int main( int argc, char const * const argv[] ) { if( 2 <= argc ) { image_t image ; if( imageFromFile( argv[1], image ) ) { unsigned x = 0 ; if( 3 <= argc ) x = strtoul( argv[2], 0, 0 ); unsigned y = 0 ; if( 4 <= argc ) y = strtoul( argv[3], 0, 0 ); #ifdef __DAVINCIFB__ #else getFB().render( x, y, image.width_, image.height_, (unsigned short *)image.pixData_ ); #endif } else perror( argv[1] ); } else fprintf( stderr, "Usage: imgFile fileName [x [y]]\n" ); return 0 ; }
void uiState_t :: setState ( input_e input, bool setNotCleared ) { unsigned char const imgBits = lock_e | gateOpen_e ; unsigned char const oldState = state_ ; if( setNotCleared ) state_ |= input ; else state_ &= ~input ; if( ( oldState & imgBits ) != ( state_ & imgBits ) ) { image_t const &image = *images_[state_ & imgBits]; if( image.pixData_ ) getFB().render( 0, 0, image.width_, image.height_, (unsigned short *)image.pixData_ ); if( state_ & touch_e ) { invertScreen(); } } else if( ( state_ & touch_e ) != ( oldState & touch_e ) ) { invertScreen(); } }
static void invertScreen( void ) { fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); unsigned long *fbMem = (unsigned long *)fb.getMem(); unsigned long longs = fb.getMemSize()/sizeof(fbMem[0]); while( 0 < longs-- ) { *fbMem = ~(*fbMem); fbMem++ ; } }
jsMouse_t::jsMouse_t( char const *devName ) : inputPoll_t( pollHandlers_, devName ) , curBox_( 0 ) , down_( false ) , wheel_( 0 ) { if( !isOpen() ){ perror( devName ); return ; } printf( "%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); assert( cursor_ ); fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); cursor_->setPos(fb.getWidth()/2, fb.getWidth()/2); cursor_->activate(); }
int main() { // Initialize services srvInit(); aptInit(); hidInit(NULL); gfxInitDefault(); // Main loop while (aptMainLoop()) { //As nop90 suggested getFB(); //Gets input (keys and touch) getInput(); //Prints the GUI printGUI(); //Do stuff app(); //Exit code if (input & KEY_START) break; // Flush and swap framebuffers gfxFlushBuffers(); gfxSwapBuffers(); //Wait for VBlank gspWaitForVBlank(); } // Exit services gfxExit(); hidExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char const * const argv[] ) { printf( "Hello, %s\n", argv[0] ); fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); if( 3 < argc ) { unsigned long offset = strtoul( argv[1],0,0 ); unsigned long numPixels = strtoul( argv[2],0,0 ); unsigned short pixValue = strtoul(argv[3],0,0); unsigned short *vidMem = (unsigned short *) ((unsigned long)fb.getMem()+offset); for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < numPixels ; i++ ) *vidMem++ = pixValue ; } else fprintf( stderr, "Usage: videoSet offset(bytes) pixelCount value\n" ); return 0 ; }
static JSBool jsDisableMouse( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval ) { *rval = JSVAL_FALSE ; #if defined(KERNEL_FB_SM501) && (KERNEL_FB_SM501 == 1) fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); unsigned long reg = SMIPCURSOR_ADDR ; int res = ioctl( fb.getFd(), SM501_READREG, ® ); if( 0 == res ){ struct reg_and_value rv ; rv.reg_ = SMIPCURSOR_ADDR ; rv.value_ = reg & ~0x80000000 ; res = ioctl( fb.getFd(), SM501_WRITEREG, &rv ); if( 0 == res ){ *rval = true ; } else JS_ReportError( cx, "saving SM-501 CURSORADDR\n" ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "reading SM-501 CURSORADDR\n" ); #else if( 0 != cursor_ ){ delete cursor_ ; cursor_ = 0 ; } if( 0 != mouse_ ){ delete mouse_ ; mouse_ = 0 ; printf( "%s:deleted mouse\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); } *rval = JSVAL_TRUE ; #endif return JS_TRUE ; }
