コード例 #1
	// The heart and core of StarCraft's unit search engine.
	// Based on BWAPI's Shared/Templates.h
	void UnitFinder::search(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
		//0: No match, 1: Passed X iteration, 2: Passed Y iteration
		//(Necessary because each UnitFinderData array has 2 entries per unit)
		u8 unitSearchFlags[UNIT_ARRAY_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };

		int r = right, b = bottom;
		const bool isWidthExtended = right - left - 1 < *MAX_UNIT_WIDTH;
		const bool isHeightExtended = top - bottom - 1 < *MAX_UNIT_HEIGHT;

		// Check if the location is smaller than the largest unit
		if (isWidthExtended)
			r += *MAX_UNIT_WIDTH;
		if (isHeightExtended)

		// Create UnitFinderData elements for compatibility with stl functions
		UnitFinderData finderVal;

		// Search for the values using built-in binary search algorithm and comparator
		finderVal.position = left;
		UnitFinderData *pLeft = std::lower_bound(getStartX(), getEndX(), finderVal);

		finderVal.position = top;
		UnitFinderData *pTop = std::lower_bound(getStartY(), getEndY(), finderVal);

		finderVal.position = r;
		UnitFinderData *pRight = std::lower_bound(pLeft, getEndX(), finderVal);

		finderVal.position = b;
		UnitFinderData *pBottom = std::lower_bound(pTop, getEndY(), finderVal);

		// Iterate the Y entries of the finder
		for (UnitFinderData *py = pTop; py < pBottom; ++py) {
			if (unitSearchFlags[py->unitIndex] == 0) {
				// If height is small, check unit bounds
				if (!isHeightExtended
					|| CUnit::getFromIndex(py->unitIndex)->getTop() < bottom)
					unitSearchFlags[py->unitIndex] = 1;

		// Iterate the X entries of the finder
		this->unitCount = 0;
		for (UnitFinderData *px = pLeft; px < pRight; ++px) {
			if (unitSearchFlags[px->unitIndex] == 1) {
				// If width is small, check unit bounds
				if (!isWidthExtended
					|| CUnit::getFromIndex(px->unitIndex)->getLeft() < right)
					CUnit *unit = CUnit::getFromIndex(px->unitIndex);
					if (unit)
						this->units[this->unitCount++] = unit;
				unitSearchFlags[px->unitIndex] = 0; //Prevent duplicates
コード例 #2
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Compares two areas with the == operator. Two uninitialized areas
 *   are equal to each other.
 * @param otherArea This is the area we're comparing to, i.e. on
 *     the right hand side of the operator when used
 * @return True if this area is the same as the given area
bool Area3D::operator ==(const Area3D &otherArea) const {
    return getStartX() == otherArea.getStartX() &&
           getStartY() == otherArea.getStartY() &&
           getStartZ() == otherArea.getStartZ() &&
           getEndX() == otherArea.getEndX() &&
           getEndY() == otherArea.getEndY() &&
           getEndZ() == otherArea.getEndZ();
コード例 #3
ファイル: CameraSystem.cpp プロジェクト: chling/artemis
void CameraSystem::fixBoundaries()
	auto stageSize = Constants::UI::stageSize;
	if (getEndX() > stageSize.width)
		_lookAtX -= getEndX() - stageSize.width;
	else if (getStartX() < 0) 
		_lookAtX -= getStartX();

	if (getEndY() > stageSize.height)
		_lookAtY -= getEndY() - stageSize.height;
	else if (getStartY() < 0) 
		_lookAtY -= getStartY();
コード例 #4
void cMapCamera::centerAndJumpViewPortToCell(int cell) {
	// fix any boundaries
	if (cell < 0) cell = 0;
	if (cell >= MAX_CELLS) cell = (MAX_CELLS-1);

	int cellX = cellCalculator->getX(cell);
	int cellY = cellCalculator->getY(cell);

	// determine the half of our screen
	int width = mapCamera->getViewportWidth();
	int height = mapCamera->getViewportHeight();

	// Half ...
	int iHalfX = width/2;
	int iHalfY = height/2;

	// determine the new X and Y position
	int newViewPortX = cellX - iHalfX;
	int newViewPortY = cellY - iHalfY;

	// now make sure the bottom right does not reach outside the map borders.
	// first jump to the new coordinates
	jumpTo(newViewPortX, newViewPortY);

	int diffX = getEndX() - (game.map_width - 1);
	int diffY = getEndY() - (game.map_height - 1);

	// when > 0 then it has overlapped, and should be substracted to the original X
	if (diffX > 0) {
		newViewPortX -= diffX;

	if (diffY > 0) {
		newViewPortY -= diffY;

	if (newViewPortX < 1) {
		newViewPortX = 1;

	if (newViewPortY < 1) {
		newViewPortY = 1;

	// now the final 'jump' to the correct positions
	jumpTo(newViewPortX, newViewPortY);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Returns the intersection of this 3D area with another 3D area. If there is
 *   no intersection, an invalid 3D area will be returned.
 * @param otherArea the area to intersect this 3D area with
 * @return the 3D area that is the intersection
Area3D Area3D::intersect(const Area3D &otherArea) const {
    Area3D result;

