コード例 #1
ファイル: UnitFonts.cpp プロジェクト: BJFletcher94/online
    // Called from WSD and handled inside the kit.
    virtual bool filterKitMessage(const std::shared_ptr<Poco::Net::WebSocket> &ws,
                                  std::string &message) override
        std::string token = LOOLProtocol::getFirstToken(message.c_str(), message.length());
        if (token == "unit-getfontlist:")
            std::string fontListReply = getFontList() + "\n";
            ws->sendFrame(fontListReply.c_str(), fontListReply.length());
            return true;

        return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: UnitFonts.cpp プロジェクト: BJFletcher94/online
 // Called in the forkit after forking the kit
 virtual void launchedKit(int /* pid */) override
     // Open websocket connection between the child process and WSD.
     Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession cs("", MasterPortNumber);
     Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET,
     Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response;
     auto ws = std::make_shared<Poco::Net::WebSocket>(cs, request, response);
     Log::info("Fetching font list from forkit");
     std::string fontListMsg = getFontList() + "\n";
     ws->sendFrame(fontListMsg.c_str(), fontListMsg.length());
コード例 #3
ファイル: fontchooser.cpp プロジェクト: kthxbyte/KDE1-Linaro
void KFontChooser::getFontList( QStrList &list, bool fixed )
	// Use KDE fonts if there is a KDE font list and check that the fonts
	// exist on the server where the desktop is running.
	QStrList lstSys, lstKDE;
	if ( fixed ) {
		getFontList( lstSys, "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-m-*-*-*" );
		getFontList( lstSys, "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-c-*-*-*" );
	} else
		getFontList( lstSys, "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-p-*-*-*" );
	if ( !kapp->getKDEFonts( &lstKDE ) ) {
		list = lstSys;
	for( int i = 0; i < (int) lstKDE.count(); i++ ) {
		if ( lstSys.find( lstKDE.at( i ) ) != -1 ) {
			list.append( lstKDE.at( i ) );
コード例 #4
ファイル: fontchooser.cpp プロジェクト: kthxbyte/KDE1-Linaro
KFontChooser::KFontChooser( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
	: QWidget( parent, name )
	int i;
	fnt = QFont( "helvetica", 12 );
	changed = False;
	QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 10, 5 );
	topLayout->addStretch( 5 );
	QBoxLayout *stackLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 4 );
	topLayout->addLayout( stackLayout );
	cmbFont = new QComboBox( false, this );
	cmbFont->setFixedHeight( cmbFont->sizeHint().height() );
	getFontList( fixedList, true );
	getFontList( fontList );
	cmbFont->insertStrList( &fontList );
	QStrListIterator it( fontList );
	for ( i = 0; it.current(); ++it, i++ ) {
		if ( !strcmp( fnt.family(), it.current() ) )
			cmbFont->setCurrentItem( i );
	connect( cmbFont, SIGNAL( activated( const char * ) ),
		SLOT( slotSelectFont( const char * ) ) );
	QLabel *label = new QLabel( cmbFont, i18n("&Typeface"), this );
	label->setMinimumSize( label->size() );
	stackLayout->addWidget( label );
	stackLayout->addWidget( cmbFont );

	cbBold = new QCheckBox(  i18n("&Bold"), this );
	cbBold->setMinimumSize( cbBold->sizeHint() );
	cbBold->setChecked( fnt.bold() );
	connect( cbBold, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotFontBold( bool ) ) );
	topLayout->addWidget( cbBold );
	cbItalic = new QCheckBox(  i18n("&Italic"), this );
	cbItalic->setMinimumSize( cbItalic->sizeHint() );
	cbItalic->setChecked( fnt.italic() );
	connect( cbItalic, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotFontItalic( bool ) ) );
	topLayout->addWidget( cbItalic );
	QBoxLayout *pushLayout = new QHBoxLayout(  2 );
	topLayout->addLayout( pushLayout );
	stackLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 4 );
	pushLayout->addLayout( stackLayout, 10 );
	pushLayout->addSpacing( 10 );
	sbSize = new KNumericSpinBox( this );
	sbSize->setStep( 1 );
	sbSize->setRange( 8, 16 );
	sbSize->setValue( 12 );

