bool FootstepGraph::isGoal(StatePtr state) { FootstepState::Ptr goal = getGoal(state->getLeg()); if (publish_progress_) { jsk_footstep_msgs::FootstepArray msg; msg.header.frame_id = "odom"; // TODO fixed frame_id msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg.footsteps.push_back(*state->toROSMsg()); pub_progress_.publish(msg); } Eigen::Affine3f pose = state->getPose(); Eigen::Affine3f goal_pose = goal->getPose(); Eigen::Affine3f transformation = pose.inverse() * goal_pose; if ((parameters_.goal_pos_thr > transformation.translation().norm()) && (parameters_.goal_rot_thr > std::abs(Eigen::AngleAxisf(transformation.rotation()).angle()))) { // check collision if (state->getLeg() == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::LEFT) { if (right_goal_state_->crossCheck(state)) { return true; } } else if (state->getLeg() == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::RIGHT) { if (left_goal_state_->crossCheck(state)) { return true; } } } return false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ ros::init (argc, argv, "move_arm_pose_goal"); ros::NodeHandle nh; actionlib::SimpleActionClient<arm_navigation_msgs::MoveArmAction> move_rarm("move_right_arm",true); actionlib::SimpleActionClient<arm_navigation_msgs::MoveArmAction> move_larm("move_left_arm",true); ROS_INFO("Connecting to server..."); move_rarm.waitForServer(); move_larm.waitForServer(); ROS_INFO("Connected to server"); actualizeGoal(nh, move_rarm, getGoal(0,-0.7,1.2,0,0,0,1, true)); actualizeGoal(nh, move_rarm, getGoal(0.75,-0.2,0.8,0,0,0,1, true)); actualizeGoal(nh, move_rarm, getGoal(0.5,-0.35,0.35,0,0,0,1, true)); ros::shutdown(); }
void Server::stop(){ qDebug() << "Server::stop()"; waitForNewMessage(WAITING_FOR_MESSAGE::DONE); emit emitOutput(QString("\nMATCH FINISHED")); emit matchFinished(proverSM.getGoals(currentState)); QThread::currentThread()->msleep(500); int nbPlayers = addresses.size(); QString message = QString("(stop ") % matchId % " "; // Likely to be not necessary if(stepCounter == 0){ message += "nil)"; } else{ message += "( "; for(QString move : moves){ message += QString("(") % move % ") "; } message += QString(") )"); } for(int i = 0; i<nbPlayers; ++i){ networkConnections[i]->request(message, startclock); emit outputPlayerMessage(i, QString("Score %1").arg(getGoal(i))); } }
void ompl::control::SimpleSetup::setup() { if (!configured_ || !si_->isSetup() || !planner_->isSetup()) { if (!si_->isSetup()) si_->setup(); if (!planner_) { if (pa_) planner_ = pa_(si_); if (!planner_) { OMPL_INFORM("No planner specified. Using default."); planner_ = getDefaultPlanner(getGoal()); } } planner_->setProblemDefinition(pdef_); if (!planner_->isSetup()) planner_->setup(); params_.clear(); params_.include(si_->params()); params_.include(planner_->params()); configured_ = true; } }
void KoulesSetup::initialize(unsigned int numKoules, const std::string& plannerName, const std::vector<double>& stateVec) { const ob::StateSpacePtr& space = getStateSpace(); space->setup(); // setup start state ob::ScopedState<> start(space); if (stateVec.size() == space->getDimension()) space->copyFromReals(start.get(), stateVec); else { // Pick koule positions evenly radially distributed, but at a linearly // increasing distance from the center. The ship's initial position is // at the center. Initial velocities are 0. std::vector<double> startVec(space->getDimension(), 0.); double r, theta = boost::math::constants::pi<double>(), delta = 2.*theta / numKoules; startVec[0] = .5 * sideLength; startVec[1] = .5 * sideLength; startVec[4] = .5 * delta; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numKoules; ++i, theta += delta) { r = .1 + i * .1 / numKoules; startVec[4 * i + 5] = .5 * sideLength + r * cos(theta); startVec[4 * i + 6] = .5 * sideLength + r * sin(theta); } space->copyFromReals(start.get(), startVec); } setStartState(start); // set goal setGoal(std::make_shared<KoulesGoal>(si_)); // set propagation step size si_->setPropagationStepSize(propagationStepSize); // set min/max propagation steps si_->setMinMaxControlDuration(propagationMinSteps, propagationMaxSteps); // set directed control sampler; when using the PDST planner, propagate as long as possible bool isPDST = plannerName == "pdst"; const ompl::base::GoalPtr& goal = getGoal(); si_->setDirectedControlSamplerAllocator( [&goal, isPDST](const ompl::control::SpaceInformation *si) { return KoulesDirectedControlSamplerAllocator(si, goal, isPDST); }); // set planner setPlanner(getConfiguredPlannerInstance(plannerName)); // set validity checker setStateValidityChecker(std::make_shared<KoulesStateValidityChecker>(si_)); // set state propagator setStatePropagator(std::make_shared<KoulesStatePropagator>(si_)); }