int main( int argc, char const * const argv[] ) { fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); image_t img ; memset( &img, 0, sizeof( img ) ); if( 1 < argc ) { if( imageFromFile( argv[1], img ) ) printf( "%s: %u x %u pixels\n", argv[1], img.width_, img.height_ ); else perror( argv[1] ); } else { img.pixData_ = fb.getRow(0); img.width_ = fb.getWidth(); img.height_ = fb.getHeight(); img.alpha_ = 0 ; } if( img.pixData_ ) { dither_t dither( (unsigned short const *)img.pixData_, img.width_, img.height_ ); unsigned bpl = bitmap_t::bytesPerRow(img.width_); unsigned char * const bitmapBytes = new unsigned char[bpl*img.height_]; bitmap_t bmp( bitmapBytes, img.width_, img.height_ ); for( unsigned row = 0 ; row < img.height_ ; row++ ) { unsigned char mask = 0x80 ; unsigned char *outRow = bitmapBytes+row*bpl ; for( unsigned col = 0 ; col < img.width_ ; col++ ) { if( dither.isBlack(col,row) ) *outRow |= mask ; else *outRow &= ~mask ; mask >>= 1 ; if( 0 == mask ){ mask = 0x80 ; outRow++ ; } } // each column } // each row void const *outData ; unsigned outSize ; if( bitmapToPNG( bmp, outData, outSize ) ) { printf( "%u bytes of output\n", outSize ); char const *outFile = ( 2 < argc ) ? argv[2] : "/tmp/img.png" ; FILE *fOut = fopen( outFile, "wb" ); if( fOut ) { fwrite( outData, 1, outSize, fOut ); fclose( fOut ); printf( "%u bytes written to %s\n", outSize, outFile ); } else perror( outFile ); free((void *)outData); } else printf( "Error converting bitmap\n" ); }
void jsMouse_t::onData( struct input_event const &event ) { assert( cursor_ ); cursor_->getPos(x_,y_); switch( event.type ){ case EV_SYN: cursor_->setPos(x_,y_); if( down_ ){ press(); } if( 0 != wheel_ ){ printf( "wheel motion: %d\n", wheel_ ); if( JSVAL_VOID != onWheelCode_ ){ jsval args[2] = { INT_TO_JSVAL(wheel_) , JSVAL_NULL }; printf( "call handler here\n" ); executeCode(JS_GetGlobalObject(execContext_),onWheelCode_, __func__, 1,args); } else printf( "No wheel handler\n" ); wheel_ = 0 ; } break; case EV_REL: { if( (REL_X==event.code) || (REL_Y==event.code) ){ fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); int value = (int)event.value ; int pos = (int)( (REL_X == event.code) ? x_ : y_ ); int max = (int)( (REL_X == event.code) ? fb.getWidth() : fb.getHeight() ) - 1 ; pos += value ; if( 0 > pos ) pos = 0 ; else if( max < pos ){ pos = max ; } if( REL_X == event.code ) x_ = pos ; else y_ = pos ; cursor_->setPos(x_,y_); } else if(REL_WHEEL==event.code){ wheel_ += (int)event.value ; } else printf( "Unknown rel value, code 0x%x, value 0x%x\n", event.code, event.value ); break; } case EV_KEY: { int down = event.value ; int left = ( event.code == LMOUSEBUTTON ); #if defined(KERNEL_FB_DAVINCI) && (KERNEL_FB_DAVINCI == 1) if( down ){ cursor_->setWidth(SMALL); cursor_->setHeight(SMALL); } else { cursor_->setWidth(BIG); cursor_->setHeight(BIG); } #endif if( left && ( down_ != down ) ){ if( down ){ press(); } else { release(); } down_ = down ; } // left button state changed break; } default: inputPoll_t::onData(event); } }
sm501alpha_t::sm501alpha_t( mode_t mode, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h ) : mode_( mode ) , fd_( open( "/dev/" SM501ALPHA_CLASS, O_RDWR ) ) , pos_( makeRect(0,0,0,0) ) , ram_( 0 ) , ramOffs_( 0 ) { if( isOpen() ){ fcntl( fd_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); if( 0 == w ){ w = fb.getWidth(); if( 0 != x ) w -= x ; } if( 0 == h ){ h = fb.getHeight(); if( 0 != y ) h -= y ; } struct sm501_alphaPlane_t plane ; plane.xLeft_ = pos_.xLeft_ = x ; plane.yTop_ = pos_.yTop_ = y ; plane.width_ = pos_.width_ = w ; plane.height_ = pos_.height_ = h ; plane.mode_ = mode ; plane.planeOffset_ = 0 ; unsigned short const adder = (2<<11)|(4<<5)|2 ; unsigned short *outWords = (unsigned short *)plane.palette_ ; unsigned short palVal = 0 ; // printf( "color palette:\n" ); for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ){ // printf( " %04x\n", palVal ); *outWords++ = palVal ; palVal += adder ; } outWords[-1] = 0xFFFF ; // make it truly white int rval = ioctl( fd_, SM501ALPHA_SETPLANE, &plane ); if( 0 == rval ){ unsigned bytes = plane.width_*plane.height_*2 ; printf( "mapping %u bytes of RAM\n", bytes ); ram_ = (unsigned char *)mmap( 0, bytes, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_, 0 ); if( MAP_FAILED == ram_ ){ perror( "mmap sm501alpha" ); ram_ = 0 ; } ramOffs_ = plane.planeOffset_ ; return ; } else perror( "SM501ALPHA_SETPLANE" ); close( fd_ ); fd_ = 0 ; } }
bool imagePNG( void const *inData, // input unsigned long inSize, // input void const *&pixData, // output unsigned short &width, // output unsigned short &height, // output void const *&alpha ) // output : 0 if none, delete [] when done { pixData = alpha = 0 ; width = height = 0 ; png_bytep pngData = (png_bytep)inData ; unsigned const pngLength = inSize ; if( 8 < pngLength ) { if( 0 == png_sig_cmp( pngData, 0, pngLength ) ) { png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0 ); { if( png_ptr ) { png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if( info_ptr ) { png_infop end_info = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if( end_info ) { if( 0 == setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png_ptr ) ) ) { pngData_t pngFile ; pngFile.data_ = pngData ; pngFile.length_ = pngLength ; png_set_read_fn( png_ptr, &pngFile, pngRead ); png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); #ifdef __STANDALONE__ dumpPNGInfo( info_ptr ); #endif int interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type; png_uint_32 lWidth, lHeight; int bit_depth, color_type; png_get_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, &lWidth, &lHeight, &bit_depth, &color_type, &interlace_type, &compression_type, &filter_type); if( PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE == ( PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE & color_type ) ) png_set_palette_to_rgb( png_ptr ); png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_bytep *const row_pointers = new png_bytep[lHeight]; unsigned const rowBytes = png_get_rowbytes( png_ptr, info_ptr ); for( unsigned row = 0; row < lHeight; row++ ) { row_pointers[row] = (png_bytep)png_malloc( png_ptr, rowBytes ); } png_read_image( png_ptr, row_pointers ); width = (unsigned short)lWidth ; height = (unsigned short)lHeight ; fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); unsigned char *const alphaChannel = ( color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA ) ? new unsigned char [ width*height ] : 0 ; unsigned short *const pixMap = new unsigned short [ width*height ]; for( unsigned row = 0 ; row < height ; row++ ) { unsigned char const *imgRow = row_pointers[row]; for( unsigned column = 0 ; column < width ; column++, imgRow += info_ptr->channels ) { pixMap[row*width+column] = fb.get16( imgRow[0], imgRow[1], imgRow[2] ); if( alphaChannel ) alphaChannel[row*width+column] = imgRow[3]; } } pixData = pixMap ; alpha = alphaChannel ; for( unsigned row = 0; row < lHeight ; row++ ) png_free( png_ptr, row_pointers[row] ); delete [] row_pointers ; } else fprintf( stderr, "Internal PNG error\n" ); png_destroy_read_struct( &png_ptr, &info_ptr, &end_info ); } } else png_destroy_read_struct( &png_ptr, 0, 0 ); } } } else fprintf( stderr, "Not a PNG file\n" ); } else fprintf( stderr, "PNG too short!\n" ); return 0 != pixData ; }
