コード例 #1
ファイル: panda.cpp プロジェクト: Amnesthesia/AngryPanda
** This one returns the configuration, useful for displaying information before running an attack.
** Basically just grabs information from the getters and puts it together in a more stylish way for terminal or log output.
** @return std::string
std::string panda::getConfiguration()
    std::string config;
    config = "\n\n+--------------[AngryPanda Configuration]---------------\n|\n|\tHosts: \t\t" + stringify(getHosts());
    config += "\n|\tTarget count:\t\t" + stringify(getHostCount());
    config += "\n|\tPort:\t\t" + stringify(getPort());
    config += "\n|\tMode:\t\t" + stringify(getMode());
    config += "\n|\tTries/IP:\t" + stringify(getTries());

        config += "\n|\tWordlist:\t" + stringify(getWordlist());
        config += "\n|\tUsername:\t" + stringify(getUsername());
        config += "\n|\tUsername:\t" + stringify(getUsername());
        config += "\n|\tPassword:\t" + stringify(getPassword());
    return config;
コード例 #2
ファイル: scanner-port.cpp プロジェクト: FauxFaux/yapscan
// Calculate the max time the rest of the scan could take
int PortScanner::getRemainingScanTime() {
	if (debug > 2) printf("PortScanner::getRemainingScanTime: Called\n");
	int bytes_per_packet = int(total_bytes_sent / packets_sent);
	return int(1 + getRTT().tv_sec + getRTT().tv_usec / 1000000 + (getPortCount() * getHostCount() * tries - packets_sent) * bytes_per_packet * 8 / getBandwidthMax());
コード例 #3
ファイル: scanner-port.cpp プロジェクト: FauxFaux/yapscan
// Calculate most conservative esitmate of scan progress
int PortScanner::getPercentComplete() {
	if (debug > 2) printf("PortScanner::getPercentComplete: Called\n");
	return int(100 * packets_sent / (getPortCount() * getHostCount() * tries));