    // Check validity because of comparison operators.
    if (isValid() && otherArea.isValid()) {
        Displacement startX(std::max(getStartX(), otherArea.getStartX()));
        Displacement startY(std::max(getStartY(), otherArea.getStartY()));
        Displacement startZ(std::max(getStartZ(), otherArea.getStartZ()));
        Displacement endX(std::min(getEndX(), otherArea.getEndX()));
        Displacement endY(std::min(getEndY(), otherArea.getEndY()));
        Displacement endZ(std::min(getEndZ(), otherArea.getEndZ()));

        if (startX <= endX && startY <= endY && startZ <= endZ)
            result = Area3D(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ);

    return result;
コード例 #6
void cMapCamera::thinkInteraction() {
   if (mouse_co_x1 > -1 && mouse_co_y1 > -1) {

	// thinking for map (scrolling that is)
	if (mouse_x <= 1 || key[KEY_LEFT]) {
		if (x > 1) {
			mouse_tile = MOUSE_LEFT;

	if (mouse_y <= 1 || key[KEY_UP]) {
		if (y > 1) {
			mouse_tile = MOUSE_UP;


	if (mouse_x >= (game.screen_x-2) || key[KEY_RIGHT]) {
		if ((getEndX()) < (game.map_width-1)) {
			mouse_tile = MOUSE_RIGHT;

	if (mouse_y >= (game.screen_y-2) || key[KEY_DOWN]) {
		if ((getEndY()) < (game.map_height-1)) {
			mouse_tile = MOUSE_DOWN;
コード例 #7
// doDraw
void VehicleSelectionView::doDraw( Surface& dest )
    Objective* obj = ObjectiveInterface::getObjective(CURRENT_SELECTED_OUTPOST_ID);
    if ( !obj || obj->occupying_player != PlayerInterface::getLocalPlayer() )
//        Desktop::setVisibilityNoDoAnything("VehicleSelectionView", false);
        changeMade = false;
    char strBuf[256];

    const int color = Color::white;

    // Draw a line attaching the VehicleSelectionView to its outpost.
    {if (WorldInputCmdProcessor::isObjectiveSelected())
            // Draw a line connecting the vehicleSelectionView and the objective.
            iRect gameViewRect;

            iXY objectivePos(WorldInputCmdProcessor::getSelectedObjectiveWorldPos());
            objectivePos -= gameViewRect.getLocation();

            iXY a(VehicleSelectionView::getLocation() + VehicleSelectionView::getSize() / 2);
            iXY b(objectivePos);

            // Calculate the starting point on the outside of the vehicleSelectionView box.
            fXY v2oSlope(Math::unitDirection(a, b));

            a.x += int(v2oSlope.x * float(VehicleSelectionView::getWidth() / 2));
            a.y += int(v2oSlope.y * float(VehicleSelectionView::getHeight() / 2));

            // Calculate the starting point on the outside of the objective box.
            iXY objectiveOutlineSize(3, 3);

            //fXY o2vSlope(Math::unitDirection(b, a));

            //b.x += o2vSlope.x * float(objectiveOutlineSize.x);
            //b.y += o2vSlope.y * float(objectiveOutlineSize.y);

            //screen.drawLine(a, b, Color::white);

            iRect r(objectivePos.x - objectiveOutlineSize.x,
                    objectivePos.y - objectiveOutlineSize.y,

            screen->fillRect(r, Color::white);

            //int xOffset = (strlen(WorldInputCmdProcessor::getSelectedObjectiveName()) * CHAR_XPIX) / 2;

            //screen.bltStringShadowed(r.min.x - xOffset, r.min.y - 15, WorldInputCmdProcessor::getSelectedObjectiveName(), Color::white, Color::black);

            iXY oos(objectiveOutlineSize);
            iXY cpos;

            if (v2oSlope.x > 0 && v2oSlope.y > 0) {
                cpos = iXY(getEndX(), getEndY());
                r = iRect(cpos.x - oos.x, cpos.y-oos.y, oos.x, oos.y);
            if (v2oSlope.x > 0 && v2oSlope.y <= 0) {
                cpos = iXY(getEndX(), getLocationY());
                r = iRect(cpos.x - oos.x, cpos.y-oos.y, oos.x, oos.y);
            if (v2oSlope.x <= 0 && v2oSlope.y > 0) {
                cpos = iXY(getLocationX(), getEndY());
                r = iRect(cpos.x - oos.x, cpos.y-oos.y, oos.x, oos.y);
            if (v2oSlope.x <= 0 && v2oSlope.y <= 0) {
                cpos = iXY(getLocationX(), getLocationY());
                r = iRect(cpos.x - oos.x, cpos.y-oos.y, oos.x, oos.y);
            screen->drawLine(cpos, b, Color::white);
            screen->fillRect(r, Color::white);

            //screen.bltLookup(r, Palette::darkGray256.getColorArray());
            //screen.drawButtonBorder(r, Color::white, Color::gray96);

            // Draw the name of the outpost.