/** * WAIT */ int handleWAIT(sessionid_t sessionid, bus_t bus, char *device, char *parameter, char *reply, size_t length) { struct timeval time; int rc = SRCP_UNSUPPORTEDDEVICEGROUP; *reply = 0x00; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); /* check, if bus has FB's */ if (bus_has_devicegroup(bus, DG_FB) && strncasecmp(device, "FB", 2) == 0) { long int port, timeout, nelem; int value, waitvalue; nelem = sscanf(parameter, "%ld %d %ld", &port, &waitvalue, &timeout); syslog_bus(bus, DBG_INFO, "wait: %d %d %d", port, waitvalue, timeout); if (nelem >= 3) { if (getFB(bus, port, &time, &value) == SRCP_OK && value == waitvalue) { rc = infoFB(bus, port, reply, length); } else { /* we exactly wait for 1/20 seconds */ timeout *= 20; do { if (usleep(50000) == -1) { syslog_bus(bus, DBG_ERROR, "usleep() failed: %s (errno = %d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); } getFB(bus, port, &time, &value); timeout--; } while ((timeout >= 0) && (value != waitvalue)); if (timeout < 0) { gettimeofday(&time, NULL); rc = srcp_fmt_msg(SRCP_TIMEOUT, reply, time); } else { rc = infoFB(bus, port, reply, length); } } } else { rc = srcp_fmt_msg(SRCP_LISTTOOSHORT, reply, time); } } else if (bus_has_devicegroup(bus, DG_TIME) && strncasecmp(device, "TIME", 4) == 0) { long d, h, m, s; int nelem; nelem = sscanf(parameter, "%ld %ld %ld %ld", &d, &h, &m, &s); if (nelem >= 4) { if (time_is_available()) { /*FIXME: race condition */ bool mustwait; vtime_t vt; getTIME(&vt); do { mustwait = (((d * 24 + h) * 60 + m) * 60 + s) >= ((( * 24 + vt.hour) * 60 + vt.min) * 60 + vt.sec); /* wait 10ms real time.. */ if (mustwait) { if (usleep(10000) == -1) { syslog_bus(bus, DBG_ERROR, "usleep() failed: %s (errno = %d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); } getTIME(&vt); } } while (mustwait); rc = infoTIME(reply); } else { rc = srcp_fmt_msg(SRCP_NODATA, reply, time); } } else { rc = srcp_fmt_msg(SRCP_LISTTOOSHORT, reply, time); } } return rc; }
JSBool jsFadeTick( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval ) { *rval = JSVAL_FALSE ; if( 0 == argc ) { jsval stVal ; jsval durVal ; jsval lhVal ; jsval rhVal ; jsval xVal, yVal ; if( JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "startTick", &stVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "duration", &durVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "src", &lhVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "dest", &rhVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "x", &xVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "y", &yVal ) ) { unsigned long const start = JSVAL_TO_INT( stVal ); unsigned long const duration = JSVAL_TO_INT( durVal ); unsigned long const msNow = now_ms(); unsigned long const end = start+duration ; if( msNow < end ) { unsigned long const _256ths = ((msNow-start)*256)/duration ; //printf( "0x%02x /256ths\n", _256ths ); fflush( stdout ); JSObject *const src = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( lhVal ); JSObject *const dest = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( rhVal ); jsval widthVal, heightVal, srcPixVal, destPixVal ; if( JS_GetProperty( cx, src, "width", &widthVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, src, "height", &heightVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, src, "pixBuf", &srcPixVal ) && JSVAL_IS_STRING( srcPixVal ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, dest, "pixBuf", &destPixVal ) && JSVAL_IS_STRING( destPixVal ) ) { int width = JSVAL_TO_INT( widthVal ); int height = JSVAL_TO_INT( heightVal ); JSString *srcPixStr = JSVAL_TO_STRING( srcPixVal ); unsigned short const *const srcPixMap = (unsigned short *)JS_GetStringBytes( srcPixStr ); unsigned const srcLen = JS_GetStringLength( srcPixStr ); JSString *destPixStr = JSVAL_TO_STRING( destPixVal ); unsigned short const *const destPixMap = (unsigned short *)JS_GetStringBytes( destPixStr ); unsigned const destLen = JS_GetStringLength( destPixStr ); if( ( srcLen == destLen ) && ( srcLen == width * height * sizeof( srcPixMap[0] ) ) ) { fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); fb.blend( JSVAL_TO_INT( xVal ), JSVAL_TO_INT( yVal ), width, height, srcPixMap, destPixMap, _256ths ); *rval = JSVAL_TRUE ; } else JS_ReportError( cx, "Invalid pixMap(s)\n" ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "Object not initialized, can't draw\n" ); } else { JSObject *dest = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( rhVal ); jsval params[2] = { xVal, yVal }; jsImageDraw( cx, dest, 2, params, rval ); } // just draw end item } else JS_ReportError( cx, "getting timeProperties" ); } // need msNow parameter else JS_ReportError( cx, "Usage: fade.tick()" ); return JS_TRUE ; }
static JSBool fade( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval ) { *rval = JSVAL_FALSE ; if( ( 5 == argc ) && JSVAL_IS_OBJECT( argv[0] ) && JSVAL_IS_OBJECT( argv[1] ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( argv[2] ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( argv[3] ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( argv[4] ) ) { JSObject *thisObj = JS_NewObject( cx, &jsFadeClass_, NULL, NULL ); if( thisObj ) { *rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( thisObj ); // root JSObject *const src = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( argv[0] ); JSObject *const dest = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( argv[1] ); jsval lhWidth, lhHeight, rhWidth, rhHeight ; if( JS_GetProperty( cx, src, "width", &lhWidth ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, src, "height", &lhHeight ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, dest, "width", &rhWidth ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, dest, "height", &rhHeight ) ) { if( ( JSVAL_TO_INT( lhWidth ) == JSVAL_TO_INT( rhWidth ) ) && ( JSVAL_TO_INT( lhHeight ) == JSVAL_TO_INT( rhHeight ) ) ) { int const duration = JSVAL_TO_INT( argv[2] ); if( 0 < duration ) { int const x = JSVAL_TO_INT( argv[3] ); int const y = JSVAL_TO_INT( argv[4] ); fbDevice_t &fbDev = getFB(); if( ( 0 <= x ) && ( 0 <= y ) && ( fbDev.getWidth() > x ) && ( fbDev.getHeight() > y ) ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < argc ; i++ ) JS_DefineProperty( cx, thisObj, fadeProperties_[i].name, argv[i], 0, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_PERMANENT|JSPROP_READONLY ); unsigned long const tickNow = now_ms(); JS_DefineProperty( cx, thisObj, fadeProperties_[argc].name, INT_TO_JSVAL( tickNow ), 0, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_PERMANENT|JSPROP_READONLY ); } } else JS_ReportError( cx, "duration must be > 0" ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "fade: images must be the same size\n" "%d/%d, %d/%d\n", JSVAL_TO_INT( lhWidth ), JSVAL_TO_INT( rhWidth ), JSVAL_TO_INT( lhHeight ), JSVAL_TO_INT( rhHeight ) ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "fade: getting image sizes" ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "Error allocating fade" ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "Usage : new fade( srcImg, destImg, durationMs );" ); return JS_TRUE ; }