	connect( sbSize, SIGNAL( valueDecreased() ),
		 SLOT( slotFontSize() ) );
	connect( sbSize, SIGNAL( valueIncreased() ),
		 SLOT( slotFontSize() ) );
	label = new QLabel( sbSize, i18n("&Size"), this );
	label->setMinimumSize( label->sizeHint() );

	cmbCharset = new QComboBox( false, this );
	cmbCharset->setInsertionPolicy( QComboBox::NoInsertion );
	connect( cmbCharset, SIGNAL( activated( const char * ) ),
		 SLOT( slotCharset( const char * ) ) );
	sbSize->setFixedHeight( cmbCharset->height() );
	cmbCharset->setFixedHeight( cmbCharset->height() );
	cmbCharset->setMinimumWidth( cmbCharset->width());

	stackLayout->addWidget( label );
	stackLayout->addWidget( sbSize );
	stackLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 4 );
	pushLayout->addLayout( stackLayout, 30 );
	label = new QLabel( cmbCharset, i18n("&Character set"), this );
	label->setMinimumSize( label->size() );
	stackLayout->addWidget( label );
	stackLayout->addWidget( cmbCharset );

コード例 #5
ファイル: drawingobject.cpp プロジェクト: pnkfelix/glx-gle
void GLEDrawingObject::initialiseProperties()
	QVariantMap validList;

	// This property describes the fill colour for a solid object
	// or for text
	propertyDescriptions[FillColour].description = tr("Fill Colour");
	propertyDescriptions[FillColour].type = QVariant::Color;
	propertyDescriptions[FillColour].defaultValue = QColor();
	propertyDescriptions[FillColour].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The line colour
	propertyDescriptions[LineColour].description = tr("Line Colour");
	propertyDescriptions[LineColour].type = QVariant::Color;
	propertyDescriptions[LineColour].defaultValue = QColor();
	propertyDescriptions[LineColour].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The line width
	propertyDescriptions[LineWidth].description = tr("Line Width");
	propertyDescriptions[LineWidth].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[LineWidth].defaultValue = 0.05;
	propertyDescriptions[LineWidth].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The line style
	propertyDescriptions[LineStyle].description = tr("Line Style");
	propertyDescriptions[LineStyle].type = QVariant::String;
	propertyDescriptions[LineStyle].defaultValue = QString("0");
	propertyDescriptions[LineStyle].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The string contained in a text object (and possible some other
	// objects as well such as boxes in a flow chart)
	propertyDescriptions[Text].description = tr("Text");
	propertyDescriptions[Text].type = QVariant::String;
	propertyDescriptions[Text].defaultValue = QString("");
	propertyDescriptions[Text].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The font used for a given text string
	propertyDescriptions[FontName].description = tr("Font Name");
	propertyDescriptions[FontName].type = QVariant::Int;
	propertyDescriptions[FontName].defaultValue = 0;
	propertyDescriptions[FontName].validValues = getFontList();

	// The font used for a given text string
	propertyDescriptions[FontStyle].description = tr("Font Style");
	propertyDescriptions[FontStyle].type = QVariant::Int;
	propertyDescriptions[FontStyle].defaultValue = 0;
	propertyDescriptions[FontStyle].validValues = getFontStyles();

	// The font size
	propertyDescriptions[FontSize].description = tr("Font Size");
	propertyDescriptions[FontSize].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[FontSize].defaultValue = 0.3633;
	propertyDescriptions[FontSize].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The text alignment (e.g. CC)
	propertyDescriptions[Alignment].description = tr("Text Alignment");
	propertyDescriptions[Alignment].type = QVariant::Int;
	propertyDescriptions[Alignment].defaultValue = 0;
	validList[tr("Object Centre")] = GLEJustifyCC;
	validList[tr("Top Right")] = GLEJustifyTR;
	validList[tr("Top Left")] = GLEJustifyTL;
	validList[tr("Bottom Right")] = GLEJustifyBR;
	validList[tr("Bottom Left")] = GLEJustifyBL;
	validList[tr("Left Centre")] = GLEJustifyLC;
	validList[tr("Right Centre")] = GLEJustifyRC;
	validList[tr("Top Centre")] = GLEJustifyTC;
	validList[tr("Bottom Centre")] = GLEJustifyBC;
	validList[tr("Left Baseline")] = GLEJustifyLeft;
	validList[tr("Right Baseline")] = GLEJustifyRight;
	validList[tr("Centre Baseline")] = GLEJustifyCenter;
	propertyDescriptions[Alignment].validValues = validList;