    int remaining_time = 0;
    int generation_time = 0;

    if ( obj->unit_generation_on_flag )
        remaining_time = obj->unit_generation_timer.getTimeLeft();
        UnitProfile* profile = UnitProfileInterface::getUnitProfile(obj->unit_generation_type);
        generation_time = profile->regen_time;

    if (vsvUnitGenOn)
        sprintf(strBuf, "%s", getUnitName(vsvSelectedUnit));
        dest.bltString(   productionUnitPos.x, productionUnitPos.y, 
                                strBuf, color);

        sprintf(strBuf, "%01d:%02d/%01d:%02d",
                        remaining_time / 60, remaining_time % 60,
                        generation_time / 60, generation_time % 60);
        dest.bltString(   timeRequiredPos.x, timeRequiredPos.y, 
                                strBuf, color);
        sprintf(strBuf, "%s", _("power off"));
        dest.bltString(   productionUnitPos.x, productionUnitPos.y, 
                                strBuf, color);
        dest.bltString(   timeRequiredPos.x, timeRequiredPos.y, 
                                strBuf, color);

    int unitPerPlayer = GameConfig::game_maxunits / GameConfig::game_maxplayers;
    sprintf(strBuf, "%d/%d", int(UnitInterface::getUnitCount(PlayerInterface::getLocalPlayerIndex())), unitPerPlayer);
    dest.bltString(unitsBuiltPos.x, unitsBuiltPos.y, strBuf, color);

    drawUnitProfileInfo(dest, iXY(0, unitProfileDataY), highlightedUnitType);

    //sprintf(strBuf, "%01d:%02d", ( (int) outpost_status.unit_generation_time_remaining ) / 60, ( (int) outpost_status.unit_generation_time_remaining) % 60 );
    //clientArea.bltString(timeRemainingPos, strBuf, color);

    View::doDraw( dest );

} // end VehicleSelectionView::doDraw
コード例 #8
ファイル: CameraSystem.cpp プロジェクト: chling/artemis
float CameraSystem::getHeight() const
	return getEndY() - getStartY();
コード例 #9
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Sets the topmost Y position. This method may change the height of the 3D
 *   area.
 * @param startY the new topmost Y position
void Area3D::setStartY(const Displacement &startY) {
    setArea(getStartX(), startY, getStartZ(),
            getEndX(), getEndY(), getEndZ());
コード例 #10
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Sets the X dimension of the 3D area. This method may change the X
 *   positions and the width of the 3D area.
 * @param startX the new leftmost X position
 * @param width the new width of the 3D area
void Area3D::setXDimension(const Displacement &startX,
                           const Distance &width) {
    setArea(startX, getStartY(), getStartZ(),
            startX + width, getEndY(), getEndZ());
コード例 #11
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Moves the backmost Z position of the 3D area. This method will not
 *   change the depth of the 3D area.
 * @param endZ the new backmost Z position
void Area3D::moveEndZ(const Displacement &endZ) {
    setArea(getStartX(), getStartY(), getStartZ() + (endZ - getEndZ()),
            getEndX(), getEndY(), endZ);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Sets the rightmost X position. This method may change the width of the 3D
 *   area.
 * @param endX the new rightmost X position
void Area3D::setEndX(const Displacement &endX) {
    setArea(getStartX(), getStartY(), getStartZ(),
            endX, getEndY(), getEndZ());
コード例 #13
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Changes the depth of the 3D area.
 * @param depth the new depth of the 3D area
void Area3D::setDepth(const Distance &depth) {
    setArea(getStartX(), getStartY(), getStartZ(),
            getEndX(), getEndY(), getStartZ() + depth);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Changes the width of the 3D area.
 * @param width the new width of the 3D area
void Area3D::setWidth(const Distance &width) {
    setArea(getStartX(), getStartY(), getStartZ(),
            getStartX() + width, getEndY(), getEndZ());
コード例 #15
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Moves the frontmost Z position of the 3D area. This method will not change
 *   the depth of the 3D area.
 * @param startZ the new frontmost Z position
void Area3D::moveStartZ(const Displacement &startZ) {
    setArea(getStartX(), getStartY(), startZ,
            getEndX(), getEndY(), getEndZ() + (startZ - getStartZ()));
コード例 #16
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Moves the leftmost X position of the 3D area. This method will not change
 *   the width of the 3D area.
 * @param startX the new leftmost X position
void Area3D::moveStartX(const Displacement &startX) {
    setArea(startX, getStartY(), getStartZ(),
            getEndX() + (startX - getStartX()), getEndY(), getEndZ());
コード例 #17
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Sets the Z dimension of the 3D area. This method may change the Z
 *   positions and the depth of the 3D area.
 * @param startZ the new frontmost Z position
 * @param depth the new depth of the 3D area
void Area3D::setZDimension(const Displacement &startZ,
                           const Distance &depth) {
    setArea(getStartX(), getStartY(), startZ,
            getEndX(), getEndY(), startZ + depth);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Area3D.cpp プロジェクト: jlaura/isis3
 * Returns the height (in the Y dimension) of the 3D area.
Distance Area3D::getHeight() const {
    return Distance(
               (getEndY() - getStartY()).meters(),