static JSBool jsAlphaMapDraw( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval ) { *rval = JSVAL_FALSE ; JSObject *imageObj = 0 ; if( ( 3 <= argc ) && ( 4 >= argc ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( argv[0] ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( argv[1] ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( argv[2] ) && ( ( 3 == argc ) || ( JSVAL_IS_OBJECT( argv[3] ) && ( 0 != ( imageObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( argv[3] ) ) ) ) ) ) { fbDevice_t &fb = getFB(); unsigned char *imageMem = 0 ; unsigned short imageWidth = 0 ; unsigned short imageHeight = 0 ; unsigned short imageStride = 0; if( 3 == argc ) { #ifdef KERNEL_FB imageMem = (unsigned char *)fb.getRow(0); imageWidth = fb.getWidth(); imageHeight = fb.getHeight(); imageStride = fb.getStride(); #else JS_ReportError( cx, "draw alphaMap onto screen" ); return JS_TRUE ; #endif } else { jsval vPixMap ; jsval vWidth ; jsval vHeight ; JSString *sPixMap ; if( JS_GetProperty( cx, imageObj, "pixBuf", &vPixMap ) && JSVAL_IS_STRING( vPixMap ) && ( 0 != ( sPixMap = JSVAL_TO_STRING( vPixMap ) ) ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, imageObj, "width", &vWidth ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( vWidth ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, imageObj, "height", &vHeight ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( vHeight ) ) { unsigned const bmWidth = JSVAL_TO_INT( vWidth ); unsigned bmHeight = JSVAL_TO_INT( vHeight ); if( JS_GetStringLength( sPixMap ) == bmWidth*bmHeight*2 ) { imageMem = (unsigned char *)JS_GetStringBytes( sPixMap ); imageWidth = bmWidth ; imageHeight = bmHeight ; imageStride = imageWidth << 1; } else JS_ReportError( cx, "Error getting pixel data" ); } else JS_ReportError( cx, "Invalid image" ); if( !imageMem ) return JS_TRUE ; } int const specX = JSVAL_TO_INT( argv[0] ); int const specY = JSVAL_TO_INT( argv[1] ); unsigned const rgb = JSVAL_TO_INT( argv[2] ); jsval vPixMap ; jsval vWidth ; jsval vHeight ; JSString *sPixMap ; if( JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "pixBuf", &vPixMap ) && JSVAL_IS_STRING( vPixMap ) && ( 0 != ( sPixMap = JSVAL_TO_STRING( vPixMap ) ) ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "width", &vWidth ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( vWidth ) && JS_GetProperty( cx, obj, "height", &vHeight ) && JSVAL_IS_INT( vHeight ) ) { unsigned bmWidth = JSVAL_TO_INT( vWidth ); unsigned const bmHeight = JSVAL_TO_INT( vHeight ); //printf( "string gets drawn here\n" // "x %u\n" // "y %u\n" // "rgb 0x%06x\n" // "w %u\n" // "h %u\n", specX, specY, rgb, bmWidth, bmHeight ); // // user specifies position of baseline, adjust to top of bitmap // unsigned bmStartY = 0 ; int screenStartY = specY ; if( 0 > screenStartY ) { bmStartY = ( 0-screenStartY ); screenStartY = 0 ; } // starts off the screen, walk down in alphaMap unsigned bmStartX = 0 ; int screenStartX = specX ; if( 0 > screenStartX ) { bmStartX = ( 0 - screenStartX ); screenStartX = 0 ; } // starts off the screen, walk right in alphaMap if( ( bmWidth > bmStartX ) && ( screenStartX <= imageWidth ) && ( screenStartY < imageHeight ) && ( bmStartY < bmWidth ) ) { // // point row at start row/col // unsigned char *inRow = (unsigned char *)JS_GetStringBytes( sPixMap ) + (bmWidth*bmStartY) + bmStartX ; unsigned const maxHeight = bmHeight-bmStartY ; unsigned const red = (unsigned char)( rgb >> 16 ); unsigned const green = (unsigned char)( rgb >> 8 ); unsigned const blue = (unsigned char)rgb ; fb.antialias( inRow, bmWidth, maxHeight, screenStartX, screenStartY, screenStartX+bmWidth-1, screenStartY+maxHeight-1, red, green, blue, imageMem, imageWidth, imageHeight, imageStride); } // room for something