    double tmp=0.0;
    if ( nSigArg > 0 ) {

      i_spiking = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[k],"spiking");
      if ( i_spiking < 0 )
        mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input has no field 'spiking' \n");
      i_dt   = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[k],"dt");
      if ( i_dt < 0 )
        mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input has no field 'dt' \n");
      i_data = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[k],"data");
      if ( i_data < 0 )
        mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input has no field 'data' \n");
      i_idx = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[k],"idx");
      if ( i_idx < 0 )
        mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input has no field 'idx' \n");
      inputs = (csimInputChannel *)mxRealloc(inputs,sizeof(csimInputChannel)*(nInputs+nSigArg));

      //      printf("after realloc %i\n",nSigArg);

      for(i=0; i<nSigArg; i++) {
        if ( getDouble(mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[k], i, i_spiking),&tmp) < 0 )
          mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input(i).spiking is not scalar \n");
        inputs[nInputs+i].dt      = ( tmp > 0.0 ) ? -1 : 0;
        if ( getDouble(mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[k], i, i_dt),&tmp) < 0 )
          mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input(i).dt is not scalar \n");
        if ( inputs[nInputs+i].dt == 0 )
          inputs[nInputs+i].dt = tmp;
        if ( getDoubleVector(mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[k], i, i_data),&(inputs[nInputs+i].data),&(inputs[nInputs+i].length)) )
          mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input(i).data is not a double vector \n");
        if ( getUint32Vector(mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[k], i, i_idx),&(inputs[nInputs+i].idx),&(inputs[nInputs+i].nIdx)) )
          mexErrMsgTxt("CSIM-Usage: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); Input(i).odx is not a uint32 scalar \n");

      nInputs += nSigArg;




  if ( TheNetwork->simulate((unsigned long)(Tsim/DT+0.5),inputs,nInputs,teachers,nTeachers) < 0)
    { TheCsimError.add("CSIM: csim('simulate',Tsim[,InputSignal]*); failed!\n"); return -1; }

  //now we have to output the recorded stuff!
  if (nlhs > 0)
    plhs[0] = TheNetwork->getMexOutput();

  return 0;