bool FootstepGraph::isGoal(StatePtr state) { FootstepState::Ptr goal = getGoal(state->getLeg()); if (publish_progress_) { jsk_footstep_msgs::FootstepArray msg; msg.header.frame_id = "odom"; msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg.footsteps.push_back(*state->toROSMsg()); pub_progress_.publish(msg); } Eigen::Affine3f pose = state->getPose(); Eigen::Affine3f goal_pose = goal->getPose(); Eigen::Affine3f transformation = pose.inverse() * goal_pose; return (pos_goal_thr_ > transformation.translation().norm()) && (rot_goal_thr_ > std::abs(Eigen::AngleAxisf(transformation.rotation()).angle())); }
inline std::ostream& FileConfig::print(std::ostream& os) const { return os << "bruijn=" << getBruijn() << "\n" << "emch=" << getEmch() << "\n" << "outputFormat=" << getOutputFormat() << "\n" << "fitFilter=" << getFitFilter() << "\n" << "goal=" << getGoal() << "\n" << "info=" << getInfo() << "\n" << "mch=" << getMch() << "\n" << "orderingHeuristicConfig=" << getOrderingHeuristicConfig() << "\n" << "parityBacktrack=" << getParityBacktrack() << "\n" << "parityFilter=" << getParityFilter() << "\n" << "quiet=" << getQuiet() << "\n" << "redundancyFilter=" << getRedundancyFilter() << "\n" << "redundancyFilterFirst=" << getRedundancyFilterFirst() << "\n" << "sample=" << getMonteCarlo() << "\n" << "trace=" << getTrace() << "\n" << "unique=" << getUnique() << "\n" << "volumeBacktrack=" << getVolumeBacktrack() << "\n" << "volumeFilter=" << getVolumeFilter() << std::endl; }
void ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup::setup() { if (!configured_ || !si_->isSetup() || !planner_->isSetup()) { if (!si_->isSetup()) si_->setup(); if (!planner_) { if (pa_) planner_ = pa_(si_); if (!planner_) { OMPL_INFORM("No planner specified. Using default."); planner_ = tools::SelfConfig::getDefaultPlanner(getGoal()); } } planner_->setProblemDefinition(pdef_); if (!planner_->isSetup()) planner_->setup(); configured_ = true; } }
//check whether the game is over int checkGameState(Agent agents[],Graph g,int cycle,int maxCycles){ if(cycle >= maxCycles) { printf("GAME OVER: YOU LOSE - TIME IS UP\n"); return OVER; } else { Vertex currThiefLoc = getCurrentLocation (agents[THIEF]); int i = 1; while (i <= NUM_DETECTIVES) { if (currThiefLoc == getCurrentLocation (agents[i])) { printf("D%d caught the thief in %s (%d)\n", i, getCityName(g, currThiefLoc), currThiefLoc); printf("YOU WIN - THIEF CAUGHT!\n"); return WIN; } i++; } if ( currThiefLoc == getGoal (agents[THIEF]) ) { printf("T got away to %s (%d)\n", getCityName(g, currThiefLoc), currThiefLoc); printf("GAME OVER: YOU LOSE - THIEF GOT TO GETAWAY\n"); return LOSE; } return CONTINUE; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Maze maze; readMazeFromFile(&maze, "maze3D.txt"); unsigned int solution_count = 13; Direction solution[] = {EAST, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH, UP, WEST, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, DOWN, SOUTH}; Position position, goal; getPosition(maze, &position); getGoal(maze, &goal); printf("Current position: "); printPositionWithNewline(position); printf("Goal: "); printPositionWithNewline(goal); printf("\n"); printMaze(maze); printPossibleMoves(maze); printf("\n"); for (int i=0; i < solution_count; i++) { if (makeMove(&maze, solution[i]) == 1) { if (isSolved(maze)) { printf("Maze solved!\n"); printPathWithNewline(maze.path); break; } else { printf("Movement successful, maze not solved.\n"); } } else { printf("Error moving from: "); printPosition(maze.pos); printf (" to %s\n", convertDirectionToString(solution[i])); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool parallelPlanning(bool output, enum SPACE_TYPE space, std::vector<enum PLANNER_TYPE> &planners, unsigned int links, unsigned int chains, struct ConstrainedOptions &c_opt, struct AtlasOptions &a_opt, bool bench) { // Create a shared pointer to our constraint. auto constraint = std::make_shared<ParallelConstraint>(links, chains); ConstrainedProblem cp(space, constraint->createSpace(), constraint); cp.setConstrainedOptions(c_opt); cp.setAtlasOptions(a_opt); cp.css->registerProjection("parallel", constraint->getProjection(cp.css)); Eigen::VectorXd start, goal; constraint->getStart(start); constraint->getGoal(goal); cp.setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);>setStateValidityChecker(std::bind(&ParallelConstraint::isValid, constraint, std::placeholders::_1)); if (!bench) return parallelPlanningOnce(cp, planners[0], output); else return parallelPlanningBench(cp, planners); }
void Arcade::updateBoard(float dt){ if(_stop) return; if(!_in_combo && _time > 0){ switch(getGoal()){ case SCORE_WIN: if(_score > getScoreLowWin()){ unlockNextLevel(); showWinner(); return; } break; case COMBO_WIN: if(_combo_count > getComboWin()){ showWinner(); unlockNextLevel(); } break; } } _time_roll_board.update(dt); _time_combo.update(dt); updateClock(dt); updateTutorial(dt); }