コード例 #1
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<PointT>::applyFilterIndices (std::vector<int> &indices)
  // Initialize the search class
  if (!searcher_)
    if (input_->isOrganized ())
      searcher_.reset (new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointT> ());
      searcher_.reset (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointT> (false));
  searcher_->setInputCloud (input_);

  // The arrays to be used
  std::vector<int> nn_indices (mean_k_);
  std::vector<float> nn_dists (mean_k_);
  std::vector<float> distances (indices_->size ());
  indices.resize (indices_->size ());
  removed_indices_->resize (indices_->size ());
  int oii = 0, rii = 0;  // oii = output indices iterator, rii = removed indices iterator

  // First pass: Compute the mean distances for all points with respect to their k nearest neighbors
  for (int iii = 0; iii < static_cast<int> (indices_->size ()); ++iii)  // iii = input indices iterator
    if (!pcl_isfinite (input_->points[(*indices_)[iii]].x) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (input_->points[(*indices_)[iii]].y) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (input_->points[(*indices_)[iii]].z))
      distances[iii] = 0.0;

    // Perform the nearest k search
    if (searcher_->nearestKSearch ((*indices_)[iii], mean_k_ + 1, nn_indices, nn_dists) == 0)
      distances[iii] = 0.0;
      PCL_WARN ("[pcl::%s::applyFilter] Searching for the closest %d neighbors failed.\n", getClassName ().c_str (), mean_k_);

    // Calculate the mean distance to its neighbors
    double dist_sum = 0.0;
    for (int k = 1; k < mean_k_ + 1; ++k)  // k = 0 is the query point
      dist_sum += sqrt (nn_dists[k]);
    distances[iii] = static_cast<float> (dist_sum / mean_k_);

  // Estimate the mean and the standard deviation of the distance vector
  double mean, stddev;
  getMeanStd (distances, mean, stddev);
  double distance_threshold = mean + std_mul_ * stddev;

  // Second pass: Classify the points on the computed distance threshold
  for (int iii = 0; iii < static_cast<int> (indices_->size ()); ++iii)  // iii = input indices iterator
    // Points having a too high average distance are outliers and are passed to removed indices
    // Unless negative was set, then it's the opposite condition
    if ((!negative_ && distances[iii] > distance_threshold) || (negative_ && distances[iii] <= distance_threshold))
      if (extract_removed_indices_)
        (*removed_indices_)[rii++] = (*indices_)[iii];

    // Otherwise it was a normal point for output (inlier)
    indices[oii++] = (*indices_)[iii];

  // Resize the output arrays
  indices.resize (oii);
  removed_indices_->resize (rii);
コード例 #2
pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>::applyFilter (PointCloud2 &output)
  output.is_dense = true;
  // If fields x/y/z are not present, we cannot filter
  if (x_idx_ == -1 || y_idx_ == -1 || z_idx_ == -1)
    ROS_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::applyFilter] Input dataset doesn't have x-y-z coordinates!", getClassName ().c_str ());
    output.width = output.height = 0;
    output.data.clear ();

  if (std_mul_ == 0.0)
    ROS_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::applyFilter] Standard deviation multipler not set!", getClassName ().c_str ());
    output.width = output.height = 0;
    output.data.clear ();

  // Initialize the spatial locator
  //initTree (spatial_locator_type_, tree_, k_);

  // TODO: fix this
  tree_.reset (new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ>);

  // Send the input dataset to the spatial locator
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  pcl::fromROSMsg (*input_, *cloud);
  tree_->setInputCloud (cloud);

  // Allocate enough space to hold the results
  std::vector<int> nn_indices (mean_k_);
  std::vector<float> nn_dists (mean_k_);

  std::vector<float> distances (indices_->size ());
  // Go over all the points and calculate the mean or smallest distance
  for (size_t cp = 0; cp < indices_->size (); ++cp)
    if (!pcl_isfinite (cloud->points[(*indices_)[cp]].x) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (cloud->points[(*indices_)[cp]].y) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (cloud->points[(*indices_)[cp]].z))
      distances[cp] = 0;

    if (tree_->nearestKSearch ((*indices_)[cp], mean_k_, nn_indices, nn_dists) == 0)
      distances[cp] = 0;
      ROS_WARN ("[pcl::%s::applyFilter] Searching for the closest %d neighbors failed.", getClassName ().c_str (), mean_k_);