	// The reference point name
	propertyDescriptions[RefPointName].description = tr("Reference");
	propertyDescriptions[RefPointName].type = QVariant::String;
	propertyDescriptions[RefPointName].defaultValue = QString("bl");
	propertyDescriptions[RefPointName].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The centre of any object (by bounding box)
	propertyDescriptions[ObjectCentre].description = tr("Object Centre Point");
	propertyDescriptions[ObjectCentre].type = QVariant::PointF;
	propertyDescriptions[ObjectCentre].defaultValue = QPointF(0.0,0.0);
	propertyDescriptions[ObjectCentre].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The centre of a circle or arc
	propertyDescriptions[CircleCentre].description = tr("Circle Centre Point");
	propertyDescriptions[CircleCentre].type = QVariant::PointF;
	propertyDescriptions[CircleCentre].defaultValue = QPointF(0.0,0.0);
	propertyDescriptions[CircleCentre].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The radius for a circle or arc
	propertyDescriptions[Radius].description = tr("Radius");
	propertyDescriptions[Radius].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[Radius].defaultValue = 0.0;
	propertyDescriptions[Radius].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The major axis radius for an ellipse
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisRadius].description = tr("Major Axis Radius");
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisRadius].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisRadius].defaultValue = 0.0;
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisRadius].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The minor axis radius for an ellipse
	propertyDescriptions[MinorAxisRadius].description = tr("Minor Axis Radius");
	propertyDescriptions[MinorAxisRadius].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[MinorAxisRadius].defaultValue = 0.0;
	propertyDescriptions[MinorAxisRadius].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The major axis angle for an ellipse
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisAngle].description = tr("Major Axis Angle");
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisAngle].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisAngle].defaultValue = 0.0;
	propertyDescriptions[MajorAxisAngle].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// This hasn't been decided on yet, but will probably be an int
	// (enumerated) from a list of PNGs.
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadPresence].description = tr("Arrow Heads");
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadPresence].type = QVariant::Int;
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadPresence].defaultValue = 0;
	validList[tr("None")] = 0;
	validList[tr("Start")] = GLEHasArrowStart;
	validList[tr("End")] = GLEHasArrowEnd;
	validList[tr("Both")] = GLEHasArrowStart | GLEHasArrowEnd;
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadPresence].validValues = validList;

	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadSize].description = tr("Arrow Head Size");
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadSize].type = QVariant::Double;
	// Check the default size
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadSize].defaultValue = 1.0;
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadSize].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// This hasn't been decided on yet, but will probably be an int
	// (enumerated) from a list of PNGs.
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadStyle].description = tr("Arrow Head Style");
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadStyle].type = QVariant::Invalid;
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadStyle].defaultValue = QVariant();
	propertyDescriptions[ArrowHeadStyle].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The start point for a line
	propertyDescriptions[StartPoint].description = tr("Start Point");
	propertyDescriptions[StartPoint].type = QVariant::PointF;
	propertyDescriptions[StartPoint].defaultValue = QPointF(0.0,0.0);
	propertyDescriptions[StartPoint].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// The end point for a line
	propertyDescriptions[EndPoint].description = tr("End Point");
	propertyDescriptions[EndPoint].type = QVariant::PointF;
	propertyDescriptions[EndPoint].defaultValue = QPointF(0.0,0.0);
	propertyDescriptions[EndPoint].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// Object width
	propertyDescriptions[Width].description = tr("Width");
	propertyDescriptions[Width].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[Width].defaultValue = 0.0;
	propertyDescriptions[Width].validValues = QList<QVariant>();

	// Object height
	propertyDescriptions[Height].description = tr("Height");
	propertyDescriptions[Height].type = QVariant::Double;
	propertyDescriptions[Height].defaultValue = 0.0;
	propertyDescriptions[Height].validValues = QList<QVariant>();
