コード例 #1
ファイル: tsh.c プロジェクト: JinSun2014/A_Tiny_Shell
static void sig(int signo)
	switch (signo)
		case SIGINT:
			if (fgChild)
				kill(fgChild, SIGINT);
			fgChild = 0;
		// handle ctrl-z signal
		case SIGTSTP:
			if (fgChild)
				kill(-fgChild, SIGTSTP);
				bgjobL* newBgJob = (bgjobL*) malloc(sizeof(bgjobL));
				newBgJob->pid = fgChild;
				newBgJob->cmd_first = fgCmd_first;
				newBgJob->status = STOPPED;
				newBgJob->jobId = getJobId() + 1;
				printf("[%d]   %s             %s\n",newBgJob-> jobId, "Stopped", fgCmd_first);
				fgChild = 0;
				fgCmd_first = NULL;
		case SIGCONT:
コード例 #2
ファイル: jobgroup.c プロジェクト: CSCI352/xinu-arm
 * Check to see if the thread is in a job already
 * Params:
 *    passedInThreadPointer - The thread to check
 * Returns: 
 *    True if the thread is in a job, else false.
bool isThreadInJobAlready(struct thrent *passedInThreadPointer)
    return getJobId(passedInThreadPointer) >= 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: DotDRTBuilder.cpp プロジェクト: jonasfj/dirt
void DotDRTBuilder::addEdge(const EdgeArgs& args){
	out << "\t\tjob" << getJobId(args.src) << " -> job" << getJobId(args.dst)
	   	<< " [label=\"" << args.mtime << "\"];" << endl;
コード例 #4
ファイル: create.c プロジェクト: CSCI352/xinu-arm
 * Create a thread to start running a procedure.
 * @param procaddr procedure address
 * @param ssize stack size in bytes
 * @param priority thread priority
 * @param name name of the thread
 * @param nargs number of args that follow
 * @return new thread ID
tid_typ create(void *procaddr, uint ssize, int priority,
               char *name, int nargs, ...)
    register struct thrent *thrptr;     /* thread control block  */
    intptr_t *saddr;               /* stack address                      */
    intptr_t *savargs;             /* pointer to arg saving region       */
    tid_typ tid;                /* stores new thread id               */
    va_list ap;                 /* points to list of var args         */
    int pads;                   /* padding entries in record.         */
    uint32_t i;
    void INITRET(void);
    irqmask im;

    im = disable();
    if (ssize < MINSTK)
        ssize = MINSTK;
    saddr = stkget(ssize);      /* allocate new stack   */
    tid = thrnew();             /* allocate new thread ID */

    if (((SYSERR) == (int)saddr) || (SYSERR == tid))
        return SYSERR;

    thrptr = &thrtab[tid];

    /* setup thread control block for new thread    */
    thrptr->state = THRSUSP;
    thrptr->prio = priority;
    thrptr->stkbase = saddr;
    thrptr->stklen = ssize;
    thrptr->stkptr = saddr;
    strncpy(thrptr->name, name, TNMLEN);
    thrptr->parent = gettid();
    thrptr->hasmsg = FALSE;
    thrptr->memlist.next = NULL;
    thrptr->memlist.length = 0;

    //TEB: this is hardcoded for ARM
    //This is to enable the timer interrupt
    thrptr->intmask = 0x10010;

    /* set up default file descriptors */
    /** \todo When the CONSOLE stuff works on fluke-arm, we need to reenable stdio for threads. */
#if 0
    thrptr->fdesc[0] = CONSOLE; /* stdin  is console */
    thrptr->fdesc[1] = CONSOLE; /* stdout is console */
    thrptr->fdesc[2] = CONSOLE; /* stderr is console */
#endif /* 0 */

    /* Initialize stack with accounting block. */
    *saddr = STACKMAGIC;
    *--saddr = tid;
    *--saddr = thrptr->stklen;
    *--saddr = (intptr_t)thrptr->stkbase - thrptr->stklen + sizeof(intptr_t); /* max stack addr */

    if (0 == nargs)
        pads = 4;
    else if (0 == (nargs % 4))  /* pad size to multiple of 4 */
        pads = 0;
        pads = 4 - (nargs % 4);

    for (i = 0; i < pads; i++)
        *--saddr = 0;
    /* reserve space for all args.  */
    for (i = nargs; i > 4; i--)
        *--saddr = 0;
    savargs = saddr;

    /* build the context record as expected by ctxsw               */
    for (i = CONTEXT_WORDS; i > 0; i--)
        *--saddr = 0;
    thrptr->stkptr = saddr;

    /* address of thread entry point  */
    saddr[CONTEXT_WORDS - 1] = (intptr_t)procaddr;
     * Store the process's (where to jump to if the procaddr function returns)
     * return address value
    saddr[CONTEXT_WORDS - 2] = (intptr_t)INITRET;

     * Pass arguments to new processes.
     * The ARM Procedure Call Standard (APCS) specifies that the first 4
     * arguments be passed via r0-r3 (aka v1-v4). Additional arguments are
     * located on the stack at ((argnum-4) * 4) * SP (i.e. argument 5 is at
     * [sp, #0], 6 is at [sp, #4] and so on...) from the perspective of the
     * callee.
    va_start(ap, nargs);
    /* Store the first four arguments in the first 4 registers */
    for( i = 0; i < 4 && i < nargs; i++ )
        saddr[i] = va_arg(ap, intptr_t);
    /* Store the remaining arguments on the stack */
    for( i = 4; i < nargs; i++ )
        *savargs++ = va_arg(ap, intptr_t);

    /* check if the parent is in a job */
    int jobID = getJobId(thrptr->parent);
    if(jobID >= 0)
        /* If it is, add it. Testing for functionality for now, should be thrown
           in a seperate function in jobgroup.c */
        Job* job;
        for( i = 0; i < numberOfJobs; i++ )
            job = listOfJobs[i];
            if( job->ID == jobID )
        //Grab the headProcess to assign the groupID to this child process
        Process* parentProcess = job->headProcess;
        Process* process = (Process*)malloc(sizeof(Process));
        process->groupID = jobID;
        //Initialize the other properties of the child process
        process->dataThreadID = i;
        process->isParentProcess = FALSE;
        process->dataThread = thrptr;
        process->nextProcess = NULL;
        //Grab the last process in the job and assign it's next thread to the newly created child process
        Process* lastProcessInJob = job->tailProcess;
        lastProcessInJob->nextProcess = process;
        //Make the new process the tail thread
        job->tailProcess = process;

    return tid;