/** * @return QString */ QString JavaCodeDocumentation::toString ( ) { QString output = ""; // simple output method if(getWriteOutText()) { bool useDoubleDashOutput = true; // need to figure out output type from java policy CodeGenerationPolicy *p = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy(); if(p->getCommentStyle() == CodeGenerationPolicy::MultiLine) useDoubleDashOutput = false; QString indent = getIndentationString(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); QString body = getText(); if(useDoubleDashOutput) { if(!body.isEmpty()) output.append(formatMultiLineText (body, indent +"// ", endLine)); } else { output.append(indent+"/**"+endLine); output.append(formatMultiLineText (body, indent +" * ", endLine)); output.append(indent+" */"+endLine); } } return output; }
/** * Format a long text string to be more readable. * @param work the original text for formatting * @param linePrefix a line prefix * @param breakStr a break string * @param addBreak control to add always a break string * @param lastLineHasBreak control to add a break string to the last line * @return the new formatted text */ QString TextBlock::formatMultiLineText(const QString & work, const QString & linePrefix, const QString & breakStr, bool addBreak, bool lastLineHasBreak) { QString output; QString text = work; QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); int matches = text.indexOf(QRegExp(breakStr)); if (matches >= 0) { // check that last part of string matches, if not, then // we have to tack on extra match if (!text.contains(QRegExp(breakStr + QLatin1String("\\$")))) matches++; for (int i=0; i < matches; ++i) { QString line = text.section(QRegExp(breakStr), i, i); output += linePrefix + line; if ((i != matches-1) || lastLineHasBreak) output += endLine; // add break to line } } else { output = linePrefix + text; if (addBreak) output += breakStr; } return output; }
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method void JavaCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration() { CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument(); JavaClassifierCodeDocument * javadoc = dynamic_cast<JavaClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc); UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation(); bool isInterface = javadoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); // now, the starting text. QString strVis = Uml::Visibility::toString(o->visibility()); // no return type for constructors QString fixedReturn = JavaCodeGenerator::fixTypeName(o->getTypeName()); QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString() : (fixedReturn + QLatin1String(" ")); QString methodName = o->name(); QString paramStr; // assemble parameters UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList(); int nrofParam = list.count(); int paramNum = 0; foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list) { QString rType = parm->getTypeName(); QString paramName = parm->name(); paramStr += rType + QLatin1Char(' ') + paramName; paramNum++; if (paramNum != nrofParam) paramStr += QLatin1String(", "); }
QString DCodeDocumentation::toString() const { QString output; // simple output method if(getWriteOutText()) { bool useDoubleDashOutput = true; // need to figure out output type from d policy CodeGenerationPolicy * p = UMLApp::app()->commonPolicy(); if(p->getCommentStyle() == CodeGenerationPolicy::MultiLine) useDoubleDashOutput = false; QString indent = getIndentationString(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); QString body = getText(); if(useDoubleDashOutput) { if(!body.isEmpty()) { output += (formatMultiLineText (body, indent + QLatin1String("// "), endLine)); } } else { output += indent + QLatin1String("/**") + endLine; output += formatMultiLineText (body, indent + QLatin1String(" * "), endLine); output += indent + QLatin1String(" */") + endLine; } } return output; }
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method void DCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration() { CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument(); DClassifierCodeDocument * ddoc = dynamic_cast<DClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc); UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation(); bool isInterface = ddoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); /* * Member function declaration * * (visibility) (static | abstract | override) retType name (param1, ..., paramN) (; | {) * a b c d e f g h */ QString startText; // (a) visibility modifier //FIXME: startText += o->getVisibility().toString() + " "; // (b) static if (o->isStatic()) startText += "static "; // (c) abstract //TODO // (d) override //TODO // (e) return type if (!o->isConstructorOperation()) { //FIXME: startText += DCodeGenerator::fixTypeName(o->getTypeName()) + " "; } // (f) name startText += o->name(); // (g) params startText += '('; // assemble parameters QString paramStr = QString(""); UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList(); int paramNum = list.count(); foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list ) { QString rType = parm->getTypeName(); QString paramName = parm->name(); paramStr += rType + ' ' + paramName; paramNum--; if (paramNum > 0) paramStr += ", "; }
