void LLVertexBuffer::draw(U32 mode, U32 count, U32 indices_offset) const { if (indices_offset >= (U32) mRequestedNumIndices || indices_offset + count > (U32) mRequestedNumIndices) { llerrs << "Bad index buffer draw range: [" << indices_offset << ", " << indices_offset+count << "]" << llendl; } if (mGLIndices != sGLRenderIndices) { llerrs << "Wrong index buffer bound." << llendl; } if (mGLBuffer != sGLRenderBuffer) { llerrs << "Wrong vertex buffer bound." << llendl; } if (mode >= LLRender::NUM_MODES) { llerrs << "Invalid draw mode: " << mode << llendl; return; } stop_glerror(); glDrawElements(sGLMode[mode], count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, ((U16*) getIndicesPointer()) + indices_offset); stop_glerror(); }
void LLVertexBuffer::validateRange(U32 start, U32 end, U32 count, U32 indices_offset) const { if (start >= (U32) mRequestedNumVerts || end >= (U32) mRequestedNumVerts) { llerrs << "Bad vertex buffer draw range: [" << start << ", " << end << "] vs " << mRequestedNumVerts << llendl; } llassert(mRequestedNumIndices >= 0); if (indices_offset >= (U32) mRequestedNumIndices || indices_offset + count > (U32) mRequestedNumIndices) { llerrs << "Bad index buffer draw range: [" << indices_offset << ", " << indices_offset+count << "]" << llendl; } if (gDebugGL && !useVBOs()) { U16* idx = ((U16*) getIndicesPointer())+indices_offset; for (U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (idx[i] < start || idx[i] > end) { llerrs << "Index out of range: " << idx[i] << " not in [" << start << ", " << end << "]" << llendl; } } } }
void LLVertexBuffer::drawRange(U32 mode, U32 start, U32 end, U32 count, U32 indices_offset) const { validateRange(start, end, count, indices_offset); llassert(mRequestedNumVerts >= 0); if (mGLIndices != sGLRenderIndices) { llerrs << "Wrong index buffer bound." << llendl; } if (mGLBuffer != sGLRenderBuffer) { llerrs << "Wrong vertex buffer bound." << llendl; } if (mode >= LLRender::NUM_MODES) { llerrs << "Invalid draw mode: " << mode << llendl; return; } U16* idx = ((U16*) getIndicesPointer())+indices_offset; stop_glerror(); glDrawRangeElements(sGLMode[mode], start, end, count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, idx); stop_glerror(); }
// Create the Vertex Buffer Objects used to render with OpenGL. /// We create two VBOs (one for vertices and one for indices) void ConvexMesh::createVBOAndVAO() { // Create the VBO for the vertices data mVBOVertices.create(); mVBOVertices.bind(); size_t sizeVertices = mVertices.size() * sizeof(openglframework::Vector3); mVBOVertices.copyDataIntoVBO(sizeVertices, getVerticesPointer(), GL_STATIC_DRAW); mVBOVertices.unbind(); // Create the VBO for the normals data mVBONormals.create(); mVBONormals.bind(); size_t sizeNormals = mNormals.size() * sizeof(openglframework::Vector3); mVBONormals.copyDataIntoVBO(sizeNormals, getNormalsPointer(), GL_STATIC_DRAW); mVBONormals.unbind(); if (hasTexture()) { // Create the VBO for the texture co data mVBOTextureCoords.create(); mVBOTextureCoords.bind(); size_t sizeTextureCoords = mUVs.size() * sizeof(openglframework::Vector2); mVBOTextureCoords.copyDataIntoVBO(sizeTextureCoords, getUVTextureCoordinatesPointer(), GL_STATIC_DRAW); mVBOTextureCoords.unbind(); } // Create th VBO for the indices data mVBOIndices.create(); mVBOIndices.bind(); size_t sizeIndices = mIndices[0].size() * sizeof(unsigned int); mVBOIndices.copyDataIntoVBO(sizeIndices, getIndicesPointer(), GL_STATIC_DRAW); mVBOIndices.unbind(); // Create the VAO for both VBOs mVAO.create(); mVAO.bind(); // Bind the VBO of vertices mVBOVertices.bind(); // Bind the VBO of normals mVBONormals.bind(); if (hasTexture()) { // Bind the VBO of texture coords mVBOTextureCoords.bind(); } // Bind the VBO of indices mVBOIndices.bind(); // Unbind the VAO mVAO.unbind(); }
// Render the sphere at the correct position and with the correct orientation void Sphere::render(openglframework::Shader& shader, const openglframework::Matrix4& worldToCameraMatrix) { // Bind the shader shader.bind(); // Set the model to camera matrix const openglframework::Matrix4 localToCameraMatrix = worldToCameraMatrix * mTransformMatrix; shader.setMatrix4x4Uniform("localToCameraMatrix", localToCameraMatrix); // Set the normal matrix (inverse transpose of the 3x3 upper-left sub matrix of the // model-view matrix) const openglframework::Matrix3 normalMatrix = localToCameraMatrix.getUpperLeft3x3Matrix().getInverse().getTranspose(); shader.setMatrix3x3Uniform("normalMatrix", normalMatrix); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); if (hasTexture()) { glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); } glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, getVerticesPointer()); glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, getNormalsPointer()); if(hasTexture()) { glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, getUVTextureCoordinatesPointer()); } // For each part of the mesh for (unsigned int i=0; i<getNbParts(); i++) { glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, getNbFaces(i) * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getIndicesPointer()); } glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (hasTexture()) { glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); } // Unbind the shader shader.unbind(); }