    // Minimum distance (if mean_k_ == 2) or mean distance
    double dist_sum = 0;
    for (int j = 1; j < mean_k_; ++j)
      dist_sum += sqrt (nn_dists[j]);
    distances[cp] = dist_sum / (mean_k_-1);

  // Estimate the mean and the standard deviation of the distance vector
  double mean, stddev;
  getMeanStd (distances, mean, stddev);
  double distance_threshold = mean + std_mul_ * stddev; // a distance that is bigger than this signals an outlier

  // Copy the common fields
  output.is_bigendian = input_->is_bigendian;
  output.point_step   = input_->point_step;
  output.height       = 1;

  output.data.resize (indices_->size () * input_->point_step);      // reserve enough space

  // Build a new cloud by neglecting outliers
  int nr_p = 0;
  for (size_t cp = 0; cp < indices_->size (); ++cp)
    if (negative_)
      if (distances[cp] <= distance_threshold)
      if (distances[cp] > distance_threshold)

    memcpy (&output.data[nr_p * output.point_step], &input_->data[(*indices_)[cp] * output.point_step], output.point_step);
  output.width = nr_p;
  output.data.resize (output.width * output.point_step);
  output.row_step = output.point_step * output.width;
コード例 #3
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<PointT>::applyFilter (PointCloud &output)
  if (std_mul_ == 0.0)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::applyFilter] Standard deviation multiplier not set!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
    output.width = output.height = 0;
    output.points.clear ();

  if (input_->points.empty ())
    output.width = output.height = 0;
    output.points.clear ();

  // Initialize the spatial locator
  if (!tree_)
    if (input_->isOrganized ())
      tree_.reset (new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointT> ());
      tree_.reset (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointT> (false));

  // Send the input dataset to the spatial locator
  tree_->setInputCloud (input_);

  // Allocate enough space to hold the results
  std::vector<int> nn_indices (mean_k_);
  std::vector<float> nn_dists (mean_k_);

  std::vector<float> distances (indices_->size ());
  // Go over all the points and calculate the mean or smallest distance
  for (size_t cp = 0; cp < indices_->size (); ++cp)
    if (!pcl_isfinite (input_->points[(*indices_)[cp]].x) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (input_->points[(*indices_)[cp]].y) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (input_->points[(*indices_)[cp]].z))
      distances[cp] = 0;

    if (tree_->nearestKSearch ((*indices_)[cp], mean_k_, nn_indices, nn_dists) == 0)
      distances[cp] = 0;
      PCL_WARN ("[pcl::%s::applyFilter] Searching for the closest %d neighbors failed.\n", getClassName ().c_str (), mean_k_);

    // Minimum distance (if mean_k_ == 2) or mean distance
    double dist_sum = 0;
    for (int j = 1; j < mean_k_; ++j)
      dist_sum += sqrt (nn_dists[j]);
    distances[cp] = static_cast<float> (dist_sum / (mean_k_ - 1));

  // Estimate the mean and the standard deviation of the distance vector
  double mean, stddev;
  getMeanStd (distances, mean, stddev);
  double distance_threshold = mean + std_mul_ * stddev; // a distance that is bigger than this signals an outlier

  output.points.resize (input_->points.size ());      // reserve enough space
  removed_indices_->resize (input_->points.size ());
  // Build a new cloud by neglecting outliers
  int nr_p = 0;
  int nr_removed_p = 0;
  for (int cp = 0; cp < static_cast<int> (indices_->size ()); ++cp)
    if (negative_)
      if (distances[cp] <= distance_threshold)
        if (extract_removed_indices_)
          (*removed_indices_)[nr_removed_p] = cp;
      if (distances[cp] > distance_threshold)
        if (extract_removed_indices_)
          (*removed_indices_)[nr_removed_p] = cp;

    output.points[nr_p++] = input_->points[(*indices_)[cp]];

  output.points.resize (nr_p);
  output.width  = nr_p;
  output.height = 1;
  output.is_dense = true; // nearestKSearch filters invalid points

  removed_indices_->resize (nr_removed_p);