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method void RubyCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration() { CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument(); RubyClassifierCodeDocument * rubydoc = dynamic_cast<RubyClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc); UMLClassifier *c = rubydoc->getParentClassifier(); UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation(); bool isInterface = rubydoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); // now, the starting text. //:UNUSED: QString strVis = o->visibility().toString(); // no return type for constructors QString fixedReturn = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(o->getTypeName()); QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString("") : (fixedReturn + QString(" ")); QString methodName = o->name(); QString RubyClassName = rubydoc->getRubyClassName(c->name()); // Skip destructors, and operator methods which // can't be defined in ruby if ( methodName.startsWith('~') || QRegExp("operator\\s*(=|--|\\+\\+|!=)$").exactMatch(methodName) ) { getComment()->setText(""); return; } if (RubyClassName == methodName) { methodName = "initialize"; } methodName.remove(QRegExp("operator\\s*")); methodName = methodName.mid(0, 1).toLower() + methodName.mid(1); QString paramStr = QString(""); QStringList commentedParams; // assemble parameters UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList(); int nrofParam = list.count(); int paramNum = 0; foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list) { QString paramName = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(parm->name()); paramStr += paramName; if (! parm->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) { paramStr += QString(" = ") + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(parm->getInitialValue()); } paramNum++; if (paramNum != nrofParam ) paramStr += ", "; }
/** * @return QString */ QString CPPCodeComment::toString ( ) { QString output = ""; // simple output method if(getWriteOutText()) { QString indent = getIndentationString(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); output.append(formatMultiLineText (getText()+endLine, indent +"// ", endLine)); } return output; }
QString DCodeComment::toString () const { QString output; // simple output method if(getWriteOutText()) { QString indent = getIndentationString(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); QString body = getText(); // check the need for multiline comments if (body.indexOf(QRegExp(endLine)) >= 0) { output += indent + QLatin1String("/**") + endLine; output += formatMultiLineText (body, indent + QLatin1String(" * "), endLine); output += indent + QLatin1String(" */") + endLine; } else { output += formatMultiLineText (body, indent + QLatin1String("// "), endLine); } } return output; }
/** * update the start and end text for this ownedhierarchicalcodeblock. */ void XMLElementCodeBlock::updateContent ( ) { QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); QString nodeName = getNodeName(); // Now update START/ENDING Text QString startText = '<' + nodeName; QString endText = ""; UMLAttributeList * alist = getAttributeList(); for (UMLAttribute *at = alist->first(); at; at=alist->next()) { if(at->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) kWarning()<<" XMLElementCodeBlock : cant print out attribute that lacks an initial value"<<endl; else { startText.append(" " +at->getName()+"=\""); startText.append(at->getInitialValue()+"\""); } } // now set close of starting/ending node, the style depending on whether we have child text or not if(getTextBlockList()->count()) { startText.append(">"); endText = "</" + nodeName + '>'; } else { startText.append("/>"); endText = ""; } setStartText(startText); setEndText(endText); }
// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method void RubyCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration() { CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument(); RubyClassifierCodeDocument * rubydoc = dynamic_cast<RubyClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc); UMLClassifier *c = rubydoc->getParentClassifier(); UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation(); bool isInterface = rubydoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); // now, the starting text. QString strVis = rubydoc->scopeToRubyDecl(o->getVisibility()); // no return type for constructors QString fixedReturn = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(o->getTypeName()); QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString("") : (fixedReturn + QString(" ")); QString methodName = o->getName(); QString RubyClassName = rubydoc->getRubyClassName(c->getName()); // Skip destructors, and operator methods which // can't be defined in ruby if ( methodName.startsWith("~") || QRegExp("operator\\s*(=|--|\\+\\+|!=)$").exactMatch(methodName) ) { getComment()->setText(""); return; } if (RubyClassName == methodName) { methodName = "initialize"; } methodName.replace(QRegExp("operator\\s*"), ""); methodName = methodName.mid(0, 1).lower() + methodName.mid(1); QString paramStr = QString(""); QStringList commentedParams; // assemble parameters UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList(); int nrofParam = list.count(); int paramNum = 0; for(UMLAttribute* parm = list.first(); parm; parm = list.next()) { QString paramName = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(parm->getName()); paramStr += paramName; if (! parm->getInitialValue().isEmpty()) { paramStr += QString(" = ") + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(parm->getInitialValue()); } paramNum++; if (paramNum != nrofParam ) paramStr += ", "; } QString startText; if (isInterface) { // Assume 'isInterface' means a module in Ruby, so // generate module methods startText = "def "+ RubyClassName + '.' + methodName + '(' + paramStr +')'; } else { startText = "def "+ methodName + '(' + paramStr +')'; } startText += ""; setEndMethodText("end"); setStartMethodText(startText); // Lastly, for text content generation, we fix the comment on the // operation, IF the codeop is autogenerated & currently empty QString comment = o->getDoc(); if (comment.isEmpty()) { if (getContentType() == CodeBlock::AutoGenerated) { UMLAttributeList parameters = o->getParmList(); for(UMLAttributeListIt iterator(parameters); iterator.current(); ++iterator) { comment += endLine + "* _" + iterator.current()->getName() + "_ "; comment += (' ' + iterator.current()->getDoc().replace( QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+[\\t ]*"), endLine + " " ) ); } // add a returns statement too if(!returnType.isEmpty() && !QRegExp("^void\\s*$").exactMatch(returnType)) comment += endLine + "* _returns_ " + returnType + ' '; getComment()->setText(comment); } } else { comment.replace(QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+ *"), endLine); comment.replace(QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+\\t*"), endLine); comment.replace(" m_", " "); comment.replace(QRegExp("\\s[npb](?=[A-Z])"), " "); QRegExp re_params("@param (\\w)(\\w*)"); int pos = re_params.search(comment); while (pos != -1) { comment.replace( re_params.cap(0), QString("@param _") + re_params.cap(1).lower() + re_params.cap(2) + '_' ); commentedParams.append(re_params.cap(1).lower() + re_params.cap(2)); pos += re_params.matchedLength() + 3; pos = re_params.search(comment, pos); } UMLAttributeList parameters = o->getParmList(); for (UMLAttributeListIt iterator(parameters); iterator.current(); ++iterator) { // Only write an individual @param entry if one hasn't been found already // in the main doc comment if (commentedParams.contains(RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(iterator.current()->getName())) == 0) { comment += (endLine + "@param _" + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(iterator.current()->getName()) + '_'); if (iterator.current()->getDoc().isEmpty()) { comment += (' ' + RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(iterator.current()->getTypeName())); } else { comment += (' ' + iterator.current()->getDoc().replace(QRegExp("[\\n\\r]+[\\t ]*"), endLine + " ")); } } } comment.replace("@ref ", ""); comment.replace("@param", "*"); comment.replace("@return", "* _returns_"); // All lines after the first one starting with '*' in the doc comment // must be indented correctly. If they aren't a list // item starting with '*', then indent the text with // two spaces, ' ', to line up with the list item. pos = comment.find(endLine + '*'); if (pos != -1) { pos += endLine.length() + 1; pos = comment.find(endLine, pos); } while (pos > 0) { pos += endLine.length(); if (comment[pos] != '*') { comment.insert(pos, " "); pos += 2; } pos = comment.find(endLine, pos); } QString typeStr = RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(o->getTypeName()); if ( !typeStr.isEmpty() && !QRegExp("^void\\s*$").exactMatch(typeStr) && comment.contains("_returns_") == 0 ) { comment += endLine + "* _returns_ " + typeStr; } getComment()->setText(comment); } // In Java, for interfaces..we DONT write out non-public // method declarations. And for Ruby modules? if (isInterface) { UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation(); if(o->getVisibility() != Uml::Visibility::Public) setWriteOutText(false); } }